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In pennsylvanias 17th congressional district. I am so excited to take the gavel from nancy pelosi and give it back to the people in november. So, i am a combat veteran. I led an Infantry Battalion what june at the height for the the at the height for hunt for bin laden. We have the most diverse infantry platoon and can possibly imagine. Northerners serving next to southerners, questions next to toeists christians next atheists. We all came together and fought for the freedom that we have here. [applause] it, 2020ay that i see is the most important election of our lifetime. Our mission right here, right now is to do the same. To come together as a people and fight for this country once again. [applause] you have a role when if you are in retirement, i am calling you back to service. We need you in the fight and when you go to the polls in november, each one of you needs to bring five of your closest friends to the polls so that we can make sure President Trump and Vice President pence get four more years and the white house. [applause] ado, i, without further would like to introduce the Vice President of the United States of america, the great mike pence. [applause] should stood , whats your name. Hey, whats your name, baby . Now dont you worry. Vice pres. Pence hello, pennsylvania. It is great to be with all of you today. A cozy, warm day. But i am here to roll my sleeves roadecause the rolled to victory goes straight through pennsylvania. [applause] it really is great to be with all of you. My friend, congressman mike joyce,congressman john and all of the hardworking men energy, myf penn fellow americans from near and ,ar, standing in the sunshine it is great to be back in the keystone state. [applause] honored,ld not be more could not be more honored to be introduced today by an extraordinary american, a decorated combat veteran, a man who loves this country and all the things that have made america safe and secure and strong throughout our history in the next congressman from pennsylvanias 17th congressional district, sean parnell, everybody. [applause] what a great guy. What a great guy. I also want to give you one more chance to think the two people that have literally been fighting every day alongside President Donald Trump to keep the promises that we made to the people of pennsylvania four years ago, that stood strong or an agenda that make America Great again in three short years , and they will stand strong all the way through election day when we make America Great again for four more years, congressman mike kelly, congressman john joyce, thank you so much for your strong support for this president and the people of pennsylvania. [applause] it is great to be here with that so many friends. I have got to be honest with you. I am here for one reason and one reason only. Pennsylvaniahat and america need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [applause] and i thought the best place to come to kick off this post labor freedom,ion was in pennsylvania. [applause] how perfect is that . Four years ago, a movement was born. The movement of Everyday Americans from every day from every walk of life. Here in pennsylvania, you believe we can be strong again, prosperous again. You believe america could be respected again. You said yes to president donald 2016, and from where i stand, i think its a vignette is going to say yes i think pennsylvania is going to say yes to four more years in 2020. [applause] look how far we have come. [chanting four more years] vice pres. Pence four years ago we had inherited a military hollowed out by budget cuts. An economy struggling in a recovery since terrorism was writing rising around the world. We witnessed an attack on our values, including rid him of religion at the sanctity of human life. What ae short years, difference pennsylvania choice makes. Under this president s leadership, as the proud father of a United States marine, i could not be more proud to say we have rebuilt our military and we are finally getting our soldiers, sailors, seamen, marines and the coast guard the support they need every single day. [applause] byrevived our economy cutting taxes across the board for businesses large and small and working families. We rolled back federal regulations. We unleashed American Energy as americanore and an Energy Renaissance has come to pennsylvania and all across the heartland. [applause] that, we appointed judges, judges who uphold all the godgiven liberties enshrined in our constitution. When i was getting off the bus, which is just down the road by the way. President trump announced today and all new list, principled conservatives. You give us four more years, we will have more conservatives on the Supreme Court of the United States. I promise. [applause] and they will be men and women like those before combusted for all of the liberties enshrined in our bill of rights, like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. [applause] so this president has stood for our liberties. He stood for the right to life and President Donald Trump has stood every day with the men and lawn who serve in enforcement, and we will stand with them for four more years. [applause] like all of you, President Trump and i note that the men and women who serve in Law Enforcement are some of the best people in this country. [applause] on thaty, when they put uniform and strap on a side arm and walked out the door being families at the breakfast table, they put their lives on the line every day. Toy have answered a calling consider our lives more important than their own. And our Police Officers deserve the respect of every american