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Also, counterterrorism analyst washington Thomas Anderson talks about the evolving threats facing the u. S. Since the september 11 terrorist attacks. Washington journal is next. Host it is the washington journal for september 11. Todays show will focus on the 19th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. You can see planned events at the pentagon which you are watching at ground zero in new york. On cspan, cspan2 and cspan3. You can check the website for specific channel and time information. Follow along on the radio app. We will take your calls on this remembrance day. Here is how you can call us. The eastern00 for and central time zones. 202 7488001 for the mountain and pacific times. If you want to text us, do so at 202 7488003. Post on our cspan feed. On this day, several papers across the United States devoted. Heir editorial page here is the tribute out of johnstown, pennsylvania. On the 19th anniversary, our nation is distracted by politics. We are obligated to pause on this september 11 and patriot to the many who lost their lives including the 40 heroes who perished in united flight 93 which crashed in somerset county. Pause ateryone to 10 03 a. M. , think about the sacrifice of those who fought back against the terrorists on that plane, paying for their courage with their own lives and saving untold thousands. This is the tribune star. As america confronts an enemy in the coronavirus that has swept over the world, the type of unity it takes to encounter a National Public Health Threat is not match the resolve america demonstrated after 9 11. The collective spirit it takes to prevail over a pandemic has been lacking. These are troubled times. As we pause to remember those who died on 9 11, we would be wise to reflect on what we were. That crisis was met with collective resolve and american spirit that did not wane. A different approach from the virginian pilot. Commenting on the change in government, particularly as the department of out of the department of Homeland Security. Allowedt george w. Bush his administration to stroke of commerce to the side. Barack obama further expanded them. Republican donald trump has gone further. While those men share some of the blame, congressman shirked its responsibility. Overcome partisan infighting and restore structure analogy instruction functionality and dignity. If you want to call and give your emergence remembrance of 9 11, you can call us at 202 7488000. For the eastern and central time zones. 202 7488001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. Ext us at 202 7488003 post on our twitter feed or post on our facebook page. Has beenrk today, as every year, a 9 11 ceremony takes place. We will talk about that ceremony ,nd some of the differences joining us is larry. Thank you for joining us this morning. Guest thank you for having me. Host we have seen ceremonies come year after year. What is different this year . Guest the pandemic is different this year. Controversy even before we got to 9 11 over the tribute in light. There is going to be no life the 2753 victims. They will play recordings. The Fire Department has warned firefighters in new york, groups that lost 343 brothers that day that they should not attend the ceremony because of fears of covid19. The pandemic has done a lot of things to make a whole bunch of things different. Host so we see people gather at ground zero ceremony sites. People will not be allowed at that site . Guest know, the family members will be allowed in beginning at 8 00 this morning. The ceremony will start at 8 30. Their voices, the family members will not get up and read the lists of those killed on 911, 11, which was,9 to me, one of the more emotional things in the ceremony. Occasionally a speaker michael off on a political tangent. That is something that was might go off on april little tangent. That was something that was scrapped. Families getetting up there and have the chance to recite the names of their loved ones. Host as far as officials you have heard in the past, will there be any officials today, whether from new yorks government or the federal government . Guest Governor Cuomo will be there. Bill de blasio will be there. At the lastminute last night, joe biden announced he would stop in on his way to shanksville, where he and President Trump will both appear. Coming. Sident pence is he will go to both events. 9 11 museum event and the second event that was by the tunnel group, which is a 9 11 charity group. They will be a few blocks away. At their ceremony, they will have people read the names out loud. Host you talked about those beams of light that have become part of the ceremony. Remind people how that got resolved. Guest yeah. Mikeally, i think bloomberg stepped in and matrix were done. Bloomberg was the mayor when they make sure things were done. Bloomberg was the mayor. There was a pretty large cry when they announced they were going to postpone it or cancel it. I had a chance to speak with one of the guys who was on the organizing committee that started the tower of lights. And he was saying this week that he immediately got on the phone when he heard they were not going to do it. I think there was a huge outpouring of support for it. It is such a beautiful, moving and unique tribute. Has a Significant Impact to see it, even 19 years later. Later,early 20 years does it reverberate with residents in new york city . With the First Responders who were there or know people who responded . I think it reverberates with anyone who was in and around the city. I remember everything in detail. I went to work. It is interesting. There is starting to be a new generation. We have a story from the paper se uncle about a guy who died on 9 11 and he has followed him into the nypd, he works at the precinct of the west village of manhattan. He literally followed in his uncles footsteps. He changes into his uniform every day in a locker room right alongside the locker of his late uncle. Host larry who reports for the New York Daily News talking about these events in new york city, which you can see on cspan. Thank you for giving us perspective on what is going to go on today. Guest take care. Host as far as events as you can see them for this Anniversary Day, new york city, as our guest mentioned, 8 30 a. M. , you can follow on cspan two, cspan. Org and our radio app at the pentagon. Those events will take place at 9 00 this morning. You can see that on cspan3. Our main channel will carry a little45 and go early. Around 9 45, that event that you heard Larry Mcshane reference, joe biden is expected to visit in the afternoon. Follow along on the channel at cspan. Org and our radio app. Tampa,pa florida florida starts us off. Go ahead. Pedro. Good morning, a very sad day. I am sad that they are not reading the names. It looks like a Beautiful Day in new york. I am a new yorker. After theer forget towers came down. It is a very sad day. We played for all of the victims of the 9 11 attacks. That is it. Host where were you in proximity of the towers . Guest i was in huntington, long island. A day later, a friend in for somegoing and i surgery and stuff was down in huntington. I could smell the gas. I will never forget it. Host that is lou in tampa, florida. This is joe from san antonio, texas. Go ahead, you are. Good morning. Caller good morning. Say today is ao day of sorrow and member ands remembrance of everything that happened. It is hard for me not to feel bitter about the situation we are in right now and all that we are dealing with and the perks of the of debts we have had. It feels so deaths we have had. Sense ofr a general togetherness when the attacks happened. I was younger at the time. The towers on tv while i was in school as a kid and i remember not knowing what was going on. Just that there was a general sense of support by everybody in the community. I realized there has been a lot of support for the First Responders, at least initially. Over time, it sort of waned a little bit in terms of the support we had. I know jon stewart is a big proponent for pushing for first actual responders who have succumbed to certain illnesses due to the toxicity of that were actually emitted from the site of the new york area. I just wanted to hope and pray right now that dealing with the coronavirus that we dont run into that same situation where there is such a Huge National support from what is going on ,ight now for everything everybody is trying to make things better and that over time that we dont let the people who are helping the most be forgotten over time like business owners. Host that is joe in san antonio, texas. Facebook adding may they all rest in peace. We will never forget. Ray in elizabeth, new york, saying with the pictures you have seen many times over the to it wastion with North Carolina, saying with the pictures you have seen many times in relation. President trump saying from his twitter feed we will never date and never forget. Wendy in michigan, in roseville, good morning. Caller good morning, pedro. How are you doing . Host i am well. Caller today is a day of remembrance and sadness. I remember where i was. I was at work. My parents were home, watching the today show and they were watching the thing unfold. Plane butd the first they saw the second one. They were just watching that and it bothered them. I came home from work and there was a late addition of the usa hitting thehe plane World Trade Center. I bought that. When i came home, my folks and i went to a service that we had at our church for all of us to just sit and talk about what happened just ahad prayers and what happened. To see all of that happening in my country that day was awful. But you felt so proud of the guys on flight 93 who overtook those horrible people. And they lost their lives but they took the terrorists. That was the biggest thing i thought of. I had a friend whose brother worked at the pentagon. He was at the pentagon. He passed away. That hit home for me, my friends brother. Host wendy in michigan from district heights, maryland. , we will hear from john. Caller i am a retired police officer. I was working at the department of justice and i was watching nbc and i saw the first plane, the second plane, the whole thing fall. What upsets me is the medical people never got any reasons why that happened other than, from what our media told us. There was a reason why that happened. The American People do not know why, bin laden never should have been killed. Number two, i am extremely upset because we were lied to. I am looking at tv every day and all those guys went to iraq and they came back blown to pieces. Once again, we are in this pandemic, over 190,000 americans have died because of Donald Trumps lying. When our American People going to wake up and understand we have to Pay Attention to what our government is doing, giving us lies on one side and propaganda on the other with nationalism. The American People are trying to understand why this stuff is happening to us over and over again. Host that is john in district heights, maryland. You may remember those who have followed along since 9 11 that there was Commission Form to take a look at the 9 11 attacks and the issues behind them. You can find the final report of that if you go to the website and search. It gives executive summaries of some of the details of the 9 11 commission. If you want to revisit those visually, go to our website. We have recorded those, followed that and covered those hearings. You can go to our website at workn. Org, looking up the of the 9 11 commission. Jim is in highland park, new jersey. Go ahead. Thank you for taking my phone call. Whattinctly remember happened on that day. I would like to say that on that to, i was called in in newute for a teacher school. N the high the firstto school, the first tower was hit. All right . Periods. For two , ias coming back from school believe it was the first one that went down, which was the second one that was hit. I heard it way off in the away from newiles distanceeard in the this roar. The first one that went down. Cary, northn carolina. Good morning. Caller good morning, pedro. How are you . Host i am well. Colorado but in am in North Carolina now. Today is notbout only what happened and we remember it. That is to be expected. Things like this in this country and people around the world. What is terribly sad to me is the phrase that we associate with this event and not only with this event but with the holocaust and so on and so forth. Never forget. I am looking around the landscape of my country and of we have and it appears too many people in this country now and this is not political. This is an observation. Or not going to call names parties or anything but we have what seems like a lot of people who, today, 19 years later, are more than happy more than happy to finish the job that al qaeda started. The same guys, maybe not the exact same but their colleagues. Uncles thatals ran toward those buildings 19 years ago, that ran into the buildings. I cannot remember how Many Police Officers lost their life. North of 400 and five people. They are now under attack across the country. Fire people. They are now under attack across the country. Not only are they under attack but our culture, our history, our faith. Everything that we have built up over the last 230 odd years and yes, we are flawed. We are human beings, sinners, gods creatures. We have made mistakes we are always striving to be better. We are. Lineu are looking at the from when this country was founded to where we are today, we are a better nation, a more equitable and fairer nation then we were at the time of our founding. Like i said, there are too many out there now who want to disregard this. Is mike in cary, North Carolina. If you want to give your thoughts on this 9 11 forversary, 202 7488000 the eastern and central time zones. 