Anything of active democratic voting and significant raining. This event marks the 12th installment of bob and Elizabeth Dole series on leadership. Some of us now the purpose of this leadership is to call on leaders of national politics, arts and education to grapple with what are the characteristics that allow some people to enable true leadership and to struggle to overcome the obstacles, diverse interests that are part of the dynamic and true democracy, and the first Year Anniversary with 3 legislators who live this question every single day. We are proud to name the series in honor of extraordinary service, the true partisans of the truest sense of overlong careers have real adversity and showing confidence in and creativity to dignify differences and build coalitions and make the country a better place. When senator dole joins senator baker there were a few ideas about a little context for today. And met a partisan, actually recognize the story of the country is not 200 years of cohesion but the good fight. The essence of bipartisanship is creating the resiliency that allows it to have consistent policy going forward. The second idea we talked about in the green room is they wanted to make sure they were in the arena. Having a lot of smart people in print and through some hubris imagine the world is going to give a damn. We try to combine advocacy with aggressive analysis and have a team of lobbyists with staff on a daily basis and talk about the conclusions of policy projects. And finally they helped us appreciate the fact the vast majority of Public Service grappling with bad incentives. Thinking about how we can find ways to help you overcome those challenges and get stuff done. With that entry, i should say a few words about legislators to my left. Going to the end, Chrissy Houlahan from pennsylvania sixth district in West Philadelphia serving on the Armed ServicesForeign Affairs business committee, spent 3 years in the air force on active duty as military engineer working on air and Space Defense technology and in the air force reserves an air force captain and served as chief operating officer of several companies, talking about the challenges broadly facing the desire to have a competitive Capital Society that benefits that are shared broadly so we will hopefully touch on that. Elissa slotkin from the northern detroit suburb, the Armed ServicesHomeland Security committees, Elissa Slotkin pursued a Career National Service following the 9 11 terrorist attacks, recruited by the cia, in the military experts, also between overseas experiences served in the office of intelligence and acting assistant secretary of Security Affairs and to my immediate left, representative Abigail Spanberger from the flood zone, virginia seventh west of richmond serving on Foreign Affairs and Agriculture Committee, Us Postal Inspection Service in moneylaundering cases and 6 years in the cia. The case officer also worked in the private sector helping colleges and universities increase graduation rates, something we are focused on a great deal. Those who have teenage daughters, badass woman was being played. Megan trainer song. Force of nature you cant ignore, i am the best, dont underestimate me because im the one in charge. With that predicate i will try to moderate this panel. A couple questions collectively and a few focusing on your individual is late of legislative accomplishments. When did that get started and it is fun . What point of view was it . I think it came at a serendipitous occasion when several of us were out on a Fundraising Campaign trail and we ran into each other almost exactly at the same time and same place in california and we were going to be having back to back events largely with the same group of people and we realized this was not optimal land we should do something that was innovative and all our teams discourage us to do which was join forces and have one event for all of us, not only for the 3 of us who were there but we invited two other women also in the area at the same time and created the first opportunity and realized the power of that event we were able to share our motivational stories and the passions we had and it was more powerful with more of us. We discovered this opportunity on the campaign trail together, we translated that into the work we do on the house floor and we continue to be 5 badasses and abigail from virginia and polite. I am from philly. I can use those terms so that is the inception of the idea. I will just add i think the idea of people who serve the running for congress to continue service to their country was a strong powerful message in the last elections. There is commonality among people who served run pretty deep. This makes sense but we enjoy each other and we got offices as close together as we can in the lottery system and we spent a lot of time together. If someone had a bad day is it fine to go out tonight . Do we need the rally . As often happens in womens organizations, having a close working relationship, it makes it a pleasure beyond the normal fundraising gig. If i might add before all of the things they are talking about there is an element we have all experienced on the campaign trail when you talk about your background and somebody comes up to you and says you are kind of a badass. With a little excitement and interest. Our backgrounds seem really unique outside tv shows and in prior careers, it is new for a lot i am polite virginian, not so much. But there was an element that it came naturally because this is the reaction people were having to us so it became one of the things people were saying and said fine. It seems important, democracy is a team sport. Politics is fundamentally about creating connections with people and having that level of trust. When we talk about partisan schisms we recognize over the years democrats and