[choir singing] music] [choir singing] [choir singing] him [choir singing] [organ music] [choir singing] [choir singing] [organ music] [choir singing] good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you to you who have come out this afternoon to show your gratitude and respect to this family. What we need yall to do 12 us today, we must two help us today. We must socially distance ourselves. If you have a mask, put your mask on. Seatu are sitting in a that does not have your name on it, you are sitting in the wrong seat. There are many seats in the balcony and many seats nextdoor. Please cooperate with us and show this family the dignity they deserve. Is that all right . Can i get somebody to say amen . Lets show the family dignity they deserve. If you have come here to show them respect, it really should not matter where you sit. God bless you. [choir singing] playing] piecesve broken into all, i remember and he cares me and hell never put more on me bear an i have come to the fire and i have been through the flood piecesen broke into all, i remember carese loves me and he me hell never put more on n i can bear never put more on me hell never put more on me never put more on me meer put more on hell never put more on me than than never his word says he wont i believe it oh, hell never put more on me hell never put more on me meer put more on hell never put more on me never put more on me meer put more on me hell put more on mell never put more on Never Never Never his word says he wont i believe it claim it mine its mine no, hell never put more on me than i can bear joy comes in the morning he will never put more on you than you can bear even though i walk through the valley i will fear no evil i will fear no evil god is with me he is with me he will never give you more than you can bear bear yes, i will trust him i can bear it bear yeah bear it, because it is my shepherd because the lord is my shepherd i have everything i need he restores my faith that is why why im saved im safe in his arms because the lord is my shepherd neede everything i rest in the meadow grass me beside the quiet stream safes why im thats why im safe safe in his arms [choir singing] [choir singing] you need everyone to please take their seats. The family is here. We need to keep the center aisle clear. Please clear that ill so the family that aisle so the family can come in and take their seats. Please cut off your cell phones. Coming. U so much for lord, i will lift my eyes you are the source of my strength you are the strength of my life you are the source of my strength are the strength of my life excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. We need you to socially distance yourself in every other seat. If you are sitting next to on deaf someone, please socially distance if you are sitting next to someone, please socially distance yourself. You are the source of my strength lifere the strength of my you are the source of my strength you are the strength of my life you are the source of my strength you are the strength of my life you are the source of my strength you are the strength of my life [organ playing] good afternoon. You may be seated. My name is Robin Wilkerson and i am the cochancellor of Northcentral University. Two other friends and family of george floyd to all the friends and family of george floyd and our esteemed guests here today, i want to welcome you on behalf of the university, hagan, onof dr. Scott behalf of the board of regents, on behalf we are so grateful that you are here with us today. Honored that you have come to mourn the loss and celebrate the life of mr. George floyd. On behalf of everyone here, i want to personally express our deepest condolences for this tragic loss. Now to open the service, the celebration of his life, we will have a scripture reading from reverend jerry mcafee, pastor of new salem missionary baptist church, followed by an opening prayer from dr. Scott hagan, president of Northcentral University and a solo by misses porter. Mrs. On behalf of the pastors and preachers from minneapolis and psalms 27, the lord is my light and salvation, whom shall i fear. The lord is the strength of my life. , my enemies and foes, they stumbled. My heart shall not fear. In this will i be confident, one after that iseek may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple for in the time of trouble, he shall hide me in the secret of his tabernacle and he shall set me up on a rock. [applause] on behalf of Northcentral University, i want to welcome the floyd family to our campus. This is truly an undeserved honor for our university. I have been praying all week that the sacred space would become a table of healing for the floyd family and the city of minneapolis and for the world that is grieving jan to these walls. Beyond these walls. Before i offer a brief prayer, i want to announce as president of this school, the institution of the jordan george floyd Memorial Scholarship. [applause] even before announcing the scholarship yesterday, unsolicited, over 53,000 was handed to me to contribute toward the educational promise of aspiring young black american leaders. [applause] here is what i really want to say. Far beyond the university, i am challenging every University President in the United States of america to establish your own george floyd Memorial Scholarship fund. [applause] so people across this nation can give to the college of their choice. It is time to invest never before