aptly demonstrating through pursuit of education, military service, and employment. it is undeniable that dreamers reach our nation. they are our neighbors and co-workers, they are classmates with our children and they serve our military with distinction. they are an essential part of our communities where they contribute to our thriving america and make america a more stronger, more diverse nation. this bill will help them to l.p.r. status. or deferred departure. t.p.s. is a form of humanitarian relief provided to individuals from countries who are experiencing dangers and crises. d.e.d. is like t.p.s. where it's derived from the president's constitutional powers. recipients are essential to our communities. many of them have lived in the united states for decades. they make up a significant portion of the workforce in key industries including construction, food service, and home health care. they contribute to the u.s. economy not only through their work but also through consumer spending and tax revenue and they have been particularly essential in serving our country during the covid-19 pandemic. i have no doubt that some of my republican colleagues will stand before us today and use what they claim as a crisis at the border as an excuse not to support this bill. but let's get one thing straight. this legislation is not about the border. this legislation is about finally delivering on our promise to america's dreamers and others who are equally deserving of our protection. i want to thank my colleagues, ms. roybal-allard, nydia velazquez, yvette clarke. i hope that all my colleagues will stand up for them when it truly counts and will support h.r. 6 today. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. jordan: mr. speaker, there's a crisis at the border. there's been a crisis at the border for weeks. and instead of addressing the crisis, instead of having a hearing in the committee, democrats have passed bills that defund the police, federalize election law. not one of those bills -- by the way, not one of those bills went through the committee. in fact, the judiciary committee, 74 days of this congress, the full judiciary committee has yet to have a hearing on anything. we've asked to have a hearing on the border crisis. the real crisis. we have asked to have a hearing on conservatorships. no, they can pass bills to defund the police, federal election law. they bring a bill to the floor that gives amnesty to three million illegal aliens. 74 days of the 117th congress, the democrats have taken away the republicans' right to offer a motion to recommit. they've kicked marjorie taylor greene off a committee. two democrats wrote a letter trying to cancel fox news. the house administration committee compiled a dossier on 140 republican members and they're preparing to steal an election from republican congresswoman miller-meeks. and today, today they're going to pass a bill, try to pass a bill, which gives amnesty to three million illegal immigrants. we have gang members crossing the border. we have people whose names are on the terrorist watch list. we have covid positive people crossing the border. 100,000 encounters with illegals at the border allow. housing immigrants at the dallas convention center. and the administration sending fema in to help even though they refuse to call a cries cisa crisis, they're sending -- a crisis a crisis, they're sending in an emergency department. a crisis that president trump, two months ago, told us was coming. i want to read what president trump said in january. two months ago, this is what president trump said. if our border security measures are reversed, it will trigger a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before. boy, was that accurate. if our border security measures are reversed -- what has the biden administration done? they placed a moratorium on deportation. they ended the remain in mexico program. and they've stopped building the wall. i think that's a reversal. i think that's a reversal of the measure that was put in place. what did it trigger? a tidal wave of illegal immigration, a wave like you've never seen before. it sure did. the tidal wave is here and the democrats' answer is amnesty. wow. such a deal for the american people. such a deal for the american taxpayer. democrats' answer, defund the police, federalize election law, try to cancel fox news, kick one congresswoman off her committees and try to take an election away from another. all the while kraeing a crisis -- creating a crisis at the border and responding to what, giving amnesty to three million illegal immigrants. that's what this legislation doesed too. i hope we vote no. i hope we can stop this legislation. this is not what the american people bargained for. this is not common sense. i hope we defeat this measure. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker, i now yield 2 1/2 minutes to the distinguished gentlelady from california, ms. roybal-allard. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized for 2 1/2 minutes. ms. roybal-allard: mr. speaker, as co-author of h.r. 6, i rise in strong support of the dream and promise act. i thank speaker pelosi for making the dream and promise act one of the top 10 democratic priorities in the 117th congress. i also thank congresswoman zoe lofgren and the judiciary immigration subcommittee for their invaluable hard work on this bill. today, the house has another opportunity to pass h.r. 6 and once and for all end the fear and uncertainty that has plagued the lives of our nation's dreamers who have become an integral part of the fabric of american society. according to the center for american progress, each year dreamers contribute over $17.3 billion in federal taxes, nearly $9.7 billion in state and local taxes and their households have over $75 billion in buying power. over the course of this deadly corona pandemic, an estimated 102 daca recipients risked their lives. yet, the critical role they provide in our society, they live in limbo, doubt, and anxiety of being deported to a country most do not know. h.r. 6 eliminates the ambiguity in their lives and recognizes the talents and contributions dreamers make to our country. while their individual stories may vary, they share the common denominator of embracing and exemplifying american values and the only country they call home. the dream and promise act have the support of democrats, republicans, and independents as well as businesses, organized labor, faith groups, educators, health professionals, former cabinet officials, and the majority of the american public. this unprecedented coalition of support highlights that protecting our dreamers and providing them with a path to citizenship is not a partisan issue. it's an issue about who we are as americans and what is in the best interest of our country. by passing the dream and promise act, we will live up to our american values of fairness, justice, and compassion, and these incredible young dreamers like generations of immigrants before them can continue to play their vital role in the well-being of our nation. i urge my colleagues to vote yes on the dream and promise act today. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield two minutes to the ranking member on the immigration subcommittee, the gentleman from california, mr. mcclintock. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. mcclintock: mr. speaker, last year we finally achieved operational control of our southern border for the first time in decades. the trump administration made it clear that our border would be enforced and illegal immigration dropped dramatically. that all ended on january 20 when joe biden issued an executive order to stop deporting illegal immigrants, abandon the border wall, and admit claiming to anyone who claim to be 18. and that message has been heard loud and clear. the border patrol reported more than 100,000 encounters in february alone. now, think about that. that is the entire population of south bend, indiana, or green bay, wisconsin, in a single month. and it's getting worse. . we are beyond the debate. the question is whether we have a border at all. what's the democrats' response? this bill promises a path to citizenship to daca recipients but millions more who arrived and have only committed two misdemeanors. how do you prove you qualify? under this bill, you have a friend vouch for you. now we all sympathesize with those illegally brought here as young children years ago and more than 200 republicans supported legislation to give them legal status in the 115th congress but included measures that secured our border and enforced our laws to discourage another generation of young people being brought here. why are so many children being placed in the hands of mexican criminal cartels and forced to suffer the 2,000-mile frail? because it works. this bill proves the mexican crime cartels will be admitted into our country and will only wait for the next amnesty. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i now yield two minutes to the distinguished gentlelady from california, ms. lofgren. ms. lofgren: imagine this. you are 17 years old, you have worked hard and value dick torian of your high school class and quarterback in the football team and go down to apply for your driver's license and find out for the first time that you are actually not born in the united states and undocumented. there is no possibility for you to get right with the law but you did nothing wrong. you don't even remember the place you were born in. that's the circumstance that tens of thousands of your people find themselves in and this bill allows those young people to get right with the law. they have done nothing wrong and go on and become the full americans that they are except for their paperwork. it does something else which is important, it recognizes there is a group of people whoer here under visas but because the senate messed up -- that is a term of art, this bill that was passed by 365 votes in the last congress, there is a huge backlog from countries so long that the depend events of lawful temporary visa holders age out and they have no remedy just as the other dreamers. they can't go back to the country they were born in because their parents are illegally here and no capacity to become full americans that they are. this also resolves that problem. it is distracting to hear the rhetoric about the border. the uptick at the border began to last april because of hurricanes and disorder in three central american countries. we need to pay attention what's going on and biden administration