Thank you mister president my question is to be deeply concerned of Turkish Military operations in Northern Syria we already think it is further destabilized in the region and risks undermining progress. So depending on the situation on the actions the government has taken. Thank you mister president this is very fastmoving and dangerous situation the Prime Minister and i have made it very clear that the Turkish Military action has grave consequences for Regional Security and among other things those that have been made by the international coalition. And it continues to be a threat despite territorial disputes go on additional suffering and open the organization for humanitarian support. But with australias engagement it is a clear response to the announcement made by turkey or to the conflict in syria with that opportunistic action and load those at the department of Foreign Affairs the turkish ambassador for the last week speaking to french president and also the us secretaries to discuss the situation in syria. And my court counterparts to repeat australias concerns to indicate the severe impacts this would have on the security situation. I think the minister for what the government has done and has been enabled by the situation of the Trump Administration to withdraw forces. And on her answer the representations have been made to the secretary of state and with the impact of its decision from syria. And where these responsibilities lie and those with the incursion turkey is totally accountable and with those militia groups it is possible for humanitarian suffering operations and they are accountable for the detention and custody and with the United States there are concerns of these issues. Bed is not my habit to go into the content of those private discussions. The report indicates for isis fighters. I lost track of the question. Indicates isis fighters are being held in Northern Syria with the consequences with the Turkey Military action in us decision to withdraw from the region. I updated my remarks. We are very intent of the impact of the military action with the campaign that further that we also know that australia recognizes the vulnerabilities of other regions that they are more than capable of energy and activity not just in the middle east but to be allied with extremist organizations. So any that enable that engagement is of concern. So special legislation for any terror organization. Thank you mister speaker. And how the government is managing the difficult issues for australia. Is the minister aware of any of these policies because we know that and when that threat level is raised there have been taxes targeting people with a counterterrorism disruptions mister speaker i can inform the house with 230 australians traveling to syria or iraq which is involved in the conflict and going to the parliament a number of bills to keep these people from coming back to their country whenever possible because we do know that they could pose a very significant threat with the European Countries across america and Southeast Asia and foreign fighters have returned back to the country of origin and have caused significant loss of life and we dont want that in our country but we have done everything we can but the position why it is completely confused it is clear with an inner interview on the way and that the senator had absolutely no idea what she was proposing. And now other members have distanced themselves from the senator but that people do pose a certain risk and then calling for them to come back to their country. That replaces the view of the majority of the australian public and then support the government they did that at the last election because security is an issue. And to keep australian save. So as it relates to National Security every bill that has come before the parliament and then this just demonstrates why the party has no idea what they are doing when it comes to National Security. There was wide spread protest around the world many of the capital city has ongoing demonstrations and wondering where australia will meet the kyoto and Paris Agreement commitments. With Energy Emissions reduction however that the government is relying on to artificially to those credits meanwhile to show the missions have record highs fueling the urgency so in other words while the government collects the books that was a denial and when will it take real action to reduce emissions clicks. As the minister for energy. Thank you mister speaker. So with symbolism. And a bad obligation to see a 50 percent reduction at 65 percent reduction across the hall economy now we have the enviable track record and we are on track to hit the 2020 targets and we believe credit should be where credit is due because australia has hot help those businesses but those meet and greets. Now that one. 1 billionton turnaround is what we inherited. We also see record levels of investment in renewables but investment in australias capital is more than france and germany and the uk combined. We have a clear plan to me that 2030 target fully funded Climate Solutions and Energy Efficiency and issues. So we are looking forward of the technologies of the future including the National Hydrogen study with 140,000,000. 