every day. [applause] the president and i will always support the right of americans riotingful protest, but and looting is not peaceful protest. Burning businesses is not free speech, and those who do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. [applause] people of america deserve better, and, frankly, the people of pittsburgh ought to be able to sit in an outdoor restaurant or go to mcdonalds without being harassed. [applause] folks, this has got to stop. We will have a and order in every city in this country for every american of every race and creed and color, so help us god. [applause] that is why our president has taken action to support law and order all across this country. We find more than 4000 Police Officers over the last four years to the crops program. We sent 200 federal Law Enforcement officers officers in kenosha, wisconsin the violence. Operation legend has already seen the arrest and prosecution of more than 2000 violent protesters all across america. Attorney general bill barr Just Announced this morning that in chicago the murder rate has already been cut in half since operation legend began. [applause] months, all joe biden talked about was peaceful protesters. As the American People watch burn. Sses and communities last week, he came to pittsburgh and finally condemned what he called violence in every form it takes, but right after that, he criticized Law Enforcement. It took him three months to he still hasa, and not called out his Campaign Staff or running mate for raising money to bail out violent criminals and he is never called on democrat mayors to get their cities under control. Hadtruth is, joe biden doubled down on the policies that are leading to violence in our major cities. Undermining support for Law Enforcement has real consequences. It emboldens those who would so chaos on our streets and it minimizes those who serve Law Enforcement. That is why after several days of protests in rochester, the chief of police and the comments dave staff all resigned today. Essex police jeeves have resigned in major cities since the first of june. Let me be clear. We are going to stand with the men and women who serve on the thin blue light of Law Enforcement whether it is in rochester, portland, or in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. We will always back to blue. [applause] that is probably why the Largest Police union in america just endorsed President Donald Trump for four more years. Cops are for drug, because drug drug trump, because trump is for cops. Biden says Law Enforcement is systemically racist and Law Enforcement has an implicit bias against minorities. President trump and i know we do not have to choose between supporting Law Enforcement and supporting our africanamerican families. We can support Law Enforcement with more resources for better training and also support improving the quality of life, education, jobs, opportunities for our minority families in our cities. Of their first day administration, we have done bold, and we will keep doing both for four more years. [applause] when heot to tell you, was asked whether he would support cutting funding to Law Enforcement, joe biden replied, yes, absolutely. President , we will always stand with those who serve and Law Enforcement. Police,not defund the not now, not ever. [applause] in three short years, we rebuilt our military. We revived our economy. We stood for life, liberty, law and order. America is strong again. America was respected again. Our liberties are more secure. Onlyose first three years, three ways you can describe it. It was jobs, jobs, jobs. [applause] think that with less taxes, less regulation, more American Energy, businesses large and small across this country created 7 million paying jobs. In fact, the president and i are most proud of the fact that wages rose at their fastest pace in more than 10 years. In fact, they rose most rapidly for hardworking bluecollar americans, the forgotten men and women of america were forgotten no more. [applause] when joe biden was Vice President , america lost 200,000 American Manufacturing jobs. ,emember the last president four years ago. He said those jobs were never coming back. Said, what magic wand do you have . We do not need a magic wand. We just needed donald trump in the white house. Jobs00 manufacturing created in just three years. None of that would have been possible without the strong support of their allies in congress. I have got to tell you, if there are two tenacious conservative principles who are champions for pennsylvania and the congress in the United States, congressman mike kelly, congressman john joyce, thank you so much for fighting for pennsylvania and fighting for President Trump. We have created the greatest economy in the world. At the end of our first three years, more americans were working than ever before. We make America Great again. [applause] and then the coronavirus pandemic struck from china. Now the people of pennsylvania deserve to know that before the first documented case of Community Spread have been in the United States, President Donald Trump took the unprecedented step of suspending all travel from china. It had never been done before. And i can tell you as the head of the White House Coronavirus task force, that action saved untold american lives, and it has brought us into valuable time to stand up the greatest National Mobilization since world war ii. [applause] president s direction we marshaled the full resources of the federal government and in the full resources of our Free Enterprise economy. Our hearts go out to all of the families that have lost loved ones during this pandemic, including the more than 