Of entrepreneurs but millions of hardworking men and women who are building their American Dream every day. A few months ago, like so many businesses, we got the crushing news a large event we were serving was canceled because of the virus. Our business was on the brink. Threatened to be shut down from losses that were not our fault. I was scared. I thought of our 50 employees, the mountain mud family, and when i thought of their jobs, i thought of the rent being due, their kids, and i felt personally responsible. Im not too proud to admit that i fell on my knees and prayed, lord, what do i do question mark his words rang clear keep on working, it will be ok. You, faith and let me tell you have to have faith when your husband is a marine and Police Officer who is shot at on the job. When you run a business, a little faith goes a long way. Faith in jesus and faith in america. Im worried we have a generation of americans who have been told the American Dream doesnt exist. That is a lie. I know because i live that dream. Thats why i feel so strongly that we need a president who believes in the American Dream like president donald trump. Now more than ever. Im so thankful my prayers for help or answered. My company was one of the first to receive a ppp loan, and praise god, it has been a lifesaver. Not only were we able to keep every single employee, but we have been hiring weekly ever since. I feel for local businesses across america who are under assault from shutdowns, from riots, and facing the terrifying prospect of joe biden coming after everything we have built. Im so grateful we have leaders like President Trump standing up for local businesses like mine. Thank you, President Trump. It is exciting to be part of the Great American comeback story. Good evening, america. We are speaking to you from st. Louis, missouri, were just weeks ago, you may have seen us defending our home as a mob of posttesters to send it on our neighborhood. America is such a Great Company such a great country that not only do you have the right to own a gun and use it to defend yourself but thousands of americans will offer you free advice on how to use it. At least that is what we experience. What you saw happen to us could just as easily happen to any of you watching from quiet neighborhoods around our country and that is what we want to speak to you about tonight. Thats exactly right. The defunding of police, ending cash ales so criminals can be released on the streets the same day to riot again or or encouraging anarchy and chaos on our streets, it seems as if the democrats no longer view the governments job as protecting honest citizens from criminals but rather protecting criminals from honest citizens. In theingle person outofcontrol mob you saw at our house was charged with a crime. But you know who was . We were. They have actually charged us with felonies for daring to defend our home. On top of that, consider this the marxist liberal activist leading the mob to our neighborhood stood outside our home with a bullhorn screaming you cant stop the revolution. Just weeks later, that same marxist activists won a seat in the house of representatives. In the city of st. Louis, thats the same as winning the general election. That marxist revolutionary is going to be the congress one from the First District of missouri. These radicals are not content with marching in the streets. They want to march the halls of congress. They want to take over. They want power. This is joe bidens power joe bidens party. Not satisfied with spreading chaos and violence into our communitys. Abolish the suburbs altogether. Crime,ning would bring and lowquality apartments in suburban neighborhoods. President trump ended the government over which the joe biden wants to bring it back. These policies are coming to a neighborhood near you. Live, yourhere you family will not be safe in the radical democrats america. At this moment in history, if you stand up for yourself and for the values our country was founded on, the mob, spurred on by their allies in the media will try to destroy you. You have seen us on your tv screens and twitter feeds, you know we are not the kind of people who back down. Thankfully, neither is donald trump. President trump will defend the godgiven right of every american to protect their homes and their families. But more than that, trumps vision for america is a country we have an opportunity to work hard and build the life you dream of with a job you love, with your children being educated in grade schools in a community where your family can play in the backyard without fear. Worship in a Church Without shame, and express your beliefs without retribution. Trump brought us the greatest economy our country had ever seen. The democrats have brought us nothing but destruction. When we dont have basic safety and security in our communities, we will never be freed to build a Brighter Future for ourselves, for our children, or for our country. That is whats at stake in the selection and thats why we must reelect donald trump. God bless you, god bless the president and god bless these united states. Hello, i am from miami, florida. It