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On wednesday mornings on cspan2. We invite your participation via twitter. Prior to question time members are finishing up other business, now live to the floor of the british house of commons. An important point, the National Security advisor based in the Capital Office is responsible for 3. 2 billion pounds of cross departmental spending, and look forward to discussing with how that money will be spent and take account of my honorable friend, hughes. Over 2000 in improvisation, very important to finish contacting me on the electoral vantage stock but im not happy with it. What is the government going to do about it. Online registration, we accept theres more to do and encourage all our citizens, and the democratic right they have to cross a vote. A number of constituents who suffered terribly as a result of the contaminated blood scandal. With my right honorable friend talk about the timescales following the inquiry . Mister speaker, the contaminated blood scandal was an appalling tragedy from which individuals and their families are still suffering. I regard this as a high priority for me. We approached the chief justice to nominate a judge to chair the inquiry and i hope to make an announcement of the name of the judge soon. After this clearly failed to ensure the cabinet reflect diverse and modern britain, what steps is the minister taking to increase that service . We are implementing in fool the report to which i alluded earlier and are encouraging all Government Departments to step up their work to make sure they are seeking to recruit people harder to reach than others in the past. It is important that work continues and the Racial Disparity audit which in the 13 years of labor government something he never saw from the Party Opposite an indication of this governments seriousness of purpose on this point. Assurances were given to me to bring forward amendments for the repeal bill that failed to do so. Can hear sherman government is committed to fight what is agreed to and passed . I can certainly give my honorable friend that commitment. I spoke to the deputy minister last night of scotland and we were disappointed that we were not able to Reach Agreement on an acceptable form but i was committed to intensifying discussions with the administration to seek to reach an agreed form of work for the house of lords. Sarah james. On new years eve another four young people lost their lives fighting crime. We fail to tackle this epidemic because failed to recognize there is noise in the chamber, the question is about nice crime. This is a matter of utmost gravity. It is the last question. Lets hear it. Sarah jones. Thank you. On new years eve another four young people lost their lives in london. We have failed to tackle this epidemic because we failed to recognize the solution spans health, education, poverty and aspiration, working together, with longterm solutions. Can i first of all say on behalf of myself i am sure the whole house might express unreserved sympathy and condolences to the families of those four young people going through hell at this time. Government it is tougher than ever before, increased punishments, caution is the most serious offense. And more people being sent to prison and i accept this has to be cross departmental and has to involve local the mayor of london. And the home secretary is very committed to seeing further action to take down the rates of these appalling crimes and i promise her from the Cabinet Office to the home secretary. Questions to the Prime Minister. Question number one. Thank you, mister speaker. Thank you, mister speaker. I hope it is not too late, a happy new year. And ministerial colleagues in addition to my duties in this house, further meetings later today. Mike amesbury. I wish members of staff a happy new year. At least 1. 4 million households across the uk have been victims of unfair practices including my constituent emily martin. With intended legislation, what commitment will the Prime Minister make to ensure thousands of people tied into this scandal are compensated by developers now . I say to the honorable gentlemen we are concerned when we hear of unfair practices taking place. Im sure the secretary will be happy to hear the particular case is an example of this, we are looking to see what action the government can take to assure people are secure in their homes and not subject to what they are subject to. James cleverly. Thank you, mister speaker. [wednesday] secretary met with Michelle Varney or, the Prime Minister, passionately embraced, not me, passionately embraced the agenda she set out last year to build a britain did for the future to encourage homeownership, education and other chances and leave this the way we found it. Talked about passionate embrace, never had what he asked for. If i may say, he is absolutely right. We are determined to see britain in the future and we have to see brexit right but we have to do a lot more. He references housebuilding, we are committed to building the homes this country needs which is why we put 15 billion available over the next five years and stamped out 80 of firsttime buyers and improving 1. 