Started to run this round i kind of assumed it would be like previous rounds where he made a splash but had not been serious and i felt very foolish all the while later when i didnt do more research earlier because once i started to dig into Donald Trumps life his success in business and entertainment, City Politics and occasionally National Political levels i realized he had laid out a plan to do exactly what he was going to do. P. The entire time had come across opponents who had never read his books where he laid it all out. They were always surprised every time he would do something that seemed like according to the jeb bush playbook the normal political playbook it seemed like it was completely crazy he would come out ahead. He felt these Campaign Managers for campaigns and never went anywhere like bobby jindal sang man if he did this and that this campaign isnt ruined then nothing matters anymore. There are no more rules. It turned out there were rules that donald trump if he made them and people were too arrogant to figure it out so i thought this guy has dismissed attacks criticized. Theres obviously something here because he didnt have any special skills in acting or singing. Want to be the most famous people in the world and one of the most powerful and he achieved it. Host who is donald trump . Guest Donald Trumps the president of the United States. What is the status he miller Time Magazine at the end of there and give the white house . At the end of the day im present and you are not. Hes a guy who grew up an uppermiddleclass. He did not come from a poor background like his father had. His father had grown up and sold his first house before it was old enough to be legally allowed to sign checks so he took that money and he built a second house and then he built the third house, small places and he grew up outside of manhattan in a brick house, a nice house but not the flashy lights of the islands. He said im going to use these connections in this power and im not going to do with my father expects. Im going to build skyscrapers in manhattan. His entire life he is gone out of the comfort zone and try to do something new. Sustained his fathers business. He had eight in manhattan with real estate in the habit made in television and kept on going probably to a point where his life is a little known uncomfortable compared to what hes used to. There are a lot of critics and a lot of attacks that he may have thought hollywood was roughed in the real estate world in manhattan was tough but it turns out the russians in north korea are even tougher. Host why was donald trump underestimated . Guest i think its because he goes by different rulebook. He doesnt come from the same circles of most of the people he competes with. When he came to manhattan hated come from the financial circuit. He had to kind of sneak his way into the private clubs basically by going to the top and arguing with the president and saying i like your chutzpah. He didnt come from any of the political circles. When he first challenged the mayor privately he said in the letter saying i will rebuild this that is then floundering under new yorks control. Ed koch decided he had such, so much more capital than the people in new york you could publish Donald Trumps letter and a reply slapping them down. We didnt realize is the media and a lot of people in new york said hold on, give this guy a chance and he beat them. When he he came into politics i i think he wasnt taken seriously. Just like Ronald Reagan wasnt taken seriously. And to because he had done this before but it was in a different set. It wasnt because he was seriously running for president and he never declared it like he you did this time and finally because he didnt follow any of the necessary rules. Job bush before he ran lined up a lot of money, so much he scared out and could find money. He lined up all the consultants. He got all the pollsters behind him. He got the super pac ready and he came out and he laughed and chuckled at the crowds who had been perfectly choreographed rolled up his sleeves and let people know he was just like them and they made a selfdeprecating joke about his mother being in charge and everything was perfect. Donald trump to do any of that. Tired a couple of experts to come in to trump tower and took an escalator down with his wife and he started insulting people immediately. You look at that and you think how the go on to win with this . I think reading the art of the donald will show you some of the ways he did. Host is that when he ran for president . Guest i dont think thats why he ran for president. Largely he had achieved fame but i do think it had a factor in why he ran for president. If you look back at his interview going back to the 80s with larry king and other people he talks about how he thinks the country is getting a raw deal. The nationalist sentiments the trade sentiments and the toughness and leadership sentiments and how we do foreign wars have been echoed for years when he was a democrat and republican and independent. Those things have gone way back however trump likes a challenge. He did want to be famous but i dont think thats the only reason he did this. Another thing is people wonder now will he run again . He probably will if people keep on saying they can beat him. If he feels like theres a challenge ahead and he can do something more if theres a Democratic Group of challengers who will say we will destroy donald trump thats how you get him to run again. Host you mentioned the book that donald trump to is someone and you quote in the book directly be true to your brand keep your message simple, confuse your opponents, break the rules, embrace the chaos, loyalty is live, trust your family. That the family credo . Is that Donald Trumps model if you will . Guest thats certainly a good summary of some of the lessons that he has exhibited throughout his whole life. I think his family for example because that was attacked repeatedly. He is the modern American Family family, and number of kids with a number of exwives in the current life but unlike the average American Family he gets along extremely well. He gets along so well even with his exwives and i know one of them