For the general election required by nevada revised statute 293. 395. We have a majority of Nevadas Supreme Court justices assembled and can therefore proceed with the canvas. I would like to welcome chief Justice Pickering, justice givens, justice hardy, justice stigledge, and justice silver. , justice y stigledge, and justice silver. Before i begin the review of the results of the 2020 general election, which occurred on tuesday, november 3, i would like to take this opportunity to comment on the election. The covid19 pandemic clearly had a Significant Impact on the way the 2020 election was conducted. We made the decision to conduct an all mailin primary election, which saw historic turnout of 29. 5 . While we were hopeful to return to traditional inperson voting models by november, the passage of the simply bill 4 of the 32nd special session required each county to rapidly pivot to an allmailin general election. 6. 5 million ballots, one for each voter in the state, and a certain number of voting locations for early voting and on election day. With inperson voting also offered as an option, the result was more of a hybrid model where voters had a choice of how to participate. A Record Number cast a ballot in nevada this year. The final tally was 1,407,754. When measured as a percentage of active register voted, it was 27. 6 voted. Four counties had turnout over 85 . As usual, Douglas County had the highest turnout. As stated esmeralda and eureka. The county with the lowest turnout was mineral county, still at an impressive 74. 3 turnout. Voter registration efforts offered new challenges due to the pandemic, yet nevada gained 357,045 registered voters for the 2020 general when compared to the 2016 election. Bringing the number of registered voters across the state to 1,821,864, an increase of 24. 2 in active voters. The resulting breakdown of ballots cast was 49. 2 by mail ballot, 40. 9 in early voting, and 9. 7 on early election day. I would like to thank all of nevadas Election Officials for their dedication and commitment to providing a transparent, legal, and fair election. I would also like to thank your staff for assisting me and my staff putting this together today. I would like to thank my staff as well for everything they have done. You have before you the official abstract of the vote. The first page details voter turnout. In all four congressional wonricts, the incumbents their seats. They were all reelected. In the nevada Supreme Court, chief Justice Christina pickering was reelected. Congratulations, chief justice. Thank you. For thedition, one seat court of appeals judge was on the ballot. Bonnie fuller was elected with 42. 17 of the vote. In the legislative races, there are three newly elected state senators and 14 newly elected assembly persons. Chief Justice Pickering, do your colleagues have any comments . I do not, but i invite any of my colleagues who wish to speak to do so. Does anyone in carson city wish to speak . Thank you. This is justice i would to commend the secretary of state and her office for the extraordinary work they did under very difficult circumstances. They are to be congratulated for carrying it out. An extraordinarily successful election. The turnout is incredible. Thank you, justice. Greatly appreciate those comments. Chief, i also thank the secretary of state through an incredibly trying election to comply with new mandates from legislature and have it run as smooth as it is incredible. Congratulations to you and the registrar voters rather counties in the state of nevada. On my colleagues, i want to congratulate chief Justice Pickering for her reelection. Also, judge doug herndon was would like to congratulate him judge doug herndon was elected to the Supreme Court, and i would like to congratulate him for joining the Supreme Court in january. Thank you, justice givens. May i ask a question . Yes, of course. Good morning, madam secretary of state. Just a quick question. Im sorry if you said this already. Do you know how many folks took advantage of sameday registration in the general election . I dont have that number here, but my staff might be able to give that to you. They can give it to you at the end. Ok. Thank you for the question. Oh, im sorry. Thank you. Thats fine, no problem. I would also echo the comments of my colleagues thanking you for you and your staffs hard work to ensure our election was done properly, reliably, and with integrity. So, thank you all for your hard work in doing so. Thank you, justice. We always have to pause for the video to make sure everybody is has spoken. With that, i would like to echo my colleagues and thank you, madam secretary, for you and your staff at the extraordinary job you have done. I would like to thank the people of the nevada Supreme Court who made this Virtual Meeting to comply with the campus requirement. We have madame clerk in carson city, elizabeth brown. She has been the coordinator of so many events and has done exceptionally good job. In las vegas and carson city, we have the Information Technology team. They have managed to convene and publicly webcast this for those who want to listen and witness what we are doing and participate, at least remotely. The architect of that has been rick stephanie, head of our i. T. Department. Jason in carson city. Without that staff, these events would not be possible virtually. I want to thank them as well. With that, i think we are prepared to sign and accept the results from the secretary of state as reported by her and her incredible staff. Thank you again. We will be in recess. I want to thank you, chief Justice Pickering, for your comments, and congratulations again on your reelection. Thank you so much. We will be at ease while we sign the canvas votes. If people wish to continue the video while we do so, thats appropriate. We will leave the mics on, but i want to go at ease while we did the signing of the vote canvas. I believe they have counterpart originals in carson city. We will have four signatures in carson and three here today, but they will all be signed and we can merge them together. Correct. Thank you. Elizabeth, these are copies. [indiscernible] al i will send these down to you. [indiscernible] thank you. Youre welcome. Thank you. Justice givens, there are more here. Oh. [indiscernible] im sorry . [indiscernible] ok, this will make it easier, then. We will have them all on one side with three signatures. I guess you dont need to do that. Lets give them extras. [laughter] [indiscernible] thank you. Thank you. Shuffling] thank you. [papers shuffling] [papers shuffling] [pen scratching] [indiscernible] we will have the clerk deliver the signed ones in carson. Then you will have them. Put them all together. Yes. The small one is your copy. So you get this one back. Yes that one will come back. [papers shuffling] [pen scratching] you have extras from us, i think. Justice in carson city, can you please deliver the signature clerk and the book to the to deliver to the secretary of state deputy and i will do the same here in las vegas . Yes, chief. We have done that. Ms. Brown has handed that to him. Thank you very much, justice. We have also delivered the signed canvas sheets and book to the secretary of state here in las vegas. Vote canvashe 2020 for the 2020 election is completed. Thank you very much to everyone, again. We will be in recess. Chief justice, i want to thank all of you for helping us out today in doing this. I now declare that the official canvas of the 2020 general election be adjourned and the Governors Office be notified to prepare the certificates of election and i want to thank you for your time today. Inc. You very much and for your comments, thank you. Youre welcome and thank you again. Thank you. Happy thanksgiving. Be safe. The race is one of two georgia u. S. Senate run of elections held on january 5. We will have live debate coverage at seven or 7 00 p. M. Eastern, online on cspan. Org or you can listen with the free cspan radio app. Cspans washington journal, everyday, we are taking your calls come alive on the air on the news of the day. We will discuss policy issues that impact you. Coming up wednesday morning, the director of the National Institute for allergy and infectious diseases, dr. Anthony fauci. Then Scott Mccartney talks about Airline Travel and its impact on the aviation industry. Also, issues affecting native americans and alaskan natives in native americanss role the campaign of 2020. With your phone calls, facebook comments, Text Messages and tweets. On wednesday, george will discusses the impact of the trump presidency. Live coverage starts at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, online at cspan. Org or listen live with the free cspan radio app. Next, look at what u. S. Foreign policy will look like an abiding administration. This Brookings Panel talked about afghanistan peace talks, americas role in the middle east and the impact of the troop withdrawal ordered by president trump. This runs one hour and 10 minutes. Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to this brookings and Charles Koch Institute event. We are going to be talking today about the socalled forever wars in the broader middle east region and what abiding presidency along with the 117th congress should do about them. I am joined by a distant wish group of scholars and friends from numerous institutions all around washington but nonetheless, reflecting a real

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