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[cheering] [applause] thank you very much. I think ill get out of this. [cheering] thank you so much. Its wonderful to be here. The honorable david young whos going to come up after me. This whole concept of people coming along saying america was never great, i wonder where those people came from. They recognize nation being defended by militiamen came the most powerful nation in the world in record time, that does not happen to a nation thats not right. What was the world like before the United States of america . Stop and think about what the world was like. They were trampling over other people. They have to think twice about that now. Then think about the innovation, the entrepreneurship, the hard work that went into making america into a great place. Thats what makes us the place that works for everybody. Some say america was good for some groups but maybe not for other groups. Maybe they need a history lesson. The people who say nothing ever happens for africanamericans in this country and they didnt contribute, all you have to do is take a walk down the street and you can start by looking at your shoes and say it was a black man who revolutionized the world with shoes. Then you look at, it was so clean, as a black man who created the street sweeper. Then frederick jones, a black man who invented the fridge raider system for airplanes and trains. It comes to a stop at the traffic signal, garrett morgan, a black man who invented the traffic signal who invented the gas mask and he saved a lot of lives during the war. Then the underwater canon to launch submarine torpedoes. Blackman did not invent a woman. [laughter] but [applause] you can use the opportunity to talk about madam cj walker, a black woman who invented cosmetic products black women, choose the millionaire on her own efforts. You talk about charles in his contributions to blood banking, understanding that. Daniel, First Successful open heart surgery in the world. Look up at the surgical lights, Thomas Edison even though he wasnt black [laughter] while he wasnt but his right hand man, lewis was. Lewis came up with the filament to make the lightbulb from work more than two or three days. The taliban, alexander grow, and incredible inventor. The railroad tracks, andrew, the automatic railroad part, the industrial revolution, elijah mccoy, Automatic Lubrication System for locomotive engines. People were always trying to copy his stuff and people would say, is a mccoy . The real mccoy . You got racist people talking about real mccoy and dont even know who they are paying homage two. [laughter] [applause] the fact is, america has been great for a lot of people. I can take the same walk for virtually any nationality in this country and thats one of the reasons we become so great because we help so many people with so much talent. Our goal right now is to make sure the rising tide are both. [cheering and applauding] [applause] thats what the president means when he says make America Great again. We get that rising tide and look what happened in the precoronavirus era, the lowest Unemployment Rates for Many Democrats demographics and the wealth gap was in, it was good for everybody and the economy was so strong its been able to withstand five to six months of shutdown. No one thought could, particularly some of the opponents but it has. Thats a tribute to the men and women who work in a place like pbs who work all over this country who have grit and determination and resilience attribute to our president and our next speaker who served in the u. S. Congress, a champion of the resilience of our country, the honorable david young. [cheering and applauding] [applause] thank you. All right. [applause] do we live in the greatest country on this earth . We do. [applause] we got to keep it that way. Any indication on who is going to win the race november 3, it trump pence, the signs are everywhere. [cheering] we know thirdplace is biden harris and secondplace is garage sale. I have not met them. [applause] we work hard, play hard like to have a live here in the. We are blessed by the good lord today and everything we do and everything he gives us. This country is not a mistake. Right . We are not going to let it go. A good friend, whitaker was here he said those words bring franklin said in 1787 when he came out of independence, out of a room and someone asked, would you come up with him and franklin said you can keep it. We are the keepers. [applause] for this generation, the next and the next. What they are trying to sell us on the other side, we are not going to buy it. It never worked before on the face of this earth. They think they have the right thing at the right time, no. They wont even make it to the Playing Field. We are going to reelect President Trump and Vice President mike pence. [cheering and applauding] [applause] oh two think this great facility and the great work he does but he cant do it alone, right . They are building america. [cheering and applauding] this is what its about. It doesnt come easy. You take risks, theres rewards. Sometimes it fails but if you fail, it should not be at the hands of the government, right . We have a president and Vice President who knows the entrepreneurial spirit, the individual freedom is what makes this country great and can make it better and better. A shining city on the hill. Every country out there thats come into being those out of