Court helped to pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from california, mr. Swalwell, to suspend the rules and adopt House Resolution we break away now and go to the house floor for one more vote. The clerk resolution reaffirming the house of representatives commitment to the orderly and peaceful transfer of power called for in the constitution of the United States and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and adopt House Resolution 1155. Members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Bishop as the member designated by mr. Thompson of mississippi, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Thompson will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mr. Grijalva, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Grijalva will vote yea on h. Res. 1155. And as the member designated by ms. Pressley, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Pressley will vote yea on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . As the member designated by ms. Jackson lee, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Jackson lee will vote yes on House Resolution 11 a 5. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . Mr. Tonko mr. Speaker, as the member designated by representative lowey, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that representative lowey will indeed vote aye on h. Res. 1155. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition . Ms. Underwood as the member designated by mr. Rush, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Rush will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition . Mr. Raskin as the member designated by mr. Pocan, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Pocan will vote aye on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Takano indeed, mr. Speaker, i do seek recognition. As the member designated by ms. Chu of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform he house that ms. Chu will vote yes on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition . As the member designated by mr. Lipinski, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lipinski will vote yes on h. R. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman rise . As the member designated by mr. Lawson of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lawson votes yea. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . As the member designated by Eddie Bernice johnson, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that chairwoman johnson will vote yea on h. Res. 1155. Mr. Jeffries as the member designated by chairwoman lofgren, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that chairwoman lofgren will vote yea on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by congressman serrano, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that congressman serrano will vote yea on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition . As the member designated by mrs. Kirkpatrick, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that representative kirkpatrick will vote yea on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from New Hampshire seek recognition . Ms. Kuster as the member designated by mr. Kennedy, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Kennedy will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition . As the member designated by ms. Titus of nevada, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Titus will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does for what purpose does the gentlelady from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mrs. Wilson of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. Wilson will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek ecognition . Mr. Correa mr. Speaker, as the member designated by Congress Member napolitano, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that Congress Member napolitano will vote yes on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . As the member designated by ms. Roybalallard, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Roybalallard will vote yes on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Mr. Kildee mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mr. Huffman of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Huffman will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by mr. Thompson of california, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Thompson will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by mr. Butterfield of North Carolina, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Butterfield will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from massachusetts seek recognition . Ms. Clark mr. Speaker, as the member designated by ms. Frankel, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Frankel will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by ms. Meng, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Meng will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. And as the member designated by ms. Pingree, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Pingree will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from michigan seek recognition . Mrs. Dingell as the member designated by ms. Kaptur, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Kaptur will vote aye on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from connecticut seek recognition . Mr. Courtney thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mrs. Hayes, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. Hayes will vote yes on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition . Mr. Lynch good evening, mr. Speaker. As the member designated by mr. Langevin of rhode island, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Langevin will vote yes on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition . Mass mats ms. Matsui mr. Speaker, mr. Desaulnier, as the member designated by mr. Desaulnier, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Desaulnier will vote yes on h. R. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Ms. Wasserman schultz mr. Speaker, as the member designated by ms. Mucarselpowell of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Mucarselpowell will vote yea on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by mr. Hastings of florida, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Hastings will also vote yea on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by mr. Payne of new jersey, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Payne will also vote yea on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mr. Cohen, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Cohen will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by mr. Kind, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Kind will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. Mr. Beyer as the member designated by ms. Moore, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that ms. Moore will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by mr. Lowenthal, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lowenthal will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. As the member designated by mr. Lieu, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Lieu will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Pallone mr. Speaker, as the member designated by mrs. Bonnie watson coleman, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mrs. Watson coleman will vote yes on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from virginia seek recognition . Ms. Wexton thank you, mr. Speaker. As the member designated by mr. Mceachin, pursuant to House Resolution 965, i inform the house that mr. Mceachin will vote yes on House Resolution 1155. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . As the member designated by by mr. Garamendi, pursuant to h. Res. 965, i inform the house that mr. Garamendi will vote yes on h. Res. 1155. The speaker pro tempore on this vote the if yeas are 397, the nays are 5, 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended and resolution is agreed to and without objection is laid on the table. The chair will entertain requests for oneminute speeches. Does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . I request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, madam speaker, our men and women in Law Enforcement put their lives on the line to protect us. Doing so willingly without praise and without need of recognition. Men and women occasionally we have the opportunity and disstimping to stand before this progress to recognize them. I recognize mansfield and chief of Police Scott Henry for receiving the 2020 Pennsylvania Veterans of foreign wars Police Officer of the year award and officer of the year award. They are presented to Law Enforcement officer who has shown resounding commitment. Chief henry has served our community for more than 0 years and has made a lasting impact. Congratulations to chief henry and reminding how important our Police Officers are in our every day lives. