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Organization, talks about the biotech industry and how it is helping to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Also the fulcrum editorinchief David Hawkings joins us to discuss how the results of the november election will influence the next congress. Host good morning, everyone. As coronavirus cases spike across the country, governors are putting in place new restrictions on businesses and gatherings. As decisions, president elect biden yesterday called on congress to act on more Economic Relief for americans. They have 14 days. Do you agree or disagree . If you are unemployed, dial in at 202 7488000. If you are a Small Business owner or employee, 202 7488001. If you are an essential worker, 202 7488002. All others, call us at 202 7488003. You can also text us at that same number or go to twitter cspanwj and post your comments on facebook. Com cspan. The Associated Press headline this morning pandemic politics lead bc in gridlock. D. C. In gridlock as the virus searches. Wants nancy pelosi wants to go big. , 2 trillion a smallerwants package. Meeting in the middle would be difficult for both camps. Is a disruptive factor on capitol hill. Mcconnell and nancy pelosi could be wary of navigating the turbulence required to forge an agreement. The hill newspaper on that. Biden urges congress to Pass Congress covid19 package. He is calling on congress to pass what democrats want, a higher number. Here is what he had to say. [video clip] of americans who have lost wages in jobs, we all agree on our call, that we can deliver immediate relief and it need be done quickly. Affordable health care for millions who have lost it or are in danger of losing it, childcare, sick leave, family leave so workers do not have to choose between work and family. Corporate america agreed on this today. Need the support of small we need support of Small Businesses and entrepreneurs. They are the background of our communities that are teetering on the edge. We all agree on the urgent need for funding for states and localities to keep workers on the job. Vital Public Services running, Law Enforcement, educators, First Responders, like we did with the recovery act of 2009, saving literally millions of jobs. There is a reason why the federal government is able to run a deficit, because the states must balance their budgets and they are in real trouble. You are going to see hundreds of thousands of police officers, firefighters, First Responders, Mental Health clinics going out of business. Right now, congress should come together and pass a covid relief package like the heroes act that the house passed six months ago. Virus andut down the deliver Economic Relief, then we can start to build back better than before. Host that was president elect biden yesterday. Do you agree or disagree that more Financial Relief is needed to combat the pandemic . For those businesses and americans who are unemployed and facing more restrictions. Look at how much money has been spent. You can find this yourself if you go to the committee for a responsible federal budget, crfb. Org. They estimate policymakers have committed trillions of financial support, including 587 billion through administrative action, 3. 8 trillion dollars through legislative action, and 7 trillion through Federal Reserve action. Of and 14 billion administrative support has been committed and dispersed, and over 30 of Federal Reserve support. On net, we estimate these measures will increase deficits by 2. 6 trillion. There is the math. Now take a look at what the organization puts together for this two point 2 trillion that congress dispersed. Loansillion in forgivable from ppp. Payments, 27ct 2 billion. Benefits,nt 242 billion. States received 180 billion. 164 billion dollars in Economic Injury disaster loans. Allowingion for employers to defer payroll tax payments. And spending for hospitals come etc. Spendingllion in other and tax breaks. You can find this if you go to this committee for responsible federal budget. The website is crfb. Org. Remember, yesterday we had on our program a doctor who talked about the distribution of a virus. That conversation took place as we learned yesterday morning, and here is the headline in the wall street journal, that my moderna has created a vaccine that appears to be 95 effective. Thatoctor we spoke to says Congress Needs to dedicate at least 8 billion for the distribution of this vaccine. Should that happen . Joe in asheville, north carolina, good morning to you. Go ahead. Caller where are you going to get the money to pay for all of this . They already appropriated 5. 5 trillion dollars out of the trust funds for the old age, medicare, medicaid, disability, and the road tax and airport trust funds. They owe that money. They have a law that says if you have a residual a man of money in those funds come in goes to the treasury. They issue special bonds to that. Nothing in the law says when they can pay it back. You give it up for 1 interest note, a 30 year amortization. Where are you going to get that money . Because that is where they are taking that from. American people, open your ears. That is all the money that our grandparents, your parents, and children have that money. People do deserve help, but they need to finally put it back. They need to pass that law to crush that, but no politician will come a democrat, republican, independent, because they will not shoot themselves in the foot. Host would you support more aid . Caller i said yeah, but it needs to go to the people who people onrking, the retirement, medicaid, medicare, disability. And if you put that money back, just think. You could repair all the roads, put new bridges in and take care of them, and nobody would be robbing anything, but that is what johnson did in 1983 and reagan did an audit and nothing ever happened on it. Host let me note, as we said, congress is back this week, the First Time Since the election. They have 14 days, if they adjourn on their scheduled date, to get this done. Articles report this morning that the white house and Congress Need to come to a deal by the end of december if they want to avoid an end to those Unemployment Benefits. Not the 600. Thats done, but the unemployment aid, debt relief, and eviction moratoriums. They all end at the end of december. Greg, falls church, virginia. You are a Small Business owner. Do you need more help . Caller yes. Muchusinesses have just as of an impact on this covid as individuals. It is a challenge, day in, day out. Which isself a salary significantly less than anyone else in my business. We need help. Small businesses need help. Host did you reach out to the Small Business administration and get loans . What have you done so far . Sba fori reached out to an emergency relief loan. I also reached out for a ppp loan. I did not get the first round of ppp. I did not get the second round of ppp. On the third around it, i finally got a grant. I still need to apply for forgiveness. I got approximately 45 of what i requested, so i got significantly less. Host greg, can i ask you why . Did they give you a reason why they only gave you 45 . Caller no. No. Explanation on why i did not get the rest. I did not get one. Honestly, i was grateful for what i got. It seems every time you have a republican administration, we have an increase in our National Debt, and then it gets blamed on a democratic administration. Every time we have some cut of national crisis, it is preceded by a taxcut, and the taxcut chills us. Passed by the Trump Administration, i call it paul ryans nightmare. That has caused us tremendous amounts of money. Way, [indiscernible] host what do you do . What is your business . Caller i have a sports athletic club. Host greg and falls church. Are you still there . Hang on the line. I want to read this to you and see if this would help you. These are the uncommitted legislative funds, money that congress and the white house approved. Only businesses claimed 530 2 billion of the 670 billion of ppp and 74 billion of the 466 billion available through disaster loans. The Federal Reserve has only tapped 195 out of 154 billion for established emergency lending facilities and 37 billion from loan programs. Great, hearing those numbers, what are you thinking . Greg, hearing those numbers, what are you thinking . Caller i am thinking thats good. That is what i am thinking. [laughter] the problem with ppp is you cannot apply will double times. I read the same articles and hear the same news that you guys are reading. I listen to your program. Love it. Especially when people say stupid things. But quite honestly, i can only apply once, same for the emergency relief loan. I can only apply one time for it. I cannot apply multiple times. I got approximately 50 of what i was asking for, but i was grateful for what i got. Host ok, greg. Thank you for calling in. I will go to carlos, and essential worker in maryland. What do you do . Caller i work in the Utility Electric industry for government mainly. Utilities, highways, substations, metro service. Host are you mostly working outside . You feel safe . Caller thats why i called. One of the things that i get theerned about is utilization of words they are saying help. I think a lot of us need understanding, someone to understand where we are coming from, as opposed to people providing a message or sending a message that we want a handout. A lot of republicans in rural states look at it like people want welfare. When this first started, a lot of us were scared. We were not allowed to quit becauseare not we are in union. They told us immediately, if we quit, then we were kicked out of the union and were done. So we pushed through. I know a lot of people that got sick. A couple people died. So i pushed through. Then i got surgery. I had to have surgery on my eyes. And, as a result of my surgery, they did not allow me to go to work. I ended up getting fired. I am good at what i do and i immediately got another job. What i mean about understanding is that people say where is this money coming from . We give taxes, we give money to banks, to companies, countries. We pay taxes. Why not understand the situation that we are in . My fiance does not make much money. I am from the city i am tough. I want to cry sometimes. I am a college student. I o so much money in student debt. So much money in student debt. I pay my taxes. I dont want nothing periphery. For free. I dont believe in unemployment for people who do not want to work. All i want is for people in my situation. Host carlos, have you looked into Student Debt Relief . Caller i have not finished school yet, so i dont qualify. I am in the third year of school. I am worried because i had to leave from my condo. I had to leave from there and move into a cheaper house. Comes, butully that i am not speaking just for me. All across the country, people are saying, where are we going to get money from . We can reallocate things. Why not pass if you make less than 1500 a week or maybe the first 1000 of your income not be taxed . That is a few hundred dollars. That can pay an electric bill. That can make things easier. I have not on on unemployment because it is 600. Help me. Ot going to that will not even pay half of my mortgage. I had to leave my condo and me and a girlfriend moved back to our house we were trying to make a living off of. We are back in that. Doesnt that sound like a good idea . Just the first 1000. It is not a lot of money. If someone is working and busting their aunts, and you take 300 of it . Host so you are working fulltime and going to school. Caller yes. For an Electric Company collegeo community studying engineering. I decided i know a lot, i have cante positions, but i advance unless i have that title behind my name. I am a fulltime student and and will be a 3. 