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We now come to questions. I know caucus Prime Minister. Mr. Speaker know the thoughts of whole house a with people in east london following yesterdays appalling attack. Such violence has no place on our streets. Its heartbreaking. A teenage boy has died and i cant imagine what his family are going through and we send them our heartfelt condolences and our very best wishes to all those injured. I would just like to reiterate my thanks to the police and other emergency First Responders for embodying the highest standards of Public Service under such awful circumstances. I know our thoughts are also with those injured this morning in an attack at a school in sheffield. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. Thank you, mr. Speaker. We already know more than one in five teenagers are dealing with some experts describing this as an interdiction. Yesterdays teenagers could be at risk of exposure to toxic metals potentially harming organ development. I agree with the Prime Minister and his wish. Will he agree with me that permitting to be sponsored by baking Company Sends entirely the wrong message to young people and no place to Ban Companies advertising on sports strips . Doctor lisa. [shouting] many thanks, mr. Speaker. My husband is a banker. Protect people across the United Kingdom. Can the Prime Minister reassure the house that he has a plan in place to back and does he notify the Party Opposite who refused to back his fund . Well, can i start by paying tribute my honorable friends husband and all our veterans for their service to our country. Shes right, in the most uncertain time since the cold war that it is right we build our security can protect the our values, our interest and indeed our nation. Thats why this government has taken the steps to increase defense spending of 2. 5 gdp may guess the biggest spender in europe under nato. When the labour leader stands up i hope he stopped dithering, does the right thing and confirms he will back our plan to increase defense spending. Unit of the opposition, keir starmer and. [shouting] mr. Speaker, i join with the Prime Minister in source not yesterdays awful events. Im sure the whole house want to commend the First Responders send our deepest condolences to the family of a 14yearold boy who was murdered. I join with the Prime Ministers remarks about the attack in the school in sheffield as well. I know edwin and its house will be delighted to see his majesty the king returning to his public duties and looking so well. We all wish him and the princess of wales the best in the continued recovery. I would also like to welcome a member from central suffolk on being [shouting] after nearly two decades and an nhs and doctor. Mr. Speaker, he concluded that if you care about the future of our country and our nhs then its time for change, its time for this changed labour party. As of today, as of today hes our newest labour mp but im sure you wont mind me saying that hope he loses that title on friday. Mr. Speaker, with a lifelong tory as doctor says that the only cure for the nhs is a Labour Government, as in the time the Prime Minister admit he has utterly failed . [shouting] well, mr. Speaker, im glad to actually see the honorable gentleman in the house. [shouting] but thats because, thats because he recently pointed out that residence of his local Labour Council are, and i quote in his words, charge much more in council tax but in return receive lower quality services. Now, hes been wrong about some things recently but on that point hes absolute right, and this week people everywhere should vote conservative. [shouting] he comes out with all the nonsense but he locks himself away [shouting] in downing street bunker, moaning that people are not grateful enough to him. The reality is, tory mps are following tory voters in concluding that only the labour party could deliver the change that the country needs. And i say to those tory voters, if they believe in a better britain, then theyre safe with us change labour party and its for them. Mr. Speaker, mr. Speaker, in the two weeks since we last met at this dispatch box, has the Prime Minister managed to find the money for his completely unfunded 46 billion pounds to scrap National Insurance . Mr. Speaker, of course we address that a few weeks ago and am happy to address it again. But i know that economics is not too strong. , but he might do well, you do might well actually chosen to shadow education secretary who just this morning said no, thats not how it works, mr. Speaker. Indeed, they have said the link between National Insurance and Public Services funding is illusory just like labours economic plans, mr. Speaker, but its Crystal Clear theres one party thats going to deliver attacks have working britain and its the conservative party. [shouting] that was a long ramble order. Whos ever banged the furniture will have to pay for damages. And we have less of that . , on proper. A lot of rambling to nonintegration which is has he found the money to fund his 46 billionpound of promise to