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlewoman from North Carolina seek recognition . Ms. Foxx i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Ms. Foxx on saturday, the American People awaited president trumps of thinks Third Supreme Court nomination and he did not disappoint, judge is the barrett embodiment of our accomplishments and she is highly regarded by her former students, clerks and colleagues a legal mind and keen intellect. Her dedication to the constitution by adhering how it was expressly written and her record is the underpinning. I look forward to her swift nomination and her continued work serving our great country. Yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Carter rules committee i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Carter i rise today to remember and honor the life of Jonathan Grayer whose selfless tions saved the lives of school children. On august 12, he was driving a box truck who was making its normal stops. Jumped ver, he remarkly out of the truck and helped students out of the School Students to safety and lifted some students who were pinned underneath. His body gave out and he later passed away. With the help of his courage and lflessness, the lives were saved. His life was taken and his legacy will live on. And will be remembered as a hero who placed others before himself and families and others will remember him. Thank you, madam speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lamalfa thank you, madam speaker. Just over two years ago the car fire burned through shafta county, taking the lives of eight people and burning nearly 230,000 acres. Now im here to report, in the same county of chafta, another fire has broken out over this weekend, burning uncontained. As of this morning, 146 structures have been destroyed, three people have lost their lives. Over 40,000 acres burned and counting. Catfire and shafta county are working hard to extinguish the fire but a lack of firefighting personnel and equipment has made this a difficult one to contain. Its not an unfamiliar story. Firefighters, First Responders d californians alike are struggling to grapple with the 27 major fires burning across our state right now. With no rain in sight, the end of these disasters is not near. Theres a dire need for a better way to contain these fires or better yet, completely prevent them in the first place. Until we increase the pace and scale of Forest Management and other tools we use in the west, these neverending fires will continue to destroy all of our land. I yield back. Chas the speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Van drew madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and leonard revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Van drew thank you, madam speaker. This is an amazing story, i hope everybody can will follow it. I would like to recognize Wounded Warrior week sponsored by the American Legion post 469. And Sergeant First Class richard staskel, United States army. In 2001, richard joined the United States marines. In 2004, in the Anbar Province of iraq, richard was critically wounded by a bullet that passed through his arm and pierced his lung. After surgeries, ptsd and rehab, he was honorably discharged from the United States marine corps. But he was not done serving his nation yet. Richard reenlisted in 2006 with the u. S. Army and became an elite green beret. He was both in the marines and in the army in his lifetime. Richard was recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and is now in the fight of his life. Richard, you have led a life to be emulated. You make me proud to be an american. I know you will fight this fight, give it hell, and youre going to win. God bless you. Thank you, richard, and thank you, American Legion post 469, for honoring this american hero. Hank you, madam speaker. The speaker pro tempore are there any further requests for oneminute speeches . The chair lays before the house the following personal requests. The clerk leave of absence requested for mr. Aderholt of alabama for today. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the request s granted. Under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from florida, mr. Soto, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. Mr. Soto thank you, madam speaker. In honor of hispanic heritage nth, id like to honor amilcarr car dovea. He had hails from cardova. He hails from puerto rico. After high school he moved to pennsylvania where he began his career in the health industry. In 1994, he relocated to orlando, florida, with his family while he studied Business Administration at the Florida Metropolitan University and later Business Management at the university of phoenix. In 2003, he began working in the Advertising Industry with the largest newspaper in puerto rico. Which just recently expanded to Central Florida. He later cofounded and served on the board of directs professions amigos network. It connects hispanic professionals and Business Owners in Central Florida. In 2010 he founded cordova marketing solutions, a firm that specialized in the development of Small Businesses by providing consulting, marketing and advertising services. During this time, he joined the Puerto Rican Chamber of commerce of Central Florida as its executive director and in 2013 was elected their president until the end of his term in 2016. He would resume his role as president in 2019. Mr. Cordova is proud of his upbringing in puerto rico and is very grateful for the opportunities the u. S. Has blessed him with. He tries to give back to his community through volunteer work, including riding his bicycle for different charities. One especially close to his heart is the young survival coalition, an organization dedicated to providing essential services for Breast Cancer survivors under the age of 40. Mr. Core dovea shares his cordova shares his life with his best friend, miss milly cologne. He has both his parents alive and well. For that, mr. Cordova, we honor you. In honor of hispanic heritage month, we would like to honor cecilia figueroa. Cecilia figueroa is an ecuadorian american journalist and media strategist. She graduated as a journalist in her native city of ecuador. She learned about faith, perseverance and serving others from her parents, isaac and olympia. A woman pioneer in the print hispanic media, her first job was as el nuevo dia orlando newspaper. She seeked stories promoting community, outreach, education and knowledge. About immigration policies that are affecting the latino community. Cecilia enjoys highlighting pro foils profiles of hispanic entrepreneurs, organizations, faithbased communities, among others. She was the producer of the adio show and was cohost in various other radio programs. She has provided professional services to e. F. E. And news service, orlando newspaper, and many others. In 2018 she cofounded a company where she was a journalist and social media manager for the platform. In her free time she loves to read and empower Hispanic Women to reach their dreams. Cecilia enjoys sharing her knowledge in educational workshops and conferences. She was the Vice President of the National Association of hispanic journalists in Central Florida and a Founding Member another association. Shes an active member of the hispanic american professional and Business Womens Association of florida. Cecilia has been recognized by various organizations for her involvement in contributions and community causes. Including womens day by the city of kissimmee. The puerto rican day parade ofs to yoela, the n of os ceo la. Osceola. Voices of silence, evangelical fellowship of councils of florida, and more. And for that, ms. Cecilia igueroa, we honor you. In honor of hispanic heritage month, we would like to recognize gabby ortigani. Gabby is the president of the Hispanic Chamber of commerce of metro orlando, which is responsible for promoting the Economic Development of a Hispanic Community of over one million people. Some of the signature events and programs they have created to promote development in the community include the hispanic business conference, the hispanic Economic Growth summit, the don quijote awards, among others. Prior to this, she serves as the regional Vice President for Central Florida at prospera. A Nonprofit Organization that provides free bilingual Technical Assistance to hispanic entrepreneurs who are establishing or expanding their businesses. Under her leadership, the region achieved a 23 increase in clients who received individual consulting services. Gabby has also served her community in other roles, including being the manager of Community Relations at orlando utilities commission, director of hispanic Crime Prevention program for f. I. U. Center for the administration of justice, Senior Community officer for the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs administration, and being a legislative assistant in the Florida House of representatives. She currently serves as a board member of many local organizations, including the orlando economic partnership, the heart of florida united way, the association of latino professionals for america, and the National Latino peace officers association, among many others. Her work, ethic and commitment to her community has been recognized with numerous awards and recognitions, including orlando business journals 40 under 40, women who mean telemundo, rds, Hispanic Women who make a difference award, Orange County sheriffs Community Service award, Orlando Police departments good citizenship, and she was named one of the 25 most influential