7000 families still grieving here in pennsylvania. I want them to know and you to know they have always been in our hearts, and they are in our prayers, but we are continuing to work our way through this time as a nation. Testse made sure that were available across the country, 800,000 tests a day. We major our doctors and nurses had hundreds of millions of protective equipment. And with tremendous ingenuity, we have been developing treatments that are saving lives across america. Even though joe biden said no miracle is coming, we are on track to have a safe and effective Coronavirus Vaccine this year. [applause] all of our Scientists Say it is not if, it is when. We are working toward it with incredible american ingenuity. That is why it is so irresponsible that joe biden and Kamala Harris have actually started to question whether our administration can even produce a safe vaccine. Weekend, joe biden running mate repeatedly said that she would not trust a vaccine produced under President Donald Trump. Thousands insult to of dedicated Science Scientists and researchers who have been working around the clock to save american lives. Harrisen and kamala should stop playing politics with american lives. [applause] they should stop undermining Public Confidence in a vaccine that will save american lives, and they should thank our Great Research companies, thank our scientists, and thank our president for working tirelessly to get a safe and effective vaccine to the American People this year. [applause] we have done together, we are slowing the spread, protecting the vulnerable. We are saving lives. In the midst of this pandemic, President Trump also worked with leaders in congress. We literally secured more than 4 trillion in direct aid to americas families and a Paycheck Protection Program to save 50 million american jobs. I promise all of you, every day until the day comes we put the coronavirus in the past, we will put the health of America First. [applause] because of the Strong Foundation President Trump board and the unprecedented aid we provided to families and businesses after losing 22 million jobs at the height of this pandemic, the american comeback is underway. We have added 10. 6 million jobs back to this economy in just 530,000ths, including jobs right here in pennsylvania. [applause] again,opening up america and we are opening up americas schools. So we have gone through a time areesting, but soon we coming for a time to choosing. The choice in this election has never been clearer, the stakes have never been higher. It is amazing to think in the middle of a global pandemic, joe by 4wants to raise taxes trillion. We cut taxes across the board for working families and businesses and we will keep cutting taxes for four more years. [applause] joe biden wants to bury our economy under an avalanche of redtape, like his own version of the green new deal. This president , we have signed more bills cutting federal redtape than any president in American History and we will keep right on shopping for four more years. [applause] heard joe biden is in michigan today. Talking about made in america. Decades, joe for biden as many cheerleader for communist china. In fact, he wants to repeal all of the tariffs that trump imposed that are leveling the Playing Field right now for american workers, and joe biden even criticized the president s decision way back in january to suspend all travel from china. When we took, office, half of our trade deficit was with china. President trump made it clear. The era of economic surrender is over. We stood up to china. We put jobs and workers get America First and we are going to keep standing strong until we level the Playing Field. [applause] it was not just about china. Naftajoe biden voted for so many years ago and in the wake of nafta, we saw 60,000 american factories close in this country. Extra President Donald Trump, thanks to President Donald Trump, nafta is yesterday and usmca is here to stay. It is a win for pennsylvania and for farmers. [applause] i do not have to tell those to be gathered here that when it comes to energy, President Donald Trump has been a champion for American Energy independence. We ended the war on coal. We unleashed American Energy, and now the United States is a net exporter of energy for the first time in 70 years. [applause] joe biden at the radical left want to crush American Energy and crush American Energy jobs. They want to raise the cost of electricity for every household and business in pennsylvania. Last week, joe biden went to pittsburgh after months of campaigning on a plan to abolish fossil fuels. I heard him say, i am not for banning fracking. Maybe he just forgot what he said before. [laughter] let me help them out. The people of pennsylvania deserve to know, when joe biden was asked in july of last year, quote, would there be any place or fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden Administration . Joe biden said, quote, no, we would make sure it is eliminated. When he was questioned by an activist if he would ban fracking, joe biden said, and i quote, i would love to, and last march in a debate, joe biden said no new fracking. Here in pennsylvania, some estimates show ending fracking would literally cost thats apparently not a problem for joe. Because he was asked if he would be willing to sacrifice whether to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of bluecollar jobs for their sake of their medical environment agenda. And he said, the answer is yes. And about this time last year, he even said to his supporter i guarantee were going to end fossil fuels. I mean, the truth of the matter is, we should take joe biden at his