is a just a 90 mile wide street. It divides freedom from fear. It divides the past from the future. I know all about the past. I will never forget my own. My family has fled from communism. More than once. First my dad from spain, then from cuba. But my family is not born that way. By the grace of god i live the American Dream. The greatest blessing i have had. My dad only had a six grade education and told me, dont leave this place. I am speaking to you today because my family is done abandoning what we rightfully earned. There is no place to hide. I am speaking to you today because President Trump may not always be politically correct, in fact, he is a successful businessman and not a politician. Our president is just another family man, a friend, and most importantly, our elected commanderinchief who puts america first. Keep in mind the other guy running for president is concerned about power. Power for them, but not for the benefit of all americans. I am speaking to you today because i have seen people like this before. I have seen movements like this before. I have seen ideas like this before. And i am here to tell you we cannot let them take over our country. I hear the promises of fidel castro and i can never forget all those who grew up around me, who look like me, who suffer and starve and died because they believed those empty promises. They swallowed the communist poison pill. If you have a chance, go to the freedom power in miami. Stop and listen. You can still hear the sounds of those broken promises. It is the sound of waves from the ocean carrying families clinging to pieces of wood. Families with children who cannot swim, but willing to risk everything to reach this blessed land. It is the sound of tears on the paper of an application to become an american citizen. Soon after they experience the reality. Look at them. Listen to them. Learn the truth. Those false promises spread the wealth. Free education, free health care, defund the police. Trust the socialist state more than your family and your community. They dont sound radical to my ears, they sound familiar. Fidel castro was asked if you was a communist. He said he was a roman catholic. He knew he had to hide the truth. But the country i was born in is gone, totally destroyed. When i watched the news in seattle, chicago, portland and other cities. When i see history being rewritten. When i hear the promises, i hear echoes of a former life i never wanted to hear again. I see shadows. My parents only wanted one person to decide my fate. Me. Not some party member, not some government official, not some bureaucrat. In america i will decide my own future. I am so grateful to america, the place where i was able to build my American Dream through hard work and determination. President trump knows that the american story was written by people just like you and i love our country, and they wish to build a future for our families and neighbors. I am 100 american. This is the greatest country in the world. And i said this before. If i give away everything that i have today, it would not equal 1 of what i was given when i came to this great country of ours. The gift of freedom. Right now it is up to us to decide our fate and to choose freedom over oppression. President trump, he is fighting the forces of anarchy and communism. And i know he will continue to do just that. And what about his opponent and the rest of the d. C. Swamp . I have no doubt they will hand the country over to those dangerous forces. You and i will decide. Heres what i have decided. My decision is very easy. I choose President Trump because i choose america. I choose freedom. I still hear my dad. There is no other place to go. Thank you, and may the good lord bless america. I had always had this unshakable sense that i know life has to be more than what it was. I caught my very first felony conviction as 16 years old. That type of behavior has led me into more and more arrests, getting in trouble until i was 37 years old. I was arrested for a string of bank robbers. There is a potential that a federal judge can sentence me up to 23 years and a maximum Security Federal penitentiary. In that moment, i played lets make a deal got. I asked god to climb into the role of that judge. Whether its 10 years or 50 years, i am going to invest the rest of my life serving you. I stood before that federal judge. It he took his glasses off, leaned back and said i dont know why im going to do this, but im not going to give you what you deserve. Then, he gave me a lesser sentence. As i laid in that cell shackled, i heard god utter into my spirit, i honored what you asked me to do. He said never forget the promise that you made to me. Ever since that day, i got up off the floor and my life took a 180 degree turn in the other direction. When john got that sentence, i should head. I said you are destined for bigger things than prison. I was in fbi special agent for 25 years. It was something about his demeanor when he walked into that room. I had the feeling like everythings going to be ok. When he got out, he gave me a call and said lets have lunch. I met him at mcdonalds and hes got a bible