As we settle in i often pick a word for the day. A kind of how i govern myself often times and my frame of mind. But today im going to take an image of the day if you look at your screen, one of our commissioners shared with me this image and i think it sets the tone and stage and underscores the importance of why we are here. This is a chinese book for kindergartners and even if you dont speak chinese, circled r. Two letters, ai. Kindergarten textbook. The senator talked about us getting ready from grade school to graduate school. Now we are talking about kindergarten or even pre k. If we are going to keep ahead and stay number one when it comes to ai so i just want to start with this image because again it really for me underscores the urgency of why this commission was formed and why its so important as we are here today. We have a broa had a broad mandh concrete steps the government should take to build and maintain a Machine Learning work force to address the National Security defense needs of the United States. Over the last eight months this working group assessed the current state of the National Security Enterprises Work force, explored the role of the workforce and you should play and examine how the government might recruit, train, educate, manage and to the extent that its necessary retrain the workforce. Now here are the judgments so far and you will affirm this if you have read the reports. National security agencies include extending the familiarity and spreading that use of modern software. It is especially critical because without more wellinformed readers who can go beyond talking points and reshape their organizations, the intelligence communities will fail to compete in the ai era. Now because of all of the military presence here today im going to make this the next point. The department of defense and the Intelligence Community do not have effective ways to identify the skills that already exist in the workforce. [applause] so i will make it out alive. They also failed to capitalize on the technical challenge. Existing authorities are adequate or close to adequate. Government agencies and departments are not fully utilizing civilian authorities talent due to the resource teams and commanders civilian leaders that do not hold of them sufficiently accountable. Am i going to walk out still . Expanding focus fellowship and Exchange Opportunities to give officials into Service Members access to cuttingedge technology and bring talent from our Top Ai Companies into federal service. These programs are in existence but need to expand. They should have an opportunity to use them when they returned to Government Service and my complementary this complaint is that they struggle to compete for top ai talent. The government needs to spend more effort showing the surface is an opportunity to solve problems and have a positive impact if they tried to reduce if it exists any disparate and raised for graduates. There are two questions we will explore with our panelists today since the talent pool depends heavily on internationals than ten workers or Global Competitiveness tenders on our ability to maintain toplines around the world. If we fail to do so it isnt clear how we will continue to compete and colleges and universities are under strain to keep pace with Computer Science generally. The number of Computer Science majors is increasing at ten times the rate of tenure status faculties of to begin and continue the discussion we asked doctor james chairman of the director with the Mckinsey Global institute and liberties with names especially if it allows me to. The former principal and Deputy Director of National Intelligence into the chair of the future work for singularity have the perspectives of these two questions primarily but not exclusively how important is how reorganization will structure for capitalizing on the technology and how should the National Security enterprises to get leaders and end users who do not participate in the Development Process to deploy and use them effectively and ethically. Dairy and thoughtfully. Organizational construct is very important into the second is how to deal with the existing workforce you have to do thoughtfully but let me create a quick start for you that beginquotebeginswith before r it we need to effectively integrate these technologies into the workflow so you have to have imperative if the organization doesnt believe it must then it would be a Technology Left to the innovators but it will not be upscale or speed for the Intelligence Community. You need to understand what your mission is. It isnt about secrecy. And if you look at this world with abundant data and technology and the speed of Decision Making than if you are the Intelligence Community and leader then you must find a way to introduce the ability to handle data from speed and volume but also defends making different technologies that are emerging so if not you would fit in to what is left over after the mission so thats number one in second, you need infrastructure. Talking about the information infrastructure to support it, we are at various stages even those of us have built infrastructure for human fees and now we try to figure out how because the data users are different than they must so theres that information but also what brings people into the mix and the reason you have to have that its people can play with the new capabilities. You need to be able to integrate it with no cost. It wont get the organization to figure out what to do if you dont have permission compared with the Technology Push so you have to have the infrastructure and organizationally we need two types of organizations, on two separate your technology. We can attract anybody. The mission is so exciting style they find they are supportive of the same kind of things they cannot pursue their craft so they go somewhere they can see have to find a way to support them and get around people the unit isnt necessarily the model we need so they organizational model and then the new work unit that allow the integration into the transfer ideas at speed into process the revolution and the organizations demanded all of them come crashing into those that were never expected to be defined for this moment and our contracting process for organizational process does that so one of the things we need to do is think about who we are putting in charge of designing a new processes because the people that we have now dont. As far as how you deal with a missed workforce