Forward to answering your questions. I want to jump right in on the theme of my campaign, but more importantly, the theme of my life. I think that the most important theme of this country. Our founders were not perfect geniuses and they enshrined in our founding documents a lot of bigotry and hate and in the decoration of embedded they called native americans savages and women as secondclass citizens but that was not the defining character of the country that has endured in the spirit they brought to humanity. They broke with the course of human events and said we would be the first nation and oldest constitutional democracy that would not be founded because we all look alike or pray like or are descended from the same branch of the family tree but they said we would be the First Society to put values and virtues on the highest aspirational ideals of human kind. It has been a tough experiment breaking with monarchies and theocracies to create the democracy we have right now but these geniuses got one thing right, they knew the only way we would ever make it in the only way this country would survive as if we made an unusual commitment to one another that we would be a people that understood that the lines that divide us are nowhere near as strong as the ties that bind us in the spiritual cords of our nature is what will help this nation and to her. The ending of that declaration of independence is this profound declaration of interdependence. They literally say after putting forth these whole ideas on his great empire they say if we will make it as a country and these are the words we must mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. Turn on the cable news and ask yourself about that sacred hon honor. Look at our own lives on what we say about social media about other americans ask yourself. The call of my life raised by parents who taught me this ideal was that you are here to bring people together for common cause, common purpose, common good. When we are divided, we are weak. Your parents raised you. My mom now has a saying that behind every successful child is an astonished parent. [laughter] like this guy that were not make up his fed is running for president . I cannot get him to mow the lawn and like mom, please. I forged so many of my deals on the gridiron. I was a Football Player and i cant thank you enough for talking about me at stanford but i got into stanford because of a 4. 0 and 1600, fourpoint 0 yar 0 yards, 6100 receiving yards but i was an allamerican Football Player and i had this moment in the huddle when were driving on and i would turn to my fellow members in the huddle and i would tell them the moment i knew we would score it was the moment i heard the other huddle arguing amongst themselves and blaming each other and tearing each other down because i knew there was weakness that we would exploit. When we, as a nation, have more indivisible in this one nation under god theres nothing we cant do. Hell, when the russians put up sputnik we did not go back and say wow but we said we will pull this nation together and show that our way of life that freedom and justice and inclusion that we can bring together people of diversity and we will go farther and higher than ever humanity imagines. We are competitors in the best teams are the ones that get rid of Unnecessary Division and boards together and that is the story of some of our toughest times in america. The guardians of our democracy have never been free of hatred and bigotry and discrimination in fear mongering but it always had those themes in mccarthyism and there was a Political Party that rose up to National Prominence uses a lot of the same rhetoric we see in her today, anti immigration rhetoric and they would hold a know nothing and they were against irish and german immigrants. How did we beat those and how to be up with them . By being like them or taking on their tactics enters . By saying were okay we have a zerosum game on against them we did it because the activism in the call to a higher aspiratio aspirations. We did not bring bigger dogs or bigger fire hoses but the activism is a call to say you may be black and i may be white and you may be christian and i may be jewish but we have a common cause and thats a threat to justice anywhere. My earliest experiences in life for this. My parents told me my origin story just incredible but no different than yours. Fifty years ago my family moved to this mecca trying to move to this glorious place called new jersey. [laughter] i know you all have a problem and youre the second best new state in america. New jersey, new mexico and so every time they came up to the northern suburb of new jersey looking for homes with the black family and they were greeted by Real Estate Agent and say im sorry but this house is already sold for recently pulled off the market. They were like two because the real estate during practice was going on in my parents are frustrated and they were distressed and what did they find amidst this bigotry and discrimination . They found us. They found america. They found a group of people that met in the living room mostly white folks who said we will help you because in this country patriotism we got to weekly network. Its not a word that says im patriotic and youre not but patriotism is love of country and you cannot love your country unless you love your fellow countrymen and country women. Love is not a sentiment