Transcripts For CSPAN Washington Journal 10032020 20240712

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Lines. Epublicans, 202 7488001 democrats, 202 7488000. Independent voters, 202 7488002. You can always text us your opinion. We are reading social media on twitter and facebook. Once again, the president is beginning his day at walter reed after being diagnosed with the coronavirus. Im going to read a couple of quick paragraphs from the Washington Post that came out this morning. President trump taped a message for americans before he left for walter reed and put it out on his twitter account. I want to thank everybody for the support. I am going to walter reed hospital. I think i am doing very well. Were going to make sure that things work out. The first lady is doing very well. Thank you very much. Host thank you. We got an update from mark meadows. He met with reporters on friday to talk about the president s condition. We want to make sure that nunnally his health and safety look at we continue to that for all of the American People. He continues to be not only in good spirits but very energetic. We talked a number of times this morning. Ive got five or six things he asked me to do. He is certainly wanting to make sure we stay engaged. , thecritically important doctors continue to monitor his health and the health of the first lady. We will continue to do that. They will be glad to provide some updates later today as we look at this. The great thing about this president is not only is he staying committed to working very hard on behalf of the American People. Host lets see what you think about the president being at walter reed. Lets start with margaret calling from kansas. Good morning. Caller good morning. Unnecessary and i worry about the people he exposed. They knewe new they had contagion and they went places. They are not telling us the truth. We cant trust the thing they say. Its like we are under a biological attack. He knew he was positive. He hadnt been sick for one day. They lie about being tested. The American People are at great risk. This is terrible. Doctor to get a real telling us the truth. They need to let people know who are exposed, people are falling like ducks. When you know you have something and you go places, that is so terrible. They need to apologize and pay for what they did. That family sitting there with no masks at the debate and not telling papal people. Host lets go to gloria in west virginia. Good morning. Caller yes . Host go ahead. Caller yes. The lady needs to find the doctors the test. They know what they are doing. She needs to know what shes talking about. I dont believe that trump he had that. He tested negative the day before. She needs to know what shes talking about. Everybody needs to go to the bible and read what is going on with this virus and all the fires, everything thats going on. God is not happy with whats going on. People Better Believe what is going on and read the word. Has a goodrump, he man. Hes done a lot in three years. Debate was like a child. Lets go to fred in ohio on the independent line. Good morning. Caller i was thinking there was an old saying, people get the government they deserve. We as a population come to believe a politician can control a microbe . If the crops dont come up, he gets sacrificed. Have we become so insisted for gated unsophisticated . Have got topeople take responsibility. Do not know this . Single celled organisms dont have an organized nucleus. Im one of the deplorables, but i read. Host joe biden had a response to President Trumps being diagnosed with coronavirus. He talked about it during a Campaign Stop in michigan on friday afternoon. Here is what he had to say. Acknowledge,ke to sending my prayers to the health and safety of the first lady and the president of the United States. Wife jill and i pray they will make a quick and full recovery. This is not a matter of politics. Its a reminder to all of us that we have to take this virus seriously. Its not going away automatically. We have to do our part to be responsible. That means following the science, this name to the experts. Social distancing. It means encouraging others to wear a mask in public. It means having masking mandates nationwide. Cdc saidtor of the these face masks are the most important powerful Public Health tool we have. Is morethis face mask guaranteed to protect to me than a vaccine. Leading scientists from the university of washington tell us that we can save more than 100,000 lives in the next 100 days if everyone wore a mask in public. Let me repeat. Lives in the00,000 next 100 days if everyone wears a mask in public. Be patriotic. Its not about being the tough guy. Its about doing your part. Wearing a mask is nunnally going to protect you, but those around you. Dad, youryour neighbor, your coworker. Do it for the people you love, the people you work with. Host lets go to our social media accounts and see what our followers are saying this morning about President Trump being at walter reed. Prayers for President Trump the first lady. Says he hase in and the best care. How many poor people have died because they mishandled the pandemic. Tother text says its hard have empathy for men who chose no empathy for others. He mocked people who wore masks. Words, it iss own what it is. Another text says i wish the president of full recovery. I hope god teaches us lessons. One last text says i hope he reflects on how dangerous this acts is and says he will asap. Looking at the wall street journal, it talks a little bit about the effect of this news on whats happening. Dont forget, thats from the wall street journal from today. Lets go back to the phone lines new jersey on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Trust a speedy recovery for the president and first lady. The white house and the Republican Party has been a petri dish for this virus. Servicego, the secret the viruses been in the white house for a while. Leader president as the to call it a hoax from the mask,ing, not wearing a there were studies done that most republicans did not wear masks and most democrats did. Think about just the white house and his inner circle that is falling apart with this virus. The people that made up were his supporters at those rallies that he was going to have. Lives could have been affected . This was serious from the woodward tapes. It was exposed that the president knew this was serious months before he exposed it. It was easier to blame china. Supporters, his supporters this morning listening to the lady that called, its easier to attack the democrats or blame someone else. Recovery tospeedy the president and the first lady. The facts dont lie. Host lets go to bill from florida on the and dependent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. He kind of acted in different to the disease. He was at the white house and just disregarded the masks. She had her children there. Children take their and not have masks . I just dont understand. We look on these people as leaders. What the Heritage Foundation has done to the educational system in this country is appalling. Know the judicial review wyrick,work with paul the man who started the heritage want toon and doesnt have people with the right to vote. Host lets go to mark calling from North Carolina on the republican line. Good morning. All, god blessf them. Do hope everything is going to work out. We have to respect our president. He was elected. Everybody should respect him. On theorn and raised democrat side of the family. After the selection, youve got to respect donald trump. Youve got to respect joe biden. Come on. Lets stop cackling like a bunch of kids and get down to Serious Business and work things out. God bless everybody. Go to springfield, illinois on the democratic line. Caller good morning. Was spoken by the other democrats as well. There is a comedian that said the same thing. Shooting, ass that is what we are facing. Was comfortable not advocating the masks. The masks save lives. Thats the cdc. That dr. Fatty said dont wear masks was early on when there was a shortage of masks. Dr. Fauci said dont wear masks was early on when there was a shortage of masks. Leadership is that. Host lets go to gilbert in alabama on the and dependent line. Good morning. Caller good morning to cspan and to you, jesse. With the situation with the president coming down with the virus, it makes Everybody Knows immune tois amuse this pandemic. The circumstances that follow this, we are at risk as a nation. Reality, weace the are 30 days out from a president ial election. Weve got bills in congress it need to be passed. Think its a hoax is down withident coronavirus. People dont realize this disease, no one is immune from it. The bottom line is we as a nation have to face the reality. Is over thepened last 20 years the elected have let thehad conglomerates go to china and set up camp over there without doing business in america. Thats one of the major reasons why the disease spread. We were worried about the 4 billion people in china more than we were in america. Patricias talk to calling from arizona on the republican line. Good morning. Caller i would just like to say trump put a lot of people at risk. Im religious. Trump didnt speak about anybody that got sick. I want to make a point about amy Coney Barrett. Wase want a justice that sick in the summer . She recovered. She stood close to the president , close to all of his people. She said nothing. This is a woman that is going to decide the future laws for our children and grandchildren. She has taken a vow for the right to life. She is in a sect of the catholic church. That sheunderstand will not recuse yourself and let the republican and this country start trusting in our democracy. She is standing there knowingly sick, she said nothing. She didnt ask. None of them did. That gave itones to the rest of them. Lets talk to ron calling from new mexico on the democratic line. Caller host good morning. Go ahead. Everybodywant to tell that this coronavirus is not democratic or republican. Its the real deal. People need to pay attention. , god isg the politics out there for everybody. That means if we believe he did that, we should be kind and considerate and loving. I dont know how else to say it. There is no such thing as White Supremacy. You will see it. On a white back horse. There is only one supreme being. No one else is supreme. Host lets talk to holly coming from North Carolina. Good morning. Caller thanks for taking my call. Gets thethe president best medical care possible. I cant believe that people dont know that the president mishandled this, thats why hes in the hospital. There are only three World Leaders that have tested positive. It its boatswain arrow in brazil, johnson in the u. K. , and trump. Thethree of them denied virus was that serious. Tillis wastom wearing a mask and still tested positive. Protects me and my masks protect you. If trump had not politicized mask wearing it, we would not be in this position. Population,rlds 25 of the worlds cases. Im glad the president gets the best possible care. Speaking of the president s aboutthe hill has a story the treatment that the president is receiving at walter reed. Im going to read a couple of paragraphs from that story to you. Nancy pelosi reacted to the news of the president being taken to walter reed while speaking on msnbc on friday. Here is a portion of what she said. Receive that news with great sadness. Pray to the family of the president is saved. Thats what we want for everyone. I hope this will be a moment for people to understand that what we have in our heroes bill and of had an our conversations over and over, we must have testing, tracing, treatment. We must be wearing our masks. We must have sanitation. It can help crush the virus and stop the spread. Maybe now, the people who see the president with all the protection that he has still having this exposure, it might be a learning experience. It has to be something that is acted upon. This is tragic. Its very sad. That goingomething ato crowds unmasked, its brazen invitation for Something Like this to happen. It is sad that it did. I am hopeful that it will be a transition to a saner approach to what the virus is all about. Host lets go back to our social media followers and see what they have to say about the president at walter reed. I hope he can reflect about how dangerous the viruses and save lives. Another text says get well soon. Another text says im grateful that the president is reaping firstrate medical care at no cost. Thath i lived in a country that was provided to all citizens. Another text says this has become the gop scare 2020. This tweet says i hope everything goes well and he is back to work in a week or so. Bestresident is in the possible place for medical care. Nothing less. Ct i wish him a speedy recovery and a long retirement. Back to the phone lines and talk to barbara from florida on the independent line. Good morning. About, i wish the president and the first lady to get well. I wear my mask everywhere i go. It gets hot on me sometimes. If we took penicillin, it would take some of these viruses away. Its not time for us to condemn our president. I think hes doing the best of his ability to do what hes doing. I voted for him. I was undecided a while back. If he gets well, i think he will come back and do this country very well. Host lets talk to john from california on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I would like to extend my best wishes to the president and his wife. A speedy recovery to them. I want to point out something to the American People. President trump has been trying like crazy to keep america open and keep our businesses open and to open up america and he received a lot of criticism. I want to remind people that when you go to the store, there is food on the shelves. If he wouldve had him mass panic, there wouldve been no food on the shelves. There wouldve been a run on supermarkets like we saw in australia and new zealand. There would be shortages all over. That he strived to keep the economy going and was on the front lines and took a hit for the American People, i think it is so commendable and such a strong thing to do. All the democrats are disingenuous. Joe biden is talking about the soul of america. Is thedemocrats comments soul of the democratic party, god help us all. Host lets go to brenda from South Carolina on the democratic line. Caller good morning. My prayers go out to the trump family. Caller, previous everyone has to realize our president is our leader. He is the one that should show an example. He said the virus was a hoax. He knew it was terrible and covered it up. His job is to put the American People first area he put the stock market first. If the cdc asked everyone to wear a mask. He didnt want to enforce the mask. He made fun of the masks. See the rallies he has no one is wearing a mask. It makes me angry that the night of the debate everyone was required to wear a mask and the people in his section did not have on a mask. That tells me that he has no regard for human life. 200,000 people are dead. Was in the same situation he is now. He is not immune from anything. God is in control. God is angry. They should not be worried about the Supreme Court. They should be worried about the people out of work and dont know how they will pay the rent. He is concerned about pushing through a justice. Host david is calling from st. Louis on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Feelings for the president and his wife. That he isrstand responsible for being in the position he is. He chose not to wear a mask. Unfortunately, that was a bad choice. It his own words, it is what it is. Worse, theymatter are withholding his health from the American People. Theyve been doing that since he was first diagnosed. Holdoctors at walter reed press conferences regarding the health of any government, military, handwriting luke perry person. Getting istion were from the white house and it keeps changing. Onyou look at the interview the announcement of the president gave before he headed to walter reed, this is the first time ive seen President Trump white faced. Hes white as a ghost. Hesu look as interviews, never been that white. Host eli is calling from florida on the democrat line. Caller good morning. Think im a democrat and i know hes done a good job. This is not been approved. He loves the constitution. In his for your obligation to appoint a justice. Thats his privilege. Be a leader throughout the country. War, heeneral goes to should not hide in a bunker. Has taken an active role in every situation. We thank you. Host lets go to cliff in maryland on the independent line. In morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. Saddened for the president and the white house family and staff who have contracted the virus. They are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope they get the best medical care available. And to theian general public, this could not happened without the inaction on their part. It will make it much safer for we rest of us and hopefully will begin to mask where and social distance which they shouldve done for the last six months. News of theith the president going out to walter reed dominating the conversation, there is other news happening in the country. That includes the release of the most recent Unemployment Rate. 7. 