Nevada, were former Vice President joe biden hold a narrow lead. Earlier today, we got an update from an election official in clark county, which is home to las vegas. Morning, everybody. Thank you for being here this morning. I want to start off by making a request, please. Parking is very limited in this facility, and obviously we are very concentrated on point to make sure staff can get in and out of here safely and continue to count ballots. Keep in mind we are going to be adding security at all of our inferences, and they will only be granting access to those who are approved members of the media, members of my staff, and those individuals who have business with the election departments. Please keep that in mind. The purpose of being here this morning is to get some clarification on exactly what the work is that is being done here in clark county to get the votes counted accurately. On what wets now received from the election day , the u. S. Postal service on election day and yesterday, and also some additional ballots that we have pending because we had to stop processing to begin getting ready for election day support. On election day at the drop off locations in the election department, there were 34,700 43 ballots dropped off. The u. S. Postal service has as of election day and yesterday brought to us 4208 ballots. There were 20 for thousand 300 were,311 ballots that pending when we stop processing to get ready for election day. That brings us to a total of 63,262. Today, staff is preparing to count and has already begun counting a little over 51,000 ballots that will be reported tomorrow, prior to my 10 00 a. M. Brief. It is important that everybody understand that there are also additional ballots that are pending outside of what i just described. So i am briefly going to go through those. Ballots thatal were cast during the early voting on election day, the first announcement i need to make is that the posting that was placed on our website on Election Night and yesterday was incorrect. Ouretermined that Tabulation Software was incorrectly duplicating those records, and so the 120,000 you may have seen on our website is an incorrect number. That has been corrected, and the post is out on our website now. It is correct, and those provisional ballot numbers, a little over 60,000. We have to coordinate very closely with the secretary of state. We are a bottom up, not a topdown Voter Registration jurisdiction, and so all 17 counties need to send information to the secretary, because there is not one single database we all draw from. We all have our own. In coordinating with the secretary of state, we are awaiting instructions from them on when to send our provisional listing up to them, because we need to make absolutely certain that nobody who has cast their provisional ballot here in clark county has done so in another county. We are waiting to make that verification. Staff is still working to make determinations whether the voter was eligible to cast that provisional ballot. That work will be ready once we notify the secretary of state. It is an automated process to pass those provisional ballots into the tabulation system. Whoave a group of voters are i. D. Required for one reason or another. The deadline for those voters to get back to us is friday, november 6, at 5 00 p. M. That was another group of ballots that we will need to put into the system once they have come in, to provide their i. D. The u. S. Mail will continue to deliver. Starting tomorrow through next tuesday, which is the last day for us to receive a mailin ballot that has been postmarked november 3, we will continue to receive mail. Those ballots are also separate from what i previously reported. Nevada, toocess in statutorily required for voters that did not sign their ballot or their signature did not match in our system, they have until thursday, november 12, to cure that ballot. The last day that we can tabulate and send ballots into the system is november 12. So that night, we will stay here until we are done entering ballots into the system, because statute clearly tells us that we must be done counting by that date. Information, i hope that i clarified a lot of the questions. We are anticipating to have the bulk of our mail ballots that have been received into the system by saturday or sunday. Those ballots that are coming in through the u. S. Mail or that are being cured will be a small number, and we will continue to put those in. But the bulk of our ballots we are hoping will be read by saturday or sunday, this weekend. Again, we wont complete until november 12 with all of those other ballots that serve as exceptions. With that information, i got a short period of time here where i can answer some questions from you. I was wondering, the Trump Campaign is alleging [indiscernible] joe my response is that we are not aware of any improper ballots that are being processed. Reporter [indiscernible] joe not directly that im aware of. Reporter there are concerns that clark county is [indiscernible] is that the case here . Are you counting faster . Joe i think it is important for the entire country to understand that mail ballots on this scale is very new to the state of nevada. We made a decision here to provide as much access as we possibly could as a result of the pandemic, so our process has run a little bit slower. We also have to make sure that our data is being updated, because we need to prevent people from voting twice in the system. So we have to scan those in as mail receipts so it updates the database, so our in person voters dont vote twice. We are still receiving information from election day that will be complete today. We are going to update and make sure all the information was downloaded from all 1300 laptops used on election day, to make sure that the Automated System will reject mail ballots for somebody who has voted on election day. So our goal here in clark county is not to count fast. We want to make sure we are being accurate. The revolts in the state of nevada are going to be very important to the entire country. Data is our number one goal. What is the outstanding number . The outstanding number . Joe the whole thing. Process. Rough a long how about we get together after this. Reporter why is it taking so long if you can count so many ballots a day . If you have the capacity, why arent you doing it . Joe because there