word and make sure we have four more years of energy independence, four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. [applause] thatjoe doesnt know is americas future depends on energy independence. So i promise you, all of you great workers of pan energy, whatever you may hear over what happens between now and election day, joe biden and the Democratic Party and the radical left are going to work to abolish fossil fuels. But were not going to let it happen. [applause] with President Donald Trump in the white house, were going to have more fracking, more American Energy, more American Energy for generations to come. [applause] i promise. [applause] thats just one of the reasons why we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. Four more years means more jobs. Four more years means more support for our troops and our police. Four more years means more energy independence. And its going to take at least four more years to drain that swarm. Swamp. [applause] every day, President Trump has been fighting to protect the promise of america. Every day, our president has been fighting to expand the reach of the American Dream to every american of every reese and creed and color. I race and creed and color. Ive been there every step of the way and i promise, he never stops fighting. And President Donald Trump has never stopped fighting for you. So now its our turn to fight for him. [applause] its on. Its on, pennsylvania. [applause] it. Need you to bring i need you to let these people go find some shade. [laughter] let me hear it. Give a big round of applause for this panAmerican Energy team. What a great team. What a great team. [applause] thank you, men and women. Thank you so much. And thank you all for coming out today, but i leave you here with a challenge, folks. I got up this morning, 55 days until election day. We got to put our head down and we got to go tell the story. All of our neighbors and friends. And weve got to have faith, ok . I mean, weve got to have faith in the American People. As we see the other side laying out there radical left agenda, of more taxes, more regulation, less support for our troops and our police, parting from our most cherished values and liberties and ideals, you see a president that is standing up for everything that has made America Great. We have got to go have confidence. I truly believe every time the American People are given the choice between more freedom and less freedom, they choose more freedom every time. This is a freedom loving nation, so go talk to your neighbors and friends. [applause] and tell them freedom is on the ballot on november 3. And have that other kind of faith, too. That in these challenging times, when it seems like theres more that divides us in this country than any time in my lifetime, i still believe that there will always be more that unites us than could ever divide us, and chief among those is faith. [applause] this one, i just encourage you to, if you occasionally bow the head and b end the knee, it would be a good time to do it in the next 55 days. And on this one, im not so much talking about praying for our team or for a cause or for a party. Im just saying, pray for america. [applause] pray for all the American People. [applause] because america matters. And prayer matters. And i truly do believe that if his people, who are called by his name and humble themselves and pray, he will do as he has always done in the long and storied history of this great nation. Hell hear from heaven and hell heal this land. This one nation, under god, indivisible, with delivery and just liberty and justice for all. [applause] so have faith. Im going to let you all get out of the sun. I thank you for such a warm welcome. [applause] four more years four more years four more years four more years v. P. Pence i just now, if all of us know, if all of us do all that we need to do between now and election, were going to have a Great American comeback. [applause] were going to make pennsylvania and america stronger and more prosperous than ever before, more Energy Independent than ever before, more grounded in our highest ideals, and more secure at home and abroad than ever before. And i just know that when we return congressman mike kelly and commerce been john joyce to a new republican republican republican majority, with sean pardo in the congress of the United States [applause] and when we reelect President Donald Trump for four more years, and with gods help, we will make America Great again. Again. Thank you all very much. God bless pennsylvania. And god bless america. Lets go get it done. [applause] [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] President Trump is traveling to michigan this afternoon. Well have live coverage as he speaks. Thats scheduled for 7 00 eastern. But if you cant be by atv, watch it online at cspan. Org will listen on the free cspan radio app. Friday is the 19th anniversary of the 9 11 terrorist attack. Beginning at 8 30 eastern on cspan2 from the 9 11 Memorial Plaza in new york city. The observance ceremony from the pentagon. 9 45 on cspan, the flight 93 National Memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. Live coverage of the 19th anniversary of the 9 11 terrorist attacks on cspan, cspan2, and cspan3, online at cspan. Org, or listen live with the free cspan radio app. With our guest is , he was a University Former scientist at the food and drug administration. Dr. Jesse goodman is joining us. Guest good morning. Host could you talk about, in a broad sense, your work at the fda . ,articularly as chief scientist particularly when it comes to vaccines. Thet

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