Fmr. Pres. Obama it is good to be back here in florida. I dont know if weve got any Tampa Bay Rays fans here. Big game tonight. It is do or die time. The last time the raise were in the world series was 2008. Florida sent me to white florida sent me to the white house. Arrays the rays fell a little bit short. In 2016, democrats fell short here. You have the chance to fix two mistakes. The chance to set two things right. You can bring a World Series Champions to the Sunshine State and you can send joe biden and Kamala Harris of the white house. [applause] we have one week, orlando. One week. One week until the most important election of our lifetime. Untilu dont have to wait next tuesday to cast your ballot , you have two ways to vote right now. One, you can vote early in person right now. Number two, you can vote from home with a mailin ballot. Do not wait. Put it in the mail or drop it off at a dropbox location today. Do not take any chances. Just get it done. Just go to iwillvote. Com to find out where you can early vote in person, or drop off your ballot. How many of you have already voted . [applause] if youve voted, your job is to help your friends and family make a plan to vote. Because this election requires every single one of us. What we do this week will matter for decades to come. Now, i have sat in the oval office with both of the men who are running for president. Just in case you couldnt tell, they are very different people. I did not think that donald trump would embrace my vision or my policies, but i did hope for the countrys sake, he might show some interesting taking the job seriously. But he did not. He has not shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself and his friends. Or treating the presidency as anything more than a reality show. That can give him the attention he craves. And he does crave attention. This week, with everything happening, you know when he brought up . The crowdgging about size of the inauguration again, saying his was bigger. Who is thinking about that right now . Nobody except him. But the rest of us have had to. Ive with the consequences more than 225,000 people in this country are dead. Than 100,000 Small Businesses have closed. Half a million jobs are gone in florida alone. What is his Closing Argument . That people are too focused on covid. He said this is one of his rallies. He is complaining. He is jealous of covid media coach. On covid been focused from the beginning, cases would not be reaching new record highs across the country this week. Now, were focused on covid of the white house would not be having its second outbreak in a month. Let me say this, i lived in the white house for a while, it is a controlled environment. You can take some preventive measures in the white house to avoid getting sick. Except this guy cant seem to do it. Hes turned the white house into a hot zone. Some of the places he holds rallies have seen new spikes after he leaves town and over the weekend, his chief of staff, i am quoting here, his chief of staff on a news program says we are not going to control the pandemic. He just said this. Noticedid and yes we you were not going to control the pandemic. , they arecoming waving the white flag of surrender. We cannot afford four more years of this. Thats why we have to send joe biden to the white house. [applause] thisse we cannot afford kind of incompetence and disinterest. 12 years ago when i chose Vice President , i did not know joe all that well. We served in the senate together. One of the great senators from florida, joe and i served together with him. I had a lot of friends with the senate in the senate, but we werent the closest. But he and i came from different places and different generations. I quickly came to admire joe as a man who learned early to treat everybody he meets with dignity and respect. No ones better than you, but you are better than nobody. He believes everybody counts. He believes everybody is important and that empathy, the decency, of belief in other peoples who joe is. Nd that is who we will be who he will be. The presidency reveals who you are. Joe, a time and again, has shown himself to be a man of principle and character. [applause] years, joe was the last one in the room whenever im big decisions. He made me a better president and he has the character and experience to make us a better country. He and kabbalah and Kamala Harris will be in the fight for every single one of us. , you have a president right now who wants full credit for an economy he inherited, he wants zero blame for a pandemic he ignored. But the job doesnt work that way. You have to be responsible 24 7. You have to Pay Attention 24 7. Tv doesnt fix things. Watching tv all day doesnt fix things. Making stuff up doesnt fix things. You have got to have a plan if you want to make peoples lives better. You have to put in the work if you want to make peoples lives better. Along with the experience to get things done, joe biden has concrete plans and policy that will turn the vision of a better, stronger country into reality. The pandemic would be challenging for any president. But this idea that somehow this white house has done anything but completely screw this thing up is nonsense. [applause] korea had its first case of covid at the same time, the same week as the United States. Do you know that their per capita death rate is just 1. 3 of what ours is. Ive given this statistic a couple of times. People havent really focused on it. The number of people in korea who have died of covid per is less than 1. 