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Good afternoon, folks. Sorry i am a little late. I was member mesmerized. I was walking out of the office, listening to an interview of and theeneral mccaffrey former secretary of defense bill cohen. I want to speak about what they revelations and the disregardnt trumps of our military and veterans. Frankly, if what was written in the atlantic is true, it is disgusting and confirms what we believe to be true. President trump is not fit to be the commanderinchief. The president reportedly said that those who signed up to serve, instead of doing something more lucrative, are suckers. Let me be real clear. Volunteered when the war was going on. And as a civilian, he was not a sucker. To joinson volunteered the United States military as the attorney general and went to iraq for a year and won the bronze star and other accommodations, he was not a sucker. Servicemen and women he served with, particularly those who did not come home, were not losers. If these statements are true, the president should humbly apologize to every goldstar mother and father, every Blue Star Family that he has denigrated. Who the heck does he think he is . Is it true . Well, we have heard from his own about john mccain as a loser in 2015. Donald trump says he was not a war hero. I like people who were not captured. Good for him. Dismissal, the true medic brain injuries of troops serving in iraq, as headaches not too long ago. Failing to, failing, take action or even raise the issue with Vladimir Putin while the kremlin puts bounties on american troops in afghanistan. Duty, and youre tired of hearing me saying this, those who have covered me for years no. Im going to say good for years now. I am going to say it again. We have only one sacred obligation. Harmsho we send into way, care for their families when they are away, and care for them when they are home. That is the only sacred obligation that we have. Duty. Honor. Country. These are values that drive our Service Members. Outfit ll voluntary an all voluntary outfit. President trump has demonstrated that he has no sense of service. Any cause other than himself. Being thethe honor of next commanderinchief, i will ensure that our american heroes know i will have their backs, honor their sacrifice, and those who have been injured will be in military create military parades. Always caution to not lose my temper. This may be as close as i come to this campaign. Deeplymarker of how President Trump and i disagree about the role of the president of the United States of america. Know, the jobs report came out this morning. For everyone who found work again and found a glimmer of hope, bringing them back from the edge, but there is real cause for concern as well. The gains in august were slower than in july, and severely slower than may and june. More temporary layoffs are can are turning into permanent layoffs. After six months in the pandemic, we are less than halfway back to where we were, with 11 million 11. 5 million americans not getting their jobs back. Down 720,000 manufacturing jobs. In fact, donald trump may be the only president in modern history to leave office with fewer jobs than when he took office. I talked to a lot of real if theypeople, ask them felt like they were being left behind. I asked how they felt about the economy coming back. You will find that they do not feel it. That is why i am here today, to the team forhank hosting us here at wilmington. Doing gods work in this community. It is important. It has been around for more than 130 years, through pandemics, wars, depressions. Been here for generations of people, who are just looking for a chance, not a handout. Just a fair shot at a job and a place to live, and a better life to pass down to the kids. Their kids. My daughter, a social worker, was a caseworker here. When my son was the attorney here to beau came right learn more about job Training Programs for those working toward a ged or certificate for good paying jobs. When i was senator and Vice President , there were plenty of economists around me to talk about every aspect of the economy, but i always thought about the people who walked through the doors here. Working people. White, black, brown, latino. What are they doing . Are they ok . When they were walking through these doors, the economy was doing ok. If they were not ok, we were not doing well. That is what we should be thinking about. This latest job report. But the report reinforces the worst fears and painful truths. The economic inequities before the downturn have only gotten worse under this failed presidency. The crisis started, we hoped for a few months that i shut down would be followed by economic and around. Nobody thought that they would lose their jobs for good or see Small Businesses close en masse. That kind of recovery requires leadership. We still did not have that, and economists are starting to call this recession a k shaped recession. It is a fancy phrase for everything that is wrong with trumps presidency. It means that those at the top are seeing things go up, and those at the bottom are seeing things get worse. , the fact thatse trump has mismanaged the covid crisis, and that is why it is a k shaped pandemic. First, the chaotic mismanagement of the pandemic is Still Holding us back. Compared to other Major Industrial countries in europe and asia, during