is stirring up a little trouble right now, ivanka trump. Ivana trump, excuse me, thank you. Even gets along with her. He gets along so well with his kids except for one daughter who is doing well in their own right in hollywood and they want to follow him into his life in business. They can be trusted. Very rare for the average American Family today to not have somebody who has had trouble with drugs or alcohol or school were Something Else or what the police. I have had trouble with all of those at some point in my life growing up in boston. Hes never had that and its extremely rare for somebody who grows up in the early mayor said in manhattan because those kids live in the lap of luxury and they could have just been playboys. They could have been losers. They could have taken a god and gone off and sailed away with daddys money and none of them did that. They have been his closest advisers throughout the portal campaign and sometimes its got them in a little trouble but oftentimes its worked out. Plus i want to back up for a few moments with the dynamics with his children. It appeared that they were his trusted advisers but everything from politics to policy and so forth. Do you believe they were part of the secret as to why he won . Yes because there are not a lot of people around him and politics who keep the trust. Donald Trumps Campaign like basically every president ial campaign and you have followed these for years, still with a lot of people who want money and fame immediately. He could trust the motives of his children and his children were essential in getting ready some of the people who were there who knew nothing and who are garbage. Corey lewandowski who is an absolute con man, hed like and the people impress donald trump with his confidence. He said im the best man for this job. Trump said i will give you a chance and he delivered a couple of early wins. Later it turned out those ones probably werent as a cory lewandowski. They were because of donald trump and then when he got to a point where lewandowski wasnt doing any of the jobs as Campaign Manager his children said we have to do something about this so some trump summoned lewandowski to trump tower and asked him what his plan was to deal with some criticism. It was a scandal of the week and we have had one every week. Lewandowskis answer and this was we should leak the vp pick for the children came to him and said hes got to go. They helped protect him because even if they werent operating at the same level as he was and even if they came from a different political background is the daughter does they care for him and they were able to spot charlatans whod gotten near him and that was important help them win the presidency. Husky mentioned in the book that particularly in the early states in iowa and so forth it seems to relate to donald trump. I want to be a billionaire from manhattan on perhaps a farmer and iowa. You write in the book that donald trump gets his news just like everyday other americans on fox friends and so forth to the support of secret as to how he wants, that he was so relatable to the average american . Guest was amazing the first time i saw him live i was and i was and everything from an hour and a half do anything. We drove an hour and a half to des moines and we were a High School Gymnasium and most of the guys ahead of vietnam that, vietnam vietnam jacket, vietnam tshirts and jeans maybe sneakers and they were there with their families. Donald trump was wearing a nice italian suit and a red trucker hat with a tie on and cufflinks. He walks in and everyone got along with him. Everyone had a backslapping attitude. It was very different from wallowing the other candidates and the other candidates would dress the part. If you went to a fancy dinner in d. C. With jeb bush or marco rubio pbm suit and tie with cufflinks. If you went to see jeb bush in New Hampshire he would have on the fast and the sleeves would be rolled up. Its kind of like costume play. Donald trump never did that. Walked into a diner in New Hampshire and he got along with everybody. He was comfortable in his skin. Most people are wearing snow boots and heavy jackets and its cold out that we are he walked in and the suit and tie like he always does and that down for pancakes and Something Else. Posted can you give some examples of what he likes to eat on campaign trails . He likes mars bars, he likes taco bell. He likes pain takes a kind of stuff that his wife would never go through. Host regular food. Guess that used to sneak out to go to mcdonalds. People relate to that. Even if you cant relate to the fact that donald trump is traveling around in a jumbo jet become relate to these on the road and not getting that well and everyone gains weight on the road. Hes a normal guy in the main thing is hes able to walk in at these places and is not wearing a costume and is comfortable in his own skin, extremely comfortable and americans dont dislike wealth i dont think. They dislike people who are fakes. Mitt romney is embarrassed of him as well and he says i go through the and think things like that. Americans say i see right here that. You are faking it. Host sounds like you are talking about authenticity. You juxtapose that with somebody that folks running for office. Is that the difference of donald trump . Guest he wasnt memorizing lines. He it was clear he had lived everything. He came from his gut. The man, i was surprised when i met him because i assumed that the pundits were right that he was a cool billionaire who wouldnt shake hands who was just playing a part being an actor. He was exactly the same on stage as he was off stage extremely likeable. He lit up the room wherever he went and there was a story it that was interesting because i always ask on the campaign trail the girls to do makeup for tv, thats a place where there are no cameras, there is no campaign staff. You can be as nice or as rude as you want to be in those wonderful woman who help you out anyways. I say who was the most meaning they surprised the dancer. I said who was the nicest and they said donald trump. One of the girls that i think we are going to get in trouble. When i met them on the campaign trail he was so different