, your line will be 202 7488002. Keep in mind, you can always , andus at 202 7488003 we are always reading on social media, on twitter at cspanwj and facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Call in, we want to hear what your top Public Policy issues are. Callingart with cliff, from essex, maryland on the republican line. Cliff, good morning. Cliff, are you there . Cliff. We lost once again, we want you to call in on your top Public Policy issues. Lets talk about what is going on behind me in the u. S. Capitol, as congress is struggling to get to work, get passed aphis coronavirus a fifth Coronavirus Relief bill. To an article from the hill this morning. Congress is struggling to complete a deal on a fifth Coronavirus Relief bill, as frustration amounts amid missed deadlines and no progress. Nowheres say they are close to an agreement and are facing growing skepticism about the chances for a deal that could bridge deep policy divisions as the november election draws closer. Im telling people the truth that this entire thing has been a very impressively large cluster, said senator john kennedy, republican from louisiana. Is from the outside, they are to see it from the inside just the mess that this is. Senator mike braun, republican from indiana, added that i think we are all scratching our heads. Schumer,osi, chuck mark meadows and Steve Mnuchin have met or spoken by phone every day during the past week, those talks have real did yielded few results and rounds of fingerpointing as the deadline to prevent the expiration of a 600 per week federal unemployment benefit passed without an agreement. We want to know what you want to talk about this morning to end the show. Your top Public Policy issues. Kevin, callingh from garden grove, california on the democratic line. Kevin, good morning. Caller good morning. How are you doing . Host just fine. Go ahead. Caller just curious, why are republicans so against abortion . I feel like it is free choice for women, that they should have, and they are so adamant about protecting the second but are worried about killing a baby, i do not think it is any different. Host lets go to deborah, calling from indianapolis, indiana on the independent line. Caller first off, it aint the president , so it starts at home. You have to go from the house to senate to congress. We have to look at what is going on locally before we can move on. Sick had some rich, pathetic, worthless, and they dont make money and they for us. Anything i am not democratic. Im red, white and blue. I am the got it patriotic. We need a fix. I am patriotic. We need a fix. Austin,ts go to calling from tennessee on the republican line. Hearr i am interested to a little bit of conversation about tiktok and its possible banning from our american devices here in the u. S. There has been a lot of pushback on the potential security risks that tiktok could propose to just post to americans. What could be done about that . How can we address tiktok in a way that does not discriminate against the portion of our population that is using it . Host lets go to mark, calling from baker city, oregon on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Yeah, i would like to talk about the trees and barack obama has come the treason barack obama has committed and the trip nancy pelosi took to china in december when the spine when the virus got loose. I see you are reaching for it. Thank you. Host i guess mark dropped off. Lets go to janice, calling from colorado springs, colorado on the independent line. Janice, good morning. Are you there . Caller yes i am. Host go ahead, janice. I am calling in regards to mainly about the money people are getting. I have been retired several years and i would like to know people who are on unemployment that have been doing all this i would like to know if they should be taken down, if theyve been out there and been getting money for all the destruction theyve been the amount ofso money i think should be about 400 instead of 600. People have got to learn to go back to work. Of course, i know they have to have the jobs, but still i would really like to know if people have been getting all this money, 600 a week, and out there demonstrating, destroying. That is what upsets me. Have heard me reference it a couple times earlier in the show today, but i want to read to you a little bit that ise hurricane aiming at the United States east coast right now. This is coming from todays washington post. Residents along floridas east coast on friday repaired to deal with dueling disasters a hurricane that threatened to sideswipe the coast, even as the Novel Coronavirus continues to spread in the state. Hurricane warnings were posted for Boca Raton North your Broward County friday afternoon ias, as thee isa storm lashed the central bahamas with heavy wind and rain. The warnings were posted as the 7tate reported 25 coronavirus debts friday, setting a record for the fourth straight day. The state also reported 907 new coronavirus cases, bringing 0,386,as total to 47 second only to california in the number of cases in the United States. The hurricane shifted closer to fridays coast afternoon. It was no longer expected to strengthento, into a