with him. Ive seen it before were a guys guys used a bible as a prop. The understood this was not a prop, he was a changed guy from the guy i rested. When i saw the way he treated me fairly, i saw the man behind the suit. I started thinking if that worked for me with this Law Enforcement officer, how can i multiply that and get more Law Enforcement officers involved so we can impact more on a larger scale . President trump made a bunch of promises. When he first started talking about the things he was going to do, i said is he serious . The things he was saying he wanted to do was something that needed to be done. Before walking out of that meeting, i promise i would make it to come speak at one of your graduations. When he stood there in that graduation and he went out of his way to shake the hand of everyone of those 29 graduates, set them on a whole another because he had the office of the president of the united states. The promises that he made was promises that he cap. Two years ago, i was honored to tell johns story of transformation in the rose garden on the national day of prayer. Today, i am thrilled to welcome him back to the white house. Johns life is a beautiful testament to the power of redemption. John grew up without his father. As he tells it, my mother was strong, but she was not able to keep us out of the gangs and off of the streets. They were violent streets. The age of 38, he was arrested for bank robbery. While he was in prison, he began reading the bible and listening to christian radio. One day, he heard reverend billy graham on the radio proclaimed jesus wants to be lord of your life. On that day, john dedicated his life to priced. He spent the rest of his time in prison studying the bible. When he was released, he heard a knock at his door. It was the officer who put him in jail. Fbi special agent Richard Beasley who said i have been praying for you. Now, they are best friends and we are grateful to richard is here today. In the last 10 years since john was released, he has created one of the most successful reentry programs hope for prisoners in las vegas. I was able to speak their earlier this year. As he says, it began as a dream. In a tiny prison cell and is now making a difference in the lives of thousands truly bringing hope there is an opportunity and a community that is waiting and willing to offer them a specialty ash Second Chance. John, we honor your devotion to showing returning citizens that they are not forgotten. We believe each person is made by god for a purpose. I will continue to give all americans including former inmates the best chance to build a new life and achieve their own American Dream at a great American Dream it is. Now, i would like to ask john and richard to say a few words. I cant tell you how grateful i am to have the opportunity to speak here today. Not so long ago, my life was running from the police, fearing the police, avoiding the police. Not because of anything the police had done to me personally, but due to the animosity i had allowed to grow inside of me making me believe they were my enemy. Today, praise god, i am filled with hope. A proud american citizen who is been given a Second Chance. My transformation began in a prison cell where i found myself a threetime convicted felon facing another sentence. I gave my life to jesus and made him a promise that i would spend the rest of my days helping others like me. My first help and support came from the unlikeliest of places, the fbi agent who arrested me. He is now a dear friend and has been a source of encouragement to me throughout my entire journey. I am grateful for the men and women of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department who volunteer their time to people who are returning to our local community after incarceration. These are the reallife heroes who put their lives on the line every day armed with the promise that they made to protect and to serve have made a tremendous impact in the lives of men and women we integrate back into our society. My hope for america is that formerly incarcerated people will have the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that we live in a nation of Second Chances. My hope for america is that Law Enforcement and people in the communities can come together and realize that as americans, we have more and comment that we have differences. My hope for our great nation is to continue on this path we are on of being the most prosperous country in the world. I am so proud of john with his lifes turnaround and with all of the lives he has helped to change. As a retired fbi agent, one of my best ends is a person i arrested for bank robbery. When i met john teen years ago, he was angry, scared, strata, and anxious about his future. On my way, i stopped at a Convenience Store and bought him a coffee and a doughnut. When he was released, he sent me a note taking me for treating him like a gentleman. When he got out of prison, he called me and wanted to meet for lunch. He was a different man. He talked about starting a reentry program. Over time, he earned the trust and respect of the Law Enforcement community, many of whom