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The subcommittee will come to order. This is a bittersweet moment to me. It is my last subcommittee, markup of the state. Going to get emotional. I will start again. Good afternoon, everyone. The subcommittee will come to order. This is a bittersweet moment for me, as it is my last subcommittee markup of the state bill,reign operations contemplate my retirement at the i ask you toear indulge me in a few reflections. First. The important work of this committee. Since world war ii come up aid has been a key component of the United States Foreign Policy. Allocate to the state department, the u. S. Agency for international development, and other federal agencies tasked with carrying out american interests and promoting freedom and democracy throughout the world account for only roughly 1 of our federal budget. Yet we have made the world healthierfer, and while improving the security of generations here at home. The dearupported eradication of polio. Stemmed the surge of hivaids. We have increased access to Health Services so that mothers who must walk hours forget wellness checks for themselves and their babies. We have helped individuals, communities, and countries recover following natural disasters and provided support for vulnerable migrants and those displaced by wars and famines. We have intervened to relieve suffering from atrocities in the balkans and dark for. We have advanced equity and opportunity for women so that they, their children, and their communities might prosper. , educationften said is the single greatest force multiplier in foreign aid and contributing to many of our other successes. That is why i am particularly proud of the record levels of u. S. Assistance for basic education for more than 80 million children around the as wellspecially girls, as for International Family planning. And because of all these and other priorities, we have advocated together our own children and grandchildren are safer. September 11 was the darkest day , as to many of my constituents lost loved ones and some even perished on the sacred ground where the twin towers once touched the sky. The reality we face today with coronavirus in the wake of that tragedy, our nation reawakened to the stark truth that circumstances and events half the world away can dramatically influence the wellbeing and security of americans here at home. It has been my honor to work with all of you. Belief in the absolute necessity of effective diplomacy and Global Engagement as well as Robust Development assistance to protect our own National Security. Even as we address moral imperatives beyond our own borders. Secondly, bipartisanship. This subcommittee has worked collegially in the best interest of the american people. During all my nearly three decades as a member. Express myto particular appreciation for the leadership of the former chair, rogers, kay granger, and jim, with whom i have enjoyed working. Considers, the bill we today is stronger for your insights and input on shared bipartisan priorities. Thirdly, a personal note. When i faced the difficult choice of being the Ranking Member of this subcommittee or the labor hhs education subcommittee, i booked conventional wisdom in washington. It was a difficult choice because as passionate as i feel about the work of labor h and despite its many billions more dollars, my heart is in the work of this subcommittee, and i will clearly miss it as well as my partnership with all of you. But our work is not done yet. So i would like now to share the highlights of what is in the bill and note that i have worked hard to accommodate most member requests. Given the quick timeline to get this bill to the floor, i request that any amendments be reserved until the bill is considered by the full committee. 65. 87 billion, the house bill rejects the president s go it alone approach to Foreign Policy and expresses this committees concerns about the timely application and prudent expenditure publication and prudent expenditure of resources. Unintended events thereby leaving intended beneficiaries vulnerable, this bill provides greater distinction between shortterm diplomatic and political initiatives and longterm investments and developments. It also provides overseas oco,ngency operations, or under account headings with enduring funds to offer transparent accounting of the fundresources needed to United States Foreign Policy and advance National Security interests. Billion includes 47. 85 in base funding, 8 billion in oco funding for base requirements that otherwise would not be funded by the president s budget request, and 10. 018 billion in coronavirus emergency funding. Funding for emergency to address covid19, which has than 125,000 than 130 thing american lives, and 500,000 people worldwide, cannot be overstated. In fact, the dire expectations for its impact on americanss health and our economy demand that the administration and senate come to the table to consider these urgent funds and the heroes act that the house passed in may immediately. In addition to addressing immediate covid19 needs, the mark takes a holistic approach to Global Health and seeks to accelerate the strengthening of Health Systems in low and middle Income Countries to manage Health Threats and communicable diseases, which we know all too well do not respect borders. To help sustain progress against tuberculosis, and malaria, the mark provides 5 billion for global hivaids activities, including 1. 