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Voters around the country. Coronaviruslls his response and economic plans and urged supporters to push for Racial Justice. President trump narrowly won pennsylvania four years ago. Polls indicate a close race there this year. Greetings. We greet you this afternoon for a very a serious moment. Its time for us to hear the voice of a leader. Its time for us to hear a leader that will guide us through the forest of bigotry, a leader who knows how to build bridges that unite us and not build walls that divide us. Needs tovidual leader be one that comes from more of a biblical motif. And that is, he needs to be a servant, a servant is one that serves others more than they do themselves. He is proven to be a servant because he has served next to the first africanamerican president of United States, barack obama. He has served not next to the next president of the United States of america, but in the senate. His years of serving has been over 40 years of public office. Not only will it take a servant, but it will also take a sufferer, someone who feels what we feel. Hes one that has suffered the tragedy of death in his own life, a wife, a son, and therefore he can sympathize with other sufferers. Own country. Our thousands, millions of people have been affected with coronavirus. Henow he feels that because is a sufferer. I know he feels the death of many, over 250,000 individuals have died in the United States of america. And because he has experienced death himself, he can relate to the death of many lives that we have experienced in the United States of america. Servant,must he be a not only must he be a sufferer, but he also must be a sustainer. Able to gett is that on track, would have fallen off of the track. And i want you to know that i know that all of us remember 2008 when they gave over this obama and president to Vice President biden. What i would call a sinking titanic, economically, we were , very waters of recession close to another depression. Up theehow they plugged whole sinking titanic out of the waters and guided us back to the shores that we now have had since they have that in sustainability. So i say to you and i say to all of us that if we are going to ,et back to what we used to be its going to take a servant. Its going to take someone who. S a sufferer and a sustainer and i do believe that in the person of Vice President biden and his compiled joy, hit partner, misses harris, well be able to get back to where we came from and not go back to where we used to be. So i introduce to you the vice candidate for the democratic party, Vice President biden. Fmr. V. P. Biden hello, hello, hello. Honking] hello. Hello, philadelphia. To see everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I want to thank bishop reed. I really mean it, the baptist for letting us borrow your parking lot. And the dnc chair, vice chair, i tell you what, that man can make a speech, canty . Cant he . Hes pretty darn impressive. Thank you congressman troy evans for coming out and speaking today, for all of you, all you do to fight for the people of philadelphia every single day in congress. I also want to say thank you to bishop hunter, reverend mark tyler, state were presented of morgan wheres morgan . Ok, thank you for being here. Thank you for being here. I also want to thank Sharon Baptist choir, church choir. Arent they great . Honking] fmr. V. P. Biden im one of the things i most enjoyed was meeting with black faith leaders across the country, the churches i get to go to across the countrys. Early in the to the and then i go black church to get some hope and invigoration. I talked to people. I talked to people and hear whats on their minds, pray with them, and guess what . It was renewing. It was about not about me, but our entire family. Jill would be with me and my grandkids, one of my grandkids is with me today, a senior in philadelphia in college. I thought a lot about this campaign, its been unlike any campaign in history. Theres one thing that remains the same. We have to earn our democracy. We have to get out and vote. As my late friend john lewis reminded us, freedom is not a state. Freedom is an act. We have to defend it, we have to vote. This is the most important election of our lifetimes. We are at an inflection point. We have to vote like we never did before. Every day is a new reminder of how high the stakes are. Of how far the other side will go to try to suppress the turnout, especially here in philadelphia. President trump is terrified of what will happen in pennsylvania. He knows the people of pennsylvania get to have their say. If you have your say, he doesnt stand a chance. [honking] but the American People will not be silenced. Over 90 Million People have already voted. Already voted. Theyve had enough. Theyve had enough. Theres too much on the line to sit it out. We only have two more days. Two more days, we can put an end to this presidency that has, since the beginning, sought to divide us, to tear us apart. Folks, in two days, we can put an end to a president thats failed to protect this nation. In two days, we can put an end to a presidency that has fanned the flames of hate, poured gasoline on every opportunity he had all across this nation. As i said, millions of americans have already voted. Millions more will vote in the two days ahead. But there is still a lot of pennsylvanians who havent voted yet. We need every single one of you to get out and vote on tuesday. My message is simple. Pennsylvania is critical in this election. [horns honking] i live in delaware, but i was a pennsylvania boy, born in scranton. [horns honking] i want to tell you, the last time donald trump ran, he won this state by 44,000 votes. So, every single vote matters. The power, the power to change this country is literally in your hands. I dont care how hard donald trump tries. There is nothing, nothing he is going to do to stop this nation from voting, no matter what he tries. [horns honking] and folks, when americans vote, america will be heard. When america is heard, i believe the message is going to be loud and clear. Its time for donald trump to pack his bags and go home. [horns honking] time to breathe some life back into this nation. Were done, were tired of the tweets, the anger, the hate, the failure, the irresponsibility. Weve got a lot work to do. If im elected your president , were going to do it and were going to act and start from the very first day. [horns honking] were going to act to get covid were going to act to get covid under control. Its almost criminal, the way hes handled it. On day one of my presidency, im going to put in action a plan ive been talking about for months, masking, social distancing, testing, tracing. A plan for full and fair and free distribution of therapeutics, vaccine, when we get one. A plan to address the disproportionate way this virus has been hitting and devastating the black Community Across america. [horns honking] folks, every single day, were seeing racebased disparities in every aspect of this virus. Higher infection rates, lower access to testing, harder time quarantining safely, lower access to quality treatment when you become infected, and tragically, higher mortality rates. Three times as many africanamericans are dying as white americans. [horns honking] when they get the virus. One in 100 black americans excuse me, one in 