Clicking jeffries as speaker of the house. I yelled back. [applause] [chanting] the speaker pro tempore if there are no further nominations, the court will now call the roll. [calling roll] allen. Jordan. Allred. Jeffries. Amodei. Jordan. Armstrong. Jordan. Arrington. Jordan. Auchincloss. Jeffries. Babin. Jordan. Bacon. Mccarthy. Baird. Jordan. Balderson. Jordan. Balint. Jeffries. Banks. Jordan. Barr. Jordan. Barragan. Jeffries. Bean of florida. Jordan. Beatty. Jeffries. Bentz. Jordan. Bera. Jeffries. Bergman. Jordan. Beyer. Jeffries. Bice. Jordan. Biggs. Jordan. Bilirakis. Jordan. Bishop of georgia. Jeffries. Bishop of north carolina. Jordan. Blumenauer. Jeffries. Blunt rochester. Jeffries. Boebert. Jordan. Bonamici. Jeffries. Bost. Jordan. Bowman. Jeffries. Boyle of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Brecheen. Jordan. Brown. Jeffries. Brownley. Jeffries. Buchanan. Donalds buck. Emmer. Bucshon. Jordan. Brises insy. Jeffries. Burchett. Jordan. Burgess. Jordan. Burialeson. Jordan. Bush. Jeffries. Calvert. Jordan. Cammack. Jordan. Kara vale. Jeffries. Carbajal. Jeffries. Cardenas. Jeffries. Carey. Jordan. Carl. Jordan. Carson. Jeffries. Carter of georgia. Jordan. Carter of louisiana. Jeffries. Carter of texas. Jordan. Cartwright. Jeffries. Casar. Jeffries. Case. Jeffries. Cast ton. Jeffries, castor of florida, jeffries, castro of texas. Jeffries, chavez, mccarthy. Chavez dereamer, mccarthy. Chu. Jeffries, ciscomani, jordan. Clark of massachusetts. Jeffries. Clark of new york. Jeffries. Cleaver. Jeffries. Cline. Jordan. Cloud. Jordan. Clyburn. Jeffries. Clieferred clyde. Jordan. Cohen. Jeffries. Cole. Jordan. Collins. Jordan. Comer. Jordan. Connolly. Jeffries. Correa. Jeffries. Costa. Jeffries. Courtney. Jeffries. Craig. Jeffries. Crane. Jordan. Crawford. Jordan. Crenshaw. Jordan. Crockett. Jeffries. Crow. Jeffries. Cuellar. Jeffries. Curtis. Jordan. Davids of kansas. Jeffries. Davidson. Jordan. Davis of illinois. Jeffries. Davis of north carolina. Jeffries. Dean of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Degette. Jeffries. De la cruz. Jordan. Delauro. Jeffries. Delbene. Jeffries. Deluzio. Jeffries. Desaulnier. Jeffries. Did he gal a. Jordan. Dees possible seato. Zeldin. Diazbalart. Scalise. Dingell. Jeffries. Doggett. Jeffries. Donalds. Jordan. Duarte. Jordan. Duncan. Jordan. Dunn of florida. Jordan. Edwards. Jordan. Else yes els yes. Mike garcia. Emmer. Jordan. Escobar. Jeffries. Eshoo. Jeffries. Espaillat. Jeffries. Estes. Jordan. Evans. Jeffries. Ezell. Jordan. Fallon. Jordan. Fen stray. Jordan. Ferguson. Scalise. Finstad. Jordan. Fischbach. Jordan. Fitzgerald. Jordan. Fitzpatrick. Jordan. Fleischmann. Jordan. Fletcher. Jeffries. Flood. Jordan. Foster. Jeffries. Foushee. Jeffries. Foxx. Jordan. Frankel. Jeffries. Scott franklin. Jordan. Frost. Jeffries. Fry. Jordan. Fulcher. Jordan. Gaetz. Jordan. Gallagher. Jordan. Gallego. Jeffries. Garamendi. Jeffries. Garbarino. Zeldin. Mike garcia. Jordan. Robert garcia. Jeffries. Garcia of illinois. Jeffries. Garcia of texas. Jeffries. Gimenez. Mccarthy. Golden of maine. Jeffries. Goldman of new york. Jeffries. Gomez. Jeffries. Tony gonzales. Scalise. Vincent gonzalez. Jeffries. Good of virginia. Jordan. Gooden of texas. Jordan. Gosar. Jordan. Gottheimer. Jeffries. Granger. Scalise. Grace of louisiana graves of louisiana. Jordan. Graves of missouri. Jordan. Graves of tennessee. Jordan. Green of texas. Jeffries. Greene of georgia. Jordan. Griffith. Jordan. Gri hall is via. Jeffries. Grothman. Grothman. Jordan. Guest. Jordan. Guthrie. Jordan. Hageman. Jordan. Harder of california. Jeffries. Harris. Jordan. Harshbarger. Jordan. Hayes. Jeffries. Heroin