Chief of staff chairman mark milley and other defense officials honored the 180 four People Killed after a plane crashed into the complex. Secretary esper and general milley lead off with a wreathlaying ceremony atthe 9 11 memorial. Seats. Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the United States department of defense, we welcome you to the annual september 11th observance to honor and remember the 184 lives lost on American Airlines flight 77 and at the pentagon at 9 37 a. M. On september 11th, 2001. Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the arrival of the official party and remain standing for the National Anthem performed by Staff Sergeant adam strube and the invocation delivered by deputy chief of chaplins chaplin Brigadier General william green. O say, can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming . Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh, say, does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . Please bow with me on this important day in our nations history. Almighty god, we gather in the sacred place to remember and reflect on a day unlike any other. Help us with this endeavor of remembering as we honor the men and women who died on september 11th, 2001. May your spirit provide strength and comfort and peace to the family and friends of the fallen. We also pray for those lost in the ensuing conflicts to defend our freedoms during the years of war since that day. Father, continue to bring healing in the lives of family and friends, especially as we remember the principals their loved ones embraced, sacrifice, liberty, justice, honor and duty. May we be compelled and convicted to take hold of these same enduring qualities, with this endeavor we ask for your grace and strength. Now bless our National Civilian and military leaders with wisdom as they lead our great nation through prosperous and challenging times. And thank you for our great nation and the freedoms we enjoy as americans. Continue to protect our servicemen and women and civilians who are deployed in defense of freedom. In your holy name we pray, amen. Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. It is my pleasure to introduce the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general mark a. Milley. Mr. Secretary, distinguished guests, and especially the survivors and families of the fallen, watching from across the nation, thank you for participating in this mornings ceremony. 19 years ago today, began as a typical morning for pentagon employees and they commuted to work under a near cloudless sky with temperatures in the low 60s and it promised to be a beautiful day. Here in this building, military members and defense civilians exercised at the Athletic Center and sipped their Morning Coffee and prepared for routine meetings and the days work and all that changed at 9 37 a. M. In seconds, scores of lives were lost. 184 men, women and children were murdered in a violent impact and fiery blast. The innocent range in age from 3 to 71 years. Those who perished here along with 3,000 more in new york city and somerset county, pennsylvania, they were killed for what they believed in and for what they represented. But their memory and their legacy will live on as we honor and remember them all today. The horrific acts of terrorism on that day were meant to disrupt our way of life and destroy the idea that is america, the idea is simple, yet very powerful, the idea that terrorists hate and fear, the idea that all of us, men and women, back and white, asian or indian, no matter what the color of our skin, no matter if we are catholic or protestant or muslim or jew or choose not to believe at all, the idea that each and every one of us is created free and equal, the idea that we will rise and fall based on our merit, not because of our race or religion or anything other than, our competence and our character. The idea of a free press, free speech, due process, the right to peacefully assemble and demonstrate and protest, the idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All of that is what our fallen believed in and all of that is what they represented. All of the values and principles embedded in our constitution and made real in our own daily lives were paid for in the blood of the fallen. Those ideas were and still are hated by our enemies, by fascists, nazis, communists, al qaeda, isis, authoritarians, dictators and tyrants of all kinds, they hate those ideas, they hate those values and on 9 11 they tried to destroy us. But their murderous intent was never realized. Instead of Sowing Division and strife we gathered at the murder scenes in new york city and pennsylvania and right here at thing. And we came together as a nation and the chaos and fog of the attacks, soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardsmen, civilians, all brave and selfless ran into the flames to help the wounded. The smoke and the dust of the rubble, no one could discern anothers physical attributes nor were they concerned with each others background. What mattered they were helping one another, what mattered is they were americans with complete unity of purpose. Now almost two decades later, their legacy of service and sacrifice continues. Since 9 11 almost 3 million americans have deployed overseas serving their country in the war against terrorism. Nearly 6,000 have laid down their lives in the altar of freedom, for the principles that came under attack on that day. Today we gather here to honor the fallen of 9 11. To remember