Those people waited in line, followed the law at the bridge and once it was ruled out it was placed in mpp. And they want to follow the law. I heard from cvp individuals that when they processed numerous crossings back and forth for their proceedings in the United States that added a strain on ports of entry. Do you believe mpp has been crossed affected or yielded efficient processing of asylumseekers . I dont believe it is more efficient. Court of entry are busy places. Mexican residents, has really congested the ports of entry in the movement when asylumseekers, people have to go very early in the morning. It caused a lot of delay. Mister knowles, i would like to hear based, how has the broader admission and morale been impacted by remain in mexico . I would like to say historically our more out has been extremely high because people are drawn to the protection work which is also protection of our country and we have done a very good job and received very high marks from every administration accept this one. The morality this administration has plummeted not because of peoples political views but because of the way we have been treated and the way we have been required to carry out very questionable programs. We have not been consulted, either the union or the workforce on the advisability of various methodologies or procedures. We are just told to carry it out. If we dont like it we can go work somewhere else. That has a big hit on more row. I heard from local catholic charities, attorneys, that the new rules and consequent training that is necessary for that can have a negative impact on the docket. What affects have you seen, that mpp policy has had on other eor dockets . Not sure i understand the question. Whether the increased number of fear hearings back and forth, other cases other than asylum cases. I wouldnt be able to answer because i am representing people who do the asylum interviews. Thank you. I want to turn to thorn vela. 13 of individuals who receive the fierce screenings have received positive determination. Do you feel there was meaningful access to representation that would be different . Thank you for the question, congresswoman. We are seeing at least one federal judge has enjoined dhs from disallowing attorneys and access from those interviews. And we see how numbers changed with access to attorneys, it is a practical matter, very difficult because cvp often allows access period. Time has expired. The chair recognizes miss lesko. My first question is for mister homan. We talked about these loopholes in previous hearings as well and i said before and will repeat again, i think these loopholes incentivize people to travel thousands of miles, take cartels, huge amounts of money, a lot of women being raped. We had evidence, children being abused by the cartels, and so changing some of these loopholes and clearing them help to mitigate the entire problem. If somebody has been raped by cartels, children being abused by cartels, of course, none of us up here would want to ignore that but there is a difference in how we should mitigate the problem. Mister homan, i have six bills i have introduced and sponsored that would try to clean up these loopholes to stop incentivizing people from coming here and one of them is to raise a credible fear standard for asylum because as you said, the initial standard is too low as evidenced by the numbers, 85 90 pass be initial phase. A huge number, 86 , 87 . If we salt that problem with the loopholes how would that affect, the mpp protocol, should we get rid of it . Certainly we will have an effect. If we had meaningful asylum, people couldnt just claim 2 or 3 key lines to get approval, they stop coming. 87 of these people do not qualify or fail to show up. Before they leave their homelands, making the dangerous journey, the chance to get an improvement, they know they are not escaping persecution because of race, religion, political beliefs, they will stop coming. It means something. I heard a lot of testimony but people think the system is rigged against the immigrant, the approval rates and denial rates have not changed until today. The denial rates are still 87 , 90 , the denial rate remains the same. As far as representation does representation make a difference . The approval rates anywhere from 10 to 20 and representation rate is not changed beyond 20 . Representation doesnt make a difference because they dont qualify and representation will not change the facts of the case. This is all available. Another question i have for you, mister homan. Is it fair to say that right now the immigrants that are seeking asylum in mexico, waiting. Are they able to say i am afraid to be in mexico and get a hearing on that . Screenings are established as part of the program, and october 15, 2019, they completed 7400 screenings to assess the fear of returned to mexico so people in mexico under this program can say i am afraid. Entering the United States, they cannot be returned to mexico but establish a clear danger to return to mexico they would be in harms way. That can be sent back to mexico without the fear to return to mexico. It is on the front end of that. I do think there are some in Central America that qualify for asylum. I am not painting with a broad stroke, but based on data and findings of judges across this country, 80 do not. There are people who certainly do fear return to their homeland but the problem is 80 rate of denial of fraud but