If you consider yourself undecided or supporting another candidate, because that 2027488002. As we get a call we will show you headlines from across United States from last nights bait. Good morning. Go ahead. Ms. Welker caller before the debate i lets night debate. I was very impressed with the job that donald trump did. But before that i really bought and the lies misrepresentations that the media was trying to portray trump as the biggest racist. Debate, i did a little pastrch into joe bidens and Donald Trumps policies. Once you do the research yourself, i promise, you will come out to one conclusion. That joe biden is the biggest racist politician to ever run for office. Host but you are calling on the line for those who support him. Mistake. Made a i should have host dialed in. Then we will stop you there i should have dialed indifferently. Host then we will stop you there. We have marini, supporting joe biden. Me,er this is strange for in 2016 i voted democrat. I have donald trump, i could not stand him. My nineyearold said i thought you i thought you said he was a bad person and why are you voting for him . Basically every issue, i try to go research and myself because i dont trust anyone but my gut and i have not found most of it to be true. Obamacare event though i do support some sort of health care system. I have two boys with disabilities and we tried to get them coverage. Because we qualify for medicaid we were not allowed to choose a discounted plan. So we had to pay full price because theres a loophole in that system. And medicaid with illinois was not willing to cover the Therapy Services that they needed. For me that was a huge issue. Host because health care was an issue last night, there were several criticisms of the president s approach to health care coming from joe biden, what do you think of those . Caller hes right, donald trump does not have a plan. Im not going to say i am a full on trump porter. I am more of a true supporter. The president is very abrasive. Im kind of happy with that because in chicago, the rioting is crazy. Our governor will not do anything. We did not leave our home for six days because we were afraid to go outside. Thats how extreme got here. Those things have changed my view on a lot. Now im actually progun ownership when previously i was completely antigun ownership. These last two months have turned me from a democratic liberal and pushed me to the right. Host thats jolene giving her undecided we have an voter in gaithersburg, maryland, or supporting another candidate. Good morning. Caller good morning. Decided, i was looking to balance things out but i need facts. Yesterday trump talked about Energy Independence and people are giving him credit. It doesnt take three years to get Energy Independence. I need facts. I consider myself an intelligent person. Credit for being Energy Independent and two years. But that process started years ago in obamas time, before he came in. You can take credit for that. On the issue of health care come after listening to donald trump, and looking for opportunity, but today he does not have a real plan. Thats a fact. Host so when it comes to joe biden on the topic of energy, what facts did he provide last night . Caller could you repeat that . Host when it comes to energy and the facts, what did joe biden provide in your opinion . I think the process obamas process for eight years. So i will give him some credit for being Energy Independent because he had eight years in the process was ongoing and we are here. Host so what did you think about joe bidens comments on fracking. Caller obviously he has said that he supports it. But let me touch on the issue of north korea. Youve already brought up a few topics that we are actually going to go to another caller. Robin, in new jersey, supporting joe biden caller good morning america, you look mighty distinguished today. Nightd the debate last better than i did the first one that they did. Ist i wanted to talk about this russian propaganda that donald trump is putting out there about joe bidens son. Considered now being a russian asset by the intelligence community. He went to ukraine, picked up as heaptop, and used it, said, by russia, for an october surprise. These guys are international crooks. We are in a really bad place. If we dont get this guy out, we are going down. And the United States will become the trump organization. You guys need to do some critical thinking. Go back to school. Because you guys are not looking at the facts. Host such as . Soner the facts about his in russia giving them this fake laptop. Host how do you know it is fake . Caller because its in the news, its a lie, its russian propaganda. They are everywhere, facebook, twitter, to help donald trump get elected. For the laptop itself what tells you that its russian propaganda . Caller the news. Everybody was telling the truth. Facebook andded on twitter. Theres no proof, its not been verified and the only one who is promoting it is fox news and trump. They work for trump, fox news. Host let go to a supporter of donald trump in south carolina, hello. Caller hello, how are you . I wanted to touch on the topic of health care. When trump was initially voted obamacaree, specifically, that was one of the first things that was on his agenda