abolish National Insurance . Whenever hes asked about the date of the election or peoples pensions, he acts as if answering straightforward question is some of beneath them. But pensioners and those who are planning the retirement to serve better than his contempt for the questions. Because if 46,000,000,000 pounds were cut from its funding the value of the state pension what almost half. So i dont apologize for asking him again order. You got the next question. Youve got a ten minute rule bill. I be quite dash i would be quite quiet for what authority is on their behalf, whether he will finally rule out cutting their state pension to fulfill the enormous black hole and his spending plans. Mr. Speaker, of course we can roll it out. The honorable gentleman should stop scaremongering because its thanks to the triple lock that weve increased pensions by 370y will rise in each and every year over the next parliament. But its labour that always hits pensioners hard. Its his mentors blair and brown the broker promises, raise pension taxes by 180 billion pounds, delivered and insulting 75 key rise in the state pension. As one former labour advisor just said, brown destroyed our pension system. They did it before, they will do it again. Labour always betray our pensioners. [shouting] mr. Speaker, its clear he cant answer the question where hes going to find this 46 millions pound. Likely for him, no, thats we said is i come from, its not worth come from. Likely for him one of his peers lord frost says to solve the tory spending plan, the state pension age should be raised to 75. That will cause some alarm. So will the Prime Minister rollout ruled out forcing people to lay the retirement by years and years in order to fulfill his 46 billionpound black hole . Mr. Speaker, i enter this multiple times to the honorable gentleman and a map to say again, this is the party that is delivered and protected the triple lock. But i know, mr. Speaker, ultimo altarpiece that we do any of this because we all remember hes got his very own personal pension plan. [shouting] i think we all remember, mr. Speaker, entity comes with its very own special law. It was called the pension increased scheme for keir starmer qc. It is literally one law for him and another one for everyone else. [shouting] he wants to abolish National Insurance. Because 46 rebounds but he wont tell us where the money is coming from. We are no closer to an answer. Im going to persevere because last year the Prime Minister was barely drawing up plans to remove the winter fuel allowance from pensioners. His paymaster general went a step further. He said these are the sorts of things we need to look at. So with the now rule out taking pensioners winter fuel payments often to help fund his 46 billionpound black hole . Mr. Speaker, it was discovered that just this winter provided double the winter fuel payment to support pensioners. But what is Crystal Clear, mr. Speaker, is that we believe that the double taxation on work is unfair, mr. Speaker, we believe hard work should be rewarded and thats what this week we are cutting taxes by 900 pounds for everyone in work. But in contrast, mr. Speaker, its a labours news tax advisor who thinks pensioners should be taxed more, his words, this is why he think supporting them its a disgrace and he believes there free tv licenses are ridiculous, mr. Speaker. Its labour who it pensioners with tax after tax and he will do it all over again. Mr. Speaker, is it any wonder that his mps are following tory voters in queuing up to dump his party . Even the mayors that hes apparently in his political survival on dont want to be seen anywhere near him because until he starts selling out how hes paying for his head as economics, hes got completely unfunded 46 billionpound product that puts peoples retirement at risk. How does it feel to be one day out from elections with the message vote tory, risk your pension . Mr. Speaker, tomorrow voters will have a choice and will be a choice between mayors like andy street who are delivering, a slight sadik khan who just simply voted signal, mr. Speaker. Its high taxes and more crime with labour. Or its lower taxes and Better Services with the conservatives. Conservatives. Thats the choice of West Midlands to london, only one choice. Vote conservative. [shouting] mr. Speaker, we can see the deterrent is working and we have now deported our first Illegal Migrants. Unsurprisingly, labour just dont care. The shadow home secretary is busy protecting the leader of the Labour Party Said he cancel round of flights. He took a knee stopping deporting illegal for National Offenders who commit crimes like murder and rape and he do a al with the eu surrendering our borders to 100,000 legal migrants. Is it right, Prime Minister that only the conservatives will stop the votes and cut legal migration . Well, my honorable friend is absolute right, mr. Speaker. Our plan is working. Legal migration the latest figures showed down by 24 . Student depend is down by 80 . We all know labours big idea is to scrap the room want to plan even when its operational, mr. Speaker, it