Institutions in the empire and you do it with such elegance. In such sensitivity in your scholarship actually is best in terms of incarceration among poor people. It is crucial. To be able to spend this time with you, its a beautiful thing. But when we think of marcaine, we really think about the great moments in the great tradition of the grant people for the face of tara, and sigma is able to generate levels of vision. Unbelievable high quality. First and foremost is this calling. What i felt was very important was that he gets santos type sanitize. Prophesies. What you mean by that. His old man with a smile. Ending out gifts and everybody got a smile on the face and fbi is saying, thats the most dangerous man in america. In other black leaders are saying they were trying to organize poor people to go to vietnam. He put forth through such power. He is an american. He was a traitor to the country is incorporated so as not do, he says, you never knew me. You never know me. I am called to love the babies in vietnam. And babies in appalachia, and the south side of chicago, babies in ethiopia. I am a christian minister. To me love looks like in public and private are the same. So many freedom things. We could go on and on. Talk a little bit about respect to africanamericans. I think that part of what you describe is a kind of historical amnesia for the fact that doctor king was not always well loved within the black community. And he said pretty remarkable pole. From late in his life the says that 55 percent of africanamericans did not support doctor king on vietnam and in poverty. Many of the poverty part that caught me offguard. Thats true. Its very sad man sending 2 percent of americans across the board, all colors and 55 are black people disapprove of martin. Then with whitney young, black freedom movement, martin looked at it and said what you say might get you money from corporations. Typical interest struggle in black leadership. This is over where to go. And martin was saying to corporations are not going to dictate what my conscious actually is. I know the difference between right and wrong. Big money and all the thrills and assess and access to power is ongoing to determine what i say. Martin couldve been doing my favorite things for the rest of his career in been a multimillionaire. Young brothers, even free jazz. He was true to himself. This to me is the real standard of what we need in this present moment. Without a lot of black people for example who say they love Martin Luther king junior. And they talk about speaking truth to power but they dont want to speak truth to the present power. Whats up with that. And so accommodations. If youre honest about it and acknowledged with the limitations are but dont lie to yourself we can get progressive and prophetic when you just just arent cheerleader and a bootlegger. This weekend about these things. I do want to ask you little bit more about the book itself. First of all, define, what youve already had a defined radical king. But in terms of the text itself. Was the radical king hidden in plain sight. In terms of the actual record of his word and wisdom. Or did you have to pull up or pull out obscure passages and texts from more wellknown speakers. Close to the compilation itself. Cornel west even when my annas my ancestor, and level of dignity and grace beyond description. My first memory 1986, in the u. S. Capitol when they the statue of brother martin. 1986. This was before the king holiday. This is ten years into the annual fight. In forming the members of congress. [inaudible conversation] cornel west she said my first date, martin said, but you never met a black socialist. [laughter]. This was the cool conservatory of music. Im not using black culture. He said yes, he taught sociology and going into the 1960s. All of the great sociologist that he said he. Also, brother thomas. And of course he is in the book, the greatest man i ever met. It was Norman Thomas. He was from kristin, class of 19 oh five. Turn down the big church on the side of new york in order to go and pastor for parliament. He became socialist run for socialist parties. For many times. In washington, vanilla brother. In the history of john brown, miles horton, and braden, we can go on and on. The brothers and sisters committed to the freedom of everybody including my people. And martin says, Norman Thomas is a friend of the party. Hes not as much as benjamin mae was. He was very iconic for many reasons. But is a part of who i am. Host could you allude to the story and i found fascinating, in 1952, they are dating now. Not get married. He said the passage at the top of the book, my sources give me a little bit more detail. The message here indicates an exchange of ideas and romance between doctor king and current at the time. And that what is interesting about socialism that they talk about having read the same book in 1887, utopian looking backwards. Ive got the full name of it. For some reason. In his in this letter, he says im not a conventional baptist minister i believe in the social gospel. It is not enough to say but. We need to change society so the soul will have a chance and my father was a capitalist but i dont want to own and or ignoring people needs is wrong. I much for closer with my economic theory. Capitalism has outlived its usefulness. It takes and necessity from the masses to get lecturing to the classes. And i find it fascinating. I was in 1952. Cornel west thats laying it out already. Means we go back to the new jim crow checks out. He already has his legacy inside of him. But what i love about martin though, and what sets them apart from most black people most black leaders but malcolm was a part of this as well. His radical love in radical freedom in a radical left which means from the very beginning he was letting karen and no, a different kind of negro. Hes in harlem and his communists and already elected city council premiums not. [inaudible conversation] but at the same time when