On a little bit of a dreary day. Thankfully, i brought some sunshine with me. One of my very most favorite people, somebody who i know you all love, and someone who has been working extremely hard over the last four years, but particularly over the last several weeks, making sure we get donald trump reelected for four more years. [chanting four more years] i will jump right in. I dont want to keep you all waiting. Please welcome my good friend, ivanka trump. Ivanka what energy. This is great. An amazing way to start the day. Are you excited for five days from now . I could sense that. Sarah i dont think we have seen this much enthusiasm anywhere weve been. I definitely think it is safe to say we are in trump country. We are so glad to be here and so thankful for everybody taking time and coming out. I know there has been difficult moments, certainly for the entire country over the last several months, but particularly here in your backyard even over the last even several days. We have seen a lot of unrest in philadelphia, and we actually had the opportunity to meet with john and william from the fraternal order of police who have been involved in helping with that. Ivanka john and william are in the audience. Please stand. Thank you. [applause] thank you for your service. [chanting lets go blue] sarah we are so thankful for the men and women of our Law Enforcement, and we know what a difficult job they have. I dont think theres anybody who has been a greater supporter of Law Enforcement than President Trump. I know youve seen that firsthand and watched as your dad has made sure to talk about the need for law and order and backing our Law Enforcement, but also trying to find that balance of creating opportunity for all americans so everybody does better. I would love for you to talk to us a little about the work hes done, what youve seen, and what you think we will see moving forward in the next four years under this president to bring our country together. Ivanka thank you, sarah. I would like to start by expressing my condolences, as the president has, to the Wallace Family and to the family of the close to 50 men and women in blue who were hospitalized in recent days due to the riots taking place. I think theres been a false narrative that has been brewing as of late that you cant support Law Enforcement and empower and uplift minority and black communities, and we fundamentally disagree. You can do both. This president will always fight for the police and for increased funding. When congress failed to act, it was this president who issued an executive order to standardize use of force to give additional funds to officers in very challenging situations, complex situations, having to do with mental healthrelated related issues so they could have coresponders. The president wants to collaborate with Law Enforcement and have a seat at the table to see what can be done going forward. At the same time he wants to create opportunity and jobs and help longneglected communities thrive. One example would be opportunity zones, which has brought a flood of capital into underserved communities across the nation. Over 9000 of them by the of them as designated by the governor in pennsylvania. I think we believe in the power of education and how important an investment this is in the future of our country and the next generation. It was this president who has been advancing School Choice throughout the nation. And hopefully, we will change governor wolfs mind on the subject very soon, because it is so important. Competition and choice. Hbcus, securing historical funding for our historical black colleges and universities. Then, of course, broader initiatives, such as generational criminal justice reform, which the democrats have talked about for a long time, but it was President Trump who delivered. We have to do both. We have to support Law Enforcement and work with Law Enforcement. We have found Law Enforcement incredibly receptive. They need the resources to be able to handle these problems. While creating growth and opportunity in underserved communities. That is exactly what this president has been doing. Sarah as i mentioned, a couple of things the country has been dealing with, obviously what we just talked about, but certainly one of the most unprecedented challenges the president has faced, and frankly the country has faced in decades, is the covid pandemic and how he has dealt with that, how he has led our country through that. I would love for you to talk about some of the Success Stories of what hes done, but also what you see moving forward. I think everyone knows we are going to need a strong leader to bring our economy back to where it was precovid and be even stronger. He has proven he can do that. Talk a little bit about what we can expect to see coming out of this pandemic under this president. Ivanka i was in the room for many of these early conversations. The president took strong and Decisive Action to prevent tremendous further lossoflife. The doctors and scientists were telling us theres the potential to lose close to 2 million americans as the plague descended upon our shores. He is the first to say one american is one too many, but what he was able to accomplish is extraordinary. You have to break it down into two categories. First, on the health and medical components of the virus, just extraordinary speed in developing a vaccine which will be delivered by the end of this year. The scientists tell us he has been able to accomplish in five to six months what would have taken five to six years without compromising the process or efficacy of the end result. So that is extraordinary. Just like everything else, clearing the bureaucratic hurdles to success. The longest, biggest mobilization of the private sector since world war ii. It is extraordinary having them make ppe and ventilators and ensuring our governors had what they needed when they needed it. They had what they needed from the federal government when they needed it, whether it be hospital ships or ventilators, which there was tremendous fear because states did not have stockpiles and the federal governments stockpile had been depleted and not replenished by the previous administration. Rate hasic, mortality decreased 85 since april. 