5 percent of what our death rate is. Thousands and thousands of people if we had been as effective and responsible whose lives would have been saved in this country. Just across the border in canada , of the death rate per capita 39 what ours here in this is in the United States. We are the wealthiest most powerful country on the earth and we can somehow get a grip on this because our government has not been doing the job. , when trump was asked what he would do differently, he said not much. Really . Not much . Thatan think of anything you might be doing differently, like maybe you shouldnt have gone on tv and suggest we inject bleach to cure covid . Thats not something you think maybe you shouldnt have said. How hard the Tourism Industry has been hit right here in florida. You lost one spring training season already and he can think of anything to do differently . Joe takes this seriously. Toll on the emotional grandparents when they can see and hug their grandkids. To callt going scientists idiots, he is not going to hold superspreader fears and sen. Whitehouse and then take it on a tour across the country. Joe will get this pandemic under control with a plan to make testing free and widely available. [applause] he is going to get a vaccine to every american cost for a. And he is going to make sure our frontline heroes never have to ask other countries for the equipment they need to keep themselves safe. His plan will guarantee paid sick leave for workers and parents affected by the pandemic. He is going to make sure Small Businesses at home are holding communities together. So millions of americans can reopen safely. He understands we are not going to rebuild the economy and put people back to work until we get this pandemic under control. It is not that complicated. Trump likes to claim he built this economy, but i want to remind you that america created 1. 5 million more jobs in the last three years of the Obama Biden Administration than in the first three years of the trump pens administration. That is a fact. Look it up. [applause] before trump could blame the pandemic. The longestnherited streak of job growth in american history. But like Everything Else he inherited, he screwed it up. In the economic damage he inflicted by botching the Pandemic Response means he will be the first president since Herbert Hoover to actually lose jobs. The first since Herbert Hoover back in the 30s, that is a long time. Thats almost 100 years ago. He loves to talk about black unemployment, look how low black unemployment is. Unemploymentwhat, was really high when i came in and we brought it low and it kept on going low. And he wants to take credit for it saying he was the best president for black folks since abe lincoln. Saying,advisers are including his soninlaw, his soninlaw said black folks want to be need to want to be successful. Thats the problem. What history books do they read . Who do they talk to . They dont read, is that whats going on . Black unemployment hit almost 17 during the Great Recession 10 years ago. Through a lot of hard work, joe biden and i helped get it down. And it kept on going down. Not because trump did anything. And then this year, because they screwed the pen screwed up the Pandemic Response, its going back up. It doesnt have to be that way if you go out and vote. [applause] yes we can. Listen, the only People Better off than they were four years ago are the billionaires who got his tax cuts. In the meantime, he has not been able to manage extending relief to millions of families who cant pay the rent right now. Who can put food on the table right now. Have no plan to reopen schools that need to be reopened or protecting teachers in the process. Understand how it is he can organize republicans cannot organize republicans in congress to do the thing do the right thing. Its not like its his money we are asking for, he doesnt pay taxes. [applause] he has a secret chinese bank account, he may be paying taxes to the chinese, but he is not paying taxes here. House,ear in the white only paid 750 in tax and federal income tax. 750. Can you imagine that . Teachers pay more than that. Social workers pay more than that. Folks in uniform pay more in taxes than that. Andoure living large youre not willing to do the right thing to make sure we are able to pay for quality schools for our kids, to provide better incentives for those who run them. Joe biden has a plan to create 10 million Good Clean Energy Jobs right here in america. It is part of his plan to protect florida from Climate Change and secure environmental justice. He skin to a pay for it by rolling back those tax cuts to billionaires. [applause] and the thing is, joe doesnt want to get back to where we were, he wants to make the long overdue changes so our economy makes life easier for everyone. Outstudent trying to figure how to pay for next semesters class. The shift worker who was worried about being laid off. Survivor who was worried her preexisting her from might prevent being able to get coverage. And speaking of health care by the way, republicans love saying right before any election how they are going to protect people with preexisting conditions. Have you noticed that . Joe and i actually protected them 10 years ago with the Affordable Care act. [applause] know those same republicans who say theyre going to protect them, somehow they have tried to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care act more than 60 times. Each time they tried to reveal it, we feel it, they say they have a great replacement, its coming. You