the people in this world, really escaping fear and persecution who really do need our help, asylum claims are up 200 . It is troubling for the ones who do need our help him. I yield back. I want to take note a lot of numbers were being thrown around, there is other doj information that says that number is 85 of people who do show up. If you look at the system at Syracuse University the tracks immigration proceedings they know doj is starting to limit the access to the database. There was a recent story in the washington post, we can disagree about accuracy of the washington post, a long fact check story, the republicans use in talking about this issue, the 90 no show rate that is referred to consistently, that number was quoted by the former acting secretary in a Senate Judiciary hearing, ultimately had to walk back. He was referring to a Pilot Program being used on 7000 cases. My point is for us to have a real conversation about this we have to get real numbers. Democrats, republicans especially on this committee should be able to agree with an accurate number and i am hoping the Ranking Member would agree we can look on that as a project. We dont have these back and forth members, it is just back and forth and we are not getting any problemsolving. Thank you for giving me two minutes. I recognize the gentleman from california, mister correa. I hope you dont take those minutes off of my side. I thank the witnesses that are here today. I had a chance in the last year or so to visit some of the refugee camps in tijuana and there are some good faithbased refugee camps providing excellent services. A doctor from colombia, doctors from all over the world provided for those refugees. I went later on when they closed, a lot of people outside the faithbased refugee camps, just not enough room for the services. So yes, some services but not enough. The mayor of tijuana is screaming because hes overwhelmed and does not have the resources to address refugees not just from Central America but from all over the world. That is the challenge at the southern border. I went and visited a person who is keeping a socalled list not controlled by the us but picture this. Refugee comes to the border and says you have to sign up for numbers so you can be heard. Where do i sign up . That person over there. I ask that person who do you work for . Us government . Know. You work for the mexicans . Know. Who do you work for . Just the person set up, give us your cell number. A very questionable way of doing business being taken care of. A chance to go to quite a lot are, mexico, driving down the street, a homeless person, barefoot, and i am from guatemala, as far as i have gotten, have no food. My point is the refugee crisis is hitting throughout all of mexico, not just the border area. You talked a little bit about the work permits, and a work permit, and that rate in mississippi. The images were picked up. I got a phone call, representatives of that paltry grant called me and saying we need to do something. Most of the workers here, all the workers are refugees and taking jobs, the children the refugees will not take, according to the chairman, the rate essentially disrupted the economy of the area, my point to you, would you support not only changing loopholes which i consider not loopholes but the law, would you supports an adjustment to the law so that more folks will come to the us and work legally, we have this gray market in this country of workers that are contributing to this economy yet working in a gray area because you cant get an adjustment of status. These family groups in 1314, that was on the heels of daca. That is your next population, these children went through the country through no fault of their own. 34 years in business you have to follow the law, have a job and a clean record. When you throw out Something Like that, an amnesty program, and it is an enticement. 200,000 came across the last two years. This is your next 200,000 people who say how about us . I have 30 seconds. If there is a need for labor in this country, congress legislates something was when i was ice director economic factors are a great motivator for people, have been for the last 200 years. Would you support a Marshall Plan for Central America to stabilize that region and address the needs of those folks . I met with leadership in Central America and big banks trying to create opportunities for them in the homeland. I support creating opportunities for Central Americans. The chair recognize for 5 minutes the gentleman from mississippi, mister guest. Thank you for your 34 years of service to our country. In reading your testimony, the statements you prepared on the first page, talk about his story what we are seeing today versus what we have seen in years past. Can you expand on that a little bit . It could have been prevented of Congress Close the loopholes. We proved in fy 1415 when we worked for secretary jay johnson, he lets us build family units and it took 45 days. 90 of these cases we send them home and the numbers went down. It worked. How are we not doing it now . If they are really escaping fear, persecution and death. I dont see a problem in the Residential Center with medical care, pediatricians, child psychologist on staff, six sets of new clothes, these are openair canvas facilities. And is not just for slob but saving lives, 31 of women being raped. We will save women from being sexually assaulted, save children from dieting and, cartels, the laziness of this country not to fix loopholes. You quote several statistics in your written testimony, i think those are very important, are those statistics supported by 30 years of service to the country . 