from other politicians. He was genuinely nice. He was authentic and unlike these other people who have to run everything through hole to make sure it worked, he did none of that. He may have strangely bragged at one point. Host you going to write in the book about certain rules. Walk us through those rules and why was an important put into the book . Guest i wrote broke down to 30 rules. The book is not political. Its a funny take on how he once people who are republicans or democrats or think people are interested in how they can apply it to their life should all check it out. Heres one. How to communicate and i wrote down some of the notes here that you saw is perfectly with the nfl scandal. Boston had to get the message across so attack, attack attack in on the narrative. Listen lesson two is to redefine things in their own terms. Lesson three is that journalists are the communicators in the field can be used as tools and finally keep it simple so with the nfl he went on the offensive that he went on the offensive when he was in a position of weakness. He adjusted endorsed candidate Luther Strange to us on losing the night for the rally putting off with a week of attacks on him for having lost his touch a luncheon in narrative and the attack the nfl on kneeling before the American Flag during the national anthem. Journalists and pundits another people try to say this is not about disrespecting the flag. We are kneeling during the flight to protest Racial Injustice and unfair treatment by police. He redefined it. He said no, no, no he clearly said i wont stand for the flag of a racist country by colin kaepernick. We are going to break it down whether its okay to disrespect the flag. Republicans and democrats across the country fill in the debt, not like that journalists in d. C. New york los angeles, they look at it more in selection and they said this is a protest protected by free speech and they started going on the air and democratic politicians over the country defending what the average american saw as disrespecting the flag could be used as tools spreading his message far and wide wide to to completely simple and because of that he probably one all right the first culture war since pat buchanan coined the term decades ago and he got all of his opponents to come out and say i think its okay to disrespect the flag. The average voter said that no and if democrats dont focus on the economy and the continued fighting these we want to disrespect the flight culture wars they might feel the same way about Walter Mondale or other democratic combatants. Host is Donald Trumps on press secretary . Guest he is. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has done a phenomenal job in the way she has done that i think is by not making use herself. Its a really hard job to the press secretary for innate administration and especially hard for president Donald Trumps administration because he has is his own press secretary. He makes his own calls. And he does it because hes the best data. Whenever used to come out when we were watching sean spicer on the news and sean would get ripped into a whipped into a rage and he would news that make news everyday. And donald trump came out he would usually defeat them. Jim acosta had some Great Television sparring. Hes the best at it and you should not delegate attacks that you are best at present are present to do that time to bjorn director. He makes the time. He watches it and thats why dont envy the people who have the job because its really tough to do a job when your boss knows he can do it better than you. At that point as he assumed that style is more important to the president than substance . Guest often with President Trump it is but a lot of that comes from business and this is going to be one of his challenges, the white house challenge. He operated for decades and he built his empire he built his name for decades and in a place where technology and communication and information was instant. He would use phones. Maybe carphones it came in the original trump limousine released by cadillac. He now can be checked immediately. This is something i write about cold truthful hyperbole. He will expand on something to make a deal. He will hype something is more than it is to make a deal. I can become very difficult as the president s word is supposed to be solemnly taken. If you are everall a star constitutionalist or someone who is worried about an increase in executive authority that we have seen for decades in this country this might be a good thing for you because for the first time the president can pick up his weight necessarily into International Conflicts as well as he could have before because Donald Trumps humanized the presidency. Its no longer like the seed of the pope with everything you say must be taken seriously when you are wearing the right that. President trump isnt always taken exactly at his word. Its not policy immediately and is brought back in a two to the white house in that regard. Host you also mention in the book that and donald trump before he came president was a president of a pretty lean organization, the Trump Organization and new york city. Now that hes president hes in charge of millions of federal workers and that seemed seems like a lot to adjust to in terms of people making decisions in a complex environment. Has the president bracelet at foley means to be president . Guest took him a few months. It was not an immediately quick lesson learned. It was a learning curve there. He did come from a small operation with people who work for him had come up through business for them. Some of them had been driving golf carts for him or bodyguards bodyguards. He saw one guy who did a really good job protect them and stopping a protester at a tense game and he said i think that would handle that stressful situation anomaly, hired him in years later he was running at a golf course for the president at the time. He knew these people and he trusted them and they loved him and they were very loyal to them them him. I comes into a government waving at the highest level you have 100 u. S. Senators with their own agenda they are on a elections who really dont know anything. Have as rolling