the our unemployment rates have more than doubled while other nations have only gone up by half. Why . Because the president has botched the covid response. Botched it badly. I have said it in the beginning, you cannot deal with an economic crisis until you beat the pandemic. You cannot have a comeback when almost a thousand when almost 1000 americans die each day from covid. When more than 6 million americans have been infected. When a million more worry about getting sick and dying as schools and businesses try to reopen. We all know i did not have to be this bad. It did not have to be this bad to begin with if the president had just done his job. If you had just took the virus seriously early on in january and february as it spread across the globe. If he had taken the steps we need it back in march and april to control the virus. Providing scientific guidance to local authorities, to set a good example like social distancing and wear your mask. Ask. Not too much to it is almost like he does not care. It does not affect him. Because it does not affect him or his class of friends. Checkbook and get Rapid Testing on command. If you do not, you have to wait in lines and wait for weeks for your did for your results. Jobou have the kind of where you can work from the the risk ofme, getting covid is very small at work. This job reports that 37 Million People reported they are working in an office in august. But if youre working on an Assembly Line or diving a truck to deliver packages, you are at much greater risk. The job reports that more than 27 million workers reported that they could not work or lost ours because their employer had to close or lost business due to the pandemic. You can hire a private tutor or have a livein childcare. You can balance being a. In remote schooling you can balance being a parent and remote schooling. We held briefings on School Safety a few days ago, asking the questions that so many parents call and ask us. And educators as well who feel like they are in an impossible situation. What are they supposed to do . When the president has made it so hard for schools to reopen safely. I also said earlier this week to the shock of many that we have lost more cops this year to patrol than on patrol. Hows a reminder of lawenforcement has gotten even more dangerous because of how President Trump has mismanaged. What is just as shocking is other jobs that have been lost due to the dangers of covid. Being a Health Care Workers more dangerous than ever. We have lost hundreds of them this year because they were not checked it from covid on the job. Being a meatpacker is more dangerous than ever. So many have died getting covid at work. Work for waitresses and waiters has become more dangerous, with dying from covid. No matter what he says or claims, you are not safer in Donald Trumps america where laste are dying at a rate seen when americans were fighting in world war ii. Malpractice has made being an american a life or death work. There is a disproportionate impact on africanamerican communities, but White Communities are being hit as well. Your mother crisis that trump another crisis that trump continues to ignore. They want to cut Unemployment Benefits to force people back to socialobs, to Fund Security in the middle of the pandemic, and to reopen Public Schools without guidance. So corporations can continue to sort. T. Can continue to soar. People are not getting the relief they need. Meanwhile, some are doing just fine. The painful truth is we have a president that does not see it. He does not feel it. Understand. He just doesnt care. He thinks that if the stock market is up, we are doing fine. It is doing of his friends are doing well, every thing is going well. But the best economists know what i know. Growing up in scranton down the road, places where people are at invested in the market, measure of our economic success is the quality of life of the American People. Familiestocks soar, teeter on homelessness. The president calls that success. What does that say about what he values . When you see the world in a narrow prism, it is no wonder he does not see nearly 30 million americans on unemployment. 1 in 6 Small Businesses that are closed right he doesnt now. Educators afraid of doing their job, the job they love. That will bring the virus home to people they love. Searching for Health Insurance now that the furlough has turned into a layoff. It is no longer it is no wonder he doesnt see the single in a line forwait the first time in her life trying to feed her family. He wants us to leave that we are doing better. To keep it up and not notice that this is the worst Economic Situation since the great depression, and our country has faced and start diversions in our way of life has faced historic divergence in our way of life. Suffering stems from President Trumps inability to lead. He likes to sign executive orders, actions for photo ops. They are illconceived and can do more harm than good. He says put that he is protecting renters from eviction, but he is not giving any support to pay the rent when it comes due. Americans will be left with the choice between eviction and living in the streets, or paying back rent simply do not have they simply do not have. Continuing to provide unemployment insurance, but he cut the amount and leaves them on the edge when it runs out in a few weeks or sooner. Ofshould