9 with 661,000 jobs added. With us this morning is the wall street journal labor and economics reporter to help understand the numbers. Good morning. Guest good morning two. Host explain to us with the jobs numbers say. How does this compare . Guest 600,000 jobs were added. Thats ae pandemic, strong number. It comes with some concerns. Its a much slower rate of growth and we had seen over the summer. It suggests hiring slowing down. A lot of people who lost their recalled or they might be facing longerterm unemployment. 7. 9 lower . T . As that expected to drop is this a smaller drop than we expected . Guest it is slightly larger than expected. Thats a positive sign. It did come with a caveat. The Unemployment Rate only counts those actively seeking jobs. If you dropped out of the labor force because you are concerned areou chose to retire, you not counted as unemployed. There were increases in people who dropped out of the labor force. The number might be understating the pain in the labor market right now. Host are there any particular sectors doing well in the most recent report . Are there any sectors not doing well . Some of the sectors that continue to heal and have crossed over and have more jobs. Sectors,white collar ,arts of the Tech Industry anything associated with ecommerce is hot. As far as places that are struggling, we saw a big decline at Public Schools and private schools. Started, it looks like those institutions are not employing as many workers as they were a year ago. Host for those who were furloughed or laid off earlier in the pandemic, are they going back to their same job . Are they finding new jobs . Guest thats the big concern. In the latest report, half of workers who lost their jobs expected to go back to the same job. In april. N from 90 thats a big change. The concern is more people realize they are not going to be recalled. Businesses and restaurants of closed altogether. Theres not a job to go back to. Places, warehouses, stores,ters, bigbox theyve been hiring. There are some jobs out there. There might not be a job in the field you left or with the employer you left. Do the numbers tell us about the state of the economy . We are starting to shift. Over the summer, we had a strong the big downturn this spring. We didnt get all the way back. We have more jobs lost than were lost at the worst of the Great Recession in 2007. We have a way to go. Now we are going to transfer to a longer recovery. The economist we surveyed dont lostt it will regain jobs by this time next year. Story about the impact of longterm unemployment on the economy. Longterm unemployment is a big concern. We saw this coming out of the last recession where when people lose their jobs, especially if. Hey are older, they struggle we had sluggish growth coming out of the last recession. Some people are doing well, you had this group that was uncertain and had to be very cautious. We are starting to see the start of that. That could be an impediment to a Stronger Economic growth. It took almost a decade for some of those workers to be able to get back to the workforce fulltime. We expect the economy to react to the president s announcement that he has covid19 . How will that affect the markets on monday . Guest that remains to be seen. We saw a drop in the markets when he made his announcement. They dropped when he was admitted to the hospital. Americans are concerned for the family and the millions of people who been affected by this virus. Be markets of proven to resilient. The stock market hit an alltime high in september. It wasnt affected by the global pandemic. We could see some gyrations. Im not sure the president s illness will have a massive effect on the markets. Host we would like to thank eric from wall street journal for coming on with us this morning and walk us through the new unemployment numbers. Thank you so much. Guest youre welcome. Host lets talk about the president being treated for covid19. Lets start with robert from philadelphia on the republican line. Good morning. I dont believe the president is as sick as he claims to be. The stock market is a fraud. The fed is pumping it up. Nobody is purchasing anything. The manufacturers are buying their own products back. They are buying their own stocks back. That isnt the true stock market. Host why dont you think the president is as sick as they are saying. Caller he is a fake. Hes always lying about stuff. Hes going to try to promote that drug that cured him. I just dont believe it. How come only three or four people have it from all the people who are traveling with him . Something doesnt look right to me about it. Ast the New York Times has graphic in todays edition talking about the people who have tested positive who are in the president s orbit. Heres a list of the people who tested positive. Any of them were at that event or traveling with the president around the country. Several people have tested positive for the coronavirus so far. Lets go to mark from florida on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller hello there. As always, thanks for cspan. Listening to people talk while you are on hold really throws you off. I want to say to trump and his wife, best wishes as a covid19 survivor. Some of the accusations about fraud towards him in this case, they are hiding everything. From hismation came staff. You havent seen the doctors giving any updates. They do everything in a sneaky way. It raises doubts. Host tell us about your experience with coronavirus. Were youe you hospitalized . Caller i was not hospitalized. Isolated. D home, i i will gladly talk to you about that. Lastu let me get to my point, you had a caller, they talked about this event that seems to have been the super spreader event for the Supreme Court justice. She was a recovered covid19 person. She was like typhoid mary. Thats an unfair accusation. This is a lady that is supposed to be up to become the Supreme Court justice and she goes to a super spreader event with her , hugging anda mask kissing. Has had is a person who the disease and gone through it and behaves in such a way. Carolinas go to north on the independent line. Good morning. Caller thank you for having me on. Its nice to hear everybodys points of view. Out,hing i just found there was a recent study about misinformation of the pandemic. Studied 38 million articles around the world. Leading misinform her of covid information. Over 14 million false claims of the virus. Hes considered the biggest spreader of misinformation in the world. Its kind of sad. Everywhere i go, when i look at i see so many of the republicans going around with no mask. It scares me. We are all putting ourselves in jeopardy every time we do this. The matter what the shoot, if we dont follow the rules and wipe kids, ies and treat the have lots of kids and i know how it is. Weve got to get a hand on this thing. I dont wish the president to be sick. I hope they feel up. I really dont want to see this turnaround. When something happens, they make it seem like it was a win. I want dont want him to say it wasnt that big of a deal. I dont see with the big deal is. Now i cant get it again because ive got the antibodies. I dont want him telling that to the public. Up amy caller brought Coney Barrett testing positive for coronavirus earlier this year. There is a story about that yesterday. I want to read a few paragraphs of that. Lets go back to the phone lines and get some more calls in. We will start with kevin from montana on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning, jesse. I was wondering, i know you have the video where supposedly trump said the virus was a hoax. You need to show that. He wasnt calling the virus a hoax. I think he was calling the impeachment a hoax. They are trying to throw him out of office. Thing, on White Supremacists, your next segment they will be calling in saying he didnt never to announce that. Videos got to be 100 going back 30 years where trump denounced them people. Youve got to straighten that out. Host lets go to rich who is calling from illinois on the independent line. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. The president being hospitalized for the virus brings up my thoughts on his medical treatment. Its not afforded to the general public. His medical treatment he can get the best and for people without affects if it i were to get it and i couldnt afford what hes getting. When youmics of that, had your guest on their talking about the economy and talking about the recession and unemployment and how this ,ffects the average american theyve been on unemployment, making less than their wages. Youve bought a house and now you can afford to pay for your house. You are making choices between what you spend on your meals. These are tough choices. Care, all of the issues at hand, the president s view about. Hopefully, his experience will make him think about he doesnt have to worry about his medical as much as the lower end. To me, its been vague. What was his plan . I never got the story. Thought wherew he america was great. Was it the wild west days . It. Ver got i was never clear about his views. Host lets talk to michelle in oklahoma. Good morning. Caller good morning. I am a democrat. Im really thinking that everybody watched the debate. They didnt see what was truly going on. Oure is a man running country who is a malignant narcissist. He cannot control his temper. Let the other person talk. Hisbiden was trying to get point through. If anybody says what its going to do to people, he may recover. We dont know whats going to happen longterm. This virus is dangerous and we need to take it seriously. Host clint is calling from tallahassee florida on the republican line. Good morning. Good morning. Are you there . Lets move on to robin from connecticut on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Im calling because i listen to the present. I wish him a speedy recovery. Weve listened to him for four years. Has said everything is a hoax. Im going to go back to the woodward tapes. He knew this virus was airborne and affected children. This was in january. I dont want to say its hard for me to believe this is really happening for him. Convenient, especially given his actions during the debate. Its real. Its really unsettling. Lets talk to paul in connecticut on the independent line. Caller good morning. First time caller, love the show. I am sorry the president got it. It could have been prevented. They have seachrist service for threats. I dont see why they didnt give him a mask for the airborne threat. And to protect the people around him. Better, his age is against them. I pray for the office of president. Not everybody that occupies the office does the right thing. Host lets talk to priscilla in california on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that i hope everybody who has had this virus , i pray for President Trump and the first lady. I would like to let you know that my mom at 94 years old got the virus. She came through. Friday, she turned 95. I havent been able to see my mom. Able to hug her. Shes in a convalescent home. Its not a joke. I have cancer. Lung cancer. In august, i had surgery on my right lung. You are not in control of everything. Hug myt been able to mom. We dont know how blessed we are. I hope and pray i hear a spirit of criticism here when this is lifeanddeath. Or how youho he is dislike him, at least show some compassion and dont be so critical. The bible, it speaks of the last days. You are going to have disease and wars and earthquakes. We are not in control of everything. We need to pray. I pray for our country right now and that people will come to love each other more and care for each other. Sometimes, we care more for animals than we do for people. I just pray that we would think twice. In january close to down travel from china to the United States. February, he closed down travel from europe to the United States. Hes done the best he can. Hes not god. Host lets talk to donna in massachusetts on the democratic line. Thats westport, massachusetts. Is i watchedo say the debate. All trump did was make fun of biden because he wore a mask. I just dont get it. I dont get it. Hes the one that ends up with the coronavirus. To richard whok is calling from georgia on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Watched nancy pelosi run her mouth about the importance of wearing a mask while you are in public. Have ofut the film they her in San Francisco going to a beauty shop that was not open to the public and she was not masked. And she scoffed at the owner of the beauty shop for allowing this to be filmed. But is one strike against the democrats. Another strike against the , whenats in joe bidens he went against donald trump, it was like a melba toast trying to attack up you trying to attack if ia pitbull. Host would like to thank all of callers. Coming up, we continued our conversation on the president s corporate diagnosis with dr. Amesh adalja from the Johns Hopkins school of Public Health. And later, john hudak from brookings joins us to talk about what is happening behind the scenes to ensure the continuity of government. Stick around. We will be right back. Has toptv on cspan2 nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, p. J. Orourke talks about his collection of essays on American History, economics and culture in his book a cry from the far middle. Sunday at noon eastern on indepth, it to our conversation with a Harvard University professor. Then at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on