guys remember popeye . Alwaysr the guy who needed money for a hamburger . And said dont worry ill pay you back sometime soon. Thats like republicans with health care. They will say its coming soon, we will pay you back with a great replacement plan. That two weeks has been 10 years, now. They said we will have a Great Health Care plan. Do you know where it is . Because i do not. Ae reason they dont pass plan is because a plan does not exist. They have never had one. They have instead attacked the Affordable Care act at every the Affordable Care act to the Affordable Care act at every turn, driving up the cost. It now they are trying to take away your health care in the middle of a pandemic with nothing but empty promises to take its place. About what that would do to families here in think about what that would do to families here in florida. Last week trump said he hopes the Supreme Court takes your Health Insurance away. Vote boo, he installed the Supreme Court justice who he thought would do it. Boo, vote. And Kamala Harris will make Health Care Affordable for theybody because joe knows to protectduty is the americans from threats foreign, domestic, and microscopic. Be too lazyt cannot to read the briefing. When russia puts bounties on the heads of our soldiers in president n, the cannot be missing in action. Never call the men and women of our military suckers or losers because they are willing to sacrifice their lives on the behalf of the american people. Thoseden understands soldiers are somebodys kids come somebodys father or mother somebodys father or mother. Is biden understands there goodness in being willing to sacrifice on the behalf of others, something this administration does not understand. President complains about 60 minutes being tough. Just yesterday he said that russia, xi of china and kim jongun of north korea want him to win. We know because you have been giving them whatever they want for the last four years of course they want you to win. That some oft brag our greatest adversaries want you in office. Why are you bragging about that . That doesnt make any sense. Capital ould not coddle dictators. Rights promote human around the world. He will restore our battered standing around the world because he knows our true strength comes from setting an example the world wants to follow, a nation that stands with democracy, not dictators. Here is one other thing joe when they are in office, you will not have to think about them every single day. They will be too busy doing the work. [applause] it will not be so exhausting. It will be able to go about your lives knowing the president will conspiracy theories about secret cabals the world. President of the United States retweeted a post that claimed that the navy seals did not actually kill bin laden. Ok. We act like it is not ok. We are not going to have a president when joe biden is an office that goes out of his way to insult people because they do not support him. He will be a president for all who didincluding those not vote for him because that is the job of being president. To whatgotten so numb is bizarre behavior. We have a president right now who lies multiple times a day. This is not my claim. Says what he says was not true. We would not tolerate it from a , a high schoolch coach, a a Football High School principal. We might have to put up with it if it is a family member. The even florida man what impey doing some of this stuff. Why would we accept it from the president of the United States . Sometimes it is almost too easy to make fun of it but it is serious. There are consequences to his actions. If he was just on Jerry Springer , you would say, well this is the most powerful office on earth. When people see the president doing stuff like that it enables cruel,eople to be divisive and racist. It affects the way our children see things. When we tell our children to tell the truth and to then we have the highest office in the land who does not seem capable of doing so, that undermines our society. It affects the way our families get along. It affects the way the world looks in america and it distracts from the action his cronies are doing all across the affectent, actions that your lives. You have the epa run by an Energy Lobbyist that gives polluters free reign to dump poison in our water. It aint right. Supposed department is to protect workers. It is run by a corporate lobbyist who has declared work ers, making it easier for big corporations to steal their wages. The interior department that is lands isto protect our run by a lobbyist who is fine with selling them to the highest bidder. The Education Department by a billionaire who has gutted rules meant to protect students from getting ripped off by forprofit colleges. Got the person who runs trying not trying to get more people onto medicaid but trying to kick more people off. It aint right, so what are you going to do about it . You have got to vote. Kamala are in charge they will not surround themselves with hacks and lobbyists. They will surround themselves with those who are looking out family, your jobs, your. Our health, your community that more than anything is what separates them from their opponent. They actually care about you. They will be fighting on your behalf every day. They will not get everything right every time. They will not solve every problem right away but they will toworking on it every day this baby isknow inheriting a better world . That is what they care about. Miss kissing babies during the pandemic. I cannot do it, but look at that itll