and it was taking too house to do away with obamacare. So he moved on to other things. So i think that trump has done everything that he said he was going to do. I dont particularly like him as a person but i dont think that matters, who he is as a person. It matters what hes going to do for our country. Biden being ae good leader for our country. I think i would mean communism for us and thats not what i want to see. Host why do you equate joe biden with communism . Think, from what i cant from him explain it. From what i have seen from him thewhat he stands for, left, that seems how the left is trying to reign a sin. Dennis, and south carolina, talking about aspects of last nightss debate, also joining us. Mr. Mcardle, good morning. Caller two comments by the pratt guest two comments by the president , they raised a lot of eyebrows among political race watchers, 45 minutes and when President Trump said i think we are going to win the house, referring to republicans. About an hour in saying we will take the house. The house of representatives. Pushbacketting some from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee who tweeted after the president said that, their counterpoint is that republicans are not going to win the house. Thats what they tweeted out. To do that, here is how the mouth would have to work out. This is from inside elections with nathan gonzales. 233 to a 201e majority with one libertarian. Republicans we need a net game a net gain of 17 seats. Democrats are most likely maintaining control with the most likely outcome being that democrats 10 to 20 seats. Thats from inside elections. Just to show you one more time how the productions work, they rate the races when it comes to safe, leaning, or until set. Are 20 sixat there seats in play but a lot more republican seats in play. 40 republican seats in that category. Liens likely. The battlefield is being washed with the house. A couple of news organizations pointing to the president s comments, giving their thoughts on it. Few election forecasters, including ours, think that its a realistic possibility in this election cycle that republicans will take the house. And this from Dave Wasserman saying reality check, democrats are on track to expand their House Majority by five to 15 seats according to the cook political report. And Dave Wasserman focuses on house races, joining this program on sunday morning at the 8 00 hour and we will focus on the house battlefield. For more on that, stay with us this coming sunday. Undecided orand supporting unders others voters. Onler i like joe biden medical. I like that donald trump on the economy and foreign policy. ,nd after listening dollar this i really appreciate, shes convinced that the russians are in control of this propaganda. Kids andbidens who knows, heres what bothers me. Im in a family thats divided , what exactly, where exactly is anybody talking about this anywhere else but fox news . I hate listening to fox news, i hate listening to cnn and everybody that has a bias. Theres no middle ground. On, i did to turn msnbc and i watch you guys and fox and everyone to just try to get a little piece of everything. Is with the marine that was his partner. You know what americans dont like . A rigged deck. This might be the achilles heel of joe biden. Host the New York Post was the driving force behind the stories, and the wall street journals and others picking it up. But thats it, abc, nbc, cbs, these are the Major Networks rely watched warning and im looking for it and nobodys paying attention to this. I went in leaning joe biden and now im really leaning towards donald trump. He keeps bringing up im joe from scranton, and he turns around in the beginning of the show and says im for fracking and the very end he says im going to get rid of fracking and we are going to get rid of oil. He said by 2025 we are going to be independent of oil . Thats impossible. Where you clearly undecided until last night or were you giving both gentlemen a shot as far as who will get your support. Caller im totally for donald trump. She doesnt like all that fancy stuff. Host who is she . Caller my wife is voting for donald trump. I said we need to fix this country, everybody is divided. This country is totally divided. I speak to people on my Home Delivery milk route, 5050. Somebody has to bring this country. Another thing. Host you deliver milk . Caller im a milkman, believe it or not, 44 years. Host have you had a chance to talk about these issues . Caller all the time. I once spoke to a biden supporter and i lean that way then trump and i leaned that way. Its the most amazing thing ive ever seen. But one thing that really bothers me about all of this, this is the greatest country on the face of the earth, he talked about joe biden in the first 100 illegals going to make immigrant citizens. Im all for that. But you have to do it right, you have to build the wall and control your own country. But these people are good people. There are some bad ones, donald trump is right about that, theyre not all perfect. To hurtre not out there other people. This country is a great country and i hope that we can come together. I hope people pay attention. I really appreciate that you handle that lady. Host jimmy, the milkman from maine. Thank you for