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Coming out, former Vice President mike pence talks about his 2024 president ial campaign with Iowa Governor kim reynolds during a visit to the state fair. During the conversation, the former Vice President cited border security, Foreign Policy and the economy as his priorities heading into the election. Ladies and gentlemen of the iowa state fair, lets welcome governor kim reynolds and Vice President mike pence. Thank you so much for participating in the fair side chats. Its an opportunity for me to visit with the republican candidates that are running for president and as we lead up to the first in the nation caucus on january 15, which you are very familiar with. But i want to just say thanks Vice President for being here to hear me. Im going back and forth between mike and president. So i might get a little, i might get a little informal as we get into the discussion. But former congressman, former governor, former Vice President. Thank you for being here and giving us the chance to ask you a few questions. Lets give you a couple minutes for opening comments. Welcome, the Vice President. Well, thank you so much. How about a big round of applause for governor kim reynolds, everybody . Yeah, it is great to be back at the iowa state fair. Karen and i are excited about an afternoon involving pork and a butter cow. Shes headed to see bunny rabbits and bees. Im headed to see livestock. Theres a cow i met actually on the road traveling around iowa named chippy. So im looking for chippy today and im hoping chippy does well, but its great to be with you. I can honestly say i was for governor kim reynolds before it was cool. Part of my background she just referenced is that i was governor of the state of indiana. And my Lieutenant Governor had much in common with what was then your Lieutenant Governor. They became fast friends. And my Lieutenant Governor came to me and said, you have to meet the Lieutenant Governor of iowa and i met her, i saw her quality early on and it is great to be here at the fair side chat. It is great to be back with you. But governor kim reynolds, let me just say on behalf of people all across the country. Thanks for your principled leadership and your clarion voice for conservative values. Were so grateful. Thank you. Well, i got to tell you the only problem chippy is going to have if hes competing against frank the tank for the governors steer show. So Charity Steer show. So as long as chippy is not in there, he should be ok, but were going to do everything we can to do that. So thank you for your principal leadership as well. And you know, youve said many times, im a christian. Im a conservative and im a republican in that order. Um, so talk a little bit about the role of faith in your life and just the champion that youve been for life in general. Well, well, thank, thank you so much, governor. Its for me, for my family. Faith is whats most important. You know, i made three great decisions as a young man. After walking away from the religion of my youth, i was off at college and i began to meet some young people that talk to me about having a personal relationship with god. I hadnt heard that kind of language before i found myself at a, at a christian Music Festival at a place called asbury university. Thats much in the news lately and it was there listening to christian music like they had here at the iowa state fair last night with king and country and other bands. It was like i heard for the first time that god so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whoever might believe in him might not perish but have everlasting life. And i stood up, i walked down and i found a Young Volunteer pastor and prayed to receive jesus christ as my personal lord and savior that changed my life forever. That was the most important decision i ever made. The second most important decision was the day that i followed Karen Whittaker out the back of one church. And then we walked out the front of that church a year and a half later. And shes been my wife for 38 years and she was the best second lady of the United States of america has ever had. And the third most important decision i made is that, you know, full disclosure, i actually started in politics as a teenager. I was involved in the democratic party. I was the Youth Democrat Party coordinator in Bartholomew County indiana back in the seventies. And uh but then i started to hear the voice and the values of the 40th president of the United States. And i joined the reagan revolution and never look back and my faith and my family and my commitment to the conservative agenda, i hope has defined our career and i promise you whatever the people of iowa and america have in store for us in the future, well always build our future on those lone stars of faith and family and a commitment to freedom. We appreciate that. So, thank you so much. So, you know, a lot accomplished during your time as Vice President. But can you maybe talk about a couple of things that youre really proud of that really stand out as you served this country as the Vice President. When we came into office, there had been eight years of the Obama Administration that had hollowed out our nations military. I mean, literally reckless budget cuts. Ill never forget. In our first month in office, i heard from leaders in the air force that we had, we had aircraft on the ground being used for spare parts to keep other aircraft in the air. And so i couldnt be more proud to have been part of an administration that made the largest increased investment in our national defense. Since the days of ronald reagan, we rebuilt our military. We finally gave our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guard, the support they needed to defend this nation. Im proud of that as a Vice President , but im also proud of the fact that our son is a captain in the United States marine corps and one of our unworthy son in laws is a lieutenant in the United States navy. So its personal for us and frankly, to see the way the Biden Administration has been working to cut military spending since they first came into office is another reason why i stepped forward. I mean, even the recent budget ceiling debt ceiling deal that they did actually, if they dont finish all their work, it will result in a 1 cut in military spending. You know, at a time that china is literally