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Happened in kenosha this week is a continuation of the president s focus on law order, wanting to bring control back to the streets of american cities. The federal government is now sending in some federal Law Enforcement personnel into kenosha to bring some peace and calm. Host it was part of the theme of the Vice President s remarks last night. What is the strategy . Guest the strategy is to say that what we are seeing now in these cities with these protests and civil unrest is what you would get if the country goes away from President Donald Trump and elects Democrat Joe Biden in november. The president and Vice President are painting themselves as the only ones who can bring calm to america, and that is the strategy you saw last night with the Vice President s speech, and you will see a little bit of that tonight when the president gives his speech. Time from thetern white house, do we know what the set up will be at the white house . Guest his speech is actually a little bit later. He will be the closing speaker, so watch for him in the 10 00, 10 30 timeframe, but he is giving his acceptance speech from the white house. There is an elaborate set up on the south lawn, which is not something we are accustomed to seeing every four years when there are Political Conventions. Typically they are held in an arena or Convention Hall with thousands and thousands of cheering delegates, but because of the coronavirus pandemic, both parties had to alter their plans. The president changed his mind a number of times and was left with the white house as an option, so we will see the president on the south lawn introduced by his daughter, ivanka trump. He will give his speech. There is expected to be several hundred people in the audience to hear him speak, his wife, children, officials, members of congress, and other invited guests. Ist Darlene Superville right, the president will speak in the 10 00 hour on the last day of the convention. You can watch coverage on cspan, cspan. Org, or download the free cspan radio app. Will this hurricane that is off the gulf coast quickly approaching derail any of these plans . Guest the white house and the Trump Campaign have both been adamant that the president will give his speech tonight as delivered. We know things change quickly with this white house and can change at a moments notice. Or theyot speak tonight may shorten the speech or the program may be altered, but i believe you will see the president up there tonight giving that speech. It is a moment he has been looking forward to for months. Host what will be the tone of his speech . Guest i think you will see the president Carry Forward from the Vice President s remarks. I think there will be a lot of talk about law and order, and we have heard the president in the past few weeks speak in this way. Last week, he gave a speech in washington saying he is the only thing standing between anarchy and chaos in this country. You may hear more about how he handled the coronavirus pandemic in terms of producing ventilators at a time when a lot of governors were afraid we wouldnt have enough. You will hear him talk about the process that he is spearheading to quickly produced a vaccine as quickly produce a vaccine as quickly as possible. You will probably hear him talk about therapeutics in the pipeline and some have been approved. You will hear the president go pretty sharply against joe biden. That is the theme that has been and a lot of his public remarks across these last few weeks, and tonight is the night to drive that home. He will have one of the biggest audiences of the year, so you can expect him to draw these contrasts. Host the president using the white house this week, appearing at the Republican National convention throughout. Rlie dent writing perfectly right to pardon a person, perfectly wrong to do it during the republican convention. Federalh act prohibits employees from engaging in Political Activities while on the job, must be free to express onitical opinions while not duty, but the president and Vice President are exempt. Arerote a piece on how they blurring the hatch act. Guest typically, federal property is not used for overt political purposes like a Convention Like you see this week, or a Campaign Style event. Politics and governing are supposed to be separate, and it has been the tradition in this country a long time to separate the two. There is some conceptions because the president is the president of the United States and at the same time, the candidate. He can use air force one to get to a campaign event, and things like that. Tonight is very unusual. We have neverier, seen a president in the United States use the white house as a backdrop to a Political Convention where he is accepting the nomination. It will be on tv. Millions will see this, and that is the difference. He is exempt from the hatch act. The Vice President is exempt from the hatch act, but it is the appearance thing. We have seen the president come into the white house, take office, and shatter norms and traditions and things we have come to expect from the presidency. Tonight is just another example of his pushing those boundaries. Host we are talking about campaign 2020, the strategies of both campaigns with darlene and patrick is with us. Caller i am a democrat. I will be voting by the president for the president of the United States. I am disturbed by the trajectory of the Democratic Party which i can say with absolute accuracy is no longer democratic, no longer recognizing the constitution, bill of rights, rule of law, when social media organizations essentially go to [indiscernible] the