Government. Florida governor is delivering the state of the state address. This is just over half an hour. Mr. President , mr. Speaker, members of the house and senate and fellow citizens, the constitution requires me to inform the legislature concerning the condition of the state and recommend measures in the Public Interest and brings me great satisfaction to report on the promising prospect of our Public Affairs and to commend that members of the house and senate for your efforts to make florida successful pretty. [applause]. Floridas Unemployment Rate is near a historic low. When the aaa rating. Floridas Public University system is right number one in the nation. Ranked one of the top states in the nation for physical health, floridas crime rate is an almost 50 year low, and we have no state income tax. [applause]. It is said that the only thing certain in life are death and taxes, but i would like to suggest that women just a little aspect to that same here in florida, im not going to promise that we cant solve problem, but we can say that we wont have an income tax here in the state of florida. [applause]. For death tax for that matter. [applause]. Last session was conducted by the number of things. I want to thank speaker rose limit and president bill for their strong and dedicated leadership. [applause]. I would also like to recognize our lt. Governor, it was led on key issues ranging from homecare to aerospace, thank you for your leadership jeanette. [applause]. As the president has already indicated, we are doing here today by a great first lady from the state of florida, my wife. [applause]. Kc is spearheaded or hope for healing initiative. To tackle problems facing people in the areas of Mental Health and substance abuse. She is making a difference and she is only just getting started. We are both looking forward to big things in 2020. Including a baby daughter arriving a couple of weeks after the session ends. Omega3 kids ages three years, or under running around the governors mansion. Officially reigned supreme will be chaos. Im not sure how the chaos may affect any vetoes on an issue. [laughter]. Satan. Now in 2019, we took bold steps to expand educational opportunities. To protect our environment and Natural Resources and perform healthcare and invest in infrastructure both for public safety. All while reducing taxes and maintaining healthy budget reserves. What we look to savor of these full beginnings we have much more to do. For everything, there is a season and at the start of this new decade, this is for the season of opportunity. We have the chance to build on the Strong Foundation and she has to face the challenges before us, and the chance to leave a legacy of success that will benefit her people now and in the future. If we Work Together during our season of opportunity, we can ensure florida works for foul citizens. This will require a lot of sweat and not just words, the deeds. We cant just rest on past accomplishments and are only easy day, was yesterday. Now florida must remain steadfast in its commitments for low taxes and fiscal responsibility for which it is not disperse or first count the cost. We will live in an increasingly mobile and interconnected time. States can not tax regulated spending with impurities, without significant negative consequences. Tax powers flee. Businesses relocate. The economic base narrowed and state inevitably emerges money. The rinse and. According to irs fingers, horta has led the nation for six consecutive years in the amount of income totaling tens of millions of dollars being brought to our state due to internal migration. [applause]. People are voting with their feet and their leaving for the Greener Pastures of the sunshine state. We have the good fortune of Business Activity and good potential for further growth. In areas such as Aerospace Grade Financial Services and healthcare. In manufacturing. To realize this potential, coordinate needs to spend wisely and regulate reasonably. Maintaining physical health, will provide the type of Durable Foundation required for the expansion of our economic base which means more opportunities for the citizens of florida. [applause]. When i took office last year, i issued an executive order outlining the bold approach protecting our Natural Resources improving Water Quality in restoring the everglades. I did so in part because i believed that stewardship of financial resources, is key to our economic wellbeing. The waters are foundation of our tourism industry. Makes four to the top fishing boating destination in the world. And enhances our property values. Now this vision required a commitment from the legislature and i want to say, you delivered. To the gym more than 625 million to support Water Resources and rates restoration projects. [applause]. And his florida shows that it has skin and again, we were able to get support from the Trump Administration for another 200 million for everglades restoration. [applause]. And getting federal support for a trial. Ea reservoir with many of you work on, it will be a welcome relief to so many floridians who have been negatively impacted by things like the green algae. We are even offense against the epidemic of non native things that have ravaged information we actually have to procure from southwest florida, and they are successful makers but they also double as pie, hunters. Regret that. Take about. [applause]. Now they and others, including one the number 500 people who register now for an ongoing icon bowl, helping to protect floridas native wildlife by removing these creditors from the everglades. Florida is in the process of realizing a vision with respect to our environment and Natural Resources that is been widely desired but stubbornly elusive. We have strong