it comes to mainstream black education when it comes to main stream black leadership, explicit explicitly of the way the wood around it was on the best way to win the masses of the popularity. And she is right there with him too. But its going to be pushing him on critiques of empire. The chp this also comes back to the big argument you make. Theres intervention, a radical intervention. Annually into the king holiday, we get a lot of speeches, we get a lot of antiwar speechmaking upon doctor king. It denies the truth of his own story. Its not that he began sucked up in the course of history the to be like a tidal wave into montgomery news boycott. He fell out of the other end. And by his side and was giving him counsel on how to fight the good fight. And it was really just about the civil rights in the scene at the table is just not being able to be first class citizens. But in fact he already king the kind of economic blueprint. So by the time you get to the vietnam war, and by the time hes seen that legislation actions of the civil rights movements, he is already been committed to fundamental revolutionary change. The kind of change as you and so many others have pointed out to this country into society. He glorifies it. Cornel west he, you talk to harry valenti, one of the great Freedom Fighters still alive who meets martin very young. You see that wonderful picture of him in the basement. They had rich dialogue. Harlem at the center. Belafonte bringing the legacy of the boys in the legacy of paul. And martin king bringing the legacy that also intellectually curious young negro genius born in atlanta. And then off author daniel, and christine, it was a family affair. [inaudible conversation] there is no margin without a family or the movement. That is very important. I think especially for young people, i think especially for the generation who i love so deeply. I think their courageous. [inaudible conversation] also william barber, older generation, a great team like figure in our times. But all these folks who gave deep inspiration as well as analytical illumination for martin king, when they recognizes they are part of the tradition that isolated them. They recognize that you and i, we are who we are because somebody loved us and cared for us and the question is, how much of the loving and caring will we do. From mom news womb to tomb. This will martin understood. And he got a whole lot and in 39 years. Literally on his already bringing his critique of capitalism. Not trusting of moneymaking or ugly rejection of markets with a very subtle analysis that puts poor people and working people at the center. Not dogmatic. Any weapons he can get and use, it could be markson feminism, and might be from liberalism in terms of critique of centralized power, and the Public Sector and the nationstate. It might be conservative in the terms of family. It might be a patriotic trickle family, the family is very important. Church, the sacred speech of one of the things you emphasize the call him, a revolutionary christian and a christian bluesman. And i think it is obvious that he is a minister to us all. But in some ways, his activism can get lost in his faith walk. That seems to be part of what you are saying here. His faith walk was critical to his radicalism. Talk a little bit about that. Cornel west this brother would never sell out. And the only sellout is when you are experiencing spiritual lockout. If youre willing to sell your soul, your recent conclusion that the grounds of your health could no longer be sustained at the spiritual level. And its only about the goodies available in the time and space and im going to get as many as i can or as much status as i can. And he said the kingdom of god has become a brand. No. The black freedom has become a commercial. No. An advertisement. No. Weve never been a marketdriven money and rules around me. Martin comes along and says, lo and behold, im adjustment. Im a bluesman. Im improvisational. Im fluent using any weapon i can to empower these poor and working people. Beginning on the truck was out of town for it is very important. A lot of people love martin king because he loved White Brothers and sisters. Those were beautiful things. This shows maturity. But its not going to jail because he loved White Brothers. He went to jail because he loved black folk. And one was in the paddy wagon, not talking about four and a half hours in the dark of the German Shepherd on his way to the present. When he gets out, he said he could hardly walk at all. All he could say was this is the proxy must bear for the freedom of our people. That is spiritual. It is deep. You know this brother would never celebrated. Host is also a deep connection to the life of jesus actually led. We can say that he actually meant it. For his diagnosis of the world, was that these people, my people, actually believe disease not just here in america but globally. Cornel west im glad you mentioned jesus. Martin was such a jesus loving free free black man. The way malcolm, all the living free black man. Abraham also was afraid jewish men, and Toni Morrison was a free black woman in her own particular brand of consultant news is a rich literary genius. Theres a connection between having your spiritual rich and deep and frayed and being in the world but not of the world. Martin had everything to do that. Host was come the connection between christianity and the blues condition. Because that maybe not obvious to every listener. What you mean a christian bluesman. You talk about improvisation. But i think you mean something more. You talk about catastrophes. You name for them the Martin Luther king anticipated and recognize. Sometimes the blues help deal with it catastrophe. Cornel west i think we have to begin with the blues that is personal and it is a chronicle of individual catastrophe. This is for my mama. [laughter]. [inaudible conversation] every force was against you with one person you can depend on, thats out bb king was saying