or sentimentality but love and sacrifice and service the same if your kids dont have a Great Public School if you dont have healthcare my children known what patriots formed this operation where they sent my parents to look for homes and sent a white couple rightparenthesis them my parents are told the house was sold the volunteer white couple would buy the house for sale and then the house i grew up in my parents were told it was sold but the white couple put a bid on the house for my parents and the bid was accepted and papers were drawn up and on the day of the closing the white couple did not show up. My father did and a volunteer lawyer named Marty Freedman and they marched into the Real Estate Agents office and this should be the end of the story but its not because Real Estate Agent was so upset he been caught in this conspiracy of love that he gets up and punches my dads lawyer in the face and six a dog on my dad. Let me tell you, as i grew up in this beautiful town every time my dad would tell the story the dog would get bigger. [laughter] eventually my dad said i had to buy a pack of walls to win the south and every one of us here drinks deeply from wells of freedom and liberty and opportunity that we did not dig. Everyone of us this year descendents of immigrants amongst every one of us here latinos, blacks, all of us come from that humble story and we are all here because people who cannot even imagine us for this day and age were willing to fight and sacrifice to put their life on the line for the ideals of america that we would be a people to put more indivisible in this one nation under god that we would affirm the ties that bind us a stronger than any lines that divide us. Im running for president because of that all the policy issues we debate on that stage and on the big ideas are possible till we understand that we need each other. God, my parents were corporate citizens and worked for ibm. Father was the first bike i hired the sales for ibm in washington my mom was in hr and they knew the data and diverse teams are better teams. They knew the data. Discrimination is expensive when you dont let lgbt key people in the workplace you lose out on their talent and skill. Poverty is expensive and whats more expensive to society . Mentally ill Homeless People in the street are putting them in a seattle housing. They ran the numbers and seattle study looked at 22 people and found out its far more responsive to have them on the street because end up in jails in hospital Emergency Rooms to do the right thing. Im the only person in senate that lives in a black and Brown Committee blow the poverty line. I want to be in the trenches of the struggle for america and thats where i stayed. The colossal failures that come about when we have a bit to see of empathy. We do not see our fellow americans with the love and we dont have a more courageous apathy. Across for me as a drug treatment center. These you guys that walk over and bring food sometimes they get mad at me because its vegan food. [laughter] i see the horrible story of this country that we decided to treat Mental Illness with prison. We decided to treat addiction with present. Weve decided to treat poverty with present weve decided to arrest everything and for the people who know like i know that china competitors build 18000 miles of highspeed rail of the busiest rail quarter in north america goes from boston to dc, no exaggeration, and runs a half an hour slower than it did in the 1960s. But if we done with our collective treasure . We were building a new is an ordeal every ten days from the time i was in law school to the time i was mayor of the city of newark. The waste all around us. Our competitors not only believe in science but their policy reflects it. Our competitors watch us establish the best info structure in the planet earth and its crumbled now blowing past us in common investments in the software we did with education with the best educators on planet earth and out were not even the top ted and the most valuable Natural Resource on the planet earth of Global Knowledge base society not oil, gas or coal but the genius of a child and they said we will cultivate the genius better than you guys and they started investing in children where Brain Development happens the most, 80 happens in the womb until the fourth year. While america does nothing all those countries have universal prenatal care. We dont. We leave the planet earth and infant mentality, low birth weight and i can say show you the analysis is so much more expensive and cheaper to give every low income women in this Country Access to care that it is to be the cost of low birth weight babies with crises of birth but they go further to the Data Analysis i love data. Im a former mayor. I was running my city used to say i was tired of people coming in with a motion but i used to say if god we trust everyone else bring me data. Our competitors love data in the best and universal preschool but we dont i can show you a dollar invested in universal priest care that produces economic returns for that country. Other countries pay family leave in afghanistan and the congo have paid family leave. We put millions of women every day in distress because they have to decide to be home with a sick traumatized child or go to work to get the paycheck. Listen, i love america. Patriotism to me is what we need. Not posturing and partisanship and not