56 billion for the global fund, and clarifies the u. S. Commitment to maintaining our 33 share. It also reverses the president s global gag rule and stops counter production restrictions on Family Planning and Health Funding while including 805. 5 million for Family Planning million, of which 55. 5 is to the United Nations Population Fund to ensure that millions of women can access critically needed health care. Committee seeks to ensure the impact of covid19 does not derail Development Gains over the past several decades, the mark provides 3. 8 billion for Development Assistance. Million toes 975 increase access to basic education, of which not less than 150 million shall be spent on Girls Education in areas of conflict. It also maintains our commitment to addressing food insecurity, improving water, sanitation services, putting an end to trafficking in persons, and promoting the longterm Development Objectives that support thriving, Healthy Communities while strengthening our own National Security. This requires addressing unique wholenges, from bad actors seek to disrupt our democracy fortifying means to Security Capabilities to prevent regional conflicts from generating international crises. To address the harmful policies of the administration that perpetuates the challenges and increase migration to our southern border, this legislation amends prior year appropriations acts to significantly limit the administrations ability to redirect assistance outside of the region. Funding for robust counter narcotics and Law Enforcement efforts for our neighbors in columbia, mexico, central america, and the caribbean. The mark includes 68 million to address International Organized Crime and maintains funding to combat cybercrimes. It provides a total of 9 billion for Security Assistance to key allies and partners and maintains strong support for programs in eastern europe, jordan, and tunisia. The bill keeps the commitments of the United States at camp david in 1979 to promote peace in the middle east by providing 3. 3 billion in aid for israels security as well as assistance for egypt. Additionally, the mark prioritizes the security of diplomatic and Development Staff and the facilities where they billion for. 071 Embassy Security, which is 692. 2 billion about the president s request. The United States cannot tackle the worlds challenges alone. We work best when we Work Together. And the United States must reclaim its leadership role on , less the world becomes susceptible to malign actors like russia and china, who do not share our democratic values. The mark reaffirms our support for international allies, multilateral organizations, which extend the impact of our assistance, maximizes taxpayer dollars, and facilitates delivery of aid where it is needed urgently to mitigate human suffering. To support these efforts, the bill includes 7. 83 billion in refugee and disaster assistance, including to latin america, the middle east, asia, and africa. The mark also seeks to restore humanitarian and Development Assistance to the palestinians to continue the viability of a two state solution by providing resources to organizations working in the west bank and gaza. That asticularly proud a bipartisan priority the mark includes 50 million to fund a new partnership for peace in the middle east that would promote Economic Development while strengthening engagement between palestinians and israelis through people to People Programs and economic ventures. As we seek to address ongoing and anticipated humanitarian needs, we look to combat a persistent threat that drives migration and conflict that can destabilize regions. That is climate change. The mark provides funds in this and prior acts to support multilateral efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. It also strengthens conservation and Environment Programs and continues funding for adaptation and Renewable Energy programs at prior year levels. These reflect just a few highlights of the bill and report. Which i do urge you all to read thoroughly. And before i turn to my Ranking Member, mr. Rogers, for his statement, i would like to express my appreciation to congresswoman martha roby for her service on the subcommittee, as she also plans to leave the congress at the end of this year. And your dedication to the rights of women in afghanistan and gender programs like wgdp will live on in this bill. I also want to recognize the wonderful staff who worked remotely to prepare the bill. I want to thank susan adams, the minority clerk, Jamie Mccormick of the minority staff, austin gage, and Ranking Member Rogers Personal staff, as well as my staff, including clerk steve, craig higgins, aaron, jean, jason, jean. Dana, think wendy, kelly, and Elizabeth Stanley on my staff and express my gratitude to past Staff Members and fellows who supported my work on the subcommittee. Beth, howard, claire, jamie, jenny, scott fleming, mark isaac, sharon leven, jim townsend, chris bigelow, lucy, gh, sonali, joe ralph,in, mark lopez, michelle, and michael merrick. Singing youl like made me what i am today, but there are so many people that we think if you have been here as long as i have. My heartfelt thanks to all of my past and current staff. This committees achievements are all yours. So thank you so very much for indulging me. Speaks, i wills recognize my full committee Ranking Member, miss granger, for any comments she would like to make. I will then recognize any member of the subcommittee for short comments on the bill. I did not leave you much time. I apologize. Mr. Rogers, please proceed. Well, thank you, madam chair, for your passionate devotion to this subcommittees work. Of love onen a labor your part. And