federal bureaucracy which certainly is against what you are trying to do. He is trying to dismantle government to change as we know it. He said at a fundraiser earlier today its funny that Time Magazine was attacking him for reaching being government as we know it in exactly what you want to do and then you have the military which is generally friendly towards president. Comes with a whole lot more complications. Its a skill which know the person has to deal with and i think it did surprise him how much antipathy towards him certain pockets of the government have but its a lesson hes been learning as we have seen with the leaks going down mostly. We just had one from the fbi investigation largely going down and it will be a bumpy road but i think he could succeed if he does not succeed in getting his agenda across one of the reasons will be that. Guest is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You have to remember there are millions of people working for you making decisions every day and only the ones that not a single one those people want to make it to your desk and i could read anywhere from where we know hes awake early we dont know if hes awake. These decisions are lifeanddeath. Its not a decision about whether or not new deal here or deal with the city or work here or whether young woman or young mans life is on the line. He has the depth of 12 to certain parts of the gravitas of veterans certainly doing as well as he can to handle that. Plus it do you think he was surprised on Election Night when millions of americans along with himself and that he became or was becoming the 45th president of the United States . Guest yes because in your times put them in an 8 chance of winning and hillary was in the 90s at that point. Most people said he was not going to win. He never was a true believer was Vice President mike pence. Was confident they were going to win and there were signs all over the country that i saw. There was a battle between two different new yorkers a one point. Bernie sanders who was born five years before President Donald Trump in brooklyn so not too far but his life took a very different path. He joined the commune until he was kicked out of 1971 were not working and then he became mayor arlington in 1980 and 10 years later he became a congressman and a couple of years later he became a senator. Then he wins the presidency faces a situation like donald trump is where theres a crisis of leadership. The Democratic Party was faltering. Hillary clinton was not beloved by the voters and it was complete chaos. Unlike donald trump did it did not take advantage of that situation if he had he would have clearly updated Hillary Clinton as nominee and would have potentially one the presidency of the states today met so many people in New Hampshire and iowa and South Carolina and virginia who were in between Bernie Sanders and donald trump and when donald trump is the only nominee for the pup can party and bernie didnt take if they were going towards him. They are were deftly planted Hillary Clinton could not hold together the barack Obama Coalition but still i was in new york that night at Hillary Clintons headquarters in face of headquarters and expected hillary to win and that trumps hotel. It was a hardfought battle. Host you going to write its month since hes one in fox friends of the president s watching. He liked the rest of us is getting his news not simply from from but from cable tv the New York Times new post in daily caller. The latest 10,000 brett thank you piece in the new yorker might tickle a few fancies and a cocktail circles in San Francisco but that highmindedness is read by real americans nor are there any signs of him being threatened by the president quickly made by back . Guest donald trump watches a lot of television. Its funny george w. Bush was criticized for not watching the media enough and relying on his dossiers more than he relied on the media but donald trump watches fox friends in the morning. The most widely watched morning show around by a long shot. He reaches a huge amount of people and its often based on concerns. Its not highmindedness. The show ranges from whats going on in the Political Landscape that average americans are finding interesting to what is a healthy meal for your kid or whats a fun costume for halloween and through watching shows like that he has really gotten a good idea of what makes americans comfortable, what makes americans uncomfortable in an easy and generally watching the mass media of this country as opposed to reading the new yorker which is discussed often and cocktail circles here and there but isnt reaching and doesnt have his finger on the pulse. You saw a lot of these journals and web sites that said oh man i cant believe Hillary Clinton loss. I guess we are going to tour these red states and see what its like. Therell these two cities in these red states. They can understand Rural America by going to craft cocktail bar nashville. Donald trump has a better understanding of that and Tucker Carlson is a different kind of show. In the years since Donald Trumps become president tucker has become a an intellectual voice on the conservative populism that Donald Trumps administration has representative and the nationalism and that Something Else he watches but it comes from a different place than fox friends does. Host quoting the book direct even a man who made it an american catchphrase often doesnt do. Didnt like firing people who was the project manager of the trump doping. What do you mean by back . He literally does not like to fire people . Guest its very uncomfortable to fire people. I very rarely fortunately have ever had to do it the them people who have to fire people really dont like it. Youre telling someone they havent done a good job and its not like you were telling a student you havent done a good job and you are getting a bad grade. You have to go home and tell your boyfriend or girlfriend or parents or wife or husband or kids, i dont have a job anymore and thats rough. Donald trump made it into a game show with a ui fire do not tough thing. Often in his organization he make people realize they probably shouldnt be there or he would tell them when