and reflect and to reaffirm our resolve, to support and defend the constitution, the idea for which those brave souls gave the last full measure of devotion. Let us resolve here yet again today to never forget those who were murd irds by the terrorists, never forget those who rushed to save lives and in the process gave their own. Never forget the sons and daughters, the brothers, the sisters, the mothers, the fathers, who gave their tomorrows for our todays. Honor them, honor them today and forever and honor the cause they served. Ladies and gentlemen, its my great pleasure to now introduce the 27th secretary of defense, the honorable marks esper. Thank you, general milley. Distinguished guests, southeastern leaders, and most importantly, the survivors and the friends and family who lost loved ones on that solemn day 19 years ago, thank you for joining us as we pay tribute to the nearly 3,000 innocent lives that were suddenly and violently taken from us at the World Trade Center in new york city at a quiet field near shanksville, pennsylvania, and here, at the pentagon. Much like this morning, on september 11th, 2001, americans were getting ready for what they thought would be just another workday. No one could fathom that on that bright september morning we would experience the worst terrorist attack in our nations history. A horrific crime carried out by evil fanatics who would brutally kill the innocent in the name of their distorted cause. It was a vicious assault directed not just at our people and our institutions, but also at our most sacred ideals. Freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, in their attempt to shake the very foundations of our republic, to destroy our way of life, they underestimated our strength, our resolve, and our unbreakable spirit. We came together as a nation on that fateful day and witnessed a tremendous outpouring of courage, compassion, and sacrifice amid the grief, the darkness and the disarray. The stars and stripes of that great symbol of our great nation would soon adorn homes and businesses all across america. We remember vividly the images of First Responders and volunteers covered in soot and ash, running undaunted toward the smoke, the fire, the chaos, again and again to rescue the trapped and the injured. Here at the pentagon, we honor and remember the numerous acts of heroism and personal courage that prevented the human toll from becoming much worse. In one account, intrepid americans determined to save their colleagues went in pools of standing water to protect themselves from the intense fire and heat as they repeatedly rushed back into the burning rubble and smoldering ruins. Meanwhile, engineers, mechanics and hundreds of others jumped into action keeping this building operating even as firefighters battled the raging inferno brought on by flight 77ths jet fuel. The resourcefulness and determination aloud the pentagon to continue be the readiness and response of u. S. Military forces worldwide without missing a beat. Maybe most importantly, these heros demonstrated to the world, especially our enemies, the resilience of Americas Armed forces and of our people. Since 9 11, millions of americans have stepped up to serve this great country, all swearing that solemn oath to support and defend the constitution and with many paying the ultimate price to ensure that such an attack never happens again. That remains our standard to this day. Whether denying safe haven to terrorists in afghanistan and iraq, defeating the physical caliphate of isis, preventing violent extremists from gaining a foothold on the african continent or bringing to justice terrorist leaders wherever they hide, the United States military continues to defend our homeland, our people, and our way of life. And so today, we also recognize those who have answered our nations call and we honor the legacy of our brave Service Members who have laid down their lives to secure the blessings of this great nation. Because of their selfless service, sacrifice and unshakable commitment to our constitution, america stands stronger, safer, and more secure. To the friends and families of those who have perished, no words can ever soothe your grief, no act will ever replace your loss, no remembrance will ever fill that void, but please, please know that the men and women of the department of defense will always be with you as we give our sacred pledge that your loved ones will not have died in vain, so long as we stand watch over this great nation. It is in that spirit that we commemorate today and every 9 11 that follows, to reflect on the blessings of this great country, to renew our commitment to the principles that have kept our homeland free, and to reaffirm our solemn vow as americans that we will never forget the lives lost and tremendous sacrifices made on that fateful day in the years that followed. May god bless you and may god bless america. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for a moment of silence to honor those killed at the pentagon on united Airlines Flight 93 and in new york. Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes todays observance. Thank you for joining us this morning. [inaudible conversations] on friday a remembrance ceremony was held in new york city to mark the 19th anniversary of the september 11 terrorist attacks. Was attended by Vice President mike pence, former Vice President joe biden, new york governor andrew cuomo, and new york city mayor bill de blasio. The ceremony began before 8 46