category two hurricane. Governor ron desantis, who declared a state of emergency because of the pandemic on march 9, declared another friday as,ause of hurricane isai covering all of Floridas Atlantic coast counties, from miamidade in the souths in a u in the north. Stay safe from the hurricane. Lets go back to our phone lines and talk to alice, calling from scottsdale, arizona on the republican line. Caller yes, hi. Thank you for cspan. A longtime listener. Over 71. My first comment is, the people of the United States need to know we are in a civil war. One thing that we do know that the republican electorate isnt the cause of the civil war, it is the Democratic Party that is the cause of the civil war. That was my first comment. The second is nobody speaks of how easy is it for the legislation to spend our money. Whats sickening is the fact that theres 288 departments in the federal government, which weve got the space for, and whats very interesting is not one of them wants to reduce the cost of government. Theing they do to reduce cost of government. My proposal is, take 288 divided by two and eliminate all this overreach intiple every aspect, including our own protection with the 16 different agencies that are growing and investigating every aspect of everything in terms of foreign governments and our local population. Host lets go to john, calling from augustine, georgia augusta, georgia on the independent line. Caller thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to have an impact on america. Americans need to vote. We can talk and talk and talk, but if you are not going to vote host john, did we lose you . Caller im here. Host go ahead, john. Caller i want to make a quick mention. Stacy adams is going to make rgia a stance very city was going to make georgia a sanctuary city, and i told her at a republican meeting years there areusta, 750,000 in rolling veteran claims that have been stacked on in warehouses in the v. A. In atlanta, georgia that have not been paid or even attempted to pay our Veterans First service to god and country. Greg allen . He dont have a clue. He thought that was for the whole country and his wife got all huffy and arrogant when i tried to say rick, you got to stop trying to fill your pocket. That is what these senators and congressmen are doing. They are filling their pocket at the expense of the american process because they got elected somehow hello hello . Brenda,ts go to calling from jonesville, virginia on the democratic line. Brenda, good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, brenda. I justs, yes called on a line that i could get through to, you know . I am so sick of jordan i dont know what to do. He was so disrespectful talking to those doctors. I wish just one time, he could sit back and watch himself when he is doing this and why me something happens, they blame it on obama. Obamas not in the white house. The democrats and the republicans need to get their shit toghether. Thank you. Host lets go to steve, calling from robert saville, missouri on the independent roberts ville, missouri on the independent line. Near memphis, in by you, mississippi bayou, mississippi. We used to play in the pine trees. Me and my roommate she is disabled and i do the home care thing, and we went through every step to get our mailin ballot, because we are qualified. It should be no excuse. In any case, she is disabled. We went through every step and she did not get it. We called them up and waited, and at last week, a week before august 4, theyve told us, you are going to have to come down here because we did not send it and we cannot help that she is disabled. Im sorry, theres nothing we can do. So the mailin thing that trump is trying to push, that it is fraud in our county and our state, they all say this brought fraud too, which is a bunch of bull. The other thing is the money how does congress go home . They go to school, they are just going to make it worse. They just have to wait for a vaccine. That is all we can do to help these people out. Host lets go to anthony, calling from east hampton, connecticut on the republican line. Anthony, good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you very much for this opportunity. Swain missis swain that one of her callers and said called in hello. I am a republican chairman in my we have, and i feel it been used and abused by all of them. They did not come to work for a while, the representatives at least the senate showed up, but we are not getting any paychecks out of them, and i think they should maybe only give 200 a week to people. No more 600. I see signs everywhere of people looking for work, people to work for them, all different kinds of stores and places. Weve got to get everyone he everybody back to work as soon as possible. School might not be able to open in september. But there is more than one way to skin a cat. They have to let the School Districts do it themselves. [indiscernible] we will learn. This is not something we could have ever predicted, having two people that live with us, my motherinlaw and my mother, both in their 90s, and all they ii, theld war depression, vietnam, korea, the conflicts in the middle east and the cuban crisis this