the dictators, or to they do . Show me the american constitution, that is the roadmap. Those who are doing things of seattle and chicago and kenosha including, the mob, they complained about america but they are not leaving because this is the greatest country on the face of the earth. We had to reelect President Trump and Vice President pence. [applause] in the leadership, now more than ever, we got a great president , a great team and he can do without his partner, right . Vice president mike pence, a man of faith, courage, he loves his family, beautiful family. He loves his country. He understands service is putting yourself before others. He understands sacrifice has been made for this country. Those who have donned the uniform, active right now, making sure they have the tools they need to take on bad people. Peace through strength. Bright and shining city on the hill. We need to make sure we keep our president and fight Vice President for four more years. It is my pleasure to introduce to you a great man, a great Vice President , ladies and gentlemen, Vice President mike pence. [cheering and applauding] in. Hello, iowa. [cheering] in great to be with all of you. My friends, david young, the amazing ben carson and his wonderful, wife, candy. Great words. [cheering and applauding] our former acting attorney general, that figure. [cheering and applauding] all my fellow americans from near and far, it is great to be back in the Hawkeye State, especially being here with tyler and all the great men and women, one of the three manufacturing countries, pbs structures. [cheering and applauding] it is great to be here 33 days away from another great victory all across the state of iowa and all across america when we reelect President Donald Trump four more years. [cheering] [cheering] four more years [chanting] thank you for coming out today, it is wonderful to see you. Its great to be with you all. If youve got a seat, grab one. Ive got a lot to say. It is a privilege to be here with all of you but i also want to mention the seventh generation island you just heard from. You served a couple of terms in the congress of the u. S. , a champion for i was Families Service members, veterans and farmers, a man of integrity, a man of principle and on here to ask all of you to send david young back to a new republican majority in the house of representatives. [cheering and applauding] david young and i are really here for one reason and one reason only. Just like all of you, we know iowa and America Needs four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [cheering and applauding] its on, carter. The road to victory goes straight through iowa. [cheering and applauding] if you didnt know it was on, maybe you missed the debate the other night. [laughter] ill tell you what, President Donald Trump took our case to the American People and he took the fight to joe biden and we are going to keep on fighting for 33 days, all the way to victory on november 3. [cheering and applauding] at the president said, he held joe biden accountable. Fortyseven years of failure. Shipping jones jobs and the violent mob. We will keep taking the case every single day. Its amazing to think how far weve come and the story we had to tell the people of iowa. Four years ago, a movement was born. Movement of Everyday Americans from every walk of life. Here in iowa, you believe we could be strong again. You believe we could be prosperous again. He said yes to President Donald Trump in 2016 and i know iowa is going to say yes to four more years of President Donald Trump in 2020. [applause] in its because of what weve done. Under this president s leadership. In four years ago, we inherited a military that was hollowed o out. The years of devastating budget cuts. An economy struggling to break out of the slowest economic recovery since the great depression. Terrorism was on the rise around the world. We witness a steady assault on our most cherished values and liberties. In three short years, President Donald Trump and the white house with strong allies on capitol hill, this father of the United States marine is proud to repo report, we rebuild our military. , we restored democracy and we are finally given our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard and spaceports the resources they need to defend this nation. [cheering and applauding] i mentioned my son is a marine but my unworthy soninlaw is a ab pilot. [laughter] hes currently deployed. Serving overseas. Not just as your Vice President but having members of our armed forces and their spouses in my immediate family, i couldnt be more proud to serve as Vice President the president who cares so deeply about the men and women of our armed forces and their families and our veterans. [cheering and applauding] under the president s leadership, we stood with those serve and weve stood with all of you as never before. If you are able, if you served in the armed forces of the United States, the men and women in the room, just stand up or raise your hand so we can say thank you. [cheering and applauding] [cheering] [applause] [applause] we can never say thanks enough. Its amazing to think when joe biden was Vice President , america lived through years of scandal at the va that literally shock the conscience of the nation. We saw one story after another, tens of thousands of our veterans passed away waiting for the care they earned in the uniform of the United States. When