dropping a new warship in the asia pacific. About every month, we have an administration that literally is growing government, growing mandates, growing spending, but working to cut defense spending that all changes the day that i become president of the United States. I promise you. Thank you for that. I think the weakness on the world stage is scary what were seeing right now and its just an invitation for some really bad things, you know. So we ask iowans to weigh in with some questions. So, you know, gas prices are rising, inflation is still a problem. The majority, probably 51 of americans are still pessimistic about the economy. They still believe were in a downturn and its going to get worse. So brett from davenport wants to know as president , what steps would you take . Well, of course, to lower gas and food prices but to really deal with bidens. Well, bidens is a failure. Despite all the happy talk coming out of washington dc, you can tell theres an election coming up because all of a sudden the democrats at the white house are telling you how their policies are all working. Kind of reminds me of groucho marx said one time in an old movie, he said, who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes . Right . I mean, the American People see whats happening out there. Inflation is up 16. 6 . The war on energy by the Biden Administration has caused gasoline prices to be up 60 . They just jumped up again last week. The crisis at our border is 100 man made and that mans name is joe biden. We secured the southern border of the United States of america by building hundreds of miles of wall by negotiating a remain in mexico policy with the mexicans and using title 42 they dismantled all of that literally on day one. Now, we have the worst border crisis in american history. What were going to do about it is i will tell you, i think im the first candidate for president in our party to come out with a plan to deal with inflation. And just this week, we came out with a plan to achieve Energy Independence again. I mean, look the inflation thats happening in america today. Economists on the right and the left all know is because of runaway spending in washington dc. Kim, you know, something about balancing budgets and cutting taxes. We did that back when i was governor of indiana as well. But when this administration came in office, worked with that democratic congress, they spent 2 trillion in unnecessary covid spending and every economist in the country agrees that, that lit the pilot light on the worst inflation in 40 years. And so what were going to do is were going to get spending under control. Were going to cancel unexpended unnecessary spending in washington dc. And i promise you as your president , were going to drive toward balancing a federal budget and were going to reform these old programs to save our nation from a Mountain Range of debt. You know, i think, look Social Security and medicare are a promise weve made to the American People. Right. Were going to keep that promise. Youll hear the demagogues again saying that republicans are going to cut benefits to grandma. Its common, you know, just put your armor on. All right. But i got to tell you folks, we were hugging some kids on our way around the corner here. We just had three of the most perfect granddaughters ever born in the history of the world in the last two years. I have 11 of them right now. Youre just bragging. Karen says im showing off. Yes, i am. Well, we have a national debt, the size of our nations economy today. You know, that governor, First Time Since world war ii. And i think the time has come to have leadership in the white house. That is honest with the American People and says, look for everybody in retirement. Were not going to change anything. If you got hair the same color as me, its not going to affect you at all. Frankly, anybody, 40 years old or older, were not going to change it. I dont believe in changing horses in the middle of the stream, right . But for anybody under the age of 40 like that young lady back there, id like to have a conversation. Maybe we can reform these new deal programs and actually give you a better deal by making sure that Social Security and medicare are actually there for you and that this Mountain Range of debt thats driving inflation. Its going to literally bury our economy under debt and what the democrats want to do higher taxes isnt there. So i think tackling runaway spending, bringing about reform and im going to tell you what we did it before. Well do it again. Were going to unleash American Energy and allow the American People to achieve american Energy Independence and dominance. Once again, amen. And you know what the federal government needs to operate like the states. You did it as a governor balanced budget spending less than you take in 99 of revenue. Last year, we spent 82 of available revenue. We still cut taxes. We still invested in education. You can do both, but its ridiculous, the runaway spending that were seeing. So youve done both. And then theres another piece of this too. Let me tell you something. Washington is not only too big and spends too much, but it does too much. Its one of the reasons. Maybe its because i was a governor, but im going to tell you what if im your president , were going to shut down the federal department of education. Were going to send those resources and were going to revive federalism in america because americas governors, republican governors are proving every day that you can deliver prosperity and security and opportunity for your people. We got, we got, we got to, we got to have a season where were returning to the states and to the American People. What our founders intended under the 10th amendment to the constitution. Yes, exactly. So, while were talking about education, you were a vocal opponent of the Landmark School policies that allowed kids to change their gender, their pronouns, their names. Without parents knowing iowa, this legislative session, we banned that. We made it clear, can you believe we had to put into code that parents will be the primary Decision Makers of their childrens education . But thats where were at today. Did you ever ever think that we would get to this point where we would actually have to put Something Like that into law . And how do you address that as the president of the United States . Well, first governor, i just want