your worknate to help the needy in the world. So congratulations on bringing forward the operations bill for 2021. Your final one. I wish the market process this year were taking place under better circumstances. But despite the challenging operating environment, you and your staff have done a great job getting us to this point. Before i discuss the bill, i want to take a moment to salute our chair as she kicks off her final markup session. Not only of this bill, but all the others. But this one being the first one i think showsuled your dedication to the work this subcommittee oversees. So thank you, especially for your great devotion. Your commitment to this bill and the people it helps all over the world is well known. Fully appreciated. To me, this is best demonstrated by the fact that you decided to chair this subcommittee while also serving as the full committee chair. I know the time and effort involved in carrying out the responsibilities that come with leading a full committee. It is not for the faint of heart. Yet you still chose to make time for a busy state for an operations schedule. I greatly admire your devotion to this work, as do all of us. Negotiating any number of issues, traveling to all corners of the globe. I recall the rain forest in south america. We made two trips in one. My first and last. Rep. Lowey i will never forget that one. Rep. Rogers in fact, the work of this subcommittee in overseeing state department is of special interest to me. When i first came to congress in 1981, i got on the full committee in 1983 and became shortly thereafter the Ranking Member and then later chairman of the subcommittee on state at that time. Overseeing the work of our diplomats overseas and the was a specialve interest of mine. Toecall one of those trips the subcommittee made in 1989 to eastern europe. And working with our ambassadors and staffs in those countries, which were so hardhit during the cold war. We wound up in frankfurt on the way home, and the state department was with us overseeing our trip. We got ready to leave town on the air force plane. And they blessed us to the airport with a state Department Person with us. And they told us we got a problem with the airplane. We got to work on it. So we waited around for one hour or an hour and a half. Finally, the state department guy worried the committee that funds the state department would be uncomfortable. Look, these force, people, we got to d. C. And if you cannot get this plane fixed in the next 15 minutes, i will put them on a commercial flight at the airport. Well, with about two minutes to go, the state department guy left and made reservations for us at the terminal. On aermina commercial flight. Says,back to the bus and air force, you got five minutes to get this plane so, with just a few minutes left, air force says weve got it fixed. Got the plane fixed. So, we all pile on the air force plane. And the state Department Supervisor goes back to the terminal, canceled our reservations on the commercial flight he had made for us on panam 103. Panam 103. Off and the plane, over just flew after us and exploded. Ive often thought about that. Dangersstrated that the our foreign personnel personnel in foreign stations work every day under very dangerous conditions, many of them. And we dont pay enough respect to them for the great work that they do. So, thank you in this bill for taking, i think, reasonably good care. There are some things we need to hopefully, that will work out. Im glad you mentioned martha roby. Very important member of this subcommittee that has now decided to go home and work from there. Martha, you have not been on this subcommittee very long, but ive admired your focus on oversight especially. That,our zeal in pursuing among other things. The american taxpayer can be proud of your relentless efforts to demand results and accountability for every dollar spent on their behalf. Thank you for your Great Service to your country and to work with us. Turning back to the matter at hand, madam chair, this years bill includes 47. 85 billion in base funding. 8 billion in overseas contingency operations, for a total of 55. 85 billion. And nonemergency discretionary funding. That is an increase of nearly 1. 2 billion dollars over the previous fiscal year. It also includes 10 billion in emergency funding for coronavirus response. Within the total, the bill includes funding for many key priorities that are critical to our National Security, and that we can all support. Includinge chair for 3. 3 billion in Foreign Military financing for our great ally, israel, and for your steadfast support for their security. Im also pleased that the bill maintains funding at the current level for Embassy Security. The attacks on our embassy in baghdad this year were a stark reminder of how we must do everything we can to support the safety of our Foreign Service officers working abroad. I appreciate the chair continuing funding to combat the flow of drugs into our country and to tackle transnational crime overseas. These efforts go handinhand with the work we do here at home and the relentless fight against drug abuse and addiction. I want to thank you, madam chair, for maintaining funding for the Development Finance corporation for its second year of investments. I understand the authorizing committees continue to work on a solution to how equity financing. I hope when the time comes, we can Work Together to address dfc canue so that the fulfill its mandate and give developing nations better financing. These are examples of investment supported in this bill by both sides. That is