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Reporter guest this fiscal blueprint includes can instructions for the Tax Writing Committee to get to work on the republican very ambitious tax plan. Theres also 10 years worth of entitlement overhaul that we are looking at here but the Budget Committee chair mike enzi said the only thing that matters here is. Host how are we moving forward with president trumps call for tax reform . Guest now we dont have many details about how republicans are looking to do this. Thereve been few details so far about what the rates might look like and what kind of tax rates they are looking to keep her lemonade but what we do know is this is a big wave of woman to him senate and House Republican leaders considering the Senate Amendment last night included some of the house tweets. The Senate Budget that was passed last night actually included some negotiations with the house even ahead of the Conference Committee so this will speed things up and we could see tax work next week. Lets go your article says republicans are eager to step up on tax guidelines. How will they do at . Guest they are looking for legislative victories here and many are unsure about what happened with the Obamacare Repeal attempt. They are hoping for another shot at reconciliation something that is very rare to try to get twice as one calendar year but they are hoping this is the ticket to achieving this tax overhaul that theyve been talking about so much as a centerpiece of the campaign. Host does there appear to be any democratic support for tax overhaul . Guest there was some talk that democrats giddy get on board with that. Heidi heitkamp vulnerable republicans of 2018 they did approve signing off some of the republican amendments on tax reform changes but overall the final budget vote does not include a single democrat. This isnt unusual for a very partisan document something we didnt expect the democrats to get on board but the fact that there were a couple of democrats voting for few of these amendments could mean they will be part of the process. Host what is the timeframe if there is any for getting this done . Guest republicans are very anxious to get it done but they want to have Something Else to talk about than something to get to the floor so we will start hearing from the house ways means Senate Finance committee pretty quickly and kevin brady the chairman of the ways means and house of suggested we could see a Tax Blueprint some legislation in the next week or so and as soon as the house and senate agreed to a budget resolution people see some legislative facts. Host the house comes back next week. Before they left they approved disaster funds. What is the status of that in the senate . Guest Senate Republicans had initially said they could get a vote on that right after the vote aroma on thursday night but now we see the next time they will vote on the will be monday. There are a couple of republican senator john boykin and bill nelson of florida who has put holds on trumps nominees because they are so anxious to see their home states as part of this bill so they are saying they may support this package next week but they are already looking ahead to the package in november which they believed would address a specific amount of funding for their home state. Host follow her work at politico. Com. Thanks for joining us. Guest thanks for having me me. Over 90 of cases end up in in and what does that mean . That means the one thing which never works in her repair ever again and he can never talk about it. He is gagged. I was to resolve Sexual Harassment suits . He put an arbitration clauses in Employment Contracts which make it a secret proceeding so again nobody ever finds out about it if you file a complaint you can never talk about it, ever. Nobody ever knows what happens to you and in most cases you are terminated from the company and hes left in the same position often as he was harassing you. This is the way our society has decided to resolve Sexual Harassment cases to gagged women to tell everyone out there that we have come so far in 2017. At the Heritage Foundation analyst discuss recent federal Court Rulings on the sense of language and the first amendment. They discuss cases involving trademarks held by Flying Dog Brewery the Washington Redskins and in asianamerican rock band. This event contains language that some viewers might find offensive. Its about an hour. At afternoon. Where come to the carters foundation at the Sarah Allison on the train. We urge you to join us on heritage. Or web site is the way with as the

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