40 been invested to the Hydrogen Energy supply project and then also the guest trial in new south wales. Thank you mister speaker on achieving mission reduction obligations but this is the policy. And the drought is one of the worst on record that they are not factoring in Climate Change with drought. And then to the Prime Minister but of anything ever record drought but your government is leaking pollution which threatens farmers and communities on the land so are you doing everything in your power to make these extreme events work thank you mister speaker and with that speech that i gave to the United Nations of the National Statement for australia that said very clearly that the record in particular with the Renewable Energy investments is the highest of the world today. I simply said with the Renewable Energy is the highest in the world today. So but what i know is that the United Nations and to reach those 2020 targets. And not only that with the 2030 commitments and the other factors that will contribute to that. And we agree. That is not an issue of debate or division. The issue is the level of targets that has on the australian economy. So now we know very clearly about the cost of those and how we go about to meet them. So then what is the cost to join cracks and now the labour party cannot even settle the policy and Climate Change today. The member from melbourne on a point of order. It is not about others. Surely the Prime Minister must address the drought and the Climate Crisis at some point. Before i call the Prime Minister, there is a narrow escape in the question with respect to alternative policies but in terms of what is in the question, 45 seconds and a number of questions, a number of statements and when as i said before, the longer they are the more escape there is for the answer to deal with the materials for the Prime Minister. Now i note the labour party joining together on this matter was talking about the Climate Emergency. In response to a Climate Emergency the leader of the opposition will say we will now labors response sometime between october 2021 and march 2022 and in an interview obviously the first chance will be after the next election. Sometime between october 21st and march 2022 so at that point the government doesnt have that so a comprehensive policy. I would like to know what the policy is, then they should say what the policy is. The Prime Ministers time has concluded. By a security and increasing questions in australia, doing enough to screen out swine flu. The minister for agriculture, senator mckenzie. Can the minister tell us what other benefits to australian farmers and the wired community have a strong bio Security System . Thank you, madam deputy president. For her question, the border Security System, it underpins 60 billion worth of Agricultural Production and 49 billion of agricultural exports. Each bottle contributed to jobs and growth particularly in rachel and her australia such as Security Breaches that could cost australia 1. 47 billion over a 20 year period and would absolutely devastate our livestock industry, but profitability and resilience in the National Economy having a road back to bio Security System is absolutely paramount but it is not just protecting the Agricultural Industry but 6 trillion worth of Environmental Assets and human health. One in five jobs in australia are related to trade and the Security System protect the reputation as a trading nation under global stage. And it is unique. And exports to the world. And and and so almost encouraging last year, and across europe and through Southeast Asia and at the moment 650 km, we will not take it back from taking orders secure. Senator mcmahon. How the coalition government, economic plan is helping to defend australia against african swine fever . Senator. Thank you. When you have a strong economic plan you can do a lot of things, respond to risks to the economy which will be incurred if you had african swine fever on the shore. We have peaked producers, 36,000 australians in the pork industry and this disease which killed 80 of the pigs it infects from our shores, with the Financial Resources at your disposal, you can check nondirect flights from delhi when you need to. You can ramp up the inspections at the border, increase xraying of passports from affected countries and through those measures detect and stop 27 tons of products from affected countries from reaching our store. It is that responsiveness we need. Senator man. Can the minister advise the senate on risks to our strong bio Security System . Thank you very much. Senator mcmahon, yes i can talk about the risks and the risks to our Security System our complacency, complacency from industry, from importers, complacency from travelers and people that would seek to think it is so kind to bring that home cooked sausage, maybe starting at one of the great institutions. You think it is okay to purchase highquality food in australia so you pack your suitcase full up, cooked pork products, maybe some squid and away you go. What we found on the way was squid. On the weekend a woman from vietnam arrived on our shores without 10 kg of material which was significant by a security breach, she breached our legislation and we have sent her back to vietnam. Thank you. On the other side of climate there are skeptics of Climate Change in the house trillion parliament who are pressing the government on the national commitment. My question is for senator common representing the primacy. In 2019 the primary stir during an address to the lori institute, quote, unelected International Bureaucracy pushing for a borderless Global Community that seeks to damage our livelihood, safety and sovereignty. 