calling. And as far if you support presip ,202 7488001 host we are privileged to be joined by students from the sponsoring university at last nights debate, belmont university, to talk about their impressions and what they thought about what they have our First Student is oliver cole. Guest good morning. How are you doing . Host thank you for joining us. What were you impressions leading up to last night . What did you get from last night . Guest campus has been abuzz this whole week. Theres a lot of anticipation in the air. I was really pleased with how the debate went. It really lived up to that expectation. Overall it was productive for both candidates and for the American People who will be voting on those candidates or have already voted on them. I think overall, great opportunity for American Voters to get a better look at the candidates. Host you are studying neuroscience, what your level of interest in politics . Guest i would say that currently i just want to be an active member of my voting community. Im not sure how neuroscience and politics will interplay in my future, but i do think at a basic level its important to be an informed and well spoken member of the voting public. Host how would you identify yourself politically . Guest i would identify as a democrat. Host when it comes to the way you are approaching and looking at last nights debate, considering your background, what were the topics of importance from last nights debate . What rang true to you . Guest really there were so many issues and i wish we had time to go over them. But one of the issues which was the most important to me was Climate Change, which was discussed during the debate at length. Obviously, we have the pressing issue of covid19, but theres a larger issue i think of Climate Change. We really saw how both candidates addressed that issue. Candidate biden promised to preserve the economy, while creating a job plan that would actually kill two birds with one stone with creating jobs and protecting our environment, while President Trump really stuck by his message of protecting american jobs. Perhaps at the expense of protecting our climate. The trump way of doing things has been our modus operandi for the last however many decades since Climate Change began a became a problem. I think at this point in time , its necessary for a new approach to be taken if we are going to see progress and change in that area. I hope that whoever ends up as president for the next four years can deliver on that issue. Host when it comes to life on belmont, you mentioned covid, what has been like and what is it like talking to fellow students about politics these days . Guest we are very lucky. We have been allowed to come to campus and we are allowed to have inperson classes to a certain degree. I think in terms of how many universities are operating, we are very lucky. I am thankful for that. Im not super experienced on this campus yet, i have only been here a few months. But i think here as a whole, its very encouraging to see the level of engagement among the student body. I cannot speak for other universities, but i think this is an important time for our country and i think that the collegeage population, especially here but elsewhere as well, is really stepping up and becoming informed and being ready to vote. Host on that topic, you are trying to become informed by politics and where candidates stand. What sources do you turn to . Honestly i believe the best guest honestly, i believe the best source is the candidates themselves. I think a debate is actually one of the best ways that you can become informed, that is certainly how i seek to inform my opinions of the candidates. Whenever you receive news through a secondhand reporter, so to speak, i think theres danger that you will be getting a filtered opinion and you may not be able to formulate your own opinion because you are simply with somebody elses opinion instead. At a time when, as a country, we are divided in a lot of ways, i think its important that we listen to what our representatives are saying and we make sure its coming from their mouths and nobody elses. Host are you registered to vote this year . Guest yes sir, i am. Host will this be your election . First guest yes sir. Host have you voted . Guest i just submitted my absentee ballot for montana. Host and what would you like to do once you finish your coursework and things like that, what would you like to do with neuroscience . Guest im hoping to attend medical school upon graduation. Host mr. Cole, thank you for your time. Guest thank you. Host we will hear from one other student and professor from belmont university, they are the sponsored university from yesterday, we had a chance to meet some students and professors. In light of the general topic of last nights debate at that location. In mississippi, a supporter of joe biden, marie, go ahead. Caller good morning to you. I want to go down a couple of things about the debate last night. Joe biden i thought did an excellent job. Trump kept going on about the money that he supposedly got from china and russia but if you remember during the time , that his son died, joe biden said he had to sell one of his houses to cover some expenses and obama said dont sell the house, i will give you the