hispanics by hccmos vision magazine and for that, ms. Gabby, we honor you. In honor of hispanic heritage month, we would like to illuminata apunte. She has called the United States home for over six decades. She is a selftaught folk artist whose career is taking her first to puerto rico and then florida. Her career first started with folk dance. She performs both puerto rican and dough minute cal folk dance. From puerto rican bamba to dominican bachat anchings, he had has no she bachata, shes been a performer and dance teacher. She has made it her responsibility to advocate for and help educate various hispanic groups through dance and cultural exhibitions. Her career has been one of strengthening communities through cultural celebrations. She considers herself a cultural ambassador, not only for her native Dominican Republic, but also for the entire Hispanic Community. Her early experience as a missionary across latin america has inspired her to connect to people, to each other by celebrating cultural diversity. Her commitment to promoting culture and the arts is not only seen in the diversity of her works, but also in her leadership within the community. Where she r of organizes and directs various cultural exhibitions, highlighting dominican and hispanic culture. She has been recognized with awards from the Orange County government, the city of orlando government, the Council General of the Dominican Republic in miami, and more. Nd for that, we honor you. In honor of hispanic heritage month, we want to recognize father Jose Rodriguez. Father Jose Rodriguez is a vicar of the iglesia emiss could he pal jesus nazareth in florida. Originally from puerto rico, he arrived with his family in 1987 and has been part of that community now for over three decades. He learned from his parents the importance of service and advocating for others. His father was a soldier and his mother a shop stewart for unite here local 737 at walt disney world. He was the first in his family to go to college. He graduated from college with a b. A. And the university of Central Florida with an m. B. A. For many years he served at the as the episcopal chaplain to the university of Central Florida where he and his wife served local students and young adults for nearly a decade. 2017 he was signed to iglesia episcopal jesus denazz receipt just months before hurricanes maria. They mobilized to meet the meme peoples needs. Their work is far from over. Welcoming newcomers has been a hallmark of the local emiss could he pal church emiss could he pal church in kissimmee, including feeding rograms, advocacy for those in father jose by working with civic and elective leaders to promote and remove barriers to equal access to opportunity. As a priest. The father understands the roles that they play in the greater community. And this is at the heart of father jose. His desire is to buildup a community where families have a living wage and health care and r that, father jose, rodriguez, we honor you. In honor of hispanic herltage ville we recognize marcus ar and he moved to the United States mainland at the age of 14. He currently resides in orlando, florida. Marcus holds a bachelors degree from the university of maryland and masters degree in education from the university of illinois. He has worked in chicago, washington d. C. And several cities in florida where he has designed and implemented innovative campaigns in government, labor and nonprofit settings. He has worked on campaigns in florida since 2011 focusing on the puerto rican and hispanic communities. He worked in the 1990s. During his tenure he was best known with working with atrisk youth in afterschool programs and he was an adviser for the stupid body government and a leader of the local movement. In january of 2002, he moved to washington, d. C. , and held several national posts and executive ld for director for americas family united and Service EmployeesInternational Union and national ield for education fund. He serves as president for progress. The center, unite for progress pakistan andville ar strategies. He is the founder of two coalitions [speaking foreign language] and for that, mr. Ville ar, we honor you. Jile yeoh was born in puerto rico in 1948 and moved to new york city in 1968 where he and his wife established his family in the bronx. He has four wonderful children, seven grandchildren. Community at whose as college where he developed his skills as a radio announcer. He was a member of several cultural organizes in the bronx and speaking foreign language] julio was Vice President of the puerto rican parade and the fair and puerto rican weeks necessarytiveal and he worked for a better bronx and sound view as the Outreach Coordinator and a successful Business Owner he was a poll inspector. In 2012, he retired to orlando, florida. He continued his Community Involvement as a volunteer with several activist organizations including speaking foreign language] and founder and president of [speaking foreign language] he is the producer of his own radio show [speaking foreign language] he is looking for other projects in central, florida. Nd for that, we honor you. N honor of hispanic heritage month we recognize ms. Wanda ram oost. She moved to florida in 1999 and involved in empowering new voters about the importance of parental involvement in education. She has been a board member such as jobs with justice, labor uncil for latin american advancement, and legal advocacy. While working as a retailer, she organized workers. E was a Founding Member of prosecute florida [speaking foreign language] and as a Founding Member of speaking foreign language] to petition the original county Public Schools to provide language. She advocated for the families arisk from puerto rico after Hurricane Maria to enroll their kids in school. What happeneda was recognized as citizen of the year for Orange County district 3 after organizing neighborhoods in efforts to improve their community. What happeneda continues to support her community through radio shows and wanda [speaking foreign language] wanda ranking is ember ogs, we honor you. In honor of hispanic here tadge month we recognize jose ro rig ease and arrived from el salvador and he recalls being called out of regular class to practice english. During his first five years in the United States, mr. Rodriguez ere migrant farmworkers. Following the crops with the help of summer held at university of south florida, mr. Rodriguez graduated early from high school in the top 10 of to class and first hispanic earn a an associates degree. He he has worninged as a general manager for [a regional mexican station as part of his work to give time to elected first that support the immigrant community. While sharing his passion for music, mr. Rodriguez keep central floridians informed like food drives and covid19 testing, sites and much more. He serves on the Leadership Committee of the Farmworkers Association of florida. He draws his inspiration from his community and two beautiful daughters and late wife. Rod rig hat, mr. Jose, ezz, we honor you. In honor of hispanic heritage month we recognize dr. And ton yeoh cresto, he is a disease special lift with over 18 years of experience. In may of 2014, he led the team that shred to the second case of mers in the United States and he is part of the team that is managing the covid19 pandemic helping many in the orlando community. He earned from venezuela and moved to the United States to continue his education. Einstein ed at albert Medical Center and Temple University in pennsylvania. Since 2002, he has been part of the infectious team and chief of. Taff as the infectious he has received several attending of the year awards and appears. In 2012 he received the exemplary physician colleague award. Serves as a clinical director at the college of medicine and infectious. And his passion for teaching has spired many on the path of Infectious Diseases so many doctors may continue the flight. Nd for that, dr. And ton yeoh, we honor you. In honor of hispanic hertage month we recognize pamela andes talla juarez. , they worked years together to build their dream in polk county florida. They grew up in florida and enlisted in the United States marine corps right after graduating from high school and he would enlist in the United States reserves. He came home started his own business and met and met his wife. They worked hard to make their business a success. They built a home, joined a church, vol unterd to help the less fortunate and had two beautiful daughters. Deported. Was did he pies of pite her husbands service and the fact that her husband and two daughters are u. S. Citizens, she was forced to return to mexico. Pamela is now 18. And recently graduated from high school with honors and started online classes and is a social worker and families of military veterans who like hers have lost a family member. This new member she will vote for the first time. Estella lived with her mom in mexico and living with her mom. She is following in the footsteps of john lewis whose book march inspired her. And she is trying to reunite her family. And they and their family have been working hard to bring their mother home. And r that, ms. Pamela stella juarez, we honor you. Today im pleased that the house passed as part of the consumer Safety Inspection enhancement act, two