volunteer in his program. I am grateful for Donald Trumps commitment to Justice Reform. The most important man in the free world shook hands and placed his administrations support to former offenders. What a great Second Chance. I also appreciate President Trump support for Law Enforcement. I always felt like i had strong support as an ei agent, but there is nothing worse than knowing your being second rest when doing your job. In certain parts of our country, Law Enforcement doesnt feel like they have support for their from their leaders. As President Trump knows, the overwhelming majority of Law Enforcement officers are smart people doing their jobs very well. They can change the world working with people like john. Thank you. Now, i would like to invite johns wife to join us as i grant john, im not sure you know this, a full pardon. I dont know if you know that. Come over here. This is an honor. You have done incredible work. All of las vegas, all of nevada, all of everyplace in this country is very proud of the job you have done bringing people back. I was supposed to be there for five minutes, i was there for an hour and a half because it was so interesting. Congratulations to you both. Richard, thank you very much for the job you do. I think i will give it to jamie. [laughter] [applause] my name is abby johnson. I spent eight years working for planned parenthood. Today, i am a prolife activist. When i was in college, when parenthood approached me. They talked about helping women in crisis and their commitment to keep abortion safe, legal, and rare. I was convinced to volunteer and later offered a fulltime job as a medical assistant before my motion to director of the clinic. I truly believed i was helping women. Things drastically changed in 2009. In april, i was awarded planned parenthood employee of the year award and invited to their annual gala where they present the Margaret Sanger award named for their founder. Margaret sanger was a racist who believed in eugenics. Her goal in founding planned parenthood was to eradicate the minority population. Today, almost 80 of planned parenthood abortion facilities are tediously located in minority neighborhoods. Every year, planned parenthood celebrates its racist roots by presenting the Margaret Sanger award. Later in august, my supervisor assigned me a new quota to meet, on abortion quota. I was expected to sell double the abortions performed the preemies previous year. When i fought back, i was reprimanded. I was told abortion is how we make our money. The Tipping Point came a month later when a physician asked me to assist with an ultrasoundguided abortion. Nothing prepared me for what i saw on the screen. An unborn baby fighting back desperate to move away from the suction. I will never forget what the doctor said next. Beam me up scotty. The last thing i saw was a spine twirling around in the mothers womb before succumbing to the force of the suction. On october 6, i left the clinic looking back on this remember why i now advocate so passionately for life. I found it and currently run and then there were none. A Nonprofit Organization that has helped nearly 600 abortion workers transition out of the industry. For most people who consider themselves prolife, abortion is abstract. They cant even conceive of the barbarity. They dont know of the products of conception room where infants remains are pieced back together to make sure nothing remains in the mothers womb. For me, abortion is real. I know it sounds like. I know what it smells like. Did you know it even had a smell . I have been the perpetrator to these babies, to these women, and i now support President Trump he has done more for the unborn than any other president. During his first month in office, he banned federal funds for Global Health groups that promote abortion. That same year, he overturned an obama biden rule that allowed government subsidy of abortion. He appointed a Record Number of prolife judges. He announced a new rule protecting the rights of healthcare workers objecting to abortion. Many of whom i work with every day. Life is a core tenet of who we are as americans. That is something that should compel you to action. Go doortodoor, make calls, talk to your neighbors and friends. Vote on november 3. Take action that reelect our president and do it with our very most vulnerable americans in mind. The ones who havent been born yet. Hello. I am a Police Officer from new mexico. In 2017, i had an encounter that changed my life forever. I had just started my shift and responded to a call for service at a gas station. When i arrived, i saw a man and woman sitting on a grassy slope. I recognized the signs. A needle, a spoon. I knew immediately they were preparing to inject themselves with heroin. Sadly, this is a common site for me. I encounter the ravages of addiction every day. Nothing could prepare me for what i discovered as i approach them. The woman was very pregnant. In my shock, i asked her if she knew she was harming her baby by doing drugs. She crumbled and burst into tears. Two worlds collided as i knelt down beside her. A Police Officer and a homeless drug addict. Brought