are many steps in the process. The first process is that we run first it goes to the counting board, and then it goes to tabulation. I need you to speak up, sir. I cannot hear your question. Reporter [indiscernible] joe i did not say they were already counted. I said today that staff is prepared to count 51,000 ballots that are ready to be counted today. Those will be reported tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. , right there. Folks, i really need you all to speak up. I cannot hear you. Reporter [indiscernible] joe those are separate, and thats why i listed in my statement that those are separate from the numbers are reported first. I do not have that number with me. If you could summarize and help us all, how many ballots are left to count . Joe that is a number i cannot give you. I cannot predict what is going to come through the u. S. Mail. I deliberately went through all of these numbers and i was hoping that you all would take the information that i am providing. There is a set number of ballots that we know are available to be processed. And the 63,000 that then i mentioned all of the other additional ballots. Able toe plan to be have counted the majority of our mail ballots by saturday or sunday. And then all of those ballots that were statutory limited. I cannot count the mail ballots and tell i have them. We have to continue to accept them until tuesday, november 10. The numbers were joe that is correct. [indiscernible] joe i personally dealt with ms. Stokes. And in myt it to me opinion it is her signature. We also gave her an opportunity to provide a statement. She wanted if you wanted to provide a challenge to that. She did not do so. A member of the state team also interviewed her and had no issue with the assistance we tried to give her. I have nothing else to comment on. Next question. [indiscernible] joe i can tell you that my wife and my mother are very concerned for me, but we have security here. We have Law Enforcement who are protecting us. I am concerned for the safety of my staff. We are putting measures into place to make sure we have the security that is necessary again. We will continue to monitor the vehicles as they come in to make sure they should be here and that they are working properly, so we do not vent our employees having an issue getting in and out of the facility. I feel safe. We are going to be ok. We are going to continue to count. We are not went to let anyone stop us do what our duty is in counting ballots. [indiscernible] the state change the rules to mail a ballot to every home in nevada. Is that a violation of the old rules . [indiscernible] joe the first part of your question relates to action that was taken by the Nevada Legislature. I dont make policy. Im simply an administrator. The Nevada Legislature acted in the summer and we carry through exactly what they prescribed for us to do. As far as your second issue, that issue has been litigated and the judge ruled in our favor. Louder, please. [indiscernible] joe those are reports we are going to generate after the election, once we start getting ready to do our campus. That is information i will have available once we have counted all the ballots. If we have enough people, we are definitely going out to arrest these people, because those are obviously illegal actions. But that is an activity that needs to take place once we have done counting and getting the counting done. [indiscernible] joe most of these voters have been notified when they actually voted, because they voted provisionally and were told they did not have the i. D. They needed in order to do that. These are also mail Ballot Voters who were notified that they needed to provide an i. D. On the envelope that is sent out to them, and they failed to do so. They have been notified and the deadline is tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. I know there are several people who are working to actively reach out to those voters and try to help them get in with that i. D. It was a question over here, yes. [indiscernible] joe it depends on the status of our mail ballot process. We are running shifts in certain areas. Until 11 000 a. M. At night. We do not run the 24 hour shift you see in other states because the work that comes through on the mail ball at ballot process is very deliberate as it moves forward. We complete the work that is done in each stage, and then the next day carries forward. I am precise. What i am trying to report here is that clark county looks like we will be able to count the majority of our mail ballots i saturday or sunday. However, there are other ballots, as a result of statutory requirements, that we will have to continue to read. We have to take ballots in until next tuesday. Will you have these briefings on saturday and sunday . Joe absolutely. I will be here until we are done at 10 00 a. M. [indiscernible] joe we are going to coincide with the secretary of state. I think it is very important that all of the counties are working to coordinate with the secretary, who is our chief election officer. She reported today and we followed suit. If the secretary makes a decision not to report, from here on out, we are going to have to report. If we have results to report, we will do it on a daily basis. We are going to do a 10 00 a. M. Brief and give you all an opportunity to ask questions. Our update should be posted prior to that brief. [indiscernible] joe any individual who had an issue with their mail ballot should have contacted us prior to election day. We are here to help the voter. I have been on many zoom interviews, many media interviews, many organizational groups throughout the county. Call andit may be, vote. The election is over. We are in the process of reporting at this point. That is available on our website. I dont have that number off the top of my head. But you can quickly see that on the website. Im sorry, i cant hear you. Im hard of hearing. [indiscernible] joe regardless of any reports that you are referring to, the numbers that i just gave you are the ones you should go with. Dont try to calculate it for yourself. I just told you that there are 63,262, and then there are exceptions. I cant answer any of your questions because you are drawing from data i did not calculate. Yeah, but thats not what i used to generate i purposely set up this interview so we could make sure to clear this up. You are