pieces of legislation that we were able to offer in the energy and commerce ommittee, h. R. 2154 and h. R. 2183. We were pleased to work in a bipartisan fashion to secure this inclusion of these two bills. Both bills will study and highlight the Consumer Protection aspects of Block Chain Technology and digital assets. First block chain bills to pass the bills. H. R. 815 , block chain innovative act directs the department of commerce to onduct a study and support a report including its use to reduce fraud and increase security. It is setting a longterm goal o set up a block chain innovative. It has potential for innovation and Economic Growth. We need to support that growth and nabble its appropriate use for business and consumers and we will continue to push until we have these policy objectives put into law so we can be leaders in this space when we see rivals like china and russia pushing in these technologies. The act requires the report to congress about recommendations on unfair deceptive trade practices and other practices related to digital tokens and asks them to make recommendations to how to further protect consumers in the Global Digital token sector. I look forward to continuing to work with our colleagues throughout the congress to help make sure we keep a Competitive Edge and block chain for both digital security, for cryptocurrency and to enhance the use of Artificial Intelligence in the future. Id like to thank chairman pallone and chairwoman schakowsky, reps mcnerney and the committee for allowing me to incorporate these two bills. We appreciate representative Mcmorris Rodgers as well as representative guthrie and representative matsui, as well as our original cosponsor, representative davidson for all their hard work. With that, madam speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from louisiana, mr. Scalise, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mr. Scalise thank you, madam speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the subject of this special order. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Scalise thank you, madam speaker. Tonight were going to spend the next hour paying tribute to a special man who served here in this Congress Since 1997. Our dear friend, congressman john shimculls. John came to congress back at a time when you saw a lot more collegiality and in fact, madam speaker, tonight we have republicans and democrats on this floor who are going to be talking about john shimkus, the man, john shimkus our friend, john shimkus the legislator. Somebody who when he retires will have a proud record of achievement. Showing how he made his mark on this great nation. Were joined in this House Chamber tonight by johns lovell wife, karen lovely wife, karen, who is here tonight. His son, josh, is not far from the chamber. We have many friends and i know we have a limited amount of time. First, madam speaker, i would like to yield to the dean of the house, the gentleman from alaska, mr. Don young. Mr. Young i thank you for yielding, leader. And john shimkus has been my friend, hes done well for this house, he and i played paddle ball together, we never lost. Welling challenged on that, but thats true. And i have a saying that many eople may not recognize, why do the good people leave this congress and the s. O. B. s stay behind . Ive been here 48 years so i have to reconsider that. But, john, well miss you. Youre a great congressman, youre a great ally. Youre a great american. And i know you served your district very well and god bless you in the future for things you may do. I yield back. Mr. Scalise thank you, dean young. Were going to check that record and i know im glad i never went up against you. Although youve taken a few of us to the woodshed. Keeping with the bipartisan tradition, our friend on the energy and Commerce Committee, we served together, the gentleman from california, if you are ready to go, mr. Cnerney. Mr. Mcnerney i thank the whip for the opportunity to say some words here. Ill button up a little bit. Look good for john. You know, my First Impression of john was pretty scary. It was my first day on the energy and Commerce Committee and john was in the top dais and i was down in the front, little freshman. John looked down on us and said, you know, your policies, democratic party, are going to cost you your seat. I hope hes not looking at me. He was. But we got over it. Its funny, when Climate Change issue came up, john had a standard practice. He would bring out this big picture of his coal mine workers and say, you know, you guys Climate Policy is going to cost these people their jobs. And so thats a hard argument to fight against. Thats a hard argument because you know hes fighting for his people. I know theres other people here that are shaking their head on that one. But i respected that. He was fighting for the people he cared about and the people he represented. But there were some things john and i had in common. We both played paddle ball. We got some good games. The great thing about that is that you get to know people that you wouldnt otherwise get to know. And that was important. And i think thats a tradition we need to carry on. We also both went to west point. So we had that little bit in common and that was fun to talk about that. Eventually we started talking about policy. Oh, and i asked one dayed asked henry, what about john shimkus . And henry said, you know, hes a nice guy, then he frowned and said, but he sure is conservative. And thats coming from henry waxman. So i dont know if that means anything or not. But john and started talking about nuclear waste. About policy. So he took know Yucca Mountain. Pretty impressive. But its totally shut down. Sorry to tell you, john. It aint going to happen. As much as we would like it to. I even talked to dean hiller about it and dean heller said, oh, john shimkus, people in nevada think of him as darth vader. Solarte it was suggested that the democrats and the republicans sit together during state of the union and thats cool. John and i sat together and i can tell you, its weird when the president is in the other party and youre sitting with that party and everyone stands up and cheers and youre sitting there sitting on your hands. We got through that. But we still play paddle ball occasionally. As time goes on, we got to be friends and we talked a lot and i can tell you, johns had an impress on me and he stands up for what he believes in. We need more people like that, that have strong beliefs but that are willing to fight for what they believe in. But are also willing to compromise and work with the other side to make progress happen. And thats what we needed in this institution. I respect john for that. And well miss having him here. But well find somebody else. I yield back. Mr. Scalise with that warm ibute, madam speaker, we clearly we work well together. We have comedy with each other. You have to keep your sanity around here by keeping things lighthearted in the middle of a lot of heated battles sometimes. But in the meantime, when you think about the friendships, i know and ill share my story with john shortly. But theres a town house that john shimkus owns here in washington, d. C. And its a fourbedroom townhouse. There are four members of congress that live in that townhouse. We each have our own bedrooms and bathrooms. But we come together. And its been a special i think a special part of all of our times up here in congress to get to know each other so well. But the member of congress who has lived in the townhouse with john the longest, probably going back to when he purchased it, is our dear friend and colleague and roommate, the gentleman from texas, kevin brady. And i yield. Mr. Brady thank you, whip, for organizing this special order. Remind me never to have congressman mcnerney do my eulogy. The crowd would never believe we are here to honor a remarkable man. A classmate, a friend of mine for 24 years. And we all know in washington, across the country, his leadership and energy, for the energy and Commerce Committee, his leadership of the environment and Climate Change subcommittee. But you may not know his achievements and the heart hes committed to the Baltic States in developing and enhancing that relationship with the u. S. His many years of service on the Nato Parliamentary Assembly traveling back and forth to europe, to lay out and preserve that important relationship, his role serving on the Smithsonian Institution board of regionents and his service on the west point regents and his service on the west point board of governors. He has an amazing legacy. For our country. And hes worked with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to achieve things that matter to real people. His 1998 law, signed into law, allowing for biofuel use, federal, state and private fleets, has made biodiesel more readily available fuel pumps across the country. Hes always focused on making sure 9 11 or 911 worked for the American People. 