momentum we need to keep going. But i think can keep going like dressing treat major areas. First, we should fund water resource project after 625 million level, and it referring basis for the next three years. This will provide needed certainty for these key initiatives will help us leverage even more federal support. Second, legislature should pass the comprehensive water equality legislation that i have proposed. The bill represents the initial recommendation of a blue and Green Algae Task force that i launched upon taking office. Its based on sound science and provides a roadmap to reducing nutrients and water. Third, doesnt skew untreated wastewater in the floridas water bodies, need to be deterred from doing so by appropriate penalties. In many minutes probably sam failed to invest the needed upgrades to the Water Infrastructure in part in order to violate the law and pay a fine. This is unacceptable and you need to change. Now if the state level will also be doing our part on the infrastructure in our area news most vulnerable to increase funding and rising seas. Over the coming months are division of emergency management, the department of economic opportunity, will be distributing more than a billion dollars in litigation funds to areas impacted by the hurricane over the last several years. The bottom line is, we would chance to take all actions to make a lasting positive impact upon floridas environment. Lets seize this opportunity. [applause]. And over the past year, my administration is been focused on education for good reason. Low taxes and a Healthy Business climate are important in attracting investments to florida. But since he was our capability to produce talent. Through our colleges and universities, through workforce Education Opportunities and through a strong school. Horn has a toprated Public University system in the nation. We have three universities now in the top 50. University of florida is in the top ten, and fitting for the top five Florida State is in the top 20. Yeah. [applause]. Florida state in the top 20, heading for the top 15. [applause]. And were in the top 50 heading for the top 25. [applause]. Mr. Watson, after watching the games last night, maybe we have a florida team playing in the national championship. [applause]. So theres no question the florida is debating the talent needed to power our economy to new horizons. Lets keep it going, and was doing better. Traditional fouryear universities are the only way to acquire advanced knowledge or skills and for many, it is not even the best way. Thanks to the leadership of our commissioner of education, richard, we launched an initiative to make florida the nation news leader in workforce education for the year 2030. Thanks your support, were off to a good start. Look around the state, the Vocational Education is making a comeback in our high schools. Students in district such as miamidade and graduate high school with industry certification and fields like electrical and hvac. The apprentice programs offer a way to equip the floridians that merit gainful employment. With Benjamin Franklin or someone philosopher once said, i was unable to figure out which one said this but i think the thought is good. Tell me and i forget, teach me and i remember, involve me and i learned. Once floridians reap acquired skills they be important to employ the skills. Without unnecessary barriers placed in the way by government. Floridas occupational licensing regime, too often hinders mobility and often times for low income workers, because so much of the regime is based not on the legitimate goal of protecting Public Health and safety, but keeping people out. Creating insiders at the expense those stinky many times moderate income professions, ranging from hairdressing to interior design. Citizens should need a permission slip from government in order to earn a living. Clark we would good reform bill in this regard any legislature to make it to the 1 yard last year. This project in the end zone in 2020. For low income workers, they shouldnt have their wages suppressed by foreign labor. Ensuring a legal workforce through verified will be good for the rule of law, it will protect taxpayers, and will place an upward pressure on the wages of floridians who work in bluecollar jobs. [applause]. We are state that has an economy, not the other way around. We need to make sure that her florida citizens, from all walks of life come first. Our approach to k12 education rests on three main components. Number one, recruiting and retaining Great Teachers in the classroom. To promoting educational choice of parents particular are low income parents of that they can place a child in a good school. And three measuring results through accountability. Now im recommending, that we take a bold step of setting up a minimum salary for Public School teachers. The 47500. That will bring florida, from the bottom half of the states to number two in the nation. Back. [applause]. This link us an easier time to help us retain, many of the good teachers we have now. My plan will lead to a substantial pay increase for over 100,000 current teachers throughout the state. We have two of those teachers here in the chamber with us today. Lindsey bean, a sixthgrade math teacher and melissa is the teacher approach are elementary and Orange County who works with autistic students. Both are highly effective, awardwinning teachers who will seek salary increases of between five and 10000 under my plan. Thank you for your service. [applause]. We are also proposing to replace the best and Brightest Bonus Program with a new initiative that will be more equitable and more generous. So we can reward our strong performing teachers and principal. My proposal will place an emphasis on bonuses available