in a new generation of young black americans who are poised and ready to take leadership so University President s, lets step up together. I want to invite you to pray with me. Proverbs 31ord in is dynamically clear. Thoses to speak up for who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice for those being crushed. Speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice. For, we are asking today you to take this table of healing in minneapolis today and multiply this healing all over this nation as part of that never fading voice crying out for those who have been and who are now being crushed in body and spirit. This table of healing today, lord, we ask you touch the floyd family with supernatural comfort and grace that they may be granted a few moments of respite as their beloved father and brother and son is a member in a way that honors his life and his personal faith in jesus christ. We are asking you, lord, to show us the way. Our city and nation are becoming rightfully despondent with neighbors set against neighbors. Help us to repent, not just seek to restore. As a nation, cities, universities, and as religious communities, heal, make new and help us rebuild our national family. Finally, at this table of healing today, we are asking you to search our hearts as pastors, rabbis, priests, imams, politicians, and educators, help us reconcile our failed witness and lead us forward as caring neighbors and diligent gatekeepers of mutuality and mercy. Guide this generation to change the National Narrative on race and power and change all of our hearts until they match your heart. We ask all of these things in the name above all names, jesus christ. Amen. [applause] Amazing Grace how sweet the sound meved a wretch like i once was lost m founde but now i see grace that taught my heart to fear grace my fears relieved did that grace appear hour i first believed godaise praise god praise god praise god oh, praise god praise god godse godpraise godse praise god godse praise god praise god praise god help me praise god. Praise god praise god praise god praise god he is worthy to be praised praise god godse godse praise god praise god praise god he is worthy praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god in the midst of our pain we will still praise you praise god he is worthy praise god godse praise god praise god hallelujah [applause] thank you. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Yes. [applause] thank you, thank you, thank you. We are going to have the opportunity now to hear in just a moment from loved ones, friends, and family of george floyd. But before that, i would like to attorneyo the podium benjamin for his remarks. Would you please welcome him . [applause] crump andtorney ben along with attorney Chris Stewart and my cocounsels out front seeking justice, seeking justice for the family of george , along with a lot of other great attorneys working in the background. The ones who knew george floyd all of his life. Thank lawyers toiling in the vineyards like lee anditt, darrell parks, others because you may see tony and chris and i but it is a whole team of lawyers working because it will take a united effort in the courtroom and outside the courtroom to get justice for george floyd. I will tell you all that because of the coronavirus pandemic, we have to stay on a strict schedule and we all have to do this social distancing. I want to put it on the record, not the al, that it was coronavirus pandemic that killed george floyd. I want to make it clear on the record. The other pandemic we are far too familiar with in america, andpandemic of racism discrimination that killed george floyd. Before we make a plea to justice, we felt it was appropriate you hear from the georgewho really knew the boy, george the adolescent, and george the man and from whence george came. Brotherask that his sheritaloyd, his cousin tate, his nephew brandon come to theease stage. I would ask the attorneys to come stand with me behind him as they tell the world why we should celebrate the life of george floyd. Please come up, family. [applause] [organ playing] doing . Are yall my name is polonius floyd, brother of george floyd. We didntgether have much. My mom did what she could. Bed,uld sleep in the same play video games together, go outside and play catch with the football and ice to say to myself, man, you cannot throw at all. Know what i mean . The ball never came to me. Line, i washe catching with one hand, two throw butsaid, i can i wanted you to get the ball. The ball dont need to come to you, you need to go get the ball. My brother, we did a lot of things together from talking with my mom, dancing with my mom, cooking with our mom, brothers and sisters. Mayonnaiseana sandwiches together. It was a family thing. Know, when we came in the house, our mom was going to have a huge plate of food separate from each other and we or 11sit there i am 10 and i am talking about the plate with six pieces of chicken was mine and he was way bigger than me. From being in the house with my inspiring toas other people because my mom used to take in other kids and most of them were georges friends and they wanted to stay with her. They loved her. My brother, he was ok with it. Then, they were grown because they kicked me out of the room. Men, 16, 17, sleeping in the same bed, waking up and going to the same school. They would not leave each other at all. They always wanted to be with each other at all times. I remember