Principles of sir robert peel, considered the father of modern policing, that the principle is that policing is very much a community activity. In fact, he said that the public are the police. The police are the public. The only difference is that the police are members of the public who are paid fulltime to attend to the enforcement of the law. This is quintessentially a local question that the democrats seek to federalize. Thats the part i oppose. But there are provisions in the bill that are legitimate functions but there are provisions to protect the Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties of the people, and that includes things like abolishing qualified immunity, which is a document cream dreamed up that protects Public Officials from liability when they deny citizens their Constitutional Rights. That should have never crept into judicial canon and it needs to be removed by statute. That is one area. No knock warrants. That is the most terrifying power we give the federal government or any government is the ability to crash into someones home. Are the only time they permitted to do that is with a judicially issued warrant. When they are using that authority it is apparent for their safety as well as the safety of the citizens to renounce the authority before an armed intruder it shows up at my house there will be a gunfight. They have a Legal Authority to do that and they need to have that in advance. There are those are two areas , and i would agree with the democrat proposals. Host one place you have also agreed with my credits joined in legislation is in the stock militarizing Law Enforcement act. What is that . Guest five years ago, i thatnsored legislation restricted the transfer of military hardware to local Police Departments. Getting back to fields peeles principal, the police are not a paramilitary institution. Military weapons not available to the general public should not be transferred to Police Departments. Another area that i worked on another thing was that the records of Police Officers were made public. They are just charging a public responsibility and using powers loaned to them by the public, how we use those powers i think needs to be in the open. That provision is in the bill. When we are talking about peoples Constitutional Rights, the federal government has a responsibility to protect the rights. It is completely incompetent to try and make decisions for every Police Department in the country, and that is where the democrats crossed a line. Host you seem to indicate there is room for compromise. Mitch mcconnell has said that the democratic bill is not going anywhere in the senate. Summit Senate Democrats expect expect to block a debate on the republican bill in the senate. What happens here . Guest that all depends on whether both sides are serious about it. If they are, each side will be giving a little to get a compromise. Side issides or either not willing to do that, than they are really not serious. , judiciarycclintock member joining us and will be with us for the next 20 to 25 minutes or so. If you want to join the conversation this morning, you can do so. Democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. I want to get your thoughts on president trumps action yesterday or monday. We talked a lot about it on this program, to pause ilLegal Immigration channels in this visary including the h1 program to the end of the year. Legal immigration is an important contributor to our economy. Unemployment,igh one americans are out of work, it does not make a lot of sense to me. We have gone from the lowest unemployment rates in 50 years to among the highest unemployment rates ever recorded. Because of the public overreaction to the covid virus. Is i think that the president is correct at the moment in restricting those until we get unemployment back down. When unemployment gets back down to the levels it was, i think reopening the nation for legal foreign immigration is certainly warranted. Set what mark would you for reopening the country to Legal Immigration . Guest i think we need to get back to the levels that we were enjoying at the beginning of the year before we take took a wrecking ball to the economy. From huntington beach, california. Good morning. Back, atell, looking your record over the years, you following the party line. You know as well as everyone else knows, as soon as it gets to the senate, it is dead. You can vote and pack yourself pat yourself on the back, but it is not going anywhere. I cannot help but remember some of the things youve done over the years, just for example, years ago a caller called in, calling about trade policy. Was oh, response to her i am not going to go back. , you are the things that follow the party line all the time and you always have. Host give the congressman a chance to respond. Find you will you will i have one of the most independent voting records and i differ with this administration on several key issues including trade policy. I believe in free trade, and that every society that has practiced freetrade has seen their economy prosper and bloom, and every nation that has practiced protectionism has seen their economy whether and contract, wither and acts thate was that isn the depression, and that where i disagree with the trump administration. With respect to police reform, 13 years ago when i was in the state senate back in 2007, i partnered with democrats to forward an open records act for a police misconduct. And it would be open from the public. Host we have spent a lot of time talking about coronavirus and response. How do you think the governor has done out there in california, and do you think that more federal dollars are needed for the response, do you think that there will be a second stimulus for americans when it comes to coronavirus . Guest i was reading an artist article in the wall street journal that compare the eight states to those who left their economies open to the 42 states to close them in californias restrictions were among the most are coney and. What they found is that the states that had kept their economies open not only saw a fraction of an economic damage that was incurred by states like california, but also that the mortality rates from covid are 75 less per capita in those states. That is pretty dramatic evidence of a complete failure of policies in states like california that decimated their economies. And at the same time have shown themselves effective at slowing the spread of the disease. We see that in california. Host and what about the idea of a second stimulus and more federal spending . Guest i am very concerned. The first bill that we passed, i reluctantly