87 , i do not say 87 do not show up at the hearing, every number i quoted today in my testimony and the numbers i recently quoted came off of the executive office of Immigration Court website open to the public. I printed these up, this is not my data, this is data from immigration judges. Let me ask about a couple statistics. 70 of Illegal Immigrants coming into the country. Is that accurate to the best of your recollection . 70 72 . It says here, roughly 90 of family units failed to show up for court proceedings. I quoted acting secretary mc outinin. It depends when you look at it, what city you look at, it can go from 90 not showing up to 40 not showing up. That number fluctuates so much 90 number i use i quoted the chairwoman mentioned a few minutes ago in his testimony 6 months ago. What about 85 90 dont qualify, those that do show up, 85 do not qualify for asylum . Immigration court data, 13 , 12 , 13 for the 3 Central American countries that get a meritorious claim which means 85 lose their case. Less than 2 leave the country . Closer to 1 . And 1. 2 1. 6 and most do not leave. More people keep coming and they are not going home. I understand from your report, 8000 case backlog in the Immigration Court . 800,000, i went to the website last night. We agree these figures are stacked . When i was ice director the backlog is near 6000. What happened the last few years is right to me. You say on page 3 of your report illegal crossings are down consistent from the high still at high numbers beyond last year. Significant gains on this issue because of our president and the men and women of cvp advice and not because of anyone in this room. I want to apologize to you, the congress has failed the American People and i ask you to deliver a message and please tell the men and women of cvp, the men and women of ice that we appreciate their hard work and what they do and there are still numbers of congress who want to solve this problem. Thank you, madam chairman, i yield back. I think every person on this panel on either side of the aisle agrees every cvp officer should become ended for their hard work. I dont think that is even an issue and we want to come to a solution obviously. The chair recognize is for 5 minutes the gentleman from new jersey. Thank you, madam chair. I have some questions i want answered but i want to go to miss fail a villa in reference to comments by the Ranking Member. When we talk about torture and the incidence of torture you are privy to. I dont think we can make light of just one is one too many and normally if there has been one there has been more than one and it opens a can of worms, and with respect to torture, just the prospect of thinking to that is horrific so what is one too many. Can you elaborate anymore on that issue . It was very prolific throughout the country of mexico particularly at the northern border that cartels will often kidnap individuals and export family members for money. It is a practice the Us Government has detailed in other years. Very often people will be kidnapped and tortured on their way up in the Us Government will return them to be subjected to a second round of kidnapping and torture and it is an extremely common occurrence and every person i know has told me they live in fear of that happening. Thank you. Doctor schneberk. Vulnerable individuals and families at risk of the type of harm your organization identified affecting immigrants. What is the question again . How does the remain in mexico policy place vulnerable individuals and families at risk of the type of harm the organization identified affecting immigrants. Thank you for the question, representative. A number of ways, one for safety. People who had been through so much at heightened risk of further Mental Health declined or Mental Health affects, hits they can take from being an unsafe environment, having to live with that fear. Had numerous manifesting mentally as well as physically. Putting them in a situation they are not able to feed themselves, house themselves, accessing things that made them healthy is especially difficult and obviously have health affects. There is a litany of things you talk about, but one of the main things is how can they live being unsafe considering what they have already gone through. I lost my place. What type of medical care resources would be most important for these people . Starting from the standpoint of putting them in a safe environment where they can address their needs, from the standpoint of being able to speak about what has gone on and what happened to them. The state they are in and their ability to answer questions from the standpoint of having ptsd and starting with that baseline floor of what they call in trauma form care a safe environment, moving on as far as Mental Health evaluations, Mental Health therapy, treatment, medication as well as physical care, primary care. All the things we hold dear in medicine to keep people safe and healthy. Thank you, i yield back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mister green. Thank you, madam chair. Something that has happened as of wait, there is an organization to save the children, in the business of saving children, thank you very