202 7488001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. There is a shot of the pentagon. One of the events you can see on cspan. We will go to events looking at those in new york as well as in shanksville pennsylvania shanksville, pennsylvania. The president is expected to appear in the morning, joe biden will appear later in the afternoon. On can find more information cspan. Org, our radio app available too. Our next call is from anthony in miller place, new york. We will show you headlines on this day. On the middle of long island, just near the long island sound. Maybe 60 miles from where this 9 11. Ed on i would like to draw the moderators attention to a New York Times article that was printed on may 7, 2004 by a staff writer named matthew l w. It says the tape of 9 11 was destroyed several months after the events. If you go further down in the article, you will read where a supervisor that destroyed the tapes, he was a Quality Assurance manager but he was the supervisor. He shredded the tapes and dispersed them throughout the air Traffic Controller center. He burned some of them. Some he flushed down the toilet and he scattered the rest of it throughout different receptacles. This was eight months after. They were told not to destroy any evidence pertaining to this event. I just wonder why would somebody do such an act if you are not covering something up . I know what was on the tapes. I can tell you if the American People knew what were on those tapes, they would be incensed and i think there needs to be an into those events. Bywere lied into a war a group of people who rode off into the sunset. Lets go to kathleen in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. I remember when it happened, i turned on the tv thinking the price is right was going to be on. I saw this and said what is bruce willis doing . They announced it and i could not believe it. The thing i want to say most, the magnificent hair was some of the police and firefighters, how brave they were, how wonderful they were. For all the people in america, 99. 9 of the police are wonderful people. We have to respect them. Please, lets show some more respect for our policeman. Another thing i want to say, i remember after 9 11, i could remember we were wondering every day, week and month when the next terrorist attack was going to take place. Thanks to donald trump who got rid of isis, almost, we are not worrying about the terror attacks of isis on the United States. Knight god for donald trump and thank god for our policeman and our fireman, the bravest human beings on earth. Charlie in new york, good morning. Caller good morning. My sister lives in brooklyn. After the attack, she told me cars and streets in her neighborhood were completely covered with the dust and paperwork from the collapsed towers. Host ok. What is the signet gets . Significance . Caller the towers are in Lower Manhattan and she lives in brooklyn and her neighborhood was covered in the dust from the collapsed towers. Host ok. Tony in district heights, maryland. You are next. Good morning. Good morning. I lost four comrades at the pentagon on 9 11. I did not work at the pentagon but i worked at an agency and we had a small office at the pinna gone. I remember pentagon. I remember it like it was yesterday. I also want to say this. A lot of people dont believe the official story about 9 11. Irrefuse to believe that the needs specialized equipment but somehow he can do it. He is Walking Around with his own electric grid and keeps on making these videos. That gentleman was onto something before you cut him off. A lot of people dont believe the official story. Host why do you not believe what he said . Caller there is too much evidence that refutes the official stories. The way the buildings came down. Whatever went down in theksville, whatever hit pentagon which i dont believe was flight 77. There is too much evidence that refuted it. The people in power on that day had a paper specifying that this country needed another pearl harbor in order for him to go into iraq. To me it is all a scam. Host that is tony in district heights, maryland. One of the things that was referenced by one of the editorials is that how, here in washington, d. C. , the department of Homeland Security and that was talking about how dhs has changed. And fail tot gather remember 19 years ago. But for us, the skies of september are never clear. We rose from the ashes of that date with one purpose, to protect america. Here, liberty and the rule of law live together. Dhs stands against all enemies seeking to weaken or destroy them. For more than 17 years, the department has founded our resolve to safeguard the homeland has never been stronger. The threats have changed. They are more complex and sophisticated. We were established in 2003, well before iphones existed that could be used to control zone drones. Before terrorists used cryptic currency and before nationstates used twitter to proliferate their disinformation campaigns. Our challenges today are unimaginably different than those of the past. To the trials and obstacles and successes through the trials and obstacles and successes, we have toned our abilities to accomplish our single omission of protecting the homelands. This ongoing process of growth and improvement has prepared the department to address the threats of today. Created with that in mind, to ensure that the nation were, in the words of bush t in 2020, this is paramount but. Host we will be taking your calls on this 9 11 anniversary. If you want to let us know your thoughts and impressions like some of the ones you have heard in the past half hour, 202 7488000 for the central and eastern time zones. 202 7488001 for the mountain and specific pacific time zones. You can text us at 202 7488003 as well as post on our social media sites. Various members of the house of representatives are talking. Reppo senator doug collins. Epresentative doug collins nearly 3000 americans went to sleep not knowing it was there last night. We will not forget september 11 and we should strive to live as tomorrow as if tomorrow will never come. Just a rough norman with picture of the new york skyline before september 11 as the twin towers were there with the never forget. Of pennsylvania, saying the courageous passengers and crew of flight 93 changed the course of history. As a team, they triumphed over , sacrificing their own lives to prevent further acts of terror. Everyone alive remembers where they were on 9 11. Today is a moment of reflection and patriotism for the community. Those whover forget died in the horrific terror attacks 19 years ago today. We salute the brave men and women who serve to keep our nation safe. That is a shot of ground zero. In there,ing place the pentagon and shanksville all different. Vonda in new jersey, good morning and thanks for calling. Caller good morning, my beautiful country. , in myn howell township condo, turning on the tv and i software the first plane hit the tower. And we thought saw where the first plane hit the tower. And we thought it was an accident. Hit the button and i recorded it. And then the second plane hit and then right after that, the tower came down. I took the tape to my job because i worked for National Protection services where we sold warranties throughout the country. Worked for the Stock Exchange in new york and i put the tape in and played it for him and my boss almost fainted. He broke. He could not believe it. They were all in shock. We were afraid to drive home. We shut the company down. And now i feel like our country is suffering from stockholm syndrome. Man who islized a bin laden tenfold and we are all suffering because of it. I think America Needs to wake up because we are losing thousands a day now, on purpose, in his own words. On purpose he is killing us. You can hear it yourself. Wake up, america. Host ok. Dan in georgetown, massachusetts. Caller good morning. Thanks for having me on. As far as that last call goes, yes, we have a lot of problems here in america and unfortunately our emotions have taken over our ability to think straight. Callers, the one call from brooklyn talking about the amount of dust that ended up isbrooklyn in his house, it because three buildings in new york city were pulverized that day. So, basic science, very basic science says that those three buildings were taken down intentionally. These reverse engineered computer models showing how the buildings came down, sorry. Fantasy land. In a this is not the twilight zone. We need to step up and hold science in a special place. Politics. With just like right now, we are mixing medicine with politics. Those buildings were pulverized. That dust all over the city was from pulverized buildings and there is peerreviewed reports analyzing the dust, showing a highly exothermic material in reeir that absolutely the that absolutely was used to take down three buildings. Host which reports are you referring to specifically . Caller there is a peerreviewed report out of holland, professor niels. There is a group, pedro know that you are familiar with, the richard gage architects and engineers for 9 11 troops, you have had on your show. You had overwhelming phone calls coming in supporting richard gage and his work. Those people have identified how those buildings have come down, scientifically. Host that is dan citing previous segments we have done on that topic. If you want to check out our website. The New York Post takes a look at some of the workers who experienced that. This is from their story, saying the terror attacks did not just them, it also appeared to be robbing their mental faculties. People who worked amid the rubble of the twin towers are suffering cognitive decline far earlier than normal. It is two to three times more likely that 9 11 responders are likely to have mild Cognitive Impairment, a precondition of dementia. They are getting Cognitive Impairment at an early age. And helmets program treats more than 3000 patrons including many First Responders who worked at ground zero. If you go to the New York Daily News, a story from their pages saying the Trump Administration has secretly siphoned nearly 40 million away from a program that treats firefighters in new york and medics suffering from 9 11 related illnesses. The Treasury Department the payments were authorized, made by the National Institute for safety and health which oversees the program. The treasury started keeping some of the money per there is more to that story. You can find it on the pages of the daily news if you wish. We talked about the events that are taking place across the United States. You heard what is going on in new york. Pennsylvania will be the focus of one of those events, particularly shanksville, pennsylvania as both President Trump and joe biden are expected to visit there. Joining us is jonathan of thE Philadelphia inquirer. Iq for joining us this morning. Guest absolutely. Host thank you for joining us. Guest absolutely. Host could you spell out the visit from President Trump and joe biden . Guest the president will be here at 9 00 a. M. He will be part of the formal flight 93t the memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. He will be part of a speaking program there. It will be a private ceremony due to concerns about the coronavirus. He will be one of a handful of people speaking at that event. Joe biden is en route to new york for the 9 11 ceremony in manhattan. Then he will later be traveling to pennsylvania. He and President Trump will not cross paths. Host for the private ceremony, you talked about who will be in attendance. Who will be in attendance . Guest we believe there will be some people who were involved with the fbi investigation at the time. A pretty small overall audience. It will be streamed online. They are going to keep that even small. I was going to ask, how much access does the public generally have to that memorial these days . Somethingean, it is that you generally can visit. Almost entirely outdoors. That is something that is striking about that memorial in contrast to the sites in new york and at the pentagon, which are in dense, urban areas. Memorial is in a sweeping, wideopen and windy space. It is a different setting than a lot of people associate with 9 11 when you think about the images from the