republicans dont the republicans, the anonymity of constant fundraising and air travel has deteriorated the quality of collaboration. Do you have a sense the spirit of your club is something other people aspire to . Something they could join . We had a person ask to join connor who came in on a special election, wasnt part of the original, and the guys. Five women and they came in this class and served as background and connor lamb, he had a the g9 plus connor so they definitely have expanded the group but it is important to expand and say this is a model of how we should be behaving with one another and wasnt just about service but the fact that if we are not trying to find commonalities we are doomed. I would just add we have an ongoing chain for the 10 of us. For the defense we knew connor was and when he asked to be at the tech chain. Congress is 435 entrepreneurs. Therefore the process of being a new freshman is getting to know all these different members and you got to sort out the workhorses from the show ponies. When you have a service backgrounds, i never have to question whether im with workhorses and if abigail says i have a great idea for a bill on Rural Broadband if abigail suggested i will always Read Everything but i will i am 99 sure i will get on it. If theres Something Else someone suggested you dont know what they are doing it for, or the hidden punchline and i dont know anyone in congress has a group that they know, these are my workforces that have similar overlapping interests and i trust them with my reputation, my voice the way we have. People are a little jealous. Can i add one last thing . We are diverse even though one of us comes from maine, one from california, one in the hispanic caucus, one from staten island. Has a big mouth on him. Even though we vote differently, we respect the other one has true intentions and to listen to their arguments about one vote or another. There is a challenge in the introduction to your question, politics is about finding solutions. Cant remember what you said but i was struck, people dont necessarily want to find solutions which is astounding and challenging for me to face and digest. I think with some of us who came to congress together with similar backgrounds we share some of that sentiment and so we are constantly seeking people who want to Cross Party Lines within our own caucus or on issues that may be of top priority to some of us and maybe not top of mind for others like broadband but another thing is we have been constantly trying to find a group of people, strong members of congress. We have been trying to meet people particularly on the other side of the aisle, 10 of us out there all the time saying who can we work with, bring to the table at a time there is not a lot of people who want to come to the table. It can be a scary place especially when you have a bipartisan death hug and political entry point which we are accused of. We bring Service Together and have a common history. You are also majority makers and the Democratic Caucus. Now kind of about it. In the Democratic Caucus i misspoke. Not only did you flip republican seats but seats that had been republican for a long time. Now 50, almost 20, over 160 years in Chester County elected a democrat. [applause] in Chester County, that is placing a tremendous amount of strain, the Republican Party is having the same internal challenge and the Democratic Party, how are you finding the challenge of being part of a party system, great distinctions between where you are and where the president is but also having a constituency that is not aligned with the dominant energy, show horse energy, Twitter Energy the only reason we became representatives of the district is because we are independently minded people. We also had stomach to say no to people even when they say everyone is doing this. Okay, it is not thirdgrade. If you are not independently minded and not looking to appeal to a broad base of people you are not going to win in these district. You can run but you are not going to win. I always tell people who come to lobby me on this or that or the other whether it is a union or a big company or whatever i say i am in a really independently minded district. Im going to be the person who reads every single bill. I can just check the box when the Democratic Party says this is the bill, the we are signing onto. I cant sign onto everything bipartisan even though i want to. You have to have your own mind of these things and it is amazing how many members of congress walk onto the floor on both parties and look at how the leader of their party and senior people in their party, we are yes. We do not, i do not think any of us do that and have the luxury of doing that. At the very end, why are you doing this . Just to make sure youre making good decisions especially at the National Defense authorization act, we have all these amendments coming through in a variety of perspectives, this is why i think i am a yes. Why are you now . Is great to challenge yourself and im not sure where the party is on it. The benefit, and trying to please a broad swath of people. We also have the challenge of understanding a broad swath of people. There are a lot of people who didnt vote for me. It is a responsibility that in order to continue serving all my constituents i have to be in tune with people across the perspective and the spectrum. Seats like ours are the seats that can truly be examples for how you lead in a divided nation. How you bring people back together. If i have people come to me at an event and say i didnt vote for you but, and they Say Something they are pleased with, that is the First Step Towards getting away from this team sport notion of politics where it is win or lose in a 0sum game because that doesnt serve our district, particularly district like ours and doesnt service