Good morning and welcome to hudson institute. In may 2019 Prime Minister modi led party what historic mandate and came back to power. In his second term he has a onceinalifetime opportunity to fulfill the ambitions and desires of a rising india. Indeed will be the most populous country by 2024. The media need around 28 years, rising aspirational middle class that seeks better governance, higher Economic Growth and a better vote for india around the globe. The path into chooses in the commenters will be important. India is open ability to build and consistently maintain a Democratic Political system, and geostrategic location at the heart of the indopacific has make india a natural partner for western democracies, especially the United States. Ever since the parliamentary elections there have been questions about what with the factors that led to mr. Modi is reelection, what were his governments and his plans for india, and what are the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. To discuss this with fortunate to have with us doctor Vinay Prabhakar sahasrabuddhe, social worker, political scientist and parliamentarian. Since january 2018 dr. Sahasrabuddhe is president of the indian council, the soft power promotion establishment of the government of india. He is also a member of parliament, of indias upper house since 2016. Dr. Sahasrabuddhe holds a masters degree in English Literature and a phd in political science. I will request dr. Sahasrabuddhe to come on stage and deliver his talk, after which we will have a brief discussion. Thank you. [applause] good morning to all of you, and thank you, aparna, and members of the im seeing some students as well who have taken time to listen to this presentation. Ladies and gentlemen, when i get the occasion of speaking to an erudite audience of this kind, im remembered of what my College Professors used to tell me. He was a mentor especially those [inaudible] and i was one of them. So he used to tell us that you have to prepare and continue speech free will. And those who would go and tell him we have done, he would often say that speeches are like babies. It is still difficult to deliver. But that was i understand that to present on the subject with very ununless its a far subject matter come in a very focused manner it is certainly not very easy but let me attempt. Prospects and challenges. Its not just the conceptual construct. Its an elemental truth on the one hand, you have ongoing process happening right since the times immemorial. Technology will change has been one of the fundamental in the case of human civilizations. However, in the concept of india, this constant interplay between and transformation has been an important feature of indias civilization and journey. Having said that, in the larger context, with reference to the last six years if i may precisely focus on that come indian truly, let me tell you, is on the part of taking a big turn. This turn has brought to the fore the aspirational new India Company emerging new india that grow so much rich past, moves dynamically through the present with its eyes firmly set on the future. This new india knows where it has to go. There is an uncharacteristic sense of being unapologetic about the objective with the unshakable confidence in what Mahatma Gandhi had famously said, the truth will prevail. And how exactly is this new emerging india . Let me share an experience of mine. When we were in the thick of the campaign and 2014 as a party, i use my tactic with many young friends. Very enthusiastic, very energetic, and one of them who was kind of working in our social Media Department once while sipping coffee asked me, sir, do you know what our generation is looking for . I was a bit taken aback by a very upfront question coming from him, a lad twentysomething. As if perhaps, my dear, because my son comes of age but please enlighten me. What exactly your generation is looking for. And he told me, sir, its very simple. We are looking for five, four, three, two, one. I was puzzled. I asked him, please tell me what does this mean he said are fundamental are very clear. We are looking for a five figure salary, four threebedroom hall kitchen, to my kids and one wife. The character with which he told me, without any hesitation, that we want this. Now someone may say this is very materialistic, very narrow, very skewed here i would say whatever it may be, it is a focus and this is the new emerging india. The new emerging aspirational india is very focused. It is truly aspirational, and it knows where it wants to go. And, therefore, to decipher, first of all, the magnet that is been secured by Prime Minister modi i believe becomes the first item on the agenda. In a way i have planned my presentation in five segments. Firstly, i focused on, i tried to explain as to how to decipher the historically huge mandate renewed five Prime Minister modi and what does this mandate mean . Secondly, what is the idea of new india . Thirdly, what are the prospects of the idea of new india . Fourthly, what are the basic challenges before the idea of new india . And lastly, how india should be looking at this new india to first understand the process themselves and later allow others to understand the same. So starting with understanding the meaning of the mandate. Let me tell you, friends, that the mandate is very, very real. Because maybe americans are not aware of the or perhaps aware of the strengths and limitations of the first system. What is the strong point . Its very easy to