nights when the day before school, we did not have a washing machine, so we were we would all go in and put our socks and underwear in the bathroom sink and started washing them and we did not have detergent. We would use soap. We were going to be clean. Right aftererally that, we would take the socks and hang them over the hot water heater we would take the underwear and hang them and we would fight about it. You did it last night. Youre close would still be damp if you did not put it your clothes would still be damp if you did not put it on the water heater. We learned a lot of stuff. We did not have a dryer so the fastest way to draw your cloth es was to put it in the oven. I loved my brother, man. We had so many memories together. I remember him waking me up and telling me, can you iron my clothes . I would look at him and then i would look at his sides and say, youre right, big brother. Everywhere you go, and see people, how they cling to him. They wanted to be around him. George, he was like a general. He walks outside and there would be a line of people. Wanted to greet him and have fun with him. , smokers andugs homeless people, you could not tell. When you spoke to george, that is you felt like you were the president. That is how he made you feel. He had a way with words. Everybody loved george. We did not call him george. Ry. Called him per everybodye name called him big george and big gie. D and georgie poor people came to see my brother and that is amazing to me that he touched so many peoples hearts. From,me to where we are people are crying right now. That is how much they loved him. I am staying as strong as i can because i need to get it out. Everybody wants justice. We want justice for george, and he is going to get it. [applause] good afternoon, everyone. I will echo some of the things polonius talked about and that is we come from a long line a large family. 13 mothers were siblings of and if i could fastforward a little bit, my aunt lived in houston and she would always talk about not having any siblings close to her so my mother decided to move to the or 1981. Rea in 1980 we came to houston and we were all excited we could have somebody close with us. The only time we would see each other was during holidays. Long story short, we did not have a whole lot but we always had each other. That wes were taught could always bring other people into the fold. No one should ever go home without having a meal. My aunt was somebody in the community all the kids love to come over and she ended up having 30 or 40 kids that would come over there because they always knew they could get something to eat. Not only food but they could be loved and feel part of the fold. We were raised to always embrace other people. All of these people, no matter who you talk to, they will also the same thing. George was somebody who was always welcoming, always made people feel like they were special. Nobody felt left out. Everybody would feel like they were special. Thing ink about the was hiss about him most hug. When he would wrap his arms around you, you would feel like any problems you had, any concerns would go away. While we are oral what we are all grieving, i want to highlight his children. And his threeyearold granddaughter. We all need prayer. If i am honest about it, we are more concerned about his children and grandchildren. I ask that you pray for us that we make sure justice is served on georges behalf and ask that you pray for us and especially for their children. Thank you. [applause] how are yall doing . I am rodney floyd, the youngest brother of george floyd. My older brother pj was talking about childhood memories. I would like to start where he left off. Updid not have much growing but how we washed and dried our clothes, that was just ingenuity. We did not have much but we had a house full of minneapolise of that adopted my brother. We feel the love in your city, and everybody around the world. It is a beautiful thing, the great help we are receiving, and george floyd is receiving, because he would love it. He would feel blessed to feel it. We had fun, me and my brother. Other gentlemen in our household would say, you make the best grilled cheese. Can you please make us one . [laughter] times,hat a number of and realized as i got older, you are all using me. But i was happy to do it. [laughter] great guy,brother, gentlemen, great man, a father figure. He was a big brother, but i didnt see the little stuff, he was doing the best he can, and the mistakes he made, i was watching myself and correcting them and learning from him how to be a man. Manas teaching us to be a because he was in the world already before us, and he taught us a lot of great messages. Would standty, he up for his family and friends, and i want you guys to know that he would stand up for any injustice with anyone. Can you all please say his name . [crowd in unison] george floyd. Rodney floyd thank you all. [applause] im brandon williams, georges nephew. We happen to share the same middle name, my mama wanted to name all of us after siblings, and coincidentally, i ended up george. Growing up, im a lot younger than them, but my grandmother raised me. I didnt have a father figure in my life, so i grew up in the same house with them. My uncles were the father figures in my life. Him. Erry, i gravitated to coming up, i played sports, he did, and they kind of connected us, part of why we were close. Im trying not to be sad. This is a lot harder