is one senior labour advisor said to andrew just yesterday, we cant come in and turned up and have nothing to put in its place. Im sorry to break it to the but thats exactly their policy. While we getting on stopping the boat all able to do is stop the planes. Stephen flynn. Thank you, mr. Speaker. On monday the Armed Forces Minister was neither able to confirm nor deny that uk troops may soon be deployed on the grounds in the middle east. Now the public watching will be hoping that members of this house to not have a short memory when it comes to the potential deployment and involvement of our military in the middle east. So can ask the Prime Minister to provide some muchneeded clarity . Busy giving consideration to the deployment of uk forces inabilities, yes or no . Mr. Speaker, you wouldnt expect me to get into any operational planning details. But what i will say, what i will say is where absolutely committed to supporting International Efforts to get more humanitarian aid into gaza which is something i think the whole house would support my fancy and there. We have tripled our aid commitment, and right now together with u. S. Cyprus and other partners are setting up a new temporary off the coast of gaza to get aid in s security and as quick as possible. Lets all be in no doubt, aid is required in gaza and it is required because when people are not being bombed they are starving to death. The solution to that is a ceasefire and the opening of safe ground and roots, not involved on the ground of uk military personnel. These are dramatic and potentially dangerous developments. So will the Prime Minister confirm to the house today that before he makes the decision, all members will be afforded a vote . Mr. Speaker, im not going to apologize for our armed forces playing a leading role in supporting International Efforts to get more aid in. Indeed we are sending Royal Navy Support ship rfa cardigan bay to the region to support that effort. But when he talks about this conflict, the fastest way to in this conflict is to ensure we have a hostage deal that gets hostages out, aid in and for the to be a sustainable pause in the fighting. It seems clear that there now is a workable offer on the table so i hope he joined with me in encouraging all parties including hamas to accept that deal so we can move toward a sustainable solution. Bill wick and. My right honorable frin to cancel hs2 lead 207 Million Pounds for the puddles and transport infrastructure. The hospital has a new board, more beds and a new diagnostic center on the way. 35 Million Pounds has been allocated to the river wide recovery plan. Inflation is down. The rwanda bill has been passed and defense spending is increasing. Does my right honorable friend agree with me that if he carries on like this hes going to win the next election . [shouting] mr. Speaker, im thankful from my honorable friends in highlighting the work the chemistry weather is increasing our defense spending, keep us safe, secure our borders with our blonde act, cutting taxes by 900 pounds, raising the state pension by 900 pounds and also please locally we are filling up idols, helping to save the river wye and approving local health services. It shows crystalclear its the conservative government that has a plan in his delivery a Brighter Future for our country. Caroline lucas. Thank you very mu ch, mr. Speaker. In february, his foreign secretary said it would be difficult for Ground Defense offensive unrwa to avoid harming civilians and destroyed homes. Yesterday his Deputy Foreign secretary admitted he was struggling to see how such an attack could be complied with International Humanitarian law. All the signs are that netanyahu is about to defy International Community an attack on 1. 5 million palestinians sheltering in rafah is imminent. If that attack begins, will that be the moment when the Prime Minister finally finds the moral backbone to ban arms exports to israel . And if not come how much more suffering has to happen before he asked to prevent further uk complicity in crimes against humanity . Well, mr. Speaker, what the honorable lady did not acknowledge at all is that israel suffered an appalling terrorist attack that killed hundreds of its citizens and it does have the right to defend itself. Not of course as ive been crystalclear, we want to see humanitarian law respected in a day or two pipe parties, to me something seven kb do want to see israel take greater care to avoid harming civilians. Ive. Ive made this point repeatedly to Prime Minister netanyahu, specific about the impact of any military incursion into rafah and they continue to say to the israelis at all levels that we want to see more aid to going in and bring about a hostage to do so we can move towards sustainable ceasefire. The 60 increase in funding for special Educational Needs and disabilities is extremely welcome, but the challenges around the recruitment of committee patricians mean some children are waiting too long for an assessment. What can the nhs to do to attract more of the 39,000 additional doctors recruited under