understand. It established system, your choices and the person who gets maximum number of votes gets elected. Regardless of the fact that you may end up with getting just 2 of votes with 78 against him and, therefore, and even then he goes around saying i am the most popular. In fact, he is the least unpopular, as it happens. And, therefore, in indian system to get 50 plus votes is a a bg deal. Let me tell you. At this time never before in the past the Ruling Party Members in such a big number,. [inaudible] leave aside the alliance partners, of this 303, tooth for a was a part of it were elected with 50 plus votes. That is the level. Undoubtedly this was a very, very strong mandate. Proves to be the against the politics of fragmentation which is inherent to the first system. Because in the first system the more you fragment your opponents, the higher your chances are getting elected. Here it is been the other way around. We tried to integrate which is why 224 members of the bjp were able to get more than 2 votes. Thirdly, the social expansion approved the performance of the bjp. Im talking with the quality of performance and so forth. In all the states of popular votes secured by bjp is more than 50 . Except of course in states were bjp was never present at all electorally, significantly, now the presence of bjp is very, very significant. Increase vote sharing im giving, according to study for the developing societies every now and think they can india. According to the over 8 muslims voted for the bjp. Vote share increased and all areas geographically speaking for example, in rural areas, the increased 6. 6 . In urban areas 2. 2 , perhaps to look in the premises we hold so closeddoor heart that engine bjp is perhaps no more. What is the meaning of the mandate . Let me first of all very humbly put it because people inhabit the same its modi magic. Its not magic. Its a hard earned mandate. It is an endorsement of the purity of purpose, the impact of contention and emphasis on partnership with the people. All these things have contributed to this historic mandate. Now, come to the idea of new india. In 2070 other after, Prime Minister tried to present this idea of the aegis in a realistic matter. Not in any confidence or any academic paper but yes, time and again he has referred to this idea what he could also be defined on the basis of certain features of this idea presented by him time to time elaborately. What are these features . First, free from garbage and unclean environment. You know about clean in the campaign, and everything . Free from poverty. For important. Free from corruption. Free from terrorism. Fifth, free from criminalism. And then there are four factors which are also need to mention. He has been because in indian it has been a fashion to call names to certain emerging trends and our discourse, and theres the whipping boys nationalism. Some people say nationalism, im trying to present that its a bad word. Well, it might be but when Prime Minister refers to nationalism he has been insisting it has to be nationalism with respect to which should be reflecting in your daily life. He has been saying that if youre breaking practice he has been saying that you are littering everywhere and say that this country is great. Sorry, it has a meaning. So his nationalism, is very crowded. It has some meaning for the transformations in day to day lives. Then development through peoples participation. This has been a key feature about which Prime Minister modi has been emphasizing a long, that development is not something which we can outsource to the good. He warns there will be coming a Popular Movement and everybody and anybody will have two parts as they about as to how he can contribute in national, how he or she can contribute and national development. And then the proclamation by him or emphasis even by him is earning confidence of all sections of the society. He has been saying development for all, and taking everybody along. And now he is added which is winning the confidence of every section of the society. And lastly, the cherished dream of the indian people which is one india, great indy. Because indias greatness depends on its oneness and, therefore, one india, great india is the long cherished dream. Now what are the prospects of this idea of new india . I believe, i mean, if we just look back and review the last five or more years under Prime Minister modi, the first thing which anybody dispassionately analyzing his performance would create an ease, that over the years Prime Minister modi has brought a robust sense of to the Governance Infrastructure. Which was a job perhaps expecting to be done right after the independent spirit because it was independence. We were on our own and, therefore, inflicting the spirit of let us do something good for our country, which is under our control now, unfortunately in those days people failed in calculating this. Prime minister modi is doing and current the backlog which as i said some 50 years old. Hes working painstakingly. Hes allowing a a rather facilitating people to aspire because he per spires. He works overtime. He asked over taking a vacation vacation, no holiday. And several new ideas that his instrument. For example, you must have heard about presently which is a platform where kind of accountability is underscored. Government officials are asked in person no less than the Prime Minister mr. X you are told this will be issued in 30 days. Today it is the 60th day. Why have you not done this . When monitoring