9 million more children in good or outstanding schools today and protecting our natural environment, building a britain going into the future with optimism and hope. Jeremy corbin. Can i wish you and the house and staff a happy new year. Agreed . Mister speaker, a long time ago, it seems a long time ago but just before christmas i asked the Prime Minister about the 12,000 people left waiting half an hour in the back of an ambulance. She told the house the nhs was better prepared for winter than ever before. What words of comfort to the 17,000 patients waiting in the back of ambulances in the last week of december. Nothing is perfect by any chance . I accept the nhs is under pressure over winter, regularly under pressure at wintertime. I have been very clear, i apologize to those who had their operations delayed and those who had their admissions delayed but it is the case the nhs is better prepared than ever before and might be helpful. Might be helpful if i let the house know some of the things that were done to ensure that preparedness, more people than ever before having flew vaccines, 2700 more acute beds available since november. For the first time ever, for the first time ever, we have seen urgent Appointments Available across the Christmas Period across this country. More doctors helping the elderly an accident or emergency. The right honorable gentlemen mentioned the last exchange we had in this house. In the last exchange he said Mental Health budgets have been cut, that is not right. Simon stevens of the National Health service made clear Mental Health spending has gone up both in real terms and as a proportion of the overall spending and now apologized for that. The Prime Minister knows full well that the budgets have been rated and many people who need help are not getting that help. Mister speaker, we saw on itv news the other night nurses are spending their entire shift treating people in carparks because of backed up ambulances. We know his Prime Minister recognizing there is a crisis in our nhs because wanted to help the secretary last week. If the nhs is so well resourced and so well prepared why was the decision taken last week to cancel the operations of 55,000 patients in the month of january . I say to the right honorable gentlemen, the front bench, the labour party apologized, actually if people listen to the answer i gave to the right honorable friend leader of the opposition i say i already apologized to those whose operations have been delayed and made sure those operations are reinstated as soon as possible, putting record funding into the nhs and reagan funding into Mental Health but he keeps on about the preparations for the National Health service, i was very pleased to say in person at due to staff from western park for the work we have been doing. And across that particular pressure. Our nhs staff, not just doctors and nurses, supports radiography errors, administered staff, anyone working in National Health service. They particularly do that when we see these winter pressures. In terms of being prepared, this is what nhs providers said last week. Preparations for winter in the nhs have been more expensive and meticulous than ever before. We all thank all nhs staff for what they do. And those 55,000 people join the already 4 million waiting for operations in the nhs. The Prime Minister listening to the experience of vicki. Her 82yearold mother spent 13 hours in a trolley in a core door. That was on top of three hours between first calling 999 and arriving at the hospital. Vicki says, quote, a volunteer First Responder whose day job is in the army kept mom safe until paramedics arrived. Her mother suffered a heart attack the week before. This is not an isolated case. Does the Prime Minister really believe the nhs is better prepared than ever for the crisis it is going through . Nobody wants to hear people experience what vicki and her mother faced. We need to ensure that we learn from these incidents and that is what we do in the National Health service, and happy to ensure that particular case is looked at, he would like to provide me with details in that case. Week in and week out, the right honorable gentlemen giving the impression of a National Health service, saving everybody that goes to use the nhs. The reality of the nhs is we are seeing 2. 9 million more people going to accident and emergency, we are seeing 2 million more operations taking place each year, National Health service is something to be proud of and that is why the firstclass National Health service, first class National Health service that has been identified as the Number One Health system in the world, that means a better Health System than australia, the netherlands, new zealand, canada, sweden, france, germany, and the United States of america. We are all on the side about very proud of the principle of the National Health service, healthcare as a human right. The reality is in the past year, 565,000 people spent time on trolleys wednesday should be treated. The number of elderly people being rushed in from care homes has risen by 62 since the tories took power. The commission figures suggest a quarter of homes need improvement, not only has this robert older people of their dignity but is putting pressure on ambulance services. Why instead of dealing with social care crisis as the Prime Minister rewarded the Health Secretary, a promotion a new job title. Can i say to the right honorable gentlemen there are many voices across this house including those in his own party that have been encouraging