why i am once again disappointed to the partisan policy writers. They are sure to end any bipartisan support. The measures included in the bill to overturn the president s policy of protecting life in Global Health guarantee the bill has no hope of becoming law unless these provisions are removed. The bill also includes controversial funding and language on climate issues. The United Nations and a range of other problematic areas. Finally, i remain concerned about unchecked spending, especially at this time of soaring deficits and debt. We need to carefully consider any increase in spending and the longterm consequences of such actions. Before i close, i want to also thank the staff. We cant do this ourselves. We have to have good help and youve got. Both sides of the aisle, hard work, smart work. Susan adams and jamie from the minority staff. Jake johnson, austin gage for my personal office. And from the majority staff, i want to especially thank steve and his team. They have all been a great help and their efforts are greatly appreciated. They have done us good. Madam chair, thank you very much for your service again. I yield back. Chair lowey thank you. Now, i would like to turn to my friend, Ranking Member ms. Granger, for any comments you may have. Rep. Granger thank you, madam chair. Before i begin my remarks about the state foreign operations bill i want to take a moment to recognize you, my friend. I dont like youre leaving. You are going to do it. I assumed you have not changed mind. Chair and Ranking Member of the subcommittee, i feel like we accomplished some really good things. We have policy disagreements. We had an agreement we could disagree without being disagreeable and that made it all work. Its very important. At the beginning, people questioned how the jewish grandmother from new york and the methodist grandmother from texas could Work Together. Several years later, we were named in style magazines 50 badsass women. I had to explain to my friend, nita, that is very important high praise. It was sort of funny. We worked together on Critical Issues on Global Health and combating hiv aids, malaria and saving lifesaving maternal and child health. We recognize the importance of education for women and girls. Support,firm in our and martha roby does the same thing, but no one can say they have done more to advance this because then you have. No one. Your legacy will be a generation of educated girls that will have the power to shape their future and our future, and you did that. It would not have been possible without your tireless efforts and assistance at funding for basic education was a priority regardless of who was in the white house. For nita, it was all about more than just the money. She pressed to make sure our investments delivered results. One day when we get back to conducting tourist overseas programs, which is so important to see what we can do everybody should be sure to meet a school or meet with women in leadership roles and they were somehow touched by your investment. Turning to the state bill before us today. Timee this unbelievable and instability around the world, it is important to remember our investments abroad can make us more secure at home. Manyl year 2021 bill funds quick programs that will do exactly that. It provides 3. 3 billion for israel, demonstrating our unwavering support for the security of our great ally and partnership. You have always understood it is a very special relationship. It protects funding for Embassy Security and counterterrorism programs. It includes funds to advance Global Health, promote democracy and address human trafficking. Unfortunately, while there are areas where we agree, i have some serious concerns about partisan writers that have been inserted and the negative impact they could have. The bill includes permanent changes to the law that would overturn the current mexico city policy. Making it legal sorry, i thought i turned that off. Making it legal for grantees to receive federal funding even if they perform abortions. This is controversial and i hope we can reverse that is the bill moves forward. Im disappointed to see policies in the bill aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability of the United Nations were removed. Finally, im concerned about the level of spending in this bill and others we will markup over the next few days. We had a budget agreement less than a year ago where we settled on spending caps and now was not the time to reverse course without buyin for members on both sides. I want to thank wrecking member rogers, the former chairman of the committee for his leadership. A lot of thank susan adams and jamie. As well as the the majority clerk. They have always been helpful. They have always worked together. Before i close, i want to wish you a belated happy birthday. It was yesterday. I hope you had a great birthday. Chair lowey i did, thank you. Thank you very much. At this point, i would like to open the floor to any member who would like to be recognized for short comments. Ms. Lee . Rep. Lee thank you very much. About two wish you a very happy i want to thank you a very happy birthday. I will reserve my comments on the bill for our full committee markup, but thank you so much for your leadership. I know, like every member of the subcommittee, we are going to miss you tremendously. It is a very powerful tool for america to contribute to a safer, more humane and peaceful world. The frameworks upon which you have led this committee does give us a powerful example of how we can accomplish this work. Let me mention of International