happens, in this way i believe the robust sense of purpose economically restored to the Governance Infrastructure which was long overdue. His idea about the aspirational most backward of districts, he is the name because the idea is to make them aspire. In 2070 this takes over the country which was quite low on all the Human Development and now being brought on the agenda with top priority. At the same time hes been in locating the sense of ownership inculcating this is your country, this is your country. This is not just Prime Minister modis government. This is a cabal and, therefore, and, therefore, you must take ownership. That is again one idea which i believe through which hes kind of spinning the prospects of new india. Im sure you are aware that under Prime Minister modis firstterm, given constitutional status. The economically backward sanctions because the as a what is aware is there to stay. But it should not be part activity and it should not be kind of tool in the hands of those who want to further fragment society. How do we do that . Those were economically backward but their backwardness is keeping them at the low of the Human Development index. He introduced this quota. For example, in india we had 29 states and so Many Union Territories and governors are reported. For the first time in india there are as many as seven women governors, and they represent various sections of the society. There are backward class, minority, everything, everybody is represented there. Cisgender is also being taken care of. His emphasis on we know how the goods and services stacks has been omitted. There is a constant. Its its federalism which is in practice, and no meeting of the council has happened where the decisions are taken with show offense. All the decisions are done because of the fact that the First Political ideology of represent by the ministers of different states. Very remarkable. He has been talking about the entire group of chief ministers when they come together take forms is what he famously decides even ideological compartment to listen, he is trying to come about, write about. There is a museum which is been set up for all the Prime Ministers would be decorated, their contribution india, indian democracy will be documented and presented under one roof. Something very important, otherwise india as the previous rooms were known for what weve been the victim of which is known as ideological no more. We want to respect everybody. We want to take a long everybody. At the same time maybe you are aware that the former president of india was recently given not by his government, by the government of different political ideology. Insofar as Economic Affairs are concerned, to the scheme where all the sections of the underprivileged and marginalized classes and especially women are given loans to promote, theres extended in the program are maybe people in the developing country would be able to gauge the seriousness of the issue to the workers who are in sanitation. Sanitation workers unfortunately in india in certain parts of the country or in major parts of our cities have to repair the sewer lines by going into the sewer lines. That causes all kinds of hazardous situations. Many times they die. Now to save them from this, the government has come up with a particular scheme where new machines have been made with chamber of commerce and industry. Program famously appealed his disciples, dont be just jobseekers. The job givers. And now Prime Minister modi is trying to give shape. Minimum government, maximum governance. Several small and big reforms have been introduced right from to process a selection of smart cities. Every time when the government announces a scheme, the beneficiary units for the districts or states now will have to compete. It is not just because of your political allegiance to a government that you will be awarded those kind of benefits, no more. You are to compete. There is a sector kind of format in which you are to prove you can can you are able to take whatever government provide you and dont take over that. This is again rising about parties, something very important. We have now Prime Minister has been emphasizing on policy agreements. Ps umpteen number of engagements where policies are in place in the light of the policies you rules and regulations, and when rose and regulations are there, discretion based having the space for discretion based is to that extent many minds. When theres no discretion the, naturally corruption is arrested and before this again is very important. On the social front as i said, there is definitely something where the ratio has increased. It was a state which was infamous, which have become infamous for a very skewed sex relation now that it is some kind of about that the government got involved with help of the world bank has been able to achieve. Friends, populism and paranoia indulge by some of the parties versus politics performance. If there is bjp added to the mexican indian it is politics and performance. Very humbling one can say we have nobody had ever heard of that performance should be judging the various, judging the governance of different ideological groups. Now it is. We say may be on couple of issues we might not have performed well, but let us understand from each other how to better perform, and that is the Government Team these days. In that sense i believe when you do away with populism and refuse to get brought down by the paranoia of politics you get strengthened bring reforms like