country. We have the pleasure of working with Olympia Snowe who helped me realize independent thought takes time, you have to be able to read legislation, one of the things we are aware of is a lot of men, not a ton of time to sit back and close the door and bring in policy experts. Talk about how you are managing your time. How do you make time to bring independent thought and how could the process take down . I am on 3 committees and sometimes they will meet all three at the same time. Im asked to gavel in to that. You are there for 5 minutes of fame and 5 minutes of questions but when we look at cspan, we are somewhere doing Something Else. Educating yourself on things, sitting in the committee and hearing what people are asking and talking about. One way we have innovated is there is a great group, Congressional Research service that i will say problematically, i dont know enough about fill in the blank, can you help me by bringing those folks in and we will share, you do the same with ours, we are bringing in somebody who is an expert on this were talking about that, would you like to join us. We are trying to collaborate on how we are learning to make sure we are getting ourselves up to speed but it is an enormously broken process. In addition to being in three committee hearings, you can inevitably be asked to be fundraising at the same time. It is a broken system. Helping the select committee, it feels like as metaphor that would be a place to start to provide resources to do what you are describing. Any optimism . Any particular ideas . Can i bring one up . I got the chance to testify on modernization in congress and i was incredible he frustrated about this issue schedule. It just feels asinine that we yesterday had a classified briefing for the entire house, the entire congress. At the same time, we were literally supposed to 435 of us, two places at the same thing. We do block scheduling in high school. We rotate a different classes, and sports opportunities and things at the same time every day. Why we cannot figure out how to manage schedules like that blows my mind. I would like you to help us on that. I tell people back home and they are shocked because they should be that votes are called about the same schedule as the verizon cable guy. In 2019, from 10 00 to 4 00, it throws off the schedule. And the one big accomplishment, 290 members of congress sign onto a bill, regardless where it is in the Committee Process which is another ball of wax it will go to the floor. It is a really important one which is the 911 Compensation Fund which was about to run out and a whole lot of First Responders dealing with Serious Health issues. We worked in a bipartisan fashion to hit 290 and force it to before, another couple bill doing that. That to me is the single most important accomplishment because the Committee Structure is political, on its own schedule, this forces it if you do the work. I would add one more piece. The procedural vote to recommit are the weapon if you will of the Minority Party and what you end up doing is you vote on a big piece of legislation. Whatever party is in the minority will put forth a motion to recommit votes, something truly controversial, mostly people making thoughtful decisions about pieces of legislation, to vote with the party to do so. Are the ones who are with the minority and vice versa but they serve no purpose but the interesting thing, later used for attack ads. The really interesting thing is they are one of the most Interesting Times and you just voted in the motion to recommit gets put forward. Then there is debate and almost every member of congress is on the floor because we just voted. The motion to recommit comes up, you dont go anywhere, you have hundreds of people on the floor engaged together on what they are debating. Wouldnt it be a beautiful thing if you are actually sitting there, almost on a bit of congress watching them to debate the bill you are actually going to vote on as opposed to this vote that is kind of a concocted version of something that will be used, both parties are guilty of using it. That is another reason there is less impetus to get rid of it. But if we could move to a place everybody agrees in 2025, no motion to recommit and we think we will be in the majority and they think they will be in the majority and you do Something Like a quorum call and it is 20 minutes of debate based on the vote. It would be the way congress is supposed to work. A little bit of a policy issue and open up for more conversation. Looking at what to ask and it was challenging because you asked a lot of stuff. And prescription drugs, spent a lot of time thinking of this issue that seems to be a moment you can see both parties feel compelled to move forward. You introduced the realtime benefits act but why that is do we have potential . It is on my mind because i cant get through the Grocery Store without somebody pulling me over and saying i cant afford it. When you meet people who tell you that their nephew is rationing their insulin or their daughter cant get because they cant afford four inhalers she is required to have it is pretty raw in my district and compounded by the fact im from michigan so we have a border with canada. We know what we could be paying on prescription drugs. I focus on it. A situation, people in the district are paying more on prescription drugs than on their mortgage. I am passionate about it. It is likely an area where democrats, republicans, there is overlap and that is very important and it is why there is the possibility for bipartisan legislation, people need to do more than talk about it. It is a great little talking point and they need to turn it into legislation. I would like to see the president do what he said he was going to do. Allow medicare to negotiate in bulk for prices, period. He said it. It was such a great thing. There is legislation in the house. He has to use it with Senate Republicans so we can get that done. It would be revolutionary. I am passionate about it because it is coming directly from the bone in my district and because i think despite everything there, the average member of congress, democrat or republican knows this issue is out of whack and there is political will to do something. I want to ask you, one of those ideas, telemedicine, basic equity, he would need it we did with electrification. Why cant we get that to move . Why is it so hard . How much time do you have . 