a greater divide that we need each other. This election will be about a lot of things but if we dont have the next president not be a greater or do filer but the next president must be a healer and a uniter and must pull for the common cause of her country and democrats i saw you in here, we make a mistake in this election if we define ourselves by what were against or who we are against and not what we are for and who we are for. We make the mistake in the selection. [applause] if we make a mistake in this election if we demonize republicans and say our goal is to beat the republic and party. Dear god, we should stand up and say our mission is to unite america and ideal and in moving this country forward because our competitors are playing from our playbook and they are outplaying us. I got to the United States senate with a high sense of regard and i decided to write a book. If your name is parker its a lot of pressure, people. The expectations are so high for crying out loud. Its like if ted cruz decided to buy a car it would have to cruise well and my name is booker. I decided to go back and find those people to help my family move in. The patriots who are white and some black folks were republican and democrat and i went back and found the head of that organization and her name is lee porter, 92 years old. She was easy to find because at 92 years old shes still head of that organization in new jersey. Fair housing council. She does not represent black people anymore lots of people but same sex couples and muslim families and americans with disabilities because there is no race orientation but just one love, one justice, one nation under god and she confirmed the stories that it was not a pack of wolves people. [laughter] and she sent me to the lawyer who organized everything and he confirms the story and all the facts and i got a great chapter but finally i suddenly said why and he said he was a young man back in the 60s just started his business and so busy barely supporting his family and i asked him why it would help back limeys and spend so much time doing it. Why would you help black families and he said i know the moment i made the decision it was march 7, 1965 and i said thats the specific. What were you doing . He was saying i was sitting on the couch watching tv this is back in the days when we only had three channels. I know its scary to think about those days but most of america was watching but he was watching a movie called judgment at nuremberg. Some of you now know this day and watching tv and something happens. Breaking news. They broke away from an ongoing to show a bridge in alabama called the [inaudible] bridge and he watches in selma trying to get to montgomery and they get stopped on the bridge by Alabama State troopers who would not let them pass. He watches in horror as they are gassed teargas and then they charge into them and beat them over their heads. A white guy on the couch 1000 miles away, what does he do . Does he do and fall into that trap that sometimes we allow our inability to do everything to undermine our determination to do something but he gets up in the name of patriotism and in the name of love and says injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere so he said i will do something and go to alabama and then he can afford a ticket so he stresses for little while and says the best calculation i could afford one hour, one hour a week of pro bono work but i will do the best they can with what i have, where i am and he calls around and find this young woman named lee porter, now 92 years old and they start working on a theme. They got people to volunteer and now theyve got more people involved more volunteers with lawyers volunteering and it turns into 66 than in the 69 and he said i remember the day i get a case filed to me in 1969 of the Family Moving up from the south and looking for help and in distress and the names on the case file and the family, corey, the name of the course for case file your parents. I am here right now before you running for the highest office in the land and i am here right now the United States senator only the fourth ever elected in our country and im here because a white guy on the couch in a time of moral trial in our nation did not just sit there and do not care that my skin was a different color into not care i have different geography and did not even know i would one day exist but he stood up for the ideal of america and why am i running for president because there in peril and our dreams are in trouble in the first generation of americans to have a lower Life Expectancy than our parents but the first generation baby boomers 90 is better economically than their parents did for millennial and country that led humanity education innovation, infrastructure is now fallen behind our competitors and some of them are totalitarian governments and im running for president because i want our dream to live. If you go where Martin Luther king was playing the hero i heard about growing up his pictures were on walls my parents told me he was not a great black american or a gay christian american but he was a red, white and blue dreamer of this country and where he was slain at the motel, its a museum now but i was shocked when i saw was on the ground. It gave me chills. But they wrote there is not a tribute to king but they used that sacred space is a challenge to everyone of us with breath in