25 years ago premier Richard Court warned of the dangers of unelected International Bureaucracy use in his book rebuilding the generation and specifically named the United Nations. 23 years ago, called out the uns 1990 new re declaration. When can we expect the Australian Government to remove us from the following damaging treaties, protocols and declarations . The uns 1975 declaration in lima, the uns 1992 rea declaration to a global government and the uns 1996 agreement and the uns 2015 harris agreement Paris Agreement . Senator corbin. Thank you very much, mister president. Let me say right up front that the speech by the Prime Minister i would invite all colleagues to read it in its full context and was i would also say in my second point is australia is the worlds 13th largest economy, we take our International Response ability seriously. That doesnt mean we dont express a view about things that could be improved when it comes to International Architecture and from time to time it needs some dating and we expressed the view in relation to our policy training infrastructure there are some improvements that could and should be made and that is something we are articulating forcefully in the appropriate for him for him. Senator smith and i actually both have the privilege to serve in the office of the outstanding registration of the premier so that is a very good thing. He did a lot of great things in australia so i am pleased with the contribution he made over the years. Let me just conclude i would encourage every senator in this chamber and australia that what the Prime Minister says making a speech at the institute and a lot of things going on in particular about the labour party, selective quoting that we are absolutely committed to do the right thing internationally for international responsibility. Senator roberts. Richard court warned of international bureaucracies rebuilding the federation and he says these International Agreements are made primarily outside australia with terms and conditions set by officials from outside while australia takes part in negotiations. Foreign countries do. Why have liberal governments ignored this advice and put australia first . Thank you. Order. Served in the office of the former premier Richard Court and outstanding job and i represent the Prime Minister in this chamber. Senator roberts also referred to china to my initial and australia as a middle power. We are an active and constructive participant with International Forum always pursuing national interests. We are represented with distinction with outstanding foreign minister, who does a job on our behalf and we are represented by that. Order. Senator roberts . The Prime Minister did not quite have the courage to name the United Nations as the unelected International Bureaucracy, when can we expect australia, to exit the United Nations and allow australians through the ballot box to determine australias future rather than unaccountable socialist bureaucrats . Order, order. Senator cornyn. We are a Founding Member of the United Nations, we would not be leaving the United Nations, to improve the operation of what we are part of. Any Organization Made if human beings can always always improved. It is appropriate for the Prime Minister in a comprehensive Foreign Policy speech to assess the issues we believe are important and what everybody did and the Prime Ministers speech. The second fortnight, Widespread Campaign for the media on press freedom, a disparate group of Media Companies asking the question whether the government page as the rules the Prime Minister now rule out prosecuting idc journalists and are they doing their jobs and agree that journalism is not a crime . The Prime Minister . Journalism is not a crime but i agree also and wonder if the leader of the opposition agrees whatever profession people are and whether they are politicians, journalists, whether they are anyone, public officials, there is no one in this country who is above the law. People should be prosecuted for their professions. That they should only be prosecuted if they have been found to be going a foul of the law. I do not believe those decisions about who should be prosecuted at the end of the day should be made on the whim of politicians. I think they should be made under the rule of law and proper assessment of Law Enforcement agency and that Prime Minister composite for a second. Those on the left are interjecting too loudly and they need to hear the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has the call. The government believes absolutely in press freedom in this country and we have taken steps for additional defenses into our laws to ensure journalists, mister speaker, protections that exceed and apply to many others around the country and those were put in by the outside, not those opposite. I remember when those were in government they start to gag the person in this country. They start to gag the press in this country. And a Public Interest Media Advocate to stifle the press in this country. Im not going to take you pictures from the labour party. In stark contrast we provided important guidelines to other Law Enforcement agencies how to go about the business and the commissioner, mister