me to ensure we see better integration between health and social care. We recognized this with the promise of helping the permit of health and social care. And recognized this is a welcome and long overdue recognition of the independence of health and social care. 5 to myself last week the good work that has been done by hospitals up and down the country working with tps and homes and voluntary sector to ensure elderly people can stay at home safely and do not need to come into hospitals with the consequences of coming into hospital beds. That is the way forward. That is what we want to do, and health and social care at the grassroots level. You with the labour party has all the solutions for the National Health service. If the labour party has all the answers why is it we funding being cut targets not being met in wales where the labour party is responsible. Mister speaker, the Prime Minister says government is responsible for the funding of National Government like wales, she knows full well what has been cut from wales, but she is, mister speaker, directly responsible for the nhs in england and given the Health Secretary and job title, one hides the fact that 6 billion has been cut from social care under the tories. Part of the problem with nhs is funds are increasingly siphoned off into private Companies Including in the Health Secretary at area. Order calm yourself you are supposed to be auditioning to become an elder statesman but there were many more additions to come on evidence. Even more money has been siphoned out of the nhs budget into private health companies. Even in the health sector, Clinical Commissioning Group was forced to pay money to virgin care because it did not when a contract. Will the Prime Minister assure patients in 2018 the less nhs money intended for patient care will be furthering the nest of shareholders in private health coverage. This government has more money for the wells government. The decision of labor in wales to prioritize funding for the National Health service in wales. And the private sector and health service, under which government was it, a private access and private sector. Order order i say to the shadow secretary of state, he too is supposed to be auditioning for something. Normally an amiable fellow but gesticulating. He must calm himself. I think the right honorable gentlemen, putting more money into wales but the labor government in wales reprioritizing funding for the National Health service and increase we are seeing in private Sector Companies working in the health service, the conservative government is under a labor government. My honorable friend, the Shadow Health secretaries auditioning to be Health Secretary and he shows [shouting] mister speaker, under this government, virgin care got 200 Million Pounds worth of contract in the last year alone. 50 up on the year before. Mister speaker, the Prime Minister needs to understand her policies are pushing our nhs into crisis. Tax cut for the superrich, paid for, yes, mister speaker, paid for by longer waiting lists, ambulance delay, Staff Shortages and cuts to social care. Creeping privatization is dragging the nhs down. And the Health Secretary to keep his job, he wont abandon ship. Isnt that an admission that under his captaincy the ship is indeed sinking . This government is putting more money, interNational Health service, more doctors in the nhs, more operations taking place in the nhs, and emergency in the nhs but we can only do, we can only open up if we have a strong economy. What do we see from the labour party, we turned around from the recession of the labour party. What do we know about the labour party, economic policies . We were told all about them from the description from the department of education secretary, on the front bench today. I do apologize. I didnt realize, with herself under medical treatment. She did describe the economic policies of the labour party in an parliamentary terms. It should include the word bust, but she did say the labour partys Economic Policy was high risk. That means high risk for taxpayers, high risk for jobs and high risk for our nhs and that is the risk we will never let them take. A positive note on the nhs my nhs has turned around from being one of the worst in the country, safe to say that five years ago, one of the best because of injections of huge amounts of cash but they were amazing, and jackie daniels, gently invite the honorable gentlemen to be sensitive to time. We dont want a long spiel but a question with a question mark at the end of it. Jackie daniels received a day in court, very positive with my honorable friend, the Prime Minister, and wish jackie well. I am happy to join the honorable friend paying tribute into particular, dave jackiewell, and another example of the huge gratitudes to the nhs staff working tirelessly on our behalf. Mister speaker, the government eu withdrawal is not fit for purpose and must be changed. The honorable member agree with our colleagues in port 11 which is nothing more than a paragraph in scotland. The honorable gentlemen knows that we have said on that, and answering questions, to amend clause 11. And the first minister by christmas, and to ensure the right framework in place to bring any amendments forward, and the best possible way with these concerns. And bringing forward amendments. That is not good enough. A bonanza for