Material on House Resolution 1065. Objection. R pro tempore without mr. Fry i yield myself as much time as i y consume. The eaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Fry just over three years ago Joe Biden Took Office as president of the United States and he immediately began upholding his Campaign Promises to reverse the to reverse the Trump Administration policies. This president issued executive orders that americas borders are open. Construction, rescind the remain in mexico policy, prevent the od block i. E. And c. B. P. From enforcing immigration laws. In the weeks that will follod pd aid at catch and release, and preventi immigration. After all, if trump d it, it must be bad. What was the result of bidens radical dismantling of policies that word nd prevent ilLegal Immigration . The biggest mass ilLegal Immigration in the history of the United States. Nearly 7. 5 aliens have been encountered by the customs and Border Patrol on the southwest border. There have been 37 straight months of c. B. P. Encounters. The Biden Administration released 4. 5 million illegal aliens in American Communities in addition to 1. 8 million known gotaways avoiding apprehension. At least 340 illegal aliens on the terror watch list have been Border Patrol along the southwest border and those are the ones we know about. We havent mentioned the northern border where historical high number of illegal alien are encountered by c. B. P. Every day. Who could have predict these results . For start worse, the Trump Administration officials did, the House Republicans did, the American People did, sheriffs, ranchers, farmers, families, they all did. They the Biden Transition Team not to rescind policies like the migrant protection protocols in title 42. Politics trumped common sensewiy Public Safety and finanal disaster that is the Biden Administrations immigration agenda. After three years of chaos, the Biden Administration seems to have finally gotten the message that americans get uneasy when they see mobs of illegal aliens beating up new york city pe officers, watch endless number of illegal aliens stream across the southwest border and hear hf murders like that of 22yearold Nursing Student laken riley by illegal aliens who shouldnt have been here in the first place. With a election on the horizon, President Bidens handlers think its time to admit what is happening on the southwest border is a crisis. Instead of correcting, theyre blaming congress. But the American People are not stupid and know if President Trump was able to establish the most secure border i american histor despite the open border groups rushing to get his immigration policies enjoined in activist courts at every turn, then President Biden, too, could use h ecutive authority to help secure the border and restore those policies. They know President Biden simply refuses to do it. President biden refuses to implement the migrant protection protocols t stop abusing discretionary case by case and other Parole Authority and reimplement President Trumpstio we can remove illegal aliens seeking asylum to third wor countries. President biden refuses to use 212f authority to suspend aliens from crossing the border and refuses catnd release. He refuses to apply with the mandatory statutes, the immigration and nationality act for illegal aliens and refuses to rein in tax this stands in contrast to President Trump who refused to give up. The answer to the border crisis is simple am, secure the border and enforce the law. That is w the Trump Administration did and what President Biden refuses to do. President biden has the authority to secure the secure and begin using that executive authority as has been done. H. R. 2, the secure border act passed this house last spring and would enhance our current help ensure the border is controlled. Senate democrats have refused to bring that bill to the floor for almost a year President Biden should use executive authority to ensure the National Security and Public Safety of americans is paramount and use it to secure our border and do so today. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from South Carolina reserves. The gentlelady recognized. I yield myself such time as i may consume. For the second time in less than two months with another shutdown looming we are wasting our time on a meaningless House Resolution wse sole purpose is to justify republicans lack of desire to have solutions. How did we get here . Ms. Jayapal earlier this congress, Congress Passed cruel inhumane broken border bill h. R. 2. They say it is the only way to securehe border and say democrats have refused to bring up h. R. 2 in the senate but that bill has failed twice to pass the United States senate receiving 32 votes. There are a lot of republins over there in the senate that didnt vote for. R. 2. Andfter insisting the only way was to do it through harsh security border legislation, publicans even get some democrats to agree to a border bill in the senate that was written by the senates■x second most republican senator, a bill that Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell called the toughest border bill in 30 ar what happened to that bill . Donald trump said he didnt want to do anything to help the border because he■ wation to bea Campaign Issue and other republicans said they didnt want to do quote toon to help a democrat. Hours after the 370paged text of the bill was released, speake johnson declared the bill dead on arrival. The rank a file and the senate bill died before the ink was even dry. Republicans have showed clely what we democrats have been saying over and over again, they dont w anything on to help address the issues we face of a broken immigration system. Instead of