be doing this job calling congressional leaders together immediately to get a deal, to deliver real results to the American People. This is the first president in a food, unemployment assistance, struggling americans, student loan relief, Small Business report Small Business support. And theas this pandemic economic catastrophe persists, no one should have their water or power shut off because they cannot afford to pay the bills. Online, mr. President , do your bottom line, mr. President , do your job. Get off the golf course. Make a deal. Americans anxiety and pain. In july, i laid out my plan that works for everyone. Over the next three weeks, i will be laying out a sharp president sthe plans. I will be asking the American People three basic questions who can handle the pandemic . Who can keep their promises . Who cares about and will fight for working families . Like the people here in west end, they found their way to keep the center open safely and provide for critical services. No one here has been laid off. They adjusted their spaces for social distancing. They started a Lending Program for local businesses, hair salons, and other Small Businesses. Childcarenue their services, which is important for families. They never give up and they never give in. That is the story that the people of this community and this country that is who we are. They will do extraordinary things. They will never let us down, unlike the current president. I will not let you down, eithe r. That is what this is about. Get thiseople unite, country moving back in the direction that we can be. There is nothing beyond our capacity. We just do it together. Thank you all. Your questions. You go ahead and call. Thank you. This morning, in reference to atlantic,le in the you said that trump has a soul of a coward. When you hear these remarks, thats, suckers, what does tell you about President Trump soul in the light he leads and the life he leads . I will try to be measured in my response. True, how doe is you feel . How would you feel if you had a right afghanistan now . How would you feel if you lost a son, daughter, husband, wife . Real . Uld you feel, for you know. You know in your heart and gut it is deplorable. It is deplorable. As i said many times and will folks are these backbone of america. The heart, soul, grit. Patriotism is about. Asobably ive never been disappointed in my whole career with a leader that ive worked with, president or otherwise. It is article is true, absolutely damnable. It is a disgrace. Only somewhat unrelated topic, what would you say to the supporters of the qanon . People who believe in that conspiracy . That there is sex trafficking, conspiracy against donald trump . Ed what would you say to the president for not rejecting that conspiracy and people who believe it . What would you say to the president for not rejecting that president that conspiracy and people who believe in it . Bizarre. Totally bizarre. Neve you guys found that plai load flying around . Have you found it yet . I respect conservative and liberal points of view in the press. Anybody found that plane . Doing . Gods name are we look at how he makes us look around the world. Its mortifying, embarrassing, and dangerous. Its dangerous. Not knowesident does better, which he has to no etter. , has to know b bizarre. This is a case where i have had surprised with folks i political arguments with, like the governor of michigan coming out and endorsing me. This cant go on. This cannot go on. Deconstruction of a democratic system. They know it. With ill conclude this. The words of the president matter. President. Y it gives succor, encouragement to people who are spouting irrational views that no one has shown any proof that it existed. Very beginning, he understood that the only way he could win the first time, he can win this time, is to fundamentally divide the nation. Throats. Each others thats not who we are. Thats not who we are. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Vice president. Last night, President Trump marked you for wearing a mask and said that this is a sign you have some big issues. That even though according to scientists and Public Health officials, Wearing Masks save lives, i wonder if you think that this language coming from the president could deter americans who are listening to him to not wear masks. A smart fellow. I listen to scientists. This is not a game. Life and death. Life and death. Havets that were going to another 100,000 dead. More by the end of the year. I mean, i dont get it. Anyway, itust hard to respond to something so idiotic. For 19 thattested have you been tested for covid19 . Have you been tested for covid19 . Yes, i have. Do you believe that is your understanding on the Intelligence Briefings that you have received . It is not consistent with what i have received. A lousy attorney general, but he is a really bad intelligence officer. It is not consistent because you believe because i believe what i have been told. You all know it. There are a lot of countries around the world that would like to see our alexion stabilize. The one that is working the hardest and most consistently and has never let up, is russia. Ask yourself the rhetorical question. Of vladimiro afraid putin about . Whats the problem . I mean, nothing. Nothing. It is almost obsequious. I mean, anyway. Itjust want to make a clear. I