911 n 1999 he designated as the universal emergency number in the u. S. For mobile, as well as land line telephones, continued to improve on that for our safety and security. He led the bill to acquire federal testing of childrens booster seats, something every parent can take to heart. Following that, he created a new internet domain. A place where children could go that was safe and secure from predators. It was gamechanging. His 2003 law created a placement for heart defibrillators in the schools. You can see a theme here. Helping real people. Helping children. Helping families. And he continued that work throughout his years on energy and commerce. I could go on and on. But he took on tough issues as well. Ones that people never thought could solve, like the toxic substance control act, something he worked years for, to build bipartisan support, something that makes our nation more secure, environmentally as well. And we all know, since weve nicknamed him yucca shimkus, for many years his devotion to trying to find a safe, secure Nuclear Energy future for america. He didnt do this by himself. He has an amazing family. His wife, karen, as steve said is here today, his three sons, david, josh and daniel, who we watched growing up, reading in the townhouse, backing their dad, his heart is never far away from his hometown of collinsville, illinois. He is, as you know, a proud graduate of the United States military academy. He served over five years active duty in the army. Then entered the army reserves. He retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. After 28 years of military s service, i can tell you as roommates, when we finished long days at the capitol, trying to figure out how we get ready for the next day, john was leaving to go to a reserve training continuing education or the weekends on his training as well. He has the devotion to this ountry that is unbelievable. His service has not just been to his country, but to his community. He ran and won his first election for the School Township trustee, because he wanted to help children in his community. He was elected to Madison County treasurer so he could serve a Broader Group of constituents. 1996, he won his first term in the United States house from illinois 20th district. Today he represents the 33 counties of the 15th district and i can tell you, it is must be an amazing district ecause we all know where the largest ketchup bot the in america is located. Collinsville, illinois. We know his district is the horse radish capital of the world. With the horse radish festival, horse radish food, horse radish fun. And i will tell you he loves his lord, he loves his family, and he has always fretted about how much more can i do to help our church, the hoe Holy Cross Lutheran church in which he has worshiped his entire life . Two points as we finish for me. Youd love being his roommate. He is a man of integrity, of character, he is every morning the first one up in the morning, sitting at the kitchen table, reading the bible, sending out those bible phrases for his friends and colleagues in preparing for his day. He is an amazing teammate, along with classmate and roommate. He and i have played in the congressional baseball game now for 23 straight years. He is a baseball player. Hes won m. V. P. Four or five times. Weve all lost count. Hes the last member of congress to hit a home run out of the field, out of the park, on his first atbat in his first year in congress. Hes never hit the ball anywhere that close ever since. He was the catcher and a pitcher and the captain of our team, which doesnt surprise you. Hes been the captain of everything hes been involved with his entire life. And with this, ill tell you how remarkable, how gutsy this guy is. So, in 2004 or so, he had open heart surgery in the spring. Which of course would mean he would miss his favorite baseball game. So we had the congressional baseball game, the doctor told him, you can begin to start exercising three months after this surgery. Well, the baseball game happened to be exactly three months after surgery. Another pitcher started the game, was called back to congress for votes in the senate, and out of the bullpen came john shimkus, three months after heart surgery, not orgetscopic surgery, the kind that cracks you open, there he was, three up, three down, helping save the game for the republicans. Thats the kind of lawmaker, thats the kind of friend, thats the kind of competitor he is, never letting you down, has always upheld the highest standards for our country, for congress and i will tell you, at a time where each day youre told whats wrong with america, john shimkus is whats right with america. And we are so proud of our Friends Service and he will be missed like nobody else. Got bled you, john. Thank you. Mr. Scalise thank you, kevin. As you can see, madam speaker, it is these are tough jobs. These are tough times. But when you come up to congress, you come up to fight for things you believe in. We all have a deep set of beliefs we come to try to advocate for. But we all know you cant do a job like this alone. You need to work with other people, you need ally, people who want to join you in that cause. Along the way, madam speaker, you truly do make deep friendships. I remember i was a new member in a special election, i came in toward the tail end of a congress in 2008 with only six months left in the term. Didnt really know anybody here. Trying to find my way. In fact trying to find a place to live. I was living with one of my College Roommates who works up here in d. C. And they had a by by on the way, i was staying in the babys room. I knew i had a few weeks before i had to find another place to live. I asked jim mccrery, the congressman from louisiana. I said jim, looking for a place, what do you do to find a place around here . He said john shimkus has an opening at his townhouse. I said, who is john shimkus in he pointed and john was there in the well of the house in a vote series. All the member of congress are joined together. He points john out. I walk down and spro introduced myself. I said i heard you have an opening at your townhouse, i just got here, im looking for a place to stay. I called jennifer that night and said i think i found a place to live. And that next day i moved in. Didnt really know kevin brady. Next thing you know im rooming with these gentlemen. And getting to know people who became dear friends and again, in a job like this, you work really hard advocating for the things that you ran on back home, youre fighting for the people in your district. Im honored to represent southeast louisiana, but youre also working with incredible people and you get to meet incredible people along the way. John shimkus is duly, as kevin said, one of those true, genuine people. Somebody that you can entrust the things that you want to share with only a few people, close friendships, that do form up here. You dont hear about that a lot. But yet we were able to form such a deep friendship, somebody who you can trust, as kevin said, john went to west point. Hes an army guy. So he was the drill sergeant in the townhouse. And when john says something, you back your brothers play. In fact, the second day i was in the townhouse, john said, steve, tomorrow you got to get up at 6 00 in the morning and were going out to play baseball. I didnt know about the tradition between the republicans and democrats. I guess i have john to blame. But john said youve got to come out for the baseball team. I hadnt played baseball in over 25 years. Didnt even have a glove. Next thing you know, next morning im up playing baseball. And boy what a start of again, the ability to generate even more friendships, to forge friendships with people on both sides of the aisle. Some that you work with on a regular basis, some youre not always working with but people you get to form a deep friendship with. Thats what makes congress work. Its not the things you see then oh the nightly news, the big fight tweens the parties and sometimes within the parties. Its the daytoday grind where people come together and find Common Ground to advance the things they believe in to make this a greater nation. John shimkus has done that on so many fronts. I got to see it. Yes, he is the first one up. Hes reading his bible. Hes writing down verses. When its time to leave he starts to whistle. And you know, you dont need an alarm clock. When john starts to whistle that means its time to go to work. And again, just a person who wakes up and goes to work for the people of Southern Illinois and the United States of america, just like he served our country in the military. For 24 heres 24 year he is served this great nation. Were a better nation because john shimkus has been a member of this wonderful body, the peoples house. This is really where people come together. I started this morning in philadelphia, had some meetings there, and i actually on my way out passed by independence hall. You never can see that enough. Got to see the liberty bell this morning. Got to go see the chamber where George Washington sat as they kinded the signed the declaration of independence, where they wrote the constitution of the United States, right next door, the chamber where congress met for 10 years when they were building this beautiful building, where they actually passed the bill of rights. We are all honored to be a part of this special place where people of all wuskse life come together. And you meet people of different backgrounds, work with people of different backgrounds, work to make this a better country. You just hope, you just pray, as youre praying to god for strength, for wisdom, for guidance as we all do, that whenever you leave we all leave this job, hopefully you leave on your own terms. But if you look back and you can say you left your mark, you made this a better country, john shimkus, you left your mark. You get to leave on your own terms. You get to go home with karen and enjoy your life in Southern Illinois and youve earned this opportunity to have a new chapter in your life because you can look back and say for 24 years, you served here in this great body and made this a better institution and made with a better country because of your service. Thank you, john. For this opportunity to get to know you so well. With that, i yield to my friend, someone who actually worked with john shimkus, john, were going to have rodney davis take over for a minute but for now i yield my time back to the speaker. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2019, the gentleman from illinois, mr. Davis, is recognized for the remainder of the 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Mr. Davis thank you, madam speaker. At this point, id like to go over to the other side of the aisle, to recognize my friend, mr. Tonko, from new york, to offer his comments. Mr. Tonko thank you. I thank the gentleman for yielding. And john, its an honor and pleasure to be here with our colleagues to salute you and thank you for the Tremendous Service that you have provided not only to people of your Congressional District but the people of this nation. And it is very obvious that you are much loved and appreciated and respected by your colleagues in this house. It is also humbling to know that you have brought a good name to politics. And you have reminded us by your very actions and your deeply rooted beliefs in the various issues that you tackle that it is not only ok, but its essential to have differences in this house and its to share those differences in a respectable way which you have always done so as to build the best product. So i think this evening we salute your integrity and your humility which often types is what i think drives your personality to be able to achieve and to be drive to have this driving force, to accomplish on behalf of the people. So i appreciate the opportunity to participate this evening. Ill try not to undermine john shimkus sterling conservative credentials. By joining in this discussion this evening. But for six years, i have served as the Ranking Member to mr. Shimkus subcommittee chair, and the past two years we have switched roles. But during all of that time, we have disagreed on many occasions. In fact, were disagreeing right now. But that doesnt stop me from coming here this evening to just share my respect with others for you and the tremendous performance you have put forth on behalf of the republic. But as i have found, you have been tremendously accessible, very open minded and fair. Always looking for a way to for us to achieve and to build that compromise. Its been a Great Partnership and even if we didnt see eyetoeye on everything. And i will always appreciate that we would Work Together to try to find Common Ground on issues where we thought we could agree. Im really proud of our bipartisan work on reauthorizing and uh improving that program. Certainly the Drinking Water infrastructure efforts we made thats essential for our communities. We made great improvements to those programs and it would not have been possible without your leadership, john. And while we have had some different perspectives on tosca, i believe its fair to say that representative shimkus has done ome undeniably monumental work n chemical safety. This chamber is losing a great representative and Yucca Mountain is losing a frequent visitor. I want to congratulate you on your retirement. I wish you and karen the very best as you go forward. You have displayed to me tremendous qualities of character. When you speak of your family, the love you have for them is just apparent in your face when you talk about them. Youre so proud of that partnership you have with karen and of the children, the offspring that you have created. Ts also very evident that you have enjoyed service to this country not only in this not only in this house but as a member of the new york delegation, im proud to say that we adopt you as a west point cadet and that you have shown your strength and your valor and your courage to be a strong element that you have contributed to this country. And so i thank you for your integrity, i thank you for your deeply rooted faith that has made a lot of our partnership work, youre guided with that humble spirit to serve your creator through the gifts youve been endowd. Thank you for being such a great friend. Thank you for being such a great work partner. Thank you for the success we have achieved together and i hope theres more to come. In the ensuing days an weeks that youll be here. So congratulations, my friend, know that you made your mark, and that youve earned many, many, many stars after your name. God bless. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Tonko. I felt a little john shimkusy here, thought we were running out of time. Im going to ask my colleagues to please limit your comments to a minimum a maximum of two minutes. I want to yield to my good friend and fellow illinoisan, darin lahood. Mr. Lahood its a pleasure to be here tonight with my colleagues to honor john shimkus. I want to echo the rashes of everyone that spoke before me. Weve heard about johns service, obviously his service at west point and his service to the army, 28 years serving us in the military, retiring as a lieutenant colonel. But as but as the newest member of the republican delegation coming in five years ago, i want to comment on what john shimkus has meant to me as a new member. Coming in on a special election in september of 2015. John is the head of our delegation, was there for me as he has been for so many of us here in the congress. Johns friendship, his mentorship, his example that hes set for us has been invaluable. And he really has set the Gold Standard for being a legislator. And my colleagues have talked about that. He showed the importance of good constituent service. Being a cheerleader for your district. Maybing the frolvet work for the people you represent. And john has been in congress for all the right reasons and as has been articulated by my colleague, how much he cares for his family, his faith, and the constituents he represents in Southern Illinois. And john, youre going to leave an indelible mark here in the congress on the work you did on the house energy and Commerce Committee and the peoples house here, and illinois and this country owe you a sincere thanks for your service not only to the congress but to the army. We will miss you in the illinois delegation but we know that karen and your three sons will be happy to have you home. I also want to mention, putting congressman davis aside,has hired very good staff in his time in congress. And i mean that. If you people that have gone on to do great things here in illinois and washington d. C. That is another test ta metropolitan and i have to give a shoutout to his chief of staff and doing so much for the zigget and people of illinois. Jaup, i congratulate and thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you, and i yield back. Thank you, congressman lahood. Mr. Davis i recognize my colleague who has john shimkus, mr. Mike moss from Southern Illinois. Thank you, mr. Davis and thank you, madam chair. That is true. I have known john shimkus since he was a treasurer in Madison County, where he was the one who held the spot for it has been 10 years and i was a state legislator and i kept hearing about this guy, john shimkus from Madison County and i came is ow him and i said he going to run for congress and i thought a wonderful thing. And we think, that is going to be good. But we didnt realize how great it would be. When we like to joke with john, because we love him, the reality is, he served his district well. He served the state well. He severed the nation well and made differences in the world. I would like to harrass him about the fact that he is an army, march e. P. A. He served well in the army as well. He is a map of ipteg right. He is a map of faith. He loves his family. And thats what our nation is about. He is going to be missed terribly in this body. We wan to joke about the fact that he is quitting. But you know what . He didnt quit. He stood up. He stood up in tough times and stood up in good times. The people of this nation are better because this man has severed in congress. He is a close friend. You can hear that from the people who are talking here. He is a father who loves his children. He is a husband that loves his wife. He is a man that loves his god. Who could ask for anything more. John, thank you. And i yield back. Mr. Davis im going to start asking for time. I would like to recognize my colleague from illinois for a minute and a half. I rise today to thank john shimkus and wish him the very best. You may never remember this. I said i would like to meet you and you could not pro noups my name. Few people can. I said call me. My last name allows me to be on a first name basis and from that point forward we developed a friendship to the point where recently i came to you and asked you to cosponsor a piece of legislation and you said put