5 gpa, last semester, because of the struggles, i had to withdraw, and this class will be the first time i have ever failed. I will repeat it in january. Like id it said, i am in my third year. I cannot put in six hours studying after work because i have to work more. Host all right, carlos in maryland, an essential worker. Lets hear from steve in fort pierce, florida. You are unemployed, steve. Where you let go because of covid . Were you let go because of covid . Becausei am unemployed i am retired. I love to see you smile on television. I like that and your program. A couple things that concern me monetizing our net. That is what i fear in the United States. The guy before stole a little bit of my thunder. Our National Debt is growing and growing and growing and growing. It gets to the point where we cannot pay it anymore. We are already paying our interest so much. It really concerns me. Benjamin franklin was attributed getsying when a democracy funde point where it can its own prosperity, it is its demise. I am concerned about our country. Things are starting to the starting to disappear from supermarkets. We have to think about this in a way that is the big picture instead of how we can just throw money at the problem. Host let me go to isaac in maryland, an essential worker. Caller hi, thanks for having me. Host what do you do . Caller water treatment, so a lot of hvac and freshwater systems for hospitals and Retirement Homes. Host those are hospitals and Retirement Homes. Kind of a dangerous place to be during a pandemic. Caller they are, but i have a slight advantage. I just started this job a few months ago. Before that, i was working on large ships, and about 15 of us caught covid, including myself, so i had the antibodies on my side, which is nice. The hospitals are putting out all these regulations and rules that they expect everyone to follow, but they are breaking their own rules. I can count several times that nurses and doctors were not wearing mask around me. Or this one case from a colleague of mine. We are a small company, only about 20 people, but a colleague went into an elevator and they just wheeled a patient in who had covid. The doctors around him were in full suits of ppe, but they went into the same elevator as him. Retirement homes are doing excellent. I know the situation is different in other states, but Retirement Homes are still on almost full lockdown. They are sanitizing everything. Everybody is wearing mask. Masks. There is a retirement home for people who spent their entire life the Catholic Church, for nuns only, and they will not even let us inside the Main Building anymore. We have to do everything outside because they take it very seriously. Host let me ask you, what do you want to see congress do . Caller i want to see congress put out something more targeted. Like the guy who was talking who had the Small Business, it should not go to everybody. It should go to the people who need it. It should not be a huge bill. Honestly, i do not want to see a National Mask mandate. I just want people to talk to each other and start taking it a little bit more seriously. Donteing said, i really i like what he is 20 people in my job have gotten covid and gotten better in less then a week. Wear masks. It is the polite thing to do, but i dont think the government should do a whole lot. Host all right, isaac. Let me show you what your governor, larry hogan, had to say yesterday. He talked about the federal efforts in negotiations over more economic aid. [video clip] insiders washington seem more concerned with winning arguments than actually advancing bipartisan solutions. Neither side seems to want to make progress. They just want to make demands and when arguments. That is not leadership. That is just political theater. And most of us are sick and tired of all the drama. Pandemic and the economic collapse it has caused have shown this problem in stark relief. Struggling families and Small Businesses have been desperately in need of immediate relief, but instead of working until they reached a compromise, congress laid politics and went on vacation. Politics andlayed went on vacation. Contrast that with americas governors. Was covid hit our shores, i proud to be chairman of the National Governors association. We pulled together governors in a truly historic, bipartisan way. Governors on both sides of the aisle stepped up on the front lines together. We understood that in times of crisis, partisan politics must be put aside. The failure of washington to effectively combat covid and the failure to pass a stimulus package are just the latest examples of the dysfunction in washington. Host governor larry hogan yesterday. If you missed it, you can watch it on our website, cspan. Org. Another headline the governor made from the Washington Times hogan tells the president it is time to biden. Governor eyes his own run for the white house. That is in the Washington Times. Let me share with you this Associated Press piece about how governors across the country are ratcheting up restrictions ahead of thanksgiving. They write California Governor Gavin Newsom announced he is pulling the emergency brake on efforts to reopen the economy, saying the state is experiencing the fastest growth in cases yet, and unchecked it will lead to catastrophic outcomes. Andloses many businesses requires the wearing of a mask outside the home with limited exceptions. In other states, the new mexico governors stayathome order went into effect monday. Only essential businesses will be open. Washingtons democratic governor jay inslee ordered gymnasiums, bowling alleys, museums, and zoos to shut down indoor operations. People will be barred in washington from gathering indoors unless they have quarantine. There is no enforcement mechanism. He says he hopes people obey anyway. Governor ordered a statewide mask mandate after saying it was not necessary. In chicago, the mayor called on residents to restrict social gatherings to 10 people starting monday. In the instructions, she urged residents to stay home except for essential activities. All of this is happening as lawmakers return to washington after the election and are deciding, can they move forward on more Economic Relief . They have 14 days to do so if they adjourn on december 10, which is their scheduled adjournment. Do you think they should come together and agree upon more economic aid . Robert in maryland, you are unemployed, robert. Are you unemployed because of covid . Caller yes, maam. Host what happened . Caller i work at a State University up here in frostburg. Because of the virus, a lot of people on my job had to be let go. I was talking day to a professor at the university and he was telling me that, over the last 5000 years of western everyzations history, failed empire during that period of time had a Stubborn Mule headed leader that led them to ruin. He pointed out that from pharaoh down in egypt to the babylonian and nebuchadnezzar, what was the guys name . Hayemn. Host what is your point . Caller what im trying to say is, if i am going to make a bet bet on vegas, i will history. Every failed empire was led to ruin by a stubborn, mule headed leader who uses fear as intimidation to put subordinates in control. Host what do you want . What kind of covid relief do you want to see . Caller what i would like to see is based upon what the science is saying. We cannot listen to the stubborn , mule headed leader that keeps destroying this country. Host robert, did you get that 1200 check and then that 600 in extra Unemployment Benefits on top of what the state provides . Caller no, i got 1200, but i have not received a 600. I just want to see my country learn the lessons of history. Host all right. Barry, ilan heights. What is your business . Caller i am a consultant. Years for, it took 10 the Airline Industry to recover. Today, part of this covid Financial Relief is going to the airlines to provide these workers, potentially furloughed Airline Workers, with their salaries and health insurance. More importantly, he keeps them off the unemployment roll. What is the difference between a furloughed Airline Worker and a furloughed restaurant worker . Host thank you. Kent, malibu. What is your business . An executive and Virtual Office company in beverly hills. We provide Office Services for hundreds of Small Business clients, which has been an interesting view to what is going on. Please stop me if i am speaking too much, but i eventually want therrive at some of ancillary benefits of Small Business ownership. From my perspective, what i am seeing is that, you know, we are halffull. Our revenue is down 30 . We are not able to make our full rent payment. And i am sure we are actually making 60 to 75 rent payments. Some are to zero because they have had to shut down. I see this falling upwards to the landlords and ultimately to the bank notes on some of these properties, so kind of interested to see if the bailout is going to be directed more toward the banks and large commercial and Residential Real Estate owners or if it is going to be directed more toward individuals and Small Business owners. Host as a Small Business owner, did you apply for any of these loans or aid . A ppp loan. We got it did very little in terms of keeping us afloat. Loan andd for the aibl were rejected, but i think it was a matter of applying to early and needing to give them more of applying too early and needing to give them some more documentation. Employees, process, i have continued to pay them. I have not taken any salary since covid started in march. I think the First Priority should be to the people who and smalld the money, Business Ownership in general, i have kind of transitioned. Obviously, i am trying to work in my business, but i have transitioned into being a kindergarten and first grade teacher for my sevenyearold. Tose types of opportunities, build equity, to have a family business, to work on something that you have ownership in, and to be able to take care of all of the other important things with your family and to foster that type of mentality and approach and overall culture within a Small Business i think is really invaluable. I would love to see a lot of the relief from the government coming to Small Business owners. Ent. ok, k minority what the leader, chuck schumer, had to say about negotiations on the war yesterday. [video clip] biden urged the senate to pass the heroes act. That is the right approach. Our country deserves a bill that meets the needs of the American People, that meets the needs of the moment. If leader mcconnell and our republican colleagues went to sit down and negotiate a bipartisan solution with a process,n democrats are willing and able to do so. It has been two weeks since leader mcconnell has said he is in charge of the new relief bill, and he still has not spoken to Speaker Pelosi or myself. Onhave four votes this week nominations for a lameduck president , but nothing pertaining to covid. There is some good news. A second u. S. Company has discovered has announced it has a phase three vaccine. A Study Suggests it is close to 95 effective. As these vaccines move through the approval process, we should prepare the country to produce and distribute them to everyone in a conference of bill that includes robust vaccine funding. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but we are still in that tunnel and may be so for several months. Host the minority leader chuck schumer. Leader Mitch Mcconnell, republican of kentucky, he also spoke of the news yesterday of moderna creating a new vaccine nearly 95 effective. Here is what he had to say. [video clip] this is a remarkable testament to american ingenuity, theright researchers, private sector, and historic support from smart Public Policy Like Operation warp speed from the Trump Administration and from this senate. Modernas ceo as said, i would like to thank operation warp speed, who have been instrumental in accelerating our program. Operation warp speed spent billions in funding to expedite research and development. It provided a streamlined Regulatory Environment and prepurchase agreements to reduce risk. It has mobilized a compilation of the basic supplies, things like needles and swamps, that need to travel with the vaccine itself. We have every indication that this historic Publicprivate Partnership is on track to deliver a scientific miracle and help us to feed the virus in the months ahead. Certainly, there is no time to waste. The country Just Announced our highest ever weekly count of new positive cases. The numbers are troubling and places all across our country. Our job is to continue doing all we can to stay safe and slow the spread. Host the leader of the republicans in the senate, mr. Mitch mcconnell. Do you think congress should be acting with more economic aid for americans and businesses . That is our question to you this morning as Congress Returns to washington and they are here for two weeks working on legislative business. Should that include economic aid . John is in columbus, ohio. John, what do you do for a living . Caller good morning, america. I work for ohio health. An aide. You called doctors have surgery, i get your body ready. I try to get your body back together and everything. I think our governor is doing a great job even though the spike is up here in ohio. Close to ohio state. We have a big hospital and ohio health, another big hospital. You know, we are a Football City so we have a lot of stuff. But every day like i have today off. I have two days off. I left work yesterday at about 8 00. It is for real. When i see those doctors, and we have to work, they have to be masked up and everything. Sometimes it is scary, but we get tested when we go in and out. It is for real. I mean, masks. We get masks. We cannot wear usual masks like everybody wears, but it is for real. I think Congress Needs to give people more money, because the people i see coming there i come fromn there around our state. Host would you like to see hazard pay for essential workers like yourself . Caller that would be nice. It would be nice. I, you know,we we need more money for everybody. You see it every day. People, i mean. You know. Isstay here, Mental Health my state here, Mental Health is really for real. And it is really bad. I would like to see Congress Give some money to people and help out. Both for economic and Mental Health reasons. Caller yes. Host deborah, new haven, connecticut. What do you do . Categories, in both Small Business owner and essential worker. I do childcare. Connecticut has been great for if you received the state subsidy they give to help with Childcare Costs to parents. They had something called the cares act that helped they gave Parents Money who were essential workers if they went to work. They gave it to us if we would take the children of essential workers. Paid for us when we had to shut down in march. They paid, if you are getting care for kids, which was the , the last amount for three months to help us over, you know, titus over. Tide us over. That would help you. It was not as much, but it was pretty good. Host and, deborah, was that ne, or just economic deborah, was that a loan, or just economic aid . Caller they gave it to us anyway. There are providers that did not take aid. I would feel bad because they would have to go on unemployment. Unemployment, and Karen Pearson unemployment, in comparison to what they were giving us, was awful. Workers. Have any i am also a student. I went back to school. I am 60. I went back to school to get my rn. I want to switch up now. I am sorry. I lost my train of thought. Saying you did not hire anybody. You work out of your home. You are a Small Business owner. You take the kids in, i assume . Caller im sorry. I dont understand what you said. Host you care out of kids where you care for kids where . Caller out of my home. Regularpped doing infections. They only do covid infections and make sure you are following all the state guidelines. You have to wear masks. Six feet apart. And i keep a small enrollment. Six only. Host deborah, let me ask you then. What do you want to see from the federal government . Do you need more help . Caller honestly, i dont because i can take the children and keep up what i am doing as long as i have parents that are essential workers. As long as they keep a job, i am fine. However, for the money they are going to give, they need to be more directed with the money. I dont understand why they t give money to people such as Senior Citizens whose lives are not impacted, who are on Social Security, who dont have any children. Their lives are not impacted. They get stimulus. I have still not gotten stimulus money. Why without children involved . This state needs to give to parents who have children involved. That means their expenses are going up. They have to have it. So be more directed. The part of that is on table in these discussions on capitol hill between democrats and republicans. Round ofclude another 1200 for every adult . 