together by forces outside of our control. As we talked, our humanity distinct from our stations in life was made abundantly clear. Her name was crystal and in the midst of her suffering, she confided that she loved her unborn baby. She wanted the best for her child. In that moment, i saw her the way that all of you who know and love and addict see them. As fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, cousins, and friends. As human beings full of value and dignity but robbed of their potential by this disease. When crystal said she was looking for a family to adopt her baby, god showed me exactly what i had to do. Without hesitation, i told her my family would welcome her baby through adoption. Today, our beautiful daughter hope is a thriving twoyearold. Crystal is fast approaching three years of recovery. She is a dear friend and a constant inspiration to me and others. I hold a special place in my heart for those facing opioid addiction and that is why i am enormously grateful to the president for his leadership in fighting this deadly enemy. Through his efforts, we are turning the tide on the crisis of addiction. President trump declared the Opioid Crisis to be then secured 6 billion in new federal funding to help americans fight open good abuse. He invested additional 100 million to stop the Opioid Crisis in rural america. And, in a move that strikes at the root of the problem, he implemented a safer prescribing plan aimed at reducing open good prescriptions by over one third within three years. This is an effort that stops addiction before it ever been told in someones life. It is having an impact. Drug Overdose Deaths decreased in 2018 for the first time in 30 years. Many of the states hardest hit by the Opioid Crisis are seeing the largest drop in deaths. We are seeing doctors writing fewer prescriptions for opioid pain drugs. These are significant improvements that have a meaningful impact. I think we are fortunate america to have a president who cares deeply for the downtrodden and who works tirelessly to find solutions. A president who doesnt just talk about problems but stops and helps. President trump is the leader we have needed the last four years and he is the leader we need for the next four. Donald trump is the right president at the right time. Lets make sure he is reelected on november. I pray gods blessings on you and your family and may god bless america. [speaking foreign language] good evening. Tonight, i am here as the wife and mother to share how education freedom has personally impacted my family, especially the life of my son, samuel. Before samuel was even born, i was told his life wouldnt be worth living. When early tests revealed he had down syndrome, our doctor encouraged me to terminate the pregnancy. He said if you do not, you will be burdening your life, your family, and your community. I knew my baby was a human being created by god and that made him worthy of life. I am thankful that President Trump values the life of the unborn. When we went to register samuel for kindergarten, we were told to put him where he would be comfortable. Dont stress him out by trying to teach him. When we pushed for him to attend his Neighborhood School with his sisters, we were told just go home and let us do what we do. When i inquired about functional learning, i was told this is all you get like it or not. I did not like it. One side did not fit all. One size did not fit all. I had to fight to pass legislation in ohio for a special needs scholarship so that all students could choose the right program for their needs. I worked to start a new functional learning program at our local private school. Finally, samuel had an appropriate place to learn. Last december, samuel was invited to the white house to meet our president and share his thoughts on education freedom. He said School Choice helped my dreams come true. My school taught me the way i learn best. I was able to fit in, i made many friends, i became a part of my community. My teachers helped me become the best i could be. President trump shook my hand and said wonderful job, your son is amazing. Unlike the doctor who told me to end samuels life before it even began, President Trump did not dismiss my son. He showed samuel he valued him and was proud of what he accomplished. President trump gave samuel an equal seat at the table. Tonight, i would like to extend my thanks to President Trump and his administration for their work toward making every students dream of meaningful education a reality. And for fighting to ensure every child has an equal seat at the table of education freedom and an equal opportunity in life. Thank you and may god bless america. Good evening. I belong to the community of the little workers of the sacred hearts of jesus and mary. Last fourth of july, i was honored to be one of the president s guest at his salute to american celebration. I must confess that i recently prayed while in chapel, begging god to allow me to be a voice, an instrument for humanlike. Now, here i am speaking at the Republican National convention. I guess you better be careful for what you pray for. My journey to a religious