is the worst thing that has happened to them. It is very difficult to get through and i Hope Congress will finally, finally get their act together and get to work. Start doing the right things for the city. We need to have term limits for the senators. Wor senators, t terms, maybe three terms for congress. Gary,our next caller, republican line. I have come to the conclusion on Wearing Masks come even though i do wear a mask for medical reasons, if someone does not wear a mask i am not going to fight you or anything. If the unfortunate thing happens to them, that is more Social Security for the rest of us survivors. Thank you very much. Host lets go to robert, calling from dayton, ohio on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I am a longtime viewer for decades, but i am a firsttime caller. Simple andon is very i think the answer is simple, at least for me. We need a Good Health Care policy for the entire country. ,t this point it doesnt matter any of these other issues dont matter. If youre not healthy or if you are on your way to dying because you are getting poor or no health care we are the only country in the world that ties our health care to our job. That has to be separated, so i think health care is absolutely the number one policy issue. Host lets see what some of our social media followers think is the top Public Policy issue and what they think about issues going on in the world. My one text that says concern is will the government make the covid19 vaccine mandatory for u. S. Citizens . Here is a tweet that says mailin voting is not going to happen. Will not be counted. If you can riot in person, you can vote in person. Whenthat says americans dont vote, they sealed their fate. Vote 2020. Another text that says biggest concern is restoration and preservation of the natural world. All creatures great and small. Tops hear about your Public Policy issues. Republicans, you can call in at 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Ndependents, 202 7488002 keep in mind, you can always and us at 202 7488003, we are always reading of social media, on twitter at cspanwj and facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Lets go to stephen, calling from bedford, massachusetts on the independent line. Stephen, good morning. Caller yes, hello. Thank you for having me on your show today. Host go ahead, stephen. Caller so theres a some issues ive been seeing as the houses representing themselves house is representing themselves and questioning yesterday dr. Fauci was on cspan and trying to communicate after being asked a very specific question, about whether protests it self were the means by which covid19 was spreading. I do not feel that it is appropriate in any which way to try and force a political response from a Health Official who is giving a broad statement about very specific health issues. Furthermore, i feel the Current Health or medical aid that is being provided to people is insufficient and doing away with benefitsent for the that are being given right now are really going to rind of wind up screwing people over. Im an asthmatic with several other medical issues. I cannot necessarily go out and do things the same as other people will. You know, my incentive, of course, is that i need to stay home, i need to say socially distant, i need to make sure i am away from people. When you take away a huge portion of unemployment, that allows me to live my life accordingly and allows me to try and make it through this without leastscathed, or at badly, we will have additional problems they need addressed. They were talking very frequently about the fact that ok, well we need to do away with the 600 that is great, but people still need to pay their mortgages, their cards, there are Additional Debt they have been working so hard in their and quite simply, i would like to see a Broader Health perspective he given to that people actually have. The reality is in some states, you cannot travel from point a to point b without a vehicle. If you are paying off a vehicle, you will not be successful, say, to get a job or continue working working, todcare find childcare, to do a number of these things. The unemployment needs to reflect the actual lives that thele have rather than assumption that people are only paying their rent and trying to get groceries. Host lets go to the New York Times, who summarizes whats going on with the argument in whatss right now about going on with the federal weekly jobless benefits. Here is the story from the New York Times the 600 weekly jobless benefits from the federal government that became a lifeline for tens of millions of unemployed americans while also helping prop up the coronavirus economy expired at midnight, as officials in washington new releaseree on a bill. Joblessness remains at record levels, with 30 million americans receiving Unemployment Benefits. More than 1. 