our lungs and broad in our veins and its a challenge and i leave you with that now. They use words from scripture but it has nothing to do with religion but about our civic gospel, the words they wrote the words from josephs brothers in the words they ordered before they grabbed joseph and threw him into a pit with his coat of many colors to kill him but for those of you who know your torah or koran or bible know he did not die in the pit but rose up and lead a nation through crisis called egypt and america we are in a pit right now and we are in a pit when we sing the song there were at the home of the brave but our veterans come home and are disproportionately homeless. We are in a pit right now the most powerful nation of the land tells our children we cant protect you so we will send you to school and teach you how to hide. More shelter in place drills done in america than fire drills. We are in a pit right now where we hate each other just because vote differently. What was the message . The great uniter who called to the conscience of our country what did they write their the words of josephs brothers sibley this, they wrote behold here, with the dreamer, let us slay him and see what becomes of the dream. What will become of our dream. Will it become diluted or diminished . Will it become divided against itself or will we stand up and say not on my watch and the dream will not perish in the pit because i too will dream of america a new in my generation and they will be bold dreams and defiance dreams and i will back them up with work and sweat and sacrifice and love. If we do that in this moment we can get up off the couch and give more and fight more for each other, not against each other than the dream of america will not die and will not perish, i promise you. The selection will be about one guy in one office but about reclaiming the dream and if we do that watch out, america. Watch out, the world. We will rise. [applause] [applause] welcome to the corey booker rally. I want to thank everyone here. It will be hard to remark. Two words. It was so appropriate that we not heard much from his campaign but we love the decency and part of his dna. We need more of that. I could ask the first question we have serious issues in congress and let me finish. [laughter] stay with me. Prescription drugs we need to lower the cost, renegotiate with medicare on this and have a trade bill that has 600,000 people or 600,000 jobs are supported by the trade guild, canada and mexico and we also have a background check the 90 of the people have supported what im concerned about is the option going to be taken out of compromise and working together in light of what happened yesterday with the inquiry of impeachment . I love that question. Im grateful for it. When i was going to the United State Senate a really great hero of mine named bill bradley said to me, i will give you a piece of it i speak take my advice. When you get there, your new guy, ask every single report and senator out to dinner or to come to their office and talk human being too human being. I went on that odyssey on the best things are done as a senator and i want to tell you right now i feel victorious because you can settle on restaurant with ted cruz im a vegan and hes from texas. [laughter] i will never forget he and i were talking through the whole dinner because people would pass by us and be so shocked to see us sharing a meal i emitted a word this is my trademark called try to take a picture without being noticed. [laughter] to your question ive done so much done across the aisle. Two weeks ago there was a crisis of lead in the work ive passed a bipartisan bill to free up millions of dollars, not just for my city but states all across country and we got it done. I agree there will be wind sucked out of the sales because theres time in washington and cycles so the short answer is yes but do not underestimate the ability for us to get things done in washington when we start to build relationships to get things done. The challenge we have in the beginning of the question is one that frustrates me all the time i think that we all agree on and im president i can announce to the country i will do things that 75 of americans agree on, prescription drug, everyone understands you need to use to medicate i could go to the things that any president s there would have a mandate to do to rally this country together. Its not a distraction but a constitutional crisis. We need to deal with it but my hope and belief in this country is that we are also fed up with partisanship the next president will have a mandate to pull this country together to do the real things. [applause] we have a student who has a microphone and if you would just wait for the young lady here and could you identify yourself who you are. Mark from arp. Welcome to politics and eggs. Weve been waiting months for you to be here. My name is mark and im fortunate to be the volunteer resident of aarp and in New Hampshire we have over 500,000 people who are 50 or over and 225 thousand of these people are cardcarrying aarp members. Right now members are concerned with the rising price of medication. To the point that in 2017, 22 of New Hampshire residents stopped taking their prescription drugs because of the cost. Our question is if you are elected president what will you do that first day to bring drug prices down the mac. Thinking. This is a crisis in our