this. You can have any western interest in. Even a do over with article iii 70. So its an important thing which for no reason Prime Minister modi take a call about and has, at least taken a very courageous step if i may say so. Because all these things will basically a part of symbolism which ruled the indian all along. We know that in the 90s and nation asked us about what our former Prime Minister deputy had made famous with secularism. To which the Prime Minister to his pronouncements on one thing put an end to socialism and now we have put an end to what i can say separatism or so cessation is in. Because it was not possible in that sense it was so low and just simply too great an error about it and to indulgence saying Something Different which has no meaning which, in fact, had deprived people in kashmir over there of several benefits and several reforms as well about which we can discuss later if we dont have any questions. Coming to the last to us pics of my presentation, what are the challenges before new india . Firstly, building consensus on rejecting the notion that maximum democracy demands maximum rounds of selection. We are pushing for one nation and minimum rounds of im noticing when election. Because every time there is an election with a state electionministerial election in the big cities, all eyes are set on them and the government thinks twice about taking some message which may not be populist which may not bring you any votes. And, therefore, it is hampered governance like anything can we want to put a full stop to that. And to that end building consensus around this is a big challenge. Blending social responsibility with Wealth Creation. Unfortunately, during the days of socialism, Wealth Creation was looked at every time threw some suspicion. No more. We expect the wealth creators. In fact, Prime Minister and his assumption has decided to decorate those honest taxpayers who are paying the tax in the appropriate timeframe without faulting all that. Technologies, Artificial Intelligence go all these things are going to custom challenges beyond doubt, and unafraid known for its rich tradition heritage whatever Artificial Intelligence will do or not, im not able to gauge, but im sensing a huge crop of artificial emotions. I dont know if theres any technology to minimize that, but yes, it is. And then development of democracy. Democracy is not just about elections. It is to take all of us together on the part of advancement progress and how to cultivate and find more kind of acceptance to this idea of democracy, not only in indie book route order for that matter and ensure people are aware that in his first speech before the United NationsGeneral Assembly in 2014 it was Prime Minister modi who said that why there should just be like at the be gr on certain issues . What a brilliant idea. I believe that again is a challenge before him. And lastly, how india should be looking at this emerging new india. Firstly, understand the changes that are taking place on ground and in mind space as well. Develop narrative. Let us understand has taken over the false narrative. Our identities are not so fickle that development will kind of disturbed them or do away with him. Certainly not. We will continue to attack and bjp has been believing you cannot do anybody any narrow entity. What you can do is to help him to work that identity into a larger entity, which is why we have been saying a word is a phony. But on day when you cannot say, first of all a boy or girl would be taken care of in his own family, then in his own city, then in his own language group, and his state committees country and then in the world. So its a progressive which we have to bear in mind. I would say that india just needs to take up blinkers, check prejudices. The preconceived notions and look at Prime Minister modi and the idea of india with clear e. Democracy can deliver, has been established by him with resoluteness because maybe people are aware that the acceptability of democracy was never in question but the efficacy of democracy was always question. Prime minister modi with all his performance has established yes, democracy and delivered. Other aspect of this important, the transformation alone can beat terrorism. Unless and until we transform societies through development and other things, terrorism perhaps cannot be arresting. Lastly, what the famous writer of no full stop in india said, and i will in my presentation with his advice. He has said that indian athletes in their own word try to put a full stop in a country where there are no full stops. But heres my rendition of a full stop which is what the end it here. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you, dr. Sahasrabuddhe. I will use my prerogative as a moderator to ask a question or two and then i will open up to the audience you spoke about the need for wealth generation. You started your talk with the desire of an aspirational india for life, four, three, two, two, one. The five is the fact that the five figure salary which is predicated on the hope in this Economic Growth is going to rise and at least eight, 10 it but hope is not a policy. Mr. Modi this morning actually gave a speech, and interview in which he spoke about the need for Economic Growth. I guess indias and city and in others are interested in knowing what this government would like or plans to do to boost indias Economic Growth which is fall in the last few years. A lot of what you said whether its domestic, integration, it is sort of one india