me on it without asking me without cosponsor. At i was and you trusted me and it was based on a friendship rooted on shared values. And we are all america caps and hat is something that i depply cherish about our relationship. A wise man once said we can find Common Ground by moving to a Higher Ground and working with squan proves to me we can ascend to Higher Heights om if we try. And john shimkus is the apit mow ho tries to ascend to a higher grouped and i thank john and his long time chief craig roberts, for their incredible devoted service to their family and community and country. Thank you so much. And i yield back. Mr. Davis thank you. I would like to recognize the good friend of congressman shimkus, greg walden. Mr. Walden thanks for sharing john for so many years and your warmth and friendship. m told that john is a big fap of the movie team stone. And there are a couple of quotes hat sum up that had to see his passion for his district and his community and his passion for good policy. And kurt russell said you tell them im comeing and you want somebody at your side, fiting r a cause, that sums up john shimkus. Now you got it. And as we tackle these issues and watch john stand up for the people who september him here and not only brings the passion but brings the intellect. Family wish you your well. And i yield back. Davis speaking with the energy and Commerce Committee. I would like to recognize mr. Mckinley for a minute or so. I thank you, i rise to honor my friend john shimkus. Wipping me under his and i cant tell you how much i learned from being around john. Means and, mckinly stubborn. What does shimkus mean . And try to take us out. It must be persistence and i never meant a perp. He personifies the trait. Think what he has done. Ost rgsly, where he has been. Cused in leading legislation john, you made a difference. And impacted a difference. You will never know how many lives you touched and the hundreds of thousands of jobs through your legislation that you helped create in america. Think we owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you for being a friend and thank you karen and honor to work with you and i wish you in the years to come. Mr. Davis i would like to recognize another leader, mr. Burg eggs from texas. Mr. Burgess i thank john for his service to the country and his wife and it has been from west point and u. S. Airplane reserves. It has been my privilege to serve with squan on the u. S. Energy and commirs committee and the impact he has had. My fondest contest on march of mcconnell, i still have a piece of rock and when we alked into that manmade calf earn but your passion for that issue has not dimmed and i promise you we will keep up and carry on. I thank you for the privilege of having known you. Mr. Davis i would like to recognize from the great state indiana, ms. Brooks. Mrs. Brooks i have the honor of searching with him. Years has had a tremendous impact but his role on the steering impakistan had my fighting hank him for for me. Energy ers made it to and commerce. The we worked and has led the way to create Bipartisan Legislation that crafted to help all america caps and designated 911 as the emergency number, former teacher and mom of a teacher, and schools have the equipment to keep students states. He is a rock star in legitimate wan what, his support for our staunch aleye. There are so many things that this body is to going to miss him and i wish scaup and karen a lot of love and a lot of music. Mr. Davis i recognize the gentleman from ohio, mr. Latta. Mr. Latta john, we are going to miss you and talked to a lot of i s and before i got here, can still remember and one of the things i was talking to. I hadnt got yep legitimated yet and you were gasheous to talk with me that after noon. One of the things i know about you. You got your priorities right in life. And its your god, your family and your country and you always, always showed that to the rest of us. Something you bleevend in and again we all have Great Respect for you. And serving on committee with you and chairing the environment subcommittee and one of the things you are passionate about and making sure things got done. D nobody thought things were going to get dope, we were going to get down. Yucca mount april. And you know, gep, its something that you believed in but something we have to do. Thats your legacy and for all your years of service here in the house and country and in the army, but it comes back to what dad taught me, and dad says there are two types of people, those who want to be a politician and those who want to be a public ser rant. And people who represent for their open benefit and give back to the people they represent. All i can say, were going to miss you and great leader in committee. I wish you all the best, you and your family and talked about how families are doing. I cant thank you. And i yield back. Mr. Davis mr. Guthrie,. Mr. Guthrie im here to honor mr. Shimkus, i call a west point cadet and one of the most were ng things, we when in west point . We are not that part. And i severed with him. And more passionate about his familiar high. We were visiting our allies and john went on a mission and i for get about the dutch horp and his thing wasnt easy to find. Unique Musical Instrument and he was passionate. It was as big as this table. And he started people. He said my wife is here with us tonight and they teaches music. She gets these instruments. And teaches the history of where the music is from and see johns history and passion for his family. I was standing with him one of the preopening nights of the bible museum, we saw Martin Luthers bible, his love of the word of god, the love of his god, it shows the common theme tonight, john is passionate about his country, through his service in the army and in the congress and nato committee, his passion for his family, its unmistakable, its in his face. His face shows everything hes thinking. When he talks about his wife you can see it. When i was standing there with him, he was passionate about his god. Duty, honor, country is learned at west point. But country, family, and god. That is so important. Were going to miss you. I yield back. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Guthrie. Mr. Griffith, another member from the great state of virginia. Mr. Griffith weve heard a lot of great comments about john. I was not officially a men tee but when i first got to the mentee but when i first got to the energy and Commerce Committee, he gave me pointers, guidance, how you do things. Sometimes its frustrating around here as we all know. I appreciate very much all the help you gave me and the guidance you gave me through the years. I am going to miss you deeply on the committee. I appreciate all of your service. I could talk about all the things all the other people have but im going to point something out that i realized as i was sitting here here. Every member of this congress by nature is a political junkie. Unfortunately, the time to celebrate your Service Overlaps ith a president ial debate. So itll get high ratings in the reruns than itll get in the primetime first edition. But when you stop to think about it, think about all the members of congress who stayed here, who wanted to Say Something positive about you, about your service, your commitment to your family, to your god, and to your country. And were all here missing that big event because we love john shimkus. So god bless you, godspeed on the work that you have to do further, and i yield back. Mr. Davis thank you. Mr. Griffith. Now id like to recognize another good friend from the great state of texas, mr. Arrington, for brief remarks. Mr. Arrington thank you, representative davis. I rise to honor my colleague, my friend, and fellow pitcher on the congressional baseball team. In fact in 2018, after watching my colleague,shimkus, pitch for an in, i followed him onto the mound and after watching him an entire inning i still, madam speaker, cannot throw the ball straight. But in all seriousness, its a privilege to serve with the man with a man with such great character and commitment to service. In fact, john, youre the epitome of a servant leader. I imagine this is how you were when you were a soldier, when you were a teacher, a local leader. Thats certainly who you are in this chamber. Its made all the difference. Im reminded of the scripture in pians that says do not in philippians that dez in humility value others above yourself. Thats who you are, john. Thats thats the value in the and the trait that has made this country what it is today. I pray well have more leaders follow you in your ilk. Its an honor to be your friend. Im grateful for your friendship. I wish you blessings an godspeed in all your future endeavors. I yield back. Mr. Davis i can attest, sometimes you cannot throw the pitch straight. My shin feels that. Id now like to recognize the newest member of the shimkus lum lord era at his townhouse. The newest member, mr. Stauber from minnesota. Mr. Stauber thank you very much. Mr. Speaker, correction, madam speaker, i rise today to thank my good friend and roommate, colleague, congressman john shimkus. For his 24 years of dedicated service to the United States house of representatives. John began his life of commitment to our country when he enrolled at the prestigious west