4 million newly filed for state Unemployment Benefits last week. The tally has exceeded one million, an unheard of figure before the pandemic. Nearly 11 of americans say they live in households where there is not enough to eat, according to a recent Census Bureau survey, and more than one quarter have mr. Rent or mortgage payment. Or mortgagerent payment. Democrats wanted to extend the 600 week payment through the end of the year as part of an expansive aid package that would help state and local governments. Republicans worried that the 600 benefit left people with more money than when they were working, to scale it back week. 0 per we want to know what you think is your top Public Policy you want to talk about this morning. Lets go to carlos, calling from florida on the republican line. Carlos, good morning. Caller good morning. I just have one comment i want someone to call in and respond to it. When i go boating in my precinct voting in my precinct and people make mistakes, they hand them another paper so they can redo it. When all this mailin voting comes in and someone makes a mistake, because they have to run it through a machine, if there is an error, there is no one in line to give them another sheet because it is a mail in. Is that vote just thrown away . I want someone to call in and explain it to me, because i havent heard nobody in any of the channels talk about it. Bill, calling to from new jersey on the independent line. Bill, good morning. Caller good morning. Called severalho people before me, he talked about term limits i think we should have a referendum on a president ial we cannot have at this time, but maybe next president ial election, have are you there . Host absolutely. Keep going, bill. Caller if we have a referendum on the ballot to that congress and senate can only serve one term. Its not a political career. You go in, you serve your term, you get out and get no pension. There is no reason in the world we should be paying these people what we are paying them and giving them a pension for the rest of their life when they leave. If we could get this referendum, i think the American People would go for it. Theiready have people in for one term and they will be arguing like they do now, back at work. [indiscernible] and they are never going to meet in the middle. Go to derek, calling from cincinnati, ohio on the republican line. Caller a Public Policy issue i think is updating our afrastructure, also creating pathway for homeownership and dealing with high rising costs of higher education. I think the Trump Administration is leaning that way. In regards to the 600 that you mentioned about the unemployment, people need to get back to work. I have experienced my own unemployment, but i also know that reducing that number encourages people to go back to work, because the democrats do not have a plan to get americans back to work, because we know 4. 5 million jobs were added in june by the Trump Administration and other variables working there, but the top Public Policy issue is updating our infrastructure. Highways, the countryside so we can travel at, easier in this country. That is the best and the Trump Administration is leading the way. Host lets go to ellen from clearwater, florida, calling on the democratic line. Good morning, jesse. I have one statement to make. Everybody that does not want to wear a mask, i feel they should sign a petition. This way we will have names on that petition and should they get sick, they would be on that line where they got to make decisions over whether we should treat you are not. Since that is what is happening now in some parts of the state. That is all i have to say, jesse. Thank you. Lets go to karen, calling from columbus, North Carolina on the independent line. Karen, good morning. Caller good morning. There are so many good calls from everyone this morning, but i want to mention that i am in agreement toward of what the caller previously. Term limits do need to be enforced. No more making this a career, because it is ruining our whole system. We have no patriots anymore, we have people who want to live off the government themselves and dont give a darn about the poor little working person because they have a job. I am retired from the post office and i want to mention, the post office is corrupt. I tell you i feel so bad to say this, but they are corrupt, their union is corrupt. I would not trust my vote through the mail whatsoever, because you will lose votes that they think of possibly be republican, because they lean democrat. Thank you and have a great weekend. Host lets go to lopez, calling on the democratic line. Good morning. Good morning. I want to talk about the 600. I am one of the lucky ones. I have a job and my pay has not been cut. I work from home and so does my wife. I dont understand this idea that people are saying oh, takeaway the 600 because they are making more. They are not. This is a pandemic. We know for a fact that we do not have a vaccine or a cure that actually works so that people dont die. If we have to pay people to stay home for a little longer, lets pay people to stay home for a little longer. Its better to have a 600 oncheck additionally unemployment then dying. Whys it so hard for people to goerstand this . Host lets to max, calling from ohio on the republican line. Max, good morning. Yes, i have two statements. One, we are not having new cases of covid19. They are discovering what we already had by testing. Two, covid19 deaths per one million population as of july belden, country