scotland and amendments ahead of next weeks debate. Yesterday it was revealed no amendments would be launched. They deliver everything and deliver nothing. The Prime Minister has one last chance, that these amendments will be ahead as promised. The s p say they once to work with us on the frameworks, future frameworks. And as part of it. They are bringing forward amendments, the young gentleman said this is a gentleman who never delivered for scotland, 2 billion pounds extra, the result of the budget. Mister speaker, speaking of delivering for scotland. And a huge vote of confidence and unionist government with projects like the uk institute for aquaculture, with wide impact, and the Prime Minister confirmed to me today the uk government, with the scottish government, that we can get to work. I am happy to give that commitment to my honorable friend, the government delivering for scotland. This particular deal, my honorable friend, great job for those constituents. The mister speaker, ive been contacted by 11 constituents, many of them suicidal because they have been told they desperately need pain treatment, this is the cruel reality of the nhs having to ration treatment due to funding cuts. Will the Prime Minister personally intervene to ensure reviewing the decision and guarantee the additional funding to allow them to deliver it. We are putting extra money into National Health service. We are not cutting funding for the National Health service. Pcgs will be taking individual decisions how they are portion their funding but to suggest we are cutting funding to the National Health service is plain wrong. Lucy allen. Thank you, mister speaker. A rapidly growing new town where thousands of houses are built every year and people come to buy their home and miss their dream. The reality is unfinished communal areas, noncompliance, developers failing to take responsibility and the local counsel passing the buck. Similar problems in their constituency will the Prime Minister agreed to strengthen the rights of homeowners so people can come to help in any other area. Confident they can live their dream. Im happy to say we recognize the concern she has raised and a similar issue the honorable member they are raising, the first question he asked. The 50 anniversary. We are committed to legislating the practice, the same rate as leaseholders to challenge the reasonableness of service charges. How does the Prime Minister think brexit is going . We know what we want to keep and how to get it and what will she give herself . Can i say to the honorable gentlemen that i think order. Let me say to the honorable gentlemen who i have known for a long time, when he comes to reflect on his conduct he will know he can do better than that. Mister speaker, can i say to the honorable gentlemen anyone who saw the success we had in negotiating phase i of brexit and getting that progress, nobody is getting on with the job and doing well. General dylan. Environmentalists across the uk were delighted with the announcement of cooperating with the Woodland Trust to develop the new northern forest but will the Prime Minister give assurances that plans to create new landscapes will not obscure the need to protect existing areas of Outstanding National beauty and will she confirm the commitment to protect the children of omb for the governments economic and Housing Developments . I say first of all i would like to congratulate her on this, very well deserved. I can assure her we are committed to maintaining protection for areas of Outstanding National beauty and other designated landscapes. I would like to say i enjoy walking myself. And that particular environment and we are committed to protecting a omb. Thank you, mister speaker. As a head teacher for 4 years, i speak on behalf of thousands of teachers and support staff when i ask the Prime Minister. In light of the recent announcement before the training affectation numbers. Will the government listen to professionals and fully and fairly fund our schools and colleges and the toxic culture for targets of tech. Most of all return the joy of teaching and learning. I say to the honorable lady, we are putting record sums of money, insuring that more than that, more than that, insuring we are seeing increasing standards, that is why there are 1. 9 million more children in outstanding schools, in 2010 i hope she would welcome that. The Prime Ministers aware there is Great Potential in the southwest to increase prosperity and productivity, and confirm how the government will be back in the southwest to invest in road, rail and digital. My honorable friend is right, a champion for the needs of the southwest and increase prosperity in the southwest and across the country so we are taking particular steps. And across the big country and significant sums of money in relation to Infrastructure Investment strategy and committed to creating expressways to the southwest, part of an Important Development investing 400 million in the network in the area and 600,000 homes and businesses in the southwest have access to broadbands. And i look forward to working with my honorable friend in doing that. Health secretary would be the best in the world capping the diagnosis, treatment and care. According to a memo from the head of chemotherapy at Oxford Churchill hospital, Cancer Patients will have their chemotherapy cut because of