point academy. Following graduation from west point, john served five years in the army, then entered the army reserves. Much like his time in the military, johner is vis in congress has been defined by his steadfast approach to leadership and integrity. When i was elected in Congress Almost two years ago, i was grateful to have john not only as my guide but also as a roommate and friend. It has been a great privilege to live in the legendary shimkus townhouse. Where there were only two requirements. That i had to pay the rent on time, and i had to make sure the freezer was stocked with dairy queen dilly bars. And i will always be thankful for the many late night conversations after a hard days work where he and i had the chance to discuss not only policy and legislation but also about our lives and families. Serving in congress often means spending a lot of time away from family and loved ones so i want to thank johns wife karen and his three sons, david, joshua, and daniel, for allowing their father, john, to serve for 24 long years. I know they will be happy to have him closer to home and our loss is their gain. Madam speaker, this entire body will miss john and i am sure his constituency is thankful for his years of service. I know i am. Thats the conclusion of my official remarks. But i want to talk off the cuff for a couple of minutes. Mr. Davis will the gentleman yield . We had more speakers arrive. Can you let us know those off he cuff remarks quickly. Mr. Stauber i want to thank you for your leadership and the bible verses you give me every day, and i want to thank you for mentoring me these past couple of years. I couldnt have had a better mentor and congressman shimkus, you are a leader that we all look up to. Thank you. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Stauber. Id like to now recognize another member of the energy and Commerce Committee, my good friend, our good friend, cathy Mcmorris Rodgers. Mrs. Rodgers thank you very much. Thanks for bridging us all together to honor and celebrate a Senior Member of the house energy and Commerce Committee, my friend and colleague who has led in so many different ways. I am privileged to have had the opportunity to serve with the congressman from illinois now for 10 years. Ok. And on the house energy and Commerce Committee an when i think about john i think about someone who is a true legislator. Hes the one that digs in and does the tough job of legislating. Knowing the issues and being prepared and figuring out how to actually solve big problems. So you think about the fact he led in modernizing the toxic substance control act. Led on lowering fuel costs for hardworking families across the country. It was john shimkus who led in bringing the 911 emergency system into the 21st century. Time and time again its been congressman john shimkus that is leading to get big things done in order to improve peoples lives and secure our future as americans. I want to say more than anything were going to miss you. Were going to miss your leadership, going to miss your example as a true leader. For the people from illinois, for the colleagues on the energy and Commerce Committee and for the peoples house, know that you have made a difference. I want to say thanks for your leadership, i want to wish you all the best an i just want to say thanks to everyone for pulling this together tonight. Mrs. Davis thank you. Id now like to recognize the gentleman from california, mr. Lamalfa. Mr. Lamalfa thank you, mr. Davis. I just, you know, mr. Shimkus is always one of the guys i enjoyed the most around here. We didnt get to hang out a lot or share the same committees but he was always upbeat and friendly fellow to get along with around here. I didnt want tonight to go by without at least saying something to you about how i appreciate you and enjoy you and you take on really difficult issues and the education youve helped provide me and other members on the situation down at Yucca Mountain is appreciated, the battle on that thats extremely important to get a handle on how we deal with that issue around the country which hasnt been handled very well. Youre a true leader on that. I thank you for that and many, Many Blessings on you in your next endeavors as a friend. Im glad to be here with you tonight. Thank you, i yield back. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Lamalfa. I cant tell you how privileged i am to be here tonight, to stand at this podium and recognize my fellow colleagues on both sides of the aisle to recognize somebody that i work for for worked for for 16 years. You know, i was talking to my wife shannon about what i wanted to say about john tonight because i really couldnt think of anything really nice to say reminded ears and she me that i wouldnt be here without his mentorship. I wouldnt be able to have this privilege to serve in this institution with you, madam speaker, with everybody who crowded the floor tonight to honor our friend mr. Shimkus. You know, she reminded me, you probably, his wife karen who im not supposed to recognize in the gallery, so im not, i dont want to be chastised later, but his wife karen probably doesnt know this but probably their fourth son. Is is somebody who taught me to be a good worker. Taught me that being on time matters. Taught me that helping others is a privilege. I cant say thank you enough to this man. Because i would not be serving in this Great Institution without you and your mentorship, your friendship, and your leadership. It wasnt without some hick cuffs. Some hiccups. He probably wanted to fire me a few times. But i prevailed because we had a great team. A great team is built with the leadership of somebody who gives people opportunities to not just survive in a workplace, but to excel. And i can remember that i hadnt thought about running for congress in a very long time when i got a call in 2012 one day when there was an opportunity to put my name into the mix to run for this office and in typical john shimkus fashion, and his wife karen can probably attest to this, john called me and said have you ever thought about running for congress, i said, i guess, maybe, i really enjoyed watching you, he said well, if theres ever a time to think about it, now is the time. Ok. And typical john shimkus fashion hes like, all right, i got to go. Call craig. Craig roberts. His chief of staff. Godfather of my three kids. What a team. What a team. The entire shimkus team, including my chief of staff since i got here, who worked with me on the him cus him cus campaign, in the shimkus office and is now my staff director on the committee im blessed to run, the House Administration committee, what a legacy this guy leaves for this institution. People will not understand the importance of john shimkus serving as a member of the house of representatives until they look back in history and realize some of the things that our colleagues actually talked about tonight. If you were in an emergency anywhere in this great nation, and you have a cell phone that is a lot more ubiquitous today than it was when this guy came to congress in the dark ages of 1996, you can dial 911 and know that its going to get routed to your local Emergency Services center. But before john shimkus got to congress, that didnt happen. The things that we take for granted today were started by people who served in this institution years before us. And if we dont understand their legacy and we dont understand the history they brought to all of us an to our nation an to make sure that lives are saved, we will never know their true impact. I personally know john shimkus true impact because he impacted my life greatly. He has known me since before i became a parent. Of now a 23yearold and two 20yearolds. These children look to him as somebody who mentored their dad. John shimkus, i know i dont have a lot of time left tonight and i got probably a couple months left to harass you a little bit. Being to be able to know you are friends and now our colleagues, would not have happened without you, you have made me, not just a member of this privileged institution, you have mate me a better person, you have made me a better dad, and a better husband and made this institution in the United States of america, a better place for every single. D speed to karen, i love you both, and i yield back no time that i have left. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4brmp of house 9 7, the house stands adjourned until billions trump you in fact past pres. Trump the economy. Mr. President , let me pick up on that. You would continue your free market approach, lower taxes, more deregulation, correct . Vice pres. Biden not lower taxes on the American People. Chris but you talk about the economy booming. In obamas final three years as president , more jobs were created, 1. 5 million more jobs than in the first three years of your presidency. Pres. Trump they have the slowest economic recovery since 1929. It was the slowest recovery. Also, they took over something that was down here. All you had to do was turn on the lights and they pick up a lot. Let me tell you about the stock market. When the stock market goes up, that means jobs. It also means 401 k s. If you ever became president with your ideas, you want to terminate my taxes, you will lose half of the companies that have poured in here wl