he got into a fight with the chef, the shuffle is correct. This shift was super rude about it. But he has had to fire people and he does when he needs to. He had to fire cory lewandowski. He had to fire Anthony Scaramucci after 10 days and he did. Bad people in the company no matter how uncomfortable they need to go. They are not just bad people but they do but other people notice it and they cause trouble for the company over the white house and its toxic. Spreads and causes trouble and causes discord. Somebody who is a leader needs to make that call eventually and say i would do the things that need to be done here and im going to cut off this toxic thing. Hes done it when he has to but its certainly an exaggeration that he created himself for his entertainment shows. Its a necessary thing. Plus oftentimes when youre running for public office. Early president there are friends from kindergarten from Elementary School and so Forth College roommates that speak on their behalf that are the part of the candidate. I cannot recall any childhood friend speaking on behalf of donald trump. Did you . Guest i dont recall any. Plus who is abnormal . Guest i guess i would be a little abnormal. Hes met the wrong guy. I dont think anybodys family would appreciate if they were donald trump and they came home one day and change. That guy has fire in his belly and the efficiency and competitiveness that can certainly grind against people. He writes about growing up with his fathers house. His father was grandmas like him and he got a very got along very well. You will work seven days a week like i do. His older brother freddie fully open to the up about emotionally broke him and he ended up dying anyway in the age. I dont want people to be like donald trump just like when republicans wait around waiting for the next Teddy Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan. They are not going to get it because its these are oneofakind types of people but there are lessons you can learn from that, of the things about his character and drive made it so he wasnt a social. You didnt drink him he didnt smoke he didnt run around and take part in the water of things that his colleagues did in his fellow students. He was absorbed in real estate absorbed in business and thats why for a guy like him hes very lucky to have his family. There are a couple of friends and businesses that came out like tom brock at the Republican National convention in a couple people spoke on his behalf but most of those were people he met at the top of his career. For one its hard to keep in touch with childhood friends. He is older and he came of age before facebook made it easier but he was always very focused on one of the things who was focused on was his family. Thats why you saw his wife and his kids and his exwife all fair to speak on his behalf more than he saw the average childhood friends that i personally rely on and keep in close touch with. Host when researching this book was anything you learned for the first time about donald trump, anything behind the scene where he said wow this is something i didnt know . Guest tons. I didnt know the full story of his brother. I didnt know why he didnt drink and why didnt smoke and it is a sad story. His brother killed himself with drink and smoke was tell him that i learned about his father and his background and his grandfather and their travels. His grandfather was an interesting guy. He came over and upgraded and then when onto alaska and he saw these schools looking for gold and the hills in the civitas just wait here for the gold . Some say could have been a brothel. The guys who got gold gave him the goal. He did very well and move back to new york. I learned bout that and i learned a lot about what with surprising how donald trump hasnt changed nearly as much. Voc said he was at the million. Some of his positions certainly did change. Hes become a pretty reliable champion for those changes that he made. If you look back at his interviews and ive looked back to his first interviews he hasnt changed that much. Hes become a little bit louder and a little bit more sure of himself. In his early interviews he was humble. He was. Host is a practical about some of the decisions that hes made . Guest never heard him sigh the philosopher before. Actually learned about from reading the art of the deal before i read before i wrote lessons from americas philosopherinchief. I dismissed the art of the deal at first because it was ghost written. It was obvious that it was ghost written by a guy with Donald Trumps extremely close supervision who is basic living with trump. Everything about it is the way donald trump speaks and the way donald trump asked. Hes the kind of guy that will call out the day before printing and say i need to make this change on page 176. That comes with a 10,000dollar fine because we have to stop the presses. I want to make the change because its not my boys. He takes a much more careful to use the things he writes than you would imagine for someone who helps him. With this you might manage a . Guest i would say is more of a delegator than a mic manager. He wants you to do a job well. He fills you are not doing your job well he says hes not going to make a 30cent phonecall and this was in the day before cell phones to save himself 10,000 on 476 of those the words being laid incorrectly. If theres a problem he likes to be one of the principles it deals with adam this is gotten into trouble. In real estate works really well. And politics sometimes poor example of an opposition researcher with potential ties to the kgb context of Rubio Campaign rupiah would have sent a lawyer. Donald trump said albeit an important meeting. I dont maybe made us walk by the way. My son should be there and they sent principles. That kind of strategy can get you in trouble with the national level. Host of there are reports that the president does not like in person than he feels isolated in his job. He is very upset by the leaks. He doesnt know who to trust besides his family. In the research in this but can you see where some of those unsourced people might be telling the truth or perhaps as an exaggeration . This is the job presence is always one of . Guest i dont think its the job that he has always wanted and i dont think its the job his wife wanted, melania but she has come along for the ride anyway. A lot of this stuff is exaggerated to to work in journalism i found it easy to exaggerate the importance of the source. Hundreds and hundreds of people work in the white house. They are not that many people that work in the white house with a seat at the table and there arent a lot of people who know whats going on. Amount of times i could have written whatever story he wanted to with anonymous white house sourcing would be amazing. In building it up and building its own narrative a lot of what we counted on for good press in this country in d. C. Have become gossip magazines and rumors. There are newsweek letters i used to read every morning like axial swear this whole top two sections are they authors objecting to what they think. Thats not news reporting. News reporting is then replaced by photo mongering and a lot of it is its a narrative that reporters want to believe that if you take a step back and say out loud is this like they . Oftentimes it wouldnt pass the laugh test that we saw Buzzfeed News point that the dossier that included donald trump and some where do things that if you read that out loud and you didnt already think that donald trump was the devil you would think that doesnt sound right. Maybe i should try to find someone but because of that and because of what reporters think about donald trump they are willing to write this stuff without being certain of that and that has gotten them into some trouble. A lot of people are starting to say your partisanship is coming out. Obviously dont like this guy. You are printing some real salacious stuff. Maybe someone out there is watching. The amount of corrections youve seen in stories attacking donald trump are kind of high. If seen the stories that have criticized hillary went in. I think thats because when the stories come out that make hillary went in with guilty of something people are very careful to make sure they get it right. It doesnt really fit the narrative that they are justin or what they woke up that morning feeling. With donald trump people dont give them the benefit of the doubt. Its very unethical for a journalist to assign malice. They do it all the time and i think. Host in chapter 7 in the book you are reporting donald trump era dont do it for money and the art of the deal. Ive got enough. Much more than that than i will ever need. Deals are my artwork that other people painted a blank canvas or write wonderful poetry. I like making deals preferably big deals. Is the presidency the ultimate position for donald trump . Guest what he found that i think this is another problem for him when you do a deal and business which is what he loves to do beware dealing with facts. Your company is failing, my company is succeeding. My Company Needs this kind of my Company Needs this land. People are bound by that but some of the major deals that got trump tower success were the property he was buying wasnt making the sales. It was losing its top people and they were hemorrhaging cash that they had to it at that because they were held to reality. Now is dealing with senators were doesnt matter. We could be losing a trillion dollars a day and they could say the policy works. Thats a bit of an exaggeration there but politicians are held to their own ideas and their own grassroots and they arent rooted in reality. Its difficult to be honest and say maybe this program isnt working. They will wish it that way. Its become more difficult. Hes also trying to deal with an Opposition Party that is grassroots that he some kind of resurrected hitler and his dealing with the Republican Party that doesnt want to enact a lot of the policies they have promised. Dealmaking has become extraordinarily difficult in the way that we have seen it done in the past. He has gone back to his original way of seeking leverage. We saw him at deconstructing parts of obamacare. He said if you dont ask obamacare puyi said Republican Party and will make obamacare infeasible and impractical and he starts taking it apart at the extralegal ampere credit level in the force of action. This is a new plan has been coming up with and it will be interesting to see how it works. Host besides golf is there any other Recreational Activity that the president participates in that we are not aware of . Guest nothing that we are not aware of. Food politics and golf are his ways to cool down and television probably is the way is not the way to lower his Blood Pressure anymore because its often attacking him. People give them a lot of criticism for golfing so much. It was fun to see a president coughing so much good when youre the president you cant get out of your house without massive security details. He cant show up with a Church Without inconveniencing every Single Member of that parish. You can be at camp david. I dont even play golf. Sometimes i go out with my friends and have a sigar while they golf. To get a press and you dont have to look at your cell phone. People criticize how much trump has played. But i dont think they understand its unlike the last president who went to the gym played basketball playing golf and talking with friends, this president only gets a kick out of playing golfs overtime he seemed golf its probably the only time off that he has. Host do you think he cares what other people think about him particularly his peers and other leaders around the world if something he thinks about and his own reputation around the world . Guest absolutely. Like most of us you would like to pretend sometimes and he doesnt care what people think it might most of us there were definitely people whose opinions he does not care about. I dont think it keeps them up at night that Hillary Clinton doesnt like him. I think he takes that as a batch. I think it looked him at first when some of the reporters he has a history of getting along with privately handling Joe Scarborough didnt like and he was able to wall that off quickly and saved you dont like me . I dont like you twice as much. Its a pretty good defense mechanism. I used it in high school. Trumpcare is about what people