u. K. , spain, peru, italy, sweden all put together 1490 lessthe u. S. Had deaths. Thank you. Host lets go to walter in baltimore, maryland, calling on the independent line. Caller hello, cspan. My question to those oh call ublicans or conservatives socalled republicans or conservatives, what next . You have taken all the money out of the economy that obama left the money that trump has built his socalled wall with that we have allowed to be stolen from this country. Take a look at all the people, millions of people who are unemployed and there are clowns that still wants to vote for this jerk. They can do it. But the economy, or the humanity, and their decision to not even address the issue is ridiculous. Lets save the country, not trump. Lets save the country. If you do, you would not be [indiscernible] the only person i can compare him with is screwed. I cannot even compare him to the devil anymore. Host lets go to gary, calling from indianapolis, indiana on the democratic line. Caller thank you, jesse, for taking my call. I am 82 years old. Why have never seen i have never seen anything like it. Officer, ired police have been retired for 25 years. We have issues with these people and they write laws for their own personal gain. They try to private enterprise, could not make it, they went to the pollen went into politics and most of them are millionaires and billionaires. They are the ones who screwed up the deal for 600. You never pay anyone to stay at home. That is where they messed up. You get a bonus if you go back to work and do your job, but i do understand about the virus. I have a home in florida also and it is very bad there, but i will wish people would give the true figures on the virus. Lets go to bob, calling from barrington, illinois on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I would like to know about this mailin voting ballot. What they should do, instead of mailing it to everyone who is darn late and has to go and vote, mail it out to the handicapped people from the pass and put their id that shows they are handicapped. Thank you. Go to mike, calling from huntsville, minnesota on the independent line. Caller good morning, jesse. How are you . Host i am fine. Go ahead. Forer i was watching tv the last couple of days, where jim jordan was on a group of people, asking questions to somebody and then yesterday he was on, asking questions to fauci. That man needs to be removed from office, wherever he is from ohio, i believe . Obnoxious ask her questions i have ever heard in my entire life. He was asking about why the democrats wouldnt let the republicans answer the questions well, the democrats did not ask any questions. They are making a statement. Fauci was asked questions and jim jordan would not let him answer. He kept interrupting. The man needs to be removed. Host lets go to marty, calling from sandusky, ohio on the independent line. Marty, good morning. Caller i think things like cspan are really good. Ist i would like to see every candidate that runs for president , everyone who runs for takeenate or the house some sort of a course, which might be offered as a cd you are not necessarily graded for it, but it would be in ethics and free speech. What these things mean to the american public. Have hadthat we cspan, ok, and that we grew we could grow into educating people who want to go into these jobs, public as to what is their ethical responsibility. Host lets wrap up with a bernie, calling from dallas, oregon on the republican line. Rnie, good morning. Caller i agree about term limits. These people do not have anything to make them responsible. As far as the gentleman earlier said about paying people to stay home people are not staying home anyways. We have to help out the vulnerable population, i understand that, but paying people to stay home, that is false. People are taking the money and not staying home anyways. Host i would like to thank all of our callers, viewers, and guests for joining us today for washington journal. Join us tomorrow at 7 00 for another it is in. Stay safe out there and continue to wash your hands. Have a great day. Later today, nasa tipi provides coverage of the spacex crew dragon as they prepared to undock from the International Space station. And, weather permitting, the spacecraft leaves the iss around 7 30 eastern. Our coverage begins at 5 15 p. M. Eastern, here on cspan. Watch our live unfiltered coverage of congress, the white. Ouse on issues that matter to you. Bucks our ongoing effort to focus on a mission to save lives, and meet the leads the needs of our states. Along with briefings on the coronavirus pandemic, Supreme Court arguments and decisions. And the latest from campaign 2020. Your calls and comments welcome. Bucks be a part of the conversation with our Program Washington journal. Watch any time on demand at cspan. Org or listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. Casket of the lake representative john lewis arrived at joint base andrews in maryland on monday and made its way to the capital. The motorcade made stops at the Martin Luther king jr. Memorial, the lincoln memorial, black lives matter plaza, and the supreme

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