much. This organization, since january in 2018, 13,000 children have been returned. This is about children. I have a few questions. The first, if you agree with this policy, the first is do you approve of family separation as a policy . If so, raise your hand. Let the record reflect that no one approves. If you approve upholding children in cages, raise your hand. Let the record reflect that no one approves. If you approve of defunding aid to the countries that migraines are fleeing, raise your hand. Let the record reflect that no one approves. There is something called with foot dry foot. Some of you may be familiar with what foot dry foot. If you are familiar with what was called the with foot dry foot policy as it related to cubans would you raise your hand please . All of the members let the record reflect, what foot dry foot required that a person immigrating from cuba get 1 foot on dry land and with 1 foot on dry land you could walk right on into florida, usually, and he would be on a pathway to citizenship with 1 foot on dry land. I am not saying we have to have a what foot dry foot policy but i do believe we have to have a humane policy that respects children, that does not harm children. This is what save the children is all about. Let me make sure i have your name, mister homan. What type of policy do you envision that will help children who are fleeing harms way, with some significant person in their lives have the opportunity to be in a safe, secure, wholesome environment. Your question about raising your hand, if i oppose 0 tolerance, i will raise my hand, family separation is 0 tolerance. Seem to confuse those issues. I will ask that you kindly address my question but since you raised 0 tolerance, im not sure what you mean by 0tolerance. Do you mean 0 tolerance, no whatever coming to the United States . That your 0tolerance policy . If your printed family separations that happened under numerous president s, not just this president , but 0tolerance his family separation, 0tolerance that was put in place by attorney general jeff sessions, 0tolerance to prosecute those who knowingly intentionally violate our law. Supporting that policy would support family separation then . When someone is arrested for a crime they get booked into jail, the child cant go with them like if i got arrested my child couldnt go with me. Its not about family separation. The interest in the about your argument is these people committed no crimes. He went to the United States illegally it is a crime. United states code 1325 it is in a crime to enter the United States illegally. It is not a crime. It is a violation of, code, title 8, United States code 1325, first offense misdemeanor, second offense, returned as a felony. I dont differ with you on that but you would separate the children. You have no option. If someone is prosecuted and since us marshals custody or the local jail a child cant go with them. Happens to us countries every day across the country. Lets have mister knowless response . What would you like me to answer . The separation of children based on policy that was in place . You are asking a few of our members . I believe i said earlier that our members are trained asylum officers were not Law Enforcement but our mandate is to ensure that asylumseekers have due process and are treated humanely during the pendency of their claims. It is wellknown that in the law and the International Conventions that an Asylum Seeker has the right to due process regardless of their manner of entry and we do not believe it is correct to separate families, and asylum cases heard, they should be remain, if they dont prevail there are legal processes for their removal. We dont support the separation of families. Is there anyone else who would like to respond . We have three other people. So sorry. The gentlewoman from texas. Miss jackson lee . I want to thank you for holding this hearing and i a your words the we have to find a solution in the resolution. I ago you words with someone who served on this can be for a long time and you have been here and others that we do not quarrel with the service of the men and women of this department, it is difficult to do the duty under values of this nation. I stated early on that this is a country of immigrants and country of law. No one the gates the idea of laws and i will pose these questions to a number of witnesses. The remain in mexico and support courts are the latest legally questionable steps the Trump Administrations antiimmigrant agenda, i. E. The muslim ban, another on toward action as relates to immigration policy. Where they can deter asylumseekers these policies promote cruel and Human Rights Violations. I would like to raise the question, my time is short. The pro bono american bar association. Do these policies create cruelty and Human Rights Violations . Thank you for the question. Particularly when it comes to issues regarding the courts that you raised, attorneys have limited restricted access to these courts. Asylumseekers do not have access to simultaneous interpretations so they quite often have no idea what is going on in these proceedings. The aba has long believed and promoted access to in person interpreters and when it pertains to noncitizens. Any videoconferencing for noncitizens should be done with their consent. Will you comment, thorn vela, on the idea of cruel Human Rights Violations . From everything we see on the ground we work in a 2000 person