hern. Jordan. Higgins of louisiana. Jordan. Higgins of new york. Jeffries. Hill. Jordan. Himes. Jeffries. Henson. Jordan. Horsford. Jeffries. How muchen. Jordan. Houlahan. Jeffries. Hoyer. Jeffries. Hoyle of oregon. Jeffries. Hudson. Jordan. Huffman. Jeffries. Highinga. Jordan. Hunt. Jordan. Issa. Jordan. Ivey. Jeffries. Jackson of illinois. Jeffries. Jackson of north carolina. Jeffries. Jackson of texas. Jordan. Jackson lee. Jeffries. Jacobs. Jeffries. James. Candice miller of michigan. The speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. Clerk will continue. The clerk jayapal. Jeffries. Jeffries. Jeffries. Johnson of georgia. Jeffries. Johnson of louisiana. Jordan. Johnson of ohio. Jordan. Johnson of south dakota. Jordan. Jordan. Jordan. Joyce of ohio. Jordan. Joyce of pennsylvania. Jordan. Kamlagerdove. Jeffries. Kaptur. Jeffries. Kean of new jersey. Jordan. Keating. Jeffries. Kelly of illinois. Jeffries. Kelly of mississippi. Jordan. Kelly of pennsylvania. Boehner. Khanna. Khanna. Jeffries. Kiggans of virginia. Mccarthy. Kildee. Jeffries. Kiley. Jordan. Kilmer. Jeffries. Kim of california. Jordan. Kim of new jersey. Jeffries. Krishnamoorthi. Jeffries. Kuster. Jeffries. Kustoff. Jordan. Lahood. Jordan. Lalota. Zeldin. Lamalfa. Jordan. Lamborn. Lamborn. Jordan. Landsman. Jeffries. Langworthy. Jordan. Larsen of washington. Jeffries. Larson of connecticut. Jeffries. Latta. Jordan. Laturner. Jordan. Lawler. Mccarthy. Lee of california. Jeffries. Lee of florida. Jordan. Lee of nevada. Jeffries. Lee of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Leger fernandez. Jeffries. Lesko. Jordan. Letlow. Jordan. Levin. Jeffries. Lieu. Jeffries. Lofgren. Jeffries. Loudermilk. Jordan. Lucas. Jordan. Luetkemeyer. Jordan. Luna. Jordan. Luttrell. Jordan. Lynch. Jeffries. Mace. Jordan. Magaziner. Jeffries. Malliotakis. Jordan. Mann. Jordan. Manning. Jeffries. Massie. Jordan. Mast. Jordan. Matsui. Jeffries. Mcbath. Jeffries. Mccarthy. Jordan. Mccaul. Jordan. Mcclain. Jordan. Mcclellan. Jeffries. Mcclintock. Jordan. Mccollum. Jeffries. Mccormick. Jordan. Mcgarvey. Jeffries. Mcgovern. Jeffries. Mchenry. Jordan. Meeks. Jeffries. Menendz. Jeffries. Meng. Jeffries. Meuser. Jordan. Mfume. Jeffries. Miller of illinois. Jordan. Miller of ohio. Jordan. Miller of west virginia. Jordan. Millermeeks. Granger. Mills. Jordan. Molinaro. Jordan. Moolenaar. Jordan. Mooney. Jordan. Moore of alabama. Jordan. Moore of utah. Jordan. Moore of wisconsin. Jeffries. Moran. Jordan. Morelle. Jeffries. Moskowitz. Jeffries. Moulton. Jeffries. Mrvan. Jeffries. Mullin. Jeffries. Murphy. Jordan. Nadler. Jeffries. Napolitano. Jeffries. Neal. Jeffries. Neguse. Jeffries. Nehls. Jordan. Newhouse. Jordan. Nickel. Jeffries. Norcross. Jeffries. Norman. Jordan. Nunn. Of iowa. Jordan. Obernolte. Jordan. Ocasiocortez. Jeffries. Ogles. Jordan. Omar. Jeffries. Owens. Jordan. Pallone. Jeffries. Palmer. Jordan. Panetta. Jeffries. Pappas. Jeffries. Pascrell. Jeffries. Payne. Payne. Pelosi. Jeffries. Peltola. Jeffries. Pence. Jordan. Perez. Perez. Jeffries. Perry. Jordan. Peters. Jeffries. Pettersen. Jeffries. Pfluger. Jordan. Phillips. Jeffries. Pingree. Jeffries. Pocan. Jeffries. Porter. Jeffries. Posey. Jordan. Pressley. Jeffries. Quigley. Jeffries. Ramirez. Jeffries. Raskin. Jeffries. Reschenthaler. Jordan. Rodgers of washington. Jordan. Rogers of alabama. Jordan. Rogers of kentucky. Jordan. Rose. Jordan. Rosendale. Jordan. Ross. Jeffries. Rouzer. Jordan. Roy. Jordan. Ruiz. Jeffries. Ruppersberger. Jeffries. Rutherford. Scalise. Ryan. Jeffries. Salazar. Jordan. Salinas. Jeffries. Sanchez. Jeffries. Santos. Jordan. Sarbanes. Jeffries. Scalise. Jordan. Scanlon. Jeffries. Schakowsky. Jeffries. Schiff. Jeffries. Schneider. Jeffries. Scholten. Jeffries. Schrier. Jeffries. Schweikert. Jordan. Austin