President Donald Trump came into office, we passed the veterans accountability act, the most sweeping reforms of the va in 50 years, we fired thousands of va workers who were not providing healthcare our veterans deserve. Now veterans choice is available every veteran in america. [cheering and applauding] [applause] we didnt just rebuild our military, support our thats, ever since this president came into office, after years of that slow recovery, out of the recession of 2008, our first three years, is jobs, jobs, jobs. Joe biden wants to raise taxes, President Trump cut taxes across the board in our first three years. We world back more federal redtape in any ministration in American History already. We unleashed American Energy and fought for free and fair trade and in three short years, 7 million jobs created all across america. [cheering and applauding] including 11000 jobs right here in the Hawkeye State and iowa saw its lowest Unemployment Rate in more than 20 years. [cheering and applauding] should it wasnt just overall jobs in those first three years, it was wages were rising. The president and i couldnt be more proud, wages were rising across the board, the fastest in ten years but they were rising most rapidly for hardworking, bluecollar americans, the forgotten men and women of america were forgotten no more. [applause] when joe biden was Vice President , america actually lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs and the last president said about this time four years ago, remember . Essentially told the American People, the manufacturing jobs were never coming back. He asked the famous question, what magic wand do you have . We didnt need a magic wand. We just needed President Donald Trump in the white house. 500,000 manufacturing jobs created in just three years. [cheering and applauding] [applause] [applause] telling you. I come from another high state, i am from indiana. A whole lot like iowa. She iowa, like indiana, he did two things well, make things and grow things. You have a president is a champion for the American People who make things, we are going to fight to make manufacturing bigger and better than ever before in the next four years. [applause] on the subject of growing things in this great farming state, i dont think i need to tell all of you President Trump has always put family farmers and ranchers first. In the tax cuts we passed, we basically eliminated death taxes for virtually every family, farm in america. Death is no longer a taxable event. [applause] we also allowed for the immediate expensing of equipment costs, our farmers no those are the biggest challenge in agriculture it was this president who repealed the biden obama era waters of the usa role and restored private Property Rights for land owners all across iowa and america. [cheering and applauding] past administration turned their backs on farmers and especially ethanol producers. President trump told the people of this great state and our administration would expand ethanol markets and thats exactly what weve done. Last year the president went to Council Bluffs and announced 15 is now available year round. Thats what we call promises made and promises kept. [applause] in can i tell all of you here, carter lake, none of that would be possible without your presence leadership without strong and tenacious support of senator Doug Grassley and senator joni ernst. We need ernst back for six more years. [cheering and applauding] the progress we made in rebuilding this economy, that is also why we need david young, ashley, marionette, randy and from across the river in nebraska, we need congressman don back in a new republican majority, we need to retire nancy pelosi once and for all. [cheering and applauding] in those first three years with great allies like those men and women, we stood strong for our National Defense with our veterans for jobs, farmers and ranchers. President donald trump has stood for the rule of law every single day. Im proud to report as we stand here today and iowa, this president has already seen confirmed more than 200 conservatives to our federal courts at every level including justice you gorsuch and justice kavanaugh. [cheering and applauding] i can tell you, i can tell you all of those jurors are men and women in integrity, enshrined in our constitution, like the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech and the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. [cheering and applauding] should. [applause] one week ago, as a nation, we pause to honor the life of service of Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. Memorials over, President Donald Trump did his duty under the constitution of the United States and last saturday, he nominated a principal conservative woman of extraordinary character and extraordinary intellect who fears the constitution to the Supreme Court of the United States, he nominated judge Amy Coney Barrett. [cheering and applauding] [applause] had the privilege to escort her to the u. S. Senate earlier this week. Shes in the process of making the rounds. Next week, we expect, in about a week or so, there will be a hearing on capitol hill and then a vote. Ill tell you what, as members of the senate and republican party, and i believe and hope members in the Democratic Party see her character, understand her intellect, see her deep commitment of the constitution of the u. S. Of america after they provide advice and