is trying to solve that problem where it starts. i would just note, nobody is escaping from costa rica but disorder in three countries that needs to be resolved. vote yes on this bill and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from arizona, mr. bigs. mr. biggs: as we see the ongoing crisis i rise in opposition to h.r. 6. it is irresponsible to be considering this bill today. this bill provides amnesty to millions of those who are illegally in this country. this promise of amnesty is a magnet for illegal aliens and for at least 35 years we have seen a direct correlation between promises of amnesty and illegal border crossings. this is a direct result of then candidate and now president biden's flawed border policies including amnesty. i reintroduced the complete the border wall act and stopping surges at the border act. they will have real impacts stopping the border surges' act and fixes problems that prevents detaining family units for more than 20 days and children are quickly and safely returned to their homes and increased integrity in the asylum system. h.r. 6 has serious flaws that lead to fraud and abuse and gives the secretary broad authority to waive grounds for humanitarian purposes, family unity or because the waiver is in the public interest. under this bill convicted criminals will be eligible for amnesty. if that is not bad enough, aliens who were removed by d.h.s. will be allowed to return and get amnesty. aliens who were ordered removed by a judge after receiving due process and removed will be allowed to return and get amnesty. i asked the agency who administers this program had to furlough 70 percent of the work force because the costs do not cover the costs. but this bill sets the fee ash temporarily low and will allow them to obtain a fee waiver. this information isn't shared with i.c.e. instead of prohibiting information to sharing we should require information sharing. and this doesn't cloose loopholes. i oppose this bill and encourage my colleagues to do the same. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from washington, representative jayapal. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. ms. jayapal: i rise in strong support of the american dream and promise act. as an immigrant myself who came to america alone at the age of 16 and spent a decade in the immigrant rights movement i stand with the dreamers with t.p.s. and d.e.d. recipients who have proclaimed undocumented and unafraid in the streets and halls of congress and built this movement. these dreamers have lived in the shadows for too long doing our nation's work while living in fear. congress, us, right here, right now can change that and stand up for 4.4 essential community members who have made the united states home. we can legislate what they deserve, which is a road map to citizenship, a future of hope and opportunity and contribution. let's stop the hypocrisy and give recognition and hope today. vote hope on the american dream and promise act. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from texas, mr. roy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i thank the gentleman from ohio yielding the time. i was in laredo, text asoverlooking the rio grande and my interview was interrupted by a stream of human strugglers and screaming run for the ladders and some went across the river and went to a facility where children are being housed, they were being smuggled by cartels for profit. that is happening right now today while we sit in here and debate this bill today, it is happening right now. a child is being abused right now by cartels. and this body, the people's house, is doing nothing, nothing to address cartels who have ownership of our borders right now. we are not doing our job. a secure border is pro-immigrant. but instead of what we are doing today, we are going to pass legislation which is a magnet for more traffic of children. we are going to pass legislation today that empowers cartels. we are going to pass legislation today which is a band-aid on a broken system because this body refuses to do its constitutional duty to secure the borders of the united states. that is what we are going to do today. meanwhile, nothing is going to improve the lives of the little girl sitting in texas under the hands of c.d.n. being abused for $7,000 to move that girl across the river. while border patrol doesn't have the resources to secure the border. when i'm down on the river three-mile stretch, one guy. while narcotics come across our border. pat ourselves on the back today, mr. speaker, a bill that is going to get passed, headlines and speeches saying this is so great for immigrants, meanwhile, immigrants today getting raped, abused, beaten, sold into slavery and put into human sex trafficking because we refuse to secure the border of the united states and we will never get a chance to offer an amendment to do anything about it. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield one minute to the distinguished majority leader of the house. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for yielding. let us remember that the united states senate in 2013 with 14 republicans in the balance and democrats well over 60 people voting for comprehensive immigration reform. and as i recall and perhaps the chairman can correct me, i believe 47 -- $47 billion for security. the staff can shake their head, but that was the right number. it was a very substantial number. it may not be the exact number. on this side of the aisle, we pleaded with the majority, bring a comprehensive immigration bill to the floor. you were in charge. you could have brought whatever security that you wanted. you could have brought comprehensive immigration reform to the floor. the bills that were brought to the floor were no relationship to the senate-passed bipartisan bill. and so we did not achieve comprehensive immigration reform. there was no conference. there was no back-and-forth or response to that bipartisan bill. so i tell my friend from texas, yes, there is a problem, there is a problem in trafficking and we need deal with it. but i also tell this house is that the immigration system is broken. i wait for someone to rise and say no, it's fine. nobody believes it's fine, mr. speaker. these bills are not comprehensive immigration reform, but they are supported by the american people because they know that dreamers, t.p.s., d.e.d. are adding to this country's value. for 135 years america's bright beamon to the world has been that statue that stands in new york harbor. lifts her lamp beside the golden door. for those who are yearning to be free. my father came through that door. he was 32 years of age in 1934 and came from denmark. he came for the reason most come. not fleeing, however, from a dangerous land, as some are now doing, but looking for opportunity and a better life. they have come throughout our history from every corner of the world braving hardship and seeking opportunity arisk here to build businesses, raise families and strengthen communities. dreamers have done that. they did not come at their instance, they came at their parents' instance or somebody else instance, but they are here. and they know america as their home. immigrants are our reason america became the world's most powerful and most prosperous country. our immigration and visa system has been terribly broken so much so that millions in this country live in fear holding their breaths every day that they could be deported to far-away lands that are not their homes because america is their home. for dreamers, it has been their home since their earliest home. we are going to take action to help them breathe easier. . . the minority leader and i were at the white house some years ago. president trump said, if you accepted me a dreamers bill, i'll sign it. well, we never sent it. minority leader and i negotiated, along with others, the administration, and senator durbin and i and the minority leader, and senator cornyn. we didn't get there, sadly. this bill will correct a long that has brought fear and unternt to so many americans. yes, americans. america is their home and their country. we are talking about patriotic and law-abiding residents. many of whom have been here for decades and are working to build a strong community and serving on the frontlines of this pandemic as health care professionals, first responders, and essential workers. we owe them the chance to live without fear of deportation and family separation. there are other problems we all talk about. and we have talked about. but certainly these dreamers and those with t.p.s. who have been here for a long period of time and d.e.d., this bill is just for them. when i say just, i don't mean solely, i mean justice. we passed the american dream and promise act last congress with bipartisan support. and i hope we can do the same today. i want to thank representative roybal-allard for her leadership on h.r. 6. and all those in the hispanic caucus, and all those, and yourself, mr. speaker, for the extraordinary work you have done . we are also voting, of course, today on another immigration bill this week, h.r. 1603, the farm work force modendization act. i rise in support of that as well. this legislation offered by chairwoman lofgren would provide a pathway to permanent legal residency to undocumented agricultural workers and their families who are living here and filling a critical economic need from which we benefit, every one of us, every day. and that is the food on our table. without that change, workers and their employers would continue to operate under a cloud of uncertainty and instability. these reforms are long overdue. i want to thank chairwoman lofgren for her work to bring them to the floor. i hope as part of a broader immigration reform efforts that we can address the status of seasonal nonagricultural workers on h-2-b who contribute so much to our communities working in landscaping, hospitality, and my own state of maryland, the crab industry. after the house passes this legislation, and h.r. 6, i hope the senate will move quickly to send them to president biden for his signature. the dream act, the dream and promise act, some 75% of americans are for that. we have been passing legislation the overwhelming majority of americans are for it. somehow the senate didn't get or didn't care. hopefully this year they will. if enacted, these two bills would provide a pathway to permanent legal kay status for some three million to four million people. they are here. they are among us. they help us. they work with us. they pay taxes. let's bring them out from under the cloud of being kicked out. this legislation today is a major achievement and will hasten the moment to when three million and four million immigrants and their families can breathe a little easier, a little freer knowing they are welcomed and value here in america. that they are truly a part of this country. i urge my colleagues to support both of these pieces of legislation. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized . mr. jordan: thank you, mr. speaker. i would point out, mr. speaker, the majority leader it's not accurate what he said. republicans two years ago had bills that were much more comprehensive than what the democrats are bringing to the floor this week. we had a bill merit base, border security, it's not accurate to say our plan wasn't comprehensive. we have two bills as the republican leader mentioned. with that i would yield one minute to the republican leader the gentleman from california, mr. mccarthy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. mr. mccarthy: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to thank the republican leader of judiciary. he's correct. that republicans were in the majority brought two bills to the floor. mr. speaker, i'd like to remind you and the others and even the majority leader that not one democrat voted for either of those. not one voted for one to move to the senate. they actually denied the bill from going to the senate even if you wanted to change it to become law. just a little truth in history. mr. speaker, i am going to say something that president biden refuses to say. there is a crisis on our southern border. it's a humanitarian crisis, a public health crisis, a national security crisis. it is a biden border crisis. and it is spiraling out of control with no signs of ending. when candidate biden told migrants in june, immediately surge to the border, i knew his immigration policies would be bad. i did not think it would be this bad. i did not think that would mean 13,000 unaccompanied minors in the u.s. custody. i did not think it would mean moving them from border facilities across the country, 1,000 of them to midland, texas. 3,000 to dallas. and likely to more cities tomorrow. i didn't think the biden administration would require covid tests for american citizens entering the country, but not to illegal immigrants. i did not think biden's own d.h.s. secretary would have to admit that we are, and i quote, on pace to encounter more individuals on the southwest border than we have in the last 20 years, mr. speaker. i didn't think i would hear the president of mexico refer to our president, joe biden, as the migrant president. and i did not think it would only take two months to create the worst border crisis in the history of america. but, unfortunately, mr. speaker, that's exactly what happened. when i visited the border on monday, one thing was abundantly clear. this crisis, mr. speaker, started on midnight, january 20. it started when president biden stopped building the wall. even though there are only a few miles left to complete. and when he made that decision, he had even paid more money to the contractors to break the contract. and when he promised to make all 11 million illegal immigrants citizens. my colleague, mr. jiminez of florida, spoke with a family from hon cureous about their family to florida how long was the trek? 22 days they said. this story of this family is a story we have heard from many, and it's not unique. thousands decided to cross the border now because the president biden's promises and policies. they listen to him in june, when he said you need to surge the border. as one migrant family recently told fox news, yes, i listen to the news that they were letting people in. when i was there monday, i was speaking to the border agents, the american citizens and migrants. the number one thing was clear. the crisis at the border is the worst they have ever seen. you see, when we went to el paso, we toured the new processing facility. we built it under the last administration. it's huge. 98,000 square feet. when i asked the chief of the border and customs, chief chavez said we built it so large with capacity we didn't believe it could ever meet capacity. but that day, that day we marked history. that day they hit capacity. 1,040 people. most children unaccompanied. you know what it meant when you hit capacity? that meant 120 border agents got pulled off the border to protect us to go into the center. that's what a crisis looks like. even if the administration won't say it. we also saw overworked border patrol agents in the el paso facility. i do, mr. speaker, i want to thank them. what they are being asked to do is extraordinary. the pressure on them. the pressure from the administration not to allow the press to see what's happening. the pressure of overcapacitated of the number of people there. the pressure to do it under a pandemic. that's what a crisis looks like. when we sat and talked to the doctor, the medical unit, he told us it's approximately 10% of every immigrant has covid. but they are not tested. that's only for american citizens when they re-enter. they are not tested and they are sent to other cities. as many know here, you could be tested and you are positive, but the person you are standing around put into one unit with for a number of days, sleeping close next to, have to interact the entire time, one unit, closed unit, that you'll become positive in the next five days. that's ok because you'll be shipped to another city that city has been trying to combat the pandemic. who knows what happens next. more alarming, most alarming, mr. speaker, was when we were briefed in monument three in el paso. they told us that they caught people on the terrorist watch list. i know, mr. speaker, you would be concerned about that. i was alarmed. i questioned further, it's not just people on the terrorist watch list. we found people from other nations. from iran, from turkey. mr. speaker, when i went to the press conference right after that, i mentioned that. because i think every american, one terrorist is too much in this nation that could get through. i believe, mr. speaker, you believe that, too. congressman gallego, the chairman of the subcommittee of intelligence and special operations -- mr. speaker, he also represents a border state. i thought he would tweet arm in arm to stop this. but you know what he said, mr. speaker? he tweeted on monday that i was either lying or i was wrong. because he hadn't heard anything about it. i believe he enchallenged because had he such high clearance because he's on intel. congresswoman escobar, she represents part of el paso. i thought she would be very concerned, too. this is where they are entering, where they caught the people on the terrorist watch list. not everybody gets put on one. mr. speaker, what she said was, i was trying to fuel the division. fuel the division. because i just told something that a terrorist was caught coming through. but on tuesday, axios confirmed, four people matching terrorist watch lists arrested at the border. three from yemen, mr. speaker. and one from serbia. biden's d.h.s. secretary also confirmed that this, indeed, happened. i'm not sure if their twitter account is down or if they have been blocked, but i have not heard an apology or correction. i know twitter does that to members of congress. but i hope they are back on and i will soon get the apology or the acknowledgement of a correction. and the respect. members with security clearance haven't heard about the terrorist threats on the border. i suggest they pay closer attention to the classified briefings. mr. speaker, the responsibility for this crisis rests squarely on the shoulders of president biden. after weeks of claiming they could handle t. his administration is now attempting to blame the growing crisis on the previous president. but nothing could be further from the truth. words and actions have meaning. and biden has sent a message that our border is open. so there is no question that president biden provoked the problem. the question is, how can we stop it? mr. speaker, when i was there in el paso, 150 miles of the wall was supposed to be built. at that midnight on january 20, 133 miles had been finished. instead of finishing the project, they stopped. you could go to the ranch where they took down the old barrier because they were going to put the new wall. there is nothing there. it's not just people coming across illegally, animals move back and forth. so far the biden administration and congressional democrats aren't providing any solutions. mr. speaker, we want to solve this problem. that's why i sent a letter to the president two weeks ago to sit down. when the president said we should surge, immigrants should surge to the border, we understood what he meant. so all those that were seeking asylum automatically got in. covid or not, no tests required. we saw that the biden administration, which told migrants we aren't staying -- saying don't come, just don't come now. you see, that was from the secretary. those are really strong words. mr. speaker, mr. speaker, what moved me the most was speaking to a border agent, one was a father and one was a mother. told me a story of walking upon a child that was 1, 3 and 5 years old holding hands. no one in sight for miles away. no one in sight for miles away. remarkable that they got there. the question is how many didn't make it. how many didn't make it. how many lives have been lost abused simply because they heard a message. you change or remain in mexico or stopped finishing the wall that is almost complete. those that defend the border told me they never saw so much fentanyl and never seen the tactics that were used of storming the wall at once. if you look, it would go a number of blocks, 100 to 200 people a night are apprehended. we saw that last week that the democrats' so-called covid relief bill, $22 billion that illegals are eligible for but zero dollars allocated to those protecting the border. they are stretched so thin. they are not even testing for covid, but they have to interact. this new facility, 98,000 square feet. it's a beautiful facility. new, already met capacity for the first time in history with the new administration. but if you looked across into the dirt parking lot where the border agents have to park, they were moving their cars and had to put up tents because the surge is so great. they listened to the words of candidate biden and watched the action of president biden. but there's no new money. i know -- we shouldn't