the song thats truly great song. How did you sing the song. With style and a smile and love. But in lucille, is muddy waters, whole tradition is there in his plane and in his words. Meaning that black people, we talk the world. We talk about love. We just hate and despise like cockroaches. We talked a little bit something about justice even though weve been treated unjustly and unfairly up until this very moment. But the blues tradition is the tradition of the people will look catastrophe in the face. And expresses it and critically examine and sit, candidly speaks about it. Courageously lose it. And willing to die for that love. People getting ready. Thats a long time. The christian bluesman, you look in the face of american terrorism. Jim crow. In the face of being hated by so many people. In response, like mccain, with a smile and with style and with landmarks in the past that constitute winds. Truth telling, witness bearing living and dying for the people. And for the poor and for the working people in though is not against rich folk he just recognizes that is very difficult for rich folk not to fall in to what we have had the johnson brothers. They fall in love with the intoxicated with the, i forget, you know the line. I forget it. You get intoxicated with the world. Thats what it has to offer. Power and wealth and so forth. Other than telling the truth. Host when you use this term medical love. I think its the last definition of the father and definition of christian bluesman, but you say that the radical love key is taught and that he lived his life by the radical love that daily made itself died. The ego and be killed. This ego which is our attachment to the world and the immediacy of the themes and to make us in order for a sacrificial self to emerge. So this radical love. Was it in the sermons. Was it in how to govern himself. Wasnt the sheer capacity to be courageous in the midst of chaos. Cornel west that is a profound question. It is hard to know exactly how anybody is able to muster the level of courage and service martin king or baker were dorothy day, honeydew. For the end of the day wrote one of the great eulogies to martin king. He was someone who really did die every day. And theres no rebirth without death. He is reborn every day. Hes like taking showers like a baptism print is fresh and vital and vibrant. You cant get stuck on holy settings pretty good friday from eight holy saturday god is dead. Given the radical love flowing from the blood of the cross that east is on its way. Most christianity is on its way. Most christianity is thanks a lot about easter. They love easter. All of them bearing witness and then the apartments down on them. Martin understood that for not just christians but for any human beings, who wants to reach a level of integrity honesty and decency, as a Long Distance runner. You have got to kill something in yourself. You gotta be kill something within yourself, your obsession within status and wealth, you gotta kill something in yourself and said its all about you rather than you being a product of a larger tradition. You are affirming and giving self confidence and self respect. Our young people, they are so hungry and thirsty for this process. Learning how to die. Fear setting in the face of police, and the black color, in baghdad rather than in ferguson. They stand there with courage. And of course my question always is how we channel that legitimate righteous and aching dacian through a living and justice rather than nature. That is martins question. I am part of that. Twenty years ago i was writing about that for young people. Host do you find in this journey helps you to better understand young people from 20 years ago when you were writing race matters to today. Cornel west i think so. This is mo my important tax my most important text. This is more at the core of who i am. And i am dedicating it to my blood brother clifton west was the most christlike and culturally enlightening king one person that i know. For so many of us, there are semi folks are on the ground. When you look up, on television, not too many kings or christlike people. You look on the ground, oh my gosh, these folks have it. They are learning how to die and to live. Its what christians must do, they must die daily. They must be kill that ego and fear. In order to somehow be liberated enough to keep the beloved community in view. The kingdom of you. And that beloved community is fundamentally about ensuring that everybody but especially hardworking people who live in dignity. I think despite martin was in king just overwhelmed by 500 policy and babies killed six days and not one mumbling word sent by the american politicians. The white house, congress, governors, or whatever. Martin was state, i dont care about the politicians that are cowardly. They are not as precious as those babies. In los angeles or wherever. He takes that moral and Spiritual Center and he keeps it. That is the key. That is really the key. Host i want to talk to you about martins sense of history. I was taken as a historian in by the entries that really articulate a powerful sense of the importance of history. That doctor king himself, not only a product of that historical consciousness but that deep commitment to learning after all he did have a doctorate. It was a well educated brother. Cornel west you be right. Host but he saw the stakes of the illiteracy. The need to know and to understand and to be able to use history in order to criticize the present into the magnet future and absolutely essential not just optional. So i want to share, remind you what you are ready to share with our listeners. Hes a great historian social scientists, the initial communist next patriotism moved at the end of his life and essentially pronounced americas incapable of transformation. Here king is given tribute to doctor boyd tribute that i have no bread. He describes an attribute, that in the boys of summer, he identified the keystone in the art of