after words, the professor talks about his book, interviewed by david hansen, author and Hoover Institution senior fellow. Watch book tv this weekend on cspan two. Weeknights starting monday, American History tv on cspan3 will air the original series the contenders. Scholars, historians and experts look at 14 men who ran for the president and lost, but change political history. All next week at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on American History tv on cspan3. Washington journal continues. Host we are back and we are talking to dr. Amesh adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for health security. He is here to discuss the latest on the president and the first ladys positive covid diagnosis. Dr. Adalja, good morning. Guest thank you for having me, good morning. Host first of all, tell us what you know about what the president and the first lady are going through with their treatments at walter reed this morning. Guest it is hard to know exactly what is going on if you are not part of the medical team taking care of the president. We know that he got an experimental antibody treatment yesterday, and we are hearing that he is getting intravenous remdesivir, which is an antiviral. He is also getting roundtheclock testing, probably has an intravenous line in place, routine blood work, and a lot of Supportive Care that we do for these patients that end up hospitalized with coronavirus. Understand,om all i is recovering at the white house and has a very mild case not requiring any specific type of treatment. Host President Trump is a 74yearold male who has been diagnosed with obesity. Those attributes increases his risk of developing a severe case of covid19. Is he in any danger . Guest it is definitely true that the president , because of his age and because he is of these, is in a high risk group, people who are more likely to be hospitalized, and indeed, the president is hospitalized. These individuals are more likely to develop pneumonia and have complicated cases. That is why it is important that those with risk factors, being above the age of 60, have obesity, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, the meticulous with what they are doing in terms of social interaction. Because if they do contract be honest, it is often not something that if they do contract of illness because if they do contract the illness, it is not something that is easy, they often end up hospitalized. Host we have heard on enough different messages about masks years. Out the for those of us who dont get the same medical care as the president of the United States, are you still suggesting Wearing Masks, social distancing, all those things are they still relevant now . Guest even more relevant now, because we are getting into this complacency and we are seeing virus and this people are more likely to do things indoors because it is getting colder. Yet. Nt have a vaccine the only thing you can do to protect itself is social distance and where a Face Covering. These things have been shown to major impact in how likely are to come into contact with the virus. It is really important when youre at Mass Gatherings or congregants settings. We saw for example at the white house, the announcement the Supreme Court nominee has been connected to many cases. Those types of events are very difficult to have in the current era, and they are much more dangerous when there is no social distancing and facial coverings the required of the attendees. Host let me remind our viewers, they can join in on this conversation. Lines. Open up regional that means if you are in the eastern and central time zones can let you can call 2027488000. If you are in the mountain and specific time zones, your number will be 2027488001. Keep in mind, you can always text us at 2027488003, and on were always reading on social media, and you can contact us that way as well. Dr. , they have said from the white house but President Trump is experiencing mild symptoms. Since testing positive. What does mild mean. Host it usually means fatigue, fevers, muscle aches. No evidence of shortness of breath, that would be something we would think about as severe. But i think it is a bit of a term of art. Mild symptoms dont necessarily mean the same thing to each person. I would say is 74yearold man who has fevers all day, which has been reported, is not something mild, and it is likely prompting the hospitalization. Oft and what can we expect the president to be going through in these next few days . They have already told us they expect him to stay a few days in hospital. Will they continue to use intravenous lines, will they move to a different treatment . What would a normal american be going through if they were hospitalized with the symptoms that they told us the president was experiencing . Guest very similar to what the president is having. He is likely going to get intravenous remdesivir, usually a fiveday course. Sometimes we shorten it if people get better quicker. They will be monitoring his oxygen status, how hard it is for him to breathe or get around. He will likely be doing some routine blood work to check and see how things are going. He will get fever control medications, simple things like tylenol and ibuprofen, monitoring his vital signs. But is usually what happens when a person like this gets admitted. They likely have done some imaging of his chest xray at a minimum to see if he has not developed pneumonia, and they may do another one in a couple of days to see if anything has changed. That is what we would do for any 74yearold with risk factors admitted. En obviously, if the symptoms progress and he may require supplemental oxygen, then you might see the care accelerate. He may get things like steroids like dexamethasone, but i think that is premature. It doesnt seem like he is in a situation where he needs extra oxygen or anything at this point. Host we have a question from one of our social media followers who wants to know, what is the most important method of keeping yourself safe, social distancing versus a less n100 mask. Host social distancing is the most important way. The virus needs social interaction. If you are away from people, you will not come into contact with this virus. If you wash your hands a lot as well, so that any kind of minimal surface transmission is decreased. I dont think people need n100 masks or even m 95 masks. It is important to remember that social distancing is the main thing. Masks are not a substitute for social distancing. You dont necessarily need to n95 masks to get the benefit of official covering. Host for those who dont know, can you explain the difference n100 and95 masks and what they mean. Host it means are they blocking 95 of the particles, or 100 of them . They are different than a surgical mask. We use n95 masks to take care of patients with tuberculosis or chickenpox, airborne pathogens where you worry about inhalation. With sarscovid2, the cause of the coronavirus, we recommend Health Care Workers wher n95 mas where procedures are going on. But for the general public to my eye not sure there is in a strong data that an n95 mask is necessary or useful or can be one properly, because they are uncomfortable. For the general public, we are recommending cloth Face Coverings. Being used for different reasons, more for source control, meaning if you are somebody who has the virus and doesnt know it, or mild symptoms that you attribute to something else, a Face Covering can stop particles come three of mouth and nose and infecting other people. And n95 mask is often for the protection of the wearer, but we dont have the us that is something the general public should be wearing. And it is something that we are worried about the supply of. We need those must in the hospital for workers who are taking care of patients with covid19 or that have other conditions where they need airborne precautions. So we want to make sure that n95 masks are available for Health Care Workers, because that is where the data says they are necessary. Host lets talk about the purpose for the mask. For the cloth covering and the mask coverings that americans are wearing, those masks are not to prevent the person wearing the mask from getting covid19, it is preventing supposedly, to ensure that the person isnt spreading the coronavirus, am i correct. Host that is the rationale. It is part of what we call source control, data that kind of came out during the pandemic. So when you see there was some shifting Public Policy positions on mask, it had to do with what learning. Early on we didnt think there were many people who had no symptoms but were contagious, but we are learning that there is a portion of individuals who dont know they are sick, who may not have symptoms, who cant and are who can transmit it to others. That is where the official can that is why the facial covering policy changed. People who wear Face Coverings have a decreased risk of getting infected as well. But that is not the purpose. If you get infected, you may get less virus and a less severe illness these are hype apices it is just these are hypotheses. Underway,processes because you want to have really strong guidance when you tell the general public what they should we were. Host lets let some of our viewers take part in the conversation. Rry,tart with ba was calling from new york. Good morning. Caller thank you so much for your very informative gusts comments. I have a couple of questions. My wife is in new york city schoolteacher. She has been going back to classes. Live we are both concerned because we are both over 60, my wife and i. My question is, i have my wife wearing a plastic face shield in addition to the mask, because the children are not compliant shes teaching younger kids. Some of them, i dont believe, will keep the masks on at all times. I am worried about the fish yields. They may protect i am worried about the face shields, they may protect my wife from getting aerosolized droplets into her eyes, i am hoping that will help my wife not get sick. Second question is, public bathrooms and toilet flushing and aerosolized droplets from toilet flushing, i am wondering if that is significant. Third one is, i see people Wearing Masks where their nose isnt covered. I think that is probably not being very effective. And i wanted to make a quick comment, i think it is important i just read something, a fox news pundit said something along the lines of, we are proud of trump goes he has taken one for the team. In some sense, he was being heroic by not being compliant etcetera, ig masks, just want to say, he is not being patriotic or somehow heroic. When nathan hale said his famous last words i regret that i have but one life to give from a country comical he wasnt saying other peoples lives, he was saying he regretted that he couldnt die multiple times. You are not being nathan hale. Trump is no nathan hale. Thank you. Host go ahead and respond. Guest so the first question was his fields. They are very important we are getting more data that face shields protect the wearer because they cover the eyes. There are individuals wondering, do we need to wear a mask if we are wearing face shields, may be that as an alternative to facemasks. Some states consider them equivalent. We know that people dont wear masks very well, as the caller said, people leave their nose out and that makes it not very effective. Everybody that wears of his shield usually wears it correctly, and they dont touch interface. Must touch your face a lot. It is very different they dont touch their face. Masks touch their faces a lot. I think it is a good idea to wear a face shield because i important. Is very there are studies that show the people who wear glasses are less likely to get infected because they likely touch their eyes less. It is something worth thinking about. When it comes to public restrooms, there is a theoretical risk. We have found the virus that causes covid19 in feces. When you flush, there is something called a toilet plume that can emanate. It is a theoretical risk but not a major risk. I havent had any issues or concerns about using a public restroom. That is something we have to think about but i dont think it is a major way people are getting infected. If you have a toilet that has a lid on it, if you flush the toilet with the lid closed you decrease the amount of the plume. Will most likely be hitting the person likely flushing it. There is probably some aerosolization for people in the bathroom, but it is likely the person who themselves is flushing the toilet. Host dr. Adalja, i have taken a couple of coronavirus tests, because i am an educator as well as the college level. I also took a couple of coronavirus tests when i went to visit my parents in mississippi. Talk a little bit about coronavirus test. Tests that current we take for coronavirus tell us . Is there one particular test that is better than others, or what should we be looking for. Host there is a lot of different coronavirus tests on the market. I will divide them into two big buckets. These are people who are infected, if you are looking to see, what is making my patients sick . That type of test is called the term. St, it is a fancy it is a test that looks for genetic material of the virus. If it is there, a tells you. So those are very sensitive, they require experienced Lab Personnel and are more expensive and have more ingredients that you need to run them. That is the main test people get, the pcr test. And that is what we have had shortages of and we have had problems with. The second type of dust is called an antigen test. If they have gotten a rapid flu test, those are antigen tests. Is that of looking for genetic material of the virus, they look for the actual structure of the virus. They are more likely to tell you that, yes, you have the virus, yes, youre contagious. If it is positive, you can stop there. They are easier and cheaper and faster to do. If they are negative, though, you may still have to do a pcr test to decide, what am i sick with, or why is my patients sick . , toasymptomatic screening see if people are contagious, the antigen is something that is looking at the structure of the virus. If that is positive, you are likely to be contagious. In the pcr test, if you are positive and asymptomatic, we dont know how contagious you are, or if those are remnants from a prior infection that was mild. Those are the two big tests we use. And the third type is an Antibody Test tells you if you have had exposure to the virus in the past. They are variable whether they are good or bad in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Antibodies do fall below the level of detection with time. T and does it matter how does it change anything about the test, the amount of time it takes to get results . Some of the tests i have taken take two weeks to get back. Some tests take 48 hours. Now i am hearing there are some that take 15 minutes. Doesnt matter the amount of time it takes to get results . Guest they definitely matters. We want the test to be useful. If it comes back in 14 days, it is useless. We shouldnt be paying for those type of tests. It is not an actionable test result. It doesnt help you as a patient. You are just waiting and have to selfquarantine for that period. So youre not allowed to go around your daily life. And so much of the damage has already been done. We ideally what results to come back in minutes. I think that is the goal, is to have actionable test results. This turnaround time we have with some of these pcr tests, when you get an outpatient test, it is unacceptable and will not make it easy to control the at rick it is control the outbreak. This is one of the major flaws in our was on that we cannot get this is one of the major flaws in our response, that we cannot get rapid tests. Host lets go back to the callers. Bed is calling from new york. Good morning. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. I have enjoyed the doctors discussion very much. I am a moderate democrat, and, yes, we do exist. I am working in the health field for the Indian Health service. I am just hoping that this episode of positivity for the covid tests that is raging through the white house sense the message to people that this cavalier attitude about masks and distancing is very dangerous and people need to take it seriously. I am hoping now that it has hit our top echelon, people will regard it as dangerous. I truly hope that President Trump survives. I dont wish him ill health, but i do hope that if he survives, that he has a little bit of a for the hundreds of thousands of people who have suffered from this disease. In closing, i do have one question, i see in the literature about a saliva test that needs to be called the yale saliva test. Could you maybe comment on that . Guest sure. When you get a sample most are swabs. Nasal there is a swap that goes all the way back into your nasal passages, or one in the anterior portions of the fun part of your nose. Another alternative is to use saliva. They have been around since the start of the pandemic, but there is a new test that yale pioneered with the National Basketball association. It is easy because you can selfcollect. But it doesnt require those reagents, extra ingredients that have been in short supply, to tests. It is something i think will probably become easier to use because it is is your to do self collected specimens. If you can think forward to it test that people can do at home and know their status, it likely will be a saliva test because it is easier to collect. You take saliva and put it on Something Like a litmus paper and that helps you know what your status is. So i think saliva tests will be something of the future, because we also have shortages of nasal swabs. We have had shortages of everything related to testing, but the nasal swabs are being 3d printed because we dont have enough. Host social media question for you as well, can an infected person know where and when they were infected . Yes. sometimes, if you are somebody who had certain interactions and you keep meticulous records of who you have been around and where and how long and you have some data from Contact Tracing about when you became symptomatic, when you tested positive and the others around you that tested positive, yes, you can sometimes figure it out. Sometimes it is hard. Suppose you went to a rock concert or a big mass gathering, it would be hard to know who infected you. But if it was an interaction with one person who been tested positive and that was one of very few directions, you can pinpoint. So sometimes you can and sometimes you cant. It helps us understand the story of how people are getting infected, which then guides our Public Health decisionmaking and action. That is why Contact Tracing is so important. When the phone rings from the Health Department, you should pick it up and help them figure it out. That is the only way we will get a handle on this, finding people who may be infected, telling them they may be exposed so they can get tested. That is why we do Public Health. Think about tuberculosis. Year,e 10,000 cases every but we dont worry about them because we have such robust Contact Tracing for tuberculosis. We can get that way with coronavirus but only if people can be tested, traced and isolated and comply with tracing efforts from the Health Department. Host lets talk to our caller from boston, massachusetts. Nadu, good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. My question from the doctor is, i know someone who wears a mask, doesnt go out, stay home religious, only going out to pick up food in the supermarket, and ended up having the coronavirus. Can a doctor explain how that happened . Masksp maying about be the droplets can get through your clothing or your bodyp doesnt matter if you wash your there,f you touch you can get the virus. Thank you for taking my call. Guest so, you have to remember that masks are not 100 . There are people that can get infected. You have to remember also that you have to wear your mask correctly you cant touch your face and it needs to be mouth. Ur nose and it is more about protecting other people than it is protecting you. We know that cloth masks are not 100 effective. You can still get infected if somebody around you was not wearing a mask, or maybe you touched something and then touched your eyes. Remember, masks dont touch your eyes and we are learning that people can get infected from their eyes. It is on, that it can happen it is uncommon but it can happen. I would look to see if it got infected through their eyes or if someone was not wearing a mask around them. Host something we have been talking about on the show since the beginning of the pandemic is handwashing and Hand Sanitizer especially when talking about being able to get coronavirus through your eyes. How important is using Hand Sanitizer and handwashing . Guest handwashing is one of the Core Principles of Public Health. If people wash their hands meticulously, we would have a different world when it comes to Infectious Diseases, because people transmit infections through their hands. This has to be a core part of how we move forward. Handwashing has to become the norm every time you touch it,touch surface or before you touch your face, shake some to his hand, or hand somebody an object. We need to make that normal, and it is very easy now with all these alcoholbased Hand Sanitizers and Spray Bottles so there is really no excuse for not handwashing. Host michael is calling from florida. Good morning. Caller good morning and thank you so much for everyone doing this doing this for everyone. I am calling from florida. Dont know if you are aware of it, but they are trying to open us up here. On the 21st, just a few days ago, the cbc removed mention of aerosols from its website. The reason the timing is very suspicious, is down here in florida, in the Fourth Largest School District in the country, we were blackmailed. We had an allfemale board and our community does not want to open, we were one of the worst hit, howard broward county. They were going to withhold a quarter of a million dollars. Regardtion to you is in to air filtering. When you look on the website, if it is an aerosol, if you look at the engineering society, they say the air should be moved at least twice per hour using hepa filtration. Most schools dont have hepa filtration. If you look on the cbc website, they dont play things where there are shortages or where it involves doing any action really for viruses. For example, and i ask you to do this in addition to answering the question about hepa filtering in a classroom. We need a definitive answer from someone. Because when you go to the cbc website, it is so basic the website, they post this article, which, when youre looking to read about something that is really old, like say a traffic light, that is an old technology. So you look for things that are kind of edgy. So you start out at the beginning of the article saying, this is something everyone should use. And in fact every article you see mentioned, if it is peerreviewed, will say that. But then they go into the details and say, watch out, the timing can be off on traffic lights. Sometimes if someone has their heard on the road, disregard the traffic light. That end of the article is it gives you the impression that you shouldnt trust these traffic lights, use your eyes. Of course you need to use the traffic lights to know went to go or not go. School. E specific to a if im not using masks and one student comes into a class, the entire class gets sick. Bit. He was going off a go ahead and answer the question, doctor. Guest it is a controversial topic and it has to do with a lot of semantics between the way Infectious Disease doctors and epidemiologists talk about transmission and the way biologists talk about it. The primary way people get infected is through the respiratory route. Droplets, some of which fall to the ground within six feet. Some may be aerosolized drawings talking. Oing speech or some people get infected through a true airborne pathogen, like measles or tuberculosis or chickenpox. We are not seeing that type of epidemiology. I know this is controversial. Infectious disease doctors and biologists are putting their heads about this. Is reflected in the cbcdc guidance. I dont believe we have to them inepa filters, put schools. You have to look at the epidemiology. Are people getting infected the way they do with measles . The answer is no. Household attack rate isnt as high as it is with measles. I dont think you need to do that. You have to think about not necessarily filtration, but ventilation. Making sure have ventilation and doing social distancing. But i dont think every school needs to have a hepa filter, although there are some that advocate doing that. I dont think there is evidence that he will have a major benefit. If you look at the epidemiology, we are not seeing true airborne transmission in the manner of measles. Not that it cant happen, but it is not a major part of transmission. Or has been a lot of debate about that there has been a lot of debate about that. It is not something i am recommending people do at this weight because there is not strong data to show that it is going to decrease rates. I think the only benefit would be marginal if any. Again, this will be something that will continue to be debated. Host one of the things we hear lots of conversation around is the question of whether asymptomatic people can spread the coronavirus. One of our social media followers has a question about this, can the good dr. Explain how they confirm asymptomatic people can spread the virus, because my personal care physician cannot explain it to me because she can figure out how they know this. Guest this is something that was an important question early on in the endemic. We know that with an Infectious Disease that has asymptomatic transmission, it will be by containable. N you have to look at it case contact investigation, look at an individual that was infected, and the only contact they had was with somebody who also was infected but only became sick after the fact or never became sick. You look at that data. When was the person in contact with the index case . At that time, did the index case symptoms . . It . Can be tricky because people have very love symptoms they dont realize are from the coronavirus. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish asymptomatic transmission from what we symptomatic, meaning very few symptoms. If there is no explanation, that is when you go to symptomatic to asymptomatic transmission. You can see, when is the viral load high in your nasal secretions . You can see, yes, there is a virus in their respiratory secretions. That gives you a hint that asymptomatic transmission is possible. That doesnt mean it happens all the time, we still dont know all the factors that govern whether somebody is an asymptomatic transmitter or not, but it is something that happens. We havent seen it with past. Virus is in the that is why a lot of the guidance changed and why this virus is a lot more difficult to contain than we officially thought it would be. Asymptomatic transmission was shown to be some level of transmission. Host lets go to martha from texas. Martha, good morning. Caller thank you. I went yesterday to get a flu and theyy drugstore were out of the one for me. I had to sign up. Varieties compared to your age. I am 80. Last year i didnt think there were two varieties of a flu shot. Could you explain . Guest sure. There are a couple of different varieties of the flu shot based on age, there have been for some time. Because individuals are so much at higher risk of complications from influenza, and because we know their immune system does not react very well to the vaccine, there have been special vaccines formulated for people over the age of 65. One is a highdose flu vaccine where they take four times more of a vaccine protocols and put them in there so you get a bigger boost. There is another one for the elderly where they put another chemical to boost your immune system is. What are the two vaccines, is a highdose vaccine and the other is an edge of mentored vaccine one is called the agumented vaccine. It is important for the elderly to get as much protection as possible from influenza. Those are the ones you should look at if you are 80 years of age. They are much more in stock now than they were several years ago and there is more information about them and data that shows that they are better than the regular flu vaccine for those groups. Als in those age host since we are talking about the flu, i want to bring in another question about the flu from one of our social media followers. Would the precautions people are taking a guess covid19 help minimize the annual flu . Around here, more people are getting the flu vaccine than normal. Are you all pushing people to get the flu shot more because of coronavirus, or are we going to see a smaller number of people getting coronavirus because getting the flu because of the precautions of coronavirus . Guest i think the answer is all of the above. It is true that social distancing, the masking policies will have an impact on other respiratory viruses, including influenza. The Southern Hemisphere is just ending their flu season. For example, in australia, their flu season was said to be 99 lower than previous years, and that is because of the social distancing measures we use for coronavirus work against influenza. That will definitely be something we have to think about, what is the impact on other respiratory viruses . Hopefully they will keep the flu at bay. We are recommending getting the highest number of people vaccinated for influenza. You have to remember, influenza and coronavirus compete for the same hospital beds, icu beds, ppe, even some of the testing agents. Especially because we have an effective vaccine against influenza, this is something we want to make sure we have the cap 50 to deal with coronavirus cases the capacity to deal. Ith coronavirus cases openly we will have a recordbreaking flu vaccine season. Every year, only about 50 of americans get it. If we had it higher, we would be in a better place. Remember, the flu still kills thousands of americans every year. Host joanne is calling from kingsport, tennessee. Good morning. Caller can you hear me . Host we can hear you. Caller i just want to make one statement and then ask my questions. There is more people dying from than thefleflu covid19. I have done my research. I also did my research about the masks. Numerous doctors have said this virus is so small that the virus does not protect you. And another thing is, our Health Department here could have a mandate put out a mandate that people with breathing problems are not wear a mask. It says, do not, in capital letters. Havew of people that passed out from