Navigator recovery ship in about 21 minutes. Then in 28 minutes, we will be opening that hatch and beginning crew egress also known as exit. We did hear the rigging is pretty much complete. Right as they arrive there at the castle, the main recovery vessel will get it up out of the water. Now the recovery vessel, go navigator is getting closer to dragon. Dragon position off the coast of pensacola, florida, were able to see it in more detail. It is certainly no longer a a bright shade of light. Like we said the external temperatures were reaching up to 3500 degrees fahrenheit, so the thermal protective system, thermal protection system, enabled dragon to return while keeping the internal temporary temperate. Youre seeing a few more boats than expected. The team is working with a few private vessels in the area making sure that they get out of there. Now we see one of the spacexs moving in. So were being advised that the Recovery Team is radioing out to the vessels in the water near crew dragon for vacate the area so were able to extract bob and doug safely also for the folks in the area, not just bob and doug. This is a dynamic operations. One of the first things we do, is essentially theres in the poisonous fumes that could endanger them. To try to get them away so they can recover the capsule and get bob and doug on deck. We can see them. Theyre getting closer. We expect ten minutes before they should be in position. The rigging has been affixed on the dragon capsule and theyll use the lift to get dragon up and out of the water. Recovery vessel, go navigator is getting closer and closer to dragon endeavor as it awaits its recovery or or as it awaits to be hoisted out of the gulf of mexico and landed off the coast of florida near pensacola. Maybe next time we should announce our landing zone. There we got a shot from the plane. Looks like that area cleared out significantly. Thats good to see. Were also hearing that all of the parachutes have bowies on them. Also good news as the Recovery Process continues, for spacex demo two. Dragon, spacex. Go ahead, mike. Were about to reconfigure the link. That should happen shortly. Call back. Get data back. Will do. So as the main vessel gets closer, it is going to back up. The dragon capsule still in the water. We should start hoisting operations in the next ten to 15 minutes. It will be a quick lift out of the water and into the dragon net and then they move it underneath the helipad and into the crew Recovery Area and they have a platform and open the hatch. They open the hatch and that will be the first one throughout door and able to do a quick checkin on their status and he and the other medical doctors and Flight Surgeons and technicians will begin to help them out of the capsule. Earlier after splashdown we heard a report that they were feeling good after reentry. That would relate to the Flight Surgeon. Great news to hear. This is a view coming from the wb57 plane as it is circling the area. We can see dragon awaiting to be pulled out of the water. Again, we are anticipating that lift to begin in just under 15 minutes. Were approaching 14 minutes here. And then in 21 minutes we will have an open hatch. You could see the main recovery vessel in the top right. Thats the helipad with the big spacex on top. And backing up towards the capsule. Not to be confused with one of our landing junctions. Theres a live view of of dragon, of dragon floating in water there in the background along with many onlookers. From a safer distance at this point. This is a live shot coming from go navigator. Our primary recovery vessel here. It is crew dragon is accompanied by the fast boats that are helping to bring it in closer. And there you can see a couple of the Recovery Team members on the deck and also behind them, the first good view of the nest. This is essentially the nest in the background there. Dragon will be hoisted using the hydraulic lift out of the water into the nest. That nest will be pulled towards the camera, towards those individuals on the upper deck there. Thats com check. Clear. Loud and clear as well. Looks like the boat is one length away, five to ten meters backing up to you. Copy that and thanks for the update. All right. Good news there. Were getting ready to see dragon lifted out of the water and into the recovery nest. That nest will be pulled towards the camera, toward the upper deck. Thats where the stretchers will be waiting to assist them in the medical base after capsule egress. Already been already been 25 minutes since they splashed down. We waited for the lifting operations to start in about 30 minutes. Were on the timeline. Thats a common thing so far today. This is getting in position and start moving out with the additional rigging to affix to the dragon capsule where they use an aframe to pull out of the water. We can see the nest at the bottom, that circular object. This is the first time were recovering a capsule with crew members onboard. We got a couple of lines connected and rigging is in progress. All right. Just updating the crew that they might feel some some momentum as the lines, as a couple of the rigging lines are attached. There we can actually. Theres a good shot of the individual who is who