life is not a traditional route. In 1978 as a medical School Student at georgetown university, i joined the army to help pay for my tuition. I ended up devoting 29 years to the military, serving as a doctor and a surgeon in places like anniston and egypt. Like afghanistan and egypt. After much prayer and contemplation, i entered my religious order in 2002 working to serve the poor and haiti, sudan, kenya, arak, and washington, d. C. Humility is at the front line which makes it difficult for me to talk about myself. Those refugees all share a common experience. They have been all marginalized. Viewed as a significant, powerless, and voiceless. Good evening. There is a hole in my heart since my beloved jackie was taken from me. This is her story. There were two things she loved to do every day. One was to go to the gym and tweet out bible verses to her friends. On november 19, the tweets stopped. Seconds later i heard the car horn. I saw a jeep blocking her car in the driveway. I noticed the bullet hole in her window. I saw someone jumping into the jeep and speeding away. We think this was a carjacking gone wrong. I see her slumped in the seat. When i go to bed at night, that sound and images pond meat. That is my life sentence. It is a sentence being left behind by senseless killings. In albuquerque where i live, it is one of the most violent cities in the country. Fewer than 50 of homicides are solved. It is a said irony that she came to the u. S. For a better life than in her native country only to be gunned down in her own driveway. For eight months, there were no arrests, no leads. The Albuquerque Police were overwhelmed. They needed help. Help arrived when President Trump launched operation legend in july of this year. And if the fbi took over her case. In a matter of days, they arrested four people. The fifth suspect was arrested in texas on unrelated charges. He had been deported in september and came back in october to terrorize our community. I am extrema grateful to President Trump and the fbi for their efforts to deliver justice. I am honored to support the president because he is supporting us. I know he will never stop fighting for justice for lawn order, security, and in our communities. Hello. I would like to introduce you to my husband, david. Father of five, brother of 12, grandfather of 10, friend,. He was the most kind, dedicated loving life partner i could have hoped for. He had a big smile and hard to match. He was blessed the gift of gab. That gift enabled him to touch souls and inspire some entire people especially young people. How kids loved him. They really left him back. They loved him back. He was all about service. He served 38 years in the place department. Six years as chief of police at the police department. After 44 years, he retired from Law Enforcement. He never retired from helping a friend in need. Since he befriended every person he met, he was a very busy man. One example of that was his friendship with a young man named lee. David met him when lee was just a kid. After members of his family were attacked and murdered. They took a special interest in the boy. They bonded and their friendship grew and remains strong throughout the years. Lee eventually opened upon shop. He trusted dave implicitly and asked dave to help with security. David readily agreed. When the shops alarm would go off, the Alarm Company called dave. He would investigate. If you got a call after i went to bed, he would wake up and tell me he was going to leave. Just to make sure everything was all right. Most of the time, they were false alarms triggered by a storm or animals. I never rested easily. Until i heard his key turn in the door. Knowing he was home safe. The alarm that went up the morning of june 2 was for real. It was a violent night in st. Louis. Officers were shot, others were hit with rocks and fireworks. At least five businesses were damaged. Looted, or set on fire. At least five businesses were damaged, looted, or set on fire. As the officer coordinator with the police department, i was keenly aware of the rioting. I spent the evening getting ready to mobilize support for officers who were impacted. After i had gone to bed, david received a call from an Alarm Company. The front door of the pawnshop had been breached. This time, he didnt wake up to tell me. He probably knew i wouldve tried to stop him. Or insist on going with him. As i slept, looters were ransacking the shop. They shot and killed david in cold blood. And then livestreamed his execution and last moments on earth. Davids grandson was watching the video on facebook in real time. Not realizing he was watching his own grandfather dying on the sidewalk. I learned of all this around 4 00 a. M. When our doorbell rang. The chief of police was standing outside. I wondered why dave had not answered the door. But it wasnt uncommon for him to be watching tv at this time. I called out to him several times but there was no reply. He just wasnt there. I let in the chief, and fighting back tears, he uttered the words every officers spouse dreads. I relive that horror every single day. My hope is that having you relive it with me now