3 or 4 minutes. I am on the Agriculture Committee and our subcommittee had a hearing on this today and we had a doctor in town from georgia who is a specialist in Stroke Research and he as a physician conduct a lot of consultations with rural hospitals via telemedicine capability and he was telling a number of really tremendous impactful stories and my question to him during the hearing was in my district, ten counties, 7 of them were rural, 7 had substantial access issues to Broadband Internet and the other three are pretty much fine. I live in the suburbs, i had Broadband Internet access from the Time Internet existed, in my portion of the district. I go to my suburban communities, do you know 20 minutes down the road they cant get connected . You have kids going to mcdonalds to do their homework, farmers going to friends houses to do their invoices and the business of running their business because they cant do it from their place of business. In talking to him my question was why do we make this conversation bigger and stronger . Im talking about it and when i talk about it in my district in the suburban areas people will react and say i had no idea because why would they. They are not impacted. What sort of groups need to engage . Does it need to be the chamber of commerce recognizing Economic Impact of being able to attract more businesses . Doesnt need to be veterans groups . When you have veterans who want to retire someplace but need to be able to receive telemedicine consultations from the va, school groups, churches, religious organizations, the problem is it impacts people who by virtue of the fact that they have a farm in central virginia, cows are milked, and getting kids to school and living their life but not joining together to lobby and make sure voices are heard. By virtue who is impacted that is one of the reasons we dont see a real shift. We have done a lot. It is really truly bipartisan issue. We havent found a firm bipartisan solution but theres a real recognition that this is impacting our communities. I had an amendment two weeks ago that would increase funding to a Popular Program by 55 million which only represented a 10 increase but last year the applications for every 3 requested only one dollar available. If anything connects in Forward Movement direction is good but we had over 400 people support that amendment. We did a recorded vote on the floor. It is an issue that when given the opportunity to engage people recognize it is a strong strong issue but i think back to my committee hearing, how do we continue to beat that drum and get people to care about it anyway government is willing to say this is an issue of infrastructure, changing the trajectory our country is on and just like electrification in the 30s if we dont make a change, whole communities are decades behind. I want to ask an unfair question, building the conversation, half of eligible voters are expressing a preference for socialism over capitalism, a couple democratic president ial candidates were booed for expressing their view that capitalism was a vital approach to entrepreneurship and social betterment. You have some history with this set of questions focused on the issue. How do you hear that . How do you think about what we should be doing of the country to make sure the benefits of that kind of entrepreneurial possibility are shared more broadly and are you worried about what happened . To give everybody a background, part of my entrepreneurial journey is to be one of the cofounders and chief operating officer of an organization, this is a response to having run an organization that is a beautiful company, a basketball, apparel and Footwear Company and we try not to make a lot of cool basketball shoes and clothes and make money but we tried to do well by our community, by the environment as well and when we sold that organization the gentleman who purchased it didnt think those things were important so he destroyed the culture and the company at the same time. The concept is something i am passionate about and you heard it in the speeches of some of our candidates in terms of mandating this. I dont currently believe forprofit economy should be mandated to do good and well but is incentivized by current millennial population to do the right thing for customers, customers care where they are buying things from. We are incentivized by investors. Investors care, the company are working and is not making cool products but thinking how you are treating employees. Investors care. Employees care. They want to work, at the same time. It is the for Profit Sector of the economy. The government or nonProfit Sector, we have to harness capitalism for good. We are heading in the right direction. I am frustrated to hear them alignment of capitalism because it is a force for good. We are not seeing each other in conversations when people talk about the power of socialism to understand we are making a difference in how we are treating the largest part of our economy so to that end one thing we dont hear a lot about is the twittersphere, really large group of people who are part of the coalition in the new Dem Coalition are 103 strong caucus of democrats who caucus over probusiness, proopportunity, proplanet, propeople