a massive shortfall in specialist nurses. Will the Prime Minister apologize to patients and their families for these appalling situation. There are no plans to delay the start of chemotherapy treatment or reduce the treatment given to Cancer Patients. What is happening in the nhs in relation to this is over the past three years hire canceled survival rate ever show an estimated 7 more people surviving cancer, compared to three years prior. We see 3000 diagnostic and therapeutic radiography than in may 2010 so we continue to look at this, enabling us to improve the treatment to Cancer Patients. With record funding our nhs is doing more than ever but when the uk is in the bottom third of the country, when we have significantly worse survival in germany, and the closest match for cancer survival is poland, is it time to act across the house and the center for policy studies to establish a Royal Commission on health and social care for the 70th anniversary of our most cherished national institutions. We continues to look at the National Health service to ensure we are continuing to improve the variety of areas, the independent Commonwealth Fund is clear the National Health service is the best Healthcare System in the world but better than those in germany and france and other countries that i quoted earlier but we need to look at what more we can do so we are putting more funding and looking at better integration of health and social care on the ground, making sure we make a change now and doing that integration now because that is the way it is for the people. Graham morris. The Prime Minister said she reshuffled her ministries to look more like the country they seek to represent. I am not sure about that but in that experience will she acknowledge the massive problems we have with the private sector with absentee landowners and will she commit to give appreciation to the scale of the problems facing many workingclass communities and would she support free passage on homes fit for habitation by my honorable friend from westminster . What can i say to the honorable gentlemen . I have many fond memories when i was a candidate in the northeast. We do need to ensure that we have a good private rented sector in this country but the one set of policies that would damage the sector put forward by leader of the opposition. Thank you, mister speaker. I was delighted to hear the secretary last week, this governments commitment after we leave the European Union. My right honorable friend assure me when designing a future system the unique needs of scottish farmers will be taken into account in a new system . My honorable friend is right, we will put in place our own policies for farmers, we will not have policies the recognize particular needs of farmers across all parts of the United Kingdom including the particular needs of farmers in scotland. My constituency receives increasing complaints about pip claims, 65 of claims, taken longer, anything between four and seven month. I asked the Prime Minister if she agrees the process is fundamentally flawed, what actions she can take to provide and more importantly the hardship being forced to my constituents and those across the country. I understand the point the honorable gentlemen is making the these assessments are being conducted as well as they can and we are getting the rewards that they should be getting that they are entitled to. Since we introduced this, we para 2. 9 million assessments, 8 of those have been appealed and 34 are changed following an appeal and in the majority of places it is because it is presented at the appeal and presented when the original case was being put forward but they continue to look at ensuring when the assessments are made they are done properly and people get to resolve them. My constituents just and bartholomew was 25 when he committed suicide last year. His family is convinced high Energy Drinks, 15,000 today, increase anxiety, contributing to his death. Given increased safety concern about the reactions of jamie oliver, what the prime is to consider introducing a national ban on the sale of Energy Drinks . My honorable friend has raised a tragic case, the thoughts and the house i with family and friends of justin. We have introduced the soft drink industry levee, recognize there are issues around drinks that are high in sugar and damaging to childrens health, and parents, and identify those labeling through campaigns and health and social care look at the Scientific Evidence in relation. With this relationship past between the maintenance service, the former house, and she passes on personal and to work that problem. She raises the distressing case, i recognize there are arrangements in place to ensure the individual does not have to balance bank details, the fact that her constituent was asked to do that, something to be looked into. They will look into it. Does the Prime Minister welcome the social Research Survey a majority of scotts believe ruled on trade and immigration direct to the uk my honorable friend raises an important point, people across the uk will see controlled immigration and people in scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom. As we leave the European Union we will introduce integration rules and control that to britain from europe. The only point is we have a scotland only shortage occupation to recognize particular