pentagon and the World Trade Center. It is, i believe, going to be open to the public later in the day. Been host we have been showing people pictures from the site. Does new york currently or pennsylvania have lost preventing people laws preventing people from attending . Guest that is part of the reason they are holding the events in private. Are still rules in pennsylvania regarding large gatherings. This is following those guidelines. Host do we know what the president will address while he is there . Guest we dont. You can be confident he will speak to the moment and 9 11. It seems most likely the thing that he would stick to. We dont know exactly what he will say. He will speak to the tragedy and to the moment. Whether he goes beyond that, even the people around him i doubt would know for sure. Host when it comes to joe biden, will he make Public Comments . Will he speak to the press . Is it just going to be a visit and moving onto the next stop . How does that work . Guest he has said he will speak only about 9 11 today. Ther people actually whether he will actually speak in shanksville, there is limited detail about his visit other than that he will be making a stop there. We dont know if you will speak to reporters or not. To make no news today and speak only about 9 11. Guest what is your sense about residence in that area of pennsylvania residents in that area pennsylvania, how they are 19 years later . Guest it is not an area that i cover extremely closely. You cant help but be struck by that, this land that has been otherwise beautiful but rural area where the population is sparse and spread out and that there is now this memorial there, in the same way that you cannot necessarily compare these things. It is a striking place to visit. I dont know exactly what it would be like to live there. Something that you cannot help but be struck by if you are passing through that area. Host jonathan who does politics E Philadelphia inquirer. We thank you for your time today. Guest absolutely. Thank you. Host these events you can see on our various channels this morning. Cspan, 1, 2 and three. Follow along when you go to the website and you can listen along there. Our radio app is available too if you want to listen to these berries evince. Back to your calls. This is alex from brooklyn, new york. Go ahead. You are on. Caller good morning. Can you hear me ok . Host go ahead. Yes. Caller i am a native new yorker. Remember it was a tuesday. Brother was working for a Company Engineering firm on 23rd street. And it was chaos that day. I remember we spoke and when he came back, he happened to walk the bridge. Workingany where he was was trying to take the debris out. He was working with a structured engineering firm. What i wanted to say was how united we were as a city. And hearing all of these colors from other parts callers from other parts of the country talking about the city in polarizing terms when new york is a true depiction of what the University Unity of this country is, we have hispanics, blacks, whites, asians, people afterward with the american flag. Set when sad when i listen to cspan for so many years talk about how the city is not supporting our cops or our firemen but people in the city are united. When we consider what is happening now with how polarizing this country is, come to new york city and see what it is when you have people from all kinds of backgrounds and languages living together in one place. Just come here and you can see christians e host alex, the first caller 9 11d about the numbing to because we are 20 years out nearly. How is it for those who live in the city . Guest it is true. When this happened, i just remember there were so many people from outside of the city coming here. I guess maybe it was because of the way the media depicted it. You had basically a military fortress beyond canal street. You cannot get there. People were coming in to see if it was like world war iii over here. We were just getting on with our lives. We just moved on. We picked up the pieces, obviously. Anybody that was in the city. There are all kinds of stories. That it is something you have with you and you move forward. On a day like today, when you are like ok, it is 9 11, all of these memories come back. It is not a numbing. We just learn how to move on from it. Below 14thchool street. That was crazy for the longest time. Dont want to say that people forgot or that somehow it is not relevant anymore. Is whenill say though you consider what is happening now in the country and people, in a way, look at cities like like they are the problem. Not at all. You have democrats, republicans and independents. Views onifferent social issues but we managed to get along, even with our issues. Host ok. Alex, thank you for calling in and giving your perspective, particularly from brooklyn. In california, ann, hello. Caller hi. I just want to say a little bit in response to the previous caller. I am a native new yorker myself. I actually moved out here a few months prior to 9 11. And every year i watch all of the coverage because i am heartbroken on this day to see what happens in new york on 9 11. When i was growing up, i was born in new york but mostly grew up in new jersey. I watched the twin towers being built. To see them come down and the people whose lives were impacted, it breaks my heart. Forgotten and i watched the congressional hearings on cspan when jon stewart came to fight for the 9 11 fund and if that is a fund that ever gets depleted, shame on us. Because that is the best spending of our taxpayer dollars to keep that fund funded. In californiaann giving us her perspective. Jonathan geltzer has an oped, he is seeking a look at politicians. You can find it online. He mix this point. The last 19 years has taught us that Sustainable National security depends on not just our physical and Digital Infrastructure but our mental resilience. Strengthening our infrastructure does not mean getting americans to agree on everything or think identifying uniformly. It is not susceptible to manipulation by hostile actors that we tear ourselves apart, embrace fiction or fact and do to each other what our adversaries are unable to do for themselves. There is more on that. Politicians need to stop overhyping threats. From wilson, North Carolina, james, you are next. Caller good morning, cspan. He said the building was torn down. I was a truck driver. I was in jersey city. The last plane hit and i was on an 18 wheeler and i was standing on the running board. Hudson right across the river. I got through talking to my wife about it. I never thought somebody that crazy would do Something Like that. That man from massachusetts does not know what he was talking about. Some people were jumping out of the building. I was right there by hill street. Ok, pedro. I just wanted to correct the guy from massachusetts talking about how the building was torn down. Host that is james in North Carolina. A few more tweets from members of congress. Represented of kathy castor legislationyear i permanently authorized providing peace of mind to the families of 9 11. We must never forget the sacrifices they made for us and our country. We remember the nearly 3000 victims, the First Responders that rushed to the scene and all of men and women who answered our nations call to serve. Senator bob of new jersey says today we remember the 2974 lives including 700 New Jerseyans who perished on september 11 as well as the First Responders, families, friends and neighbors who succumbed to 9 11 related illnesses. The tort of feeds from some of the members of congress. Twitter feeds from some of the members of congress. Nancy from west virginia. Thank you for calling. You are next up. Thank you caller thank you for taking my call and thank you for the compassion you are showing for the callers an audience members today. We are all united in the compassion we have for the lives that were taken. And we recognize the bravery and sacrifice of all Emergency Responders and their families. The twin towers briefly in the 1980s. I can tell you that i love new york and i love new yorkers. Findld like for us to purpose in striving to be united in america. I thank you for taking my call. Host nancy in west virginia, giving her remembrances. Our colleague at American History tv put together some special programming in relation to this day on their history bookshelf series. You can hear from jim dwyer and kevin flynn talking about their book, 102 minutes, the untold story of the fight to survive inside the twin to our. He conducted interviews with survivors, rescuers and victims of family members who contacted relatives on that morning of september 11, 2001. You can see that tonight at 8 00 eastern. You can enjoy that on American History tv on cspan3. You can check out the website to check out that programming. From that was nancy in west virginia. We will go to brenda in North Carolina. Thanks for calling. Caller hi. Reiteratet to say and what the last two callers have said. Almost is not only the 3000 lives that were lost. They disintegrated. Their families had nothing to take where they could go and visit. This memorial that they built is absolutely wonderful. Where you can go and you can sit and get lost in your thoughts, thinking of your loved ones that you lost. It has affected me mentally and year, even every through the year. Me to be in fear. I am neither democrat nor republican. We need to give up the parties and quit being for the party and be for the people. And get together, all lives matter. Host why do you think you experience anxiety so many years after the event . Caller i was sitting in my bedroom on my computer and my friend called and said oh god, turn on the tv. I turned on the tv and it left me in fear for my children. Or my grandchildren, for the freedom of the United States. So many people just disregard that. People will say they are losers and suckers. Them, we werent for would not have our freedom. We would not be able to pray. We would not be able to go to church. We would not be able to get together and be able to call your show and make comments. And they need to look at that and get together, instead of having so much hate and destruction in their hearts. Host ok. That is brenda giving us her impressions on this day. We have a couple more minutes until our first guest of the morning. If you want to get some of those impressions in yourself on the phone lines, 202 7488000 for the eastern and central time zones. 202 7488001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. One of the terms that you heard wase frequently after 9 11 that of al qaeda. There is a piece this morning in the Washington Post by christopher miller. He serves as the National Counterterrorism center and the office of the director of national intelligence. He writes this. When it comes to al qaeda, under the headline the end of the war on al qaeda is well inside. Saying al qaedas forces are in disarray. Focused simply on survival. They are on the verge of collapse. It is essential for the United States to maintain focus on the final phase of a campaign that has been calling for hundreds of thousands of americans, often at great sacrifice. The defeat of these terrorists is near put the experience has told us that the predetermined of commissionin Mission Accomplished would allow this to regenerate. Constant pressure must be maintained on terrorist groups that have the intent and capability to attack us. That is from christopher miller. If you want to read that, the Washington Post website is where you can find that. Chris in alexandria, virginia. You are next up, hello. Caller good morning, pedro. I just thought i would call in. I was in the pentagon when it was hit. I worked on the other of it. We dont hoping that turn 9 11 into an anniversary that, i dont know, gives credibility to either u. S. Foreign policy or to al qaeda or any terrorist or allowing it to be used as a political tool. I know that there was a lot of a 9 11out building monument on the mall. This was a few weeks after this happened. I am thinking if that were the wouldthe terrorists to elevatey wanted their position in the world, and one of the big things they wanted was to get their message out. I cannot think of a better with that they succeeded in knocking down two of our symbols in new power andr economic significantly striking out at military power by taking out the pentagon. That would you have memorial in shanksville and new york . Caller i have been to that memorial in shanksville. That it is sad that we lost many people, but they got what they wanted and i dont want their message out. I guess i dont make sense, im not calling in. Make a point, i just want to clarify, thats all. You may finish if youd like. Caller thats pretty much it, thank you for taking my call. Host thats chris, in alexandria, virginia. This is from sadie, in new hampshire. Ill never forget that awful day, i was not alive on 9 11 but my heart goes out to everyone. In new from marty hampshire, i will never forget that day and the beautiful clear sky. I entered my school in the third i was told that