solving a problem, my colleagues on the other side want to weaponnize the border for this election year. The truth is that the border isd to the fact that our Legal Immigration system haseen left in chaos because it hasnt been modernized in 30 years to meet the needs of our country, families. When the Legal Process is so backed up that it takes decades to get children into the country or employersant get people to hire because there is a backlog that havent been processed or when we have so few immigration judgessylum seekers wait eight years to get cases heard. People give in to actors including the cartels if they pay them a boat load of money they can get them. Hat ityou fix the legal works and update the caps and quotas you will see large numbers of migrants at thet fixr without fixing the underlying system and only fix it with harsh immigration been caught. They refuse to give President Biden the resources to secure the border. Border patrol agents told us they need money and voted against me agents and to hide their hypocrisy and saying the president can secure the border through harsh executive actions alone, no action by congress is necessary. This resolution is filled with misinformation. The resolution alleges that the Biden Administration is not removing people fast enough. In eight months since ending title 42, this administration has returned ored over half a million people, roughly equivalent to the numberf people removed and returned in the Trump Administration in all of fiscal 2019. It states quote it could comply with the mandatory with the act which no administration including the Trump Administration has ever complied with b has ever appropriated the extraordinary levels of funding that such compliance would require. The resolution complains that the president isnt using the suspension of Entry Authority but republicans want to forget that President Trump tried to do exactly that in november of 2018 and he was stopped by the courts, even the Supreme Court refused to intervene and lift the lower court injunction. Enforcement policies do not stop people from crossing the border. When President Trump implemented remain in mexico, that summer we saw some of the highest levels of migration of the entire Trump Administration. And when President Trump used title 42 to turn back all border crossers, actually shot up not wn. Cartels made moneyand over fist by providing people with multiple entry attempt packages. One individual was apprehended over 40 times alone. From february 1 of 2017 of 2020e duration of donald tmps presidency illegal border crossings wen up by 300 . People do not make the arduous dangerous journey here on a whim, they do it because they are fleeing for their lives or desperate to escape an unbliivel situation in their he country and because of that they will continue to come no matter how many policies they have to face once they arrive. N actually works inside the United States, legal pathways for people to come to this country. The way to fix the border is modernize our current immigration system and provides people about different opportunities and abiliti be wis or to come here and work or flee war or torture and have their applications and claims processed in a timely way. We have already seen when we provide workable ways for people to seek refuge, they will use them and encounters between ports of entry fall dramatically. This resolution showsnce again that republicans dont want to do anything to fix a border. This is a resolution that literally does absolutely nothing. Changes not one single policy that is on the books. I urge all my colleagues to oppose this resolution and i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from washington reserves. The gentleman from South Carolina is recognized. Mr. Fry i yield five mqinutes o the gentlelady from texas, the auth of this resolution. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Friend for yielding. I rise in strong support of House Resolution 1065, which is critical to addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time, the unprecedented crisis at our southern border. This resolution is not just a condemnation of this administrations policies, but a call to action, a plea for a return to responsibility, security and the rule of law. The Biden Administrations approach to Border Security marked by its relentless pursuit of polit correctness at the expense of common sense and american lives has reached a point of failure. This was made painfully clear by the president s abhorrent recent statements where he felt compelled to apologize for accurately identifying a murderer, a murderer as an illegal immigrant. Let me be very clear. As granddaughter of mexican immigrants myself, i am vy of o. In fact, the community where my family and i live is over90 hispanic. And i have yet to encounter anyone outside of three or four activists here in washington, d. C. , who are offended by calling laken rileys1x killer exactly what he is an illegal immigrant who is a murdere in fact where im from, being called an illegal immigrant is perhaps the kindest thing we would say about such a despicable individual, who is a murderer. The outrage seems reserved for those who are out of touch with the realities of every day americans including the vast majority of hispanics who are sick ane tired of extremists using our culture as a shield for their radical, open bders agenda. President bidens apology is emblem attic of a broader issue. Our broader policy just as with this administration is dictated by the needs of americans but od elitists who just dont care about working americans. Their policies have jeopardized the safety and wellbeing of American Families and the migrants and