labor market needs in scotland but for the most part it matched the occupation list with an issue to the whole of the uk and the same policy approach. In a march 2005 incident the Prime Minister said not getting things done and saving people lives. In light of this comment, can the Prime Minister tell me whether she considers it reasonable and accessible, and mister colemans life despite evidence showing able to drive and responded to my letter in 5 december. Raising a particular case in this house, i would look at the details and respond to her letter. Last week, 230 job losses in my constituency, devastating losses in the cleveland community, the largest we are all agreed it would be incredibly helpful with the funds remaining from the 2016 package to be repurposed. Will the Prime Minister look into this, and commit Government Agencies to do everything they can. My honorable friend is right, it is a worrying time affected by the announcement and i can say to him we will help people to find other work affected through the Rapid Response service, we coordinate with authorities to ensure we are working together to get the best support available to make sure it is aligned with the part of business, industrial strategy will look at the situation and specific issue he has raised. When her privately rented home failed the electrical certificate needed to continue fostering, her landlord evicted her because he didnt want to do the repairs so ava and the kids are living in temporary accommodation this in a converted warehouse in the middle of a working industrialist state and the same counsel replaced him are going to withdraw her right to foster because her accommodation isnt enough which can the Prime Minister, can didnt care who need foster care and the overworked british taxpayer, how this makes sense . The honorable lady set it out, doesnt seem to make sense as a result of what happened, losing somebody who has been in foster care and i paid tribute to the worker constituent had done in foster care. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those who care for people as foster parents. As she raised it in the house the local counsel will look at this again. Richard oneill bracts. Thank you very much, mister speaker. Most of us were celebrating over new years eve, the crews of the lifeboats were battling mountainous sees and 60 mile an hour winds off the coast of dorset to prevent a cargo ship from being blown onto the rocks. Thanks to the skill of the tugs crew and the towline sticks, disaster was prevented. Will my right honorable friend join me in praising the professionalism, courage and determination of all those involved, not least the volunteers . Im happy to do that, all those involved in a verdict and disaster, and would like to go further. Fantastic job around the coastline day in and day out. We dont come to order. [inaudible conversations] here at cspan2 we leave the british house of commons as members moved to other business. You have been watching Prime Ministers question time aired live on wednesdays at 7 00 eastern when parliament is in session. You can see this weekend session sunday night at 9 00 eastern and pacific on cspan. For more information go to cspan. Org and click on series to view every program we have aired from the british house of commons since october 1989. We invite your comments about Prime Ministers questions via twitter, hashtag pmq. The house is back at 10 00 am for morning our speeches. They will begin debate on changes to water rights for the apache tribe in arizona. Live house coverage on cspan. The Senate Returns at 9 30 eastern in the afternoon voting on Thomas Parker to the us district judge for the Western District of tennessee. Senate coverage on cspan2. The defense the permanent undergoing a fullscale audit which began last month and outside Services Committee gets an update from pentagon officials. Live coverage beginning at 10 00 am on cspan3. A conversation on the criminal Justice System in the us, the organization new america hosts this forum live at 12 40 p. M. Later Virginia Governor Terry Mcauliffe with his final state of commonwealth address, live coverage from richmond beginning at 6 30 on cspan3. Cspans qa day, auburn wall street journal contributor aj bain with his book the accidental president , Harry S Truman at the four month the changed the world. Roosevelts funeral was saturday and sunday. Truman was terrified to give the speech, the night before he laid in his bed he prayed to god and would not mess it up. He climbed the stairs to the pulpit, looks out and sees his wife in the crowd and she is crying. She is crying because roosevelt is dead, the nation is in shock and she never wanted to be the first lady, never wanted her husband to be president , she is frightened for him. He has to get up and inspire confidence in his administration and the whole world, the world has to understand america will continue, that the war will continue. Q and a sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan. A Senate Hearing looked at the Mysterious Illness affecting 24 of the staff at the us embassy in havana. State Department Officials testified they dont know the cause of the symptoms that resemble mild traumatic brain injury. The Us Government expelled cuban diplomats in response. Marco rubio chairs this 90 minute

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