wearing a mask because they are not getting enough oxygen. Respond, dr. D and adalja. Guest mostly everything said in the phone call was false. They were lies and disinformation. Lets go through them. The first is more people dying from h1n1 than the coronavirus. During the height of the h1n1 pandemic, about 20,000 or so americans died. This is over 200,000 americans. It is a more severe virus than h1n1, so that is a lie. The second thing regarding people not getting enough oxygen with these cloth masks or surgical masks that is not true as well, that also is a lie. We know that people wear masks when they get, for example is surgeon wendy are in the or when they are in the or for 18 hours. They are clearly getting enough oxygen. There are some considerations with n95 masks, and i am not recommending them to the general public, but it is not true that you deprive yourself of oxygen when wearing those must. If you are somebody that doesnt want to wear a mask, you can wear a face shield. They are an alternative in most states. People who go after masks, i dont see them wearing face shields as well, so i think there is some inconsistency. Here we have never said that the facemask as i am protecting you from getting the virus. It is one way to decrease. It is not a substitute for social distancing. These are strong man arguments and more disinformation that were seeing that has trickled out into the public. It makes it harder for all of us to get control of the virus, because we continually have to battle these conspiracy theories that just really are running rampant in a way that we havent you with other Infectious Disease emergencies. Host lets go to grant, calling from orlando, florida. That morning. Caller good morning to you. Entlemen a couple of quick points about why isnt anybody throughout this entire year reporting on the closed cases . It is 77 globally and 66 domestically. And if we are doing such a terrible job here in the United States, our death rate is actually lower than the global average. Than one final point about here in florida is that florida is dependence on tourist money economically is devastating here. Europeans, asians and canadians cant come here. Americans arent coming here because of the summer spike and not everybodys back in school. Optimistic estimates for 2021 say that florida will be running at about 60 of normal. Reopen does not mean rebound. Thank you so much. Guest so, i agree that the case fatality rate is falling in the United States. That is a testament to the fact that we have learned a lot about this virus from march of 2020 two october of 2020. 2020. October of we can diagnose people quicker. We have new tools like dexamethasone and around the severe. We have the ability to understand what complications people have, to anticipate them and prevent them and treat them much quicker than we could in march. I do think we are seeing an improvement in the care of patients. That is responsible partly for our falling death rates. Were also protecting vulnerable populations better. Early on, some governors were having Nursing Homes accept patients that were still contagious, and we know that led to disastrous consequences at Nursing Homes. We are not making those mistakes at the same level now. And people being socially distance and wearing Face Coverings are also getting less of the virus. That is influencing the outcome as well. We are Getting Better at treating this and that is a good thing, but it is still a disease that can kill in a disease that we have to be vigilant about. It doesnt mean we return to shutdowns. It means being able to build test racing and isolating community that countries like taiwan have had since the beginning. Host chris is calling from silver spring, maryland. Good morning. Caller good morning. H1n1, it infected more people. 80 Million People, as i understand. Covid is more virulent and will affect 80 million, handwashing and maskwearing help about . And another question, things we can take like vitamin d, zinc, aspirin, and other drugs that help zinc work better. Than my swor third question, regarding the test [indiscernible] due to the use of blood thinners and anticoagulants . That should take care of everything. Thanks, doc . Guest it is true, h1n1 was very prolific. When it first appeared, it is affected 1 5 of the worlds population. 61 million americans got infected. That is a testament to how contagious the flu is and why it is always a major pandemic threat. Although it was prolific and affected a lot of people, its death rate was not that high. It had a very small death rate compared to even seasonal influenza. That is what got people to them change the recommendations because we realize quickly after we saw the data from mexico, it biased sample and only talking about hospitalized patients. It had in lower case fatality ratio than the seasonal flu. Although it was very disruptive and was something that we could have done better responding to. But it is not the same level of threat as covid19. ,hen it comes to vitamin d there is some data that people that are vitamin ddeficient, in Many Americans are, that it affects your susceptibility to respiratory infections and their severity. So it is important to take vitamin d supplementation. Some individuals may be deficient and you can do that in a lab test. There is a strong data on zinc. There have been some studies that say that zinc works for the common cold, and coronaviruses cause about 20 of the common cold. I encourage people not zinc in their nose. It can destroy their sense of smell. Zinc lozenges, i dont think theres much harm in them, but i dont think there is much data on them as well. Blood thinners are an important part of how we take care of patients. The coronavirus does make your blood more likely to clot. That is something we learned during the pandemic and probably something that has improved our outcomes in the hospital, because now we are opportunity giving people blood thinners as prophylaxis or even sometimes the high treatment dose because of the threat of clots. I think i got all the questions there. Host you did. We would like to thank dr. A motion indulge a, senior scholar dr. Image indulge in dr. Adalja, for coming on and discussing the latest with the covid19 and coronavirus. Dr. Adalja, thank you so much for taking the time this morning. Guest thank you for having me. Host coming up, we will be joined by john hudak, senior wholar at brookings wrote a report this summer called what happens if President Trump contracts covid19 . We will be right back. American history tv on cspan3. Exploring the people and events that tell the american story every weekend. Coming up this weekend, today at 2 00 p. M. Eastern, the white house conference on American History with President Trumps september 17 executive order establishing a National Commission to promote Patriotic Education . Then at 5 00 nazieastern, a look at persecution and murder of the disabled from the u. S. Holocaust memorial museum. Sunday at 4 00 p. M. Eastern on reel america, a series of archival films on wildfires, firefighting and fire prevention. At 6 30 p. M. Eastern, watch of the 1984 vicepresident ial did eight between george vicepresident ial debate. Exploring the American History. Watch American History tv this weekend on spin three. On cspan three. Sunday at noon eastern on indepth, our live conversation with a Harvard University professor, whose most recent book is if then. Other titles include the secret history of wonder woman. And the book of ages. Join yo the conversation with your phone call, facebook comments, text and tweets, sunday at noon eastern on book tv on cspan two. Q a, the caton ilya shapiro talks about his book on the history of u. S. Supreme Court Nominations and confirmations. Curiously, the issue of abortion didnt play large a role in the couple of confirmations after roe him down. Roe was 1973. Two years later, John Paul Stevens was nominated, a moderate republican in his day, though to the left jurisprudential he. He was not asked about the case. And sandra day oconnor, her 1981 process didn, it didnt play as large a role. It was not until bork in 1987 assumed that whose role it plays in all of our Supreme Court discussions. Sunday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan q a. Washington journal continues. Host were back with brookings institutions governance studies hudak, herew john to discuss with us the president and the first ladys covid19 diagnosis and what could happen next. Good morning. Guest good morning. Host so how serious is it that the president of the United States has a positive covid19 result . Guest it is probably the most serious crisis sitting president has had since resident reagan 1981. Ot in the president help is important to him and his family but it is important to the nation and to the world. Ill president creates uncertainty that affects the financial markets, affects our relationship with our allies and obviously with our enemies as well, and i think that uncertainty has really spread throughout the world over the past 2436 hours. While americans and a lot of people around the world are praying for the president and the first lady and his staff to get well, in the meantime, there are a lot of questions that will need to be answered by the white house and others and assurances that need to be made around the country and around the world that the president is well, and throughout the process, the status of the president s health. Host you wrote in july and article that says what happens if President Trump contracts covid19 . Here is one of the paragraphs from the story, where you said, it would be important for the president to communicate with the public, especially if he is mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic. Seeing the president on camera can restore faith in his wellness, calm americans, stabilized stock markets that would surely see a deep in the event of a positive test, and project of world that the president remains well enough to execute the office. It has only been one day. But are we seeing any of that. . Guest we did see that yesterday. He released a short video on twitter standing on his own, communicating with the public, telling them that he was feeling ok, that he feels like he is doing very well and that he was going to Walter Reed Medical Center for precautionary reasons and for treatment. That was a good first step. Unfortunately, we are in a spot is in ae the president medical facility and his ability to communicate with the public on camera is probably a little curtailed, though i dont know what exactly the rules are within the president ial suite in walter reed. What he president will get in terms of his cell phone and whether he will talk to the public. But in terms of tweeting. , dialing into phone Television Interviews if you can, is an important way to show people that there is transparency in this process and that the president is doing fine. Host what will be the impact on the pres. s daily duties from the president s daily duties . What is the impact . Guest the information that the president needs can be gotten to him no matter where he is, whether he is on the opposite side of the world, whether he is in air force one, in a bunker beneath the white house, or in walter read medical center. The president ial suite at walter reed is designed processing for these situations. While obviously the most important issue right now is the president s health, this patient at walter reed is unlike any other patient. He is the leader of the free world, president of the United States, and there are processes in place to ensure that classified information can be gotten to the president. Briefed. An be that he can communicate with in the of his staff and any world leader that he would need to at any moment. So long as the president s health allows it, the processes of government will go on from walter reed, much the way they would from the white house. Host your book pointed out that the president has access to some of the best health care in the world at walter reed but his age and his weight put him at a higher risk at a high risk category. How important is it for the American People to know what is happening with his health, and what treatment he is getting at walter reed . Guest it is critically important. We value in the United States privacy and health care for individuals, and while the president is certainly entitled to some of that privacy, we also have to recognize that he is a patient unlike any other and his health and his wellbeing affects a lot of americans. As i said earlier, it affects markets around the United States and around the world. So long as the president is doing well, the American Public is entitled to do that. Unfortunately, if we get to the unfortunate event where the president is not doing well, it is important to communicate that as well. We have processes in place if his Health Declines to ensure the continuity of government and it is critical that americans and the public at large understands what is going on inside the president ial suite at walter reed. Host lets let our viewers join in on the conversation. We will open up regional lines. That means if you are in the easterncentral times of 2027488000. ,if you are in the mountain and pacific time zones 2027488001. Atd you can always text us 2027488003. One of the things he also said in your story from july is that the line of succession to the president would have to be protected. I would read. It would paragraph be important to keep Vice President pence, Speaker Pelosi, senator grassley, the president pro tempore, and members of the cabinet isolated from the president. It would be especially important to ensure the Vice President has limited contact with individuals generally to reduce his chances of contracting the virus as well. The white house is saying that Vice President pence has tested negative. Speaker pelosi has also said she has tested negative. Should they be doing anything special to ensure that they do not catch covid19 . Guest absolutely. Obviously, all eyes are on the president s health and wellbeing, but the reality is that the presidency is more than one person, more than one man, and we need to think about what happens next. It is important to remember, the president is currently hospitalized with the virus that has killed 210,000 americans. This is a serious moment and we need to think about the president and keep him in our thoughts and prayers, but we also need to think about the Vice President , the speaker, the president pro tem, and sunni members of the cabinet as part of the line of succession. It would be a real mistake for the Vice President to continue his daily activities as he has been conducting them, because he to aight now, very close heartbeat away from the presidency. He needs to think clearly that even if the president doesnt pass away from this, the president may need to temporarily transfer power to the Vice President ,s health is absolutely essential to maintain. Taking the steps to do that i am sure is happening in some context right now, but the white house and the campaign really need to think clearly about how much contact the Vice President has. And after that, the speaker, who is older than the president and the Vice President , for health needs to be maintained. And the president pro tem of the senate is older than all three of them. You needs to take extra precautions in the unlikely