than i thought it would be. [applause] just all of the memories. More than anything, just want to say thank you to him, just for being there, for being a real genuine person, loving and caring, someone i can count on, no matter what. We didnt have much, but coming grandmother showed us the way and whether and wherever she slacked, he picked it up and got us sneakers and close. I am going to end on a funny story. He was the biggest lebron james fan. I dont know if you are familiar with the nba, but when the cavaliers came back on the Golden State Warriors in the finals, i remember the very first phone call. And i told him, you are too happy, you sound like you won the championship. And he laughed about it and he said, you know how i feel about lebron, i did win the championship. And every tam i would talk we would talk, i would ask, how are you doing, are you good . And he would say, i feel like i won the championship. That kind of stuff. It was just an inside thing we had. I know him being the strong person he wasnt seeing every buddy come together and rally around him, seeing all the support and love for our family, we are thankful and grateful. Linda knew more than anything, and i know more than anything, with people grieving and hurting, people want to feel like we won the championship. I will end on that note. Thank you. [applause] please give his family another round of applause. [applause] love, show them love. Music] thank you, all, so much for bearing your hearts. Floydlearn one thing, the boys like to eat. [laughter] also, they had a conversation with tyler perry that was profound, because they said, we are the big, extended black family that you portrayed on your movie screens, because we all need one another. And you can tell this family always needed george. So it is awfully difficult for them. The plea for justice is simply this. He Martin Luther king said, who passively accepts people is as he whovolved in it he who accepts people without reallying against it is coop cooperating with it. That video, what we saw was torture. What we saw on that video was inhumane. Iii, what we saw on that video was evil. We proclaim, as we do notlize george floyd, cooperate with people. Protest against people. Join the young people in the streets protesting against the thele, the inhumane, torture that they witnessed on that video against the people, the inhumane against the inhumane, the torture that they witnessed on that video. We cannot cooperate with evil. We cannot cooperate with torture. Because george floyd deserved better than that. We all deserve better than that. His family deserved better than that. His children deserved better than that. [applause] all george wanted from life is what any of us want. As Thomas Jefferson said in the thearation of independence, inalienable rights endowed by our creator entitle us to life, liberty and the pursuit to be happy on this earth. All george was asking for, like any and all of us, but he was denied those rights. And we will seek justice in his name. We will all unite as a people seekre gods children, and justice in his name. But beyond the specific justice, in his case, chris, the prosecution of the four individuals who deprived george of his life, we seek a broader, more transformative justice, a are just system of policing, ofe just treatment of people color, a more just criminal Justice System. In essence, what we are iseavoring to do, brandon, what my personal hero Thurgood Marshall said. Make the constitution real for all americans. Said the basisl of the constitution is simply this, that a black baby born to , the mostther uneducated black mother, the most inarticulate black mother, the most impoverished black same exact the rights as a white baby, born to a white mother, [applause] the most educated white mother, the most articulate white mother and the most affluent white mother, just by virtue of that baby drawing its first rough as an american. Justice marshall said, reverend jackson, i know that is nothing case in america today, but i challenge anybody to say that that is not the goal we are fighting for. He said, i challenge anybody to say that is not what makes america the great beacon in great beacon of hope and justice for all the world to marvel. So when we fight for the george mores of the world, but importantly, when we fight for of thenown George Floyds world, when we fight for the Trayvon Martins of the world, when we fight for the terence crutcheres of the world, when we fight for the philander steel castilles of the world, when we fight for the Ahmaud Arberys of the world, when we fight for the Breonna Taylors world, when we fight for the Stephan Clarks of the world, when we fight for the least of doing what we are really is helping america live up to its creed. We are really doing is helping america be the great deacon of what we are really doing is helping america be the great beacon of justice to all the world. But more important lee, what we are doing is helping america be but more importantly, what we are doing is helping america be america for all americans. [applause] what we want is not two Justice Systems in america, one for black america and one for white america. What we endeavor to achieve is equal justice for the united and georgemerica, floyd is the moment that gives us the best opportunity i have seen in a long time, of reaching that high ideal our country was founded on. Thank you so much. This is a plea for justice. Theehalf of the