oppression with the myth of inferiority. The history books had to live or admit the negroes capacity to govern. Here he is inspired by the 1935 black construction, which very well very much wouldve been part of his educational learning. Even though it was only ten years old when it was published. He said in this tribute but he writes about black people news history and the consequences. To lose once history is to lose oneself understanding. It is not enough to be angry he said. People must organize and unite. And then when history had been distorted, American History had to be supported or distorted. Because negroes, he continued are to be part of the nation to be written out of it without destroying scientific history. This is a fascinating, level attribute but a fascinating challenge to the listeners of this tribute. We know, right now the history is under attack on the country. Including just going to cite this is an example of colorado back in september, white and black, latino students, asian students, took to the streets against the Jefferson County Colorado School board because the school board decided that they no longer wanted to allow students to be exposed to history and im going to quote here. Then history must promote citizenship. Patriotism, and the essential benefits of the free market system. They must show respect and respect for individual rights. Something about the kind of history and you say has been sent to classified. Think about the fact that it is literally whitewashed textbooks. Think about arizona, mexicans descended children cant learn mexicanAmerican History in the state of arizona that used to be part of mexico because it is considered anti american. So its all fascinated i am fascinated by doctor kings statements. He wasnt making history, he was studying it and teaching it. See what, i mean, when you mentioned this. For me this is one of the great moments in the history of american culture. When you have the greatest organic intellectual in the history of america, marking, reflecting on the greatest public and auto, voice, right here in new york. It is not that widely known. We have to keep in mind the many martins friends told him not to go. Why. Because communist. The last thing you want is because people are saying youre a a communist is to go and reflect on this black condiment communist. What is martin do. He says kiss my soandso. I am a free black men. I say what i want. I do what i want. I will give attribute to this man. I am who i am in part because this man love me. He loved the truth. He loved justice. I love truth. I love justice and truth. In selecting great James Baldwin. He went to church but he almost had to leave the church in order to bring the gospel. Because the churches were just too narrow and cowardly. To accommodating. And then he said, and we know history is something which is always the history of the present prince of the best in the present are always intertwined. The third dimension of the future is always is the object of our vision mediated through our understanding. In our actions. That is a great speech that martin k. Thank god he had the courage to give it. Host because of the speech with a refrain about being dissatisfied. So the ark of the speech itself, is to get to devoid is what he calls divine dissatisfaction. Cornel west yes. Host but then a refrain let us not be satisfied, let us be dissatisfied until every man can happen in freedom and have Human Dignity for his. Cornel west you can see how that in and of itself, is a message in the age of obama, where you have intellectuals who have become Obama Policies were no longer dissatisfied enough to acknowledge wall street crimes in the end when obama administration. Not one person went to jail. He should want to jail right away. [inaudible conversation] cornel west where is the dissatisfaction that martin is talking about. Host im going to stick to one fine detail. The attorney general news office prosecuted one man a south asian descent. Not too long ago. Cornel west wall street executive directly tied to the operation. I think he was kind of mueller level person. Host you say that tongueincheek operated. Cornel west it is so sad that we can have criminal justice system, we will get it on the chocolate side of town, the black folk. Every 28 hours, young black around brother my employees, vigilante, who was deputized, to keep the order and within 28 hours. A black president , black Homeland Security secretary. Not one politician. It was a key moment. With all of the marches, handset, handsoff, no one critique. On the federal government and has the capacity to disengage a massive investigation. But the policeman are still going great. Theyre shooting marco, and are still going very. Something is wrong. When we sent our young people, they have black faces in high places storm system that has failure in terms of delivering justice to our president and price of you folks. So there you folks dont need correction. But they need love and respect and protection. Cw pointed out the one these passages that you described, the king gives about the blueprint. Cornel west ready for you guys. Host you talk about how young people are sensually moving towards the university of integration. One of the same time, doctor king and elsewhere in his speeches, is talking about integrating into. [inaudible conversation] said that tension in the blueprints. It focuses on self worth, and is famous parker saying hes talked about being a street sweeper. He says saying that be a street sweeper that the angels will rejoice over. This is the kind of speech can be decontextualized as a prescription for personal responsibility. Cornel west and is excellent. Host has where he was. Thats the context. I have heard the speech often delivered often in the context of his character position. So we are back to the king made for hallmark commercial. And that king, to say if you cant be a pine tree on top of the mountain, be it scrubbing the valley. Its a way