entire country and from my number had i watched people ration [inaudible] kids can inboard inhalers because its so expensive because as my tax our Emergency Rooms for our whole Healthcare System at backwards fashion to drive up costs even more to drive down human wellbeing. The most Expensive Health care system on the planet and we get the worst results because of the perverse incentives like this. My actions on the biggest painful point that america is first and foremost i love markets but for the government being the biggest buyer of prescription drugs not to use that leverage to negotiate down prices seems to be malpractice and morally wrong so i will do that and not be there but i know the majority of americans believe we should join the world of developed nations like germany and other countries that have a simple rule in the country and you cannot charge more for prescription drugs in our country then you charge in your nation. If you do there are consequences for that. People should have their patents taken away if they do those things and that will drive prices. The third thing theres a lot of other things we do to begin to attack this problem and it has everything to do with how we use our research dollars. We get billed twice for this we do the science and research to design the drug and then taken by private industry we get no benefit from those investment. Im a farm estate. I know this does not have to go on if they do the lead and research. I want to be one that double down because of cost alone just my dance meds alone for parkinsons dementia could cripple our economy if we dont start doubling down on research and there should be a fair pricing to make sure that the fruits of that research are available for everybody. [applause] thinking, senator booker. Im here with the Oldtimers Association and so i appreciate your callout on that. 5. 8 million americans have alzheimers disease and their families often support them and lose workdays and lose income as a result of having to care for, in your case, your parents with dementia related to these. What would you do if your president to solve this crisis . This is something i always get frustrated when i talk about empathy. This is the case where i got woken up as a policymaker. Watching my mom and what she went through to take care of my dad. He was often a danger to himself into her and he would disappear and we would literally in las vegas where my mom lived shut down a casino trying to find my dad. Ive been through this. Its a painful, long journey and for things i noticed about my mother who had Financial Resources it rained through a lot of it. I watch my mother i did not realize the physical toll it took on the caregiver and watched her health costs and i wrote legislation as a senator now part of my policy has to deal with this issue. Heres a few things we will do. Number one, im changing [inaudible] this is crazy someone who stays home to take care of a special needs child is not valued as work in this country and they are making immeasurable economic impact. I will double the earned income tax credit. Its an idea that comes from both sides of the political aisle and such poverty by a third in this country and give one of the 50 million americans a wage increase but im going to now make eligible aarp should not stop itc at 65 or anybody working anywhere to be qualified with students that are here, college kids dont qualify and also people who are taking care of somebody at home will qualify for that as well. Or than that, and to the medicare which now has a bias towards putting people in institutions of taking care of them at home with a lot of changes in that and a lot of things ill give you one more thats really important. I dont like the fact that we make americans go bankrupt and burn to their entire life savings in order to qualify for medicaid. Just cruel. We will make sure that the caps on earned income in the caps on savings are changed as well but this is something i thought a lot about an individual policy and hope folks will go to cory booker. Com to learn more about it but if you stumble about 3 on the website as well i will be upset. I will not be upset. [laughter] we will go way in the back here while the mic is going if i could ask you a quick question with some of your colleagues in the senate and senators that are running for president talked about abolishing the filibuster and they are so frustrated that so little is being done in the United States senate and maybe its time to change the rules. Your thoughts on whether we should change the rules . When i played football we do not have the option of changing rules and we had to work harder, get better and get stronger. Im one of these people but the filibuster is not a picture of our constitution. Its not as old as people think it is but i do honor that tradition and where there is no full buster with mitch mcconnell, paul ryan and donald trump had two years they wouldve done things they wouldve announced, take your healthcare, take where a womans right to make her own medical decisions portable communities like that would suffer and having a senator in the minority i want the filibuster is protected vulnerable communities for a long time for not taking anything off the table but it will fill you there something wrong with it now in america that we cannot figure out a way im very creative and i had to do this for my city to make us