guest is leaving out the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic, so when it comes to being able to engage in conveyaccess and messages on behalf of the president , every single representative, whether they are in the white house or not, should be exempt from the hatch act. We are talking about a scenario in which the democrats talk about staying safe and youre just is basically just your guest is basic your guest is trying to implicate republicans in engaging in criminal activity, when we are in the middle of a horrific pandemic which republicans also condemn also condemnocrats the republican party. Host lets let darlene respond. Guest i did make reference to the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic and that is part of the reason the president is speaking from the white house. The convention was supposed to be in North Carolina and then the president changed the location to jacksonville, florida. After florida became a coronavirus hotspot and the virus surged, he canceled the Convention Events that were scheduled in jacksonville, and was debating between doing some Convention Events at the white house or possibly gettysburg. He settled on the white house, so i did not ignore the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic. Host david in winstonsalem, North Carolina, republican. One last call. Clarence in florida, democratic caller, you are next. Caller yes, good morning. I have a couple comments. One, how long do you think it would take for trump and that administration to put a stop to black Police Officers shooting and killing and choking to death young, unarmed white men and women . Thats one comment. The other comment is regarding the economy. Bidenresident obama and took office, they inherited a recession created by the republican party. When President Trump took office, he inherited an economy that had been consistently rising for the past several years, so it is not like trump has really created an economy that is better than anything else in history. It is just not true. When trump says, what has he done for blacks . Look at what he is doing for blacks. ,e is making sure we cant vote making sure our voices cant be heard. That is what he is doing for africanamericans. As far as him being a law and order president , look at the people he pardoned, all convicted felons who he was a going to afraid was tell things about him that would end up getting him locked up. Superville on the economy, can you talk about what the numbers were when this president took office and what has happened since . Guest what has happened since then is the pandemic earlier this year in march. The economy was moving along. Unemployment was at very low levels, i think in the 3 range, and unemployment was a little bit higher when he took office and things came down. There was an improvement on the economic front, and that was the main issue the president was hoping to base his reelection on , a growing economy, job growth, deregulation, low taxes, tax cuts, and those types of issues. The pandemic struck and lots of businesses had to shut down in terms of trying to control the spread of the virus. The economy went south. Sales dropped. People were staying home, not shopping, only buying the bare essentials. He is in a position now where the issue that he thought he was going to be able to ride through the election on is not there for him any longer. Host lets listen to the Vice President last night at fort mchenry in baltimore talking about the economy. [video clip] ahead as we open up america again, i promise you we will put the health of America First. As we work to bring this economy back, we have a role to play and we all have a choice to make. On november 3, you need to ask trust to who do you rebuild this economy . Presidedpolitician who over the slowest economic recovery since the great depression, or a proven leader who created the greatest economy in the world . The choice is clear, to bring america all the way back we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. Host from the Republican National Convention Last night, we are talking with darlene the Associated Press white house reporter, about the president s Campaign Strategy and policies. Diane in roswell, new mexico, independent. Caller good morning. Host good morning. Go ahead. Caller good morning. Host please go ahead. I am going to move on. Ramona, a democratic caller. Caller good morning. I have some really issues with donald trump, and in fact the. Onvention itself the vision of donald trump is kind of a dismal place. He is sort of hypocritical. He wants everybody elses child to go back to school regardless, but his child will be learning from home. Over the internet, because his school is going to be closed. I dont like the fact that he taken a hand in ruining the post office. That is outrageous. It is one of our primary institutions that Benjamin Franklin was first postmaster general. , he hasing this actually come out and said he is doing this because he doesnt want people to do mailin voting , and this would tie up things if he was able to get rid of the sorting machines, lay people off, and so forth. Some of the other things, he has rolled back epa regulations. Every year, thousands of people died because of the toxins in our air. He is rolling back those regulations that were put there to save the general population, everybody who breathes air. Has already rolled back regulations regarding clean water. I grew up in a city where the and manufacturers and refiners dumped their refuge in the river, and one day the river caught fire. Companies should not be allowed to do that. President sbout the strategy on