children who are being exploited by the ruthless cartels. This resolution once again brings to light harrowing reality that under President Biden and secretary mayorkas watch, our nation has witnessed the worst border crisis in american history. The resolution on its demand. It is time for this administration to uphold its responsibilities. We must initiate asylum agreements with safer countries, employ, expedite Removal Authority judiciously and ensure that those not admissible are detained as feral law requires. This is not merely a question of immigration policy, but of National Security. Publ safety and basic human dignity. I respectfully implore my colleagues on both sides of thee resolution 1065. Let us send a resounding message to the safety and secur■ity of ameran citizens that the safety and security of american citizens are nonnegotiable. We deserve sensible, secure and humane immigration system. For the sake of our nation, for e our citizens and integrity of our borders, i urge you to support this resolution. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. Mr. Fry i8k ro tempore the gentlelady from washington is recognized. Ms. Jayapal no president has ever been able to detain everybody that is required by law because we have never appropriated that amount of money. Its my great pleasure to yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from new■r york, representative velazquez. Thspeaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the genelady from new york for two minutes. Vr yielding. Mr. Speaker, if republicans were really interested in fing our m, why are we wasting our time debating this nonbinding resolution . Republicans claim that all President Biden needs to do to fix our immigration system i to unconstitutionally shut down the border and return to the draconian policies of the Trump Administration. Immigration in our country has been broken for decades. An enforcementonly Immigration Solutions do not work, and you know that. We must also recognition the positive benefits of immigration. According to the c. B. O. , increased immigration will help bolster our economy by about 7 trillion over the next decade. If republicans really care about addressing the problems of our immigration system, theyill join with democrats to pass thoughtful and biparsan legislation to actually address the problem thy at the border. But guess what . They are not■ interested in doig that. All they need is a political talking point. Instead, we are debating a yet were debating a policy tt will do nothing to help no one. I urge my colleagues to oppose this resutioback. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from washington reserves. The gentleman from sth calized. Mr. Fry i yield three minutes to the gentleman from california. The speaker pro tempore the speaker recognizes the gentleman from california three minutes. This resolution reflects the testimonyf the immigration of the House Judiciary Committee recently received from experts and former i. C. E. Officials that the president has the fl authority in existing law to secure our borders. He simply refuses to do so. Donald trump enforced our laws. He used title 42 to illegal cro. He required asylum claants to remain in mexico or other safe third countries until their s were heard. He enforced Court Ordered deportations, and it worked. IlLegal Immigration fell to a 46year low. Now, the laws didnt change. The President Bidens first day, he ended the remain in mexico policy he ordered i. C. E. To stop enforcing courtordered deportations andrdered all construction on the border to cease. Since that day, this released more than 4. 5 million legal aliens in our country and allowed an additional 1. 8 ey the Border Patrol while it was overwhelmed. That is a combined population of illel migrants that entered in this country the size of the state of missouri. The 18th large state with eight congressional districts. I repeat, the laws didnt change, the president changed. Last year, the house passed h. R. 2 to make it harder for future president s to flout the law but Senate Democrats killed it. Instead, they tout a bill that wo leave a future president powerless to enforce our immigration laws until illegal crossings reached a minimum ofin 4,000 per day. This crisis is exactly what the democrats promised have unleashed and defended every day for the last three years. The hard truth is that that cannot be fixed by the congress. That can only be fixed by replacing this administration with one that will secure our border, enforce ouraws, and protect our people. And that can only be done by the box. Ican people at the ballot i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california yields. The gentleman from South Carolina. Mr. Fry i reserve my time. Rom s recognized. Mr. Jaypal i have no more speakers and am ready to close. Mr. Fry i havespeakersed im r. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from washington is recognized to close. Mr. Jaypal thank you, mr. Speaker. Were very efficient here. We may not know it from the language being used today, were debating a immigration resolution that is nonbinding. That means it does absolutely nothing. It is full of empty rhetoric, but it makes no actual policy changes to address the outdated immigration system. It does not a single thing other than take up time for debate on this floor when we should be working on making sure that our government doesnt shut down. Rather than debating thes resole should be exploring how to meaningfully reform the broken immigration system to expand■, lawful immigration to the United States given the documented benefits that it brings. In 2021 alone, talka■ ■ recipients Daca Recipients paid 6 billion and refuse fees paid 28 holders paid 2. 