encampment at the foot of the gateway bridge across from brownsville. There is not enough food or running water. Until very recently immigrants had to get into the rio grande to wash their clothes and their children. We see the camp growing at an alarming rate. Weve seen it since august and it has grown 3 or 4 fold. You are not arguing against immigration laws. What you are saying is the Program Creates an atmosphere and actuality cruelty. Correct . Yes. There is no question that this policy has eroded everybodys access to asylum and a safe place to seek asylum while they await their court date. I am looking at a visual of squalor that is not even in the places, tents and tarps. Have you seen this on the other side of the border . Yes, that, i cant see the photo, tent and tarp for 2000 people is what we work with every day. I see a person with a facemask. I know you cant see it and clothes hanging over. Let me go to the doctor. By forcing asylumseekers away from border cities and other criminal groups are highly active. The Trump Administration subjecting men, women and children to greater success of kidnapping, assault and extortion, as a position impacts qualityoflife. If you would . Doctor . Doctor . Did you hear the question . Okay. Dhs is providing asylumseekers with incomplete or inaccurate paperwork including wrong addresses, dates for hearings which further complicate matters and could lead to peoples claims being rejected through no fault of their own. One of the lawyers answered that question. I was asking about conditions that generate, creating risk for kidnapping, assault and extortion. Let me ask a question about paperwork, maybe you could respond to the other question. The notice to appear in charging document issued by the permit of Homeland Security have several legal inefficiencies, insufficiencies, including the address so individuals cannot get Proper Service of their notice of appearance because the address is incorrect, the address shoulders they have ever been through. In addition, the ntas are incomplete, there are no boxes checked which are required which establish how the individuals enter the United States. Moreover, there is manufactured charges. Individuals who entered between ports of entry are being charged as arriving aliens. That is a legal fiction created on these notices to appear. Moreover, improper courts are being issued on these notices to appear. Where we practice in south texas, the court where individuals are supposed to appear is incorrect. Thank you. Doctor . I participated in a forensic evaluation of the patient last week. She is in her house, fleeing abuse, rape, and she is afraid to leave the place she is rinsing, she leaves once a week to get groceries, she is sitting with her two kids. Can you imagine the kind of psychological harm that is causing to her . She knows the family sent her a message that perpetrators center somebody after her. I thank you all. I want to put, ask unanimous consent the conditions that are being conditions that exist pursuant to the mvp program on the other side of order and the doctors comments of the fear of death because cartels are sending people after the people who are fleeing, evidence is they are being stalled. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california, miss barragan. Let me start by echoing the comments from my colleagues about the outrage that should be happening on the return of migrants in dangerous places. I understand you have visited some of these facilities out of the 6 locations. Two of them are across from an area of mexico the state department has designated as a level for do not travel location. I understand you have been there. Describe the danger of violence and crime near ports of entry at risk of being subjected to. The last cities that get rollout, told us she was horrified when she heard people would be removed i dont work there personally but advocates on the ground told me people walked out of mexican migration and on the doorstep of mexican migration offices. Individuals in the early days were moved before they decided to have tent courts which is an hour away. There are people today who are terrified to make that our journey south to their court hearings. They had so many stories of people being kidnapped out of the door of a shelter. They have no way to get an hour down the border. The state asked the government to stop sending people because it had no way to get them there. It is horrifying when you read so many accounts of what is happening in some instances when you have officials, mexican officials turning over people to cartels and what is happening to them and the danger is outrageous, it feels like our government is saying as long as it doesnt happen in our land, as long as it doesnt happen here it is okay. Lets take them back to where we wanted to take him back to. We are just ignoring harms. It was clear that the United States didnt bother to assess any type of risk and harm that could be done to migrants if they are being sent back to these little 4 places which is the equivalent of sending back to syria. It is outrageous. You know lawyers are working to provide services to people. Can you tell us and merit hearings . Merit scheduled for this friday. If i may explain the challenges that i face in representing individuals and proceedings, to find my clients first of all i participate in volunteer asylum workshop, in the hot sun and the plaza across the port