of saying you dont even have to have high escalations. You dont have to have high demands. If you going to be a street sweeper just sweep the streets. We need a lot of that. In that way i think the lesson from a moment to the present, and the absence of a sustained focus on the life he actually led in the way that this radical thing persisted. We completely divorced his integration as a burning aspirated these young people, the blueprint as we understand today, has several harvard mba, their rule number ten was never to talk about race or gender. Except to say, that it does not matter. Wow. Cornel west wow that is a well. Host you talk about success. Harvard mba is passing this on to young people. Another lessons like being hardworking and ambitious and do networking. But if you think about that in the blueprint that king gave out of context, that is the perfect synergy for the parables politics and personal responsibility. I would argue are right underneath the infrastructure of this and uphold the last 50 years of civilization. Not about racism in america anymore. Its not about a systemic critique. It is about individuals who are taking bad decision. Ferguson, it is active that your suspected will be a criminal. Because no person of good character, a person walking there is seen but even live in ferguson in the first place. So if there there, its a high crime area. And it is like the police. And he is saying, by definition, is about people whose rights for humanity, we are bound to respect. Cornel west makes a lot of sense. It is another way and this legacy of one system csv counterparts and reinvented and that ends up criminalizing. It ends up ensuring that their humanity below their intelligence and imagination and an preciousness, is not acknowledge. That level of disrespect. That is part of history. Disrespecting black and brown and yellow people. In martins case, when he talks about, personal responsibility and excellence, he also recognizes that he knows the street sweeper news who have debts of integrity honesty and decency, that far out measure welltodo folk who have been been doing spiritual blackouts. Moral constipation. I will since it was right. But nothing is flowing. Because greed is getting in the way. And martin himself, did not believe in material goods and possessions. He gave every penny, away. Martin was like that. He was full of that kind of commitment. That is where police we aspire to that. We live in the age of celebrated were to be successful, and any costs by any means, is obsessed. So that the notion of integrity, when you say integrity who comes to mind. Not long list. Theres just not long one. We wont go into this. We are on television. We can just list the people who dont fall into that. Good god almighty. Cc say say to yourself, were talking about a section, but i see you, i see a brother, institution, was a lovely respected people of all colors but especially my people and you earn it. It is not inherited. You have learned. How do you earn it. Day in and day out, tell the truth, bear witness, we are talking about here is a brother like James Baldwin says, i want to be an honest man. That was his last line. I want to be a decent man. I want to be a person of integrity. Your wife and your kids and your great grandpa. Theyre all looking on you and we are saying a brother who is fine and has integrity. The smartest as my. If we cant keep integrity honesty and decency alive, or mendacity, theres a lion hiding hiding and concealing, we end up being the best of the kind of cultural produces. In a sentimental coke give good speeches, but no fundamental, date commitment to action. Sentimental crocodile tears. Everybody was talking with the mass. What you are doing now. Wall street, catastrophes that were talking about. Ecological, nuclear, military and some, be it, be it is really an struggles, and economic attacks, 42 percent in the last six years, top 1 percent of the population got 97 percent of the income growth. Host can increase minimum wage. Cornel west and he said publicly, and then we can criticize. Dignified. Too much death and too early. Too much property chronic. When black folks who love themselves, limited poverty, too many early debts. Some an inescapable print disease, but we can buy some. Looking offering though, we have so many leaders. Franklin news and the emotions and the deaf phonics, and that is a level of access. Excellent. Host you reminding me and the viewers on exactly what he meant by excellence in the speech. Just the kind of way to think about the time in the den. You refer to them as the agents of obama. And i think to ferguson. And they come together where, and where doctor king and the effect of this moment, the current director of the fbi, and i said this at the opening of a new file on myself. [laughter]. [inaudible conversation] cornel west thats a compliment brother. [laughter]. Host he is because there were 12, before the Law Enforcement community of the fbi. I think what a surprise many people surprise the press, and others to analyze the speech, was that he mentioned doctor king. And that file that j edgar uber opened on him on approval after the march speech. That was in 1963. To keep the approval and order on his desk as a reminder of the sort of history of the fbi. This was a way of remembering mistakes of the fbi had made in the past. And a hold of doctor king as an example of a real American Hero who was victimized. And by his own government. What is fascinating about that is generally speaking, that is the way in which we had the story. Client over the smallness of people in mind and heart the moment. And yet the director goes on to talk about implicit bias amongst Law Enforcement officials, not just in the fbi, around the country. He talks about his own irish for barrows who were both members of Law Enforcement but also benefited from the whiteness despite racism and at times. And he talks about any for engaging in the Africanamerican Community on historical