to 7500 for teachers not to 10000 for principles. These initiatives will build on the successes and we enjoyed in 2019. Now last year, we face the prospect of thousands of florida families on waiting lists for various scholarship programs that we supported throughout the state and sending your last year, i asked you to act in the legislatures delivered period and sent joining us today, are brittany and jeremy wilson. It was sent with unique abilities who is on the waitlist for gardener scholarship program. Set up and be recognized. [applause]. Nothing to our work in 2019, last year news waitlist was cleared. Wilsons were able to get josiah on scholarship so that his Educational Needs can be met. Last year, we also had nearly 13000 lowincome families on the waiting list for a tax credit scholarship. Thanks to the enactment of the new family apartment scholarship, these families have been liberated from that waiting list. When the chamber with us, lisa edwards prayed mother of seven, who lives right here. Theres circuits are there. [applause]. Because of your efforts, dreamer children with her today, are now using this new scholarship program. So thank you for stepping up till he said that the mothers like her all around the state. In the bottom line is all part of parents regardless of income or zip code, have the ability to choose the best school for their children. [applause]. This shouldnt be just limited to scholarship programs but also include School Choice months Public Schools pretty florida has 658 public Charter Schools serving over three and 40000 students and nearly 79 percent are hispanic and africanamerican and over 50 percent are from lowincome families. One of the results. Will based off of the 2019 national assessment. Our Education Department calculated that if foreigners Charter School population was its own state, it would rank number two in the nation for fourth grade reading. It was time for two in the nation for fourth grade math. It would rank number one in the nation in eighth grade reading and outside work number five in the nation in eighth grade math. Showing that when we increase educational choice and innovative learning opportunities, we can tell students or help them reach their full potential. [applause]. Now results matter. And accountability is needed but the framework of common core, was seriously flawed. Even parents with advanced degrees can understand the kids math homework. When a problem that we have to address period commissioner has been the last year, working with stakeholders throughout the state of florida, parents and teachers and you name it, to develop approach will focus on strong standards, high quality curriculum. Streamlined testing and renewed emphasis on american civic spring will be unveiling that whole new approach in the coming days. I would like to say just one thing about one of the keys for a replacement for inc. It would be having a renewed emphasis on american civic and understanding the u. S. Constitution. [applause]. This means, understanding the source of our rights. It means understanding the theory of the declaration of independence. Understanding the structure of the constitution. As well as the key amendments such as the bill of rights. The post civil war amendments in the 9019th minute. It also means developing an appreciation for how these enduring principles animated key points in a wreck and history. Such as the fight for independence for the 240 years ago. The leadership of president lincoln, during the civil war. Such as the axis and the jets that succeeded in securing Voting Rights for women and anniversary be celebrate that we are celebrating this year. To tell areas of defeat during world war ii. To say that my doctor king, for civil rights for africanamerican period eventually the defeat of the attorney represented by soviet communists. The final state of the union address, he said a primary object should be the education of our youth and the size of government. The republic, they can be equally important. With duty more pressing than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardian of the liberties of the country. To which i respond, amen. [applause]. Speaking of the constitution, when i became governor, i was charged with killing three vacancies on the court here in the state of florida. In our system of government, sports plate and informant role. But it must remain conditional in nature. They pervert the constitution and undermine the rule of law. I was mindful of choosing justices who understood the proper roles that the support is to bring in Alexander Hamilton news words, exercised neither fourstar will, merely judgment. I am pleased to report the appointments morrill received. So much so that two of the three have already been promoted to the u. S. Court of appeals for the 11th circuit. [applause]. They are mobile with us here today. We have judges barbara and judge robert. Where they are. Then they are. [applause]. On behalf of the state of florida, i want to congratulate you both on your new posts. I want to wish you continued success and clearly still going to be doing great things for the people of florida on the 11th circuit. The enforcements are coming soon. And with the speaker and president leading the way, 2019 legislative session with this major reform in the area of healthcare. From expanding access to sell a house, to revealing antiquated regulation. One Major Initiative that the speaker mentioned in his comments earlier today, was to provide access to key prescription drugs by bringing in safe namebrand drugs from foreign markets such as canada. The exact same drug and a much lower price. This can only be done with federal approval and im happy to report the Trump Administration is moving forward with the