this government into Community Pediatrics as a specialty which is incredibly rewarding and important . My honorable friend is right and i know he joins me in welcoming the significant action we have taken already to improve childrens health, whether thats reducing sugar in childrens foods but the six and among pounds was also invested to improve the quality of sport and physical activity in schools. As the nhs has established a special group to ensure the recovery of Pediatric Services keeps pace with that of adult elective care, at the know he will be please the nhs longterm workforce plan we have folded back doubles the number of medical School Places in england, increases specialty training places, and that will increase the size of the pool from which community pediatricians can be drawn in the future. I know you, mr. Speaker, want to join me in sending condolences to the friends, family and colleagues of our former colleague lord andrew stargell who served with exceptional diligence and grace as np for hazel grove in the south and a passed away recently on monday. Mr. Speaker, when the bbc and someone would rear transmission that sure they will also and access to Electricity Tariffs like total heating with total control, relied on by almost 1 million households across the United Kingdom. Switching to smart meters is not going to fix this for most people, not least because the role of program is so far behind. So whether Prime Minister or possibly date for energy and energy capri, the regular and the cusp of crooks together so can stop passing the blame around and find a solution that does not yet again lead people in the highlands and islands behind and out in the cold . Well, mr. Speaker, i understand that a grievance has now been reached to the radio tell us which in continue until june of next year and also engage with Energy Supplies on the plan to support consumers for the transition. Whilst household that currently covered by the service shouldnt be disadvantaged by the switch off, its Energy Suppliers who are better placed to advise on tariffs for those of any switch to a smart meter however i will make sure the honorable jew its a meeting with the relevant minister to ensure his constituents are not left behind during the transition. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. The east of england is playing a lead role in delivering the uks Energy Security and without our contribution the country will not be able to successfully transition to Renewable Energy supply system. In recent months are kos has taken a battering and projects like the low flood defense scheme been dispersed. My friend ensure Government Departments are fully coordinated so as to provide the region with good supporting infrastructure, proper protection for coastal communities, and every opportunity for local people to take up exciting, new jobs . Mr. Speaker, we are leveled up across the United Kingdom and investing in places that need it most including asthma right honorable friend rightly highlights our Coastal Community spirit almost 1,000,000,000 pounds of leveling up fund has been allocated to the east of england including 75 million for coastal places. I know he welcomes the town deal for lowest off in particular but i will ensure my honorable friend gets a beating with the relevant minister to discuss how we can for the support his region come its all in in the security but in particular its coastal committees. Mr. Speaker, the Greenpeace Group on earth found 36 supposing Grassroots Campaign groups which were actually administered by conservative staff and activists, and were forums from bio racism, antisemitism and islamophobic attacks on sadiq khan. Coordinate efforts around at the 21. Can the Prime Minister shed some light on the shady groups spreading abuse, the funding, the links to his party and whether he is aware of some operations existing elsewhere in the uk asked if he wont will the least committed a to investigate and take action to tackle the sources of this grubby gutter politics . Mr. Speaker, im not aware about the topic that the honorable lady raises, but im not going to make any apologies for conservatives point out the record of whether its the snp in scotland or the labour come in wales because thats exactly what democrat process is about. She might not like the one highlight the record but will keep doing so would be delivered for people across the United Kingdom. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I welcome our governments commitments to boosting defense spending and supporting ukraine, made possible by this conservative Prime Ministers National Leadership and sound management for the economy. My constituents have been doing as proud supporting ukraine like the pop plays gardens in delivering and villages, medical equipment and supplies, and steve hodson providing vital aid. With the Prime Minister john in paying tribute to my constituents and people up and down the land for their support for ukraine and reaffirm we will continue to stand with ukraine for the sake of freedom, immokalee, and Global Security . I join my honorable friend in thanking people up and down the country, including the fantastic work of his constituents, and supporting the Ukrainian Community and the face of putins illegal invasion. We remain steadfast in support of ukraine and in total since the war began. We pledge over 12 billion pounds of aid to ukraine. Last week we announced an additional half a billion pounds of funding which will be used to deliver muchneeded ammunition, air defense, and engineering support and drowned. But more important, and president zelensky welcomed this, we are able to no safe will continue with this level of support for as long as it takes because of the historic increase in our defense spending. Its Crystal Clear on the side of house we can say our support to ukraine will never waver. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In 1969 my constituent Georgina Jacobs gave birth to of a book with pushing and robert. Sadly, robert was born asleep and in those days the hospital when asked about to click the babies but it can take it to the center and leave it there for burial. For 53 years she did know exactly where robert was buried. When she eventually found him, she shared her story of social media and other mothers whod been through the same expense got in touch. Since then, she has located over 60 babies on behalf of grieving parents and has deservedly been presented with the award for achievement. Will the Prime Minister join me in congratulating georgina on her award and of having brought comfort to so many parents and families, and will heat on half of all previous government apologize for the summer practice who left grieving parents with nowhere to visit their barry to children . Well, cant i think and commend the honorable lady for raising this case and just pay tribute to georgina for what she was doing. I often say when those and cruel things about doing this job is meeting people like georgina usfa tragedy in their lives within use that to then campaign at us by a bring about a better life for hotels. She is a prime example of that. She deserves nothing but a praise and admiration. Im so please use brought comfort to some of the people, too. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, since is elected in 2010, rugby state employment grew by notice 6000 with 10 more of a constituents in work, much of which is been driven by investment from advanced manufacturing in places such as anthony park wake of the manufactured tactility center which the Prime Minister visited, hightemperature research and rollsroyce, parker magnet and the london electric vehicle company. Given that every Labour Government has left office with unemployment higher than when they came in, can the Prime Minister see any reason what anybody would want to put the fantastic progress at risk . I was pleased to see for myself on a recent visit that my honorable friend is a great champion for his constituents in rugby and i was very pleased to see the thriving local technology and Manufacturing Industry which will help us deliver on our ambitions to make the uk science and technology superpower. And is right we do have a record with 1 million fewer were close house loads, unemployment near record lows. Hes also right we need to stick to the plan because thats how we will deliver a longterm change our country needs and deliver a Brighter Future for found this up and down the country, including in his constituency. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Hypocrisy needs called out and about in this house will recall the former irish Prime Minister in brussels who has a photograph of a bombed customs post lamenting that any border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland was unworkable, it was a breach of the belfast agreement, and can result in such troubles again. The hypocrisy of the Irish Government from such a position has not been lost with the irish police now tasked to patrol the border, protect from the unsubstantiated come unfounded 80 figure of asylumseekers who supposedly make their way to the republic of ireland from the uk via norther ireland when actually the reverse is true. Will the Prime Minister challenge and call out these actions and confirm what representations he has made to the irish Prime Minister and the Justice Minister to respect the integrity of the house the house and be aware we have made commitments to avoid a hard border on island of ireland. The honorable lady makes a very important point that the Irish Government must uphold its promises. We kind of cherry picking of Important International agreements, and so the secretary of state, so the secretary of state is a seeking urgent clarification that there will be no disruption or Police Checkpoints at or near the border. And i can confirm that the United Kingdom has no legal obligation to accept return of Illegal Migrants from ireland. Now, its a surprise our robust approach to illegal migration is providing a deterrent but the edges not Syndicate Police to villages. Its a work with us in partnership to strengthen our external borders all around