2400 for parents. Do you include that . And that is part of our conversation with all of you this morning. Do you think congress should do that or what do you Want Congress to do . Also happening today in washington, Mark Zuckerberg and jack dorsey, the facebook and twitter ceos respectively, will be virtually appearing on capitol hill today. Testimonybe giving about the suppression of the New York Post article and their Companies Handling of the election. They will testify before the Senate Judiciary committee. You can watch that on cspan3 today at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, on our website, or listen along with the free cspan radio app. This afternoon, a Senate Subcommittee will be examining the manufacturing industrys response to the pandemic. You can watch that also on cspan3 at 2 30 p. M. Eastern time, online, or with that radio app. In hyde park new york in hyde park, new york, you are unemployed. What did you do . I was ans in environment worker. Host where you unemployed because of covid . Caller i have been out. Host what do you mean . Caller disabled. Host what do you what congress what do you Want Congress to do . Caller some kind of support that can provide because the check only pays bills, but it does not cover me completely. Host were you in the same situation before the pandemic that you are in now . Caller i was not. Host how has the pandemic changed things for you, your Economic Situation . Caller i am still getting the same check. The prices are higher in the stores. The food is higher. Everything you need is higher. Host ok. Victor, birmingham, alabama. Hi, victor. Caller im still here. Host go ahead. You are on the air. Your turn. Going to move on. Ronald in new hampshire. Ronald, what do you think congress should do . Caller yeah. In who that called thinks he is immune from the virus because he already had it, that is not true, just to let folks know. It is not like the measles where you are immune for your whole life. It gives some immunity for a few months, maybe a year, but that guy needs to practice social distancing. The yeah, boris johnson, Prime Minister in england already had covid. He was exposed recently and now he is quarantining after being exposed again. Caller yeah. Just so folks know. With regard to what the congress should do, most of the money they have spent so far got pisse d away with cronyism and corruption and everything. Host how do you know . Where have you read that . Caller the stock market closed at an alltime high yesterday. What does that tell you . Ronald, people attribute that run in the market to the news about a vaccine. Caller im sorry . Host people attribute that run to the news about the vaccine. Timer well, it is at all highs. It is a dissonance. You have people who cannot even feed themselves, yet the stock market closed at an alltime high. And all the money that they spent, very little of that went to those direct payments. You know that 1200 payment everybody got . That was just a very small portion of it. [no audio] every month, they should say until unemployment gets to a reasonable level, everyone will get 800 a month or 1000 a month or whatever. Right now, people do not know what will happen. They do not know if congress will give them enough money or not. So they close up their wallets, do not go shopping. If they would get rid of that ertainty and say host are you unemployed because of the pandemic . Caller what they are doing in washington, then Mitch Mcconnell, they have to get that fool out of there. He is too old. You have this virus going on. The guy lost the election. People should just admit that he lost the election. Host rick, lets get to the negotiations. Do you think they should compromise . Democrats want something around 2 trillion. Republicans won something around 1 trillion. Should they come together and pass something . Caller why not . Let me say this. They gave us money the first time. Corporations didnt need money. The Los Angeles Lakers ask for money and they are not even broke. They should have given money to Small Businesses. Trump getting rid of the Inspector General so nobody will know where the money went. You have this bum. He is trying to start a war. Host understood. I want to show folks who are wondering how much money has been allocated, appropriated, approved, how much has been spent. You can find that information if you go to the committee for a responsible budget. Their website is crfb. Org. They estimate policymakers have committed trillion dollars committed trillions in support, including three point 8 trillion through legislative action and 7 trillion through the Federal Reserve. 400 and 14y billion of administrative support has been committed. They estimate these measures 2. 6 increase deficits by trillion dollars. Should washington do more . Stacy in mclean, virginia. Stacy, what is your business . Caller i own commercial and residential properties. I am a landlord. If you ask congress should do more, we are beyond that. In canada and germany, they pay their citizens 2000 a month. In germany, there were people from theirid off jobs who get 80 of their salary for the next two years. In germany, they invested in the people because they knew the people were suffering. We are suffering because of gop lies about the pandemic, about the seriousness, but when they lied, they went and sold their stock and profited off of ppe while they lied and downplayed this pandemic. Now everybody is suffering. Billionaires got trillions of dollars who not even pay taxes. Of my money. Just give me back what i paid in so i can survive. I even tried to apply for this Disaster Relief loan and i am going through hoops with that, just going through hoops trying to get some money so i can finish the repairs that i started, but i do not see kanye west the kanye west have to go through that . Did Jared Kushner have to jump through hoops to get my tax money that they did not need because they profess to be billionaires, but you are stealing from the people . We are suffering right now. And not only did they do a package, but Mitch Mcconnell they could not fire him in kentucky. I pray to god they fired him in georgia and elect two democrats in the senate. Business in legislation because he is a menace. He is killing people. Host i understand your point. I want to ask about your business. How has it been impacted . Can you get people in those apartments . Caller luckily i have my tenants in there. My problem came was that i was in the middle of repairs when this stuff happened, and i lost my dream job working in the entertainment industry. As long as we cannot have crowds, i cannot go back to work, so i could not pay for the repairs that i started. And those repairs need to be done whether it is the handicap ramp or the toilet that was not hooked up properly when the previous owners owned the building. And i literally have to gut the basement. So we need help. We are suffering and we need help. Butle talk about the ppp, nobody talks about the Disaster Relief fund, because that is a fund that could help other Small Businesses that do not have employees but are still struggling because of a pandemic that the republicans downplayed. Coming we have doctors here to help us because we are worse than any third world country as far as our citizenry being diseased. We are diseased now. Host youre talking about the Economic Injury disaster loans. Caller yes. Host according to the committee for a responsible federal budget, about 460 4 million has gone to Economic Injury disaster loans. Thisn just run through how two point 2 trillion in legislative money approved by congress, you know, where this went. Look to as we take a ithaca, new york. Go ahead. Caller good morning. I would like to thank everyone who is behind the scenes that puts all of us on every single day. If i can make one preparatory about aand it is principle called double effect, a moral principle where sometimes you do something that would be considered wrong, but the value of it is that a greater wrong is being prevented. We allow Police People or soldiers to kill people. The Catholic Church allows abortion where the life of the mother or someone who has been raped has happened. And i am making this plea to the management of cspan to bring back steve scully because i do offense ifs it was a falsehood as described, and i do not know the facts but when we have someone in our government who has been proven to have told over 20,000 lies, and it appears this message went out publicly, and it was between scaramucci and himself as a i believe in journalism from az, agnostic to was , and his anger agnostic to zenger. The eighth and mimic goes all the way. It does not have to be in the judicial system. Mr. K cspan to bring back scully promptly, stat. Host ok, and what do you want to see from congress . Caller we have to get on the same page in language. The number one lie in america is that there is no money. Ok. They say there is no money. How many Nuclear Weapons stopped covid . We have 3800 Nuclear Weapons. If trump had such a Good Relationship with the soviet with russia, he ought to have gotten those even down like some of his predecessors. So there is money right there. Secondly, people dont understand the system. Everyone pays what they call fica, which means the money for Social Security out of our taxes, but there is a threshold where after 130,000 of income, people do not have to pay. Onesmeans mr. Trump or the that own amazon and everything else, the richest people, they only pay into Social Security up until 130,000 other taxes. That cap has to be removed. I like that mr. Biden is already proposing that no one under 400,000 wont have any taxes increased. Of whatr be careful george h. W. Bush had said. Host it sounds like you are calling for overarching changes, not just relating to the pandemic. You are looking for institutional changes. Caller well, the institutions are there, and they have been polluted by and i lived in washington from 1982. That was the peace corps. In peace corps veteran. Host ok. I will try to get some more voices. Text messages. From alan in huntington, west virginia, democrats and republicans need to compromise on relief. At this point, i am in favor of the more narrow package favored by republicans. Unfortunately, irresponsible tax cuts republicans have left the country deep in debt and unable to responsibly and adequately deal with emergencies. Another, not if we are allowed to live our lives. Kennedy, people are losing jobs. Yes, he says, two more covid Financial Relief. To more covid Financial Relief. Niceer says, it would be because the company i work for it does not give me any kind of pay when it comes to potentially being subjected to covid19. My husbands Company Gives him 10 days of pay while being tested. I think that is solid. One from richard in florida. Cspan needs to start a discussion about how this debt will be paid back by our grandchildren. I have not heard one politician seriously address this. Brian in zanesville, ohio. Brian, you are unemployed. Caller yes, maam. Host and because of the pandemic . Caller yes, i went into business in the middle of 2019, and i used mostly subcontractors for my work. I was considered an essential worker. Here,are a few things because, one, i did get the 1200 stimulus, buffer somebody small, more like a micro business, they are not receiving any type of relief. People are going out of business that you dont really consider a Small Business. Maybe one or two employees or subcontractors. That kind of left me in the cold. I do not know if anybody has noticed, but essential workers are not getting the virus at high rates. The reason is because they are staying active. This has been proven by dr. Tom cowan many times over. I recommend listening to recommd seeing what he has to say. The other thing is everyones worrying about this data. The stock markets, keep going up, nobody is paying attention to the debt anymore. Nobody cares about the debt. You can look it up. The great reset is happening. Going and big change this all kind of helps move that further along. Colin in florida. Consultant who works with call centers. Ande were very hardly hit they were dismantled very quickly during the pandemic. Disgusted at our countrys response to this. For six months ive been hanging on by a thread. Waiting for one program after another that has failed. Me and everybody else. Sleepless nights, ive been up since 1 30 this morning. We need help. Im listening to callers that are mirroring what im feeling which is a little bit helpful that other people are going through this. 2020e hearing talks about and after the 20th inauguration in january, this can happen. This is an emergency. Im on the verge of losing my home and my car. Wait until the election, this has to happen now. I hung on pins and needles for that. I am very eager to return to normal. But normal does not exist right now. Host you said you are hanging on by a thread, are you receiving Unemployment Benefits from the state . Caller im receiving 500 a runh by arguably the worst system in the country which is set to expire the day after christmas for me personally. That is just very that is almost to be expected given everything thats happened. 