handle that little bundle right there. Brand new. Congratulations. Kamala care about democracy. They believe the right to vote is sacred. We should be making it easier to vote, not harder. [applause] believe that no one, especially the president is above the law. They believe that the protest is not unamerican. This country was founded on protesting against injustice. We do not throw our political opponents in jail because we disagree with them. That does not happen in the United States of america. R. Obama [applause] understandjoe and, kamala understand these are not republican or democratic values. This is what we grew up learning from our grandparents. Re American Values and we they are American Values and we have to reclaim them now. We have to turn on like never before, orlando. We have to leave no doubt. We cannot be complacent. Folks got a little lazy. Folks took things for granted the into look what happened. For granted and look what happened. Not this time. The government is not perfect. It will not solve every problem, but a Good Government can make things better. Better when i left office than when i started. They were not perfect, but they were better. [applause] mr. Obama the president should not make things worse. President cannot solve every challenge facing our economy, but if we elect a president who cares and a house and senate focused on working people it can make a difference. [applause] president cannot eliminate all racial bias in their criminal Justice System chiefswe elect police and state attorneys focused on justice it can make things better and that is what voting is about. Not making things perfect, making them better. A generation from now we can look back and say things started getting better. Power tout using our make sure we have government that is more focused on you. I votedear people say last time into things to not change as much, we are not it is likeeing what when everyone votes. In 2008 we only got to 61 . Folks did not vote who were eligible to vote. What would happen if we started rights . 70 voting the country would be transformed. Imagine january 20 and we swear in a president and Vice President who have a plan to deal with this pandemic effectively, who believe it in science, who have a plan to protect this planet for our children, who have a plan to help you get ahead, who believe in racial equality, who are willing to do the work to bring us closer to the ideal that wherever you come from, however you love, however much money whoever you love, however much you will beve got, treated equally. Hat is what you should expect that is what you should expect from a president. All of that is within our reach. For all the times when we have worstur best our impulses revealed, we have also seen our best impulses revealed. We have seen people pack city squares so that families would not be separated. Friend, jose andres, who went down to puerto rico after the hurricane and organized thousands of meals on his own because he was seeing fastesponse was not enough. That is america. People out on the streets saying we are not going to have our classrooms shut up anymore. Activated topeople make sure our kids do not grow up on an uninhabitable planet. We have seen Health Care Workers day justr lives every to save this appeals is loved one. Lovede somebody elses one. We have seen americans of all races joining together to declare in the face of the in the face of injustice that black lives matter no more, no less. It no child in this country should feel the sting of racism. Orlando, in in thisda, all across country. America is a good and decent place but we have seen so much noise and nonsense and distortion and sometimes it is. Ard to remember orlando, i am asking you to remember what this country must be. I am asking you to believe in joes ability to lead this country out of dark times. Do not abandoned those who are hurting right now. We cannot bid did those kids not kids cannot abandon those not getting an education right now. We cannot stop dreaming for a better future. Outhustles the other side. He grab your friends and family and get them to vote up into down the ticket. If we pour all our efforts into this final week, if we vote like never before, then we will elect joe biden president of the United States. We will establish once again what this country stands for, what our values are, who we are as a people. Lets bring it home. Orlando. U, i love you, florida. Hung if you are hall if you honk if you are fired up ready o go e ready to go cspans washington journal. Every day we take your calls live on their and discuss policy issues important to you. Thisdiscuss the years president ial campaign in the state of ohio with Lauren Copeland and seth richardson. Watch as he spans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern this morning. Join the conversation with your phone calls, text messages, and tweets. E is a look at our what are live coverage wednesday. The heads of facebook, twitter, and google testify at a Senate Hearing on the tech industry. Coverager 2020 features a debate between jon off and his opponent Robert Obrien speaks with the Hudson Institute about current threats facing the u. S. Followed by a discussion between itical lot experts on the on expanded mailin voting. The Aspen Institute looks at a for distributing the coronavirus vaccine. President trump delivers remarks today in arizona with less than a week to go before election day. Eastern. E at 3 00 p. M. Election day is one week away and Vice President ial candidates senator Kamala Harris