85 . Vaccines, and just a general better knowledge of what it is we are contending with. Keep in mind it was new. Nobody really knew. This had to be started from scratch. You go to the economic side, and he was able to get congress to move in a bipartisan package to secure 4 trillion of relief for the american people. This was no fault of their own. Small businesses were being instructed to close their doors with an uncertain time frame and couldnt make payroll or overhead. Through the ppp program one million jobs in this state, pennsylvania alone, were saved by supporting Small Businesses which represent 47 of the workforce. Then direct payments to those who had been adversely affected. The combination of both of these things was a herculean lift. I will say, as the vaccine comes online, as the therapeutics continue to get better, we begin, hopefully as a country and a world to turn a corner and put this dark chapter behind us, do not take for granted the economy will continue the upward trajectory weve seen. President trump has committed to creating 10 million new jobs in the next 10 months. It will require someone like him to execute on that. Everything he has done has been said by the other side they would turn. They would completely retract or go in the opposite direction. While we want further tax cuts, biden wants to raise taxes on working families by 4 trillion. We know what they do in terms of heavyhanded regulation, which we have been pulling back the layers of bureaucracy for Small Business and people can thrive. Energy independence is so important here in pennsylvania. The oil and Natural Gas Industry supports 370 million pennsylvania jobs. 370,000 pennsylvania jobs. That is a big number. [laughter] 370,000 pennsylvania jobs. Which is so important. They said they would completely shut it down. And trade deals. Trade with mexico and canada in pennsylvania alone support close to half a million jobs. It is so important we maintain the agenda. We saw numbers come out today, which once again knocked the socks off and shocked economists. No one wanted to believe we would have the vshape. There are some states that take a different approach and are very closed, so that obviously impedes the ability, but there was the fastest growth in gdp, 33. 1 growth in gdp. Think about that. It is extraordinary. It has never happened before, and we need that to continue. Sarah one of the things i know i love about the president and i think most people appreciate is he is not a typical politician. In fact, i dont think there is anything typical about donald trump. He has he ran in 2016 as the disruptor, the change agent. He is despite the fact he is an incumbent he is still the disruptor. He is someone bucking the system. I think one of the reasons he has been so successful and able to get so much done is because he doesnt operate the way everyone else who comes to washington does. Talk to us a little about what youve seen and how youve seen him truly shake up washington, and why that has been so successful the last four years. Ivanka there are countless examples of him changing washington and bending washington as opposed to the opposite. The reality is most politicians show up in d. C. , and even if well intended, they lose their compass. They quickly forget who sent them there and why they came. It requires tremendous conviction to maintain the course and disrupt the status quo. Incredibly difficult. You take Something Like trade, for example, and the deal that and the usmca that replaced the job killing nafta that supports farmers, ranchers, and workers, we moved the whole party on this issue. The president , when he arrived in Washington Republicans were not aligned behind him on trade and he changed all of their perspectives and got the democrats onboard and signed into law the largest trade deal in history. It was extraordinary. And that is just one example. Another one i think about often is the moving of the American Embassy in jerusalem. Its [applause] its such an interesting example to me, because it is one of those things that is the right thing to do and so many past president s had pledged to do so. Once they were in office they failed to follow through on their promise. Like is so true of so many politicians. This president had the same generals who said the sun would not rise the next morning and set the next night, and the same foreign leaders who begged him not to disrupt the status quo, and same politicians on both sides of the aisle who said wait a little longer. He didnt, because it was the right thing to you. That was one step towards the direction where we are now seeing several years of hard work and strategy blossom into peace in the middle east. Its amazing. You want to talk about traditional politicians, the condescending way they talked about and viewed the president and my husbands approach to engaging with the middle east, it was uniform in their rejection of the prospects they would be able to foster an advanced peace. Now you have three peace deals signed between israel and an arab country in less than three months, and one had not been signed in 25 years prior. So its amazing. Sarah one thing to me as weve been on the campaign trail over the last couple of days, but certainly watching since the beginning of his first campaign, is the amount of energy and enthusiasm the president has and also the people who come out to support the president. There is such a contrast between look at this room. People are excited, they are happy to be here, they are engaged. Ivanka i on a personal Level Experience the same anxiety as far too many families across the world experienced when my father went to the hospital with covid a couple weeks ago, and now he is bouncing around the country with more energy in his pinky than most of us have. Its extraordinary, but you need that. You need that to do the job. I was telling sarah backstage about a quote i had recently read from winston churchill. He said, its the country that has the lions heart, i gave it the roar. That makes me think of this movement and this president. He gave us all the roar. Sarah i think that says so much about who the president is, your father is, that he brings that energy, that optimism which is so opposite of what we are seeing from the opposite side, which is all doom and gloom. I think that has given him the ability to change the narrative. And certainly, im happy to see all that excitement as