will help shake this country from this nightmare we are witnessing in our cities and bring about positive, peaceful change. How did we get to this point . Where so many young people are callous and indifferent toward human life . This isnt a videogame where you can commit mayhem then hit reset and bring all the characters back to life. Dave is never, never coming back to me. He was murdered by people who didnt know and just didnt care. He would have done anything to help them. Violence and destruction are not legitimate forms of protest. They do not safeguard black lives. They only destroy them. President trump understands this. He has offered federal help to restore order in our communities. At a time when Police Departments are short on resources and manpower, we need that help. We should accept that help. We must heal before we can effect change. We cannot heal amid devastation and chaos. President trump knows we need more davids in our communities, not fewer. We need to come together in peace and remember that every life is precious. My name is marsha mueller. This is my husband carl. Our daughter was taken and murdered by isis. From a young age, caleb was amazing. She taught herself languages, how to write music, how to play guitar. She worked with troubled youth, military veterans, and native americans. Everywhere kayla went, people smiled. Kayla had a gift to be able to see the world through someone elses eyes. She became a humanitarian aid worker and when she was helping children at an orphanage in india, kayla wrote, i find god and the suffering eyes reflected in mine. This is how you are revealed to me, this is how i will forever seek you. She went to turkey to help Syrian Refugees in 2012. In august 2013, she was asked by another aid worker to cross the border into syria to help at a hospital. On august 4, 2013, isis terrorists stopped her vehicle and took her captive. Kayla was mostly held in a 12 by 12 cell in solitary confinement. It was cold and dirty. Isis terrorists shined bright lights in her face. They shaved her head, they beat and tortured her. The leader of isis, albaghdadi, raped her repeatedly. For 18 months, she endured. And we endured an agonizing backandforth between us, the Obama Administration, and isis. We put all of our faith in the government, but the government let us down. President obama refused to meet with us until isis had already beheaded other americans. To this day, we have never heard from joe biden. Instead, the Obama Administration hid behind policy so much that we felt hopeless when they kept us from negotiating to save kaylas life. The administration showed more concern for the terrorists in guantanamo than the american hostages in syria. The military prepared a rescue mission, but the white house delayed it. By the time it went forward, kayla had been moved to another location. After 18 months of brutal torture, we learned from isis that kayla had been killed. The Obama Administration kept telling us they were doing everything they could. But their version of everything wasnt enough. What a difference a president makes. Under President Trump, u. S. Army special operators conducted a raid on albaghdadis compound. After we learned that albaghdadi was killed, we learned something else. The operators named themselves task force 814 after august 14, kaylas birthday. And the mission was named operation kayla mueller. To those soldiers, thank you. Kayla was looking down on you. The trump team gave us empathy we never received from the Obama Administration. The Obama Administration said it was doing everything it could. The Trump Administration is. Let me just say this. Kayla should be here. If donald trump had been president when kayla was captured, she would be here today. When kayla was a hostage, i would go outside at night and look at the moon. I would look at the moon and i would promise her i would do everything i could to get her home. Now, when i see the moon, i am reminded of my promise to her i couldnt keep. All kayla wanted was to make it home. We are still working to find her and god willing, we will bring her home. Kayla was born a miracle. We were told we would never have a second child. But god gave us kayla and she gave herself to the world. Eight months into kaylas captivity, another hostage was able to smuggle out a letter kayla had written. As we read it, we could see that god was holding her in his arms. In her words, she felt tenderly cradled in freefall. She also wrote, i have been shown in darkness light and have learned that even in prison, one can be free. I am grateful. I have had many hours to think how only in your absence have i finally at 25 years old come to realize your place in my life. None of us could have known it would be this long, but no i am also fighting from my side in the ways that im able and i have a lot of fight left inside of me. I am not breaking down and i will not give in, no matter how long it takes. Kayla taught me so many things as her mom. She still is teaching us. Carl and i support donald trump because of his commitment to make and keep america great. Not with the power of the government, but with the passion