family, children, we will get justice. We are committed to it. Now, i will introduce you to a man who needs no introduction, who will eulogize george floyd. He is a man who has fought for that has tooies, many hash tax to remember. And when he gets the call, he always answers the call, even when cameras arent around, even ask the cameras are gone, Stephan Clarks family, ask any of these families, the cameras are long gone but reverend al continues to answer the bell whenever people call. He is a leader you see on tv commentating about our experiences, but more importantly, he is a leader who has lived our experiences. And because he has lived those experiences, that is what makes him so effective in commentating on msnbc about our experiences. And he is going to talk about of the terrible of somebody who should be with us today, and that is george floyd. Please give a great round of applause for the reverend al sharpton. [inaudible] reverend sharpton thank you. I want us to not sit here and act like we had a funeral on the schedule. Floyd should not be among the deceased. He did not die of Common Health conditions. Common american criminal justice malfunction. Because there has not been the corrective behavior that has taught this country that if you commit a crime, it does not matter whether you wear blue jeans over a blue uniform, you must pay for the crime you commit. [applause] so it is not a normal funeral. It is not a normal circumstance. And weis too common, need to deal with it. In me ask those of you that, ae tradition of eulogies need scriptural reference, go to ecclesiastes. The first verse says, for everything there is a time and a purpose and season under the heavens. Im go to leave it there. I saw somebody standing in front thatchurch the other day, had been boarded up as a result of violence. He held the bible in his hand. I have been preaching since i was a little boy. Ive never seen anyone hold a bible like that, but i will leave that alone. [applause] but since he held the bible, if i wouldtching us today, like him to open that bible. [applause] and id like him to read ecclesiastes three. To every season, there is a time and a purpose. And i think it is our job to let the world know, when we see what is going on in the streets of this country and in europe, around the world, that you need to know what time it is. We cannot use bibles as a prop. Agendasthose that have that are not about justice, this family will not let you use george as a prop. [applause] if you want to get your stuff off, dont use him. Let us stand for what is right. Because when i got the call from attorney crump, and usually when he calls me, it is not to find it isw i am doing, usually that something happened that he wants National Action network and i to get involved, and he explained to me what is happening with this case. And i had already heard about it in the media. And immediately i said, let me know what you want me to do. He said, whatever you need to do. I have alwaysngs had to do with his critics who would say all al sharpton wants is publicity. Well, that is exactly what i want. Because nobody calls me to keep a secret. [applause] people call me to blow up issues that nobody else would deal with. And i dontwup man, apologize for that. [laughter] [applause] because you get away too much with hiding things. Funny, you talked about george putting clothes in the oven to have your close dried. Well, i didnt grow up in the third world, but a group in the third ward, brownsville, and we had roaches. I know kevin hart and some of the rich hollywood folk here dont know what roaches are, [laughter] but we had roaches. And one thing i found out about roaches is that, if you keep the light off, if you are in the roach will pull up to your dinner table and have a five course meal. That one of the ways to deal with roaches is that if you put the light on, i can run those roaches and track them down. And i have spent all my life chasing roaches around this country. [applause] as soon as i talked with the family and got the details, and heard that george his last words were i cant breathe, with a knee on his neck, i immediately thought about eric garner. I did the eulogy at his funeral. And i called his mother and i said, i know we are not going out because of the coronavirus, but this is so much like eric, if we could arrange some private way to go to minneapolis, would you go . And she said, i am already packing, let me know. Get therry said, i will families, the plane, whatever you need, because this is wrong. Robert said, dont worry about the funeral costs. People across economic and racial lines started calling and getting in, and we flew out here last thursday, and when i stood at that spot, the reason it got George Floyds story has been the story of luck folks story of black folks, because the since 400 years ago, reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to be is that you kept your knee on our neck. [applause] we were smarter than the underfunded schools you put us in, but you had your knee on our neck. Corporations and not hussle in the streets, but you had your knee on our deck. We couldeative skills, do whatever anybody else could do, but we couldnt get your knee off our neck. To floyd happens every day in this country, in education, and health services, and in every area of american life. Inis time for us to stand up georges name and say, get your our off our n off necks. [applause] [organ being played] like that