call it covid -- less than 9% for it. mr. speaker, you realize in that bill, prisoners will get more money than the border patrol? do you realize they are going to have to use their own operation money that is stretched so thin. not only can the border patrol not be on the border, now they are taking any money from the future to deal with the surge today. the american people deserve leaders who will work with the seriousness of purpose that this crisis requires. that's why i wrote a letter to president biden two weeks ago to meet about the crisis. the crisis has gotten worst. i sent a second letter to relay what happened at the border since he refuses to go there. i believe it would benefit from a hearing of what we saw and heard-f the president won't go there and the president puts orders to deny the press from learning so the american people can't know, it would behoove him to hear from the people that are there. i introduced five solutions based from my trip rooted in the basic idea that we are a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. mr. speaker, i know you are proud of your heritage and i'm proud of mine. i know how many of us come from immigrant families and i know when you walk in my office and see on my wall, documents of ellis island, 100th anniversary of my grandfather coming from italy as a young child boarding a ship to come here for a better life. you see, america believes in immigration. but there is no time to break the law and come illegally. there is a process to come here. if we implement now these commonsense solutions to stop the border crisis. the biden border crisis is humanitarian, health and national security crisis and it's deteriorating quickly. to protect our citizens from further harm, our government must send a clear and united message to the citizens of mexico and central america. there is never a right time to break the law and enter the united states illegally. the time for denial, delay and distraction is over. mr. speaker, i know you care about this issue and i know you care what is happening at the border. mr. speaker, i ask you, convey that to the president. if he cares as much as you, he would travel there. i know it's tough to travel but when you have air force 1 and you have a schedule, it's not far to fly to the border. his own secretary said it's the worse it's been in 20 years. mr. speaker, there is not one law here that has created this crisis. mr. speaker, and to all your constituents and to all those in america, there terrorists that have been caught and there are children walking the desert by themselves, there are cartels making a fortune. we are in the middle of a pandemic where people are not being tested, but shipped to other cities. this isn't political, mr. speaker, this is about this nation. join with us on our letter. let's solve this problem together. i yield back, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i now 1:15 to the gentlelady from texas, ms. escobar. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. escobar: thank you, mr. chairman. we are here today, my colleagues, to talk about our dreamers, the precious resource that we have in our country. but of course, unform, what we are hearing is much fear mongering by our republican colleagues about immigrants. my name was mentioned and the minority leader chose to come into my community this week to use my community as a prop so i need to respond. in 2019, mr. speaker, i led codels to el paso and brought 20% of congress to my community. i invited everyone. i stood in the well and invited democrats and republicans. only democrats took me up on my offer to see the entire picture, not just law enforcement, but to meet with advocates, attorneys, everyone who makes up the system of immigration on the border. not a single republican attended. last session, we as a congress, passed a number of bills including supplemental bills to address what was happening on the border and address immigration, no republican supported our effort. last week, when the minority leader when i learned he was coming into my community i invited him to meet with everyone who is available to give him the full picture. he refused, their strategy is the same strategy they have employed with covid, do nothing. we will finally address this. i rise to support our dreamers and h.r. 6. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: i was at the border two years ago, mr. roy was at the border last week and mr. mccarthy was at the border this week, the previous speaker, mr. speaker, said republicans didn't come. we have been down there and seen what goes on. and just this week we go down there to see the current crisis. i yield one minute to the gentleman from wisconsin. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. mr. grothman: we take up this bill at a time when three times as many people are -- almost three times as many are crossing the border as were this time last year. under president obama, it was a bad mr. desjarlais: if we had 1,000 contacts, now we are having 3 thousand contacts. these bills are advertising that people who come here are suckers and give preference to people who didn't come here legally. i ask that we delay the vote until the biden administration removes the muzzling of the border patrol. we do not what's going on at the border when this most opaque of administrations tells the border patrol that they cannot tell press or congressmen what's going on. james madison must be spinning in his grave. he gave the press freedom and refuse to it. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker, i now yield 45 seconds to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. cicilline. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from rhode island is recognized. mr. cicilline: dreamers are american citizens. for most americans the only home they have ever known. despite what my colleagues argue, dreamers are not a drain on the economy. they contribute like adding $42 billion to g.d.p. that's six times more than the cost of daca. they create jobs and pay taxes and spend millions of dollars on mr. good:s and services. when the pandemic hit, 62,000 provided life-saving health care to all of us and time to look out for them. they have earned the right to call america home. h.r. 6 provides a path to citizenship for dreamers as well as protected status. i urge my colleagues to vote yes. nothing more american than the dream act. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: i yield a minute and a half to the gentlelady from texas. >> the crisis at the worder is astounding as thousands of illegal immigrants enabled by drug cartels enter the united states many of them unaccompanied minors and our colleagues across the aisle accuse us of using this crisis at the border as an excuse. context matters and policies have consequences. this is a surge at levels we have never seen before. and direct reaction to the biden administration dispensing with numerous measures which protected our southern border. yet another day of political theater on the house floor and another set of bills without real debate. in addition to lackluster efforts, our president needs to enforce our laws. i and 20 colleagues from texas urged the president's feet to fire and enforce the laws such as title 42. the president can use whatever language he wants, but his reckless policies are creating a disastrous situation for texans put you are our health and safety in jeopardy. today we could have sent a message that this manufactured crisis needs to stop and make true reforms, yet that could not be further from the truth. we have a broken immigration system but democrats' disregard of laws to apiece the far left is out of touch that americans are facing. ignoring laws such as title 42 and denying a border crisis, that is not leadership. i urge my colleagues to vote no and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i yield 45 seconds to the gentleman from colorado, mr. neguse. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado is recognized. mr. neguse: i thank the chairman, i had prepared remarks, but i cannot let the minority leader's remarks go unanswered. i was born in in bakersfield, california. my parents came to this country 40 years ago as receive tue geese and because of the opportunities that our wonderful country has been able to offer. how dare he denigrate a majority to ensure that is secure for dreamers in his district, in my district, across the united states, young people who live in fear. young people who have known no other country but the united states as their home. that's what this bill is about. let's pass h.r. 6. let's ensure that these dreamers are treated the way they should be, as americans. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from norte carolina, mr. bishop. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. bishop: the american people are generous people instintively drawn to the idea of amnesty. it's a fine word, amnesty. a general pardon for offenses, an act of for giveness. it means not only pardons or forgiveness but also a grant of important rights ultimately the privilege of citizenship. sometimes that important distinction can be overlooked. but what is particularly diss pickable in the present legislation is that democrats exploit that spirit of general ross right by ex ploiting the scope of its implications and have you believe that this responds and the gentlewoman from california description, it is a 17-year-old who worked hard and became a quarterback on the high school football team who doesn't even remember the time before he lived in the united states. but this bill is not -- but this dream isn't even the dream act. it crushes the dreams of american workers. it's not only for 641,000 active daca recipients. in this bill democrats want to provide amnesty for more than 2.9 million illegal immigrants, including even people who entered the united states illegally by january 1, 2021. just over two months ago. and all at a time when our unemployment rate is over 6% and the working americans are hardest pressed by this economic impacts of democrats' affinity for lockdowns. this bill also allows dangerous criminals and gang members to gain amnesty benefits, even if they have been convicted of multiple misdemeanors. if this bill is signed into law, adults from syria, yemen, sudan, somalia, liberia, and venezuela will receive amnesty. we know this body should be prioritizing relief for american citizens, not illegal immigrants. i urge my colleagues to reject this rhetoric and dangerous bill. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker, i now yield one minute to the distinguished gentlelady from texas, ms. jackson lee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson lee: the f.b.i., the secretary of homeland security said the greatest threat to america is domestic terrorism. white racism. white supremacy. not babies who have come here innocently and through no fault of their own. i rise with great enthusiasm to support h.r. 6 and to join my colleague, congresswoman roybal-allard, and her work for two decades we have stood alongside each other. the american dream and promise act provide immigrant youth and current potential holders of temporary protected status or deferred enforced departure, the opportunity to become citizens. this is a very person, this person, his name is alonzo, he was a doctor. he died coming to houston during hurricane harvey trying to save lives. or cesar espinoza, who organized a civil rights organization, a daca recipients, or the e.m.s. person who worked with us during hurricane harvey. these are the persons, liberians on deferred status and t.p.s. persons. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. ms. jackson lee: support this because it's the right thing to do. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. ms. jackson lee: it is not ally sum -- asylum. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. jordan: madam speaker, we would reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield 45 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from tennessee, mr. cohen. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 45 seconds. mr. cohen: thank you. when we came to congress 2006, my class of 2006, mr. jordan, we were offered the opportunity to go to har university for a seminar. we were told there one of the greatest problems facing this country was a lack of workers. our birth rate was declining. ' we needed -- we needed more people to come to this country to supply or work r work force and economy. those situation have not gotten better. these dreamers have been educated in america. they are talented and smart. not only are we doing the right thing by bringing this pathway to citizenship, but the right thing for america because we need their talent to make this country even greater. that's why i support the dreamers act. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: madam speaker, we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield 45 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from arizona, mr. stanton. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized, 45 seconds. mr. stanton: madam speaker, i rise in support of h.r. 6, the american dream and promise act. dreamers have been waiting far too long for meaningful congressional action. by passing h.r. 6, we are telling dreamers all over our country we see you. we hear you. and we know your home is here in the united states of america. arizona is fortunate to have nearly 24,000 daca recipients. they are teachers, commune organizers, essential workers, contributing greatly to our economy. in this pandemic, they make sure our grocery stores shelves are stocked and our families are fed. they work long shifts in covid hospital wings and now we are vaccinating our communities. that's who they are. giving back. and contributing an estimated $240 million in taxes yearly in arizona alone. dreamers are essential to rebuilding our economy and it's long past time we put them on a path to citizenship. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. garcia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from is recognized for one minute plcht garcia: i thank the gentleman from ohio. madam speaker, i rise today in opposition to h.r. 6. as a first generation american, i know firsthand the opportunities that america provides. i understand why every person on this planet should want to come to this beautiful country. we are a land of immigrants. built on hard work and blessed by freedoms that are protected by law and order and secured by our constitution. i sympathize with the dreamers. i really do. but this bill should not be considered before addressing our broken immigration system that led to this very problem. providing amnesty to dreamers while ignoring the crisis at the border is like cleaning up spilled water before fixing the broken pipe. if congress fails to reform our immigration system and fails to secure our borders, future migrants will be subjected to the same situation in which dreamers today find themselves. we need to fix our broken immigration system and secure our borders. and if my colleagues are sincere about their care and passion for the dreamers, they should work with us to secure the border today so that the dreamers have a chance tomorrow. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield one minute to the distinguished speaker of the house. the speaker pro tempore: the distinguished speaker is recognized for one minute. the speaker: thank you very much, madam speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding. once again i salute him for his leadership. third bill in two days that he's brought to the floor. thank you. yesterday for the e.r.a. and violence against women act. today here we are in this legislation here for the dreamers. madam speaker, this issue is near and dear to my heart, but more importantly to my head. this is so important for our country. three years ago i came to the floor and spoke about our dreamers for eight hours and six minutes. have no fear, will i not use my -- i will not use my speaker's minute to that extent today. i wish i could because i have so much to say about what dreamers need to -- mean to america. i rise with tremendous pride, joy, and hope this day that as the house prepares to take this momentous step toward our democracy, passing h.r. 6, the dream and promise act. i want to salute some of our leaders in congress. acknowledge the distinguished chair, mr. nadler of the committee. but congresswoman lucille roybal-allard, the godmother of this legislation, who carries forth a commitment to our newcomers, to our country, in her d.n.a. same commitment of her father, the late mr. chairman, ed roy balled, as he championed new -- roybal-allard -- roybal championed newcomers to this nation. she and howard berman introduced it initially a generation ago. 10 years ago she authored this legislation and we were successful on the floor. we were successful in passing it in the house because of the leadership of congresswoman roybal-allard, but also chairwoman nydia velazquez, who at the time was the chair of the hispanic caucus. the hick caucus really led the way -- hispanic caucus really led the way. talked to congress about dreamers led america. lydia and this legislation today , nydia velazquez has the promise, this is dreamers and promise, she has the promise t.p.s. and d.e.d., and again very important to our country. yvette clarke, from the congressal black caucus, a very much part of this, has the t.p.s. piece of this. i was so pleased to hear this morning capac, the congressional asian pacific american caucus, have congresswoman strickland of african-american and korean descent speak in terms of what this means to asian pacific american community. something that chair judy chu reminds us of every day. so this is now gone beyond the hispanic caucus, the black caucus, the asian pacific caucus and to all of us in the congress. this legislation is protecting dreamers and t.p.s. and d.e.d. recipients, honors the truth that immigrants are the constant reinvigoration of our country. when they come here with their hopes and dreams and aspirations, these parents bringing their children, the hopes and dreams and aspirations for a better future for their children, that courage, that determination, those aspirations are american traits and they all make america more american. with all of that. indeed, they are true and legitimate heirs, these dreamers are, of our founders. epluribus une yum, from many one. we talk about that all the time. many in this chamber have been part of the fight to protect our patriotic dreamers for years. as i said when i stood here for eight hours and six minutes, the longest record -- speech on record in the house in history, about the dreamers, i was reading letters, members were handing me the story of the dreamers. mr. stanton mentioned they are our teachers, our professionals, our c.e.o.'s, entrepreneurs. they contribute to our community in every way. and i was so pleased to hear him talk about that because one of the first meetings i ever was to about dreamers was under the leadership of, one of his predecessors -- not his but the predecessor of some of our members from arizona, that would be congressman pasture. he, mr. grijalva, and harry mitchell had a meeting at arizona state university about helping these young people. that was in 2007. so this has been going on for a while. next month as i mentioned marks the 20th year since the dream act was introduced by congresswoman roybal-allard, and it was on a bipartisan basis. sadly, when we passed it 10 years ago, it was on a bipartisan basis, we couldn't prevail with 60 votes in the senate, but since then millions of americans have come together to organize and mobilize for dreamers, labor leaders, business community, faith organizations, national security officials, law enforcement, and more we often talk about dreamers having the support of the three b's. badges in terms of law enforcement. bible in terms of faith-based. and the business community. and the true v.i.p.'s of the moment are the dreamers and immigrants who have spoken out with great dignity and eloquence, refusing to be forced back into the shadows. this determination has made a difference. it is their courage that is sending this legislation to the senate and then to the president's desk. before i close, i want to acknowledge the work of congresswoman zo lofgren, the chair of the immigration subcommittee of the judiciary committee. zo lofgren is also the chair of the house administration committee, so i call her madeam chair -- madam chair, she has taught immigration laufment she has been an immigration lawyer. and she has -- she chairs the immigration committee. we could not be better served than by her intricate knowledge of immigration law both on this legislation, on legislation we'll take up next, or later, the mobilization legislation. so i thank zo lofgren for that. again, dreamers, t.p.s., d.e.d. recipients are american in every way. they have lived and worked in our country for decades. if not, they are entire lives, and they