drawing your data from somewhere else and you want me to answer according to that number. I cant. Thats why i gave you this information. Next question, right there. [indiscernible] how likely is there is it that there is a single ballot that should not have been counted . Joe i cannot give you a probability on that. I can tell you we are firm in our commitment to processing ballots with High Integrity in the state of nevada. That depends on everybody aware of something they believe might be nefarious. They need to notify the office. Canre doing everything we to uphold the integrity of the process hear him clark county. Here in clark county. Should people here and across the country have confidence in the vote . Joe what absolutely. Strong history of leading with the processes and technology and working to keep things High Integrity with everything i do and we do as a team. Credit the staff for their commitment and the hours they have worked. What i really want to also hit home on, and this is for Election Administrators across the country i am sure they agree with me. We are not concerned with being as fast as we can. We are concerned with making sure we are accurate with what we report, because this is a very important election and the state of nevada might make the decision for the president. Take that very seriously. We are making sure we are doing everything proper. Is watching who wants to be clear. 362 and you expect to count 51,000 today. That means most should be counted by tomorrow. Joe that is not what i said. Said it many times. Clark county is looking like we will complete the bulk of our mail ballot count by saturday and sunday. After that, there are several exceptions related to statutes. I cannot know what i am going to miss in the mail next sunday, monday and tuesday. Im statutorily required to count those ballots if they are postmarked by the third. We have provisional ballots that are going to go in. All of the exceptions i mentioned, those are ballots that will be counted. Anybody who cast a ballot and provided the things they needed to provide, the ballot will be counted for november 12. I dont have observers. It is the general public that comes in and observes. I dont have observers. [indiscernible] maam. Eak up, [indiscernible] do you have any record of that . Absolutely not. We have been working close with all parties who have been interested in observing our activities. We have gone above and beyond what the statute called for us to do. The only thing clark county needs to do is to provide access to anyone who wants to observe us counting. We realize with the engagement by the general public in this election that they were going to be concerns and we were probably we had the courtesy to provide more observation opportunities in other rooms. These groups have also been contacted on a regular basis. We started communicating with them in the month of august and september. We made clear to them exactly what they would do. Count,up the schedule to and it is a worstcase scenario, because we want to make sure we have all her bases covered and we will have staff available to complete each task, each step, every day. My staff is Getting Better at what they do because they have been doing it for over 20 days now. So if we finish before our scheduled time and there is no more work, they are done. We have notified observers to come up. There is nothing to observe. We have even gone so far as to tour them and take them to see the area to confirm there is nothing going on. Unfortunately, there are some observers that come through that take it upon themselves to go into areas they are not allowed to view, interact with our workers, which they are not allowed to do. We clearly communicate to them exactly what they can and cannot do. We have done everything we possibly can in clark county. One more question. [indiscernible] where the ballots reported today, same day, mail ballots, or both . Joe what do you mean by same day . You mean registration . Voting in person. Joe all of the in person votes are in the system. So the ballots reported today were drop off ballots was to mark is that correct . Joe some of them. They are grouped in different areas. I cant tell you exact the what ballots went in and got counted. How come you are not able to say that . Joe i would have to look and see where they came from. Im telling you what we know we have left. The combination of drop off ballots, things that were left in the mail that is all we have left at this point. Reporting today was not in person voting . Joe we reported in person voting on Election Night. All the in person votes are in the system. Thanks, sir. Joe thank you very much. We will see you tomorrow morning. Continue to follow the vote counting on cspan. Org elections. Use our interactive Election Night map for the status of the president ial race, the Current Electoral College camp, popular vote tally, and the percentage indicator of votes counted in undeclared states. Powere current balance of in congress. What statements from President Trump and joe biden, as well as key victory and concession speeches and those from past elections. Find it all at cspan. Org alexion. At where the Party Balance in the u. S. Senate currently stands as of thursday evening. The Associated Press has republicans and democrats split, with 48 seats on both sides. There are four races that must be decided before it is clear which party will hold the majority when a new congress begins. We are taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day and to discuss policy issues that impact you. Coming up friday morning, we will talk about legal challenges to the campaign 2020 vote. And then, with the heritage foundation, watch cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Be sure to join the discussion with your Text Messages and tweets. The Wisconsin Elections ammissioner mitigated held meeting this afternoon. Unofficial turnout numbers were the highest the state ever saw. They corrected some of the misinformation that was circulated online and went through the mechanics of how a potential recount would work. Election law is complex. It is our job not to just and implement the law but do it in a way that is approachable. We dont write a lot. We cant change the law. That can only be done by your elected lawmakers. We are the referee. You have to follow the rules prescribed by those