[inaudible conversations] booktv visit capitol hill and asked republican congressman gary palmer of alabama about his reading list. Well, over the last year or so ive read several books. The american spirit, by david mccullough. Friends divided by gord wood. Got a little bit on a history thing there. A time for truth by ginnis. If you can keep it, by eric met taxis. David and goliath by malcolm gladwell. And i read the power behind the life by Richmond Simmons and the Little Things by andry an ash didnt diandrews. And theres andy andrews. Theres another one0 or nine of them. Thats ill think of in a minute. How do you select the books you read . It varies. Im big on biographies and history. The people that smart people learn from their mistakes but brilliant people learn from other peoples mistakes and thats why you should read history and biographies, because you have the opportunity to learn not only what went right and not necessarily a bun of dates and names and facts buzz experience. And its just in my opinion just as important, maybe more important to learn what went wrong. You learn from other peoples mistakes. Where do you like to read . Wherever i can. I like on vacation im not much of a beach guy, so i take a bagful of books and i go through them pretty quick, but i read on the plane, just anytime i can get a find a quiet place and maybe have a cup of hot tea and just sit back and read. I take notes. I keep a little journal to take notes on the books that im reading. The other book that i there are two other books i didnt mention. Was campus battlefield by charlie perk, and doctor the house by representative michael burgess. One of my colleagues. But im trying to do is draw from, like i said, from other peoples experiences and their insights, which helps me navigate the issues i deal with. The book is called the deep state 15 surprising dangers you should know. Craig huey is the author. How do you define deep state. Guest the deep state is not what most people consider the government and government bureaucrats. It is greater than that. The deep state, many say there is no deep state. I believe there is and historically we find from the