are an integral thread of the fabric of our nation. for the dreamers it's less time. others, more. dreamers power our businesses, our economy, our c.e.o.'s, and taxpayers, all of them do. they advance innovation and america's technology -- technological edge, they protect our national security and military might and service members and civilian experts. that's why i'm so grateful to -- madam chair roybal-allard, madam chair velazquez, congress chair, judy chu, and congresswoman strickland for chancing this legislation to help dreamers, t.p.s., and d.e.d. recipient. . health care workers, first responders, transportation, sanitation, food workers, our teachers, our teachers, our teachers, so much of our country. dreamers enable our nation and must be allowed to stay. nothing partisan about protecting dreamers. the dream act has long had bipartisan support in both chambers. support for d.e.d. and t.p.s. recipients receive support. i always love to play president reagan. in his last speech as president of the united states, his last speech. this was his last message as president to the american people. he said thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity where a nation forever young, forever bursting with energy and new ideas and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world into the next frontier. this quality is vital to our future as a nation. if we ever close the door to new americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost. with that, i urge a bipartisan vote and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: could i inquire the amount of time remaining for each side? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio has 13 minutes. the gentleman from new york has 14 3/4. mr. jordan: we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i yield 45 sengeds to the distinguished the gentleman from new york. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 45 seconds. >> sometimes i stand in this chamber and i feel like i'm in the twilight zone listening to republican espouse white spremist ideology to denigrate our dreamers. this bill does not go far enough. i want to share a story of a constituent of mine mr. paul peerless, who he was deported to haiti in apparent defiance of the president's 100-day executive order. we need a bill that goes further. i'm going to vote for this, but we need to forgive mistakes and mr. peerless made a mistake in his early 20's and we need a bill that allows him to return home. i yield back. mr. jordan: this bill, page 51, section 310, grants programs to assist applicants. the secretary shall establish with u.s. immigration service a program to award grants. while there is a disaster on the border there, this bill gives amnesty it gives american dollars to help the illegals amnesty. such a deal for the american taxpayer. that's what this legislation does. that's what this bill is about when we have chaos on the border, this bill gives amnesty to three million illegals and help illegals apply for the amnesty. the disrespect that the democrats have for the american taxpayer is truly astounding. i yield one minute to the gentlelady from new mexico. >> i foined the name dream and promise act a nightmare. while this may be a bill that will help some, it destroys the dreams of the american children and the contradictory and hypocrisy in this entire bill can be summed up in this way. i have heard over and over, dreamers are our front-line workers and been in harm's way and helped with this pandemic and yet we are going to open the border and allow into our economy and i find the hypocrisy of this bill somewhat puzzling. but this bill allows those convicted of dangerous crimes, including m.s.-13 to receive a green card by including the following exceptions if the applicant with multiple misdemeanors and convictions, even if the crime was violent or resulted in death or bodily injury, they can still get a green card and not take into account violent crimes committed as a jufe nile. i strongly urge a no vote on this. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i yield 45 seconds to the distinguished gentlelady from texas, pls garcia. ms. garcia: i rise in strong support of the dream and promise act. before i continue in my remarks, i remind mr. jordan and others across the aisle that no human being is illegal. we are all children of god. that's why i have dedicated my life in public service to help immigrants who come to the u.s. in search of a prosperous and dignified life. since 2001 when the dream act was first conceived dreamers have waited. in 2012, daca eligible adults allowed to attend school and work in society without the constant threat of deportation. however, dreamers are still waiting. in texas, over 213,000 dreamers contribute $963 million in local, state and federal taxes and have played a critical role in our state's response to the covid-19 pandemic. dreamers have waited and time for us to deliver and treat them with respect. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: reserve. mr. nadler: i yield to the gentleman from from new york, mr. correa. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. correa: let me thank the gentleman for yielding and bring the issue at hand, our dreamers. dreamers are taxpayers and obey the law. they work, they go to school. they are firefighters, they are police officers, they are nurses. dreamers are jose. this man from my district, he made the ultimate sacrifice this united states, his adopted. orange county first iraqi war death killed in action march 23, 2003. he became orange county's first combat casualty in iraq. jose did the right thing. he sack cry filesed his life. let us do the right thing and pass this legislation to honor dreamers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: i yield one minute to the gentleman from pennsylvania. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. meuser: i thank the ranking member from ohio. i oppose h.r. 6 under the leadership of president trump, illegal border crossings dropped dramatically and our border was secured. president biden has halted the construction of our border security and attempted a moratorium on immigrants. in february, 100,000 immigrants were apprehended, three times the month than the month previous. the republicans and democrats are told the same thing, this is a humanitarian crisis. violent cartels are taking advantage of innocent people to smuggle drugs into our country yet the biden administration places a gag order on c.b.p. agents. what is going on here? are we going to face the problem or hide it with gag orders? now democrats are introducing h.r. 6 which only exascerbates the problems at the border with amnesty with no discussion of border security. time for the house to wake up and there is no hiding from it. we should oppose h.r. 6 on humanitarian grounds. i yield back. mr. nadler: i yield to the distinguished gentlelady from california, ms. chew. ms. chu: i rise -- ms. chu. i rise to support h.r. 6 to put dreamers on a path to citizenship. these are friends, neighbors and colleagues and graduated from schools and worked in our communities and during the pandemic they kept our country running with 200,000 dreamers and 130,000 essential workers. as the chair of the congressional asian-pacific-american caucus, this is so important to so many to our community who are 7% of the entire population, but 16% of the undocumented. that means there are well over 100,000 asian-american immigrants who need relief. this bill means so much to so many. i urge a yes vote to h.r. 6. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i yield 45 seconds to the distinguished gentlelady from new york, ms. clarke. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. clarke: as an original co-lead i rise in support of the bill that is near and dear to my heart h.r. 6, the dream and promise act. as the proud daughter of jamaican immigrants, i understand the need for the dream and promise act and more importantly, we need a humane and dignified immigration system comprehensive immigration reform is what is required. because let me be very clear, crystal clear, our immigration system is broken. and the time has come for the values of our nation to be reflected in our immigration policy. however, this is not just a moral issue. it is an economic one as well. if covid-19 has taught us anything, essential workers are the life blood of our economy. they have risked their lives to serve and support and protect american communities. we relied on them during this crisis and it's time to give them a way out of the shadow. let's pass h.r. 6, the dream and promise act. let's see it through the senate and let us get it signed into law. i yield back. . mr. jordan: i yield one minute to the gentleman from georgia, mr. carter, one minute. mr. carter: i rise in opposition to this bill because we have a crisis along our southern border. we have record number of mige grants seeking to come into our country. the number increased 63% last month. this is a humanitarian crisis that the current administration is not adequately addressing it. instead of doing more to protect our border, the administration is loling back policies that discourages mass migration. we are considering a bill that does nothing, nothing to solve the problem. it shows that there are repercussions and encourages more to attempt to enter the country. we need a comprehensive, comprehensive and bipartisan solution to this crisis that discourages entering illegally and rewards following the law. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i yield 30 seconds to the distinguished the gentleman from texas, mr. doggett. mr. doggett: i rise on behalf of those who teach, who heal, who protect, who study and for those entrepreneurial talent advances our economy for all of our dreamers. they have soich to contribute and they are american every way except on paper. for so many long years, they have burdened with uncertainty because any immigrant hysteria whipped up by these republican fanatics in san antonio, austin, i have met with them. dreamers in texas were releasing their potential would have such benefit to all of us. reject the republican nightmare and achieve the dream so these deserving young people may truly share in the entire american dream. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: i would yield one minute to the gentleman from texas. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> i rise in opposition to h.r. 6. bringing an amnesty bill to the floor this week in the middle of a total crisis on our southern border not only tone deaf but is wrong. i went to the border on monday. it's a mess. thousands of people are coming across our borders illegally. if we cared about children, we would be looking at the policy that are incentivizing the cartels bringing them across exploiting them in every way. it's heartbreaking. somewhat our nation harm including those on the terror watch list. this bill will only incentivize more illegal crossings. what a week to put this bill to vote. we cannot begin to face the issues when our border is broken. i i implore to work with us in a bipartisan manner to secure the border and we'll move on. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i now yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentlelady from california, ms. lee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. ms. lee: madam speaker, let me just first of all say that i rise in strong support of h.r. 6, the american dream and promise act. i want to thank congresswoman roybal-allard, chairman nadler, chairwoman lofgren for advancing this legislation and supporting our dreamers. it's time that we protect these young people who have never called any other country than america home. dreamers and individuals eliblible for t.p.s. or deferred enforcement departure contribute mightily to their communities and economy. they deserve a pathway to citizenship. dreamers in my state of california and in my congressional district have made so many contributions under very scary and difficult circumstances. yes, they are as american as i am. i ask for an aye vote. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: we reserve, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i now yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from texas, mr. green. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. green: thank you, madam speaker. madam speaker, my constituent, mr. jose escobar, was living his american dream. married to an american-born woman. two american-born children. living in an american built house. paying american taxes. yet when he reported to i.c.e., he was taken out of the arms of his wife and babies, sent to el salvador with $20 and the clothes on his back. it took us more than two years to get him home. but i went to el salvador with his wife and we brought him home. i will support this legislation because i want no one else to experience what mr. jose escobar experienced. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: we reserve, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentlelady from new mexico, his leger fernandez. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. ms. leger fernandez: thank you, madam speaker. i rise for every child who was ever raised in this beautiful country but told they are not american. for every person who has lived in fear that they will be forced from every home. they are health care workers, feed us, care for us, and inspire us. they strengthen our economy. now is the moment. we must give them the same opportunities that -- and protections that they deserve as americans. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: ning you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes to the gentleman from minnesota, mr. stauber. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. stauber: madam speaker, when i speak to families back home, they understand that there are individuals and children in this country who were brought here through no fault of their own. they are understanding compassionate people who want a st. louis that's fair and just. something i also hear is concern and fear for providing green cards and path to citizenship to gang members and criminals. the text of this bill only compounds those fears. preventing the united states government from using readily available information to remove gang members who are national security threats and other public safety threats. this motion to recommit ensures that those individuals whose applications will be denied on the basis of criminal grounds, national security grounds, public safety risks, or as a gang member are considered by the department of homeland security for removing from the united states. under h.r. 6, information provided in an application for a green card may not be used for the purposes of immigration enforcement. even if d.h.s. denies the application or it's withdrawn. this means that as an applicant has a murder conviction, a rape conviction, or if the applicant is a gang member and d.h.s. knows about it because of the application, d.h.s. can't even refer that person for removal. to be clear, this m.t.r. does not direct d.h.s. to remove an applicant if they are denied on any other basis. only applicants who are denied on criminal or national security grounds as public safety risks. or as gang members would be effective. -- affected. as crime rates skyrocket in cities, the american people are asking for serious solutions. crying out for help. this bill only further enables murderers, rapists, and gang members to exploit our system. if the democrats see fit to listen to the american people and exclude these criminals and gang members from receiving green cards, they should vote for this motion to recommit to ensure those dangerous individuals are denied a safe haven here in our neighborhoods and communities where our children go to school and play. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: how much time is left? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york has 8 serb 3/4 minutes left. -- 8 3/4 minutes left. the gentleman from ohio has six minutes remaining. mr. nadler: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from new york, mr. espaillat. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. espaillat: thank you, madam speaker. i rise to support h.r. 6, the american dream and promise act. how hypocritical and shameful of the other side of the aisle. they want to deny dreamers, yet those dreamers provide education and daycare services for their children. they want to deny dreamers, but those dreamers take care of their failing elderly parents. they want to deny dreamers, but their parents picked the crops and food you eat at your table. how hypocritical, madam speaker. they want to deny dreamers. yet those dreams are members of the national guard protected us right here against an angry racist mob. i know that too well, madam speaker, because i came to this nation without no papers. and i sit as a member of congress and my vote is equal tony of your votes. it's equal to any of your votes because this country you can dream and it has promise. we will not go back, madam speaker. we will continue to move forward. i support h.r. 6. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i now yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from illinois, mr. garcia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. garcia: madam speaker, this bill is critical for millions. that's why i supported it in the previous congress, but it also contains some deflaws that perpetuate racial injustice. i along with 47 members worked to eliminate those racially motivated barriers to legalization from this bill. these harmful provision also deny immigrant youth a better future n this moment of racial reckoning, we have missed an opportunity. yet i will vote for this bill and i urge support because we can do better so that every immigrant child has a fair chance to call america home. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. arrington. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. arrington: madam speaker, don't ask the president. ask the people of texas and they'll tell you the truth. biden's unilateral actions are the cause for this unprecedented crisis. my democrat colleagues' response to their fellow americans? an amnesty bill that will overwhelm add fuel to the fire of the burning chaos at the southern border. madam speaker, how did we go from america first to america last in just days? taken together these perverse incentives will further encourage lawlessness, enrich cartels, enable the abuse and exploitation of the most vulnerable people, cheat those who respected our process, compromise the health and safety of the american people, and undermine the sovereignty and security of our great nation. don't ask the president, madam speaker. ask the people of texas and they'll tell you the truth. the cartels are in control at the border. and the left is in control of the democrat party. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield 30 seconds to the gentlelady from massachusetts, ms. pressley. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. mitts pressley: -- ms. pressley: thank you, chairman nadler. the tragic events of this week underscore both our responsibility and urgency we must move to legislate our values and stand on the side of justice. i represent the massachusetts 7th, a district 40% immigrants. i rise today in solidarity with them. h.r. 6 is a critical step towards citizenship for dreamers, t.p.s., and d.e.d. holders. however, the criminal it bar provisions added to this bill further entangles our immigration system in the citizenship process. i thank congressman garcia and partners for leading the piety fight to eliminate this language this. bill moves us in the right direction of a more just america. one that values more than just immigrants and their labor. mr. jordan: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from michigan, mrs. mcclain. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. mrs. mcclain: madam speaker, i am -- i rise today i am furious. every single day 5,000 new illegal aliens cross our southern border. every single day for men, for women and children are smuggled across our border and being trafficked. every single day the drug cartels and human traffickers are raping and abusing our women and children. one out of three of these women and children are being raped. i ask the administration this. how is that not a crisis? for almost two months our nation has refused to call this a crisis. what is occurring at our border. you cannot solve a problem unless you first admit there is a problem. and we have a problem. this bill today does nothing to solve that problem or even acknowledge that we have a problem. we as a congress need to say in unison, we have a crisis at our border. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentlelady from illinois, ms. schakowsky. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. ms. schakowsky: there is no doubt the american dream and promise act will bring much needed relief to our dreamers and our immigrant communities. and i will be voting for the bill. however, many of my constituents are disappointed that h.r. 6 includes harsh exclusions that will block many of our long-term members of our community from citizenship simply because of misdeeds, mistakes that they made years and years ago. i will continue to advocate for their -- for them. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: madam speaker, if we adopt the motion to recommit, we will instruct the committee on the judiciary to consider the amendment to h.r. 6 to ensure that gang members do not receive any benefits under the underlying bill and are swiftly removed from the country. i ask unanimous consent to insert the text of the amendment in the record immediately prior to the vote on the motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. jordan: we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i yield 30 seconds to the distinguished the gentlelady from california, mr. ruiz. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 30 second. mr. ruiz: i and the congressional hispanic caucus rise in support of h.r. 6, the dream and promise act, which will make an incredible positive difference for our nation. it is precisely now during a pandemic when we need this legislation. dreamers are doctors, nurses, lab technicians, contact tracers, and job creators. dreamers are on the frontlines of covid-19. they strengthen our economy. and they make invaluable contributions to america. the dream and promise act would provide a pathway to citizenship for dreamers, t.p.s. holders, and d.e.d. recipients. we must pass this bill today. i want to thank congress -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. nadler: i yield 15 seconds. mr. ruiz: i want to thank the congressional hispanic caucus members, congresswoman lucille roybal-allard, congresswoman nydia velazquez, as well as congresswoman yvette clarke for their remarkable efforts on this piece of legislation. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to the gentleman from georgia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> there is an unprecedented crisis at the southern border. literally hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing into the united states stretching our parole officers and enforcement down there to breaking point. mr. hice: in february this year, over 100 thousand illegals were apprehended. that's a 28% increase from the year before. and i guarantee it's only going to get worse. the projections are even more than that this coming month. illegal border crossings are now five times higher than before president biden was inaugurated. and this is all fueled by the open border policies of this administration. promising amnesty, ending the wall construction, halting deportations, handcuffing our law enforcement and undermining border security. president trump gave--- gave president biden a secure southern border and in less than three months it has been dismantled. this is absolute insanity. meanwhile, here in washington the democratic majority is cheerfully -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. jordan: an additional 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. hice: the democratic party is cheerfully pushing more legislation to incentivize more illegals coming here. we have these bills, promoting amnesty. we are literally exalting illegals in this country over those who have waited years to become citizens. this is not rocket science. the democratic party knows this is going to create a greater and they simply don't care. it's time to stop fueling the crisis and start solving it. with that i urge my colleagues to vote no. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. . the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york has 5 1/2 minutes remaining. the gentleman from ohio has two minutes remaining. mr. nadler: i yield 30 seconds to mr. cuellar. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cuellar: dreamers are our neighbors, our colleagues, our classmates. they're individuals that serve as essential workers, teachers, medical personnel that fully contributes to our country and make america stronger. they pay taxes, they work, they have no criminal record, they help us, and those are the type of individuals we need. my question is -- why are we afraid of a 7-year-old? with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: madam speaker, we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentlelady from north carolina, ms. manning. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for 30 seconds. ms. manning: i rise as a granddaughter of immigrants and in support of this bill. we need a pathway to citizenship for dreamers who arrived in the united states as children and know this country as their only home. for recipients like my grandparents sought refuge in the united states when crises in their home countries put their very lives at risks. these are doctors, nurses, first responders who cared for us during the pandemic. many have served bravely as members of our military. i urge my colleagues to vote yes for our friends and neighbors who yearn to become citizens of the country they already call home and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: madam speaker, we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, i now yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, mr. suozzi. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. suozzi: 100 years ago my father was born in the mountain tops in southern italy. in his yearbook he wrote that his goal in life was to become a real american. 27 years ago, i served as a young mayor of my hometown of glen could he have. i address -- glen cove. i addressed the growing immigrants who gathered on street corners looking for day work to create the first day worker site. today, those same men who gathered on street corners own their own businesses, went to school with my children. one went on to get a degree in biomedical engineering. got a masters and now pursuing a doctorate in the same subject. today, i'll support the dream and promise act for mario, for nelson, and for all other dreamers whose goal, like my father's, is to be a real american and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: madam speaker, we reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: ok. who seeks recognition? mr. jordan: madam speaker, we're ready to close on our side. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman ready to close? mr. nadler: ready to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. jordan: thank you. i yield the balance of our time, which i believe is two minutes, to our distinguished whip, the gentleman from louisiana, mr. scalise. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. scalise: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the gentleman from ohio for yielding. i rise in strong opposition to this amnesty bill. and if you look at what's happening at our southern border right now, america's facing a serious crisis. our southern border's being overrun. the facilities, the detention centers that are set up to hold people who are coming across are being overwhelmed. in fact, if you listen what the border agents are telling us, it's total mayhem, to quote one of the border agents. many facilities are not at 100% or 200% or 300% capacity but even worse than that. there are kids that aren't getting enough food, that aren't able to shower more than a week. this is happening and president biden refuses to acknowledge the problem. part of dealing with a problem is first admit there is a problem and president biden doesn't want to acknowledge it. and then on the heels of this border crisis that is going on right now, there's a bill on the house floor to create amnesty, to create a bigger magnet, saying, come to the southern border. the homeland security secretary has been pressed repeatedly the last few days to tell people to stop coming across the border illegally and he won't do it. he says, well, don't come right now, as if there is a time to break the law. let's get back to legal immigration, a system that actually works for america. but when you have a crisis at the border, the last thing you should do is make it worse. that's what this bill does. we should be having an honest conversation about how to make our legal system of immigration work. not how to ignite a crisis at the border and make it worse. we know how bad it is over there. in fact, because of the encouragement to cross the border illegally, there are caravans of young kids coming across, reports up to a third of all the women coming across are being sexually assaulted on the journey. stop this humanitarian crisis. reject this bill, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: madam speaker, we do have a crisis in this country. the crisis consists of a shortage of workers as our population -- our birth rate goes down, as our aging goes up, we have fewer and fewer workers. and since economists tell us that the number of workers is what produces prosperity, this is a crisis for the country. fortuitously, we have a situation where we have several million people in this country who are americans, who are born -- who have lived almost their entire lives in america. as mentioned before, found out they weren't born in this country only when they apply for a driver's license when they're 18 years old. they are are a resource -- they are a resource for this country and ought to be legalized which is what this bill does, so we can utilize this tal -- their talents properly and remain under rule of law. associations, industry leaders across the spectrum support h.r. 6, the american dream and promise act of 2021. they include, among them, united we dream, service employees international union, afl-cio, and these unions do not fear competition. they know it is good. the u.s. conference of catholic bishops, united states chamber of commerce, apple, and the national education association. after closing the books on four years of disastrous and inhumane immigration policies, today we begin a new chapter, one based on compassion, reason, and the fundamental values we hold dear as americans. passage of h.r. 6 is long overdue. today's vote will dictate the millions of recipients and greatly help the economy of this country. i urge my colleagues to suppthi. >> maybe just by way of laying some groundwork, if i can get you to explain a little more about residential records. in particular, -- presidential records. in particular, i'm interested in what is and is not a presidential record