understanding of police brutality. As well as white officers and the Law Enforcement communities to come to terms with their own biases. That is all there. Here is part that perfectly mixes the doctor king that we want to remember. It here in this part of the speech, talking about the age of ferguson and obama says the answer is a hard truth, the dimensions. It is so im sorry. The truth is, that we went really leads an important qualification, is something only a few by president obama, im willing to speak about. Perhaps because it is so daunting of a test. The president is addressing his proportionate challenges faced by young men of color. For instance, data shows the percentage of human not working or not in school, twice as high as whites. This initiative anothers, is about doing the hard work i emphasized to grow resistant and violent resistant kids especially in communities of color so that they never become a part of that officers life experience. Drugresistant and violent resistant kids. That is a real problem that the president is addressing. In the superstructure of ideas about the history of policing and in this moment, essentially only the president showing leadership on talking about the real issue of black inferiority and was this exactly what doctor king talked about, the arch of oppression for the key arch of oppression. So even for a man when leaders heart and saying the right thing, hes believes he sang the right thing. He is certainly pushing the envelope on recognizing bias in the Law Enforcement. Still articulates and retrieves to this fundamental understanding that black people are broken and the black people of the revocable limited have in stock. We wouldnt have this problem. Ellipsis. Ellipsis. Ellips. Ellipsis. But it is still on. When martin was around he was responsible in some ways for the first black man. Because martin said okay i understand the negro because now he wants to be included and he understood and poor people as a black politician. And thats why we have to keep our politicians accountable. Moving into the beginning stages of the president ial election where we have a white president again. So it will be interesting particularly if Hillary Clinton should win to see the gymnastics that black people will come out one come up with not too criticize sitting the first woman president if it happens to be Hillary Clinton around the issue that is no doubt, it will be fascinating. And then we will not tell the truth. But you lose your moral authority and politicians become more centrist and that is a new york liberal response. And the congressional caucus that is a whole different thing. Then they will not listen to you. And then to go into such a deep depression when obama leaves the white house because then and then to have a Program Others have written about that. But then to look around and say what happened tell us the truth. All we want are lectures all we want is soandso. So they are they know that deep down that tradition that produce them without taking a risk without sacrificing the popularity for telling the truth. This is not about popularity. Its about integrity. Thats we love about Martin Luther. Hes not the only one. And it is about a tradition in the modern world with those levels of hatred over 400 years and not to black al qaeda or isys. To dish out martin king and curtis mayfield. And those of the highest level. And it is all part of that tradition. And we will be closing shortly that the last sermon doctor king was to deliver why we dont go to hell. But of course we know Jeremiah Wright left left and then preaching a sermon to brother martin. Lets not forget in the course of this conversation what we started with a man who is not only the subject of a national holiday, and for the highest achievement of individualism that everyone should aspire to and he wanted us to get to the place, but here but here hours before his last breath he was issuing indictments do you know quex do we have evidence of it with the Taylor Branch and others to have an idea. I dont know. And they didnt say america should go to hell. But why quex because militarism racism materialism those four diseases that are historical practices at the same time are sucking the Democratic Energy out of america. By the way of fascism. Big government big banks, no accountability and then they know they fight over the crops. Martin saw that and he was very honest. America may know they fight over the crops. Martin saw that and he was very honest. Vindicate i dont agree with everything that he said he speaks his heart and his soul and his mind and it is about the Negro National anthem in the end. We have too many copies. And then you have an original like martin. And he compromise with the establishment. You will love the critique. Martin you are wrong. You dont use children in birmingham like that. We understand. Do you use children against gangsters and terrorist cracks in birmingham cracks what was wonderful in the most gentle of men that martin could see. Thats why in 1964 ill go to the United Nations to put the United States on trial. It almost came to gather. But martin knew. That loving the children. So here we are the 50th anniversary of plenty sunday. And any lesson from his life with the spirit of which and the capacity for the young people who really do have to carry these traditions forward. Final thoughts for them. The final thoughts would be that commit oneself to the highest level of courage. Dont be afraid to tell the truth. Bear witness. Be humble enough to learn from each other. But be bold enough to pierce through all the lies and the crimes being committed in the name of democracy. But if love isnt at the center that is what kept us going. To make this is been an amazing conversation. Thank you for the book everyone will find it incredibly valuabl valuable. Absolutely. Good evening. Welcome to our author talk. First please silence your cell phones for co

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