money. If he had all of these millions, i dont think he would have had to do that. President trump also kept on him things that he and president obama did not do while in office. Everything that President Trump has done, he has come behind what obama has already done it. If you remember, the night of obamas inauguration all of the republican settlers got together and said everything they got together, they would vote no. Even when governor christies state was hit with a hurricane and he took money from obama, all the republicans turned against him. Also President Biden , candidate biden admitted that the crime bill was a mistake and 1994 he has spent years trying to rectify that. We do have drug courts, they are in my city, they are trying to help people go through that as opposed to going to prison. Of the thingsone that people forget that andrew yang brought up about universal basic income. I think we are going to have to deal with that again. On the aca host you put a lot of topics already. We would go to dawn, in delaware. Your supporter of President Trump. Caller i am a supporter of President Trump and i think he did well last night. Very unhappy with biden. I pay very close attention to the real news, not the fake news. And i get the information thats out there and joe biden lied. Lie after lie after lie. Host such as . Caller on every issue. Every single issue brought to him, he lied. He said he wasnt for fracking, he was for fracking. Hes on television stating that. Im sorry, that he was not going to ban fracking. Hes on television, theres a tape of him saying that hes going to ban it along with kamala harris. Everything he was asked about last night was a lie. People need to get real news instead of listening to fake news or being misled. Host as far as President Trump was concerned, what were his strongest moments less night . Caller i think he handled everything strongly before he was cut off. Host was there a standout moment for the president last night . Caller there were many standouts on a lot of issues that he talked about. The corruption, now they are trying to say that russia, again. Russia, russia, russia. I actually met the man that handed in that laptop yesterday. That laptop is very real, that information on it is very true. Host which man are you talking about . Caller the man at the mac shop. Host the owner of the store . Caller the owner of the store, yes. Host what brought you to his shop . Caller i had a doctors appointment in that area and i walked up to see if he was open. Im sure he was watching his back but he was open and i walked in and spoke with the man. Its very real. Host lets hear from nina, in columbus, ohio. An undecided voter. You are on, go ahead. Caller i wanted to say that for the debate last night, i think everyone agrees it went better but i do think the job of the , presidency is chosen based on the candidate that people view as doing better because he was not as outrageous as he previously had been what lacked any policy or any vision for the future because i want to get back to normal yet you cant even handle coronavirus . How can we go back to normal if you cant handle that . How can we go back to normal if half the government is out of commission because you failed to handle the coronavirus . I think we are in big trouble. I think we need somebody that can bring us together. Whether biden is that person, i dont know, but i think he has a better chance than trump. Everyone is nicking a big go about fracking. Joe biden said he would phase it out. I dont have an issue with that. A you look at it from telephone standpoint, once everybody had a house phone, it got phased out and everyone has cell phones now. The future is about moving towards the future. We cannot continue the way we are going and theres nothing wrong with phasing it out especially jobs are coming in. Host thats nina in columbus, ohio. The topic of fracking, the transition from oil and gas. Here is a bit of that exchange. [video clip] mr. Biden those front line communities, it does not matter what you are paying them, it matters how you keep them safe and you impose restrictions on the pollutions and the pollutants coming out of those fence line communities. Would you close down the oil industry . Would transition it, yes. It is a big statement. The oil industry pollutes, significantly. If you would let me finish the statement, it has to be replaced by Renewable Energy over time. Over time. I would stop giving to the oil industry federal subsidies. You dont give federal subsidies to solar and wind, why are we giving it to the oil industry . We actually do give to oil and wind. That might be the biggest statement in terms of business. He is saying hes going to destroy the oil industry. Will you remember that, texas . Pennsylvania . Oklahoma bombing . Let me give you 10 seconds to respond and i have to get to the final question. Mr. Biden he takes everything out of context, but look, we have to move towards net zero emissions. The first place to do that by 2035 is Energy Production and by 2050, totally. Host we are still taking calls for the next hour and a half on the topic of left nights debate. You can call the phone bites, social media sites, and joining us still is john to follow up on those events from last night. Guest