understand that if we do not start doing big things quickly together we are losing pace. It may not affect those in the room today and our businesses and resources we leave to the next generation but in terms of 25 years and 50 years this country will decline massively and when it comes to Climate Change if we cant lead on this issue you dont see the scary things i see. I go to anchors and reclassified reports and they see this as an existential National Security crisis that 50 years from now but when im the age of the current president 25 years from now they see what the kind of famine and crises and Fertile Ground for people to want to exploit and get people into extremism so on big things we need better salespeople and the presidency to galvanize the majority of those people were standing on the wrong side of history must pay the price for that the hardnosed rock them sock them football that i will play from the presidency seat. Thank you. [applause] [inaudible] what we do to prevent and respond to children who have experienced trauma . You are lucky theres multiple tables between us because i would hug you for that question. I dont understand again im a data person and why we dont talk about things with so many challenges today. Not dealing with trauma is one reason why we certainly have a criminal Justice System the things we had to deal with presence and not dealing with trauma deals [inaudible] a lot of people in this room know this and a personal intimate way and they themselves are survivors of childhood trauma. Living in the Community Like i do you see traumatic events from the shootings that are in my community to people that are evicted from their homes and are homeless. I think a lot about this. My best partners and shes not in the senate, heidi hiking up we talk about the fact that your generational trauma still playing out. Again, im a person that when i was the mayor i was asking whos doing something about this but again i talk about this but when my first conversation with a republican senator we do not go to dinner but i sat in his office for over an hour was telling him about childhood trauma and i said did you know youre a fiscal conservative and im the only person in the senate the ran something that cut their government 25 to have a limitation with two guys were fiscally responsible but when the best government dollars you can invest in something called nurse family partnerships which is an atrisk mom who might be struggling financially having a nurse come home does not have to be a registered nurse to talk to them about strategies and the like. Its an amazing terms to see the emergency room go down track dramatically and the Police Reactions go down dramatically. Theres a guy here in new england, a governor, who ran for president who did this and cut abuse and neglect rates by 50 . What im saying to everyone in this country the problem with this issue is that impotency of empathy. We do not understand how this affects us and how trauma anywhere hurts our society and that there are Balance Sheets ways that would benefit us all to tackle, not just mentioned helping children of, or deal with, it unlocks tremendous pentup potential in this country. Know that if im in the white house having lived for 20 years in a portable community i have seen the my own experience, not just intellectual education but i feel a burning passion to address these issues and i feel like i can address them in a way i did as mayor. He went to aei, thing takes on the other side of the aisle and the Balance Sheet conversations about whats in our best economic interests was able to get momentum unbilled legislation to address issues so i will stand up to fight for every child in america because i know its from the economy of energy that if i only have a certain amount of energy but i get the best return on my energy when i focus on children. Today just so you know or this week were releasing a very big policy on children at risk and im very excited to have more detail. Please, go to my website. [applause] time for one final question. [inaudible] im representative [inaudible] from nashua and im proud to stand here as a brown Indian American firstgeneration serving my fourth term in the state legislation and also [applause] and also bring attention to one of the secondlargest religious groups is hinduism. That is my faith. My question is you are such a uniter and you talk about inclusion that rings true to my heart so how should i the day i feel that i need to shed my skin and i need to shed my state and i need to shed my heritage in order to be included in the Current Society we are in. How can you address people who look like me and who follow my face and who are [inaudible] to serve our community here . What is your answer . This is an auspicious week for us, the festival of [inaudible] which is a focus of peace, prosperity and coming together, the celebration. Thank you. Its an important question for us right now at this moment in our society. I love doing my studies on hindus and im a strange christian who is taking time to study other faiths in every major fate has is ideal that hinduism embodies this idea of multiple Infinite Possibilities when you bring people together. And christianity has a credible things about judaism and one of the songs sung during the high holidays of judaism has [inaudible] in my house the house of prayer for many nations in the ideals of our faith