think. He doesnt let it dictate everything in his life though. He is able to move on at least so far from enemies and new enemies but i think like all of us definitely stings when an old friend turns their back on you and says they cant like you because of politics. The level, we have all seen this in our hometowns to matter where you are personal problems that politics have caused. Its way past the thanksgiving argument or couple of beers but he cant get away from it. Host is a man who has spent his entire life building things and working in the Hospitality Industry im curious to know what these you think the president might like physically working in the white house and being served by staff, not clinical that the president ial staff. Guest i think that he does. The white house has a problem. There are occasional rodents and theres a fly problem. Its an old structure and indeed some redoing. Donald trump rv travel straight to state his own properties. Hes the most comfortable in his own place. He certainly has a fondness for trump tower over the trump hotels with the golf course. The user where he is probably the most comfortable but he ended up according to conversations have been leaked and conversations he has had with the press being surprised and its hard not to be when you walk into the white house just like when you walk into a lowerlevel of Arlington Cemetery is present when you come in to these places that are so filled with history and prestige and you see this is where i live now or this is what i must protect now in the case of Arlington Cemetery. The importance of the presidency in and the weight of what you are has an effect on you. He loves the phones. He talked about how they have the best phones in the world. I have a buddy that sells those phones. Thats the best endorsement ive ever seen. If the president needs some work may be melania will help them him out with that prettiest and returned to trump tower often since. Those who do you believe the president communicates with his predecessors jimmy Carter George w. Bush, h. W. Bush, bill clinton or barack obama . Guest not too much. Host why . Guest the bushes dont like them at all. They made that. Clear. George w. Bush didnt even though they had very different politics and barack obama specific weight had a strategy families in george w. Bush didnt fill a need to speak up then but he felt he needed to come up against donald trump. President barack obama is not done with former president s have done typically in the past except for jimmy carter which is to retire receive from public life. I dont think anyone expected him to. Hes a young man who has a lot her energy left in him and a lot more that we want to accomplish and because of that i think he showed a lot of restraint. He is occasionally sniped at the present and i doubt he calls to get them to fight advice and i doubt donald trump ask them for advice. Heres an interesting interaction with jimmy carter is is. I think he might have surpassed Barry Goldwater in 1964. You remember for years in journalism ethics classes amazingly how unethical it was for a newspaper in 1964 to say of the survey that a thousand psychiatrists that goldwater was mentally ill. Its unethical to say if you havent met with a patient who nowadays psychiatrist who have never met with President Trump colin mentally ill its called grave journalism. He has gotten treated unfairly in that regard for jimmy carter pointed that out. The president shot him between saying thank you president carter and he might have hopped on the phone with him. This guy is pretty isolated. Hes very different from the last president and he basically ran against everything they build that all the living presence had built. I dont think they are going to get along because of that reason. A scope yet the project into a second trump term with a crystal ball to believe that principles and the lessons you wrote in the book would be applicable to the second term . Guest yes. Host the how so . Guest they would mainly be applicable because of how he operates. He will be in his seventh decade and you know from talking to relatives the grandpa doesnt change. You have to work around him or her because people dont change that much in their 60s and 70s and he has been through, he has brought these lessons that are near and dear to the donald through a number of his careers. He has applied them every time. I think if he wins the next term a lot of it is not necessarily going to be because of what he accomplished that because of how his opponents respond to it. George h. W. Bush was a fairly successful president but is a poem and like the clinton responded very well in unseating him. I dont think the democrats are responding well to what President Trump is pushing across. They are going down the completely wrong path that they promised to talk about the economy. They promised to address the concerns of working class and not that is happening. Maybe they had a month of that but now its back to the politics of barack obama did very successfully. President trump will take the same lessons he had with him and will bring them to the end of his life i suspect. Host the wind did you get the idea to write this book . Guest was formulating in my head about how no one understood him and everyone was wrong. Shortly after i met him for the first time i got the idea that something was wrong when i first saw him at rallies and saw who was there and saw who he was and i saw the journalists at the rallies. They were tough on journalists. The Hillary Clinton group was also tough on journalists that they would put you into a closed off section of the trump rally and i got away from them by running into the gymnasium bathroom and taking off my tie on combing my hair and holding my jacket. The only people who were there outside of des moines who were wearing ties and sued jackets were journalists. They were super easy to spot. I remember laughing to myself and Tucker Carlson got pulled away by Campaign Managers. Theres no way can i be taking off her jacket so i hid in the corner. I realized maybe suits and toddies were wrong. After i met him it was definitely wrong and then after he won in people spouting forth these