consent, i believe judge Amy Coney Barrett is going to be justice Amy Coney Barrett. On the Supreme Court of the United States. [cheering and applauding] we stood for the report of strength in the constitutional foundations in our country through the appointment of principal men and women to our courts. President donald trump has stood every day. Men and women who serve on the thin blue line of Law Enforcement and we always will. [cheering and applauding] [applause] the president and i know, the men and women who serve in Law Enforcement across the country are some of the best people in america. My uncle was a cop in chicago 25 years. When we were young, we drive up from the small town in indiana i grew up and visit my grandparents house. [cheers and applause] now, President Trump and i will always support the constitutional right of americans to peaceful protest but rioting and looting, like you saw here in iowa in des moines not long ago is not peaceful protesting. Burning businesses is not free speech. Violence against innocents civilian or Law Enforcement will not be tolerated and those who do these things will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. [applause] now for months, all joe biden never talked about was peaceful protesters, remember . All summer long. As people in our major cities literally watched the streets and businesses burn. The truth is joe biden would double down on the very policies that have led to violence in american cities. When you erode support or signal a withdrawal of support from those who serve and protect, you only embolden those who would do harm to our families. Now joe biden justifies all of it by saying america is in his words systematically racist. And he said that police have that quote implicit bias against minorities. When he was asked if he would support cutting funding for Law Enforcement joe biden replied, yes, absolutely. And let me make you a promise. Under President Donald Trump we are going to back the blue. We are not going to defund the police, not now, not ever. [applause] President Trump and i know that we dont have to choose between supporting Law Enforcement and supporting our africanamerican neighbors and families and other minorities in our major cities. We have done both for the last four years and we are going to keep doing both for four more years. [applause] we are going to support Law Enforcement with more resources for better training and accountability and we are going to continue to expand educational choice opportunities and Job Opportunities and safety for our africanamerican families. We are going to have law and order in every city and every state in america for every american of every race, creed and color so help us god. [applause] so we rebuild our military and we revive their economy. We stood for all of her most cherished liberties and law and order. In three short years under this president s leadership we made America Great again. [applause] our economy was booming. America was standing tall on those cherished liberties and more secure. And then the coronavirus struck. Im here to report to you that before the first case of Community Transmission occurred anywhere in america President Donald Trump did what no american president had ever done when he suspended all travel from china, the secondlargest economy in the world. Joe biden said that was hysterical and xenophobic as the head of the Coronavirus Task force i can tell you firsthand President Trumps actions saved untold americans lives and if bottoson valuable time to stand up to the greatest National Mobilization since world war ii. [applause] and this time we reinvented tes. We just cleared more than 100 million tests across this country, more than any other nation on earth and we just purchased 150 million new tests that are being distributed all across the nation, 15 minute test you can carry in your shirt pocket. We saw the manufacture working with industry just like this one manufacturing personal protective equipment in saw billions of supplies delivered to hospitals and nurses and i believe the American People can be proud that no american who ever required an icu bed was denied in icu bed and no american who required a ventilator was ever denied a ventilator anywhere in the United States. [applause] and we are continuing to meet this moment. New medicines are available remdesivir in convalescent plasma and i can tell you i heard it again when her task force met at the white house we are on track to have the first Coronavirus Vaccine before the end of this year and we will have tens of millions of doses for the American People. [applause] we are slowing the spread. We are going to keep protecting the vulnerable. We will keep saving lives. And we are going to keep opening up america again. [applause] having lost 22 million jobs at the height of this pandemic im proud to report to you with the jobs report just around the corner tomorrow that as of today 10. 