Aids Conference which is starting today. Its virtual this year, madam chair. It was supposed to be in oakland and San Francisco which was a Major Development for because we have not had an International Aids Conference for many years in the bay area. So, i bring you greetings from people from around the world and ofeal i would say debt gratitude which everyone owes you as it relates to the funding. I think today is a glorious day because we have saved so many lives that we can achieve an aids Free Generation by 2030. The conference title is resilience. You have been totally resilient and very persistent in your work to make sure this remains bipartisan, the funding levels, and also that we move forward in achieving an aids Free Generation. I want to thank you so much, finally, for your real commitment to the continent of africa and the caribbean region. Because for so long, the continent of africa, african countries, the caribbean have been neglected in our priorities and policies. You have helped to really bring these unrepresented continents and countries to the forefront in this committee, so i am deeply grateful to you for that. Thanks so the staff. They have been phenomenal in helping make sure all of our priorities were included. That never would have happened without your leadership. It has been a joy to serve in this committee and be with you weseveral very intense as look at somebody issues. Wheelchairs for children. We have been on so many humanitarian and factfinding visits and it has been a joy traveling with you. Congresswoman roby, we are going to miss you. I will see you in alabama. Let me say, in many ways, this is the time for you to be home given all the issues of racial justice. It has been a pleasure to work with you on this committee, but also with the politics institute. In your district in alabama each and every year. I see your commitment to justice and to equity and i know your voice and your work at this point in time at home is going to be extremely important. We are going to miss you. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you, madam chair. Chair lowey thank you. At this point, i would like to open the floor to any member who would like to say a few words, short comments about the bill. Raise your hand, i will call on those numbers wishing to be recognized. Madam chair. Chair lowey of course, my good friend. Thank you for the recognition and happy belated birthday as well. If i could admit something to you, i really dont want to be here. This is the 24th anniversary of day, butnd is wedding if i cant be with her, it is a privilege to spend it with you. [laughter] chair lowey my goodness. I am so moved by that. And stevenberry you have been so kind to me. Chair lowey meaningful times. Rep. Fortenberry thank you for your leadership. Im deeply impressed by several of your qualities, if i can put it that way. Your graciousness. Your tenacity in pursuing what you believe. And at the same time an openness to dialogue on various perspectives. You have been very generous to me in that regard. The highlight of which was a phone call i received from you the other day in which you talked about this work on the middle east partnership for peace and your willingness to put it in the bill. Do architects of peace extraordinary work, but sometimes we expect that to sort of trickledown and find its way to the ground. Its a hard lift, particularly the in this region, and your willingness to engage in these harder questions. As you reflected openly with the king of jordan on that very important zoom calls, this is one of the regrets. After decades of Timeless Service to the ideals of diplomacy and development, that this just doesnt seem to be moving that the moment. So, i really appreciate your willingness to come around the second curve. That is an expression we have been track when i ran it in high school. You ran one lap and when you came around the second curve, theres not a lot of oxygen left. But not with you. You are clearly sprinting to the finish, to the end, and i am grateful for that. I want to thank you publicly again for the friendship and kindness you have showed me and wish you all the best in the future. Chair lowey i want to thank you particularly because we will continue to Work Together on the partnership of peace. I know of your commitment to that as well. Thank you. Mr. Price . Chair, i havedam been listening carefully to these attributes and im seconding all of them. I associate myself with, as we say, the tributes from both sides of the aisle. I want to add my thanks for years of productively working together on things we care about and know our important. And of course, your devotion to this bill is evident. This product you have put before us today and so many ways bears out your commitment and the commitment that you enable us all to act on. I especially appreciate the democracy promotion in some of the most difficult, struggling, yet valiant countries in the world. Countries we have great admiration for, yet countries that struggle. Thats with whom we engage on the House Democracy Partnership, colleague to colleague, staff to staff. Supporting you are that House Democracy Partnership work in this bill. You are supporting Democracy Funding in general. And youre helping us Pay Attention to specific countries that are in a critical position. Some were inexplicably left out of the president s budget, but they are not left out of this bill. Tunisia, jordan, lebanon, liberia, kenya the list goes on of countries that are struggling and countries whose fate we have a profound interest in. In terms of