in the faith traditions of america [inaudible] preach these things but the point im making is the onus should not be on someone who often faces dissemination, a woman, lgbtq american should be the one to push the bounds of understanding especially on the rest of us. In the beginning of this campaign these are absurd questions do you think donald trump is a racist . Unlike god bless america. [laughter] come on, the question is not is somebody or is somebody not a racist but the most important question is does racism exist and if the answer is yes then comes to the real question if it exists in what are you or are you not doing something about it and so all of us have to be compelled to address injustice and not to look at the rest of the world and say what are you doing when i promise you everybody in this room can do more for our country and we are doing now and the last example before i had the microphone over god inspires in my life every day to show me i can do better and a little while ago i was driving home to my house in newark and i live in a community and i dont know if you have all these things in New Hampshire but the box is one of these things called mcdonalds and as i drive home the guy who drives me around has been in my car forever and unite we look in the Rearview Mirror and he looks at me as we drive past the mcdonalds and he knows the signs all i do is hang my head in shame and goes into the mcdonalds but i dont get out to go in because im a vegan for crying out loud so i go through the drive through in order for tries they are not 20 vegan but burger kings are but i order the most incredible substance in the world to large mcdonalds french fries and i believe the legalization of marijuana of the federal level we should schedule mcdonalds franchise because they are so damn addictive and they have hand me the fries and i have these two fries and a beer holding them like im from lord of the rings, my precious, all i want to do is go home, unbuckle my belt, sit on my couch and watch really bad tv and eat my french fries of my two buddies, ben and jerry. [laughter] and so, i get my fries and pay the person and have my hat low and we drive out and theres a guy there who has got his head in the dumpster and i tell kevin, hes a detective newark, grew up in the projects and came back and i said kevin, stopping he knew it before even had to stop. Sir, can i do something for you and he says im hungry. At that point moral crisis. In my religion it says something and i think jesus said Something Like if you have two mcdonalds french fries and her neighbor has none then you will get one. Maybe it was the sermon on the mick mount. [laughter] i know what i have to do and im not happy about it but i roll down the window and grabbed my fries and hand them to the guy night feel the sense of satisfaction that i overcame this moral trial. Hes looking happy i feel better about myself that he looks distressed. He says thank you so much. Do you have to have any socks . I worked in homeless filters and these are prized possessions are there out in the elements and challenges with their feet. I did this look around and i said i dont have socks. He looked disappointed and i felt bad because i knew he was suffering before i could say any thing else i thought kevin was going to drive but put the car in park, reaches between his legs pulls off issues, takes off his socks and hand them through the window. Im three blocks from my home and im embarrassed to make this but dont tell mom but i have socks that she gave me for christmas i had not even opened yet but i did not have that more greatest empathy that i preach about from the pulpit when this moment to show patriotism and love of another. Nothing will change in this culture and the society and country unless we do. We cant be people at the back and say curse the darkness or point fingers at this republican or democrat if we do not become exemplars of the values in which we want to see in this world. If we want more hope, be more hopeful and if you want less heat, be more loving. Washington has not changed this culture and has not made this culture but we have responsibility for it. We are this incredible nation that has professed to the world that in this democracy the power of the people is always greater than the people in power for the most common way we give up our power is not realizing we have it in the first place. This moral moment in america please, everyone, this is the time that we need the best of us and we will be called to storm beaches of normandy or the freedom rides knowing our buses will be bombs but what more can we do in this moral moment for the cause of our country . If we show that level of patriotism and love i promise you our tomorrows will be better than art yesterday. I promise you we will reoffend and be the light unto all nations of goodness, decency and wellbeing and i promise you as i say everyday in my campaign if we do that we will rise. Take you. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] nice to meet you. Nice to meet you as well. So good to see you, man. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]. [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] thank you so much for coming here. You are an amazing speaker. [inaudible conversation] you know amazing. [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation]

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