2 billion in taxes. In 2021 undocumented immigrantsn in federal income taxes and 12. 2 billion in state and local taxes. Artment of health and Human Services released a study demonstrating that refugees and others4 billil benefits over 15 years. And the congressional budget office, a nonpartisan entity, recently released a report finding that recent immigrants who joined the work force will add 1 trillion in revenue to gn 2023 and 2034, and 7 trillion overall to o g. D. P. Its also estimated that putting undocumented immigrants on a roadmap to citizenship would not ly increase u. S. G. D. P. By 1. 7 trillion over the next decade, but that action would raise wages for all americans and create hundreds of thous of new jobs. Unfortunately, republicans talk a big game when it comes to immigration and Border Security. But instead of trying to pass thoughtful and Bipartisan Legislation to address the problems in our immigration system, we are wasting our time onesolutions like the one before u today. It cannot be clearer, republicannings are simply not interested in Solutions Republicans are simply not interested in solutions. Le me yield one minute to the chr of the hispanic caucus, ms. Barragon for three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for three minutes. Ms. Barragon i rise to oppos another House Resolution from the republicans. Its additionalesources to address challenges at the southern border but instead spend their time on empty messaging resolutions such as this. Worse yet, they continue to lie. Ms. Barragan. Look at thise Resolution Says tn administration suspended and terminated Asylum Cooperative Agreements with elala and hondu, established by the previous administration. The fact is, two of these agreements were never implemented by the previous administration. And one was paused at the start of covid. The pandemic. Administraon has refused toen use its authority to detain inadmissible mile rants. Inadmissible migrants. The fact is that no administration, including the Trump Administration, has fully complied with the act because congre is not funding and providing the funds and the previous admised for the fundino come close to having this mandatory detention for all. Something i dont even with. But yet even the Prior Administration didnt do that. Now, this administration, the Biden Administration is actually detaining migrants. The fact is the Biden Administration is detaining approximate 39,000 inadmissible migrants. Th resolution also says the Biden Administration has the authority to use expedited removal and is refusing to use expedited removal. Again, thats not tru lets look at the facts. The Biden Administration has expanded expedited removal to remove hundreds of thousands of people. My point today is this just goes to show you republicans are not serious about the border. E serid stick to the facts and they would stick to solutions. This3m bill, this resolution is not about solutions but all about politics. Theyve consistently opposed legislation to increase funding at the southern border. Its republicans who refuse to coider President Bidens 13. 6 billion funding at the border. Let me talk whats in that. Republicans refused to give 85m crossinghe southern border. Its republicans who refuse to consider 723 million to hire additional customs and Border Protection officers and Border Patrol agents. And republicans even refused 1 billion for i. C. E. Detention beds. Ms. Jaypal one me the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Barragan the republicans refused money to put in new fentan technology at points of entries. Republicans have said no to all of this. Then the Biden Administration helped craft a punitive conservative bipartisan immigration bill that i didnt even support. House republicans said no before theot ink was dry why . Cause donald trump called and said dt consider it, we dont want to do anything at all. I need a Campaign Issue. Thats what this is about. Time and time again. Republicans have had a chance to do something. They failed to act e they misled, they fear mongered, they demonize immigrants and try to convince the americalus to a. Democrats should reject these tactics and dishonest resolution. I urge my colleagues to vote no and yield back to ms. Jaypal. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Jaypal i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from South Carolina is recognized. Mr. Fry im prepared to close. Unfortunately, my colleagues ont of amnesia. Because just as quickly as these Border Patrololicies were taken away at the stroke of a pen at the start of this administration, the purpose of the resolion is to remind our president who seems to have forgotten he has every authority to put back the policies thatn h that same stroke of a pen. There are steps today this administration could unilaterally do, ending catch and release, reinstating the migrant protection protocols, entering back into Asylum Cooperative Agreements with latin american countries, ending abuse of control authority, expediting Removal Authority and reigning in taxpayer funded benefits for illegal alien. The Biden Administration created this crisis at the southern border and can end it with the stroke of a pen. Th rnumerous actions the Biden Administration has taken to systematically open up our at cspan. Org. National security adviser was at tuesdays to announce that 2 billion loan to poland and weapons and equipment to help ukraine. President bidens meeting with polish Prime Minister and■poland president was also discussed and President Biden that bans tiktok in the u. S. I beg your indulgence i have to Say Something at t

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