on that clip you played heres one of the headlines , about that exchange from nbc news, the headline is that democrats move to limit damage from bidens comments on oil. The story noting that biden stated a plan to transition the country away from the oil industry is reverberating on both sides. Republicans from josh hawley and Sarah Huckabee sanders and greg abbott of texas jumped on that moment, democrats are working quickly to limit any possible damage to their nominee, highlighting that he aims to accomplish the goal by 2050 and that the oil industry futures have long looked grim. We will see where those arguments will work for democrats especially those in tight races in districts where oil is big business, like alaska, texas, colorado, and kansas, its almost certain that the moment will be replayed over and over. And republicans are jumping on that moment on twitter as well, we mentioned josh hawley, this is the senator from missouri saying what we learned from tonights president ial debate, biden is going to end usa Energy Independence and destroy remaining bluecollar jobs so that we can go back to being dependent on foreign oil and embroiled in endless wars. Great plan. But im sure the bidens will find a way to make money out of it. And this from senator John Barrasso saying, joe biden just admitted that he would end the oil industry which would kill good jobs and the u. S. Energy independence and hike your utility bills. Our families will not forget, calling it a big mistake, and then scott wong of the Washington Post pointing out that vulnerable democrats are already breaking from biden on his oil industry comments, pointing to this one in particular from kendra horn, a democrat from oklahoma, who says this is one of the places that biden and i disagree, we must stand up for our oil and gas industry, we need in all of the above energy approach which is consumer friendly, and protects oklahoma jobs. I will keep fighting for that in congress. That is what the democrat from oklahoma in that tossup race in her Health District in oklahoma said on twitter last night. Host and in oklahoma, brad, a supporter of joe biden. Hello. Caller good morning. You are doing a wonderful job. My favorite moment of the debate was when vice President Biden said, show us your taxes or quit talking about corruption. Its beyond me how anybody can listen to donald trump telling us hes going to release his taxes and keep a straight face. He said he would release them if he ran for president , and if he said he would get them if he got the nomination, he got the nomination, then he said he would release them if you want the election then he said the , irs would not let him release them. The irs said, it is fine, release them. And finally the New York Times gets the taxes and he pays less than most workingclass people in this country and he has the nerve to talk to us about our candidate being corrupt . Hes the most pathetic crybaby and whiner i have ever seen. Hes a fraud and a con man and we better wake up because we are going to lose our democracy if we have another four years of this man in office. Host pete in new york, a supporter of President Trump. Go ahead. Caller hows it going, pedro . Host im fine. Thanks, you are on. Caller it was the president ial debate, with this whole thing with biden, his answers are kind of like the confusing system we have in place with our schools and that is the common core math. What is he doing up there . What points is he making . What topics will he revise on and give us faith that he could do something . Trump has done this for four years so obviously his supporters are going to back him no matter what and im one of them. Honestly, maybe these divided talks could change if we find common ground. If our leaders cant find common ground, where can our people . Host rene in new york, undecided or supporting other candidate altogether. Caller i am undecided, for several reasons. After last night, i became a little more undecided, what ended up happening was i have leaned towards trump and i dont like him, but i find that what i believe this country should be is more in the direction of being able to have freedoms that we are able to decipher ourselves what we want. That was one of the reasons why i have always leaned towards trump rather than big government. I did vote for obama twice and trump once. The thing that has gotten me is covid. Joe biden has been on market because thats what confuses me. I do have to say that. I dont believe in socialism, i think if we go with biden and more importantly, harris we are , putting ourselves on that path. But for me personally, whats really been the leaning factor is that i am a masked person, im a republican, you could not catch me at a rally if you paid me a million dollars. I would not go to one. But i was still going to vote for trump. Last night, he seemed off mark with covid. The seriousness of it. Host can i ask if joe biden offered anything specific as far as how he would handle the pandemic should he become president . Caller no, he didnt, thats the other part of it. What it is, he says what we are thinking. Know, inity of, you dont want someone to tell me to buta mask on, i get that, im going to put a mask on because i was told to love my neighbor. I was told through