in third grade, i was told our country was under attack. And i knew our world would never be the same. And sam adding i remember that i was proud to be american. We have several events on cspan, you can follow along on the website and we will go to those events later on. We will show you these events live, and we will talk about the state of counterterrorism in the united date. In the United States. Thats with Thomas Anderson and we will see where we are in september of 2001. That conversation is coming up. Today is the 19th anniversary of the 9 11 terrorist attack. At 9 00 eastern on cspan three, the observance ceremony from the pentagon. The flight 93 National Memorial in shanksville will also be covered. Live coverage of the 19th anniversary of the 9 11 terrorist attack on cspan, cspan2, and cspan3, online at cspan. Org or listen live with our radio app. That is the live video from new york, we will show you portions not only of whats going on at the pentagon, but whats going on in shanksville, pennsylvania. As we go throughout the morning on this 19th Anniversary Day of 9 11. Here to join us to talk about the state of National Security sanderson. Homas , and im happy to beyond provide some insight and answer some questions. Host can you tell the audience about your background in this field . Guest i started out back in 1998 back in graduate school. This was the summer we were attacked in east africa by al qaeda. Defensework with a contractor called saic. I was assigned to programs looking at the threat of weapons of mass destruction, following the east africa bombings. We were concerned that al qaeda was seeking to up their game by using weapons of mass destruction. My team and i looked at the various groups that have tried to obtain weapons of mass destruction, from chlorine gas to using other materials. We looked at that, i did that for four years and i went off to china to do a fellowship. That happened to be right after 9 11, bow two weeks after 9 11. When i came back i joined the center for strategic and international studies. The director of the transnational organized crime project was there. We cofounded a new program called transnational threats project. For 16 years we looked at the degree and the nature of the terrorist threat through fieldwork. That enabled me and had me go out across the globe to over 70 countries to engage all manner of sources from terrorists, traffickers, to clergy, to ngos, to local Law Enforcement and intelligence, to journalists and academics. All with the aim of collecting opensource information and insight, to bring it back and brief our government and the hope that we could fill in pieces of the puzzle to better fill out an flesh out what the threat looks like and what we can do. Fieldwork, it was academic in nature, designed to fill gaps in our understanding of the threat. Host now that you are a consultant, who do you consult for . The government . Who do you do work for generally . Guest chiefly for the National Security community and the Intelligence Community. I also work with corporations and individuals. People who are looking at risk and disruption and conflict across the world and they want a better understanding of what some of these changes foretell for business, economics, politics, diplomacy. I consult with these Companies Using my ongoing fieldwork in the same areas to get a better sense of what is happening on the ground. Host we are 19 years after 9 11, how would you characterize the level of security the United States currently has from outside forces. Good levelave a very of security, theres no doubt about it, we have had vast improvements in our ability to to detectrseas and terror threats. The more familiar ones to the audience and everyone are al qaeda and isis. The type of attack we saw on 9 11 is so difficult to pull off today for so many reasons. What we do with Homeland Security, the f guy, the cia and nsa and all of our agencies in terms of less nation and sharing it with partners overseas, sharing it with one another here threatsle to prevent and those forces from coming to the United States. But as im sure you can guess, thats not the only way we can be attacked. We have done a good job of preventing another 9 11 style attack. Host was that due to the creation of Homeland Security itself or were there other fact. The Counterterrorism Center was created after the Intelligence Report came out. That led to the collection and sharing of information on terror threats. Of creation and execution these duties in addition to , as well asurity working with local, state, and tribal Law Enforcement. And our partners overseas have brought us to this greater degree of security you we are not, but better. Host continuing to look at outside forces, how would you wait al qaeda as a factor, what other factors or country should United States be looking at as far as those who could potentially harm us. 2 guest on the nonstate actor side, al qaeda, isis and hezbollah i would put at the top and their affiliates across the globe. I would rate them as high threats. They are active around the world. Seek to strike the United States and u. S. Assets abroad. They have affiliates in west africa where i was a year ago, and in east africa, central africa, the middle east and Southeast Asia. They have loan actors around the globe with huge concentrations of fighters in syria. Those three groups present a significant threat to americans abroad. Stillth al qaeda and isis seeking to strike the United States. Miller, the head of the national counterterrorist office talks about his own assessment and how he characterizes the similar disarray and focusing on surviving. Guest they are doing more than surviving. I have been on the ground in these areas where they have a countries unstable. They have coopted local grievances and taken advantage of the failed governments that we have seen. I do not discount al qaedas capability, nor isis. Simply because we have taken at their Senior Leadership at one point in the past does not mean that they are listless. Are not focused and organized. They still have leadership in individual areas. They have incredible battlefield experience. If you look at the skill level of those operators who have survived battles with each other, hezbollah, u. S. Special andes, russia and syria other forces. Those are the best of the best. I would also point out that social media gives them exceptional reach into this country and abroad. I dont discount the threat. They have been battered and we have done a good job in taking away the territory in some areas but in other places they have significant territory. West africa in particular. With usr guest will be to the moment of silence and then we will resume. If you would like to ask question, questions, 202 7488000for the central and eastern time zones, 202 7488001in the mountain and pacific time zones. Have talked about information sharing. One of the things we saw come out of the 9 11 commission was stove piping, the keeping of information and not sharing it. How has that changed . Guest it has not gone away because all of these agencies are competing for funding, attention, when you have something good it is difficult to give it up. That and those agencies do a good job but could do better sharing that critical information. It is always a problem and bureaucracy is difficult to manage. But we do a better job than we did prior to 9 11. There is no comparison. Host when it comes to the various administrations that have been in place since 9 11, whats been done for improvement to National Security, or concerns about it stretching among those administrations . Guest each has handed the baton off to the next and they have run with it. There were good coordinations when bush left and obama came in. When obama came and they wanted to reduce the footprint overseas in terms of the big military but sent special forces in to do a lot of counterterrorism. That counterterrorist actions prayed that was upped by the Trump Administration p there is good flow of the previous efforts from bush to obama and obama to trump. Nothing is perfect, and each administration has its different issues it wants to focus on. But the military has maintained that flow, the Intelligence Community has maintained that flow. This current administration, a recent announcement of a drawdown of troops in iraq and germany. National security wise, what does that mean . Guest those are Different Things pray let me start with germany. It is critical that we maintain forces in germany because of the activities of russia. I dont think that was a good thing to do and i think it was largely political and personal in nature on the president s part. Isiraq, another area that dangerous but focusing on a very different set of adversaries, it is iran and its shiite militias as well as remnants of isis that took over back in 2014. Its harder to say whether the drawdown in iraq is appropriate or not. In germany the case is more clearcut. Its important to have the forces on the ground, when they are not around, countries without Good Governance make major mistakes. Having our forces there provides training and a sort of oversight and cooperation that cannot be maintained when you dont have those forces on the ground. But those forces also constitute targets and motivating factor for militants and their recruitment efforts. Host our first call is from andy, in virginia. Go ahead. Caller hello. Thank you for having me, this is. Very solemn, somber day im originally from new york. Ity and i do have a question International Terrorism has really plagued our entire military and since you have expertise in the geopolitical about what do you think our domestic terrorism . Its very concerning, the fbi has had several reports along with the department of Homeland Security and Pew Research Center as well as the southern poverty law center. What is your view and what is being done to counter it within our own country . We focus so much on overseas and of course they came here and did this horrible thing to our citizen. But what do we do not what are we doing now with regards to our own Fringe Groups who seem to be really exacerbating things in our nation . Guest thats a fantastic question. Two primaryss blocks of actors in the u. S. We still have individuals in the United States who are aligned and theireda and isis mission of attacking the United States and our allies. They are easily reached through social media. Has been one of the most significant factor since 9 11 that has enabled these groups to radicalize, connect with, to market their activity, beheadings, bombings, so they can reach into this country even if they are sitting in pakistan or Northern Nigeria or some other area. That remains a threat inside the country and they can create these loan actors who are often marginalized, young men, sometimes women but largely men, to do their bidding in the United States. We also have a threat in white supremacists, and neonazi groups who have attacked mosques and synagogues. Citizens who are using the same social media tools to also and to intimidate largely minorities in the United States. Thats a critical problem. Earlier this year, christopher wray, the fbi director, said these groups were racially motivated groups that are largely white supremacists, and are now a critical National Security threat. Raised to the same level as isis and al qaeda. We have that now. In addition, the polarized politics in this country are creating violent actors across the spectrum to farright from farleft to farright. This is dangerous to our country, more needs to be done. Maryland, dale is next. Good morning. First, im so sorry that 9 11 happened and all of these people died. Its terrible catastrophe. But, i would lay the blame at the feet of the airlines. I say that because for decades the airlines have been approached by many people, including the government, to harden the doors, as israel had many years ago read they because they were afraid they would scare the customers. In my mind, it was for profit that the airlines did not harden the doors, because with locked doors you cannot fly on the plane. Guest you bring up a straightforward point, if they could not enter the carpet they could not have crash the plane spray they did not have bomb so they could not have brought down had boxlane, they only cutters and brute physical force. You are correct, they would not have been able to commandeer the planes. And they sought to do that, they came over for months ahead of time, took those flying lessons around the country with the aim of crashing those aircraft. I dont know about the airlines decisions in the pre9 11 era but not to do that, but they did not have that in place. Host we saw the creation of the tsa coming out of that, what contribution have they had in Security Matters . Guest it has certainly improve security at the point of entrance to the aircraft and the airport. People are screened more thoroughly than they were before and its more difficult to get a weapon on board. Owever it still happens government officers are still able to smuggle weapons through