speaker in the words he is doing to review these matters but i tell you whats, mister speaker, if it comes to a position in this country where Prime Ministers and politicians decide who gets prosecuted and who doesnt get prosecuted without taking the appropriate advice or seeing the release that is required under legislation we get to the point the leader of the opposition wants to arbitrarily, arbitrarily outside the law decide who gets prosecuted and who doesnt, mister speaker, then that is the country australians would want to live in. The sprinting season is in full flow and australia. The season has gone out of celebrations for a media report highlighting the promise of raising organizations to provide racehorses. The members my question is for the Prime Minister. The sickening revelations last week exposed the horses in queens land and in those two states including tasmania, the systemic animal cruelty is rampant in australia. Greyhound racing, puppy and get in factories and Industrial Production of food and textiles. States and territories cannot be trusted to regulate Animal Welfare especially when they deferred industry selfregulation. We have already acknowledged the filing of Animal Welfare in this country and established a National Independent office of Animal Welfare. I think the member for his question and share with him and would be certain all members of this house would share their deep concern at the images that were recently streamed and i found them very concerning and disturbing, mister speaker and have no doubt australians across the country were deeply disturbed. In particular farmers and those across rural districts for their livestock want to manage those issues and the best possible way. The government will consider all its options in relation to these matters and miss the agriculture. Thank you, Prime Minister and appreciate the concern, sadness and anger members require. I dont think anyone in this place does not agree that is abhorrent. Can i say we are working with the government in a constructive way to make sure action is taken and the assessment will take us as quickly as we can and we are confident in the ability of the government to continue on with the process of that ambition. Can i cautioned the member in generalizing the behavior of industries, this is quite dramatic too many industries, the vast majority in those industries find this abhorrent, it is against their morals and their culture and they are hurting from this as well. We expect the states to adopt their responsibilities as i have in managing and on welfare in this country. We dont need another bureaucracy. We need bureaucracy to do their job. Is Remembrance Day approaches the government has made a new promise all around the year, more recognition including a pin any veteran can wear meaning they can be recognized among people and businesses. Members the clock will go down. My question, minister for veterans and defense personnel, on november 11th australia will mark Remembrance Day. Canister advise what this government is doing to recognize australias veterans on Remembrance Day and throughout the year . The minister for veterans affairs. Thank you, mister speaker, the nature of service, serving communities and paper cuts were bruised ego and those who served in uniform, thank you for that service. We recognize those who provide the ultimate service to our country. And with respect throughout australia and our lives in the country towns and respect on that service and as a grateful nation, we always remember to give thanks to those continuing to serve today and a lot to be thankful for. We have a great deal to be thankful for, the freedom we enjoy today has come at a huge price. With the australian war memorial, injured in conflict and those who can carry those, a great deal of things to look forward to. And and and with those who are opposite, and in conflict zones youre working constructively. They are living out bidders service. We encourage the australian nation to take the time to reflect on those who have gone before us or those serving today. They have humanitarian missions or peacekeeping duties throughout the world. As we possibly flexon the service of our forebears i encourage each of us to keep in our thoughts and prayers those who continue to serve today. Thank you for your service. Another edition of question time wrap. 11 Australias Parliament and so much. He is a look at live coverage today. At 2 30 on cspan, Christopher Ray joins other intel officials for a Senate Homeland security hearing on domestic threats. On cspan2, the senate is back at 10 00 eastern to continue judicial nominations for the court of federal claims in the ninth Circuit Court of appeals. On cspan3 a Senate Judiciary subcommittee looks at Cyber Threats and data breaches. That gets underway at 2 30 p. M. Eastern. This week on cspan 3 at 8 00 pm eastern watch samples of our history coverage featured every weekend on American History tv. Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonja Sotomayor reflect on the impact of the First Woman Supreme Court justice, sandra day oconnor. On wednesday in American History. Thursday a look at past impeachment proceedings for andrew johnson, Richard Nixon and bill clinton. And the american revolution, American History tv features all week at 8 00 pm eastern on cspan3

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