of entry, volunteer attorneys conducted asylum workshops to screen applicants. That is how i meant my client, volunteer capacity. In access to the 10 scores i filed a motion with immigration judge to ask him please allow my client to come into this multimillion dollar tent court a couple days before the hearing so we can prepare in a safe environment. The judge denied my motion based on lack of jurisdiction because dhs controls the facility. Although this will be my first local attorneys, to mexico after winning. Attorneys go to extreme measures to protect their clients after winning their proceedings, after meritorious claims not to be sent to dangerous situations, it is horrendous. A woman and child in an asylum case a lot of work goes into it. A lot of prep. Not having access to your client prevents you doing the very necessary preparation. We have seen the statistics from people who have access to counsel and legal representation, much higher ability to have a successful claim. This is another attempt to make sure people dont have that access, that ability so they can succeed. This administration is doing everything they call to end Legal Immigration and asylum and Legal Immigration. Thank you for your work and what you are doing and we will continue to highlight the horrors of the remaining mexico policy. I yield back. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas, miss escobar. Thank you for having this hearing. This is incredible that the American Public understands what is happening at the hands of the American Government. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to address our panel to ask questions and thank you for coming to the border and coming to el paso. You and many of your dismissed colleagues have made the journey so you can see for yourself what is happening through your own eyes in order to help change an important policy. To our panelists, thank you for being here today. I cannot tell you how profoundly moving your testimony was earlier. I cant imagine anyone listening to your testimony, listening to what is happening at the hands of the American Government and believing the policy should continue. This antiamerican deeply harmful policy. I know full well about mpp because i represent el paso, texas and our lawyers or advocates or Community Members have to bear witness to what is happening at the hands of the American Government, 20,000 vulnerable lies were pushed back to metering or mpp. What we have seen happen i have described as a new ecosystem of activity created by this policy on other ports of entry. And ecosystem where the American Government policy is literally sending vulnerable migrants into the hands of cartels, wondering if they extort money after they kidnapped people. We have had lawyers tell us about clients who have been raped multiple times. We had lawyers tell us about clients who have disappeared altogether. People who are in the legal asylum process who have been denied due process and have been put in danger. Earlier, one of our colleagues expressed concern about the department of Homeland Security personnel not being here today. I have sat through hearings where we had dhs leadership at the highest level, congress, none of this is happening. It is important to hear from people who speak the truth and tell us that is happening. Mister knowles, is there anyway dhs leadership at the highest level, at the secretary level, anyway they would not know that these atrocities are happening in mexican cities where we are sending back migrants . I cant imagine how they could not know. Our own agency, country of Origin Research unit, they produce many reports documenting the conditions in the northern triangle and mexico. I believe there have been many investigations by the department of those conditions and certainly these things are well known. Miss penna and miss thorn vela, do you think theres any way the secretary of the department of Homeland Security or anyone in leadership or in the white house could be unaware of these atrocities . Thank you for the question. A number of organizations have come to the border in south texas and escalated their requests for access to the tent court and they have been denied access at the highest level and as we understand it it is at the highest levels these directives are coming from. We work with our clients to present them to cvp officials at the bridge when people are erroneously placing them at a condition in mexico and we have also raised the issue with port directors and people higher up and there is very little. We introduced hr 26, the protection act to defund mvp, i would like to introduce unanimous consent 3 articles, an article by the la times and a series of photos detailing the heinous occurrences happening at the hands of the American Government and a final show of hands, so much publicity around the atrocities of mpp, no way the highest levels of dhs leadership could be unaware of what is happening. Have you seen any improvement in the lives of these vulnerable moments, the government reversing what it has done . Show of hands . Let the record reflect no one has seen any improvement since the publicizing of mvp. Thank you so much. I yield back. I would like to recognize mister green for clarification. I promise to be terrorists. Mister homan has brought us to the heart of the problem in this administration concludes asylumseekers are criminals. They are not criminals. It is not a crime to