is predicated on Economic Growth. So we just shed some thoughts on it. Us im afraid im not a student of economics though. Perhaps there are obvious, there will be obvious limitations to whatever i say. But whatever little knowledge and interest in economic issues, he has elaborately explained what exactly he is up to. But one example i will give. There are many naysayers or people worried about Indias Economic they been saying with this new bankruptcy court, Many Companies are being taken over by foreign companies. But i mean, you cannot have a clue if youre going to liberalize. These things happen. Why should i necessarily 1b weekly even those Companies May be a foreign origin if theyre taking over indian companies, doesnt matter, they will have to do business in india and, therefore, the chances of more than one for indian youth, certainly are increased and, therefore, let us not get paranoid that is been the response of some of the government officials when i had the occasion of interacting with them. But to quote Prime Minister modi what you said is that he wants to further liberalize the foreign direct investment. Wants to simply find the labor laws, existing labor laws and you know the discussions already on. He has set the target of , internally and from abroad as well. And he is also something which may sound a little insisted on and recycling for which again perhaps Foreign Investors should be and would be welcomed. But this is the short answer to that. Long answer would require you to go to thank you. You are a political scientist and have a phd, so did so im going to use that as a segue to quote an imminent american medical scientist and author, francis fukuyama. In a recent book, fukuyama says one of the unique characteristics of indian civilization is that all the millennia, the society has always been stronger than the state. In your talk and in these recent speeches Prime Minister modi a spoke about the need to prevent any fragmentation within india, and to find india. However, there are those who argue that in the last few years there have been attacks on what were once core engine principles, pluralism, tolerance and, free speech. What will you say and how do you see this government seeking to create a one in the which everybody feels part of that one india . I think there is not an iota of doubt about our intentions. See, what happens whenever bjp comes to power all these things attract more attention in the media. As it were not happening earlier. But under bjp will they get additional premium on them, and, therefore, news mongering or whatever it is, and, unfortunately, the foreign media also takes a cue only by reading the english community, not the regional language media is highlighting the same kind of incident with that promise. It is not happening. These are unfortunate incidents and Prime Minister modi has in no Uncertain Terms decried to them, denounce them, condemned him and called upon the Law Enforcement to establish possible action. That goes beyond doubt. Nobody is defending your all types of wrongdoing. The and, therefore, pluralism is something which isnt part of india. All these things which if i ben talking about, its something very weve been saying that in political democracy and its success can many democracies, they get divided as to how this country of so many millions of people and how i would humbly put them that the roots of engine political democracy are in our spiritual democracy. And because of spiritual democracy where we have denied, where we have rejected any kind of monopoly some insofar as human being relationship with the concern, never. India was never a jew craddick state. And never be a jew craddick state in the future. And, therefore, i believe now our objective is to move towards to achieve social and economic democracy i open it up to question. I would ask people to wait until the mic reaches you. Please ask the question. It ends with a a question mark. Thank you. Gentleman in the back. Thank you. Thank you for ecommerce. Michael, retired from department of agriculture get you spoke were into having the largest population in the world in a few years. I think from 20002010 the chinese by pollution grows by about 70 million per indias population grows 190 million. It seems to me the population explosion is eating up the progress of the country and im curious, you said you are not an economist but what is happened to per capita income . For example, the chinese theyre going to 809 people out of poverty and last 20, 25 years. What does how should i put it . Is there any type of population control, Family Planning, anything like that . Thank you for your comments. Well, there are certain historical developments that has impacted on indias population policy or whatever. Everybody is where what happened in the famous emergency of 1977. And thereafter nobody had attempted to burn his or her fingers by dealing with this issue, which is considered which which, in fact, it is not but im sure Prime Minister as mr. Modi who has come perhaps all those areas where people were afraid of going into im sure he will have, the he is at certain things in his might. They may not have come to the fore because as i said already, an issue which is been made very sensitive for political reasons. I know india has in the last two or three decades reduced its, the number of people below poverty. Its down to almost onefourth. India has pulled millions out of poverty. Number two, the government, its a democracy so its not going to say you