is a problem, no matter who you are. We thought, maybe we had a complex, maybe it was just us. Another step toward, broke through come he cant have your knee on the neck. Michael jordan won all of these championships, and you cap and you kept digging, because youve got to put your knee on our neck. White house wives would run home to see a black woman on tv named oprah winfrey. You dont mess with her, but you just cant take your knee off our neck. A man comes out of a singleparent home, educates himself and rises up and comes the president of the united ask him for his birth certificate because you cant take your knee off our necks. The reason why we are marching all over the world is, we were like george, we couldnt breathe, not because there was something wrong with our lungs, but you wouldnt take your knee off our neck. We dont want favors, just get off of us, and we can breathe and do whatever we can be. [applause] there have been protests all over the world. Looted and done other none of us in this family condones looting or violence. Be the thing i want us to there is aant of is, difference between those calling for peace and those calling for quiet. [applause] peace, you dont want you just want quiet. You just want us to shut up and suffer in silence. The overwhelming majority of the werent breaking windows, they were trying to break barriers. They werent trying to steal nothing, they were trying to get back the justice you stole from us. Those that broke the law should pay for whatever law they broke, the fourould policemen that caused this funeral today. We dont have a problem denouncing violence, mr. Governor. We dont have a problem, mr. Mayor, denouncing looting. But it seems like some in the criminal Justice System have a , andem looking at a tape knowing the problem it caused, and it takes a long time for you to go and do what you see that you need to do. [applause] that has been involved in a lot of these fights. I did speeches and eulogies at most of the funerals we have had in this space in the last couple of decades, and led the marches and did what we had to do. We went toartin iii, jail together fighting these fights, like his daddy went to jail before. But i am more hopeful today than ever. Why . Back, reverend jackson told me to stay, text, go back there is astes, that time and a season. And when i looked at this time and saw marches where, in some outnumbered whites the blacks marching, i know this is a different time and a different season. When i looked and saw people in germany marching for george floyd, its a different time and the different season. When they went in front of the parliament in london, england, it said, its a different time and day different season. I have come to tell you, time of this is the building accountability in the criminal Justice System. [applause] stephen, you had a goal, to march. Ladyember a young white looked at me in the face and go home. Ger, but when i was her last thursday it was headed back to the airport, i stopped new the police station. And as i was talking to a reporter, a young white girl who didnt look no older than 11 years old, she tugged my suit jacket and i looked around and i braced myself and she looked at me and she said, no justice, no peace. [applause] its a different time. Its a different season. My biblecarrying guy in front of that boarded up church, if i got him to open up the bible, i want you to remember something. I was late last october to an appointment because the time changed, and my watch was on the wrong time. , and if yourward dont move your watch, you are going to find yourself an hour late, not because your watch was wrong, but because you had your watch on the wrong time. I have come to tell you that washington, talking about militarizing the country, sinking you can tel thinking you can sell tickets to people who have had enough of abuse, i have come to tell you that you can get on the tv, but you are on the wrong time. Time is out for not holding you accountable. Time is out for you making excuses. Time is out for you trying to stall. Time is out for empty words and empty promises. Time is out for you filibustering and trying to stall the arm of justice. This is the time. We wont stop. We are going to keep going until we change the whole system of justice. [applause] our organizations call this a day of mourning, naacp, National Urban league, Legal Defense fund, black womens roundtable, all got together, that we are about to have a day of mourning. But then we are good to come out , withs day of mourning field, that no legal they have outlined a legal enforce,hat we must everything from residents to police background. I talked to Governor Andrew Cuomo today in new york and he change withgot to the backgrounds, and you have to know that if they stop you, you find out it everything they ever did. Why dont we know police men have a pattern . [applause] with got to go back to consent decrees. Under the obama administration, they had put certain cities under consent decrees. In baltimore, they put it under consent decree. One of the first things that happened in the Nixon Administration was, they stopped the consent decree. We have specific policies, that iswhy i am glad martin iii here today, because on august 28, the 57th anniversary of the march on washington, we are going back to washington, martin. That is where your father stood in the shadows of the Lincoln Memorial and said, i have a dream. But we are going back this