to thank you for your bold leadership and the leadership of your Lieutenant Governor who i know is with us today and also members of your state legislature who stepped forward. Look, when i first heard about the Landmark Community schools here in iowa, it took my breath away. We heard from parents. I set up a foundation in washington and they said wed like your help with this federal lawsuit because at Mark Community schools, youd have to have a note from your parents to get a tylenol from the school nurse. But you could get a gender transition plan without ever telling your mom and dad or get their permission. I mean, that, that radical gender ideology thats taking hold in that school is taking hold in schools all across the country. And thats one of the reasons we weighed in heavily on that lawsuit. Im confident, im confident our conservative majority on the Supreme Court if they take up the case is going to get it right. We have got to make it clear that parents dont co parent with government, parents are in charge of their childrens education. And we got to protect our kids from this radical gender ideology. Its another reason why ive been very clear. I mean, as president of the United States, im proud of the fact of what iowa has done, what indiana has done to protect our kids from chemical and surgical gender transition treatment. But ill tell you what, as president of the United States, were going to protect americas children from gender transition, chemical or surgical. We got to protect our kids in this country and i promise we will. Ridiculous. So i talk. So whats something we may not know about your childhood or your young adulthood that has shaped who you are today . A little bit back to that first question. Well, i mean, you may not know that im the grandson of an irish immigrant. My grandfathers name was Richard Michael cawley. He stepped off on ellis island boat to maryland in 1923. And thats how richard Richard Michael cawley came here and thats how Michael Richard pence got to be Vice President of the United States. I mean, my family really lived the American Dream. Its one of the things that drives karen and i, we were raised to believe, to whom much is given much will be required in many ways. I grew up at the footstool of the American Dream. My grandfather, that irish immigrant is one of the best men i ever knew. He came to america drove a bus for 40 years in chicago. Its one of the reasons im a cub fan. My folks grew up on the south side. My dad was a sox fan admittedly, but they followed work down to Southern Indiana and uh build everything that matters. You know, a family, a business and a good name. I grew up in a Small Business family and my dad was a combat veteran in the korean war. I wrote a book about my life not long ago and the publisher told me when i turned it in, they said, you know, my dads been gone more than 30 years, but they said, you know, we think your dad is the secret star of this book and it blessed my heart. My dad was the best man i ever knew. He loved this country, raised us to believe in giving back. And so if you want to understand, understand mike pence, you, you need to know karen and frankly, you need to know this incredible family. Ive been blessed to live in, we live the American Dream and im running to make sure that the American Dream is alive and well for future generations of americans here in iowa and across the country. We talked a little bit about the weakness on the world stage and we see it every single day with an absent president and administration and especially with the aggression with china. So can you just talk a little bit more Vice President about how thats impacted and continues to impact our National Security . And again, just you know, what do we need to do . Turn that around . And what were seeing at the southern border as you talked about is a big piece of that President Joe Biden is weak in this country at home and abroad. And that disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan has emboldened the enemies of freedom around the world. As your Vice President , i had the privilege to travel around the world. Ive met many of these leaders, ive been to many of these countries and i know in my heart of hearts, the reason why russia never even tried to redraw International Lines by force under our administration. The only time in the 21st century is because they saw the way we were building up our military. They saw the way that we unleash our armed forces to take down isis, they saw the way we sent those cruise missiles into syria when they used chemical weapons on innocent civilians and they saw us take down the most dangerous terrorist in the world. Qasem soleimani. It was a credible threat of the use of force and a Strong Military in the United States that kept the world a whole lot more quiet in our four years than it is right now. The truth is, i really do believe that withdrawal from afghanistan under President Biden never would have happened if we had still been in office. But it was a disgrace. But i want to say to anybody here who wore the uniform of the United States, especially those who served in afghanistan, nothing of that disastrous withdrawal will ever diminish the honor and gratitude that is owed to men and women who served in afghanistan over the last 20 years defending our country. I have to tell you it gets a little personal with us about what happened in afghanistan, karen and i are, were marine corps parents. Were awful proud of our boy and his wife and their girls. So when Humberto Sanchez, one of the 13 that fell at the kabul airport came home along with 12 other american heroes. We just, we drove up to Logansport Indiana to go and just be with their family to pray with them and encourage them. And i have to tell you those of you that worry about the future of this country. You need to hear albertos story. He actually didnt get to walk across the stage. His mom told me at Logansport High School because he had a little bit of trouble in high school. He had to finish in summer school. A little bit after he finished high school, he apparently came, found his mom. And he said, look, i want to make you proud. Im going to go be a marine and by all accounts became a marines, marine, deeply respected by all his fellow marines. It came to that day where he was manning one of those gates at the kabul airport governor. And the word came out