completely basic isms and these musings they work completely on oppressive on a daily basis on television, think im going to write something about how they are wrong and maybe a few of them already. Thats what i like that the president dorset and tweet. I wrote for people outside but everyone have a notification on their cell phones were donald trump tweets. We need to do that thousands of people must have felt like their hair was on fire because they cant stand to one of their own wrote a book about him. Host was this an easy book to right . Guest the only reason it wasnt easy is because i have a three month deadline. The president then let it and i wanted to write something that came out around now in the fall with plenty of time before christmas. I have never written a book. I talked about mitchell i first, hes phenomenal and he said can you do it . I said of course i can thinking in the back of my head of course i will. One of the people i think the book is microtrend because i was working a fulltime job hanging out with guys like you and Television Writing a book at night. I was a little surly from time to time in cheap put up with a lot of emptiness in that time. It wasnt hard to write his donald trump and his wife had written most of it himself. The main difficulty was coming up with the outline of waking up he is a person to different separate lessons breaking down and trying to figure out how to forward them. Once they have that donald trump wrote the book for me. Host the vast majority of this book clearly focuses on the campaign in donald trump as an individual. Now that Donald Trumps in the white house can you see yourself writing another book particularly about january 20, 2017 to january 20, 2020 . Guest i sure hope so. I told the publishers, they dont like to tell others whats going on. Whenever id say whats going on with the book, how are we doing . They would say we will tell you why it happens. We look at the numbers later but after the present tweet it and i got good response and ive heard good things from people on the right and the left and even good things from Family Members who never ever even if i wish they did can be critical. It makes for a story that has been good so far a story that can be told again soon and if enough people buy copies i think that publishers will let me write another one. Host Donald Trumps family were to read this book do you think they would recognize their father, their brother, their husband in this book . Guest absolutely. Host how so . Guest because i wrote about their husband or their father in the book and its accurate. Its not just based on the musings, dont think they would recognize their father if they were to read the New York Times or to watch cnn who portrayed a bellicose uncaring person who is fueled by hate and is a racist but i dont think they would recognize that man because of not an accurate portrayal that this is a portrayal that can occasionally be tough on the present. Can call out sometimes where his better aspects get him in trouble with any sibling or any child recognizing as a Family Member but most of it is how he succeeds and the reason you see people like ivanka was certainly a manhattan socialite and a bit of a liberal is because they see past the politics and they see someone who loves them and who they love and trust who they trust in someone who has been very successful and has built an empire that now they can take the reins up in the children are excited to take the reins but imagine if our kids wanted to all wasnt exactly what we did some of the us might want to kids again that the donald trump is a proud father and i think that comes across in this book. Host you make the argument that writing this book that donald trump truly is a human being that cares about its own brand, that cares about how not just his peers but the vast majority of americans think about him. Guest he absolutely does. His brand is anonymous with him. His father started that with the trump business. Donald took it to the next level level. He wears his own ties. Call centers on golf courses, if you drink wine he would probably drink trump wine wind and he loves the trump steaks which are only available at the sharper image. Host he lives his brand. Guest he lives his brand. You see these not so intelligence reporters like places like the daily beast which has some very good reporters by the way, tacking them all the time thing Donald Trumps campaign spent 30,000 on trump brand Water Bottles. Is it a scam to enrich himself . If you can explain to me how giving your campaign 5 million for example and spending 30,000 on trump Water Bottles which you get a couple of pennies of this enriching yourself . Baby thats why some reporters arent that wealthy but donald trump believes in his own brand. He wouldnt be deterred from that. He was most comfortable in his own place in comfortable in his own skin. He wants that to be part of things. His trump tower in d. C. Has become incredibly successful since he won the presidency. There is one issue he has with this brand which is that i dont think ever has an american president been so exposed to terrorism or danger is donald trump has now. He has properties all over the world. If you walk into a trump hotel you dont see the secret service there an average day. See a couple of security guards there but now there are symbols of the pride of the leader of the free world all around the planet. I think before he is done being president there will be some tragic incidents involving these properties. Host the last question for you. The next book, will it be about the art of melania . Guest i wouldnt want to mans land too much about melania. Im not sure what im going to write next but i have a little bit of writers 50. I was writing all day and on weekends unlike most people i would sometimes rather have a beer. Sometimes i would sneak out to the local brewery to right there but i usually buy about politics and culture. I have a weekly act the daily caller and make cant wait to force myself back in that because once again they pences well in my head of my friends are sick of hearing about it. Host Christopher Bedford thank you very much for joining us. Guest thank you