of people like kayla. Americans, who even in their darkest days, always have more fight left inside them. Americans who dont just talk, they act. That was our daughter. That is President Trump. As long as we stay strong like kayla, as long as we refuse to break, we will be great. Thank you. I am free to hug my family. I am free to start over. This is the greatest day of my life. My heart is bursting with gratitude. I want to thank president donald john trump. [applause] almost all people said that criminal Justice Reform would never pass. But we came together as a group, we worked across party lines, and we got it done. I am an example of a woman who has been given a Second Chance in life. God bless you and god bless america. [applause] good evening. I am alice marie johnson. I was once told that the only way i would ever be reunited with my family would be as a corpse. But by the grace of god and the compassion of president donald john trump, i stand before you tonight and i assure you, i am not a ghost. I am alive, i am well, and most importantly, i am free. In 1996, i began serving time in prison. Life plus 25 years. I had never been in trouble. I was a first time nonviolent offender. What i did was wrong. I made decisions that i regret. Some say, you do the crime, you do the time. However, that time should be fair and just. We have all made mistakes. None of us want to be defined forever based on our worst decision. While in prison, i became a playwright, a mentor, a certified hospice volunteer, an ordained minister, and received the Special OlympicsEvent Coordinator of the year award for my work with disabled women. Because the only thing worse than unjustly imprisoning my body is trying to imprison my mind. My transformation was described as extraordinary. Truth is, there are thousands of people just like me who deserve the opportunity to come home. I never stopped fighting for my freedom. My Christian Faith and the prayers of so many kept hope alive. When President Trump heard about me, about the injustice of my story, he saw me as a person. He had compassion. And he acted. Free in body, thanks to President Trump, but free in mind thanks to the almighty god. I couldnt believe it. I always remembered that god knew my name, even in my darkest hour, but i never thought a president would. When i was released on june 6, 2018, i ran across that road and hugged my grandchildren for the first time. I will never forget that feeling. And then i remembered the promise i had made to the men and women i had left behind. That i would never stop fighting for them. And i havent. I am using my voice to tell their stories, and i pray that my faith reminds you of those forgotten faces. Six months after President Trump granted me a Second Chance, he signed the First Step Act into law. It was real Justice Reform and it brought joy, hope, and freedom the thousands of welldeserved people. I hollered, hallelujah my faith in justice was rewarded. Imagine, getting to hug your loved ones again. And to think, this first step meant so much to so many. I cant wait, because we are just getting started. The nearly 22 years i spent in prison were not wasted. God had a purpose and a plan for my life. I was not delayed or denied. I was destined for such a time as this. I pray that you will not just hear this message, but that you will be inspired by my story, and your compassion will lead you to take action for those who are forgotten. Thats what our president , donald trump, did for me. And for that, i will be forever grateful. God bless you, god bless President Trump, and god bless america. Thank you. The contenders, about the men 2020 continues. Cspan, your unfiltered view of politics. Our as she joins the roundtable with black business owners. Watch live coverage of that at 4 50 p. M. Eastern here on cspan. Tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan, former white house chief of staff to the past four on how they dealt with crises during their respective administrations. While always important to a president or any leader, it becomes extraordinarily important when youre dealing with crises. To stick to the process the chief has created in the president has empowered to make sure the president has been giving all of the information they need to make the right decision. Cspan. Ht, on congress is about to return from summer researchers recess with the senate back. That is live tuesday at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. The following week, work expected condemning antiasian bias during the covid pandemic, decriminalizing marijuana at the federal level, and reauthorizing u. S. Intelligence agencies. Two items not on the official schedule but we could see it by the end of the week, a pared down covid packet from republicans, and a deal to fund the government passed september 30 when funding levels expire. Watch live this week on cspan two and the house when they return on cspan. Vice president mike pence delivered remarks earlier at a Labor Day Campaign event in wisconsin. Ronill hear from senator johnson and labor secretary scalia. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome brett ridge