or unfortunate event that he needs to step in as acting president. Host the Vice President has a debate coming up soon on wednesday. Should he take extra precautions when he goes to debate democratic west president ial harris . E, kamala guest absolutely. In that setting, it is more than just about the Vice President. At the debate, one of those two people on the stage will be Vice President of the United States come january 20. In that sense, it is important to protect the Vice President s health primarily for the line of succession. It is also important to protect senator harriss health as in a few months, she may be the person a heartbeat away from the presidency. In that sense we saw distancing happening at the debate, of course, that kind of distancing happens at every president ial debate with the exception of course, of canceling the traditional handshake before and after the debate. Obviously, extra precautions need to be put in place. The Vice President needs to be put. Traveled with the fewest Staff Members as possible, he to come into contact with the fewest number of people in that arena, and he and senator harris need to stay as far apart from each other as possible. At the end of the day, where the white house has said that the Vice President has not come into contact with people in the white house who are testing positive, we dont know how many people in the white house yet are going to test positive. There are a lot of question marks about whether the Vice President s health will continue to be what it is now, and that is in negative covid test. Continues, but extra precautions need to be in place particularly because what is happening in the white house with regards to this virus is still an unknown. Host lets let our viewers join in. We start with richard calling from ohio. Richard, good morning. Caller good morning. I have a could nancy pelosi become president if the Supreme Court is 44 if this lady is not nominated . How does she become president if the Supreme Court is still 44 on january 20 . Guest there are a couple of processes by which Speaker Pelosi could become president. The first is if the president and Vice President die. She is next after the Vice President in the line of succession. If the president and Vice President were incapacitated, she would step in as acting president. That also plays out in a way around the election. If the election were unresolved on election day, which is extraordinarily unlikely to happen, but if it were unresolved, that means the electoral votes were not counted, congress did not certify the election, there would be no president or Vice President elect to swear into office. In that case, the speaker would become the acting president so long as the election remained unresolved. When it was resolved, the would bels elected sworn into office just like they would be on january 20. The only way nancy pelosi or whoever would be speaker of the house would become president in their own right would be because of the death, removal, or resignation of both the president and Vice President. Otherwise, her role would be temporary and in an acting capacity. It is important to note when we get past january 3, there would be a new congress. All signs point to democrats maintain control of the house and nancy pelosi remaining as speaker. But if something were to change, that conversation would be around whoever is the speaker is at that point. Host speaking of Speaker Pelosi, there has been an argument floating around about the president ial succession line. Right now, we go from Vice President to speaker of the house. Apparently, a yale law professor argued in 1995 the House Speaker becoming the acting president would be unconstitutional, saying the constitution says officers, and they mean that to mean people in the executive skip thehich would speaker and pro tempore. What do you think about that . Guest it is challenging under the constitution. It is certainly not a universal approach or theory on this. We have never had to test this. The furthest we have gone in the line of succession is the Vice President , thankfully. I do think if we were in a situation where both the president and Vice President were either incapacitated, no longer in office, or dead, we would be in a very serious national crisis. Would step inlosi as acting president , legal challenges would arise, they would be dealt with in the courts. But during that time, i cannot imagine a federal court issuing werejunction saying they removing nancy pelosi as acting president , or against whoever the speaker was at the time acting president. That would play out in the courts. Ultimately, the Supreme Court would decide the constitutionality of the first two rungs of the president ial succession act. That would be an enormous national crisis. We would be hoping the process would be a seamless one. But it would be a real challenge in terms of dealing with how the administrations government and lawsuits would be adding significantly to that challenge and crisis. Host before we go to our next caller, a bit of breaking news. We have had a third republican announce he is now positive for covid19. Senator ron johnson of wisconsin is the third Senate Republican to test positive for coronavirus. Like you said, this is an ongoing and moving news event as we are finding out more people who have been in the white houses orbit are now testing positive for coronavirus. Sorry, go ahead. In, this i could jump goes back to the point we were discussing earlier about the importance of protecting the line of succession. We now have three sitting senators who are covid positive. Person on the line of succession, the third person to succeed the president , chuck grassley, and president pro tem, he needs to be isolated from Senate Colleagues and staff. Just like in the white house when we dont know how many will test positive, that is increasingly troop in the senate as well. As a member of the line of grassley ischuck important to ensure. Go to kathy from kansas. Caller good morning. The question i have is about the white house itself. Complex is soouse old, how are they protecting the staff . ,resident and mrs. Trumps son how is it working in the white house . Is it difficult to protect them and their health from all of positive . Le testing there are employees of the white house. As the employer of the white house, they are obliged to protect all of the people working in the white house. Is that difficult because of the and howhe white house old of a facility it is . Guest your question is an important one. You are right that the white house tends to be close quarters. It is true in the west wing. The residents of the white house is more spread out and very few people have access to that. As you noted, there are a lot of people who support the president. It is not just the chief of staff and press secretary. It is people working in the kitchen, doing housekeeping and maintenance. They are moving throughout that building every day in an effort to support the first family and staff who work in the white house. Isknow the white house taking additional precautions to ensure the health of the west wing staff. But you can be certain they are also working to protect the health of those people who are behind the scenes workers in the white house who are everyday people. They are not the people on camera. They are not the president s surrogates. They are people who have been working tirelessly across administrations in nonpolitical roles to do their job to make sure the president and first family have what they need. Becausegreat question those individuals at risk are often forgotten in conversations about what happens when something serious is happening within the white house. Of course, we hope they remain healthy and able to do their jobs and that the protections the white house will put in place will meet ensure their health is maintained. Shirley is calling from hot springs, arkansas. Caller good morning to all of you. I am not talking about the president being in the hospital today. I have a message. I felt cipher him sorry for him. Host shirley, go ahead. Caller anyway, everybody was jumping on him at the debate. They was trying to make out like he was doing something wrong because of White Supremacy. If they would just look in the means supremeat court, superior jobs. God. Ost supreme being is he did not know what to say. I know he did not know what to say, because they were acting like White Supremacists were people that go around killing people or something. I dont really know what they meant. Host john . Guest obviously, there was a lot of concern and criticism about the president failing to distance himself from some organized groups within our country who have committed themselves to white supremacist views. His unwillingness to condemn those groups created a lot of backlash. What we do know from the fbi is that groups like these are organized. They are coordinated. They are using social media to communicate. They do espouse views that actionsvery serious like committing crimes, including murder, against people of color and other minority groups. It is a really serious problem in this country. Separate from the president ial week, we have seen information from the fbi director himself warning americans about these domestic terrorist groups and the threat they pose to americans. I would caution you not to take so lightly what these groups and their ideologies stand for because the fbi has notified the white house, congress, and public that they pose a real threat to our country. Marshall is calling from park ridge, illinois. Good morning. Caller thank you very much for your service to our nation. This is incredible. Cspan is wonderful. I wanted to call in because i have great skepticism about the timing of this announcement that the president is at walter reed coming off of a train wreck of a inability to respond about denouncing White Nationalism and supremacy. I find it very questionable as to the timing. That we get dr. Fauci to evaluate President Trump and come online and validate what is going on. Thank you very much for your time. I appreciate the opportunity to speak. Thank you. Guest i have heard a lot of conversations over the last day and a half over the kind of skepticism you mentioned. I will counter that with a couple of items. The medical professionals at walter reed are topnotch. If the president were feigning this situation, which i generally genuinely do not believe he is, the walter reed medical staff would let that be known to the president and his staff. Idead, in terms of the that the president is doing this to avoid future debates or because of his performance in the first debate, i dont think that matches the reality of the president s reaction to the debate. We solve a publicly the president thought he did a very very publicly saw the president thought he did a very good job. He seemed prepared and ready and eager to take on joe biden again in future debates. Because of that, i dont think he would be feigning Something Like this. Withdition to that now only positive tests in the senate, people who have been to the white house and in the white house, it would need to be a coordinated conspiracy for everyone to go along with this. I dont see that as likely as happening. Host lets talk about the impact of the president s positive covid results on the stock market and economy. Marketdips in the stock on friday after the announcement. What effect could this have on the economy while we are in the middle of a pandemic . Guest obviously, the stock market responds to certainty and uncertainty. Anytime there is uncertainty, the stock market gets a little bit nervous. There are sometimes selloffs. We saw yesterday morning before the stock market opened that dow futures were down over 400 points. Ultimately, they pared back some of the losses as the president s condition became clear. In addition to that, there was other news happening in the country and hope there would be a relief package passed by congress. That helped the stock market. Moving forward, uncertainty is really the issue. Importanty it is so for the president and white house to communicate with the public and keep them abreast of the president s health. The presidency is about more than one person. If something unfortunately were to happen to the president , the presidency would continue. Mike pence would take over temporarily or permanently. The business of government would go on. They would certainly be dips in the stock market and concerns around the world about what would happen during that interim time. But ultimately, our republic, our system of government, is built to endure those types of events. Our constitution has been designed to deal with those situations. In the extraordinary event of president ial incapacitation or death, there would be an interim time of uncertainty that would ight itself eventually and markets would rebound. Mr. Pence would step into the role. Of contingencies in place in case something happens to President Trump, talk about Section Three of the 20 for the amendment 25th amendment. Who could invoke this and how would that work . Guest it was ratified by the to deal with what happens if the president were to become incapacitated. We know what happens if a president dies. We knew what happened if a president resigned or was removed after impeachment. The Vice President would step up. But what would happen if the president were alive but unable to discharge his duties . Designedamendment was in part to deal with those contingencies. There are two key portions of the 25th amendment, Section Three and section four. Section three says the president can voluntarily turnover the powers of the office to the Vice President in an acting capacity if he knows he is going to be unable to discharge his duties. That has happened a few times. President reagan needed some cancerous polyps removed when he was president in the late 1980s. During that time, during his surgery he was under anesthesia and unable to do the job, he transferred temporarily the powers of the office to Vice President george h. W. Bush who served as acting president for a couple of hours. And when president reagan came out of anesthesia, he took the powers back. In the early 2000s president george w. Bush had a colonoscopy during which he was sedated and unable to discharge the powers of the office. He temporarily transferred power over to Vice President dick cheney who served as acting president. That is the process if a president can foresee this. If thecurrent situation, doctors came to President Trump and said, mr. President , your oxygen levels are too low, your condition is getting serious, we need to put you on a ventilator, a person on the ventilator is almost always sedated, and so, he would be unable to fulfill the powers of his office. He could temporarily transfer the powers of the office to mr. Pence. Section four deals with the situation in which this happens suddenly or the president is not transfer those powers over. In that case, the Vice President and majority of the cabinet can notify congress the president is incapacitated. And then, those powers are force transferred from the present to the Vice President temporarily. Host lets go back to our phone lines and talk to felicia from des moines, iowa. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. Our president is taking an experimental drug that has not fda. Approved by the i wonder, why is it the most powerful man in the world is taking an experiment of drug experimental drug . He took that yesterday. I understand this therapy is supposed to block the receptor cells so the virus is not able to get into his system. If they did that yesterday and turned around last night and gave him something else, im not sure how that works. How do those things work . Why would we be giving that to the most powerful man in the world . Isnt one of the side effects delusions . What if something happens and trump does not and over power to pence . I dont think he would do that to begin with because that would make him a loser. But what happens . You kind of explained it right before i came on. Approval to say mike pence should take over the presidency if donald trump has become delusional and cannot give an answer . Guest felicia, i will preface my answer by saying i am not a medical doctor, i am not a medical professional, so i will steer away from the more technical parts of your question about the use of these therapies. What i will say is like in any medical setting, therapies and treatments come with risks. The doctors at Walter Reed Medical Center and the white house physician will look at the data we have around the therapies they are considering administering to the president , recognize what the risks are, and determine whether it is safe to give that as a therapy or treatment to the president , recognizing of course that this is a decision that carries much larger consequences than if you were being administered those therapies or i was. I am certain the medical professionals at walter reed are not putting the president s health in jeopardy by using something that is experimental. They are recognizing those risks and side effects and taking that course of action. In terms of the latter part of your question about side effects from therapy, i dont know the side effects of the therapies the president is being administered. I am sure we dont know all of the medicines he is being given. If thewill say is president did have a side effect between drug to a drug he was given and was in a state where that isncapacitated, something the doctors will be keeping an eye on clearly. If the president did have a bad reaction like you described, they would certainly be communicating with the chief of staff and the Vice President. If he were experiencing symptoms like that, they would notify the Vice President that the president is incapacitated. That is part of the job of those doctors right now. Not just to treat the president but to treat the presidency. It is important for them to be aware at all moments whether the president is able to do his job or not. If he is unable to, and obviously if you were in a delusional state or some other altered state, it would be the Vice President and cabinet who would make the decision, almost certainly in consultation with the medical professionals at walter reed. Host one of our social media followers have an electionrelated question for you. What happens to the election if trump has to step down . Many ballots have already been cast for him. Would pence inherit the votes . Could the election be delayed . Guest i will start with the last part of the question. The election will not be delayed , even over the president leaving office or being declared incapacitated, we have never delayed an election in our history. This is not a reason to do it now. Congress makes the decision over whether to postpone an election or not. In terms of the first part of if the president were to withdraw from the race, if he were incapacitated or passed away, the Republican National committee would organize and select a new president ial candidate. My guess is that would almost certainly be Vice President pence. But that is how that process works. Question includes one of the real difficulties this late in a president ial campaign. People are already voting. Ballots have already been printed. People are going to the polls unlikely likely voting for trump and pence and biden and harris no matter what happens. That creates a real complication. Each state sets laws about how electorals are to vote. In some states, there is discretion. In other states, there is not that kind of discretion. If the president were to withdraw and advance, i think it would create a difficult situation in the Electoral College that would lead to a lot of lawsuits and a lot of uncertainty. You might see state legislatures responding to what would be a crisis situation. To fastforward a little bit, based on a question ive gotten a lot over the last day and a half, what would happen if the president were to become incapacitated or die after the election or after the Electoral College met . In that situation, if the trumppence ticket were reelected on inauguration day, first, the Vice President would have already taken over the powers of the office or the office in advance. On inauguration day, he would be sworn in first as Vice President and immediately sworn in as president. Host how would they select the next Vice President . Guest if the vice presidency is vacant, we have provisions in the constitution to deal with that as well. The president would nominate a Vice President. The Vice President ial nominee would need to be confirmed by both the senate and house. For cabinet members and judicial nominees, only the senate participates in the confirmation process. For a Vice President , both the house and senate engage in that. That has happened twice in our 1970s, first with gerald ford after agnew resigned from office and when gerald ford elevated when president nixon resigned from samee, he went through the process of nominating a Vice President. Host lets go to tony calling from fort lauderdale, florida. Good morning. Caller good morning. One quick question. What are the rules about what i can ask . Can i address anything this guest raised . My only limited, as your screener suggested, to only this topic . Host we are talking about this topic. Caller your guest made a comment. Iat is what prompted my call am wondering if you raised a comment, can i question him on it . Host any reasonable question you want to ask. Epitome of are the sartorial splendor as usual. Guestsi forgot your name. What seems to be the common trope that the president refused to condemn White Supremacists. I dont know how many times this question gets asked. I am asking you to condemn child pornography. How many times would you put up with that question . I dont know who these proud boys are. I know they are not White Supremacists. They may be violent groups. Ets stick to the facts not what theust politicians say because politicians will do what they are going to do, but how can we trust the scientists when they will not even admit when they . Ave lied to us they will not admit when they were wrong. Admit when they have been wrong, show humility. Say you are wrong and to say this is what we now believe and are is what you should do. How can we trust them . Guest i will start with the first part, tony. Commentshe president s around White Supremacy is the reason why that question keeps popping up. Other politicians, other republican politicians, mike pence, is not getting that question over and over. The reason is he is answering it in the right way. They are condemning White Supremacy. The president has not been able to do that. I think the president wants to stop getting that question, you should look into his own heart about his own views on the issue and answer the question in a way that the vast majority of americans would want him to do it and have a clear, unequivocal combination of that type condemnation of that type of ideology. On the second question about the science, i think that you brought up an important point, that is this is a new virus that is ravaging throughout the world. We do not know everything about the virus, but we know about other diseases that have been around for quite some time. Like with any line of work, there is a learning process. The scientists involved with this issue, with this virus and therapies around it are learning as they go. And i think there is a space for listen,ts to say, we were wrong before and here is what the data shows us. But i think it is important to remember that scientists are not lying to the American Public, they are being increasingly informed by data as the data comes in. That is a very important distinction. Othersci, dr. Birx and are not there figuring out how they can mislead the public, they are trying to warn the public about the real hazards of the covid19 crisis and best approaches to reduce the risk and reduce the number of cases and deaths. They are not getting it right on the first try, in large part because this is new, and as we move forward we are learning more and we are Getting Better information. But i think there needs to be the medicale with community as it better understands how it affects the human body and how it moves through a population. Host we have a caller, roy, from georgia. Good morning. Caller i have a couple comments. Should the working class be concerned about President Trump, because he is the only one fighting welfare. Hillary clinton says she was joining from day one and he is the only one speaking up for working americans. When you think about it, wages were kept low because of illegal immigration. And when bernie talks about raising to a minimum 15 wage across the country, it will increase unemployment for america because they will have more illegal immigration, because they said they will open the borders. And it seems like every time the democrats do something, they are shooting themselves in the foot. I look up black lives matter and i look at antifa, in portland, they talk about do you funding the police but the only people who have been hurt are black people. The death rate, the shootings are among blacks in chicago and in new york it has increased. Antifa, the about woman running for mayor in portland said she was an in t, it is real. My concern is working americans need to be concerned about this president because he is the only one fighting for them. Will take roy, um, i a few parts of your question. First, one of the other areas of research i work on is designing immigration policy. Others encourage you and to look at the podcast called our nation of immigrants. It focuses on one part of your question around wages and immigration. And it really dispels the myth of the immigration drives down wages, the science does not bear that out. Immigration actually increases Economic Activity and can have a positive impact on wages. Your point about working south americans, and communities of color, is an important conversation to have right now, particularly in the midst of the pandemic. We know that poor americans with limited access to Quality Health care and people of color are being hit hard by covid19. And i think this is an opportunity to have a broader conversation in our country about those who are often left behind by booming economies, which we have seen since the recovery began from the Great Recession, and we are seeing now. The pandemic has really pulled the curtain back on some of the disparities and that we have in our country, whether they are health disparities, economic disparities, etc. Part of the policy conversation moving forward has to focus on how we do better for those people. Roy, you had said that your view is President Trump is the one looking out for the working class, but i think all politicians need to do a better job of looking out for the working class, for people of color, for for people who are really bearing the brunt of the effect, not just of the Public Health crisis, but the recession we are in. And the likelihood is they will struggle the most during the recovery, even while millionaires and people on wall street and others are doing quite well. Ensuring that they are part of the conversation moving forward i think is of real importance, a real important part of what we need to do. Host we would like to thank john for being with us and walking us through these important issues. Thank you for your time. Guest thank you for having me. Host more of your phone calls and a preview of the debate in the South Carolina senate race. We will be right back. Watch live coverage of the Senate Confirmation hearings for judge amy Coney Barrett starting on monday, with Opening Statements by Judiciary Committee members, on cspan and cspan. Org. Listen on the free radio app and visit cspan. Org to see a playlist of her legal views. The u. S. Supreme court begins a new term on monday, hearing arguments via conference call. Listen to the arguments alive or on demand at cspan. Org Supreme Court. Live or on demand at cspan. Org Supreme Court. Host we are back and looking forward to your phone calls on the president being treated for covid19. We go back to our normal lines. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. One thing talked about a lot was the event at the white house, where the Supreme Court nominee, amy Coney Barrett, attended. And we have seen photos of that event at the white house, where people attended and did not wear masks during the announcement of her nomination. One of the people who has tested positive since is the president of the university of notre dame, father john jenkins. He wrote a note to students about that event, explaining what happened. I want to read to you a couple paragraphs from that letter he wrote to his students that talks about what happened at the white house. Last saturday i received on short notice an invitation to attend in the nomination of amy Coney Barrett to the u. S. Supreme court. Represented the university to support a faculty colleague, alumnae of notre dame who is greatly respected by her peers, reviewed by her students and cherished by her friends. When i arrived at the white house, and medical professional took me to an exam room to obtain a nasal swab for a rapid covid19 test. I was then directed to a room with others, all mast, until we were notified that we had tested negative and we were told it was safe to remove our masks. We were escorted to the rose garden, where i was seated with others who also had been tested and received negative results. I regret my error in judgment in not wearing a mask during the ceremony and by shaking hands with a number of people. I failed to lead by example in a time when everybody else in notre dame is expected to do so. Sacrifices are made by many, particularly by our students to observe our health vertical. This is coming from father john jenkins, who has now been tested and is positive for the coronavirus. Lets go back to the phone lines and talk with the who is calling from casper, wyoming on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead. Caller i just want to say that, yes, the lady that was the nominee, who is nominated, they should check her children because she has mixed children. Them forld check covid, because they were not Wearing Masks. And it was a big crowd. Hard when the leader wants it one way and it should be professional. Want to give my best wishes to the government to the president , but i wish he would take time to let the people know to put their masks on, be safe, and god bless you all. Majortonight, there is a debate going on in the state of South Carolina between senator jamiey graham and harrison, the democratic challenger. With us is a politics and government reporter for the state newspaper in columbia, South