my life, my core tells me its the right thing to do. I dont want to see people get sick. I live in new york and grew up in new york city and know people who have been affected so terribly from covid neighbors , who have died, my doctor was on a ventilator because he worked in a nursing home. Hes now on dialysis and lost his wife. I have been personally affected in a way that people that i knew who have gone through it. Host if i may ask, when do you think a final decision is coming . If you wait as far as election day or do you think you will make that before that . Caller i have my absentee ballot and i have had it and i have been sitting, literally thinking to myself, i cannot put the pen to paper. I will not vote personally, so for me, i am waiting it out and watching the news. Im going from station to station because i dont want to lean one way or the other so i put all three, i go throughout the day, not all day long, i dont sit there, but i will get a tidbit of each so that i get the opinions of all, and then i the one saying, i am going to come to this decision. I still have not come to that decision. Host one more question if i may im sorry to interrupt, the , ballot you have, you are confident in your states ability to handle the ballot once you make that decision and put it in . Caller honestly, im not as confident, i was an election inspector years ago. Im not completely confident but i am trusting its going to work. I will probably drop it in the box in my community rather than mail, only because i dont want to put extra pressure on our postal service. We will do absentee and drop it in the box. But im Holding Everyone off, i think everyone else has decided and its me who is like, i dont know yet. Were just hanging on. I know it sounds terrible att no, you are looking other sources, i invite you to go to our website at cspan. Org, we have something called a Video Library and it gives you the ability to look at events featuring these candidates talking about their issues and where their perspectives are, if it helps guide you in that education as you make that decision i invite you to visit , that and take advantage of that at cspan. Org. Comments on absentee voting, one topic that came up last night with this idea of election interference, particularly in light of the news considering the role of russia and iran in this process. One of those topics from last night, heres that exchange. [video clip] mr. Biden i made it clear and i ask everyone else to take the pledge, i made it clear that any country, no matter who it is, interfering in american elections will pay a price. They will pay a price. It has been overwhelmingly clear this election, i wont even get into the last that russia has one, been involved, china has been involved to some degree, and now iran is involved. They will pay a price if im elected. They are interfering with american sovereignty. Thats whats going on. They are interfering with american sovereignty. To the best of my knowledge, i dont think the president has said anything to putin about it. I dont think he has talked to him a lot, i dont think he has said a word. I dont know why he hasnt said a word to putin. And i dont know what he has said to the iranians. My guess is that he would be more outspoken with regards to the iranians. But the point is this, we are in a situation where we have Foreign Countries trying to interfere in the outcome of our election. His own National Security adviser told him, what is happening with his buddy, rudy giuliani, he is being used as a russian pawn, fed information thats not true. Then what happens . Nothing happens. Then you find out that everything is going on here is about russia wanting to make sure that i do not get elected the next president of the United States because they know that i know them and they know me. I do not understand why this president is unwilling to take on putin. President trump joe got 3. 5 million from russia and it came through putin because he was friendly with the former mayor of moscow, the mayor of moscows wife. He got 3. 5 million your family got 3. 5 million and someday you will have to explain. I never got any money from russia. I dont get money from russia. About your thing last night, i knew all about that. Through john ratcliffe, who is fantastic, he said the one thing that is common to both of them, they both want you to lose, because theres nobody tougher to russia between the sanctions. Nobody tougher than be on russia. Between the sanctions, all of what i have done with nato, i got the nato countries to put up an extra 130 billion going to 420 billion a year. Thats to guard against russia. While he was selling pillows and ets, i sold 10 combustors tank busters to ukraine. Theres nobody tougher on russia than donald trump. Host that full debate is on our website. Night, we sawt the president of the United States lied to the American People and repeatedly lie about the state of this pandemic. We saw him refused to take responsibility for the crisis that should have been met with president ial leadership. Instead, it has cost hundreds of thousands of american lives and pushed millions into poverty. We saw him diminish the pain felt by so many americans. President trump

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