1000 black americans have died from covid19. And if we dont change between now and january, its estimated that one in 500 by the end of this pandemic. [horns honking] that is a mass casualty event in the black community and its totally unnecessary, totally uncalled for. My Public Health plan will ensure the needs of communities that are being hit the hardest by this virus are a priority, not an afterthought. Were going to have to plan to get our economy back on track, not to get back to where we were, but build back better, to make sure everyone is dealt in on a fullscale share of the american dream. Were going to address the crisis and build economic equality. Were going to address the black community. The blinders have been taken off. The American People have seen, theyve seen how bad things are. To make it easier to start a business, to buy your first home, to pursue and education after high School Without been burdened with debt. To invest in hbcus that do so much to mold black leaders of tomorrow. I mean it. [horns honking] this is not just talk. I mean that. Were going to have to deliver Racial Justice in america. [horns honking] i see in all the protests here in philadelphia and across the country a cry for justice. [horns honking] folks, protesting is not burning or looting, and violence will not be tolerated. It wont. But the names of george floyd, breonna taylor, jacob blake, Walter Wallace jr. , they will not soon be for forgotten [horns honking]. They will not be forgotten by me, not be forgotten by you, and they will not be forgotten by the American People. Because theyre inspiring a new wave of justice in america. George floyds little girl, six years old said to me when i want to be with the family. I knelt down and she looked at me and she said, daddy is going to change the world. Daddy. Thats what she said to me. Six years old. Daddy. [horns honking] look, we can change the world. Not in one fell swoop. We can change it. We all know this country has to come together. We cannot afford four more years weve seen under this president. Four more years of anger, hate, and division that weve seen under this president. [horns honking] folks, look. From the day he announced, the moment a came down the escalator, what did he say . In new york, he said, were going to go out and get those rapist mexicans. Rapist mexicans. He put a ban on all muslims coming to the United States. And the way he talked about the africanamerican community, the way he talked about the hispanic community. Look, folks, weve got to come together. I am running as a proud democrat but i will govern as an american president , for everybody. [horns honking] i will work as hard for those who dont support me as those who do support me. I mean it. [horns honking] thats the job of a president , the duty to care for everyone. [horns honking] in president bidens america, there will be no red states or blue states. There will only be the United States of america. [horns honking] look, our faith in our country is being tested. But our faith in god is helping us through because of all of you. [horns honking] thank you for your commitment to the greatest commandment, love our neighbors as ourselves. And for our dedication to never grow weary of doing good. Being with you all reminds me of that gospel hymn that inspired so many of us. When i last talked to john lewis when he was dying, he reminded me of it. I dont feel no ways tired. [horns honking] ive come too far from where i started from. Nobody told me the road would be easy. I dont believe he brought me this far to leave me. [horns honking] he did not leave us. [horns honking] we are not tired. [horns honking] the road hasnt been easy. But weve come too far to stop now. So, please, vote. Get everyone you know to vote. We need to get every soul in philadelphia to the polls. Your voice, your vote matters. Your voice matters. Your voice deserves to be heard. And if you still have an absentee ballot, get it to a dropbox as soon as you can, or you can vote on election day. But make a plan. I mean it, make a plan now. Help get out the vote. Go to iwillvote. Com pa. Folks, folks, you know, ive been doing this a while. One of the reasons i got elected in the first place in delaware across the line, was because of the folks in pennsylvania. All of the media in pennsylvania and in delaware, was all philadelphia television. There was no delaware television. And i was very happy to have the moniker of being known as philadelphias third senator. I know philadelphia well. I married a philly girl, by the way. [horns honking] by the way, ive got my eagles jacket on. [horns honking] folks, heres what i want to say, and ill conclude. Youve been here a long time. I will never forget what president john f. Kennedy said when he promised we were going to go to the moon. He said words that my colleagues in the senate always used to kid me for repeating. He said, were doing it because we americans, we refuse to postpone. Well, i refuse to postpone the incredible opportunities available to the American People. I refuse to postpone what we can do. There is nothing beyond the capacity of the United States of america. Nothing. [horns honking] there is no limit to americas future. The blinders have been taken off. The only thing that can tear america part is america itself, and thats exactly what trumps been trying to do from the very beginning, dividing america based on race, religion, gender, national origin. Its wrong. Its not who we are. This is not who we are. Everybody knows who donald trump is. Lets keep showing him who we are. [horns honking] folks. And i mean this. Its not Just Campaign rhetoric. We choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. [horns honking] and, yes, we choose truth over lies, the multiple lies he repeats. Its time to stand up. Its time to take back our democracy. [horns honking] we can do this. [horns honking] were better than this. [horns honking] were better than what weve been. This is the United States of america. [horns honking] god bless you all and may god protect our troops. [horns honking] i love you. I love you. You brought me to the dance. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. God love you all. Teacher, keep on teaching preacher, keep on preaching world keep on turning fmr. V. P. Biden keep the faith. Every time i walk into my grandfathers house in scranton, walk out the door, he would yell joey, keep the faith. My grandfather my grandmother would say, no, joey, spread it. Lets spread the faith. [horns honking] leaders, stop sleeping because this world needs you more some information about how pennsylvania will count mailin ballots according to a recent cnn article. Pennsylvania, unlike most states, does not allow officials to start processing early ballots until 7 00 a. M. On election day. Philadelphia and other areas plan to start work at 7 00 a. M. Sharp but swing counties like a reit and red ones like cumberland are intending to wait until after the polls close or even after the next morning to begin. Wisconsin is the only other state that does not allow mail and counting until election day. Monday, former president barack obama holds a closing rally in miami. Watch live at 6 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Before heading to his Campaign Rally in hickory, north carolina, President Trump spoke

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