Phases with the ongoing protest following the death of george floyd, new York Governor Andrew Cuomo expressed concerns about Mass Gatherings over the last several days and the potential spread of the coronavirus. He urged protesters to get tested for covid19 as soon as possible. Governor cuomo today is day 99 thehe covid crisis, and unrest after the death of george floyd, two separate issues. We will talk about both of those, tomorrow we will have a big day with the reopening of new york city. Also this week, we will be taken up a reform agenda in the wake of the george floyd murder. We will talk about both. We had continued protests last night, for the most part they were peaceful. The protesters all across the state, all across the nation are basically saying the same thing. There is an anger, there is a frustration, a spirit of activism because people want change. And there should be change. Ive said from day one that i figuratively stand with the protesters, and this is about making change and action. , textbooks say politicians lead and the people follow. No, people lead and politicians follow. Frederick douglass, if there is no struggle, there is no progress. And its an opportunity for new york state to lead, and thats what we do. We did it with marriage equality, minimum wage, gun safety, with free college tuition, and passing reform agenda for criminal justice. 50 a we have talked about, no choke holds, the attorney general and special prosecutor, my opinion is that the george floyd reform agenda and what the protesters are trying to achieve, they should set the bar even higher, and they should be bolder, and they should demand federal reform. You want to change this country, that has to happen on the National Level privet and we are in the midst of national elections, and they should put forth a federal agenda that gets to the root cause of the issues. Reform, weal justice know had to do that. But the core inequality and injustice issue start with the education system, where you have two Education Systems in this nation, one for the rich and one for the poor. Everybody knows it. In this state, the most progressive state in the united states, which will spend 36,000 student. The poor schools spend 13,000 per student. From birth, from day one of school, depending on the zip code you live in, depending on the income of your family, the education you get. Its unfair. Its wrong. That has to happen at a federal level. How do you still have children grown up in this country, the riches company in the world richest country in the world . You can be very creative when you want to. Get creative about children live in poverty, and you need a really Affordable Housing agenda. The federal government historically, constitutionally, by law, provided Affordable Housing. We 1949 housing act said need housing for every american. That was a 1949 housing act. The federal government went out of business. Of federalhole bevy housing programs, section eight programs, voucher programs. You want to make change in this moment. Done. You have this energy, you have the momentum, now is the time. In terms of reopening, weve been doing it based on the data and the facts. The number of hospitalizations are down. The number of deaths are up slightly, but overall the trajectory is down, and the , statistically there is a variation with the rest of the week, but overall, the numbers are down and the numbers are good. The number of lives lost continues to drop. We are now doing a tremendous number of tests. As i said, testing is the best mechanism to get a snapshot. Where are we today . You test today and you find out where you are today. What is my weight today, you get on the scale, it gives you a number. That is where you are today. We do more testing than any state in the united states. We do more testing than any country per capita on the globe. So we have the clearest definition of a snapshot. Yesterday, 60,000 tests performed in the state of new york, saturday. 781 positive tests. 16, which since march is before we even closed down. 1 positive. Thats where we are today. That is very, very good news. The reopening is calibrated to the metrics and the data. If thats where we are, that is good news. It means the plan is working. On those numbers, we can advance the reopening. On track for is phase two on tuesday. Long island is on track for phase two on wednesday. We are going to allow socially distance graduations outdoors total, to 150 people beginning june 26. Thats when the school start to graduate, high schools, and it gives us a couple of weeks between now and then, god forbid the number changes, but schools need to plan, with the progress weve made so far, and if we continue this trajectory, we will be able to do that. But again, we have a little time to see between now and then. In terms of new york city, new york city is middle of the metrics. Going to open new york city tomorrow for phase one. That will happen. When we begin phase one in new york city, remember new york city had the highest number of cases. New york city has the highest density and has also been the location for the protests with the most number of people. We are concerned that those protests may have increased the spread of the virus. Going to do 35,000 tests per day just to new york city. Snapshot, snapshot. We will launch it on a daily basis to find out exactly what is happening. Remember there is a lag on the infection rate, so if you were to protest several days ago, it probably wont show up. But when you get to about seven days, you will start to see a if thosee number protests actually increased the spread previewed were going to increase the number of testing sites in new york, and im going to ask again, if you were at a protest, i understand your point, im with you. We also had the situation with coronavirus payment act responsibly, get a test. That areover 15 sites dedicated just to protesters to get a test so you can get it on an expeditious basis. But please get a test. My opinion, not a fact. I would act as if you were exposed, and i would tell people im interacting with, assume i am positive with the virus. Infectingu could be other people. But please get that test. That is the one variable in this equation that we are not sure of. Else. Tested everything weve measured everything else. Everything was going fine, they we had these large number protests. We dont know what the effects of the protests are, and all the Health Experts ive spoken to are concerned about it. So while we are waiting to see if theres any result, get a test in the meantime. Bent theorkers have car by being smart. There are always voices out there who say everything is fine, a person said to me on the street, look around, do you see the virus . Sayhave these voices that everything is fine, disobey the rules, just open. Look, there are still facts in life. Everybody can have an opinion. But there are still facts. I believe my ideology is, government doesnt have a right to tell me to do this. I understand your ideology. Look at the facts. Look at what is happening around the country. Look at the facts after countries and states reopened. And look at what is happening with their curve. Arizona is seeing an increase in the numbers. Forh carolina, a new record a single day. Hot spots across the south and in california. Slows northeast thats us. California posted the highest number of new coronavirus plate cases on thursday. The u. S. , 1. 