seek asylum in the United States of america. Can you treat them as criminals, somehow you conclude that it is okay to lock their children up in cages, we have a criminal mentality as it relates to the people coming to the country from south of the border and that is what we have to confront. A criminal mentality for people seeking a lawful process called asylum. I think you and i yield back. , response . Just a clarification. That clarification is an accurate. The clarification as he was not claiming that claiming asylum, he was saying not that crossing the border is not criminal, that claiming asylum was not criminal and that is a clarification but i believe the gentleman made. I think the witnesses for their valuable testimony and members for their questions, ask unanimous consent to enter into the record support from a number of relevant organizations including the American Immigration lawyers association, the American Immigration counsel, childrens defense fund. Members of the subcommittee may have additional questions for the witnesses and ask that you respond expeditiously in writing to those questions and the Ranking Member would like to say something. I ask unanimous consent to submit the doj statistics mister homan referenced. I have a brief followup question. They will both be admitted into the record. As well the document im holding, a track immigration document that contains the most recent information regarding appearances by people appearing at the border. Ranking member. Miss thorn vela. You have been asked many questions today. You have sat there with poise and dignity and answer to the best of your ability. I commend you. My brother, the thin blue line, thank you for being here today. We all struggle to deal with the challenge of what we face of the southern border. The testimony was offered based on various opinions. It is our job to consider these opinions with respect for each other, the common goal of finding some righteous solution. I would like to point out it has been stated several times, too dangerous to travel, in some of the areas, in some of the areas where immigrants have been sent as they await process with asylum claim. Let me state it is indicated the alternative into the interior of the United States but mister homan has clarified what happens there allows folks to disappear. They are going to stay here. Let me share with america and all of us the following cities have something in common. St. Louis, detroit, memphis, milwaukee, baltimore, kansas city, all these cities have something in common. The citizens they are in are more likely to be subject to Violent Crime than citizens of mexico city. Crime stats, in washington dc, it is intellectually unsound to indicate to the American People that generally speaking, we are placing these immigrants in some greater harms way by having them await their process in mexico. Madam chair, thank you for holding this hearing, we received excellent testimony today and i yield back. Thank you so much for that and for your comments. What i can do is assure everyone here that we are going to continue to have hearings about what is going on at the border because we have to honor the people sitting here, all five of you who are bearing witness to what is happening. We have to hold true to our Democratic Values as to who we are as a country and that is what these hearings are about, transparency and accountability and i thank all the witnesses so very much for their testimony here at a very long hearing. You can tell by the amount of members who showed up today how important this issue is. I want to thank you for participating. The subcommittee record will be kept open for 10 days, hearing over the business, the subcommittee stands adjourned. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] House Intelligence Committee chairman adam schiff release procedures for the first public impeachment inquiry hearing. With the document he outlined three questions for the committee to seek answers. First, did donald trump ask a Foreign Government to invest in a potential opponent in the 2020 president ial election . The second, did donald trump seek to have the Ukrainian Government advance the president s personal political interests in exchange for military aid or an invitation to the white house . The third question, did donald trump or his Administration Try to withhold information from congress and the American People about his conduct . To read the full impeachment inquiry procedures, document, go to our website, cspan. Org impeachment. The House Intelligence Committee and chair adam schiff continue public impeachment inquiry hearings against donald trump live this morning starting at 9 00 eastern on cspan3 with testimony from Us Ambassador gordon solomon. At 2 30 Deputy Assistant secretary of defense for russian ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs lera cooper and david hale, under secretary of state for political affairs. Federal bureau of prisons director Kathleen Sawyer testified before the Senate Judiciary committee along with questions about oversight of the prisons she was asked about the death of jeffrey epstein. Good morning, everybody. We will have a hearing here, get started just in a second. So welcome. I have a very brief opening statement. Dr. Sawyer, thank you for coming. It just used one in here in a , but its important that we have this oversight

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