regulations. Guest he came into office wanting to eliminate as much regulation as possible, and talks about the fact that he wanted to for every new regulation that was passed, he wanted to eliminate two. We have heard him talk about exceeding that goal and it women aiding regulations is something we would continue to see from the desk eliminating regulations is something we would continue to see from the president. Host pat, republican. Caller i dont know where you people are getting your information. Under obama, the economy was anemic. There was nobody that President Trump inherited a robust economy , and people know that. The democrats, all they do is demonize people on the left, and President Trump, who i call the peoples president , came in and started working like a workhorse. Washington, d. C. Didnt like that because they do not accomplish anything. And if they do accomplish anything, their resolution is only to raise taxes because they do not know how to create jobs. That is why this businessman came in and started working like a businessman, because washington, d. C. Is a business, and people are sick and tired of the waste and the bloat in washington, d. C. You know what the funny thing about this virus . None of them have lost their jobs. This is also not a pandemic. The radical left trying to create a crisis, one after another. If this doesnt work, lets create another one. Under h1n1 there was no panic. 60,000 people got this flu. The left can create drama and theatrics, but people in the real world look at things from a budget perspective or most people do. I am a fiscal conservative and all i care about is they stop wasting money. This is the best president in my entire lifetime. Ne is accomplishing more tha anybody in my lifetime. T darlene, supervile, darlene super ville from your reporting on the economy, what have you found . Guest i said before to a previous caller, the economy was doing well for the past couple of years. It was one of the issues where the president got some of his highest marks in terms of public polling, and people always gave him high marks for his handling of the economy even when his Approval Rating never cracked the 50 mark. What you have now is a situation where the pandemic came in, the virus came here, people were getting sick and dying. The president and governors around the country made the decision to shut down restaurants and amusement parks and theaters and those kinds of places where people would congregate, in terms of trying to focus the virus, and that knocked the economy off the trajectory it has been on. It was an issue the president was hoping he would be able to ride to reelection on, and that is looking less likely now because of the current state of the economy and the state of the virus. Washingtonall post has done factcheck on the President Trump took over. First bestas year was one unemployment was 3. 1 . Trumps achievement is just short of that in his best year, 2018. They say Larry Kudlows claims that the economy was on the front end of a recession isnt supported by the facts. Surveyed, onlys 8 were predicting a recession in 2017 and their consensus prediction was growth would accelerate to 2. 2 in 2017. Jc in california, republican, good morning. Probably us in in california . Caller i am still here. I am very much for trump, because he was able to stop all these illegals that came in from caravans from the latin countries from the Mexican Cartel that paid them 5,000. If they can pay 5,000 to the cartel, they can open a business in their country. There was an attorney from pasadena, california that made an announcement on the spanish station, any children born in the United States are entitled to welfare. We have our own people, especially our service people, that are homeless, that dont have no clothing, that are californiaven in which is supposed to be a rich city, we have a lot of homeless and i feed them. I think we should look after our people before we take care of these other people who stole children to take them across because we accept children. The cartel advised them to come. I speak their language and i can see how they tried to get into our country. We have to support them, in other words. Host lets talk about immigration as a campaign issue. Guest what youre caller described sounds very much like the president s America First policy, take care of america and americans first. Immigration was central to the president s campaign in 2016. When he announced he was running for president , he came out with comments about immigration and mexicans that were not positive, and it is an initiative he has worked on since taking office, starting with a ban on people from several muslim countries, changes to immigration law, and not just illegal immigration but legal. We have heard the president we will hear the president talk about some of that tonight. One thing the president would do in a speech like that is due a four years and review of his accomplishments and promises he has made and capped. Another kept. Another aspect is the forwardlooking aspect, what what i do with four more years if you give me four more years . He will talk about immigration, what he has done on that front, and what more he hopes to do if he is given a second term. Host the Republican National convention getting underway at 8 30 eastern time and you can watch on cspan. Irlene superville 202 7488002. We will get to your calls in just a moment. Isning us on the phone republican mike johnson, a representative from the louisiana who represents the shreveport area of louisiana. You are expecting to be in washington for the

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