cant have more than one child. However, over the years the government has incentivized a sense that sort of that are campaigns incentivizing people to not have more than two children. We have only to make children. There are a number of different schemes which sort of appeal to you and so did say its better if you are fewer children, you can educate them better. You have a better lifestyle. But you cant impose or restrict somebody in a democracy. The government has continued, there is a Family PlanningDepartment Division within the government of india as well as and is a state sunday, a number states also develop different policies. The gentleman right here. Please wait for the mic. Thank you very much for a very enlightening talk here im working on you mentioned popular election was the focus areas of mandate. There is rising middle class. Theres a good buffer and it posits the public and also the risk of rising inequality between the very rich and the very poor. What is being done to scale good practices which is are been trd all over india about Poverty Reduction . What is the governments position on reducing subsidies, especially in the Agricultural Sector . I think very difficult job in a way, but as i have explained, governments alone cannot reduce inequality. It will have to be a kind of sense of responsibility directed to the people as well and to make significant examples attempted by transit and his government. One is about the subsidy weaves together to the cooking gas lindner. And when primaries appeal to them, more than 20 Million People decided to forward the subsidy to ensure that the more disadvantaged people get the cooking gas delivered at their homes. This has happened. At the same time people who travel, when they do, when they go for booking, there is again an appeal that there is a subsidy but he so desire can forward that subsidy. Even and that more than 10 Million People have appealed, have responded to that and they have foregone their subsidies. Some people also have to come forward. Government alone certainly will have to do and go a long while, going extra mile to reduce inequality. But as i people were also have to contribute, and it is happening. When the appeal comes from the part about whom there are no doubts whom there is no skepticism, things happen. Yes, i want to ask the question about kashmir. Is it the timeline with opening a backup to the internet and approving the communications to that area . Anders and is also come is a tie on when they will lift the restrictions for going out in public and everything . The word temporary has been by the previous rumors in the constitution which was considered temporary right at the inception of it, continued for 70 years. Certainly our government is not going to take that long to remove the temporary restrictions on internet and other things. In fact, it on i saw social media activities. She personally is today there to wish for the education to residents in kashmir and she herself uploaded a video right on the streets walking over the pics i think internet and other to vacation will be open sooner by the later we dont live in these kinds of restrictions. They were very literally temporary. Im sure people have seen reason and if accepted. They will accept those who are still hesitant and these will be things a very short life, im sure. [speaking in native tongue] you know, what you said about one india great india is invocation to regard the originator of the civilization. So Going Forward as head of accr, what an issue do you have to spread to the world, and his contribution to traditional Knowledge Systems . To submit a question, like in Computer Science the foundations laid by to his conduct. India made the contribution to the world to zito do we decimal system. In a world of ai where these fundamental contributions of india need to be spread not just within india but around the world, where do you see your organization playing able . And to restore entity status of thank you very much. I wish your spoken to some Indian Science Congress conference there in india because whenever people say about the old knowledge there, they are roasted because theres a huge section who dont believe in this, unfortunately. But that apart come into force iccr is concerned, we always have engaged although they are parallel if not one and the same. But we routinely conduct an International Conference every year. Last year it happened in and this time it is going to happen at the indian advance so all very welcome and we would like to document the proceedings of this conference and spread the awareness about the indian knowledge and such. Good morning. My news julian kyle lewis. Im from the American University here in washington. Look into the United States, doctor. My question for you is, would it be of any historical significance to the people of india as a goodfaith diplomatic gesture for the citizens of the United States to change the name of the Cleveland Indians professional Baseball Team . [laughing] just as, because youre in the United States we have mascots that are representative of false ideologies of history in misrepresent certain native american tribes in the United States as indian people when, in fact, they are not. And that is pervasive to this day and they are planning to carry that on forward. So my question for you is, would you like to see us take small strides to build those kinds of bridges and change the historical precedence of ignorance in terms of indian and u. S. Diplomatic relations . Thank you much, and once again welcome to the United States. Well, its an interesting question. Perhaps im not qualified to answer this. But as i said, identity issues are important and one would expect he should be called on what he or she is. To that extent which is a is definitely very right. But at the same time it gives a different feeling that there are indents in this country as well. So. Im from the American Jewish community. We know each other. We have been privileged to build a Robust Partnership between the jewishamerican and indianamerican Community Helping separate the Indian American canaries vertical advocacy aims in the United States. The also tremendous opportunity to work with the black black c, the hispanic caucus special with elections coming up in the United States next year. My only appeal as head of iccr would be that we should have ten times the number of congressional staffers coming to india. Because that is what makes significant and if their interaction with you can, on how we can enhance the interaction with her indian staff or counterparts in the indian parliament, that would be helpful. We will consider it. Hello. Former u. S. Diplomat. The moves that have been taken to remove the level of autonomy in kashmir seem to have damaged the impression of india as a fully democratic and Egalitarian Society here in the United States and elsewhere in the world. You can look at, for example, at the economist to see her take on the situation. My question for you is, part of, one of the steps has been the removal of the restriction of external purchase of land, as i understand it, in the state. Is there an anticipation that eventually kashmir will be, no e longer a muslim majority state . Well, i think first of all really would like to disagree with your proposition that it is hampered the perception about india as a pluralistic and Egalitarian Society. I mean, this is a development which has more to do about governance. We have of 18, 19 longmont so many people even like me had went behind. So we know how to protect democracy. And, therefore, if simple cover israeli action of the government which is reorganizing the dispute in kashmir. Its not going to hamper indias insofar as as a prolific and Intelligence Society is concerned. Given that, let me also tell you that democracies cannot be changed by governments. And may not be as well. Whether hindus and muslims are equally legitimate and, therefore, we dont want any discrimination to them. Which is why the decision was made. Maybe you have seen that since these restrictions were there, several kashmiri youths, young, especially girls and boys, had to come out of kashmir and the education elsewhere. Because no private education enterprise was allowed to purchase it over there. No private economic enterprise can note industry was allowed to use the land of kashmir. Why these people going to establish what is there . Why these people going to establish [inaudible] for no reason. These restrictions can dilute 70 long years. And which of all the benefits of economic progress. And we just wanted to do away with this industry. So in fact, it underscores our government, egalitarianism, if i may tell you. I had been to the embassy of india in mexico city as well as hanoi vietnam and ive seen the wonderful Cultural Centers that are attached to the embassies. And ive wondered for many years why theres not such a Cultural Center attached to the Indian Embassy here in washington, d. C. Where the indianamerican community can be of assistance to the government of india in sharing indias great culture and heritage, and should there be such a project in place . Please let us know because we would love to help spread this message. Thank you. We are working towards that end sooner than later im sure the center of indian congratulation will be here right in washington, d. C. Final question. Take one person from the front and one from the back. Here and then in the back. First row. Hello. Im originally from the people there are very happy that article iii hundred 70 has been revoked. But there is been longstanding demand of the people for a separate statehood. So why is not included as a separate entity . Because people there, because what ever happens in kashmir affects us and people there also feel they are discriminated against. Most of the state resource county kashmir and not the other region. What about we are taking all the questions and then getting a final answer. Y jamool has yes, i will answer. My question is, the government of india have been multiple schemes rolled out to affect them come to the situatf farmers given to the levels of drought in the country and other issues farmers are facing. My question is, are there any plans for Central Government schemes specific to agriculture given the Huge Population of the landless labor within Indian Agriculture . And i was also told that the current chief Economic Advisor at another event that theres a lack of the data on the landless population of india. Are there any initiatives planned to ensure that we do have data so their concerns are adequately addressed . Thank you. You want to ask something yes, you. Then you get the last word. Im a student at university of chicago. Im just curious, i dont have a huge background in domestic politics. What i do know is wrong the dr. Burgess media could finish off and tell me what do you hope to accomplish over the next five years . What is it if the bjp accomplishes this in the course of five years, if you feel the