500 payment. That which im grateful for. I had the 600 supplement and later the 300 supplement, but those of long dried out. So what are you doing . How are you making it work . Im hopelessly behind on my rent. Im ready to be evicted. I expect my card to disappear any day. My insurance is set to expire saturday on the 21st in three or four days. In florida if your policy is canceled, your drivers license is suspended. I am on the roller coaster of i am on a roller coaster ride of my life falling apart. My girlfriend and i are fighting over money. That sory disheartening many people are going through the same thing. It hurts to know that so many other people are going through the same thing and help is not coming through. Host what could congress do to help your situation . Caller i need an immediate influx of probably 10,000 to 15,000 to prevent my life from putting me under a bridge in the next one to two months. Host would you take a loan out . Caller i would absolutely take one. I have never received a stimulus. Still waiting for that. I did receive like the previous caller, im a 1099 selfemployed, its just me. I am a one guy shop. We just didnt necessarily get the benefits that may be the people that mightve had a few more people or built the Larger Companies got. We got forgotten. I would have slowly take out a loan. Out a loan on the ppp and although i applied for it incorrectly and therefore only received 1000, i we did that knowing i would likely have to repay it or going in knowing i would have to. Not trying to survive and end up homeless in the next one to two months. Intervene and i appreciate you having me on. We will leave it there. Our last half an hour of the washington journal. We will take a short break and when we come back, we will talk about the role of the biotech industry in the development of the coronavirus vaccine. 11 ked to jeremy jeremy. And then we look at the pass election and what it means for the future of congress. We will be right back. Listen to cspans podcast the weekly, talking about the recent elections with kelly. What changed this election cycle for women and why. Find the weekly where you get your podcasts. You are watching cspan, your unfiltered view of government. Created by americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service and brought to you by your television provider. Washington journal continues. Is the chair of the biotechnology innovation organization. Lets begin with defining biotech. Good morning to you, thank you for having me on. Ability to take the biological structures of a cell and make it work for you. 1973 with the first tools that were developed to what led to eventually the entire industry. Industry the biotech playing a role in the coronavirus pandemic . Yearrly in january of this , most of the biotechnology industry was focused on cancer. About 55 of it. With very little or no programs in covid. When the industry came together early in january, we had called tom together and asked them tell us what did they see happening in china. What they saw happening led very quickly to 40 or 50 of them saying we will jump on finding cures or vaccines right now. And january, over 770 programs were initiated. And what this meant was the entire industry pivoted, not because we were asked to do it, but because we decided it was the right thing to do. Incredible high risk taken. Weare where we are today, have close to 170 new vaccines on the horizon. Imminent and then in addition to which, you have a whole host of antivirals being developed and a whole new science but attacking the virus is coming out. Lets talk about the news that was announced. Moderna has a vaccine. This follows pfizers news. What will the biotech industry play in the development of those two vaccines, if any . Guest quite a lot actually. Moderna is a Biotech Company at its core. It was financed by venture capitalists, they stepped into an area which was entirely unknown in many symbols is. In the same way you would pfizer passing with a ton of new Biotech Companies in germany who of similarly taken the step dealing with the kind of vaccine , which isalled mrna really an outlier. It was something which had been around for over three decades and nobody had taken the step forward. Finally these two Small Companies stepped forward, took the risk, had investors help them and then with the help of a Large Company like pfizer, biontech has now produced the pfizer results and madura on its own moderna has produced its own. Host explain the science. Guest the science is actually quite fascinating. Biotechnology is all about unpacking the tools to help your body and understanding the cell, how you make those cells work for you. The vaccines are in example of that. The Science Behind this says when you have the genes that are the information the tell you how to how each cell should work in your body in structures cell what to do, it does that through a very special message called mrna. If you can treat the cell to say i want you to make a human protein, but to make a virus protein safely and appropriately. Then what you can do is you can get that into the human cell in the human cell will use it as a piece of information to start making the virus protein. That little egg on the outside of the virus its making. When it does that, of body immediately reacts to it and says im going to attack that, im going to make antibodies and am going to teach my white cells again something youre produced inside. A fantastic process. Really novel and its harnessing the whole power of the cell to be a little industrial factory inside to make this protein. How are ourselves reacting right now to covid19 without these vaccines . What are they doing and what are you trying to trick them to not do . Guest the problem with this is when you get that, you are not prepared for the virus. The virus has a whole bunch of arms and weapons inside of it that will use to attack it cells. So when the virus gets into you, your body tries to react and engage. But too late. You are being overwhelmed by the other weapons that the virus brings. By having and by the way to be very clear, in some cases the body will be Strong Enough to mount a response. People who are ill, other people, and for the moment, its important to understand that some people will defend against this, others cannot. So when you give a vaccine, youre stripping away those other weapons, you are putting in the pure protein, making your body rich, arming itself to fight against the virus. Your body is ready and waiting to ambush it. Lessons the weapons any vaccine made of . What are the dangers . What are potential side effects of putting this in our body . Theres always side effects anybody has taken aspirin, whose taken tylenol knows that you have to be careful about what you do. , wevet in this instance actually conquered the problem of the natural mrna. The problem is it was first thought that if you put them into your body, they would cause themselves they themselves would cause a reaction. It took three decades and some really hard work of some scientists who were never recognized for their work initially. Away that ability of the mrna when you put it into your body to cause the reaction. Thatw we know very clearly in the short term when you give a couple of shots, the chances of a bad reaction have gone down dramatically because we have manipulated the mrna, the Information Package which contains all the data of that virus protein into your body. I think thats really because that is a seminal invention. This whole event has caused Something Else. Its not just that we may have cracked the code for developing a vaccine against covid. Its likely that we will also from this be to attack other viruses and disorders. I want to let our viewers know who are listening intently to you because we are not getting any phone calls. I want to encourage them to start calling in with their comments and questions. If you live in the Eastern Central part of the country, 2027488000. Mountain pacific, 2027488001. Medical professionals, 2027488002. Saying, so were just , made up of the common cold, this is not the flu. Mean, this does this discovery of a vaccine by the companies, what does this mean for any future pandemic related to the influenza, like we saw with the spanish flu . Host this guest this is very good news from a technical perspective. Problem that the biotech industry has largely had a big jump in solving. The quite unimaginable doors its opened up scientifically. However, those scientific discoveries, which will help fight back future problems will face an equal problem unless we learn from what we havent done educationally, a distributionwise a manufacturing wise. Lets go back to the technical side. The technical side is very interesting. To developlong time a flu vaccine today. You prepare for it every year. However, with this new kind of a vaccine, it is conceivable that from the starting point 60 days later, you would have a new vaccine. Now we have seen it. We have seen it happen right in front of our eyes right now. Normally would take six to 10 years for a new vaccine. Ofve had from the start zero, of that the beginning of the year. 12 months later we are on the of two newroval vaccines. This is remarkable. And weve learned with the Gold Standard of science and medicine , the incredible efforts of all of all the global scientists. Germany, United States to unravel these viruses, we actually have for the first time now an opportunity to feel confident if we can solve all these other nontechnical things. Distribution and all the things that are required for this. We know the biotech industry will be able to solve for future pandemics. Thats very encouraging. D. C. , you are in on the air. Good morning. Try highhey ought to ofed trains and get a lot automobile traffic off the roads. Japan has the bullet train in france has a highspeed train. Host mary in oklahoma. Im 72. How soon can we get it approved by the cdc and how soon can i get the shot . Guest great question. If the safety, the final safety steps are all satisfactory. They have a great process of doing this. By the end of the month they will have reviewed the details and then very shortly after, im confident they will do the same. Once theyve got that safety package, we know that simultaneously both pfizer, moderna and other companies are beginning manufacturing. About likelihood will be 50,000 doses by the end of this year. Dose has first initial gone to First Responders and those in critical need, the government hopefully will decide and it is vital that there be cooperation between the Incoming Administration and the Current Administration to ensure this moves smoothly. Once that has happened, then immediately following that, you and i and many like us will feel good that they are now going to get the distribution coming through over january through may. How soon it gets to you at your particular home, i dont know. But i am confident that the wheels are rolling and im confident for a couple of reasons. Im confident the leader of this the mostas one of outstanding track records for producing vaccines. He is exceptional. He is a doctor, he knows exactly what he wants to do and exactly how to do it. Just focusing on science and medicine a distribution, you will get it soon. Host michael in nevada. Know, what like to is was to be hiding in doing this and that. If 90 of us dont know if we have it. Making it sound like people are dying in the streets. Why dont you people Say Something . Guest its kind of interesting. 