believe any country that engages in any activity to delegitimize american elections of ourrect violation sovereignty. If i am president of the United States, there will be a response. Thank you. Weeksits been a couple since you have announced Kamala Harris as your running mate. We have not seen her much. What role do you see her playing . She is out on the road. She is out herself. Just like when barack and i could paint and i campaigned. She is an incredibly competent candidate. She is doing a great job. There is a lot of territory to cover. I talk with her almost every day. I speak with her. We work together. I have great confidence. It is about being able to cover more territory. A second question, do you know when you will have another covid test . They are going to do it on a everyoneasis because on my service detail, people who come into the house with me are tested. I just show up and put my head back when they tell me. You dont know when the next one will be . I imagine it will be next week, i dont know. It will be on a regular basis. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Another thing that the president said last night, he suggested that the voters should consider voting twice if they are in one of those states that will allow an absentee ballot. He said go fill it out and try to vote again in person. State officials said it is a felony in some cases. Just curious what you make of it. It is a felony. Here in the state of delaware. Thisany times does president have to suggest things and say things he is a fraud. Not an opinion. He wanted maybe we should delay the election. Ballots arein fraudulent. Not a bit of evidence. I think it is all designed to create so much chaos that no matter what the outcome of the election is, it will be thrown up in the air. That is his reasoning because he doesand done says and things that no other president that i am aware of has ever done. And we just go, well, there is another ridiculous, inappropriate thing he has said, but he has sent so many of them, it does not matter. Just it just undermines the legitimacy of our democratic process. It is dangerous. Said today is the angirest youve been as the president of candidate, but you are trying to restrain yourself. Angriert joe biden about this . Because the president of the United States should be president ial and should lead by example, as well as make clear exactly where they stand. Getting down into the gutter like the president does, saying things like we are behind a barn somewhere is a different thing. That is the job of the president. To set an example. Andst tell you, i carry i deliberately did not bring it with me today. A gold star that was made up for who did not die in the field. I always carry it with me. I did not carry it today because worried that if i focused too much on it that i would engage in some of the kind of language the president has used. I think it is sick. It is deplorable. Can. S so unameri watching him this morning . While i was shaving and the tv neverlking about how he said anything like that. He honored john mccain. He is the reason why flags are flown halfmast. When the same guy that ship went into harbor, that john mccain was covered and could not see it. He is the same guy that denigrated john. He the same guy that did a similar thing when he talked about George H W Bush that was shot down in the pacific. He just stands there. It is almost pathological. I never said anything like that. No one has been better to the military. I just have to focus on what has to be done, not what he did. What gets done from here. Thank you, sir. If i could follow up about voting. We know that the president has been attacking mailin voting. He has suggested that his supporters book twice. We know that russia knows about the system. Are you concerned that this messaging might be working, that your voters might give up voting by mail because they are certainly might be rate . Yes, because they are certain it might be rigged . Yes, that is why i do not want to talk about it. He says the whole country is up in flames. Every thing is burning. He does not want to talk about anything at all about the job he has not done. It is a conundrum. There is a lot you can talk about in terms of the specifics that russia is doing or not doing. But it undermines what people think will be legitimate. I do not want people reaching the point where you can understand sometimes that it is not worth voting. Of thes to me that one things i keep trying to say to willvote. Com. To i where you can vote, how you can vote, what is available to you, where you can inperson, where it is safe to you, etc. Plan now. Plan now. Chaos, it will disinclined people to show up. And i feel like i am playing into his game. Does that make sense what im saying . I think it is all part of the deal. Thank you, mr. Vice president. Going back to the jobless report from this morning. You had acknowledged that less than half of the 22 million jobs that were lost because of the pandemic has been recovered. What do you think the 1. 