mandate you got from the indian people will have been justified and you will have done what you said you would . Well, one after the other, if i may try to deal with the questions raised are insofar as jammu is concerned, i believe there are multiple reasons which the government its financial viability is also one of the issues. And, therefore, certain reasons most of their i will be knowing why jammu demand for a separate state has not been accepted by the government, at least at this juncture. Everybody can hope. But at least for now it is not been done but there might be certain reasons i would be knowing. But im sure whatever the feeling of india, just think of is how to do which is why the Union Territories have been carved up and the junior territory status of Jammu And Kashmir is again a temporary thing as promised by no less than the Thai Ministry and the home minister himself. Im sure its a temporary thing. In due course of time it will become a fullfledged state. Insofar as farmers are concerned, i believe the government has rolled out a scheme for giving pensions to the farmers who obtained the age of 60 plus. I think thats applicable. There will not be excluded for that. There are conscious efforts on the part of the government to help out marginalized bunting in the family system when you have certain amount of land with you. And when tradition, the sons and daughters take over, naturally it is divided to that effect and, therefore, a farmer today is a welltodo farmer becomes marginalized farmer in the days to come. And to support such marginalized farmers the government is working to help them through and grow based enterprises and giving contributed in a major way. The government is conscious of the sack. Insofar state is concerned i think the Economic Development is the right person to answer this question at the time im really not aware. And insofar as the last question is concerned, as the said resident of political will unfortunately are seen as in short supply in democratic governance. But not any case of the government Prime Minister modi. Hes very resolute. Hes very clearheaded and he has all the political will that is required and, therefore, i believe the real dream of one india, great india and reaching out to the last man in the queue to ensure that he or she gets benefits on priority visits is something which is long service dream. Here is a government which is out to ensure that it translates, it is translate into reality. To know how this can happen and it has have also to an extent in certain areas and, therefore, to ensure in the process went to go get symbolism. Unfortunately and democracies traditions have to play to the gallery and then they remain confined only to that. They dont do anything else simply play to the gallery. In the testimony to begin and there is reason to have every hope that in the next five years the renewed government will outperform itself where this is concerned. Thank you very much. Before you close now let me as a mark of my sense of gratitude towards the institute give a copy of my book. It tells about all the government and modis first term. Thank you. [inaudible conversation]. [inaudible conversation] tonight at 8 pm oncspan, former cia director and defense secretary robert gates. Correspondent Andrea Mitchell and journalist robin wright talk about global challenges facing the United States. Heres a preview. Im as much of a realist as anybody and the reality is the United States has done business with some of historys greatest monsters. But Franklin D Roosevelt neverpretended to be in love with joseph stalin. And do so in the real world, we have to deal with these people. But we dont have toembrace them. And we can treat the leaders of authoritarian states, we can do business with them but we dont need to embrace them in the same way that we embrace the leaders of democratically elected governments. You mentioned the city on the hill which calls to mind when i traveled to moscow with Ronald Reagan to meet with Mikhail Gorbachev after the first summit after the 1985 summit and there was the moscow summit and he went to the ambassadors residence and gave a speech to the russian people, the soviet then people and Ronald Reagan did not mince his words and that did not prevent him from reaching landmark armscontrol and Nuclear Reduction treaties with gorbachev. So theres a balancing act and i think value has to some point, in somefundamental way essential to who we are as a country. Once the rest of this discussion on global challenges facing the us tonight at eight eastern on cspan. Sunday at 9 am eastern, a washington journal and American History tv live special call in program looking back at woodstock, the 1969 cultural and musical phenomenon. Historian david barber, author of the book the age of great dreams america in the 1960s joins us to take your calls. Drugs matter who takes those drugs, why the drugs have the effect did in the 60s and early 70s, its something were still wrestling with as scholars to understand. The technology of drugs and weve got some other people who had a long hard about this is imperative in understanding i think not just the vicinities but of the production and history, what drugs we use at a given. Place an incredible ability to change the direction of a given society. Thought in with david farber about the social movements ofthe 60s leading up to woodstock and his legacy woodstock , 50 years. Sunday at 9 am eastern on washington journal. Also live in American History tv on cspan3