values, but also in terms of our global interests. So, we will have time to discuss some of the details of this bill in full committee but i am happy to add my tribute today to the work you have done and so the product. Also, martha roby, thank you for your work. Know of thet, i work you and susan davis have done in afghanistan with women politicians, but especially women parliamentarians which are a tough and admirable group if you ever saw one. So, we will miss you but we will look forward to your continuing work, as my colleague barbara has said. Nita, congratulations, and godspeed. Chair lowey i was thinking of you with all the stories, not such good stories coming here from afghanistan and the lossoflife. But if you would like to say a saywords i cant everyone will this you. I will miss you. I have no intention of speaking, but i really more than , ranking madam chair member, Ranking Member, leaders all of you to all the members of this committee, i count it one of my greatest joys to have had the privilege and opportunity to serve alongside you here in the house of representatives. I appreciate your leadership. I dont know why it took me more than a second to want to be on the Appropriations Committee. I just wish i might have done it a little sooner. But, this six years now almost i have had to serve alongside you as an appropriate or have been extraordinarily rewarding. The bipartisan efforts that take place on this committee. The camaraderie. Everything that comes alongside it. I want to thank you for your leadership and to all of my colleagues, thank you for being my friend and my colleague over all of these years. I will miss each of you dearly, but i do look forward to i hope we will get to continue to work with each other on different areas. Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me. I didnt expect this at all. Thank you. I look forward to continuing to work through this years appropriations process. Thank you all for your leadership. Chair lowey thank you. Madam chair, i think we can refer to roby the riveter. [laughter] ms. Torres thank you, chairman lowey and Ranking Member rogers. I want to thank you both and your staff for your work on another strong bill. I would also like to recognize the committees clerk, along for working directly with my office on this very important bill and the provisions related to the region that i have focused on since coming to congress in central america. Im very proud to support this bill. The global spread of covid19 from one country to another has anwn, that again, we live in interconnected world. This bill makes urgent Global Investments in programs like Global Health assistance investments that lead directly back to the security and safety of americans right here at home. Im also thankful for the inclusion of provisions focused on tackling corruption and supporting the rule of law in the northern triangle. Guatemala,uption in honduras and el salvador has led to high rates of violence and poverty, forcing families to flee and migrate to our southern border. Working towards stability and Good Governance with our neighbors is the necessary part of any solution to the migration crisis that we have seen in recent years. Chairwoman lowey, i want to say thank you. Im truly grateful for the opportunity to have served under your Appropriations Committee chairmanship. Our country and the International Community as a whole are much safer and more prosperous because of your commitment to foreign assistance and diplomacy. The committee will mr. Leadership, but you are leaving behind a legislative legacy that will continue to strengthen American Leadership abroad. And to my friend, martha roby, it has been great knowing you. I will greatly miss you also and that alabama twang. Thank you for being such a great part of this committee. I yelled back. Yield back. Chair lowey if there are no more members who would like to be recognized, the bill is open for amendment. Seeing as there are no amendments, i recognize ms. Lee for a motion. Rep. Lee i move that the bill be favorably reported to the full committee. Chair lowey the question is on agreeing to the motion. All those in favor say aye. Aye. Chair lowey although supposed say no. The opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The motion is agreed to. If there is no further business, i ask unanimous consent that staff be allowed to make technical and conforming changes to the bill and report. Thank you all. One final note please leave and report on the table for subcommittee staff to collect. The subcommittee stands adjourned and i think you all for your participation. Tomorrow on the cspan networks, join us at 10 30 a. M. Eastern as fbi director Christopher Wray discusses chinas influence in the United States. He will speak during an event hosted by the hudson institute. A House Financial Services subcommittee hearing on the influx of the coronavirus pandemic on jobs. Live at noon eastern on cspan. Around the same time, a house education and labor subcommittee looks at the impact of the pandemic on Higher Education on cspan2. Thedr. Deborah birx, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus task force, and ambassadors from several countries expected to discuss covid19 live at 2 30 eastern on cspan. You can also watch online at cspan. Org or listen live on the free cspan radio app. A seniorg us next Research Fellow at george mason university. He directs there for the vanity project. Thank you for being here this morning. Eing on with us this morning. Give us some specifics

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