6 million americans have already gone back to work including 97,000 people right here in the Hawkeye State. [applause] we have a Great American comeback underway. We are just opening up america. We are opening up americas schools and getting our kids back to the classrooms. [applause] those tests i just told about three are distributing 100 million of those in sending them out pro rata every state and country making it possible for School Nurses and School Systems to get our kids back in the classroom and to keep them back in the classroom. Its just extraordinary and im proud to report to you that ive been married to a schoolteacher for 35 years and she is already back in the classroom and a little Christian School just outside of washington. [applause] so we have gone through a time of testing but im here and i in iowa today because in 33 days we are coming to a time for change for the choice in this election has never been been clear and the stakes have never been higher. Think about it in the middle of a Global Pandemic joe biden wants to raise taxes by 4 trillion. President trump may not only cut taxes acrosstheboard in our first three years but we are going to keep cutting taxes for four more years. [applause] jill biden wants to bury our economy under an avalanche of red tape. The other night he didnt even know that he had endorsed the Green New Deal. The next day he got off the train and said the Green New Deal is a good plan but our Green New Deal is a little different. Im telling you what both versions are job killers. You all understand the enormous costs on our economy that either any one of those versions would impose. We have been cutting red tape freeing up Companies Just like this creating jobs and opportunity and we are going to keep cutting red tape for four more years. Thats how you bring an economy back. [applause] joe biden is for open borders and sanctuary cities in Free Health Care for illegal immigrants. President donald trump theyd record investments in border security. Mexico is now doing more to secure their southern border and hours than ever before and we party bill. Miles about wall on the southern border of the United States and with four more years we are going to fix this broken immigration system once and for all. [applause] when it comes to trade the contrast could not be more clear. Out here in the heartland we saw the impact particularly in manufacturing since 1995. There were entire communities in indiana where auto plants were shuttered. Thousands of people put out of work virtually overnight and your jobs were shipped south of the border. In all his 47 years ever since nafta was enacted joe biden never lifted a finger or renegotiated. Thanks to the man who wrote the art of the deal, america has a better deal than nafta. The United States mexico Canada Agreement is now the law for land and its a win for American Manufacturing and a win for american farmers. [applause] if you didnt know im told nearly half of iowas exports go to canada and mexico. The huge win for iowa come incredible. Experts estimate we will sell another 2 billion more in agricultural goods to canada and mexico that includes more than. Million dairy exports alone, a huge win for the heartland. When it comes to jobs and trade when we came into office only half of our International Trade deficit was with one country the peoples republic of china. Communist china represented 500 billion of our annual trade deficit. Joe biden has been a cheerleader for communist china. He said it was a positive thing to see the rise of china to see it admitted into the world trade organization. President trump put china on notice from day one that the era of economic surrender is over. [applause] this president stood strong and we oppose tariffs on china when china started to retaliate against american farmers. We made more than 15 billion in direct support available to farmers from what we were collecting on those tariffs and believe it or not joe biden actually wants to repeal all the tariffs that President Trump put into effect a Playing Field for American Workers and we are not going to let it happen with four more years of President Trump in the white house we will stand strong with china and open markets and respect american jobs and American Workers. I promise you men and women we have made incredible progress. The security and prosperity. The choice that we face in this election is also about our most cherished values. Joe biden in the Democratic Party support abortion on demand and joe biden actually supports using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortion all the way up to the moment of birth. On my part, it couldnt be more proud to be Vice President to present his stance without apology for the sanctity of human life. [applause] President Donald Trump is the most prolife president in American History. [applause] when you look at their agenda, when you look at their agenda one thing is clear, joe biden would be nothing more than a trojan horse for the radical left. Joe biden said at his Convention Speech that democracy is on the battleground. I think our economic recovery is on the law and order are on the ballot. But i also also think there things much more fundamental and foundational to our country. You heard ben carson and you heard david young reflect on it. I honestly will tell you i dont think when the dust settles and the selection its going to be whether america becomes more republican or more democrat whether we are more liberal or more conservative, more red or more blue. I think the choice in this election is whether america remains america. [applause] whether we are going to continue to chart a course based upon freedom and our highest ideals and are most cherished liberties and values are whether we are going to let joe biden in the Democratic Party and the radical left take us on a completely different path to a place america has never been before. Thats why