you need to provide the opportunity to through the things they mentioned for people who want to be able to come some people wont be able to come and get me to treat them honorably and offer other solutions and we have a demographic problem we have to address. Leadership is the most urgent need because it doesnt understand this isnt a technical world and they wont trust that the idea is coming up and can affect the solution and i will end it there. What people find when they get there and i appreciate those points primarily. I think that its very spot on but i enjoyed seeing what was already in there. Now the fact that it put talent at the center is actually absolutely critical into the triangle that is critical what is it about the ai talent i would argue for or five things specifically the first problem is that too few problem which is enough people with distinctive capabilities and the government and broadly in the economy so we have too few problem we need to solve somehow made. This is coupled with a second problem which is why we cal whad call the pipeline problem. If you look at the pipeline that is the talent it is woefully weak whether we look at universities if the places we rely on for talent and International Students in the United States i was struck by the fact if you look at the data is just for example like less than 3 of it professionals under the age of 30. The pipeline challenge is absolutely important. The third is what i would call a mini type meter problem. What i mean by that is often in the talented workforce for ai we need many different types of people just talwedont just talp experts. We need many of those, phds or whatever they have and we also need people developing fundamental research and users to understand how this fits into the workflows. We need leaders and the report categorizes different types needed but its important to recognize the talent ecosystem here and value chain with different kinds of capabilities and fools. Some of them are easier to transition people. Some of them are harder, but its not a monolithic problem when it comes to the ai workforce. Problem number four is one might call the flu problem and it is a challenge that elements of the triangle, the flow doesnt work very well and in fact, you could argue the three legs of the triangle, government, universities and private sector, right now most flow to the private sector. Almost entirely. And the government is getting the short end of the stick. So how do we understand and solve the flu problem is problematic. The problem is also real for universities. That now that has more competitors. So with the National Security agency so what does this mean for the organizational structure cracks so that mutual reference from the private sector but one of the things that you see nowadays from those that havent hard time understanding that they now come to realize that those people and the fundamental of the whole enterprise. Is several agencies it has to be a part of the system. But also think about infrastructure and the question. One of the things specific to ai they will tell you the algorithms but also need to compute and you also need data. One of the reasons they go to the private sector this computer and data to make sure those organizations get people access to the leading tools that they need in those organizational things that are required. And also general shanahan pointed this out but often it is a mismatch that i think our defense agencies never match the pace of these new technologies and what they require. To go through testing and so forth. No organization is actually comfortable doing that. Let me and on a couple of notes. One of the things we have learned with the investment of technology with the private sector is the metric that people use with those technologies you need to invest another 20. Is not just buying technology but of these organizations this is what you are alluding to about the actual change that has to happen. It isnt something we ever really talked about which one of the things that helps a lot bringing people into an organization and those Career Pathways to go to the highest level so until we started to see the chief Technology Officer and those organizations in the Career Pathways this was not taken seriously. And to progress in the organization. That is required in the defense of National Security agencies. Those are some lessons learned. I want to second or third thank you for inviting me. I looking forward to seeing more of that output. I think tank based out of Silicon Valley. It is not about the singularity or university we are working on identity issues. [laughter] but is not an interim on university because we worked on curriculum two years but we change it every two months from experts to ai and nextgeneration medicine when i get to poke the brains on the impact the future of the organization. So to put these things down into the questions that were asked but typically the framing dad i get is we try to put her efforts on humans or change the systems like organizations and my answer is yes. The systems are at a disadvantage in the opportunities to help the right kind of skills and capabilities to solve those problems if you dont give them the tools in the learning they need you will have a continual mismatch so focus first on the humans. What i have heard a lot about is the framing that i see we are going through as big of a shift as we did from agriculture to industrial economy with the digital work economy and a short period of time. So what that means for humans there is a bunch of ways we are reacting to that and technology is a great enabler but also increasing the pace so we are shifting to a portfolio of work instead of one person one job parent say will my kid get a real job cracks huber at night and a startup and another job during the day is a response to a changing world. How do you think about how you leverage that unbundling of the work to channel those energies to solve the problem that you want to. Thats the first opportunity as we try to help humans upgrade themselves there are other issues with the workforce that we have to take advantage of because it creates opportunity if we change organizations in the right way and also it could be helpful if we use it correctly. Talking about the half a dozen ai superpowers. Not only china and russia but to be supported to solve the problems. So in the same way we see these constructs, the organization itself so from that model we have an