in testing exercises and some people still get knives and firearms. One of the scary things, and its in advance that we have seen since 9 11, this 3d manufacturing, creating handguns that have no metal parts. Thats of great concern. The tsa continues to improve. Are they perfect . Of course not. But they have created a more forbidding environment for terrorists who are trying to take over aircraft. Ad aircraft still remain favorite target, whether its by commandeering the plane or shooting down the plane with a shoulder fire missile. It has great impact visually and economically and psychologically on the public. Waldorf,m maryland, in robert, go ahead. With the immigration policies without the immigration policies of liberals these gentlemen would not have made it into the country area you want to talk about had they did this, without the policies to allow them in their this would have never happened. We talk about september 11 does a bad day, we lost 3000 people. Ever we are now looking at i present 190,000 people who have died from a chinese biological weapon. Have you mentioned that . No. Your incompetence is the reason we are having these problems. Host we will leave that there. Mr. Sanderson, go ahead. Guest its impossible to stop everyone from coming into the country. Even if we had zero immigration, online radicalization and recruitment would take place. Shutting down the borders would not prevent terrorism from happening inside the United States. We are a country of immigrants and im sure that my caller has immigrants in his family background. In terms of the virus, thats a relevant point to bring up. Bioweapons are a critical threat to this country and the ability to spread a virus. And i dont believe that china deliberately spread the virus into the United States. Nonetheless, its a telling example of how a virus can spread around the world and greatly impact the nation. Nobody needs to have me recite with those impacts are, social, political, economic, and otherwise. Allen, in ohio. And their talking about in oregon, this is going on now. To peoples people while they are eating we need to say their names again. Im care if i get tired of people like that. Trying to blame everyone else. The phone withn him . Really want to ask him anything as hes blaming the right wing. They are going and where people are eating food in new york. Host what these events the certain cities. Guest there is violence across the spectrum from farleft to farright and the polarization we have in the country worsens it. Theres no doubt about it. But the movements that we see on the far right wing extreme right wing white supremacist neonazi groups that every american should hate, those are extremely powerful and has caused the fbi to raid those racially motivated attacks,d their raising them to a National Security level. Thats undeniable, the evidence is there. The Antidefamation League records all of these attacks and the vast majority of murders that are racially and ethnically motivated are carried out by white supremacist groups. The facts and numbers dont lie. Host if you are on our twitter feed is asking about your consideration of antifa, would you classify them as a terrorist group . There no, but i will say is increasing violence on the left. The president spoke about , its not anntifa organization, its not a Foreign Organization or a foreign terrorist organization. We have a designation process with the state department and other relevant parties. We do not have the legal structure to designate antifa. I know the callers are concerned about this, there is violence on the farleft, we have a polarized society, people are taking up weapons to fight for their cause. But you cannot compare the violence on the far left to the violence on the far right,. Heres no comparison host when it comes to hate groups that talk about the United States, we talk about how other groups are outside the United States, whats being done by the federal government to track whats being done in the United States. Guest the fbi and coronation with local and state Law Enforcement tracks these groups. They collect information and intelligence on them. They disrupt plots and they have disrupted plots from the left to the right in this country. We have our own intelligence capability inside the United States. The fbi needs that. The joint Terrorism Task forces, with good coronation across Law Enforcement work in this country. I want to reassure, to some we are looking at these threats across the political spectrum. There is a fusion task force in the fbi to do this, there are huge numbers and it is very difficult to do this, given the commission the conditions. Host Tom Sanderson is joining us, looking at securing matter since 9 11. You can call and ask questions on 202 7488000 if you are in the eastern and central time zone. 202 7488001 in the mountain and pacific time zone. We are going up to that moment when we come 8 46, out we will continue that conversation. Wayne, pennsylvania, you are with our guest. Caller the clown that just about what about the virus from china, that shows the ignorance of the republicans. Thats just what i wanted to say. That burned me up. You keep on doing a fine job, you know more than a lot of people do and you have people out there host and what would you like to ask our guest specifically . Caller i just want to complement him. I think hes doing a good job. Hes a great guest. , in lets go to lorraine it, new york. Aller hello mr. Sanderson i am a licensed clinical social worker, i work in a small town in upstate new york. I have had several sets of parents very concerned about their sons, usually, being involved in white supremacist things on their computers, and some going off to college and seeming to be pretty involved with some kind of a group. I wondered if you had any advice for these parents, and or curriculums that you think are cutting edge that might help this country with this issue. Thank you. Guest thank you lorraine, thank you for your work as a social worker. Thats incredibly important. Parents detecting this kind of emerging extremism, whether it is islam or white supremacist extremism, its critical and they need to act quickly. Once these young men get inside these groups, you can spread out the blame and the responsibilities. Individual actors cannot do that but in a group you are more likely to have groupthink and engage in more violence. Its very difficult to extract someone from that. If you think there is a criminal level of behavior in terms of planning, the police have to be contacted. Thats very difficult for a parent to do for their own son. But certainly engaging them with a counselor, such as yourself, or another adult figure, or even gangng member an ex member would help. I dont have the same training you do so i cannot offer a clinical or more formal suggestion. But i will say that we have established in this country, counter violent extremism programs in communities over the last decade. Asse were not looked upon serious programs by the current administration. Backeeds to be brought for the full spectrum of actors for those being radicalized. This is a threat that needs to be i wont say nipped in the bud because its past that stage. But it needs to be approached swiftly and strongly. Host we have heard about this idea around pushback against that . Guest some social Media Companies have done a better job of filtering out those groups, statements, videos, and pictures that glorify violence against others. Thats critical. I will note that isis at its height, when it controlled territory in syria the size of new jersey, it was putting up 90,000 messages, videos, images every day. They were simply unstoppable. Social media has been a huge force multiplier for all extremist groups. 8chan, twitter, facebook, youtube, signal, those cameatsapp after 9 11. Al qaeda was distributing sermons on cd and tapes after 9 11 but you can get anything, as we heard from lorraine with these young sons looking at material online. Anybody with an Internet Connection can look at this as i saidthis is earlier, the most profound change in the nature of the threat is social media. Host for groups outside the United States, when it comes to leadership, is it centralized, decentralized . After 9 11, especially after Osama Bin Laden, sometimes there was decentralized leadership, how does that work . Guest it clearly decentralized. There is a leader for both of those groups, but the organization is able to operate to a large degree independently in the areas that they dominate in west africa, east africa, central africa, europe, the middle east, here in particular but also iraq and south asia where you have Senior Leadership. Taking out the top leadership is a good thing to do, but its a very perishable benefit. It only lasts for a few days, generally, then there is a new leader at the top. Its critical to pursue these groups worldwide. If not believed that taking out this guy or bin laden is the endall. Its not. Our next caller is from washington, d. C. Guest i can hear you anita. Caller thank you for helping to keep us safe. I agree what you are saying as premises,te rings the and trump is aggravating this issue. You have peaceful protesters, they are mad, they have a right to be mad, but trump is inciting all of these particular things going on. They have different people ,hrowing bombs, they are white or supremacy, undercover. Trump is the issue. Host lets let our guest respond. Guest anita brings up a good point. The president has instigated and irritated this issue. He says theres no issue with propagating nationalists. And he has certainly made the problem more serious, theres no doubt about that. There are callers who will be angry about that, but look at the statements. This benefits him politically. Host would you go as far as saying these things would not happen if the president was not a factor . Guest these things were already happening prior to President Trump getting in there. But he has made the situation worse with his statements. Ohio. George, in richwood, go ahead. Caller i would like to say thank you for your service. Theust calling Political Division in our country is so bad. I put yard signs up, i am a barden i am a biden supporter. People take them down when i am asleep. People were throwing stuff at my house. , go down where i live in ohio where i live and the county i live, its a big trump supporting county. They support their signs and everything and people leave them alone. Anybody putting up a biden sign has trouble. People are so divided and so hostile if you are a democrat in this place. Its unbelievable. But anyway. Incitingr. Trump is this violence by the things that he says. I cant understand why he does this. But its really dividing our country to a point where badence is getting to be so that people are going to have to take up arms to protect themselves. That is what is worrying me about this country and the way it is going. Im a veteran, i served during the vietnam war, i cannot believe the things going on that in this country. And that you fought for. Guest george, thank you. Those are poignant and profound words. Thank you for serving in vietnam and for your continued patriotism. Nobody should be defacing biden or trump signs. Americans should be able to put their political beliefs on their front lawn. They should not be defaced, removed, or otherwise damaged. I hate to hear that. I have seen the same thing when i travel around the country. Thats incredibly unfortunate. Host nancy, in altoona, pennsylvania. We see some people gathering for some events, joe biden among ase, we will look at that nancy gives her thoughts from altoona, pennsylvania. Caller good morning. My thoughts are, i can remember so plainly working at the hospital. How time stopped when 9 11 happened. Cringe, a feeling that came over you when the second plane hit and you knew it was not an accident. I feel this so many times every day with whats called the peaceful protest doing and the help keeprds used to the violence going in our country. Hear thatvery time i looting is in the background if you happen to catch whats going on with peaceful socalled peaceful protesting. Its very hard to think that this is our america. This gentleman that called in with the signs that you cannot put a biden sign out without getting ripped up. Ourselves,ink for thats what americans are supposed to do, but we are supposed to do it in the right way. When you used to get stopped by a policeman, if they put their gun up because they did not know how you were going to react, even to a traffic violation, you put your hands up. You did what you were told we had you did not run. Host thank you. Mr. Sanderson, go ahead. Guest the countries in awful shape. Nancy points out some elements of that. So many people are marginalized, its very polarized, i feel awful about it. I will say, a friend of mine has who wouldut people never consider getting a gun feel so insecure that they want to get a gun. This is awful and we need better leadership to bring the country together and not use divisive language. Host stay with