applicable regulation. Theres still a long way to go the fact that we are even discussing this is the Major Development in this area and informant it is been one to lead the way. [applause]. Im also happy to report that the work of the legislature bringing transparency to your, is starting to be appropriate patient savings contact connected last year, was based on the idea of reducing healthcare costs requires one Price Transparency into, way for patients who use that information actually save money. I am happy to the state of florida has implemented patient savings plan for its employees is already realizing billions of dollars savings. If we can help make this type of plan wisely or widely available throughout the state, we can see or say many millions of dollars in savings for patients. We need to proceed and get that done. Ellipsis. Ellipsis. Ellipsis 1100 children who were able to find a forever home. [applause] and this was done using the Additional Resources but by identifying efficiencies and collaborating with partners and stakeholders, and leveraging the best we can, those existing resources. We are working hard to make the adoption process is transparent and userfriendly as possible so that every child can find a loving home. I also hope that the legislature will send me the parental consent bill that was debated last year passed by the house but not passed by the senate. [applause] one other update on last sessions good work was a legislation that dressing fraud and abuse is already producing results. Citizens insurance has revised its rates because of the impact of the bill, resulting in nearly 44000 additional policyholders receiving rate decreases. The number of aob lawsuits involving citizens has dropped as well. From over 500 in june of last year to only 148 in december, an early indications are similar effects are being observed across the private market. [applause] our legal system is supposed to be used for addressing concrete injuries and. [inaudible] it is not a game and should not be as as such. Aob is most welcome. Now hurricane recovery has been a priority for my administration. In january of 2019 i asked director Jared Moscowitz to expedite reimbursement to affected areas of most recent hurricanes and the agency has distributed more than 1. 4 billion to the communities impacted by michael, irma, matthew k, and her me. The Legislature Also approved an additional 25 million for her Hurricane Michael Recovery Program because that was a major storm and deserved a major response. It has allowed our administration to meet local needs. Have a couple folks a note northwest florida that are here today that are willing and able to help because of your app on tree and efforts. We have sheriff laura young. [applause] and we have brian hughes from the Mexico Beach Fire Department. [applause] now we were able to use this program to help Gaston County plug major budget shortfalls and our support of the Mexico Beach Fire Department saved it from going out of existence. So this was a major storm, great progress has been made, but a storm of that magnitude is along term investment. I asked siri up this for another year. [applause] now we came close to getting hit with another major storm, hurricane dorian. I was headed for florida, the Emergency Managers throughout the state from the county level to the state level, and to our federal partners that fema sprang into action. We were hoping for the best but we were prepared for the worst. I want to thank everyone involved in the preparation for their efforts. The storm made a 90degree turn to the north less than a hundred miles from our coasts. I have never seen anything like that, i am just glad i did make that trip to israel inmate where i was able to pray. And so i would be remiss if i did not think the big man upstairs for any consideration he may have had for us during that close call. [applause] one Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492, his ship the santa maria carried the flag of queen isabella. The flag depicted a castle with the word me plus alter. Meaning nothing further. Because at that time spain was considered the fathers point west and the entire world. But when columbus returned and reported his discovery that he made in america to the queen, she immediately ordered that the flag be changed. The new flag read plus ultra, meaning more out there. While in this season of opportunity, we can say there is more out there to achieve for our state. There is no reason why we cannot seize this moment and deliver for the people of florida. God bless you, and thank you. [applause] sunday 2020 democratic president ial candidates including pete buttigieg, develop patrick, and Senators Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren speak on a form about money and politics. Time to mark the tenth anniversary of the Supreme Court Citizens United decision. Live coverage starts at 4 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. For the third time in history, a president is on trial in the u. S. Senate. Watch live tuesday at 1 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan2 as the Senate Begins its trial with a vote on rules. The Senate Impeachment trial of president trump, live unfiltered coverage on cspan2, on demand at cspan. Org impeachment. And listen with the free cspan radio app. Campaign 2020, watch our continuing coverage of the president ial candidates on the campaign trail and make up your own mind as the voting begins next month watch our live coverage of the Iowa Caucuses on monday february 3, cspans campaign 2020. Your unfiltered view of politics. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy gave his second state of the state address in trenton

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