Are id required for one reason or another. The deadline for those voters to get back to us is friday, november 6 at 5 00 p. M. That is another group of the ballots we will need to put into the system once they have come in to provide their id. The u. S. Mail will continue to deliver. So starting tomorrow through next tuesday, which is the last day for us to receive a mail ballot that has been postmarked 3. Ember we will continue to receive mail. Those ballots are also separate from what i previously reported. Care process in about a which is statutorily required for those voters who have been notified that they did not sign there ballot or their signature did not match in our system, they have until thursday, november 12, to secure that ballot. Can tabulate and send ballots into the system is november 12. So, that night, we will stay here until we are done entering ballots into the system because statute clearly tells us that we must be done counting by that date. Information, i hope i clarified a lot of the questions. We are anticipating to have the bulk of our mail ballots that have been received into the system by saturday or sunday. Those ballots that are coming in to the u. S. Mail or that are being secured will be a small number and we will continue to put those in. But the bulk of our ballots we are hoping will be read by saturday or sunday this weekend. And again, we will not complete until november 12 with all of those other ballots to serve as exceptions. With that information, ive got a short period of time where i can answer some questions. Reporter i was just wondering, could Trump Campaign is alleging [inaudible] my response is that we are not aware of any improper ballots being processed. Reporter [inaudible] not directly that im aware of. Reporter there is also concern that clark county is being slow. Is that the case here . For think it is important the entire country to understand that mail ballots on this scale is very new to the state of nevada. We made a decision here to provide as much access as we possibly could as a result of the pandemic. So our process runs a little slower. We also have to make sure our data is being updated, because we need to prevent people from voting twice in the system. So we have to scan those in is mail received so it updates the database, so are in person voters cant have voted twice. We are still receiving information from our election day laptops, that will be today. Ed we are going to update and make sure all of the information was downloaded from all 1300 of those laptops used on election day, to make sure the Automated System will reject mailin ballots for somebody who has voted on election day. Our goal here in clark county is not to count fast. We want to make sure we are being accurate, the results in the state of nevada obviously are going to be very important to the entire country and that is our number one goal. Reporter what is the outstanding number one more time . I just went through the whole thing. Reporter what is the total . I went through a long process. How about we get together after this. Reporter why is it taking so long to count 70,000 a day . I think i just answered that question. Reporter you said deliberately. Because they are not available. There are many steps in the process. The first process as we run it through our machine, than there are two manual processes, then it goes to the counting board, then it goes to tabulation. Reporter [inaudible] i need you to speak up, sir. I cannot hear your question. Reporter [inaudible] i did not say they were already counted. I said today, the staff is prepared to count 51,000 ballots that are ready to be counted today. Those will be reported tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. Right there next to you. [inaudible] reporter folks, i need you to speak up. I cannot hear you. Reporter [inaudible] those are separate and that is why i listed in my statement that those are separate from the numbers i reported first. Reporter [inaudible] i dont have the number with me. Reporter to summarize and help us all, how many ballots are left to count . That is a number i cant give you. I cant predict to you what is going to come in through the u. S. Mail. Deliberately went through all of these numbers i was hoping you all would take the information that im providing. There is a set number of ballots that we know are available to be processed. 63,000. Is the then i mentioned all of the other additional ballots. Be able tolan to have counted the majority of our mail ballots by saturday or sunday. Then all of those other ballots that were statutorily limited, i cant count all of the mail ballots until i have them. We have to continue to accept them until tuesday, november 10. Reporter can you repeat the numbers, 63262. That is correct. Reporter thank you. Reporter [inaudible] is it possible someone else valid . Dr. Got her ballot . I personally dealt with her. She brought her claim to me. We reviewed the ballot and in our opinion, it is her signature. We gave her an opportunity to provide a statement if she wanted to object to that and provide a challenge to that. She refused to do that. A member of the States Office also interviewed her and they had no issue with the assistance we tried to give her. I have nothing else to comment on. Next question. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria i can tell you my wife and mother are very me. Erned for but we have security here. We have Law Enforcement who are protecting us. I am concerned for the safety of our staff. We are putting measures into place to make sure we have the security necessary. We are going to begin to monitor the vehicles as they come in to make sure they should be here and that they are parking properly so that we do not prevent our employees from having an issue getting in and out of the facility. I feel safe. We are going to be ok. We are going to continue to count. We will not allow anyone to stop us from doing what our duty is in counting ballots. Yes, right. Yes, right there. Reporter [inaudible] the state changes the rules. [inaudible] mr. Gloria the first part of your question relates to action taken by the Nevada Legislature. I dont make policy. Im simply an administrator. The Nevada Legislature acted in the summer and we carried through with exactly what they prescribed for us to do. As far as your second issue, that issue has been litigated. The judge ruled in our favor. Louder, please. Reporter [inaudible] those are reports we are going to generate after the election once we start getting ready to do our canvas. That is information i will have available once we have done all of our work, counted all of the ballots, and if we have enough proof, we will definitely go a route go out to arrest these people because those are illegal actions. That is an activity that will take place once we are done counting and getting the canvas done. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria most of these voters notified, and they actually voted because they voted provisionally and were told they did not have the id they needed in order to do that. These are also male ballad voters that are noted that they need to provide an id. The envelope sent out to them and they felt to do so. They have been notified and the deadline is tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. I know there are several people who are working to actively reach out to those voters and try to help them get in without id. There was a question over here. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria it depends on the status of our mail ballot process. We are running shifts in certain areas. It varies from 5 00 a. M. Up to 10 00 or 11 00 at night. We dont run the 24 hour shifts you see running in other states because the work that comes through on the mail ballot process is very deliberate and it moves forward. So we complete the work that is done in each stage and then the next day, it carries forward to the next. Again, i emphasized, what im trying to report here is that clark kent he looks like we will be able to cast the majority of our mail ballots by saturday or sunday. However there are other ballots, as there are statutory requirements, that we will have to continue to read because we have to take ballots in until next tuesday. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria absolutely. I will hear i will be here at 10 00 a. M. Until we are done. Do you expect to announce that later today . Mr. Gloria we are going to coincide with the secretary of state. I think it is very important that all 17 of the counties are working to cordon eight with a secretary who is our chief election officer. She has reported that she put out today a suit and we reported today. If the secretary makes a decision not to report from here on out, we are going to have to report. So if we have results to report, we will do it on a daily basis, as i mentioned. We will do a 10 00 a. M. Brief to give you an opportunity to ask questions, and our update should be posted prior to that briefing. Take care. Yes, maam . Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria any individual who had an issue with their mail ballot should have contacted us prior to election day. We are here to help the voter. Ive been on many zoom interviews, many organizational groups throughout the country, letting them know that if you have an issue with your ballot, whatever it may be, call 4555 vote. We are in the process of counting at this point. Right there. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria that is available on our website. I dont have that number off the top of. My head but you can see that on our website. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria im sorry, maam. I cant hear you. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria regardless of any reports that you are referring to, the numbers i just gave you are the ones you should go with. Dont try to calculate it for yourself. I just told you there are 63,262, and then there are exceptions. So i cannot answer and of your questions because you are drawing from data that i did not calculate. But that is not what i used i purposely set up this interview so we can make sure to clear this up. You are drawing your data from somewhere else and you want me to answer according to that number. I cant. That is why i gave you this information. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria our next question . Reporter [inaudible] how likely is it that there is a single ballot that should not have been counted . Mr. Gloria i cannot give you a probability on that. We are firm in our commitment to making sure we are processing ballots with High Integrity in the state of nevada. A lot of that depends on anybody who was aware of something they nefarious. Ve been they need to notify our office and we will get the nevada secretary of state involved with investigating that. Were doing everything we can to uphold the integrity of this process. Reporter should voters in nevada and across the country have confidence in the way you are counting their votes . Mr. Gloria absolutely. Committed. We have a strong history in clark county of leading in our processes and the use of technology and working to keep things high in integrity with as a team. We do credit to my staff for their commitment as well. Im sure they agree with me. We are not concerned with read with getting it as fast as we can. We are concerned with making sure we are accurate with what we report. This is a very important election in the state of nevada. It may make the decision for the presidency. We take that very seriously and we will make sure we are doing everything proper. Reporter using your numbers, everybody is watching, 63 to 62. You expect to count 51,000 today. That means votes should be counted by tomorrow. Mr. Gloria that is not what i said. I said it many times. Clark county is looking like we will complete the bulk of our mail ballot counts by saturday and sunday. After that, there are several exceptions related to statute. I cannot know what im going to receive in the mail next sunday, monday not monday, monday and tuesday. Im required to count those ballots if they are postmarked by the third. We have provisional ballots that are going to go in. All of the exceptions i mentioned. Those are ballots that will be counted. Anybody eligible who casted a ballad and provided us anything they needed to provide, the ballot will be counted by november 12. Reporter [inaudible] i dont have observers. It is the general public that comes in and observes. I do not have observers. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria speak up, maam. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Gloria absolutely not. We have been working with parties who have been interested in observing our activities. In fact, we have gone above and beyond what the statute calls for us to do. The only thing clark county law, is do, required by to provide access to anyone who wants to observe us counting. We realize with the engagement by the general public in this election that there were going to be they were going to be concerned and probably wanted to be there, and we provide and more observation opportunities in other rooms. Now, these groups have also been contacted on a regular basis, and they continue to say we are not communicating with them. We started communicating them in the month with them in the month of august and september. We made clear exactly what we would do. We set up a schedule to count and it is a worstcase scenario, because we want to make sure we have all of our bases covered and we will have stats available to complete each step every day. Step every day. My staff is Getting Better at what they do because they have been doing it for over 20 days now. If we finish before our scheduled time, they are done. We have notified observers to come up. We have even gone so far as to take them to see the area to confirm there is nothing going on. Unfortunately there are some observers who come through who take it upon themselves to go into areas they are not allowed to view, interact with workers which they are not allowed to do. We clearly communicate exactly what they can and cant do. We have done everything we possibly can in clark county to allow observers to participate. One more question. Reporter sameday mail. It was reported today. With the ballots recorded today, sameday mail ballots . Mr. Gloria what do mean by sameday . Reporter sameday voting. Mr. Gloria you mean registration . Reporter voting in person. Mr. Gloria how many are in the system . Reporter [indiscernible] is that correct . Mr. Gloria they are grouped in different areas. I cannot tell you which got counted. Reporter how come you are not able to say that . Mr. Gloria i would have to look at the batches to see where they came from. Im telling you what we know we have left. Its a combination of drop off ballots, things up in the mail. That is all we have left at this point. Again, in person voting was reported on election night. That would have been early voting on election day. All the votes are in the system. Reporter thank you, sir. Mr. Gloria we will see you tomorrow morning. The latest on the vote count in clark county, nevada. Not a specter to end next week. Joe biden is ahead of president trump. Six electoral votes are of her grabbing nevada. Joe biden leads the Electoral College vote count 264216. 270 are needed to win Electoral College. The Trump Campaign has filed lawsuits to stop vote county court to invalidate votes. Cbs news tweeted out a short time ago the Trump Campaigns lawsuit in georgia has been dismissed. The judge writes the court found no evidence of ballots challenged received after 7 00 p. M. On election day. For more updates to come on cspan. Now more of your reaction to the election so far on todays washington journal. Was 50. 3 percent. District, the 48 Michael Field up over democrat harley rouda. There is 94 reporting in that district. If republicans are going to make up ground, they also need to hold onto the seats they do have in california. Is in a tight race himself against democrat Chrissy Smith in the 25th district. Kristy smith up with 77 reporting. District, is the 44th six term congressman todd mcclintock, the republican with the lead. , b9 over his challenger rynne kennedy. The 50th congressional

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