ideas, where the largest ideological caucus in Congress Nobody has ever heard of and it is important we heard you. Glad you heard of us and 40 of the new freshman are part of that caucus. We are trying to make sure like broadband that people hear this message, they hear important it is to make sure we are taking care of our businesses because they are the heartbeat of the economy. To that end that is why i am one of the freshmen leaders and why i serve on the Small Business subcommittee as part of the covenant of committees im on because i think we have a lot of work to do to be better businesses but we are heading in the right direction. I know people want to ask questions and you have events where people are giving you money which we are not. I am sure you will want to stay a while longer and if you grab a mic and let us know who you are he will run back. Every year we conduct the annual military lifestyle study and one of the glaring results from that is the Unemployment Rate for military spouses, 24 30 compared with the Unemployment Rate a specific challenge so i wonder what your thoughts are, how we can partner together in nonprofits to solve that problem. I feel passionate about this, i have a stepdaughter, i think about this one quite a bit and if i hadnt run for office, to harness the power of military spouses in a for profit venture because it is hugely underutilized, extremely well disciplined, because circumstances left out of their potential. The big thing, i wish it would sweep the country is reciprocity for spouses, military spouses when they move florida to michigan to pennsylvania to wherever so you dont have to get your teaching certificate all over again. I honestly think that we dont have a huge activeduty military presence, we have a ton of reservists] would be a simple, logical, concrete step. It is great, it could sweep the country and do so much good immediately. I am thirdgeneration military, my dad was activeduty, my grandfather for 30 years and my grandmother and mom were military navy wide for the better part of 30 years, that was their career at a time when there was no opportunity for them to move every single year and they asked be the trailing spouse to be part of the activeduty members career trajectory so my mom, the smartest person in my family, the year i graduated high school finished up the graduate degree she had been working on through my childhood so something im trying to do in congress, we started the Service Women and Women Veterans caucus, 51 strong and bipartisan. You dont have to be a woman or democrat or on the Armed Services committee to be part of it but we are caucusing unusual of women of service and i count spouses on it, 20 of us are activeduty, veterans, 70 or 80 of spouses are women as well. Making sure were taking care of military families is important so we are focusing on issues alyssa talked about but also making sure we have the opportunity of continuity and education so you dont end up dragging around your credit as well. My mom had to piece together a masters degree in the process. It is an important issue. This is not a shy crowd. My name is Kathleen Kennedy townsend and im thrilled to hear from each of you and what you brought to congress. It is really terrific to hear from you. I am working on the issue of Retirement Security. I want to ask you to think about this issue. 50 of americans have nothing save the for retirement and that is because 50 of all businesses in the United States dont have a retirement plan. Weve done a survey on Bipartisan Centers, we have done a survey that says if you give 4000 americans, 70 of republicans and 70 democrats and 86 of millennials like this plan i will tell it to you briefly and you can go back to congress and introduce it. If you say there is no retirement plan, 1. 5 , they get to decide 3 invested in state street and they get a monthly paycheck for the rest of their life. That gives them affordability. Right now people change jobs all the time. All the retirement is attached to their jobs so we need a new system, a Retirement Security that is attached to the business that goes with the individual wherever they go. The Bipartisan Center has their own plan. There are lots it is particularly important because they change jobs all the time. The idea of a portable retirement is right for the new 21stcentury. Not only for women but millennials. 60 of millennials. They dont stay jobs for a long time. The savings plan, i had it and moved to to the pentagon and it moved with me to the pentagon and i reopened it again under congress so the same concept is superinteresting and i would love to talk to you about it. A question up front. Thank you for being here. I was just wondering as a College Woman interested in politics you were an inspiration to me, how you keep fighting and keep going. I have three girls, 27, 26, 25, my advice is life is really longer. Do what you are passionate about, use the skills you have the best way you can at the time you are there, dont feel like anyone decision is the end all be all for where you will be the rest of your life. Im 52, had four different careers. When you look backwards connect and make sense. When you were looking forward, makes no sense was nothing was a permanent choice. If you choose something that is not the right one use whatever you learn and do Something Else with it. There is too much pressure on you to figure out the right college, the right major, the right first job, the right grad school. You are going to find it. I wish you had been my mother. Dont tell my mother. I hope you are watching cspan 3. Everything christie says. I have three girls as well and i think back at the career i had so far where i made a number of changes. If you had told me ten years ago that i would have left cia, my dream job, to move home, because it struck me as a