men and women of iowa we have got to decide right here and right now that joe biden will never be president of the United States of america. We are going to reelect President Donald Trump for four more years. [applause] its going to take all of us. You all from nebraska need to go to work too. Youve got to bring this enthusiasm. You have 83 days to go and i promise you as i said at the top we are going to keep fighting every single day. Im going to be in Salt Lake City next wednesday night. [applause] we are going to do our best to take her case one more time to the American People and take the fight to the biden harris party. We need you to go out and tell your neighbors and friends what four more years means. Just tell them, i ran into mike over on pbs and is talking about everything that we have done in the first three years, the president s years through these leadership through these challenging times in the Great American comeback and excited about what we can do for former years. Four more years means more jobs. Four more years means more judges. Four more years means more support for our troops. And you tell them i said it will take four more years to train that. [applause] i love her and enthusiasm. And thank you for that. Thank you for being here today. I just encourage you to leave her today with renewed faith. When you turn on the Television Anymore nothing anything different for the last three and a half years. One Network Exception its been ongoing negativity, ongoing criticism, right . That this president has turned his face like flint against the wind everyday and i can tell you firsthand my friend your president has never stopped fighting to keep the promises he made and in the people of iowa and nebraska and now its your turn to fight for him. [applause] its on. Go tell your neighbors and friends although we talked about here today. Tell them that the road to victory rolls right through iowa and rolls right to nebraska and do your part to make sure to elect those great allies in reelect those great allies who made possible for us to move our nation forward as we have all these days but if you are ever bending the knee from time to time over the next 33 days i encourage you to do that to. I love that ancient verse, it a few. The two those who are called by his name will humble themselves and pray you will do like he has always done. Throughout much more challenging time in the life of our nation and the good that tells us words if we want to hear today. You will hear from heaven and he will heal this land. [applause] this one nation under god with liberty and justice for all. [cheers and applause] so thank you again. I look forward to it a quick hello before i slip away. Im off to des moines and then back to washington. I leave here with renewed confidence, i really do. A pastor friend of mine said everybody is under encouraged and you have been an encouragement to me and i cant wait to tell the president about the enthusiasm i saw here carter lake and i just know if youll carry the same enthusiasm all across iowa and all across nebraska in the next 33 days if you work like it all depends on us and you pray upon whom it does depend i know we are going to make iowa and nebraska more prosperous than ever before. We are going to make iowa and nebraska safer than ever before. And with david young Randy Feenstra and oppressed his own don bacon and the new republican majority in congress and senator joni ernst with a renewed republican majority in the United States senate [applause] with President Donald Trump in the white house for four more years and with gods grace we are going to make America Great again, again. [applause] thank you very much. God bless you and god bless america. The competition is on. Be a part of this years studentcam competition middle and high school students, be the start of the National Conversation i making a five minute to six minute documentary exploring the issues you want the president to address. Include points of view and include video. Of 5,000. Ze the deadline to submit videos is january 20, 2021. Get more information how to get started at our website, stu dentcam. Org. Book tv on cspan2 has top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Saturday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, p. J. Orourke talks about his essays on American History, economics and culture. In his book, a cry from the far middle. A two hour conversation with Harvard University jill lepore. Then foxbusiness news host, lou dobbs, talks about his book. Tv, this weekend on cspan2. President trump and joe biden delivered remarks to the alfred e. Smith dinner. This year the gathering was hold virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. We have disagreed publicly and privately. Good evening and welcome to smithnual alfred e. Dinner, Virtual Event this year. I am the cardinal archbishop of new york. I am talking to you what has been the home of the archbishops of new york for 170 years. Given this difficult moment we are living through with the pandemic, many of you are in your homes as well. Regrettably, we are not able to gather as we normally do for our formal dinner to raise funds for the most vulnerable numbers of our beloved community, our children and their families. We do have a wonderful evening planned. Daise we do not have a to introduce, lets go next door to st. Patricks cathedral

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