260,000 people dead. We are going up with 400,000 unless we are super careful. Politics, they dont forget gravestones. Each person who dies as a person who was loved, someone treasured by their family. So as far as im concerned, its not a question of dying in the streets. That happened in the 13th century in europe. That did happen. But right now what we are dealing with is a national catastrophe. Frankly, anybody who sees it otherwise is really causing a problem. Let me be very blunt about this. You and those around you need to understand this is not trivial. Look at the economic consequences of this. Look at the anguish it is caused in our nation. Minutet prepared for one to say that any one of those lives isnt important. Cancer, if we had a pandemic of cancer, what would you be saying . We have a pandemic which is growing day by day. Lets not kid ourselves. Diane, you carolina, are next. Ask, im soto excited about the vaccine. Because of the transition and things coming out, ive had my doubts about it, but it is making me more on doubtful. I have stage three when its know confirmed if we will be prioritized . Guest really good question. Im sorry about the copd. I know how tough that is. Ive treated many patients over the years and i fully understand what this means. Its a tough one. Number one, if we have a response, oneal which is based on medicine. Or anybody with a Major Medical issue will be prioritized and i cannot imagine that any of those who are running the program at warp speed or in the Incoming Administration can possibly not prioritize somebody of your kind. Locally yourat local Government Health and tols will be able to tell you exactly where and when. I would encourage you to have a discussion with them. Ive got this problem, what you guys going to do. In my case for example. Every twois i go weeks to the town council and i brief my town council here in of theicut at the behest mayor. And i educate everybody on every single thing we know. ,eve got a Response Plan everybody in the town knows what can happen. Everybody is in touch with the hospitals and doctors and local government. And the governors. So we are organized. I urge you to demand the same from your local community. What confidence can you give diana and others who have underlying conditions taking other or taking other medications that this vaccine and the work the company did would not interfere or have negative consequences for them . A wonderful question. We dont know everything about this vaccine. We have had about 100,000 people in total, but the time has been small. We dont have a full profile of which will respond best, whether it people of color or people with diabetes, younger or old. We will get there. Haveest information we over decades and decades of use of vaccine is in general, they do not interfere. Just to put something to rest as we talk about this. Liee was a complete promulgated in 1986 that vaccines cause autism. That lies spread around the world and led to an enormous amount of doubt about vaccines. Fortunately, that was a complete lie and it was eventually retracted by the publication the put it out. However, the damage was done. So now, youre asking me right question. Does this vaccine cause any problems . We dont know and it enough about it. Based on all the vaccines weve seen over the years and the excellence we now have in production and the safety profiles that the fda will look at and assess, im very confident these vaccines are going to have the significant effect and meaningful outcome. I cant promise that, but im pretty sure. Enough so that i would recommend once the fda has approved it, that my family and myself and others that i know take it. Host lets go to hell in in en inornia hel california. Caller ive been reading artery calls about this for a couple of months and i been reading articles in the economist about this same virus. Here is my concern. Economicical and jingoism is influencing hard science and the fact that all of a sudden we are coming out with these miracle vaccines. As a scientist you know this is very dangerous. You dont put out a medication that is been developed and tested within a year or 12 months and then give it out to people. This is very dangerous and flies in the face of scientific ethics. And im sure youre aware of that. When you are speaking you are talking about the detrimental effects on the economy this is having. Yes it is. But you do not inject people with untested medications and beennes because youve influenced. Levinlets have dr. Respond to those points. Iest great comments and understand where youre coming from. Lets talk about the experiment. On people. Russia did that. They didnt even run through proper set of tests. They just figured they had a vaccine and started vaccinating people before it had done anything remotely compared to what pfizer, moderna and the hundreds of other companies that are involved in this have done and galvanized to do. So you are right on the face of it. Because of the enormous political hullabaloo that you and i listen to. The noise coming from everywhere, this is a huge amount of uncertainty. I would ask you to take the following steps. At this vaccine, understand we have a couple of super standards. You are dealing with an industry thats is full of people who want to find cures. Those cures, they will give these things to their kids. Number two, this is the industry that delivered you some of the most extraordinary cures for cancer, which are really burgeoning. And other antivirals. A lot of evidence the industry itself, of the intentions of the industry are purely science and medicine. Then you have the fda. This is the Gold Standard. The Gold Standard around the world for safety and efficacy. Pressure,ormous political pressures to hasten the process, to do it before the election, we have to salute them because they said no, we are going to run the right process. Take a moment just to read the letters and the guidance they put out. These are exceptional guidances. I have a lot of confidence that what they are putting out is the right approach. What i didnt have confidence in was prior to their standing up and saying no more politics, we are just focusing on science and medicine. And then you have the Large Companies. For the first time ever, the Large Companies all wrote a letter saying they are going to follow the guidelines exactly as laid down. Irrespective of political pressure. Lot,think theres a academia has risen up. The Scientific Method you point out is actually very powerful. It took three decades to solve for this problem that the mrna solve four. He was tested pretty extensively and to the credit of all of ,hose who really worked on this they followed rigid protocol. I can promise you that after giving this to millions of people we wont find things. Point, in you to your august of last year, the administration took away the very office that monitors for safety. Thats why the transition from the current efforts through to the new administration need to be serious. You not only have to get the vaccine distributed efficiently to the right people you also have to monitor and understand with the safety issues are. Medicine has a safety issue. But i am very confident based on what weve seen today that this is a very effective and seemingly very safe approach. Host kate in maryland, you are on. Caller good morning. Thank you cspan. My question is, im curious about the longterm situation. Once people start getting these , basically is covid going to go away or will we have to keep getting this vaccine every year for years to come . Question right on target. The best that we know today is that number one, a covert not going away. Number two, we may have to do boosters. The 90 plus efficacy safety profile is there, this will be much better than the flu vaccines which we take. I take a flu vaccine, millions of others do. And yet that vaccine is only 40 to 60 effective. Confident that if the profile holds up, i would be willing to go to my walmart, cvs, any of the majors should distributors and take it. The genie is out of the bottle and unfortunately we will have to live with it. Host is it not going away because why . Does it mutate or change every year like the flu . We dont know yet, but it is mutating. We do see that. The good news about the mutations are remember what i said earlier, this new type of vaccine can pave it. In 60 days you can have a new version of that vaccine to attack anything the virus throws at us. So you will and we have seen mutations. Im grateful today to we havent seen a mutation that makes it more verlander or dangerous. We have seen one that seems to affect more. But not ones that have gone the added step that makes it a lot more vicious. Theres always the possibility that over time it starts to get less. You are a medical fractional, what do you do . Oncologist. An my question is for those like us who are immunocompromised or currently receiving treatments which will reduce the , how muchess effectiveness will it be because we are already receiving immuno suppressors. Will we develop good strong antibodies or not . Any suggestions towards that . Guest absolutely essential medical question. I dont know the answer. But to offer. What the doctor just said to you is he himself is undergoing therapy and that and part of that is to reduce his immune system. How does the vaccine work . We dont know enough about it. If you be kind enough to link us together, i would be happy to introduce you to the folks who are running the trial to ask that question. Im sure this is a question thats been asked before and i suspect all the people in the Cancer Centers around the country need to know that answer because many are undergoing the same types of therapy. And even multiple sclerosis where you have efforts to reduce the immune system. I dont have the answer. Im sure we can get to the right people who do. , if folks go to your website could this doctor and others reach out to you that way . Guest please do so. Matt in asheville, north carolina. Caller good morning. How are the to ask American People expected to trust vaccine manufacturers when the manufacturers wont even stand behind the product themselves . Any type of problem they refer to the National Vaccine program. Behind theirand product and also any time is the advertisements. Against products that are once thought safe pushed by the people now find out they were not slate they were not safe. Guest youve touched on a point which is so sad. It is sad because of the following. Weve created an industry in this country which lives for essentially suing people for other things when they do with the best intentions. , every medicine has a side effect. The question is have you given them intentionally. This whole fuss around hydroxychloroquine, which came out and people started talking about it in march. Terrible. It was not a drug for covid. Counterpoint, every single manufacturer of the vaccine, every single manufacturer of the new antiviral is acutely conscious of the fact that you have many, not a huge number, but many firms who are looking for the opportunity to make money on the suffering of others. So i would say to you lets be a little cautious about pointing the finger at the industry. This industry, yes there have been bad actors, but not ones to the best of my knowledge, not once has anybody put out a product with the intention to harm another patient. To the contrary. Everybody goes to work every morning, to the best of my knowledge, and asks the question how can i help a patient. And yes, there may be side effects. Thats why we have the fda and we have insurance for it. Not because we believe its going to cause an injury, but rather that we know there are people out there who will sue. Host we started this conversation with you talking about how the biotech industry pivoted at the beginning of this pandemic. That they were largely focusing on cancer, but then pivoted at the pandemic. You said money poured in. Explain the process of getting investors in the margins of profit for these companies. I collected 47 histories of individual ceos and published in june. Just to the question like you asked, what happened, what were you thinking about, not about the technology, but the reallife stories of each of these individuals. There, by the way to be clear, all of the proceeds go to research into genetic diseases. Its not something im promoting for that reason. When youhappened was find a new technology in biotechnology, often as scientist will go a scientist will go seek funding from venture capitalists. They themselves have had to go to a number of different sources themselves to get approval of money a pool of money to invest in this crazy idea. The vast majority of these companies do not produce anything. Unfortunately they fail. And they fail repeatedly. But the great strength of america, the great strength is in the strategic strength is capitalformed a pool of in the private capital in the hands of venture capitalists and others and then we created an industry in banking that allows you to say ive got a bit of a naughty idea but it was really worthwhile trying out because it could have the patient. So the individual scientist goes , they meet the venture capitalists, the particular venture capitalist whose flagship and they said let us help you pull this together. Us test thisp technology. This happens time and again. Weatherby antiviral, etc. And money came in. And the idea wasnt so much on the return, but the inflows defined in medicine. And if it is good they will make a return. Let me give you a similar result of events that occurred when cancer was first tackled using the new therapies of immunology. In 20 in 2007 there was one developing awas new approach to cancer. Nobody believed in it. How do you make the white cells attack the cancer. In a small cancer, nobody believed it. However, another way of getting capital happened at that time. They had been funded by venture capitalists, by the Capital Markets and it was very difficult for them to be successful because nobody believed in it. Until Bristol Meyer under the leadership of James Cornelius said we have to change. Bought them. E team there were 10 Clinical Trials in cancer immunology at that time. They port capital into this 2009 and theetween end of 2019, they went from 10 Clinical Trials