4 million added back in august says about the general direction of the economy . Added back is job positive. I think it matters to the people who got that job back. Maybe you all were raised in households like i was where the mom or dad was losing their job because of the economy, what was going on in the community. You can feel the tension in the household, just everything. Worrying about whether you can aloide for your family, and ng the way, also look at the a coupleuve got Million People out there who are parttime workers, who still cannot make it, but are listed as employed. And a lot of them are in the process of wondering whether or not there are a lot of people lining up in food lines. There are people who lost their eir healthe, thier care provided by the employer. There are people wondering that if this president is going to wipe out the Affordable Care act and people with preexisting conditions will not be able to get insurance even if they had the money just the anxiety is enormous. It is enormous. Solicitous not being. Iong the brightest people have dealt with my entire career has been the press. Not a joke. You all are extremely welleducated, well read. Vast majority have tried to report the news, not just opinion. Believe that you dont feel not democrat or republican, ok . You do not feel the same xavier because you have a brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter who is going through what you are not. We have jobs. It is a real concern. I just think this is moved beyond the democratrepublican. I think it has moved to trying to put this country back together again so we can move. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Thank you. [indiscernible] President Trump has announced an economic deal and part of that deal is israel having diplomatic normalization. You have said that you support muslim you support countries, normalizing relations with israel even though it may be that the palestinians will lose leverage in their fight . First of all, i do not know what the deal is that you are referring to. What i have argued relative to kosovoand kosovo is that should be an independent country, not a part of serbia. I spent a lot of time there. Assumet know how i that would reinforce that independence, but i do not know east is being set based on what is being said. Normalizations are by and large muslimthing, to have a , normalizingtry relations with israel seems positive to me. But i have to know the details of what is happening, what is going on. And i do not know that, and you may be right that that would cause the palestinians to lose leverage. You support more countries recognizing israel . I do. Absolutely i do. General, do you support more countries recognizing israel. Vice President Biden i do. Absolutely, i do. That is the thing, recognizing israel as an independent, jewish state, that is important. But israel has to be prepared to work toward a genuine, twostate solution. Thank you, all, very much. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] ]indiscernible conversations the oval office, President Trump was asked about the atlantic article alleging the president made disparaging remarks about Service Members. You need to apologize to Service Members . President trump no. There was a fake story written by a magazine that probably isnt going to be around much longer. But it was a fake story. It was confirmed by people that were there. It was a terrible thing, to say the type of things like especially to me, because i have done more than the met done more for the military than almost anybody else. The v. A. Is doing incredibly well. Things done,rts of accountability, veteran choice, everything, and it has got right now the highest Approval Rating that it has ever had. 91 Approval Rating. It has never been anywhere close to that. Nobody has done what i have done, and that includes salary increases, but it really includes the rebuilding of our military because when i came here, our military was totally depleted. And we spent almost 2. 5 trillion dollars, much more than you spent on your military come i can tell you that, slightly more, 2. 5 trillion dollars, all made in the usa, f35s and brandnew rockets and missiles and i hope to god we never have to use it, but our nuclear is now in extraordinary shape, including new weapons. I just hope we never have to use that, because that is a level of power you dont even want to talk about, you dont even want to hear about it. So it is a fake story and it is a disgrace that they are allowed to do it. And interestingly, i hate to bring this up, but john bolton, no friend of mine, i didnt know too much about what he was doing, and he was, he didnt do a good job, but he wrote a book and he talks about this incident and doesnt mention it. And frankly, a lot of reporters, even some bad ones, they read that, and that was the end of the story. There is nobody that considers the military, and especially people that have given their lives in the military, to me, they are heroes. To me, they are heroes. It is even hard to believe how they could do that. And i say that, the level of bravery. Into me, they are absolute heroes. Thank you, very much, everybody. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh Mcenany held everything on the serbiakosovo agreement today. She was joined by robert obrien, jared and special envoy for negotiations richard grenell. They discussed the deal between the two nations, other Foreign Policy agreements and potential election interference from russia, china, and iran. The group strongly pushed back against the atlantic story, saying President Trump said americans who died at war were losers

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