organization. Its the box. Corporate hierarchy and stick people in the slots and we did that as a rational response to build factories but the best Communication Technology but now we have these digital devices we carry around and can communicate with half the people in the world the communication and organization has to change we call this unbundling the organization. Basically the idea is if you want a picture but to shift the model of the network. The more you unbundle the organization and soften the walls germane to agencies especially with apprenticeships and leveraging crowdsourcing platforms having people come through with a tour of duty that can help you to take advantage of the resources of the skill sets of people to solve these problems you can open the box and a better advantage that you have. But i have nine courses right talk about these issues but its not about change management but managing change but change management is the idea you could be done. Whats the difference . Its only managing change we cannot see any point at which that exponential change will slow down actually what of our favorite phrases today is the slowest day of the rest of your life. You look back in ten years and say i remember when you cannot embed chips in your head and put closing your closet. We always say it will increase so the idea that an organization actually has some future can see that so the process is needing to be able to help people continually adapt especially with ai and that technologies themselves that will only increase. Now my head hurts. Listening to the three of you there is a very simple refrain i can put forth is that you are demanding from us or asking us these organizations in ways that are not organically poised you are throwing out the entire model if you are not saying that, please counter the model Going Forward to enable the things that we speak of. And what is necessary for National Security. The way we go up to it now. I would be scared if i thought the future world was for the technology and humans to self organize. I think one of the difficulties of the last 20 years of those pony express days had value now it is infinitely available to at the private sector where to go. You need government. But government cannot act with the functions in the same way that it did perk i love your quotation on change. I hate change but i love relevance more. [laughter] so to me what is the function of government or the National Security it just isnt working it is too slow. But people without imperative will have a hard time to deliver what we need. And just to prosecute a technology has limitations to it. Look at Mark Zuckerberg sitting in front of congress. Oh my god im responsible. What he understand he will started he did understand the volume of that technology. So the reason why im not concerned is organizations understand their purpose to develop new craft as you are articulating but if we think it is willynilly than those two are antithetical which is why some people look at china it will not yield it is some combination of those. So you worked in government. How do we get to your nirvana . With a very obvious feeling that could potentially prevent us with the outliers stomach you cannot convince me leadership does not matter. It does. It sets the direction of the parameters from the government perspective maybe to have longer horizon so i endorsed the proposal that i like it its foundational and the other thing is we need to create a membrane between the public and private sector for ideas. It cant just be one way the private sector will realize their solution has to work with scale and then reinvestment in the foundation to it with this application Going Forward. And to be more optimistic. I am optimistic for the following reasons. There is a lot of instances of the change and innovation we are talking about. The defense department. Look at the programs to provide those mechanisms to move back and forth. So look at those who have stepped up like general shanahan and i was cochair with the admiral. So you have these leaders who are emerging but the challenge is twofold. It is too small and too incremental and not moving quickly enough. So you might be able to live with that and slowly adapt and change in time. And i love numbers so if you think of the investment question we have a competitor called china. If you look at investing in basic research that peak of that was 1964 spending 2 percent of gdp now we have sustained that for a while and now about 6 percent of gdp. Now look at the other side at the rates of which they are investing if they keep up the rate of investment spending they will spend about two. 5 percent of gdp by all expectation is about the size of our economy. So the scale and pace we are talking about requires us to move much faster. So talking about innovation and call for action thats to go bigger and faster is the challenge. And you cannot with that budgetary allocation with the political dynamic. Thats the reason why its important we find a way to bring the public along. Because we have to get the support. Its a democracy. Thats the beauty of this country but to bring the public along to understand this is quite foundational and fundamental. So first off i am the last person to suggest complacency of Government Agencies but this is a work in progress you have all of these poster children talk about nimble companies that i spent time with the directors and ceos who ask those same challenges they have all the same problems and that innovative dilemma so they all try to focus on the same issues. But you do find the first is courageous leaders so then seconds they are focused on the linchpin and then to decide what your Organization Lives or dies and then all the information going up or down and they have to be trained in a new model. If you want to see a great book on the subject it talks about when teaching although i have no moral standing because i never went to college but what she says the model is moved to the guide and that is exactly the model that is how you help them the one that controls the work actually the one that enables them to define the nonprofit and in these organizations is once you have that path are the direction you are going what is the role of every individual to enable that change with an ongoing process of change . Thats part of my answer. It isnt perfect but they have a process they go through with a try to continually build adaptive organizations that can be learned from. But for