is placing that rigging equipment, again thats someone highly specialized and well trained for these operations. As i was saying, the Recovery Team has rehearsed and practiced this with bob and doug themselves actually in a test capsule practicing the egress as well as they have recovered their they have practiced the Recovery Process many times and actually through those practices, they have effectively cut the Recovery Period in half from the from the initial data one mission. It is nice to see that the process itself after being rehearsed and carefully choreographed is is going super efficiently. Again safety is the number one priority. So making sure that only only personnel involved in active recovery operations are present on the deck. You may have heard us mention before that there are about 40 people onboard today. We dont want anyone in danger or to fall overboard. That guy essentially jumped. Speaking of falling overboard. So the crew was just told in about 30 in the next 30 seconds they have the line to fix and they will lift the capsule up out of the water. At this point, the base were getting with dragon is actually being routed through the boat itself at this point. There we can see the lift. Dragon is out of the water. Yeah. Aframe is going to swing it back. Down right for the nest at the bottom of the screen. Were getting a better shot of the points in which dragon is tethered to the lift, insuring it isnt swinging freely. There we can see dragon being carefully set down into the recovery nest on top of go navigator. Dragon spacex, welcome aboard the recovery vessel. The personnel completing final checks and preparing to transfer you to the egress platform. For the first time in two months nasa astronauts are on some sort of ground. Cant call it solid because it is a ship, however, it is it is the first time that theyre not in space on a rocket or bobbing in the ocean. Now theyre in the nest, theyll translate it forward and dragon is going to move into the hangar section bloat helipad and back to the Recovery Platform we saw a bit earlier. At that point the the spacecraft technicians will work to open up the hatch and it is a manual process. A couple of different attachments you have to engage before the hatch can be opened. Theyll get it opened and then spacex will be the first one through the hatchway to check on bob and doug and get a Health Assessment and see if theyre ready to move and well assist them out of the capsule and into the medical facility on the boat. At this point the Recovery Team is doing final securing of the capsule in preparation for for actually move the recovery nest in to closer to the interior of the ship. It will actually be in a little bit of a covered deck there. We saw the camera view earlier looking straight out from the center of the boat. Once dragon is secured in the nest, the nest will be translated forward and closer to the recovery excuse me, closer to the position in which were able to actually open the hatch. So while dragon is onboard safely, were not able to do that just yet. Theyre working to to detach some of those lines that were used to hoist it using the aframe and we heard that they should be done with that in a moment and then well start the translation. Right now we can see the team releasing those securing lines that were used during the the lift of the capsule from the water and into the nest. So theyre releasing those securing lines from the sides, making sure it is secure from the bottom. There we see dragon moving forward. Look at that. Smooth as a tesla, i would say. It is interested to see the scorching marks now that we get a nice up close detail shot of dragon. Standing by for the go for five hatch open. That rounded square there in the center of the capsule is that side hatch and on either side are those oval windows. Dragon spacex stand by for side hatch opening and egress. Crew got the call. Were go for hatch open. If you look closely, immediately above the hatch, you see the area that theyre working. And thats where the chutes deployed from. The circles from either side where the mortars were. The main parachutes now hidden by the platform underneath the side hatch. The crew is in the process of removing the side hatch. We can see that go navigator is in transit. It is making its way back to the Pensacola Naval air station. Bob and doug will get a ride from the recovery vessel via helicopter. Were preparing to open the side hatch and once that is done once that is done, the Flight Surgeon will pop his head in, do an initial check, see how bob and doug are doing. And dragon spacex are going to point to some potential hits near the side hatch. Were standing by. Theyre still continuing and checking for vapors. Those ndos and nitrogen dioxide, primarily can get detected in the air from the burning of fuel. Theyre going to continue to just inspect around the capsule and make sure it is safe for the crew and safe for the recovery expert before they get the hatch open. Were moving along the sideline since they splashed down at 11 48 a. M. Pacific. So theyre pausing the operations for a moment and doing air sampling around the system. We still have [indiscernible] from the vehicle. Flight controller here in hawthorn able to monitor tank pressure and not seeing any issues at the moment. Again just a short pause in the operations and again, theyre sniffing around the capsule and making sure we dont have any readings that might indicate a fuel leak or anything around the vehicle. They detected ndos from nitrogen dioxide which arising from the burning of fuel. Theyre continuing to do air readings before they proceed with the hatch opening. Update, were still investigating, looks like well set up a Service Section and were working on an eta for you. If youre just joining us, nasa astronaut bob and doug have safely returned from the International Space station and they made ontime splashdown off the coast of pensacola, florida at 11 48 a. M. Pacific. 