weve gone around. One of the things i find so remarkable is its not just the president. Everyone around him, you and your brothers are out campaigning. No one has been attacked like this president. No one has had to withstand the amount of negative attention the critics, despite the fact the country is doing well, that we are thriving as a country. Tell us a little about how you each overcome and how you deal with all the critics. Because despite the fact that you are constantly berated you each get up every single day and keep fighting for this country. Ivanka this is how. Because we know what we are fighting for. We know who we are fighting for. Each one of you drives us, drives the president every single day. That is why you see him connect on the road. You see the genuine joy he has when he leaves washington. He is reminded what he does it for. Most politicians dont have that, because he loves you. In this business, because it is so nasty and it really is. The president always says it is not like he was dealing with little babies in the new York Real Estate business, but this business blows that out of the water in terms of vitriol and negative energy. But the love also counterbalances to such an extreme that it really is that is incredibly rewarding. He always says, and i think about the fact, you have to be in it for the impact. It wont be the accolades, especially if you are a disruptor. You make a lot of people angry and you have to be ok with that. I was watching ads paid for by big pharma on television. I mentioned this in my convention speech. The ad was so mean and nasty. He turns and looks at me and says you know, weve got to be doing something really right if they are hitting us this hard. The harder they swing back is often correlated to making them feel a bit uncomfortable and disrupting the establishment and status quo for the benefit of the american people. Sarah one thing i think a lot of people miss about the president is how much he empowers working families, particularly moms. I was the very first mom to serve as the White House Press secretary. You are a working mom. You have three young kids. You have made it a personal crusade in many ways. You run a very successful business, but also making sure all working families have opportunities. You have been at the forefront of that in your fathers administration. I think you have a Great Success story about what you and he had been able to accomplish to help. Lets talk about that for a few minutes and some of the big moments to help working families. Ivanka this president , as a person who was recently at the helm of a major company, he understands the composition of the modern workforce and challenge of that workforce. He has taken on issues that were not conventionally seen as Republican Issues and has led on them. Whether it is childcare support for working families, understanding the fact that access to safe and affordable childcare is an undeniable work related expense. I think covid is proving that to anyone who may have otherwise doubted it. It was this president who, prior to covid had overseen the largest expansion of bloc grants to the states for exactly this purpose, for working families who could not afford the cost. Paid family leave. 8 million more americans have paid family leave then when the president took office. Than when the president took office. All precovid as well. Nothing in the form of the temporary relief package. All of this happened prior. It increased through that, but it has been amazing to see him take on issues that traditionally had been avoided or ignored and really lead on them and bring them into the forefront in the republican in such a meaningful way. One example, another is doubling the Child Tax Credit as part of tax reform. Over 40 million American Families will benefit in 2019 alone an average of 2200 a family. Extraordinary. These are things that are not often talked about, but are incredibly important. It takes somebody who was an employer, who is connected to the American Workers to understand these things and prioritize these things and advance them as real issues. I think womens issues, are family issues, are american issues. We represent 50 of the population. I dont like talking about them as womens issues, we care about everything, but obviously certain things like what im talking about disproportionately will benefit women as we provide the vast majority of unpaid care for our children. And often for adult dependents, as well. It is important to recognize that reality and support herican working families as has done so strongly. Sarah some of the audience asked questions. One thing that came up several times. We met with someone yesterday in the pittsburgh area that had two adult daughters. Her big concern, i think it is an issue that started to get traction in terms of public awareness, it is a something you have worked on a great deal and the president has taken strides on. I dont think it is getting as much attention in the public, but certainly a big problem in this country is that of Human Trafficking. Tell us about some of the things that the president has already done and what we can expect in a second term to combat this growing problem in the country and frankly across the world. Ivanka i think once you learn about this people, it is about this evil it is hard not to be extremely passionate to do everything your power to stamp it out. That was true of me and this president. One of his earliest meetings was with the Survivor Community and Law Enforcement to discuss this growing problem. For too long, people have thought this doesnt exist in america. It was this president who began speaking about it, who elevated the issue and raised awareness, which will hopefully help protect a next generation. Since he took office, President Trump has signed into law nine pieces of legislation to combat Human Trafficking and online Child Exploitation in america. So, he has advanced so materially and put funding behind it, helping Law Enforcement with cost through the department of justice breaking up trafficking rings. We are seeing it across the country. U. S. Marshals are doing a phenomenal job finding these traffickers and rescuing victims. Then, rehabilitation services, which is enormously important as we help these victims turn the page and hopefully be able to resume a