these issues with that security content is wrong. Yes the risks are higher. There is that dynamic tension as to what type of risk or process you put in place. And it isnt just you are managing your citizens but also the ability to have a secure country. There are no shrinking violets on the pan on the panel. Please raise your hand. I was worried today i was like i dont even know what we will speak about but if you want to get more granular or ask a question stated in a different way now is your opportunity. American psychological association. One of the things i am hearing you say when we are discussing the workforce with ai i still here mostly Computer Science and technology. I know my comrade because they serve their 22 years i want to have you expand on the diversity of what an ai professional actually is in your world. First there is Research Going back to the 19 fifties as he shifted to a consumer economy to work on understanding human skills for quite like that framing that basically said there is the threat called knowledge and transferable skills. Now today we called them hard skills and soft skills but these are anchored or rooted that are usable in a range of different situations and are usable on transferable. But we are so over indexed on the knowledge but that at a particular period of time we need to train people to solve certain kinds of problems that our systems are geared that there are all these other skills that allow people to be adaptive in collaborative and we are not training for those but that shelf point is decaying rapidly. So instead what about the portfolio of skills that we need . The truth is there will always be these deep knowledge that can check on continually changes to be the equivalent of the car mechanic. But they have to have a range of different perspectives to solve problems with dynamic teams. Its really clear. Google did this analysis is only actual two characteristics of highperformance teams which is technological safety and diversity. So it has to be a lot of the skills that we think of the software and people trained in psychology and a range of different liberal arts backgrounds because thats the only way you will solve the problem but in Silicon Valley we heavily over indexed on the Technical Skills and are ignoring some of their problems dynamically. One of the things of the report that i articulated seven or eight kinds of abilities the majority of them are through science but now you see the community recognize itself so if you look setting up now of the largest institutions and by design it is multidisciplinary institute. If you look at it and what is going on there people from law and codirectors of the Institute Want to be scientist the other is a philosopher. So you see this recognition that it takes multiple skills and capabilities that we do need to look away from the ai skills topic. For a twist on that, i think this is a technical world. Your discipline needs to be comfortable with technology. You may not be developing but if you are not comfortable with technology you will have a hard time. Second as these technologies become more ubiquitous with Critical Thinking, you wanted to use it so both technologist have to have it in their head this and the decisionmakers have to have that responsibility that if you believe you have that responsibility you will get to that issue of ethics because nothing changed about the responsibility of the organization or the human just because you introduced a technology. But you have to understand the responsibility so to me that is the Critical Thinking piece so i think youll see the resurgence of a liberal Arts Education and Technology Even more broadly because that will be what will make a difference in terms of progress. Forgive me to be fixated but again, you are speaking about being disruptive public and private sectors. And affirming that the composition will be more diverse and the number of ways. But that again is not natural or comfortable or easy to manage. Especially in the government where historically the promise is stability of employment. And dad is some of the greatest accomplishments of free society because of that. But that isnt necessarily the model we need Going Forward. Up in the House Intelligence Committee for almost four years when i would say its the verse 51 the best first five or ten years of your career. You will have our responsibility early that move in five or ten years. But there are partnerships we have talked about. I could imagine a company saying we are going after the same talent and i want the first five years to be in the government. You said the keyword. Really you have to understand the greatest is purpose. My father is a recovering minister who was laid off from his corporate budget he went to help other ministers who were being laid off and he wrote a pamphlet that turned into a book called what color is your parachute. So i failed the Family Business and he had a construct to break down jobs and the characteristics of us humans with skills and knowledge but at the center of the target is purpose. So what you are finding right now with companies and boards of directors ask me why young kids will come to work for their company they keep saying they are asking them what is your purpose . You have that nailed in the public sector. That is your superpower. Thats the place you start from. It is about that process whether the first five or ten years. It comes back around that you dont have to miss it. That is the north star to bring in the talent you just have to be clear how they can help to move the needle. Public sector needs to be better quick. And to be clear. One example is code for america. The whole model of getting a bunch of innovators to make a problem clear. I talk about this in the future of work. Agencies become very processed center and then whats the problem they try to solve . So the more you can carve out the problem it is clear you can have an impact that code for america through a team at the state of california that basically made marijuana legal changing the records of 50000 people who had convictions but that was only done because you brought these innovators to solve the problem. Good afternoon. My name is jim perkins. The question about management reform you mentioned there is data and then recruiting talent and i would like to push on the offramp and with that ability to retain the right talent because those that are supposed to have these skills are leaving out of the frustration they