scott, jordan. David scott. Jeffries. Scott of virginia. Jeffries. Self. Jordan. Sessions. Jordan. Sewell. Jeffries. Sherman. Jeffries. Shell. Jeffries. Simpson. Scalise. Slotkin. Jeffries. Smith of missouri. Jordan. Smith of nebraska. Jordan. Smith of new jersey. Jordan. Smith of washington. Jeffries. Smucker. Jordan. Sorenson. Jeffries. Soto. Jeffries. Spanberger. Jeffries. Spartz. Spartz. Stance bury. Jeffries. Stanton. Jeffries. Stauber. Wet tear man westerman. Steel. Jordan. Stefanik. Jordan. Style. Jordan. Steube. Jordan. Stevens. Jeffries. Strickland. Jeffries. Strong. Jordan. Swalwell. Jeffries. Sykes. Jeffries. Takano. Jeffries. Tenney. Jordan. Tan disbar. Jeffries. Thompson of california. Jeffries. Thompson of mississippi. Jeffries. Thompson of pennsylvania. Jordan. Tiffany. Jordan. Timmons. Jordan. Titus. Jeffries. Tlaib. Tlaib. Tay cuta. Jeffries. Tonko. Jeffries. Torres of california. Jeffries. Torres of new york. Jeffries. Tray han trahan. Jeffries. Trone. Trone. Turner. Jordan. Underwood. Jeffries. Valadao. Jordan. Van drew. Jordan. Van duyne. Jordan. Van orden. Jordan. Vargas. Jeffries. Vasquez. Jeffries. Veasey. Jeffries. Velasquez. Jeffries. Wagner. Jordan. Walberg. Jordan. Waltz. Jordan. Wasserman schultz. Jeffries. Waters. Jeffries. Watson coleman. Jeffries. Weber of texas. Jordan. Webster of florida. Jordan. Wenstrup. Jordan. Westerman. Jordan. Wexton. Jeffries. Wild. Jeffries. Williams of georgia. Jeffries. Williams of new york. Jordan. Williams of texas. Jordan. Wilson of florida. Jeffries. Wilson of south carolina. Jordan. Whitman. Jordan. Womack. Scalise. Yack em. Jordan. Zinke. Jordan. The speaker pro tempore the reading clerk will call the names of the members who did not answer the first call of the roll. The clerk payne. Jeffries. Spartz. Jordan. Tlaib. Jeffries. Trone. Jeffries. With that process done and tallying on the screen and paperwork to be signed and on to next steps as far as what next steps specifically, nobody knows at this point but representative jim jordan with 199 members of Congress Supporting him and republicans got 200 yesterday, youll remember, Hakeem Jeffries with the same, 212 from his Democratic Coalition and then 22 voting against representative jordan, nobody voting present. And then this is finishing up and well wait to see what next steps are as the paperwork and the final dotting of the is and crossing of the ts is done. The speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. The tellers agree in their tallies that the total number of votes cast is 433 and honor jim jim jordan of ohio reefed 1ed 9. The honorable Hakeem Jeffries of the state of new york has received 212. Mr. The honorable Kevin Mccarthy of the state of california has received five. Honorable tom emmer of the state of minnesota received one. Lee zeldin of the state of new york has received three. Honorable Steve Scalise has received seven. Honorable mike garcia of state of california has received one. Honorable miller of michigan received one. Honorable john boehner of the state of ohio has received one. The honorable kay graining aer of the state of texas has received one. The honorable Bruce Westerman of the state of arkansas. Has received one. A speaker has not been elected. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the the chair declares the house in recess subject to the announcer following the second failed vote in the house to