18 48 universal time and theyre hoisted on the recovery vessel go navigator. Now the team is is just completing they did initial check in and found that there may be some vapors which we certainly dont want to be around when we have we have bob and doug coming out of the capsule. So the team is working to to purge the Service Section in preparation for for crew egress. A little commentary on the hatches that weve been talking about. While dragons top hatch is used to connect to the space station, thats located under the nose cone that is currently hidden there at the top of the capsule. Before, this hatch is what is utilized for ingress and egress, both on the launchpad as well as coming up here on the recovery vessel. When the international when when the capsule is docked to the International Space station, they will use the forward hatch to to exit and enter the capsule. Something to note that once the side hatch is opened, it will be the first time that bob and doug have gotten a breath of fresh air. It was the first time theyve been able to do so in two months since they boarded the falcon nine at the start of the mission back on may 30th. Then ontime splashdown, they return with 54 days in space on this mission, a few minutes shy of that. So i know theyre looking forward to it. In a little more of stable condition now that theyre on the boat and not in the water. The team is continuing to step through and theyre reporting theyre seeing all the vapor levels have been dropping and thats thats dragon spacex. We show levels are declining and continuing with purge. In addition, just so you know, were not seeing any any leak indications or anything like that. These are small levels but we need to do the purge at this time. Mike, we were wondering if you saw any cases of leaks or pressure. Sounds like it is part of the deal. That is good, doug. Were continuing to get a view down at the hatch of the capsule. Theyre detecting small traces of a couple of the hyperdols. Nitrogen dioxide. Theyre at low levels. Obviously not not at very harmful level as we have people in close proximity to the capsule. Theyre going through with a purge and not seeing any indications of a leak in the Service Section of dragon. Thats where pretty much all of the different fuel tanks with the hyperdols are located inside the capsule. Were just about 44 minutes postsplashdown. Still ahead of the timeline as we werent expecting to get the hatch open until shortly before 60 minutes and would bring bob and doug out. This this this this spacex, another update. Third section purge should begin in five minutes. Were showing nco and 2x of exposure limits and we hope once we start the purge it will drop down for us. Thanks. Im going to have to correct myself. It is nto and thats used for powering those disrupters. So again the spacex engineers detecting levels of nto, nitrogen tetra oxide. And levels higher than they would like. Theyre essentially doing a purge to help dissipate vapors and where the fuel tanks reside in the capsule and we expect that in the next five minutes or so. Were still expecting the crew out inside an hour and still on the timeline or a few minutes ahead and we should be seeing bob and doug. Once we see those levels continue to drop around the capsule, theyll begin to step through the hatch opening process once again. Were getting ready to purge the section, and the lingering fumes that theyre detecting gets flushed out. The Service Section is not the interior cabin where bob and doug are. It is actually the part of the capsule that is outside of the place where bob and doug are and is external to the cabin. Inside the capsule itself. You can think of it as the space between the exterior of the dragon capsule and the interior space. The air pressure essentially. Yes. Bob and doug are fine, theyre breathing makes it theyve been getting throughout the entire duration of of of todays operation but it will be essentially the area below their cabin completely sealed off from the Service Section. The Service Section cspans washington journal every day. Were taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day and discussing policy issues you. Issues that impact coming up, National Journal editor on campaign 2020. Also a conversation on how the coronavirus is affecting children with a doctor from the Childrens National hospital. Watch cspans washington journal live at 7 00 eastern this morning. 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