wonderful life. It is the gravest of evils, and the president will not rest until it is stamped out. Sarah as we are closing in on the final days leading up to the election, i dont think it is a secret that pennsylvania is going to be a big part of Donald Trumps success story. I think it is pretty obvious that we can count on the people in this room to come out and really support this president. I think one of the most important things we can do in these final days is help grow beyond this room. I would love for you to talk to everybody about ways they can help make sure we get donald trump reelected for four more years. Because even though some of you voted, you mayy have friends who havent. We need to make sure you get them out. Lets tell them how they can help and engage and make sure we get President Trump reelected. Ivanka if everyone in this room could find five people to assist in the process of getting to a polling location, 88022. If you text vote to that you can find all the information on where you can vote and get realtime updates on what is going on. Obviously, the website. It boils down to turnout. We need you. The president , every single day, is fighting so hard for each one of us, and now we have a chance to fight for him in the future of the country we love so much and we have to do it. We just have to do it. Sarah i like to say you need to call every friend you have and make sure you get them out to vote. I have changed that to say we dont care if they are your friends or not call everyone you , know, because the future of our country depends on it. Ivanka sarah knows the president has taken to saying if you have a friend registered in pennsylvania and you had a fight with them, make up and call them and tell them to vote. If they moved to florida and you havent spoken to each other in three decades, it is ok, call, have a short conversation, and remind them to vote. That is what its going to take. Sarah absolutely. We dont want to take too much more time, but one thing i want to close with and ask you to do is talk about with this election means and what the future of our country looks like under this president and why this campaign and election is so important. Ivanka the contrast between two candidates could not be more clear. Joe biden has been in government for 47 years. The ultimate in establishment. But he has also been pulled so far left that the policies he is endorsing, from the Green New Deal to defunding our men and women in blue, wouldnt even be thinkable five or six years ago. Really, the party has gone in a direction that i think is foreign to so many people who would have otherwise considered themselves to be democrats. I talk to democrats all the time. You should see the people coming out to the president s rallies, our rallies, a good chunk of them are former democrats. I bet in this room one right there. [applause] there you go. It is unrecognizable what the party has become. If you believe in safe communities, if you believe in prosperity, if you believe in american greatness and exceptionalism, and if you want to realize the greatest american comeback, the only person you can vote for is president donald trump. We hope you will do it. Sarah now i have to ask the room a favor and i hope this does not get me in trouble. Ivanka is giving me a look like it will get me in trouble. Ivanka she gets the dennis the menace look in her eye. Sarah november 3 is obviously a big day in the country, but tomorrow, Something Else very big is happening. It is a ivanka trumps birthday. And instead of spending her birthday celebrating, she will be spending it campaigning for our great president. So, in order to make her birthday a tiny bit special, and since i will not have the opportunity to be with her tomorrow, i think we should get this room to sing happy birthday to ivanka. I cant sing. Ivanka we are not letting her off the hook. Sarah i am not asking anyone to join into the trump dance. We will leave that up to the president. It has gone viral. If you have not seen it, check that out. I will count to three and let the front row, our soon to be congresswoman will lead us in doing that. 1, 2, 3. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear ivanka happy birthday to you [applause] ivanka that is so, so nice. Thank you all. That is so sweet. [applause] sarah thank you very much. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] left untilr days election day, on november 3, when Voters Decide who will control congress and occupy the white house next year, stay with cspan. Watch campaign 2020 coverage every day on cspan. Cspan. Org demand at or on the cspan radio app. Your place for an unfiltered view of politics. We are just four days away from the National Election and here on cspan, live coverage of several of the Days Campaign stops. At 3 00, we will take you to flagstaff, arizona to hear from Vice President pence. Democratic president ial candidate joe biden campaigns in st. Paul, minnesota. Live coverage of that starts at 4 45 p. M. Eastern. Lindsey graham and his democratic opponent Jimmy Harrison are holding a debate this evening. We will bring you that at 7 00 eastern. Vice president ial candidate Kamala Harris campaigns in houston tonight. Live coverage begins at 8 35 p. M. Eastern on cspan. You can find all of our live coverage online at cspan. Org or listen to the free cspan radio app. Q a, a lookght on at mailin ballots and Election Security with the Bipartisan Policy Centers matthew weil and. By 10 00 or 11 00 on election night. If they will count so much of their early voting quickly. We have michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, other states the could not be determined in this election, they have policies that limit how early they can counter absentee ballots. I think cybersecurity experts are less concerned right now about the threats to vote counting than they have in years past and that is a good thing. That is because of the increase of paper records and increase coordination among the states and federal government. There are a lot of reasons to feel good that the security of this election will be better. Mailin ballots and Election Security with matthew weil, sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. Weeks election from the bipartisan policy center

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