Carolina, who is going to be at the debate tonight. He is with us to tell us what to expect. Good morning. Guest thank you for having me. Host first, let me ask this question, the same event we have been talking about over and over, the nomination of amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, that event at the white house was Lindsey Graham at the event . Guest his office said he has not been around the president for several days. He took a test yesterday and his Campaign Announced that senator graham and his staff have tested negative for covid19. It was a concern from people organizing the debate, even Jamie Harrison and his campaign. He took a covid19 test and he said he is negative, so we are good to go. Host that was going to be my next question, is the debate still on given everything happening in the senate and the third positive test from a senator this morning . Guest it was quite the whirlwind watching the news yesterday and senator graham said during an event yesterday that he had spoken to the president , and he was in good spirits. Be yes, they wanted it to out there that senator graham was negative for covid19. Host the debate is on, what are the issues senator graham and Jamie Harrison will focus on tonight . Guest we can expect may be some stuff about the covid19 response by the federal government and the issues of Rural Broadband in South Carolina. Maybe stuff on climate change. In South Carolina have issues with flooding, not just at the coast, but even in columbia. That may come up. Do not be surprised to hear about Jamie Harrisons lobbying history, and Lindsey Grahams previous statements about the president when he did not have kind things to say about the president when he was running. You will hear about the confirmation process for the nominee to the Supreme Court. Host the last democrat from South Carolina was about a couple of decades back, when i was covering Fritz Holling in South Carolina, so does a democrat have a chance in winning a statewide election right now . Guest that is a great question. I think the last time a democrat won statewide was 2006. It is a republican state reliably. And the president carried by 14 points in 2016. Senator Lindsey Graham has easily won reelection a couple times, but polls show the race tied. Two polls came out in september, saying the race was tied at 4848. Cbs news has a poll that has Lindsey Graham up by one point. It is a close race, closer than people expected. And because it is close, we are getting intense campaigning from both sides, at least on the tv airwaves here. Host you have reported that toie harrison is going outspend Lindsey Graham 71 on the airwaves, but what is causing the disparity considering that Lindsey Graham is the incumbent, and also chair of the senate Judiciary Committee . Guest he is a high profile senator. Andved here in november everybody knew he was. You see him on the Cable Networks all the time. People around the country either really like senator graham, or they really do not like him. So you are seeing a a lot of money coming in from out of state, both sides. 93 of harrisons Campaign Donations have been from outofstate, 85 of Lindsey Grahams hundred patients have been from outofstate. And both are regulars on cable news. You see senator graham on fox news regularly. He will see Jamie Harrison on msnbc regularly. So they are getting a lot of money from outofstate. To their campaigns. Host is this the last debate between these candidates or will there be more . Guest two more are scheduled in this coming month, so if people miss out tonight, there will be another chance to see them square off. Host tell us what you are going to watch for in the debate tonight. Guest im interested to see, does senator graham go on the attack over harrisons lobbying history. I think because the race is so close, he will or we will probably see Lindsey Graham go more aggressively, who is Jamie Harrison. He has not been doing a lot of in person campaigning because of the pandemic. He has done virtual campaigning. He has only held a handful of events. So, i wonder how is harrison going to be defined in this race. One thing interesting about both of these guys, they both have core upbringings. Now they are accusing the other of living lavish lifestyles, being wealthy in a state that has some poor areas in it. Host we will be watching the debate intently tonight. Joseph,to thank political reporter for the state newspaper, for taking us through the debate between Lindsey Graham and Jamie Harrison. Joseph, thank you. Guest thank you. Host if you want to see that debate, it will take place tonight at the chapelle columbia, South Carolina at 8 00 p. M. Cspan coverage begins at 8 00 p. M. On cspan, cspan. Org, and is always on the free cspan radio app. So lets go back to the phone lines and get back to our conversation about the president being treated for covid at walter reed. Lets start with dennis from los angeles on the democratic line. Good morning. Go ahead. I think we lost him. Lets go to marie from alexandria, virginia, on the independent line. Caller how are you . Host just fine. Go ahead. Caller i have a question for the speaker on the panel. First of all, i would like to wish the president a rapid recovery. Im here to talk about how the ut i did nots b hear anything about the family. Doesnt the president have the right to privacy, between him and his doctor . The next ofe wife kin . I just want to educate myself. And two, i hope this will be a humbling lesson for the president. That is my prayer for him. Mighting through this, he stop playing with peoples emotions. That he will use this as a learning process, whereby he will be humiliated and humble and have emotion for human beings. From larry is calling illinois on the republican line. Good morning. Caller thank you. This is my first time on. I really appreciate it. A couple questions. One, Chris Wallace, the moderator of the first debate, i am wondering if anybody knows exactly how much time he took. I think it was about 2030 minutes he took above debate time, also going at it with the those in the debate, getting into a back and forth. A good moderator gets out of the way. Anyway, my second topic is, if the farmers can be racist, would it be possible then for it to be targeted . Because i am just stating the name me one, it prominent democrat that has come down with this. I am sorry, democrats are not that smart. Thank you for taking my call. Host david from florida on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my call. I really appreciate this. I want to go back to 2016. I voted for Hillary Clinton. She won the vote by 3 million votes. The people voted. Yet, we found out that same night that the Electoral College took the boat away from her. Her. Te away from if you can imagine 3 Million People saying goodbye to their vote. Isnt it time to get rid of the Electoral College, an antiquated proposal . Thank you. I will listen to the other calls. Host carla is calling from new york, new york on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller hi, it is unfortunate what is happened to the president and we wish him a speedy recovery, but it looks bad for him because you see joe biden and he has his mask on, wishing the president well. And he is encouraging people to be patriotic and to wear a mask. At this time, i do not think the republicans will like me saying this, but joe biden looks more president ial, he looks like a leader that people expect to be there president. The other thing i want to comment on is i hope that senator lee and kellyanne conway, and others, excuse me i was losing my train of thought i hope it was worth it for them to get this disease just so they could cozy up to the president , because now they have ofsed their health and those those around them. They do not know if months down the line this will affect their breathing and their heart. I am listening to all the medical experts, and if so for all the information that we have so far, and i think it was foolish of all of them to do so. Host lets talk with brooke calling from west palm beach, florida on the republican line. Caller good morning, how are you . Host just fine. Caller the first thing i want to say is we wish our best to the president for speedy recovery. From the a caller caribbean earlier who said that donald trump has failed to address a White Supremacy. That is false. He has repeatedly repudiated the kkk, david duke, every form of hatred, extremism and White Supremacy repeatedly since the 1990s. I think it is time for the media to stop with this narrative. Finally, i want to say that there is nothing president ial about joe biden, a man who has built a career on incarcerating black and brown people to a degree higher than any rate in American History. I think we need to face the fact that joe biden has a history of incarcerating the men of our black and brown communities that have left children and families without their fathers. Host richard calling from missouri on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller good morning. You know, i am on the democratic line now, but for years i was a republican. Deal, theuth Carolina Republican senator, he is an old dixiecrat, that is what he is. Anyhow, that on the president ial debate, i have never seen anybody that rude. Isonder if the mans mind real or if he just tries to be rude and not let anybody else talk. As far as White Supremacists, the fbi says they are the biggest threat. Do they think that the fbi is not finding out what they are doing . I will let you go. Host lets talk to april calling from charlotte, North Carolina, on the independent line. Good morning. Caller how are you doing . Host just fine. Go ahead. Caller my points i wanted to raise is the president , he is very selfish. This man knew he had the virus, but he still decided to go to a fundraiser and put everybody else in danger. And he made fun of joe biden for wearing a mask. And most people who follow this president keep saying it is a hoax, where are they now . Wheres the hoax . This thing is true. We have lost so many people over this virus, and still they are not taking it seriously. They do not want to wear a mask, that is selfish. Look what happened to the president. Wheres the hoax now . The president is a selfish. Host we are getting reports from Steve Holland at reuters, he is tweeting that dr. Sean conley, physician to the president , will provide updates at 11 00 a. M. On the president s condition from walter reed. This is coming from the White House Reporter from reuters. We will get information coming up in a couple hours. Lets talk to morgan from reading, pennsylvania on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller good morning and thank you for cspan. To that ignorant person who said about the virus being racist and how come my mike pence have not gotten it, it is because how come democrats have not gotten it, it is because they have Wearing Masks. Duh. Host marty on the republican line from youngstown, ohio. Caller good morning. Host go ahead. Caller you know, obviously i just have a couple things to say. Follow the science, but the science is confusing. Im in ohio, but i can fly to california and be next to a gentleman right next to me, almost on his lap, but that is ok. But i cannot go to church, or a sporting event, but i can go get alcohol. So sometimes the science makes no sense. And as far as the president acting president ial, too many times, unfortunately, the president is extremely unpresident ial, but at the same time democrats calling people who do not agree with them xenophobic, islamophobia, bigots, supporters of the southern strategy, deplorable, i can go along, and the best is nazi and a of the kkk. So, i am saying that is not acting representative of a senator who is a democrat, of a congressperson who is a democrat. They do not act president ial. But they expect the president to act president ial. There is no humility anymore. Everything is twisted. So, i hope that we can get over this as people and move forward. Host we will talk to tucker from fairfax on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning, how are you . Host just fine. Caller i am a civil rights lawyer from nebraska and i have struggled with the government for over 20 years because of my work. Alexandria area and there is more going on than just covid. Democrattor kaine, a that ran is the Vice President on the money with hillary. It has to do with the intelligence agencies, the cia. There is much more going on than just covid. Trust me. Was joe biden, bill clinton and Hillary Clinton that drafted the crime bill in 1994 grams of crack cocaine as dangerous as 100 grams of powder. That, then the states copied those words. You just heard a sucking sound out of the black community. Host tony is calling from arizona on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I want to wish the president a speedy recovery, and the magnificent flotus. People are complaining about the president not being president ial, but he is not a politician and has never been a politician. People are taking style over substance. Barack obama was very president ial, however, look at what he accomplished almost nothing. That includes joe biden, who is also very president ial. Have a wonderful day. Be safe. Host lets talk to michael from iowa on the democratic line. Good morning. Caller hello. Host go ahead. Caller yeah, hi. I want to wish everyone well. Ok . Thispe that, uh, coronavirus is taken care of soon. Has criedesident wolf. That isied so much of he really in the hospital or is he hiding, who knows . It could go either way. The past he went over andhe talked to xi, putin, what is going on there . I havent we heard about them lately . Those are the questions i want to put out there. Thank allould like to of our callers, guests and reviewers for joining us. Continue to wash your hands and stay safe and everybody have a great saturday. We will see you again at 7 00 a. M. On washington journal tomorrow morning. Announcer incumbent republican senator Lindsey Graham and democratic challenger Jimmy Harrison bridges abate in the South Carolina u. S. Senate debate tonight. The first time the candidates will meet facetoface. Live coverage begins at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Who will control congress in january . Stay informed on all of the congressional races leading up to election day, with campaign 2020 coverage. Watch the candidates debate and the Election Results on cspan. Watch online at cspan. Org or listen on the free radio app. Cspan, your unfiltered view of politics. Announcer now the first president ial debate of 2020 between President Trump and joe biden. They met at Case Western University in cleveland, ohio. This runs just over 90 minutes. Chris good evening from the Health Education campus of Case Western Reserve University and the cleveland clinic. I am Chris Wallace of fox news and i welcome you to the first of the 2020 president ial debates between president donald j. Trump and former Vice President joe biden. This debate is sponsored by the commission on president ial debates. The commission has designed the format with twominute answers from each candidate to the first question, then open discussion for the rest of each segment. The commission on president ial debates. The commission has designed the format with twominute answers from each candidate to tir

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