us, we are seeing people gathering at the new york ceremony, joe biden amongst them with Vice President pence on site as well. We will let people experience this for just a couple of seconds. [indistinct murmuring] [indistinct murmuring] host there is the Vice President , amongst others at the memorial in new york. We will go to our next call, from fort washington, maryland. We are a bit short on time, but go ahead. , iler this is my comment to the word terrorist when you refer to the region of the religion of islam. White ku klux klan christians when you refer to the most notorious group in america. Can you stop doing that . We know that most of the people who are ignorant of the religion fighting. Are still host ets let our guest respond. Caller the are fringe actors within the religion, whether you are talking about christians within the white supremacist movement, or islamist extremist that are violent that are purporting to act in the name of islam. They are extremist, they dont speak for the religion and they are outside the mainstream for sure. All of these actors who claim to , to benely sanctioned acting in the name of christianity or judaism or islam are not representatives of that religion, for sure. We arereg, from indiana, really short on time, go ahead. Ago, there wast a concern that people would be better armed. As a democrat, being armed seems to be appropriate at this time. There are increasing gun sales which is directly proportional. O the increasing violence im a democrat that will be voting for trump. Host mr. Sanderson. Guest you might feel better prepared because you might have trained, the people who have mentioned to me and my example that they want to get a gun have no training. It did not take a long time to get trained, but the idea of more and more americans were untrained getting guns out of fear i dont think is good trend. So, butst a minute or lets talk a little about this issue of cybersecurity as a form of concern. Where are we on that considering what we know . Guest we have much better capability to detect cyber and online threats if youre are talking about nonstate actors. But the capability and the locationo change their , their tactics, their tools on the adversary side is much better, because they are not bound by the same rules of our intelligence agencies and Law Enforcement agencies. While we do have much better capabilities, the adversary does as well. For every measure there is a countermeasure and it has been very difficult to keep pace with those who are nefarious, whether we are talking about dark web criminals or violent extremists in the political and religious movements that we have referenced here already. Very difficult on the cybersecurity front. Host we are about to go to those moment of silent events ing lace the u. S. Capitol taking place in the u. S. Capitol. If you are interested in watching whats going on in new york you can do so on cspan2 and follow along on our website as well. Heres the information that you can follow. A moment of silence taking place in just a few minutes. We will show you the sights and sounds and resume our conversation with Tom Sanderson. Guest when we come back we need to address state rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there. Star oh say, does that star bangles starspangled banner yet wave, free,he land of the brave andf the the home of the brave . Knelled]ing, thrice 11 two planesr that at 8 46 on september 11, 2020, please join us as we observe the National Observance and remembrance by serving in a quiet moment of silence. [reading names] host ceremonies from new york city and the u. S. Capitol, moments of silence being observed in both locations. If you want to follow along with whats going on new york you can do so on cspan2. We continue our conversation with thomas sanderson. You were making a statement before we went, please finish. Guest we cannot look at the threat of terrorism inside the United States and especially outside without shining a light on statesponsored terrorism and what states, particularly dictatorships have done to their own populations. The numbers are incomparable to nonstate actor tara groups. Give us a list . Atst the assad regime is the top, they have accounted for more deaths than all other groups combined. Iran, through shiite proxies in iraq and its number one proxy force, has below in has bola hezbollah in syria. With the war in syria has made the greatest impact, hundreds of thousands were murdered by the regime there. Tens of thousands were radicalized through the battle, some of which were being brought by turkey into a proxy war in libya. You also have huge numbers of foreign fighters attracted to this battlefield. Those who have survived have exceptional skill and can return to their country or go on to a third country to make an impact. Throughayed a huge role marginalizing their own people states have played a huge role through marginalizing urine people, corruption, repression and doing terror like activities against their own people. Hugehave generated portions of terrace today, and these leaders themselves are terrorists, rightly designated as such and we should continue to hold them accountable for what they do. Host what is the best firewall for the u. S. . Guest against those states . Host against the state actors. ,uest maintaining pressure keeping them out of the u. S. Financial six system, restricting the travel of Senior Leaders and those wealthy individuals through the caesar. Ct and other acts the Treasury Department has been an exceptional tool of the United States and squeezing these countries. Campaignsmum pressure do not always bring them to their knees. We need to do more, in particular with the syrians. Few more minutes with our guest before we go to other things at 9 00. Bob, in stamford, connecticut, go ahead. Caller i have two points. The first, all of the violence that we have seen in this injuries and police officers, the guest speaker is implying that its the blackntifa and lives organization, its not the message of black lives matter. Does he have proof that its being done by white supremacist . What is that proof . Because the destruction has been awful. With respect to china, are you saying theres no culpability from china . My understanding was that the chinese were allowing flights out of china to europe, to italy during the chinese new year, but not other provinces within china. They did not share information us ofy and did not tell the virus was transferable upfront. Not sowhy dr. Fauci was concerned. They were not forthcoming. Worldey went around the to hoard ppe products it from the rest of the world when they knew how bad this was. I would like the speaker to address these. Guest thank you. Good questions. The first on black lives matter and the protest movements that we have seen. Leaders are not protesters looters are not protesters, protesting as a righteous act, looting is illegal, it has come along side by extremist actors within the farleft and other movements. Its no doubt that those actors have been present and they should be pursued by Law Enforcement. But they need to be separated by those out there separate exercising their First Amendment right to protest the injustice they have seen. There are also rightwing groups out there engaging protesters and leftwing activists also engaging in violence, there have been murders, this is an awful situation and we have to address it. The movements on the right are clearly better armed. No doubt about that. There is violence across the spectrum, but that core group of protesters are peaceful protesters. I have been at those protests, they are good people fighting for justice. There are extremist in every group. , theres no doubt that they have a high degree of culpability, they kept quiet what was happening in their country and they deserve to be called out for that. My objection to the earlier caller was that this was a bioweapon from the chinese. As far as we can tell, this was not a bioweapon in a military lab that was unleashed on the United States. Now be suicidal for the chinese to do that for number of reasons. First we could trace back. Two it impacted their own country and we are their best customer in terms of trade. That would not be right to say that they did that. Their behavior throughout this has been awful. And its unsurprising that you would expect that kind of behavior from an authoritarian dictatorship like the chinese government. , in california. Hello. To ask, ijust wanted wonder if there is an engagement and gas lighting. Rights white supremacist, where exactly are these white ring radicals westmark are they in the streets . Universities . Corporate hr departments . Its interesting that suddenly we believe fbi stats and police stats and what people have to say. And where is not the left . They are in the schools, the streets, their messages everywhere. And you piece together al qaeda, which is loosely affiliated but you have acknowledge that they have a leadership. Do you ever stop and think and notice that we can see these things with our own eyes. You try to gaslight us, but the and the death see cries of people coming all types of violence in the street, we noticed that they are burning american symbolism and everything that would normally be considered patriotic. What are you seeing that the American Public is not . Host thats phil, and california. First say that i would hate to see the burning of an american flag. I respect peoples right to do it but i hate to see it and it bothers me greatly because i think about the sacrifices military and civilians have made to make the country what it is today. The violent actors are in the areet, some of them unorganized, some are organized. Chat rooms organize people for activity. If you look at charlottesville, thats an organized activity. Somebody had set up, bring people together, bring the torches, thats an organized activity. There are organized activities antifa is not an organization with a direct head and leadership that is foreign that could be designated as a terrorist organization. The fbi collects data on all these attacks and it opens investigations on any group conducting this activity. As the fbi perfect . No, we have seen that in the inspector generals report. Of they do a good job protecting this country and the director of the fbi has said that racially motivated groups, white supremacist in nature, is a critical National Security threat. That is a fact. , with 9 11 finish and the focus of bringing you on, what have we learned since then . You absolutely have to have coordination and information sharing with your domestic law partners and international partners. Number two, you have to watch for violent extremism and radicalization. Cve programs are particle. In social media, from right to left, overseas to domestic, social media is the force multiplier. Its been an exceptional tool. We must maintain vigilance. I dont want to make it seem like we should have a hysterical viewpoint, but these threats are out there. The world is more violent. We need to be careful. Sanderson, a geopolitical risk consultant, joining us today. Thank you so much for your time this morning. Guest thank you, and thank you for your questions. Host we will take your calls on ons anniversary, for those the westin and Mountain Time , and also 7488000 202 7488001for the east coast. The sights and sounds the moment of silence. [video clip] [reading names] [reading names] [reading names] host in our radio app. We will do calls for about a halfhour. If you want to give us a call, 202 7488000 for those of you in the eastern and central time zones. 