8 million, the spread rises with turmoil. These are facts. This can happen. We know it can happen, because it happened here. Weve made all this progress. Please, please, i know its been 90 days. Please stay disciplined. Stay smart, because it is working. And weve come a long way, and a lot of people have suffered to get here and a lot of people have died. Lets not be foolish now. Again, look at what we did. We did flatten the curve. We bent the curve. And look at the rest of the country. We are curve vendors, if there is such a thing. Benders, and new yorkers should be proud of that. Lighted up in blue and gold in honor of our new york tough new yorkers. This is going to be in manhattan, which is very cool. Bridge,o cuomo education building, thats the corning tower on the left. That will be the landmarks will be lit blue and gold to celebrate our accomplishment, because it was an extraordinary accomplishment. Because we are new york tough, smart, united, disciplined, and loving. Mostly loving, mark. Dont you forget that. Questions . [indiscernible] times time for lost or go into effect procedurally. [indiscernible] for example for interracial marriage to catch up to what the law has been. Do, is nothat you going to be instantaneous. [indiscernible] its an interesting question. The legislative change will be virtually immediate. Personnel records would be released, the attorney general would operate as an independent prosecutor for police. The legislative changes would be immediate. Right, there is still a culture shift, but look, more of what this is about is about repairing the relationship between the police and the community, i think. The policing relationship does unless it isanyone a relationship with of trust with the community. In it goes both ways. Relationships the door swings both ways in life. The police have to trust the community and nafta work together. Thats what this is really about, for me. There is Community Anger and community distress. There is police anger and police distrust. 67 officers in buffalo resigned from that detail. You have tensions on both sides. There is no doubt about that. We have to heal that. We have to restore that relationship. I believe the legislative on the will help community side. The police are not going to be happy with the legislative side changes and the police are so what willted, take the time is working through the relationship. Agree, ok, the reforms are right, i understand the reforms, i can live with them. You still have a lot of emotion that is going to have to be worked through. [indiscernible] in changing the laws that will eventually change the culture. Kind of like a personal relationship to sort of help things along. Gov. Cuomo i would say from the protesters, from the community aint of view, you achieved significant accomplishment in a very short period of time. This is real reform. It changes fundamental policies. Bout how we police feel good about it, and remember this relationship has to work for everyone, so lets take this moment, take a deep breath, put out our hand, right, and understand that the police this is a tough job, and 99. 9 of them are there to do the right thing. Sayy good policeman will hurt theolice actions good policeman as much as they hurt anyone. A little understanding, bring down the emotion, deep breath. [inaudible] gov. Cuomo we are looking to get more information on the kawasaki inflammatory syndrome before we make a decision on sleep away summer camps. Day camps are ok. Im going to get an update early next week from the Health Commissioner on the kawasaki virus and then we will make a decision. There have been calls to Defund Police departments, the argument that there are a lot of police too many police and police cant stop killing black americans. Gov. Cuomo you have tension, you have anger, you have extremes in our society. Society is about extremes now. Extreme left, extreme right, high tension, high frustration, coronavirus increases anxiety for everyone, increases frustration for everyone. So yes, you have extremes on both sides. But look at the facts. There is also still balance and life and reasonableness. We dont need police look at the looting that happened in new york city. Look at that looting. It was frightening. It was criminals who were exploiting the situation, who were opportunistic, who were just stealing. New york city is still reeling from the covid virus and now you have this night of looting that im telling you shook people in the city to the core. You dont need police . That is what happens. When you dont have effective policing. The looting had nothing to do with protesting. Protesting is different. Some people try to put the two the protesters are looters. No. You have looting and you have protesting. You have apples, you have oranges. They are different. The night of looting was the fault of the Police Officers no, it was not the fault of the protesters and not the fault of the Police Officers. It was the management and deployment of the Police Officers. But no police, you get looting. Thats what you get. Nobody wants that. See you tomorrow. [inaudible] this week come the house and senate will hold hearings on the federal response to the coronavirus and Law Enforcement accountability. P. M. , thet 2 30 secretary of labor testifies before the Senate Finance committee on the cares act and the role of Unemployment Insurance during the coronavirus pandemic. Cspan, theive on House Judiciary Committee hearing on policing practices and Law Enforcement accountability. Treasurytary of the Steven Mnuchin testifies before the Senate Small Business committee on the implementation of title i of the cares act. Watch this week, live tuesday and wednesday on cspan and