to 2500. Investment inthe biotechnology was going into. Mark was in it, pfizer was in it, hundreds of companies were in it. All of them, some of them tiny funded by venture capitalists. Of course they wanted a profit. When somebodys life was saved by new technology, how do you price that . With increasing price rises on all drugs. Thats not my business. My business is patience and innovation. If you can solve for that, and the people we delivered those drugs do deserve a good profit for it. Host we will go to debbie in kentucky. Caller hello. I have Close Friends and family that were diagnosed with covid. There were four individuals that i know of personally. But all of them and one little fight that a is fighting cancer. All four were sent home with no treatment. They were all diagnosed, they had symptoms, but they were all sent home with no type of treatment. All of them wound up in the hospital. One elderly lady died. She passed away. Of pneumonia. Concerned, these doctors have blood on their hands for sending people home with no treatment after theyve been diagnosed. Theorist, inspiracy dont believe in a lot of these conspiracies, but ive also researched in the state of kentucky that doctors were buying up hydroxychloroquine in canada, doctors were buying up hydroxychloroquine and how it prevents malaria, how they say prevents pneumonia. , one is stillrry in the hospital. One is on a ventilator. Thankfully she got off the ventilator before her daughter passed away she was able to be with her. Disturbed by the fda, the cdc and how they are allowing people to die and i feel like they all have blood on their hands. What hasry for happened to those that you know. What do you think as you listen to her . Guest my heart goes out to you. Ive had family members here in new york who had covid and it is devastating. Your story is absolutely horrible. Is its not the cdc or the fda that is responsible for what you saw. Something really very treatmentips can get and people in the streets cannot. Decision thatcal took place in kentucky. I am desperately sorry. My heart goes out to you. And to the families. I cant imagine anything more horrible. Andfdas job is to approve ensure there is safety and efficacy in medicine. Make theibuted, not decision to not treat people. Which you are describing is something i believe millions are experiencing across the nation. Earlier on, somebody said, a gentleman from nevada i believe, who said we should ignore that. We can. We cannot. We have a right to demand from local communities and hospitals to really understand we have a right to ask people to wear masks. Because it does prevent it. We have a right to ask that when we have a new therapy, that it be distributed equally to every body and as soon as possible, particularly those who have cancer like the doctor who you heard previously, if we know it is safe. From my perspective, i am desperately sorry to you and my heart goes out to you. I know what you are experiencing. Unfortunately, its not due to the cdc or fda, it is the local medical decision. Host i want to get your thoughts on a piece written by Scott Gottlieb and mark mcclellan. They mentioned in this piece that there are now manmade antibodies that could treat covid once you contract it. Are you familiar with this and could you explain . Companies,e are two both of whom are producing these types of antibodies. They are generally reserved for very ill cases in hospital. But these are is an artificial way of generating the same kind of antibodies that your body would use in back an infection. Know exactly they wrote about it. Its important. However, for those in hospital, we need to have fullblown Clinical Trials to understand how they are going to affect the individuals. Like manyfidence, antibodies when they are directed to the right thing. They can have an effect. Encouraging and a good process have been approved. I will say one thing. Isdebbies point, the fact these are given to vips, not the person in the street. Thats what we need to address. There are some any communities who need it. Ability for be no them not to get these kinds of therapies. Host your question or comment. Aller id like to know im allergic to egg whites and a know a lot of vaccines are raised in egg whites. Ive also been told that sometimes there are serums available that are not with egg whites. But i cant ever get them. They arent available to me. Do you know or can you tell me will this be safer someone with an allergy to egg whites . Guest a good point. The old fashion of making vaccines work in eggs. m sorry you have this allergy its a real troublesome one. I believe the manufacturing process does not involve the egg whites. You should feel good about that. We will have to check and make sure. There a flood of new vaccines that have nothing to do with egg whites whatsoever. Using thesome are same process. But by and large the modern vaccine approach understands this allergy exists, understands that you need to avoid it. Lets look at how their manufacturing all of them. And it will be there for you. Good morning. Do flu shots and vaccines break down the immune system in your body . Ive never taken a flu shot or anything. I believe thats what happens. Where did covid19 evolve from . Thank you. Guest two big questions. Number one is kind of easy. Im probably like you. Theres a lot of as i got older i figured out fine. I want to tell you something. Ive taken it. Whatsoever that it breaks down the immune system. To the contrary. Mumps, know measles, chickenpox, all of the great vaccines and again they protect you fundamentally they do not harm you. Kids who dont take them for much greater chance of getting sick. Im probably like you. I urge you to go and get the flu shot. Particularly where does it come from. Theres been a lot of of ideason and a lot floating around. Camesnt definitely it like most of these viruses, it probably when it jumped from an animal to human being. We have seen this in the past. It is natures way of doing things unfortunately. The more that we come into proximity with some of these animals, bats, different kinds of rodents, they can spread like lightning. Unfortunately, that is the most likely. I cannot say for 100 certainty that thats where it came from. But we believe to the best of our knowledge that it came from Central China from an animal market where you had a contact with one individual with an infectious virus and it happened to pass into that human being. About thed you talk history of h1n1 and how it has developed or mutated over the years and the danger of this compared to what we are seeing now . Us andh1n1 swept over there was a lot of concern and a really good set of plans put in place to deal with future h1n1. Those plans were put aside. We knew what was happening with h1n1, we prepared for it. The good news is that it helped us get an early start on covid. Sequences, thehe genetic sequences that underlay that particular virus. Host what is it . Sequence is the package of information inside that tells the virus how to replicate and grow, how to infect a human. We were able to understand quickly what that sequence looked like, how to sequence it. Them how does the virus code itself, how does it take energy in. How do you stick to a human cell, what is the thing, the machinery that sticks to a human cell. How does it hijack the human cell. Those are the important pieces of information. We learned a lot from h1n1 how to do that. Knowing, taking several years to find this out, to the same process within a couple of months. Really remarkable. Host jessa in south dakota. Caller thanks for having me on the show. I had a question. Vips versusentioned those living on the streets and i really appreciated that comment just because it sounds to me like the wealthy are able to get treatment and the impoverished are not. My question is is how do we fix that . Is the vaccine going to fix that issue or is there is something or is there Something Else we need to do so that those who are not wealthy get treatment . Guest most of us are not wealthy. We have to figure this out for everybody. It doesnt matter whether you live on the streets, youve lost her job, or if you live in a tower in some glittering city. Everybody has to get it. So for me at the end of the day, this requires, obligation. It is an obligation. For ouroral obligation government now and in the future to coordinate and ensure that there is full access to this vaccine. Something thatt a few get and others dont. If only a few get it, than the likelier it is that it will keep on coming back. Not only will there be terrible tragedy amongst those who dont at it, they will actually be recycle. It will keep cycling through the population who doesnt have the vaccine and then keep hitting those who have had the vaccine when it wears off. This is a national issue. Issue, not atate town issue, not a village issue. Its an international issue. We need to figure out and cooperate with people around the world to ensure pockets of this infection are not back with the vaccine. America can lead the way. We have the ability and the strength. We need the intent. You broke up there at the end of what you were saying. If i can if you are still there and you can hear me, i just have a question for you about treatments weve seen given to people. Zinc, vitamin d, melatonin. Im wondering the science of that and could you address peoples beliefs that if they take those things now they can prevent themselves from getting covid19 or having a severe case of it. Guest sorry i broke up. My apologies to the previous question her. The National Effort needs to be addressed and the will about it. With regards to the various things you mentioned, what we do know is there appears some studies suggest vitamin d has a positive effect. We dont know if thats fully thatct, but i do know appropriately and following the instructions, cant do much harm with that. You might do some good. We need to understand what that really means. Importantly, we need consistent will to wear masks. It is not about therapeutic. Masks work. If you are to visit a foundry where you are melting steel you would not have two seconds hesitation to put on protective glasses. Politicizeason, we masks. Stop a virusnot being breathed in if someone next to us had it . Host what are you watching for in the coming weeks . Guest straightforward. Complete coordination between current and Incoming Administrations. Critical. The safetyatch montana andhe ; the full array of data showing which populations they have tested. I would like to see the fda review and the most transparent way to give everyone confidence we have this in the kind of shape it is. Lastly, i want us to have a fullblown understanding of how the various machinery, the u. S. Army project warp speed, the large distributors, are all gearing up to provide distribution across the nation. These are critical. It will lead to a widespread distribution of vaccine next year. Ont you can read more bio. Org. Thank you. Guest thank you. Break and, we take a talk with the fulcrums David Hawkings. We will be right back. Announcer today, jack dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg testify on allegations they censor and suppress the news leading to the elections, the Senate Judiciary committee, 10 a. M. Eastern, cspan3, live, on demand at www. Cspan. Org or listen live on the cspan radio app. Indepth with the recent books, begin again, exodus, democracy in black and uncommon faith. Join in on the live conversation. Sunday, december 6, noon, eastern, cspan2. Announcer washington journal continues. Here tovid hawkings talk about the impact of the election. Lets begin with this week in congress. Leadership elections. Explain how they go about electing leaders. Could we see changes . They meet in different caucuses. No surprise. Things are happening differently this year. First meetingcus, today, virtual opportunity for members to stay in district and cast votes in the upcoming leadership elections using a secure app democrats have come up with. We will not see changes at the top. Kevin mccarthy, steves scalise, that is staying the same. The action is on the democratic side. We are not seeing any changes at the top. Of nancyy long run clyburn that is all continuing into a 16th year. Remarkably long run. Each of those three is 80 years old or older. The House Democrats will think about eventual changeover; we dont know when that will happen. Nancy pelosi said she would only run for two more terms. She has backed away from that. Demand fromtup younger members to move up. Secondary races are getting organized. Race will be for assistant speaker, Katherine Clark of massachusetts, centrist the member from rhode island ; the winner would be in line to get the number two job in the democratic caucus, behind Hakim Jeffries of new york city, unopposed to remain the number 4 job, caucus chairman. Thought briefly about challenging. He decided to stay in the job. He seems to be the oddson bet to be the leader of the democrats when the nancy pelosi chai brett moves on nancy on. Si triumvirate moves there are different styles. California and new york. They have a different job. Democrats will have one of their narrowest majorities in decades, next year. We dont know how narrow. It is in the range of the smallest majority for either party in 20 years. They are looking ahead at a joe biden midterm in two years. Redistricting, republicans may make more gains. Is forrd leadership job caucus vice chairman. Democrats have a lot of leadership jobs. That person could move up over time. Some are thinking about running. Hearing; mr. Rs. Kelly mr. Aguiar, m diversity is moving up. Host i invite viewers to join us. What message do you think the november election sent to washington . What message were you trying to send with your vote . 