had the technology and the data but the lack of motivation is killing them. Yes so we just need to tackle them. So just that Demographic Group of not people that want to participate in that is a difficult thing to say. And if we dont create the environment the promise will not be enough. In the only place where these tough problems were attacked if you want to do mathematics you had to be in the government now there are so many other outlets talking about the stack of infrastructure is to get at that problem. And that is the partnership i want you to go out that is much bigger than government institutions and with supply and demand and to keep people engaged of what the nation really needs. And with the bureaucratic issues. And then to say i free that up and thats a way to jumpstart this. I think companies would love it to the issue of scale and regulation and security. I just graduated from the stanford Computer Science department talking to people starting their first job out of college. And then its hard to turn down a super high paying job. So a couple things but one of the things that has been proposed that when people are taking on jobs publicservice admission in mind based on these foundational technologies as you graduate from these places, why wouldnt the federal government right off their loans . Sure they will not pay them what they will get from google so then why not underwrite those loans. So there are other ways than the boats check or the stock option to make an impact. The reason why tours of duty there is the idea the specific problem. But an end to think about how you pay that off. And then as is a broken record but and that if you have people have two jobs and its pretty well but it lacks the purpose that they feel if you can factor out that circumstantial issues like Student Loans they will choose door number two over and over depending on the risk profile. And with that partnership in between. And with the walls of the organization. If i could give someone the private sector. And coming out of an industry. And with Machine Learning university what was huge to me is that the democratization of ai. And with the School Houses to upscale force. And many types in the pipeline problem what is the role for industry and if they see lincoln laboratory. And without organic capability. With upscale and rescale. And those that try to upgrade their own capabilities. And with that publicprivate interaction but there is no reason and with these boot camps that Government Agencies can continue identify what they want and have the process to connect to that program and then be trained. That the agencies do a poor job anyone that does Machine Learning. So those on the kinds of problems and those that into those problems. Forgive me. One word answer from each of you about what you are most excited about the ai future. Maximizing potential. Curiosity. Thank you very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [applause] [applause] and now there are conversations going on. Good afternoon and thank you for the introduction of the work this commission is doing for academia defense it is critically important. Thank you for inviting me to speak today the world around is changing at a pace than ever before that are fundamentally altering how we think about and prepare for war. Without transformative power through desert storm. But that 101st Airborne Division the deepest aerosols into Enemy Territory in history and only 96 hours the 1t moving three brigades cutting off the republican guard. It was the proving ground for a new generation of military weapons and equipment from laserguided smart bombs to the first widespread use of gps. By liberating Kuwait Kuwait defeating the Iraqi Military American Forces demonstrated our mastery of the digital revolution that was cuttingedge soviet technology obsolete. Our adversaries took notes and said they are trying to catch up five years ago they surprise the world with how far they have, july 112014 to assemble 5 miles from the russian border off of ukraine the battalion was preparing a final push to the border and suddenly they look at the rush of uavs overhead was cyberattack over the Communication Systems immediately after Russian Artillery rained down on them the whole episode lasted a few minutes but it inflicted tremendous damage. Dozens of soldiers killed hundreds wounded most were destroyed it came to a halt in a matter of minutes. The threats of tomorrow are not only defeated in the past thats why the National Defense strategy hinges on the ability of forces to adapter security environment characterized with the new threats. And to make those investments necessary. The advances have the potential for the character warfare. And with that advantage are over many many years we have to get their first. Future wars are fought not just in land and sea or as the past century but outer space and cyberspace in unprecedented ways. To transform warfare and then to prioritize china first in russia second as we transition into the era of great power competition. Beijing has made it abundantly clear president xi said it must ensure the country marches in the front ranks when it comes to Theoretical Research and the important area of ai and the high ground technologies. Those improvements are the most costeffective autonomous vehicles. And those moving aggressively while they face a mighty task and then to go straight to the next generation. In addition to those unmanned submarines could be account costeffective counter to enable American Power brick of the Chinese Government is already exporting the most vast drones to the middle east for when those come online. In addition chinese weapons manufacturer advertise capable for a top full autonomy. And then to be denied basic human rights on the unprecedented scale. And with that surveillance to suppress more than 1 million muslim leaders. And then to support those efforts. Equally troubling are the multinational corporations inadvertently or tacitly providing technology or Research Behind chinas unethical use of ai turning to these platforms it has serious risk with their capabilities. Our collective security must not be diminished of the shore and narrow sided focus of opportunity. Russia made intentions clear calling a i the future humanity describing technology is the key to supremacy on the world stage. Moscow has already demonstrated its eagerness to use the latest Technology Free and open society we should not doubt their abilities. And we expect