202 7488001 four the mountain and pacific time zones. Text us at 202 7488003. That is what steve in new york city did. Saying, hey tragic day i will never forget. I was in Lower Manhattan before going to work. The longsuffering wide had me oblivious until i walked out of the train station. That is where i heard the loudest explosion up until that point in my life. It was the second plane hitting the north tower. Witnessing the north tower collapsing, then the second as the stunned crowd walked uptown an hour later, an event i will never forget. To this day i do not believe the narrative that Osama Bin Ladens bombers were the only ones implicit. Wet is just some of the text have seen this morning. Some of the calls we have seen when it comes to this remembrance day. You can add yours to the mix too. Pennsylvania, go ahead. Caller yes, i am a black man. I am 70 years old. Im a veteran. I would like to comment that i hear people calling in from, i guess, from the right complaining about black lives matter and some of the looting as if we are violent people. I want to make a couple of points. My grandfather fought in world war i. Men,me home and watched germans that he was fighting thatst that were prisoners were released in this country and stepped ahead of the lack soldiers. Black soldiers. My oakland father fought in world war ii. The same thing happened. The italians and germans captured and policed into this society were put in front of the black soldiers that fought against them. I am a vietnamera veteran. My own go fought in the korean war. Came home, couldnt even get a job in the post office. Host for all of that, how does that relate to today . Caller it relates to, they like to say that we are bad people. Ande men come out of war treated like that . They didnt become terrorists. They were not even respected. They like to put us down because we are complaining instead the white policeman treat us . Not all policemen are bad, but there are those policeman that use their position to vent their racism. Host ok. Again, for calls, you will do that for a little while longer, about a halfhour before we let you see some of the sights and sounds of the 9 45 event. Until then, to talk about events at the pentagon, missy ryan joining us of the Washington Post. Serves as a National Security and pentagon reporter. Thank you for joining us. Guest hi. Host we have seen these events year after year. What is different this year . Guest this year is going to be attendedre sparsely events because of the covid19 pandemic. There already has been one element of the ceremony, the unfurling of the flag, on the site where the plane struck the pentagon. Then there is going to be a ceremony which occurs every year, a remembrance ceremony in about 30 minutes. The secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff be speaking at that and they will be a small number of pentagon officials there. Unlike in other years, the families of the victims are not attending. They will be able to visit later in the day, but because of covid it is going to be a smaller event. People can obviously participate online and that occurred this morning with the flag unfurling. Host what is expected to be said today . , like i think they will every year, you know, mark, of course, the lives that were lost. 184 people died at the pentagon. And the names of each of those victims will be red. Also marked the sacrifice that was made in the decades that have followed by u. S. Service members. The quest to make sure that that kind of attack didnt happen again. Host you have covered the pentagon for a long time and National Security for a long time, how are we National Security wise, so many years after 9 11 . Guest there hasnt been another 9 11style attack on the united eight since then, so i think some significant accomplishment. On the other hand, there has obviously been huge losses associated with the wars, the counterterror wars that were kicked off by 9 11 in iraq and significantly,st then most recently with the Islamic State in iraq and syria. The pentagon leadership would say today it is in a pretty good place in terms of counterterrorism. Isis is a shadow of what it was. Same with al qaeda. At the same time, everybody acknowledges that terrorism is an ideological challenge rather than a military move went and that it is not possible to vanquish it militarily. To become a more significant threat against, but at the moment the pentagon is trying to give away from the counterinsurgent wars that consumed everyones attention in the 19 years since 9 11 and ,ivot toward state competition you know, competing with china and russia. Host i was going to ask you, it is the justification for that. When it comes to the pentagon . Guest well, they say those are states that not only are have advanced militaries, they have militaries that are growing and Getting Better every year. Have, and certain cases, interests that are contradictory to american interests. They see the potential for hopefully not conflict, but certainly competition. Thatere has been a feeling the tools, the technology, skills, the geographic allocation of American Forces that are needed for that kind of fight really were not the focus for a long time. Ryan, because you cover National Security, as far as the department of Homeland Security, how would you say it is functioning today compared to when it had its beginnings . Years in the past few what you hear about most in terms of the department of Homeland Security is that its responsibility which includes immigration i think the department is a sprawling bureaucracy and there have been there has been a lot written about whether the way it was organized was a wife a wise move or not. There are functions that have contributed, along with other agencies, to what i said at the beginning, which is the fact that there has not been another 9 11style attack on the u. S. Homeland. I think that is, again, a significant fact. The leadership appears to have been, at least publicly facing, more focused on things like immigration in tears. Reportsssy ryan, who for the Washington Post on National Security. Takes for your time today. Guest thank you. Host those pentagon events can be followed on cspan3. As you heard our guest talk about, 9 45, the president is expected to speak in pennsylvania. You can watch live coverage on cspan. On cspan two you can see events going on in new york. We will carry that for you as well, as you can see there. All of these things can be followed at cspan. Org. You can also listen on our cspan radio app. Emilythen, chad pennsylvania. Back to your calls. Go ahead. In, i amust calling actually a teacher. A weird circumstance for me because im used to being in the classroom on 9 11. I experienced 9 11 in the classroom as well. I was in the eighth grade. Grew up in new jersey some parts of my town you could see the smoke from the towers. Me. S always a tough day for awesome, i think it is the coverage you guys are showing. I think it is something we should continue to talk about. I was listening to the comments about, two things. I heard the last caller talk about black lives matter as terrorists. Second, missy ryan was talking about Homeland Security a little bit. Being a social studies teacher, to me it is kind of crazy to see what the department of Homeland Security has become from conception as a counterterrorism potentially, turning against citizens, etc. Really tough to see. Like i said, the coverage is great. I appreciated hearing from candidate biden this morning, saying were going to focus on 9 11. I think that is what it should be. Hard to believe it is going to be 20 years next year, coming up. Get tos a teacher, you teach anything along the lines of 9 11 . Caller absolutely. Absolutely. For me, i had the privilege of couple of years ago to head down to the museum, which i had not been to before. If you havent done that, i highly recommend. It is a life changing experience. The memorial museum. In the actual museum, that is an experience i have tried to share with my students. On top of that, i always try to cover, you know, there is a variety of resources. Maden is one of them, have available primary sources regarding tapes, phone calls, survivors, family members. I always try each year to try to take on a different angle, just to share. This is a lifechanging experience for me. Most of my students are now too young. They were not alive for they were just born. , foro continue that memory me i wonder if we will able if we will ever get to that level of patriotism again. My father, who is from bangladesh, i helped him become a citizen just shortly before 9 11. He became a citizen in 2000. Host wow. Pennsylvania,n giving us his impressions not only as a student but as a teacher and it comes to matters of 9 11. James in youngstown, ohio. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for having me on. I was wishing i came before that guy because i had a couple of questions. Of theple, the majority hijackers that did what they did the question of where they were from, isnt that the same place we just sold a bunch of weapons and gave Nuclear Codes to . That wouldve the question i wouldve had for the gentleman that just called in. That would be the biggest thing. We need to look more into who we deal with and who we sell weapons to. Thank you for cspan. Host homer from shreveport, louisiana. Expressyes, i wanted to point that, when i went in i had the idea of keeping different wars and squabbles overseas. That was my thought. That was one reason i went in accurately and 61. Boyser point us black usually get shot in the back. Not even alive when jesse james was roaming. Host that is homer. This is michelle saying, she was a junior in high school on 9 11. Every classroom had their tv is on. We sat in disbelief as we watched the second tower getting hit. Faces,ed the same pan sitting in fear of what was going to happen next. It was clear the United States would not be the same. We all wanted to know, why . Texas, says, on 9 11 we saw the worst that people are capable of, then the best. We need to pass those lessons onto future generations. I will never forget that day as i entered my school. He goes on from there, i will never forget the thought i had i think i already read this. I apologize. The sense of, some of the text coming through today, as well as the calls and social media too. You can post your thoughts there. From North Carolina, nancy. Im up pedro. Thank you for taking my call. Quick things to mention. One, i was living in hollywood, florida at the time of 9 11. I worked for a newspaper, selling papers on the street. Most floridians know that. Of thed atta, when all pictures came out on the front page of the newspaper the next lived onlyed atta about four or five blocks from where i left. Everybody at the local Grocery Store recognized him and work terrified. And work terrified. I was a very scary moment. Toothing i am calling about i was an english major and the word anniversary applied to 9 11, pearl harbor, jfks assassination really bothers me, because you if you look it up anniversaries are a day to celebrate. These are days to be memorialized. It should be 9 11 memorial for remembrance, not anniversary. It is nothing to celebrate. It is a day to remember. Host lets hear from bob in pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller good morning. To a loti tend of people forget that there were 11 members of the media that perished that day. Year of the remembrance, as our last person said, i tend to think of them, especially people like barbara olson, who was the solicitor generals wife who was on one of the flights. Bill, who was a photojournalist who ran toward the north tower. They found the pictures on his flash drive after they recovered his body. Technicians for the tv stations. People tend to forget that all of the tv towers were on top of the World Trade Center. ,hese guys stayed at their job keeping the tv stations going until literally the minute they died. Point, thee callers institute which deals with matters of journalism, they left they list several People Killed on 9 11. Saying, killed as they were working positions at the World Trade Center antenna sites were william, steve jacobson, and donald difranco. Cameraman rally was a for fox sports, returning to his Los Angeles Home on flight 11. Bill was a new yorkbased freelance photographer. Killed when the north tower collapsed. Friend glenny pettit was a 30yearold York City Police officer before carrying a Television Camera for and newss audio unit 12 on long island. Poynter. Org is the website. Nice in south carolina. Caller yes, good morning. I did live in new jersey across from the tower at the time. Name know judah, who, her be called later. She was a customer of mine is a hairdresser. She was very excited when she came into the shop one day and said she had gotten a job with port authority. She was so excited. He was single, left her job i just wanted to mention her name before it even comes up. We miss her. She was a sweet girl. You know, just anybody that is old enough to remember, we will never forget. Thank you very much. Host do you still keep in touch with her family . Caller say again . Host do you still keep in touch with her family . Caller no i dont. We were acquainted because i was a hairdresser. It was her sister that told us that two of her friends were carrying her down the stairs and a firefighter came up the stairs and told them to leave her, go, and get out of the building because she was dead already. No, no contact with her sisters. Host that is denise telling her story. Terry is in new paris, pennsylvania. Caller hi. Im calling because im thinking about all of the things going on in this country now. Remember, werei really affected by this. Son. Sun bama i was upset as i took him to school and i turn the tv on and started seeing all of this. I cant even explain what i felt like. Then i saw all of those brave people trying to rescue. My little boy came home and he walked in the door and he says, mom, why did this happen . Why did all of those people have to die . And he ran upstairs crying. I still, to this day, will never forget that. I didnt know how to explain it to him. It affected a lot of people and it affected kids, little kids too. I dont hear much mention about that, usually. The ones that were starting school that saw that on tv, it affected a lot of people. I think Everybody Needs to think about this now. Every body needs to come together and show that they care about people, more than ever. Host here is a viewer texting lost a truement, i hero