that somebody had gotten past the outside wire, somebody that looked dangerous. And the word went down through the radios that everybody was to pull back, get inside the wall. And alberto refused. His mom and his fellow marines said that alberto said most of the people in the line at my gate are women and children and i got to get them through. I got to get as many through as i can. And by all accounts, he took the brunt of the blast. His mother looked at me with tears in her eyes as karen and i gathered with her and said his last act on earth was a work of heart. So despite the weakness of this administration, thats emboldened the enemies of freedom, im going to tell you what Humberto Sanchez is america. This is a great nation and we will stand in the gap and we will bring this country back with his inspiration in our hearts. Thank you. So, were about to wrap up here. But before we kind of close out, weve got the fast three. At least its not the, the, the fast three. So give me one funny Campaign Moment on the campaign trail. I know exactly anybody thats been out there and theres multiple. Right. Well, i would say how many times people tell me that your husband looks like me. Thats what i was gonna say too. I was gonna say so, kevin was at an event that the Vice President was at and they came up and asked him for his autograph and he goes, well, you want my autograph . Why . And he goes, uh they said, well, Vice President , im kevin reynolds. So we, we can stump for you any time you need somebody to stump for you. Let me say with confidence he is a very handsome man. I agree. Favorite fair food youre looking forward to having . I have not had a lemon shake. Im a lemon shake up guy at the state fair and i cant leave without a corn dog. Although i think were headed to the, i think were headed to the port tent to go to work. Just a few minutes. But the iowa fair is many things. Its agriculture, its fun. But for me, the iowa state fair is food. Were gonna enjoy it just like rest of you. Last question, your favorite walkout song . I look, i got an awful lot on my iphone. But when i first run for governor, there was a song that we always walked out to and its, these are my people by rodney atkins. Its where i come from. Thank you. We got one more fan here. Everybodys on their phone. I think one of the reasons that karen and i feel so at home we had a great day yesterday at the fair and i want to thank you all for taking a minute to hear us out this morning is iowa just feels like home. I mean, you know, i grew up in a small town, had a cornfield in the backyard. 4h fair was the biggest thing in the summer. The state fair was the biggest thing in the state. And i have to tell you, i just promise you, you give me the privilege to be your president. Im going to fight for the values and the ideals and the integrity and the character of the people of iowa and the heartland of this country. So help me, god, thank you. So im going to give you a few minutes to even build on that if you want. So as i travel, the state, people tell me theyre looking for a leader. They want somebody to stand up for the American People, for the country or freedoms. Somebodys got conviction to do the right thing, the resolve to follow through. But theyre talking about that, they want somebody to win. So tell all of us that are gathered here. Why you are that person . And youve, youve done a good job of saying that. But any just anything that you want to add. Im running for president because i think this country is in a lot of trouble, to be honest with you. After we left the white house, our life has been pretty good. We moved home to indiana. We bought five acres in a pond. I bought a john deere riding mower. Life is good. 54 inch deck zero, turn radius got a red pickup truck. I got three granddaughters. But when i saw the devastation that joe biden and the democrats have brought on this nation at home and abroad. We just couldnt sit this one out. I said it before, ill say it again. Its one of the lone stars of our life to whom much is given much will be required. And i believe the opportunity that we had to serve in the congress for 12 years. I was a house conservative leader before. It was cool. I fought against the big spenders in the, in the republican party. For much of that time, i was governor of a state like your great governor. We showed you can cut taxes and balance budgets and support the sanctity of life and expand educational opportunities. And thank you for iowa leading the way on expanding parental educational choice to families. And then having had the privilege to be your Vice President in four extraordinary years, years that we made america more prosperous and more secure than ever before. You know, i was always loyal to President Donald Trump until the day came that my oath to the constitution required me to do otherwise. But ill always be proud of the record of the trump pence administration. And ill always believe that we charted a course for restoring American Security and prosperity. Im running because i think this is no time for on the job training. The challenges america is facing in the world are profound and we need leadership that can appeal to the better angels of our nature leadership that can at least have the possibility of bringing the American People together, to strengthen our nation, to revive our economy, to defend our values. And my hope is as we travel to all 99 counties, as we make an effort to be at every pizza ranch, every case. My hope is that well have the opportunity to earn your support and i promise you, you give me the opportunity to be the republican nominee. Were going to defeat joe biden in 2024 and were going to bring this country all the way back on a foundation of conservative values. Yes. Please give a loud round of applause for Vice President mike pence. Ladies and gentlemen of the iowa state fair, stick around for mayor at 10 30. This week, cspan brings you campaign 2024 coverage from the iowa state fair. Watch fair side chat hosted by Iowa Governor kim reynolds. Tonight, vivek ramaswamy, thursday night former South Carolina governor wiki haley, and on friday night, Florida Governor ron desantis. Fair side cats with republican president ial candidates from the iowa state fair. This week on cspan and online, on cspan. Org. Next, from the white house, fema a

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