russia to continue to deploy high capabilities and future combat zones. And then to protect with liberty and human rights and it is for our time and the tremendous opportunity to have a wide range of capabilities and we will do this while being recognized as the world leader of military ethics in a lawful and ethical manner. And with this joint Artificial Intelligence center as well as integrate the power across many levels of department of defense. And with that cyberdefense but also more applications. We dont approach ai or any technology as a panacea and we see it as a tool for valuable resources and manpower to focus on higher priority tasks. The ultimate goal is to get the war fighter into the clouds and to deliver capability out to the tactical edge this is to modernize the war fighting systems with the premier workforce to Strike Partnership across the entire sector. We recognize these challenges. Our successes upon predictable funding from congress. The ongoing continuing resolution impacts our ability to accelerate Ai Development at the ski one speed and skill necessary. Our adversaries are not slowing down in the United States cannot afford to be there. Congress must understand shortterm budget uncertainty has longterm strategic implications for our nation security. Technology is constantly changing our commitment to ethics and duty does not to demonstrate our ability to invest and develop systems that reduce risk for war fighters while increasing combat for the ultimate purpose to protect the security of the american people. We will ensure we develop technology in a way to pull values and advanced security and stability at the same time. Some private sector has raised concerns but unlike some parts of the world they have a choice of who they work with that is the virtue of a Free Enterprise system. But let me be clear is not of a just use by militaries around the world. It will be but the real question is if authoritarian governments dominate and by extension the battlefield or if the United States military and partners can Work Together to lead the world with responsible research and application. When america unleashes its industry and academia nobody can compete with us. So i world war ii the titans of industry and hardworking patriots answer the call and then we rallied the best and brightest to create darpa and nasa and took control of the space race. Mastering ai has a similar vision and commitment. We are no stranger to these challenges america has risen to the task before and we must do so again but we need your help. We need the full force of american intellect and ingenuity and your leadership and your vision to maine taking a Strategic Edge to Pioneer Solutions for collective security thank you for your time and i look forward to our discussion. Thank you. [applause] thank you secretary for your thoughtful remarks its clear you in the department have been thinking about ai and what it offers our military and enabling our adversaries. I would like to pull upon your comments thank you for sharing so how the dod could be communicating with industry challenging them over National Security issues. We are reaching out in a number of ways to posting notices through forums and think tanks sessions and reaching out to academics directly for go we were talking before hand as secretary we set up the task force at Carnegie Mellon and i spent a whole day out there with those researchers that showed up for the groundbreaking. Trying to reach out at Different Levels with regard to industry not just the big players on the block but those that you tend to find your greatest innovation and ingenuity we have to task the best and brightest to make sure we can get there quicker than the chinese and the russians. We had a lot of conversation and i think this is an important conversation to end on i understand with the think tanks the defense innovative board just gave recommended principles because it conforms to our values as a society to think about where the principles might be implemented across the department. We have to conduct ourselves ethically and legally and morally. It just listed a set of principles but in terms to apply that to ai it reaffirmed those we have been using for many years. So for you to look at this report it is comprehensive and balances out the need for continued exploration of these topics. This is not one we can afford to get wrong. The commission has a lot of dialogue of Human Resources and how will we attract that talent and institutionalize that into the department. Have you had a chance to think of those concerns and what you can do to attract that right talent to do this business in the future quick. Making sure you can access the best and the brightest and keep them happy and busy we saw this not just from the government perspective was cyberbut with army cyberthat started to recruit but also the private sector with industry and government all competing for the same handful of people because they are talented and exceptional they have great opportunities to work in the private sector for large sums of money. We have to make sure we find different ways to attract them because we cannot compete with compensation but we can offer you a chance to serve your country and do things that are interesting maybe not legal in the private sector. [laughter] but exciting nonetheless. We tend to bring together a great deal of folks but i have always enjoyed my time in service whether the military or dod work around a great group of people that is bigger than the bottom line it seems cliche but it is the space race whoever gets there first will dominate largely got there with what you needed. And we need to get their first on ai with continued investment so now were trying to leverage to bring in people and recruit them to use different techniques with a different compensation package so we are looking for ways to get out of our own bureaucratic methods. It so good you come from a Service Background into this position. One of the things we see is the change of war fighting so what do you see now that you are in this position with its challenges in the ai battle cracks what will dod face in the future that is different quick. I think i mentioned this it wont change the nature but the character which is a major leap forward if that could happen and it will transcend everything we can do. Itnesses ws from the fbi, the Justice Department and the nfa. This is two hours

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