202 7488000 for democrats, 202 7488001 for republicans, 202 7488002 for independents. Text with your first name, city and state at 202 7488003. Positions do not take place on the floor, except for speaker of the house. When does it take place . Couldnt she see some public opposition . Guest yes, she will. That vote takes place 118thgday of the next congress, where are we . [laughter] it is the first order of business. Time, she faced internal dissent. 15 caucus members voted for someone else. The rule for being elected speaker is you have to have a majority of all the people casting votes. Not of the entire house. Those on theof floor. Window. A narrow if there are democrats who want to vote against her, only a few can. Im not sure of the precise number but several who voted against her last time were centrist democrats who upended, won in trump district and who have now been defeated again. Those people will not be clamoring for new leadership. The test for her is to hold the numbers. Her, sheyou think of is clearly good at her leadership job; staying at the helm in a fractious and diversified group for 18 years, suggests she knows how to count votes, where they are, where she needs to shore up, where she can lico. Let go. The presumption is she will hang on for at least one more term. Rumors, liker any four years ago, when the expectation was that if Hillary Clinton had been elected, nancy pelosi was tempted in preliminary discussion to become ambassador to the vatican. We do not hear that this time. In. our viewers call i want to show you the congresswoman from minnesota yesterday on why the democrats lost seats. [video clip] in many cases, there was so much focus, especially for me, i did not talk to a single person, in general election about voting for me. I was so much focused in defeating trump, making sure biden won. 1. 4 million attempts in reaching constituents. We ended up having one of the highest turnouts in our district. For a lot of my colleagues who a lot ofy expressed concentration, whether the volunteers, the nations attention was on sending trump us,ing and for a lot of that was the victory we were after. Host David Hawkings . Guest interesting. Scaledback in the rearview. In,rly, in the days going there were high hopes of a bigger blue wave. Every expectation was the democrats would win seats in the house. I know of no political handicapper, including some of the most conservative, who predicted anything other than democratic gains in mid Single Digits to teens. 12e republicans now have won seats. Sending donald trump packing was job number one but Many Democrats assumed they would not only usher in joe biden with a bigger majority in the house and a Senate Majority as well. Majority is still up for grabs. Undecided,ats january 5, georgia. If the democrats win both, they have a 5050 senate, Kamala Harris is the right Vice President for breaking a tie, they would claim majority. The outcome on the house is not going to change and that provides a narrow window, not only on the senate side but on the house side. We talked about nancy pelosi having a few votes to spare for people who may want to symbolically vote against her. After she gets to that, she will have a challenge with a narrow majority in some of her more conservative, moderate, politically scared members. They may not want to vote for some things on the democratic agenda. It will be tough. Kentucky, newport, republican. Election,th this past integrity came up again. House,e results from the i think it probably leads to more republican, even though the focus is on trump, that in the end, democrats will lose in the house and the senate because of this election because of the question marks that popped up. Assume it is a reference to reliability of the election. We have paid a lot of attention to this. Our news is mainly about the issues to the challenge of democracy. Volunteer that my team has not seen anything to cast integrity of the election into doubt. Ironically, because of the pandemic, it was incredibly wellrun, not only in turnout, record turnout going back 120 but, by micah collation, were cast by mail. Contrary to what the president says, we have not seen any evidence of anything other than sporadic, isolated problems in a couple states with a few ballots. We have not seen anything like systemic, organized election cheating. It just has not happened. Enough challenge votes to make up the difference . Guest terrific question. Analogyre now making an to 20 years ago, the famous 2000. Votes,e involves 537 which is the width of a sheet of paper on a stack of paper up to the ceiling in terms of all the votes cast in florida that year and it was just in florida. Who wonflorida decided the election. Now it is different. The president is challenging results in five states and in is inhis margin of defeat the tens of thousands of votes. The narrowest is in georgia where they are doing a recount. I dont know how it has changed the number. Before it started, 14,000 votes. President elect biden was ahead by 14,000. Even if they are all thrown away, if the outcome is reversed, then the margin and the Electoral College would come down from 306 to 290. That is still 21 electoral votes away from the outcome of the election. The president s efforts to get the results overturned in pennsylvania, which involves hundreds of thousands of votes he is challenging, 56,000 i believe, mr. Biden would still be at 270. In other words, the president s efforts would need to overturn three states for him to lose. The margins are enormous, by comparison to florida. They are narrow. We are talking about tens of thousands of ballots. Chris,ak park, illinois, democrat. Caller i am a lifelong democrat going back to when my parents worked on kennedys campaign in 1960. I have my liberal bias. I voted democrat for 40 years. Trump operation of the government; i really believe there has to be a more centrist policy. The wing nuts on the right dominated the congress, especially the senate, the past four years, we cannot let the wing nuts on the left take bidens agenda and try to replace it. To get along is the primary thing to be done. I truly believe joe biden will of a centristure policy and hopefully nancy pelosi will be able to rein in as well ast members having someone like mitch , taperll in the senate back. Host understood. Guest that is right. That seems to be the challenge for mr. Biden. Seen ist we have generally in these close elections and this was another incredibly close election, historically, we have seen the parties moved to center. When there is parity, they tend to move together. Kaylee barber, former chairman of the Republican Party said, generally parity means they move together. This time, parity seems to mean polarization. That is the fear. Unlike what has happened in close elections in the past, our politics are so polarized that both sides will revert to their corners and not much will get done. Certainly, president elect biden, given his history, life in Public Service, record in the senate and as Vice President , whether you like him or not, not meant as an endorsement of him right sounds like the type of politician for the moment; somebody whose whole parlor trick in the senate was bringing people together, finding compromise. He and Mitch Mcconnell did it several times. He seems on paper the type of person you would look for to have the best possible shot at bringing the wings together. Host margaret, lincoln, nebraska, republican. Caller i have been a longtime democrat for years and switched because i did not like the way the democrats were turning. This election has been pretty bad. Bad since President Trump got in. Ashamed of our country. It is not because we are so divided. It is because media has allowed it to be divided. Behindve never ever been President Trump. That is a sad state of affairs. This wasit is worth, not a good election. It will go down in history as being one that was pretty bad. Host barbara, crystal lake, illinois, independent. Choice we finally have a ote and that is why i turned independent. I voteddemocrat, republican. Now we have a choice. Changed to i independent. God bless america. David, the headline in the papers is the president plans executive order on afghan troop withdrawal. The majority leader, republican, went to the floor yesterday to say this. [video clip] there is no american who does not wish the war in afghanistan against terrorism had already been conclusively won. That does not change the actual a rapidefore us; withdrawal of u. S. Forces from afghanistan now would hurt our the peopledelight who wish us harm. Violence affecting afghans is still rampant. The taliban is not abiding by the deal. The consequences of a premature american exit would likely be worse than president obamas withdrawal from iraq in 2011 which fueled the rise of isis and a new round of global terrorism. Reminiscent of the humiliating american departure from saigon in 1975. We would be abandoning our partners in afghanistan, the brave afghans fighting the. Errorists retreat would embolden the taliban, especially the deadly wing, and risk plunging afghan women and girls back into what they experienced in the 1990s. Qaedaend and scattered al would get a big propaganda victory and a renewed safe haven for plotting attacks against america. It would be welcome news to iran, which has long provided arms and support to the taliban and explicitly seeks our retreat from the middle east. Wouldrganized retreat interrupt the success this administration has worked hard to compile. Host what do you make of that . The republican leader of the president s party saying this move by you could delight terrorists . Guest that was remarkable. Not remarkable by historical standards because historically we have had robust debate in both parties, within the Republican Party, about our role but this has been highly unusual. For Mitch Mcconnell to say that criticalcly of a policy of the president s. Was an important moment. I dont presume to know what it signals. Whether this is intended to persuade the president to back off these plans or what it means. Surprises in many the final nine weeks of the Trump Administration. I find this fascinating. Alarming is too strong a word. Just whethererest this is the moment everyone who is been watching the dynamic between the republicans in congress and the president the last four years, whether this becomes the moment in which they openly break. Host scott, new hampshire, independent. I would like to find more about the ballots. The ballot to vote, is not registered to your name. Once you stick it in the machine id is not, your name, introduced on the ballot. How do we know the ballots are for the person that sent it . I dont understand how we dont have an id on ballots for registered voters. Not that we have to have a name on every ballot but some way to id the ballot. Host so that you dont have what . People voting more than once . Caller who is to say you cannot have a bunch of ballots switched or left in the machine . Technology has surpassed humanity. Towe rely on technology count our ballots, i think we have the wrong idea of who signed what ballot. Interesting, terrific. Clearly, first of the tideears ago, election, we went technologically fast into electronic ballots and touchscreens. We are entirely reliant on Computers Memory chips. Come to find out that is vulnerable to hacking. Voting has become quite oldschool. Electionts cast this had paper backup so they could be traced recounted. That is what is happening in georgia. They have paper copies of the votes they are going over. I am a technophobe myself. Having paper copies is reassuring to me. In terms of your connection to your ballot, it is of paramount importance the secrecy of your , your privacy in the booth be protected. The actual sheet of paper that gets fed into the optical scanner does not connect you to that vote, however, if you voted in person, you checked in, you were presumably asked, in many cases to remind people who you were, to show id, to sign, to see if your signature matched previous signatures, then they knew you were you, you voted once, you voted. Almost half the country voted by mail. This is why there was discussion about how much time it takes on election day and before the election to process the ballots before they could be counted. The envelope that arrived at the Accounting Office absolutely connected you to that envelope. There was a barcode. Signature on the back. They knew the ballot submitted came from a real voter in that state. Then they separated the identifying envelope from the ballot and put the secret ballot in the machine. Host in ohio, republican. Running,hen biden was he was going nowhere fast until mr. Clyburn put him up for super tuesday. After he got nomination, here come Kamala Harris, who never won a vote in the primary for Vice President. Everyone knows biden will not be around for his full term, because of mental and physical capabilities. Im wondering how the country will feel they will get settled with a president who never won any primary votes at all . Wont i dont think she primaries but she did win votes. Absolutely, if you think back, there have been plenty of Vice President who did not run, including our incumbent Vice President. He was the governor of indiana. Run for thehad not presidency. Mccainsin, john nominee