that day. I lost a true friend on september 11, 2001. Oklahoma city, oklahoma. Caller how are you doing this morning . Host fine, go ahead. Caller here we are again at a crossroads as we reflect and try to comprehend what led to these tragic attacks that killed so Many American citizens. You dontke to add, have to be a demolition expert to know those towers were strategically brought down, possibly with explosives strapped to the main columns. I dont know. Been recordsave inside those buildings the government did not take it out to the public . As far as these memorials, i do think it is healthy or productive to be doing this to ourselves. Do we not realize how happy it makes these terrorists . It helps them achieve their martyr status. In their minds, you will never forget what we did to you on that day. We need to learn to bury our dead and move forward without constantly looking back at tragedy. Host that is daniel in oklahoma. Mark from new york saying, on 9 11 i was working as a dispatcher for a major airline. The faa was diverting to nonscheduled destinations. It was hard to forget. Just for a few more minutes, we will continue to show you a few of the pictures that have been going on in three locations. Pennsylvania,n, and new york city. Go to our website at cspan. Org. You can follow along. The president expected to make comments around 9 45 this morning. Until then we will take calls. Jerry in new york. Good morning. Caller good morning. Everybody is talking about Homeland Security and stuff. When they hitthat there, everybody says, i cant imagine. Where did they think of that . The next time anybody hits us, we wont ever think of that again. The next thing i want to say is the time we had three or four organizations covering security and they had stovepipes eventually. With our new system we have about 20 stovepipes. I think we have gone way downhill in this security stuff when you look at it. Like i say, when they hit us again comedy again, somebody hits us, he will be, oh my gosh, i never thought of that. It wont be by plane, it will be something else. Host representative Trey Hollingsworth adding to the many tweets we have seen from legislators this morning. Terrorist attacks can shake our buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of america. They can shatter steel, but they cannot end the steel of american resolve. The words to say, from the george w. Bush Library Still ring true years later. I remember when i was doing on the morning of september 11 and im sure you do too. Memory. Ared into our each year we are reminded of how lucky we are to be americans. That is, again, some of the tweets youre going to see, along with some of the pictures we are going to show you as we hear from pat. Pat in springfield, florida. Caller good morning. I was always amazed i lived at new york at the time, i was 20 minutes away from the scene and i always wanted to reflect on the fact at how fast our government, the president , the mayors, and our governor of new york shut down new york city. It made it so much safer for everybody and everybody walked out of that city like troopers. We were such good americans, and we should think about that and reflect on it always. Host that is pat in florida. 9 45, you can watch the events from shanksville, pennsylvania. You can monitor that on cspan. Joe biden is expected to visit that site later on today. At 9 00, live coverage of what is going on at the pentagon, if you want to monitor their at cspan3. You can also take a look at cspan2, at the events in new york city. Here is senator tim kaine. Today i am thinking of those lives taken too soon on 9 11. The countless First Responders and everyday folks that stepped in to help and the men and women have served our country and all that followed, they are heroes. We must never forget. Adding,r from arizona, today we remember and honor the innocent american lives lost on 9 11, including those of the First Responders who spent their last moments in service and others. From senator john boozman, from the tragic terror attacks brought the americans together as we mourn the innocent victims and concentrated the heroes who selflessly sacrificed their comfort, safety, and lives to save others. Again, more tweets. Today,y the live events and American History tv on cspan3, 8 00 tonight an interview you can see from our history bookshelf program. He owned untold story to survive the state the fight inside the twin towers. You can see that interview 8 00 tonight. Ronald in boston, massachusetts. Go ahead. Caller from roxbury, massachusetts. We had moved 19 years ago. I am 80 years old now. I had to be around 60. Didnt that originate from boston, Logan International airport . One of the flights . Host you caught me on that one. Ive got to remember that. Goahead with your story. Caller did they solve it and find out exactly what was the cause of it . When they hit the Tall Buildings . And on into the pentagon, part of the pentagon . Host when you say when they solved it, what do you mean . Caller find out exactly who did it and kill about 3000 people got killed . Did they find out exactly where the flight came from, who was the cause of it . Host there was a whole commission dedicated to the work of 9 11 and the events on that day. They put a report together after many hearings, congressional hearings, which we featured here on cspan. If you want to look at those hearings, you can go to our website. If you want to read the report, it is still online. The conclusions of the commission back then. To the point about logan airport, wb ar, this article is old it says bostons logan are plainome tributes to see, but they go unnoticed to the flying public. Those are american flags flying above the jetway where the planes departed. 32 honors the be flight. The neighboring toner terminal, it is for those who died on American Airlines flight 19 175. Knoxville, tennessee. Good morning. You are on, go ahead. Caller hi. I was calling in because i was eight years old when 9 11 happened. I was in my school at the time. I lived in houston, texas. Right at the beginning when we got to school all of the minority and black students were sent home. For me it was a very scary experience, because that was the first time i had experienced racism from my school, on 9 11, as a child. Host how does it impact you today . Itler today i think about and it saddens me about the loss of lives, but it also hurts to know that during that time it fostered a lot of discrimination towards people who were muslim, people who were from the middle east, from Southeast Asia in the United States. As a child it was hard knowing that, even if you are an american, it definitely affected peoples perceptions of you, because of your race. Because the terrorist attacks were associated with the middle east during that time. Host barb is next. Barb is from rochester, new york. Caller hi. My heart and prayers go out to all of the families and heroes of that day. Airport, rochester airport, working that day and it was the most frightening, sad experience of my life. Not to remember this day would be devastating to so many people, whether you had someone that was impacted or not. We need to never forget and, again, not to make this political, but they need to show more of the pictures, the families and stuff. I have been watching other channels and they are showing pictures of political figures. That is not but this is all about. I am livid that they are not showing more of the families in , you know,ls and what actually happened that day. Again, i heart goes out to the people. ,nd we reopened our airport there was so many sad faces. And people coming to the airport and waving goodbye to their loved ones because at that point we changed forever how we passengers flying out of any airport. Host this is lee in tennessee. I was a retired security expert teaching a class that morning. People were scared and i began teaching classes on antiterrorism. When people were no longer scared, we became complacent again. You must stay strong and vigilant. Brad from savannah, georgia. Go ahead. Caller good morning, pedro. It has been a while. I wanted to tell the story that i will never forget 9 11. My birthday is september 10. I was on active duty military at that time. I remember, as i turned on the tv that morning the phone rang. All of the pieces came together. My heart goes out to those First Responders and their families, but then there were the next responders who have been in this for 19 years. The 19 yearsas that you have had since experiencing 9 11, what do you think as far as matters of people remembering the day. We have that same kind of attitude had back then or how has it changed in your opinion . Caller i believe it has shaped an entire generation of people. More than world war i, world war ii, vietnam. This is an entire generation of people who have known nothing but this. And we are still in it. Host drexel hill, pennsylvania. Irene joins us on the phone. Go ahead. Caller i just want to make mention to these people who do not believe this happened. How can you actually see this . Are you telling those people in new york that saw these buildings come down and breathed that dust and saw all that tragedy that this didnt happen . That their eyes are lying to them . I dont get this. Thats all i have to say. Flattheres flatearthers. Host you see joe biden there in new york. He is expected to make a visit in shanksville, pennsylvania. It will be the first time they are expected to appear within proximity of each other. While the state is a battleground, the commemoration on the 19th anniversary be close to the public, unlike previous years, because of coronavirus concerns. The president will be giving remarks. Mr. Bidens campaign is suspending its advertising friday. Trump Campaign Officials did not say that they will do the same. Tim is next up. Tim is from michigan. Hello. Caller hello, pedro. I would wish you good morning but it is not really a good morning. I am a retired 59yearold union machinist. I was working on the folder in the press room when guys came flying out saying, you have got to see what is happening. I said, im kind of busy right now. They are like, no. My jaw dropped, my eyes got the size of inner plates. I could not believe what im seeing. Those flights day, and of logan. Another thing. I had two friends that a week before were fleshing off of the black hawk pier in south boston. They said, we saw these arab guys and they were not fishing, they were taking pictures. You could see logan from the black hawk. Black hawk pier. It is just ironic that all of these things happened under republican presidencies. George bush was warned. Hey, Osama Bin Laden plans on using commercial aircraft to attack the United States. He was warned. Just like trump was warned about this pandemic. They both ignored it, and if you bush,atch the footage of when he got the news i will tell you what, if i was president and one of my cap members told me that, my reaction would not be to nod my head and i would be like, what . Host that is tim in michigan. Newark, new jersey. You are next. Caller good morning. This day my heart and prayers go out to the family. May they find some kind of peace and solace. I remember this day. I remember seeing it, the planes going past when i was writing down the hill headed to work. Son workedart is, my around the corner in that area. Was onin he was riding time, my story would be a lot different than the fact of living in fear until he walked in the house. Because he had to walk from new york home to new jersey. I remember the fear and tears i had all day, because the phone lines and all of the telecommunication was down. I hadnt heard from my son, and we all got together praying and wondering, was he ok, was he ok . We didnt know what to do and we were scared to move. I just, every year it is like, that couldve been me. That could have been me and my son and that could have been our story also. So, to those families i, my heart just goes out. Such a painful thing. Peace toreator bring everyone. Host lets hear from terry in akron, ohio. Go ahead. Caller i mind . Host you are on, go ahead. Caller im sorry. The country, the people, the way they acted afterwards is like, everybody was cooperating. People were Opening Doors and saying hello. The thing i wanted to mention was, i was a fireman at that time and i was in the office. Seen the first plane hit and automatically i guess, just by my training i thought of a terrorist attack. I never understood why no planes scrambledd or after that first. Then i watched that second attack. It is just suspicious to me. Host terry in ohio. Again, there are ways you can follow along what is going on today. If you go to the website you can see those things at cspan. Org. Shanksville, pennsylvania, an approximate start time around 9 45 this morning featuring comments from the president. You can see that live on this network. That is that is it for the program today. Another addition of washington journal comes your way tomorrow morning. We will see you then

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