supported it, the court was to ensure liquidity to Small Businesses and Large Businesses that were facing a crisis because of government actions in response to the infection. Thati warned at the time this was no substitute for reopening the economy immediately. The problem comes down to this. Financernments cannot the economy for any appreciable length of time, because it is the economy that finances the government. You shut down the economy, the revenues to the government collapse. Every trillion dollars that we spend at the federal level, of course we do not have at that now. We have to borrow that, and it comes after cash out of the pool that would be to finances consumer purchases as well as business respiration and has to be paid back with interest in the future. Every trillion dollars we borrow is 8,000 added to the credit card bill of every family in america. That is 8,000 that those families will have to repay through future taxes, so i am very skeptical that further socalled stimulus spending is going to do anything other than stall the future Economic Growth of our country. In the government cannot put a single dollar into the economy that it has not first taken out of the economy, so, the record of stimulus spending has been abysmal every time we have attempted it. Host texas. Tony is a republican. Good morning. Caller thanks a lot. I wish i could get cspan in hd, and that is a different story. Mr. Mcclintock, i was wondering if you thought the president was a per a conservative republican and why. I think all of the issues are linked together. Guest i think up until the covid crisis, he had done an extraordinary job revitalizing the american colony economy. We are seeing record Economic Growth in the lowest unemployment rates in 50 years for minority groups. Then he do that through a combination of two policies. Rollbackst regulatory of the country, fall far greater than Ronald Reagan in one of the greatest tax cuts in the history of the country. App and not economic expansion the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetimes. I think those policies were absolutely sound. My objection is basically putting Anthony Fauci in talk in charge of the national economy, that has been a mess. Host what would you have done differently . Guest i wouldve followed the example of the eight states who kept their economies open. Not justthe blame is with the administration. The blame is with the governors who imposed the restrictions. The eight states that cap their economies open are seeing a fraction of the economic damage and, actually a vastly lower fatality rate, than the states that locked down, that was the biggest mistake. I think it is important to remember that the constitution by anyis not suspendable individual, even in a crisis. And that was the other mistake i think that was made and did significant damage to our Civil Liberties as americans and the relationship between the government and the people. Republican, go ahead. Caller do you ever get called john wayne because of your rain . Mcclintock. Made, guest i remember when it came out. An at t robo caller and the guy was from india. I asked him, you are trying to tell me that at t, is a good company, but i want to tell you this, that at t is and usingican people indian people to take their jobs, and on the people from india are being paid less. What do you think about that, and he said that is not very good. Visas,e jobs that these do they help the economy, or do they help the corporations, or do they help who do they help . Guest that is a good question. Afraid whotely, i am they hurt are the unemployed americans competing for the same you which is why i say when are running high unemployment of bringing in legal immigrants to work does not make a lot of sense. What does make a great deal of sense for the unemployment rates are low in the jobs need being filled. But, in both cases i want to emphasize the word legal. IlLegal Immigration undermines of Legal Immigration that makes our country possible. Host this is bill, independent. Good morning. What is your opinion on the case of the court and qualified immunity. Guest i forget that name of the case in 1957. Actthis stems from the kkk of 1871. This was a reconstruction act when southern officials were denying free blacks their Constitutional Rights and not that were guaranteed them under the constitution. The kkk act allowed the federal because sue for damages of the deprivation of those rights. That law remained in place and to 1967. Om 1871 this lawthe court said is that they are acting in good faith, whatever at it that is, then they should not be liable. And then a later case from 1982 further broadened that exclusion to say, you can do anything you not as long as there is case with virtually identical circumstances that says that you cannot. That makes the whole act meaningless. Is thatt i would make from 1871 from 1977 we did not find outliers. It ought to apply to all Public Officials. Should be able to go into federal court to sue for the misuse of powers to deprive people for Constitutional Rights under the First Amendment, for example. Ist is an issue that i think absolutely essential to the preservation of our constitutional liberties. Left,less than 10 minutes member of the House Judiciary Committee, we did want to ask you about that hearing set today before the judiciary committee, the title of the hearing, political interference and threats to prosecutorial independence. We will be airing it live on cspan where it when it happens. But, the testimony that came out yesterday, the written testimony by Aaron Zielinski getting a lot of attention. He is expected to say is that roger stone was treated differently from any other defendant because of his relationship to the president. I was told the acting attorney was receiving heavy pressure from the highest levels of the department of justice to kutztown a break. To kutztown a break cut stone a break. He was given him such unprecedentedly favorable treatment because he was afraid of the resident. Your reaction . Guest zelensky does not quote any sources. We are left to rely on him. That is his version of events. Conduct of him in those around him in the case the excesses of the prosecutors was egregious. And unwarranted. The sentencing that was recommended for stone was vastly cases ncomparable than comparable cases. That goes into the politicized ation during the obama administration. This was the genesis of the russia hoax. It is now becoming increasingly clear the fbi and justice officials knew that the steele dossier was false and used for political purposes. This administration is looking back on the investigation that