in 2008. There are plenty of cases of sitting Vice President s who had not been active that year. Host mohammed, los angeles. Questionsere has been about dead people being on local. Died on october 26. She had received a ballot in the mail. Peoples a possibility voted and they had died. It does not mean they voted. Had, it huge turnout we seems the elect Color College Electoral College works best when a Large Population votes. How is this going to change future elections with going allm possibly and getting more people to participate . Guest two great questions. Confident if you are a registered voter and you early,ur vote by mail or in person and you subsequently die, that vote counts. You are alive when it was time and that vote counts. S is sickly speaking statistically speaking, there are several thousand votes of the 50 million cast that were cast by totally legitimate voters who subsequently died before the polls closed and the votes were tallied on election day. It is a minor matter. Evidence of fraudulent use of dead people in this election. That can be set aside. The other question i think about a lot. Have we learned a lesson in this election about the virtues of making voting easier . I hope the answer is yes. I am saying that as someone, the fulcrum pays attention to the challenges of our democracies. Making voting easier would help. That was proved this year. Statesting to see which that made voting easier this year will stick with those policies. Should remember, even before pandemic, there were five states, notably colorado, oregon, washington, that were already doing vote by mail elections for everybody. Had added itself to the list this year before the pandemic. They had some of the worst turnout in the country. They saw a turnout surge. They had the highest increase in turnout of any state in the country this year thanks, we think, to the vote by mail election. This will be interesting to see whether this will be only Democratic State legislatures that move to make voting easier Going Forward or whether some republican or divided government states decide it is in their best interest, because contrary to what the president did this year, there has been no evidence in the past that easier voting made it easier for republican or democratic candidates. It favored both more or less equally. It will be fascinating to watch two years from now. , the David Hawkins fulcrum online and on twitter, editorinchief, thank you. Guest thank you. Host coming up, we returned to the conversation we had earlier. Do you think more Economic Relief is needed to combat the pandemic in this country . President elect said so yesterday and we want to know if you agree. We will be right back. Announcer you are watching cspan, your unfiltered view of americas, created by Cable Television companies, as a Public Service, brought to you by your television provider. Weekly. R listen to the changed this election cycle for women and why . Find the weekly where you get your podcast. Washington journal continues. Host we turn to you this morning to get your thoughts on whether or not more Economic Relief is needed to combat covid . President elect biden said so yesterday. Do you agree . Disagree . If you are unemployed, 202 7488000. If you are a Small Business owner or employee at a Small Business, 202 7488001. Essential workers, 202 748 8002. All others condyle and, same area code all others can dial in, same area code 202 748 8003, you can also text us on that number. Also go to cspanwj on twitter. The headlines. Host heres what the president elect said yesterday about this. [video clip] for millions of americans who have lost wages, jobs, we all agree on the call. That we can deliver immediate relief and it needs to be done quickly. Affordable health care for millions who have lost it or are in danger of losing it, childcare, sickleave, family leave, so workers dont have to choose between work and family. Corporate america agreed on this today. We need to support Small Businesses and entrepreneurs. They are the back one of communities backbone of our communities. They are t doing on the edge. We all agree on urgent funding to keep essential workers on the job. Vital Public Services, Law Enforcement offices, educators, First Responders. Like we did in the recovery act, 2009, saving literally millions of jobs. There is a reason why the federal government is able to run a deficit. The states must balance budgets. They are in real trouble. You will see hundreds of thousands of police officers, firefighters, First Responders, Mental Health clinics; you will see them going out of business. Congress should come together and pass a covid relief package, like the heroes act, that the house passed six months ago. Thenwe shutdown the virus, we can start to build back better than before. Host the president elect calling on congress to act. At the end of december, moratorium on evictions and, the andployment benefits end there is other relief privileges put in place earlier that will end. Congress is in town this week until december 10, leaving 14 days to act. Do you want them to do so . David, cleveland, ohio, unemployed. Caller i want them to get off they butt and start doing what we need. We are a small people. Mcconnell andtch others are going home host tell washington what you need. Caller [indiscernible] hud building. Have enough to pay my rent. Host our capitol hill producer points out this in a tweet. Host chrissy, milwaukee, wisconsin, essential worker. For essential workers, they were sending unemployed 600 extra per week. Essential workers need extra money for the things we need; masks, sanitizer, uv light. The should be sending us extra couple hundred to get the things we need to go out. We are getting nothing extra. Front, this vaccine from eric watson, capitol hill reporter. Host nicholas, glen bernie, maryland, Small Business owner. I have been trying to get in for many weeks. Stores and aetail wholesale business in maryland. Host we are listening. We lost the call. Apologies. He has waited that long. I dont know what happened. Call back in. Bobby . I would like to see a one, forpackage, for those who have lost jobs. I have friends who lost their jobs in the restaurant business. Restaurants closed. One particular, i know they have kids. I think they should do something , to extend the unemployment. They should do a better job. Keep them at the same levels they were on as when they were working. Some people are really hurting. Skills, to gove out and get other jobs. Some people dont have time to be trained. They have families and bills to pay. Given the student loans, that is a nono. I have worked hard, my wife and i, raised two children. Some people, it is a cycle, the people that doesnt work i could not get any help. And pay help myself back the student loan. I dont think they should totally be forgiven. I know one case in which a person makes good money and has to pay back a student loan. They need to tighten up these things. Host marlene, alexandria, minnesota. Caller they should definitely help for the covid. Things thether congress put in have nothing at all to do with coronavirus. States money so they can build back their we taxpayersnds support all the states. We give them billions every year. If they dont know how to budget their money and do the things correctly, i dont believe people constantly have to be putting more money and more money in so they can spend it so foolishly. The covid, i believe the Unemployed People and all the Small Businesses and everything, they deserve to get help. Committee for responsible federal budgets, 2. 2 trillion allocated from congress, where it has gone. Loansillion in forgivable for ppe, 272 billion in economic payments, 242 billion for enhanced unappointed, 195 billion in support for federal loans. Host if you are interested in how much covid relief has been spent so far, find it at crfb. Org and they note, they estimate between the money appropriated, the money the administration put out as well as the fed, that on net, we estimate these measures will increase by 2. 6 trillion. John, texas, unemployed. Is it because of the pandemic . Caller yes, maam. I lost my job. It is gone for good. Host what was it . Caller electrical field. Rebuilding motors for mines. Squeezed to the teeth. I dont have anything coming in on unemployment hardly. I have a child to raise. Christmas is coming on. I have the solution. Get nancy pelosi and Mitch Mcconnell in a room and dont let them out. Let cspan in with cameras so americans can see exactly what they are doing and who is holding on tight. All this stuff in the democratic bill, the heroes act, wanting to give money to planned parenthood and illegal immigrants; that is garbage. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the needs for the American People, not people that dont belong here host chris, Small Business owner, tennessee. The workers could use another stimulus check pretty bad. Host why . Caller bills. They are outrageous. Host what is your business . Caller landscaping and property management. Host are you surviving . Caller pardon . Host how are you making it . Caller yes. Believe we need another stimulus package. Host mary, rollins, maryland, essential worker. Caller i do home care. Host ok. For children . Caller now, for the elderly. A 95yearold and a 65yearold. Host what kind of aid do you need from washington . Caller well, i dont but there is a lot out there that does. I heard the person speaking about all this garbage nancy pelosi and them are sticking into this. It is unnecessary. All this wasted money that is needed for other things, for the schools, hospitals and people unemployed. I am working seven days a week because of covid. I have not been off one full week in five months. Complete. One day off that is ok. It is needed. People need to be cared for. The wasteful spending nancy pelosi on them want to do is ridiculous. Compromise or work with the president in any way, shape or form. When i heard biden say, someone said he looks good on paper but that is all it is, talk. There is no stuff to him. No fiber. He is just empty. Would youwish get behind him if he had said yesterday, lets compromise . The democrats are asking for 2 trillion. Republicans do not want to go above 1 trillion. I am calling on congress to compromise. Caller the thing is we have compromised enough. We give and give and give and they keep taking, taking and spending money for abortions. Host i dont want to get off topic. Pennsylvania, unemployed. Caller yes. We need stimulus. We need this to be declared a National Emergency so we could have the supplies needed and also people receiving payment. Even essential workers, i have been unemployed since june, i lost my job as a truck driver. [indiscernible] recertification for hazards material endorsement was deemed unsatisfactory. I had to go through the middle procedure, [indiscernible] i had to get a referral through primary care to my ophthalmologist. All my neighborhood clerks working in large supermarkets and services, they are still providing excellent service, if the president didnt [indiscernible] he reduces the effectiveness of the federal government for the average, taxpaying american. I dont like to get political on andes but the constitution all these laws on the books already these laws are already on the books. President to be former has denied his fiduciary duty and constitutional duty to the American People to declare the pandemic a National Emergency. Host union, new york. Caller i am a landlord. Wont let us evict anyone for months and he has extended through january. Tenants are not getting their help from unemployment. Landlords dont have access to help. Small landlords. Not huge ones that have a lot of assets. It is like our business. What needs to be done, people in big cities, who are unemployed, should get more than the people in the smaller areas who are unemployed, like say, 3500 per person in the city, 1500, per. Onth, outside the cities , no matter what get 500 or 800 help with that. The states need help. They are underfunded. There was another one. Impacted fromare this. Senator grassley has put out a statement saying he has been exposed to covid. Host this puts in jeopardy the shelton nomination on dock today. , this would make for 4849. That is something to watch in the senate today. Lamar alexander declares opposition. That was the headline in the Washington Post this morning. Ohio, smallyton, business owner. Caller i have a couple rentals. I have been taking fulltime care of my 92yearold mother for seven years. Dayton 45 lived in years. The last seven years, i spent a lot of time walking different dayton, whichin used to be a manufacturing town. There were good paying jobs. The prevailing wage now seems to be 11. 50 per hour. People are really struggling. Before covid. Trying to survive on 12 per hour. Biden hopefully will focus on increasing wages, which we know republicans have voted against over and over again. Host the house is coming in. We want to share with our viewers, while you were sleeping, spacex docked successfully at the iss. We have coverage of that. If you want to watch it, go to www. Cspan. Org. Aida in california, you are unemployed. What do you need from washington . Caller [indiscernible] i apologize. We cannot hear you. Ohio, carroll county, sends us this text. Host another text here from baltimore. Host also, sean says this from florida. Host thank you for all your calls. The house is about to gavel. We bring you to the floor, five coverage on cspan

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