the common travel area that we share. Mr. Speaker, i was the Lord Commission that signed the right honorable gentleman special pension into law. [shouting] he owes me one. [laughing] but the Prime Minister is right. Labour 75p was an insult pensioners. Yet, last year our triple lock afforded pensioners the highest increase in the 30 years. The Prime Minister is going to continue to deliver for dignity and retirement, isnt he . [laughing] well, my right honorable friend is absolutely right that we will provide dignity to all those in retirement. Thats why we introduce the triple lock and thats why this year the state pension is rising by 900 pounds. Im also proud of her record to bring 200,000 pensioners out of poverty and i can also say as i said previously that the state pension will increase in each and every year of the next parliament eric asked reminds us about the 70 5p increase, unlike labour, pensioners in this country can trust the conservatives. Mr. Speaker, in only one of the one owe nine for local Authority Areas in england are in each of payments is the National Response time targets for responding to potential heart and stroke victims. Does the Prime Minister no which one it is . Mr. Speaker, when it comes to ambulance waiting times in a indie of course theres more work to do but the place where they are the worst in the country is in labour on wales. Thanks to our plan we been an improvement in a e in endless times. This winter over last winter. With age and more emphasis on the road, have the discharge out of our Emergency Care centers and 10,000 virtual war vets. Now virtual war vets of course as a said there is more to do but the contrast of labour on wales is Crystal Clear. Its the worst a indie performance anywhere in the great britain. For six months thousands of my constituents have lived with foul polluted air from the landfill site. The cubbies owned by somebody with previous convictions for environmental crimes and a few months ago gave to 1000 pounds to in the first version of wales. After another of his other companies was down 400,000 pounds on Development Bank of wales overseeing by vivian economy minister war and getting. Does the Prime Minister agree with me that this serious matter demands and independent investigation . Its not some into the labour party matter. Ultimately the coupling needs to get out of my constituency and let people have the quality of life the back. [shouting] well, my right honorable friend brings up an adequatey important issue and in no people in wales are concerned about the relationship that he mentions. Also agree with him on the need for transparency and an investigation regarding the welsh labour leader because its very clear that the situation, the situation is not at all transparent and answers are needed. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, its been revealed by the observer newspaper the conservative candidate for the mayor of london is actually a member of of the six facebook groups which was mentioned by the member for edinburgh north, and they are full of islamophobia, antisemitism and the most disgraceful incitement to damaging property, and the worst bit for those of us were in the house with our members of parliament were taken. That facing Death Threats to the current mayor of london, mr. Khan. Wealthy close down these facebooks which have been begun by concerned members of staff, begun by concerned members of staff, and will the investigate the role of the current candidate and her membership of those disgraceful racist facebooks . Well, mr. Speaker, the election tomorrow will be fought on the substance of the issues that londoners face and the labour record is Crystal Clear. Housebuilding in london has collapsed. Knife crime is rising. Mayoral taxes are up 70 and drivers have been hit with charges. The labour mayor simply panders to unions and is decimated londons nighttime economy. Thats his record. Thats how he will be judged and conservative people across london of the be safer with a conservative with lower taxes and Better Services. Thank you very much, mr. Spe. Today, mr. Speaker, is staffordshire day where we celebrate all the brilliant things about the county of staffordshire. With friend johnny and contribute to our Brilliant Police fire and Crime Commission then adams and occur to people of staffordshire to vote tomorrow to make sure we keep staffordshire one of the safest places to live, work and visit . Well, i wish everyone a happy staffordshire depiction mentioned the elections at a think its right she does because under this conservative and previous government weve cut crime by over 50 , deliver 20,000 more police officers. People with the labour please and Crime Commission more likely to be victims of burglary, twice as likely to be victims of robbery. And as i said last year knife crime in london went up by 20 . The facts simba speak for themselves. Both conservatives are safer streets. That completes a Prime Ministers questions. We let the front bench clear. [inaudible conversations]

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