is well underway. I think we will see a full account. What you are seeing from the democrats as an attempt to and get the accounting those issues out into the public. They have abused powers. Hearing set to begin and about two and half hours. You can watch it on cspan. The House Judiciary Committee airing at noon eastern on cspan. Org. You can listen to it on the free cspan radio app. Sonja has been waiting in daytona beach, florida, a democrat. Caller i would like to remind your guest that the first message trump gave to the American People was that this was a war against an invisible enemy. Isseems that dr. Fauci teaching us how to fight that war without the proper weapons, developed without the proper weapons being developed yet. We in the united states, that are not united anymore, but i separated into each state trying to fight this war separately as states. That was your president that called it a war against an invisible enemy. I would like to remind find out from your guest what he thinks about the way new york has treated the virus and how far their numbers went down. What eight states is he calling on to say they cap the economy open and it worked . Refer to the editorial yesterday in the wall street journal that cites a study out of kansas. It is very compelling. The states that stayed open not only sustained a fraction of the economic damage, the fatality rate is also 75 less then those states that shut down. There have been a number of statistical analyses of the infection rates between those jurisdictions that destroyed their economies and those that kept them open. They find little statistical difference between the two of them. In new york, the administration packed infected Covid Patients in a Nursing Homes where there is a high ly vulnerable population. It was interesting that a few weeks ago Governor Cuomo 84 of theme hospitalizations for covid19 in new york where people who were either already sheltering in home or in Nursing Homes. That is a stunning admission of the ineffectiveness of trying to quarantine an entire population. Quarantine in the past was a legitimate police power of a government. Who has individual contracted an Infectious Disease and ordered them to stay home while they have the disease to protect the General Community from spread. What is being imposed now across this country and other countries around the world is something very different. This is the quarantine of an entirely healthy population on the pretext they might contract a contagious disease. That is government power without limit. It makes a mockery of our First Amendment rights to assemble, practice religion freely, and our fifth amendment rights of being deprived of liberty without due process. Quarantine has been subject to due process. You are personally subject to accord teen or you have the ability to go to court and asked them to vacate that order and show cause. That is not the case in the mass quarantine ordered in this situation. The everything i have read effect on continuing the virus has been minimal. Economy hasn the been devastating. I askede have not pyeongchang about this. This. Sked fauci about have you taken to account the povertyrelated deaths . Now we have information. 75,000 deaths from suicide, deaths. Induced it will play out into untold cancer deaths that were set in motion by the lockdown. Thoughtthink it was through very carefully at all and im critical of politicians responsible for imposing. Host happy to point that caller to that article from the wall street journal. News from the nonlockdown states. June 23 edition if she wants to go back and take a look at it. She asked about the states that were cited. The new analysis from the sentinel compares the 42 states that shut down most of the economies and the states that did not. That is mostly rural states with small metropolitan areas. North and south dakota, nebraska, iowa, arkansas, oklahoma, wyoming and utah. More annette editorial more annette editorial. Stephen out of west springfield, massachusetts, a republican. Good morning. Caller good morning. I love ande to say support by president. I wish she would have a trump rally in the state of california. What is the to know possibility of that happening . Guest i am not in touch with the campaign. He has been out to california a number of times. I was with him in bakersfield two months ago when he flew in for a water policy announcement. Ne days notice in a huge aircraft hangar. A strongstill conservative presence in california. It might be muted at the moment and certainly a minority in my state. They are watching events unfold and we are seeing a movement back. Look at the congressional elections. It looks like we will pick up a number of states we lost a few years ago. Next to will talk Eleanor Holmes norton about her d. C. Statehood bill. Do you support statehood for d. C. . Guest i dont. You can see the disorder and the complete collapse of the municipal governments responsibility to protect citizens. I think it is all the more reason why the Federal District of columbia should stay a Federal District. Cause, like common any other territory, they should not be subject to federal income taxation. Mcclintockessman tom of california, thank you for your time ahead of a busy day. Current and former Justice Department officials testify at an oversight hearing. We will hear from one of Robert Muellers former deputies. Watch live coverage at noon eastern on cspan. Week, house on policing reform and d. C. Statehood legislation. Thursday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern live on cspan, the house will vote on the democrats policing reform bill. Eastern, at 9 00 a. M. The house will vote on legislation to designate the district of columbia as a state. Watch this week live on thursday and friday on cspan, online at cspan. Org, or listen live on the free span radio app cspan radio app. Night, university of california at berkeley historian of medicine, author of vaccine what the 1950s can teach us about the covid19 vaccine. We will face this region problems. We will face problems of equity. Even if we have enough vaccine for everybody, there will be those who have the privilege to say i am not comfortable getting it until 5 Million People have vaccinated. Then there will be those who say i have to get vaccinated because i have to go to work and i have to make sure i am safe and i can provide for my family. I guarantee we will see problems of equity. Historians are not supposed to guarantee anything about the future, but this is one thing i feel concerned about. Sunday night at 8 00 copy of eastern on cspans

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