Private facebook groups, discussing a number of plots, including one to kidnap a governor, possibly from her Summer Vacation home. That is one that seems to advance the furthest to the point where a highvoltage taser was purchased, night goggles. There was supposed to have been a purchase of explosives taking place this week. There was discussion about designating a bridge near her summer cottage to divert police. There was actually evening surveillance that had occurred on two occasions of her summer home. Thats thats about what there was a know, lot of talk, which, you know, sometimes you can ask the question were they just talking . Or was there going to be action . But there were certainly some element of action taking place, including purchases of weapons and surveillance of the governors home. Host and now 20 individuals have been charged in this case. The group, the Militia Group, the name, the wolverine what do we know about that and how widespread the movement is in michigan . Watchmene wolverine was founded by two of the individuals that have been charged in this case. Theres some association with, you know, what has been come to be known as the boogaloo apparently ach is codeword word for a second civil war, you know, there is anarchy with some of these Groups Associated with some of these movements, talk of, you know, sparking some kind of a war that would allow, you know, people that believed only in the bill of rights, then to sort of, you know, create a new society among themselves. You know, a lot of the stuff is pretty far out there, but michigan has long been a hotbed of militia activity. I mean, when you go back, there were ties to the Oklahoma City bombing in michigan. A number of years ago, the feds brought a major indictment against a Militia Group called hutari that were apparently plotting to blow up police funerals. That went south, although people spend a considerable amount of time in custody. Really no convictions resulted in that case. It gets difficult at times to say well, you know, this was just crazy talk, or it was action, and then, you know, it verythe feds in a difficult position, because if they do not act like some of this talk that looks like it is proceeding to action, then, you know, the commentary always leader is going to be, well, there were all these warning signs. Why didnt somebody do something . Host explain the emergency orders that are in place in michigan, how they played into and whole story yesterday, are the emergency orders in michigan significantly different than emergency orders in other states . Guest well, that is an interesting topic, because on friday, the Michigan Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional the main emergency law that the governor legalen using to as a underpinning for these orders, so a large number of these orders have basically been declared unconstitutional. Now, many of them are backed up by separate orders under another statute, but to get to your original question, yes, there is definitely a link here. The governor, like in many states, i would say michigan was probably more aggressive ban many states in imposing a stayathome order, which was imposed in march, lifted june 1. Many businesses were closed completely. This was certainly a point of contention among the alleged conspirators. There was talk about, you know, Governor Whitmer being a tyrant, that she had taken absolute power. A number of the people, at least two or three of the people that have been charged in this were photographed at the capitol, at demonstrations that were taking place against the stayathome order, or, in one case, a second arose,nt rally that also so there is definitely a link between the emergency orders and this anger that these men were apparently feeling, but, yes, there has been a recent twist on, you know, technically, it could be right now that michigan is the only state in the union that does not have a statewide state of emergency in the moment, in light of this friday Michigan Supreme Court ruling, which is a 43 ruling on a partisan line basis. Host what is next in this case . Are we expecting more charges coming . What do we know about stepped up security around the governor now . Guest um, it sounds like more charges are possible. You know, there were references in some of the affidavits that were filed to other planned kidnappings. You know, the question always is, you know, at what point, again, was this talk proceeding into action . But there are certainly a number of arraignments taking place yesterday. Has been stepped up for the governor in recent weeks. There was a new, high fence erected around her official residence in lansing. Normally, this is something we would have really noticed more. Governor rick snyder, the former republican governor, after the flint water crisis, there were a number of threats made against his life, and we noticed a huge increase in security around him. You know, because of the pandemic, the governor really has not been out and about as much as a governor normally would be, so other than seeing them erect that new fence around the residence, the stepped up security was not as apparent, because of the pandemic. But certainly there have been a number of extra efforts to protect her and her family. She is married with two daughters of her own and two husband, who is her second husband. Host paul egan, with the detroit free press. I know it was a busy day for you yesterday. Q a, authorght on Isabel Wilkerson talks about her new book. What i am doing is shedding a light, holding up an xray on the country so we can see what is underneath what we call racism, that there is this infrastructure of division that as a concept is a relatively new one in history, dating back only 400 or 500 years. Isabel wick arson wilkerson on cspans q a. The competition is on. Be part of this years cspan studentcam video competition. Middleton High School Students be the start of the National Conversation i making a documentary exploring the issue you want the president and congress to address in 2021. Be bold with your documentary, show opposing points of view and include cspan video. There is 100,000 in total cash prizes, and occluding a grand prize including a grand prize of 1000. Be informed. You will find competition rules, tips and more information on how to get started on our website. Studentcam. Org. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and representative jamie raskin unveiled legislation earlier today that would create a commission on president ial capacity. They explained the role of congress designated in the 25th amendment and clarified the commission is for futu

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