great idea to bring kids back to my inlaws and parents, become a girl scout leader and live in the suburbs. I would have thought you were crazy, but there became a point in my life when that was the right choice for me and i did that and worked in the private sector and for a time it was really right and then things changed around me and i felt compelled to be part of something beyond myself, something i believed in deeply and that made me run for congress so again, i was thinking would i do this or this . None of it makes sense but looking back, it makes perfect sense. My advice would be do what you are passionate about, do what can help you contribute in whatever way you think is valuable but recognize there are different ways to commute tribute contribute your community, causes you think are important, not to speak for everyone but one thing i hear a lot from people, particularly women, will be i would love to do Something Like you are doing but i could never run for office. Frequently i say but you dont have to. You dont have to. There are 100 different ways to contribute meaningfully to politics if that is what is important to you. You can be supportive of candidates, you can write postcards, you can dive deep into policy and advocate within your community, get a job working on capitol hill. There are 100 different ways you can be part of what you think is important. It doesnt have to be the most obvious choice. You get to design the success, you get to choose it and create it for yourself and frequently you will hear people tell you all the things you should be doing but at the end of the day if you have greater faith in yourself and your choices you will create a path for yourself that will be there in the right direction and allow you to be the strongest, best person that contribute to the way most meaningful to you and to the larger community. Those were very inspirational things. I will therefore bring up the rear with something more mundane. I think that most people especially most women actually know in their way and all the reasons i shouldnt do that or it is too hard or doesnt project the right image and so i literally think Luke Skywalker in star wars where you have to control your mind to lift the big ship out of the swamp, i think do a yoda impression any second. Part of success is being able to control your mind and quiet your mind. And listen to those gut instincts and not let the screaming voices in your head dominate your decision. I have seen, i was assistant secretary of the pentagon, we had a large office and i would, on the gender issues, i would do career consultation. Career helps for people who want to talk about where they are going in their career. I have action officers, one male, one female. Almost the exact same job sitting next to each other, same resume. The man would come into my office and he would be like i have been on the job for a couple years, i think i have mastered it, im ready for my first level of leadership, i think im really good at plotting why it is the and i want to talk about that. The woman would come in, same background, ive been on the job to a half years, i am not sure i have mastered it, not sure i am ready for leadership, not sure, i am not sure. It was like amazing to me. Jedi mind trick, control your own mind, quiet the voices, do your job. We are going to stop on that. [applause] there have been few conversations as clearly reminds me why we wanted to create a partisan policy center and why we wanted to name a series about Elizabeth Dole and a three of you are doing democracy and it is beautiful to watch and hope we can support you going forward. Thank you so much. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] here is a look at our primetime schedule on the cspan networks. Starting at 8 00 pm eastern on cspan, the Senate Aging Committee holds a hearing on combating robo call fraud. On cspan2, booktv with authors who have spoken at recent book fairs and festivals and on cspan3 American History tv with programs on world war ii and food rationing. Saturday on booktv at 10 00 am eastern, live coverage from the mississippi book festival featuring arthur talks on American History with author eric j dolan, the civil war with historian jacqueline hall. Race and civil rights with professor dave tell. True crime with father casey set and world war ii with historian alex kershaw. At 9 00 eastern afterwords with journalist natalie wexler, author of the knowledge gap. One reason kids score low on those tests is they dont have the background knowledge to understand the reading passages in the first place. It isnt that they cant make an inference. They make inferences all the time. Even toddlers can make an inference but that is not the problem so much as they lack the knowledge and vocabulary to understand the passage and that is a big problem that has been overlooked. Watch booktv every weekend on cspan2. Sunday at 9 am eastern a washington journal and American History tv live special call in program looking back at woodstock, this 1969 cultural and musical phenomena. Historian david farber, author of the age of great dreams, america in the 1960s joins us to take your call. Drugs matter but who take those jobs and why do they have the effect they did in the 60s in 70s . Something we are still wrestling with the scholars to understand. The technology of drugs. We have david and other people here who thought long and hard about this, is imperative in understanding not just the 60s but the production of history. What drugs we use at a given period have an incredible ability to change the direction of a given society. Call in to talk to david farber about the social movement of the 60s including up to woodstock and its legacy, woodstock, 50 years, sunday at 9 am eastern on cspans washington journal, also live on American History tv on cspan2