august 28 to restore and , to stand up dream because just like in one era we had to fight slavery, another era we had to fight jim crow, another era we dealt with voting rights, this is the era to deal with policing and criminal justice. We need to go back to washington and stand up, black, white, latino, arab, in the shadows of tell them this is the time to stop this. [applause] we, martin and i, have talked about this. I have asked reverend bryant to get the faith leaders together, talk to randy white about the labor leaders. We are going to organize the next couple of months in every region, not only for a march, but for a new process. And it is going to be led by the floyd family, is going to be led by the Garner Family and it is going to be led by those families that have suffered this, and know the pain and knows what it is. It is going to be getting ready to vote, not just for who is going to be in the white house come up at the statehouse and the City Councils that allowed these police measures to go unquestioned. [applause] we are going to change the time let me say this to the family change the time. Let me say this to the family, who has shown such great grace and real level and thinking, and that is why i want them to help one of thend greatest speakers of our time, i have asked to speak. Because you dont know what time it is. You are all operating like it is yesterday. The reason you were late catching up to what these protests mean is that you didnt turn the clock forward. Making America Great, great for who and great when . We are going to make America Great for everybody for the first time. [applause] it never was great for blacks. It never was great for latinos. It wasnt ever great for others. It wasnt great for women. Women had to march to get the right to vote. But lastly is the religious side. I was reading and kept thinking about how i was a little embarrassed, because when i pointthat george at this of suffering this brutal attack, called his mama. I said to attorney crump, i appreciate talking to his brothers on the phone, but i want to talk to his mother. He said, his mother passed. I said, his mother passed . But he was calling for his mother. And i thought about it, because i was raised by a single mother, and sometimes the only thing between us and our conditions was our mother. Sometimes the only thing that we had that would take danger away was our mother. The only ones that would make sure the food was on the table was our mother. I know george was calling for mama. As i got that placed what iind, i realized was always calling. My mother died eight years ago, and i still try to talk to her, dial her number just to hear the voicemail that i never took off. I was talking to quincy last night, quincy said, maybe he was calling his mother, because at the point that he is dying, his mother was stretching her hands george, iid, come on, whereome you wg the wicked will cease to trouble you, where the weary will be at rest, there is a place where the police dont put knees on your neck, a place where prosecutors dont drag their feet. Maybe mama said come on, george, there is a god that looks down low and he will make a way out of no way. This god is still on the throne. Dontason we can fight, i care who is in the white house, they have another house that says, if we will fight, he will fight our battle. If we stand up, he will hold us up. So as we leave here today, i say to this family, i know that years ago reverend jackson told us to keep hope alive, and i know president obama wrote a book about hope, but i want you to know, in my life, there are times i lost hope. Things can happen like this that hope, butyour there is something called faith. Of thingshe substance to hope for, the evidence of things unseen. Faith is when you have a pile of see, and no money, but you he will provide all my needs. Got nos when youve medicine in the cabinet, and you are sick, but you say, he is a doctor that never lost a patient, and he will drive tears from my eyes. Faith is when your friends walk out, when your loved ones turned their back, but you say, i dont believe you brought me this far to leave me now. We didnt come this far by luck. Wouldnt come this far by some fate. We have come this far by faith, leaning on the lord, trusting in his holy word. He never he never, from the outhouse to the white house, we have come a long way. God will. God shall. God will. God always has. He will make a way for his children. Go on home, george. Get your rest, george. You have changed world, george. We will keep marching, george. We will keep faith, george. We are going forward, george. Time. Timeout. Timeout. [inaudible] we will ask gospel great Hezekiah Walker to sing a song for the family, after which naacp, andon of the attorney crump, we are going to stand for eight minutes 46 seconds. That was the time that george was on the ground. And we want you all over the world to stand with us for eight minutes and 46 seconds, and make that commitment for justice in the name of george. I want to thank the members of the congressional lack caucus for being with Congressional Black Caucus for being with us. [applause] i want you to stand. Andnt to thank the sone king iii Martin Luther for being with us. Mayor andthank the the governor for being with the family, senator Amy Klobuchar of the state of minnesota. Mentor andhank my one that has fought this fight ,or more than half a century the reverend Jesse Lewis Jackson and his spokesman for rainbow push, Jonathan Luther jackson. For theo thank, entertainment world, kevin hart. He isd me, dont mention here, so dont clap. Stand up, kevin. We joke with each other. [applause] brother beloved, standup. Dacris. Lulda for hisibson, extraordinary activism in his own right. Master p. [applause] the one and only Creative Genius will packet is with us today. We have marched together and done a lot of things. He does not just put his name on somebodys petition, he puts his i is on the line, brother t in the house. This brother is one of the greatest gospel singers alive. Is tiffany here . Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute. I dont want to say i embarrassed her. Limitation of thing. One of the most popular, outstanding artists that is also committed, i have read her interviews. She is think i am old and dont read stuff, but i do, and she has been committed and sync the right things, and she wanted to be here today. Joking, let ussy welcome our sister, sister sh is in the house. [applause] wait a minute, dont you all start introducing folks. Of got them all. Let us hear a selection from brother. For as have some Church Little while. Are you already to have some church . I came from new york to do this for george and the family. Lets do it, lets stand on our feet, everybody. Your hands together. Come on, come on, come on. [full band performing] every praise to our god sing hallelujah sing hallelujah to our god glory hallelujah to our god every praise every praise to our god lets take it up, come on. Praise to our god. Praise, every praise, to our god sing hallelujah goding hallelujah to our glory hallelujah glory hallelujah to our god every praise, to our god come on, my people, lets take it up worship word of every praise every praise to our god sing hallelujah to our god glory hallelujah to our god , every praise to our got your my savior my yourealer savior youre my healer saviormy healermy oure my deliverer yes he is yes he is my healer youre my savior deliverer to our godaise, every praise every praise every praise every praise every praise every praise to our god to our god every praise every praise to our god reverend sharpton as we remain izending, i want to rooecogn court from the American Indian movement. We are glad you came, thank you. , the state chairman of the naacp, many black lives matter, many of the state organizations that have been doing the protests on the ground in minneapolis and around the country, movements are about everybody. We dont exclude anybody. Those young folks, some are organic, some organized on their own, some naacp, some urban league, actually, we need everybody. This is not a competition, this need toement, and we stop our competing and fight the real enemy. Thank you, for doing what you all are doing. When i got here, they were marching and they kept marching. They didnt need nobody to come and organize, they organized, and we are going to stay organized. And i really thank them for their work. Want to pause for eight minutes and 46 seconds. Because of the pandemic, i am not going to ask you to take but i to take hands, want you to stand next to someone with the right distance. The amazing thing with this movement, we have seen marches all over the country, we have had that, but we have never had that in a pandemic. The reason i know that this is a different time is that people came out by the hundreds of thousands, at risk of their own health, to stand up. People that had been sheltered in broke out of shelter. The first flight i took was to come here, in many weeks. Themaybe in gods own way, fact we were sheltered means we couldnt watch sports, couldnt watch nothing, we had to keep watching that tape. Maybe because we had no distractions, that finally we were ready to deal this. So as we stand, i would like us to stand together. And theres only one woman it was tiffany says disrespectful. Would you come and stand with us up here, Tiffany Haddish . So you wont be talking about me in your next interview. And i would like the mother of the mother of the one who died in Police Custody breathe, tont stand with me and ben crump on stage. Us stand. Somebody said, reverend, eight minutes is a long time. Enough for was long the police to understand what they were doing for that means it was long enough for one of those three cops to stop what was going on. It means it was long enough for whatever it was he had in mind to rethink. As you go through these long eight minutes, think about what george was going through, laying there for those eight minutes, begging for his life. I heard someone say, narrating his own death. We cant let this go. We cant keep living like this. Sam jackson, is sam still here . Steve jackson, is he here . Recognizing everybody, weve got to stop got to,e, and we have in this time, bring about a new season. Let us stand still. You that believe in faith, bow your heads, or whichever way you worship. [soft gospel music being played] oft gospel music played] time if we have calculated with the clock here, hat is how long he was laying there. Theres no excuse. They had enough time. Do with time we we have . The family out, please let us take them out first. They have to prepare to go to North Carolina and then back to houst well do the final services. They appreciate you for coming. Let us everybody else be seated but the family. Reverend bryant, will you come a bo and give us benediction. Remain where you are for the benediction. Gracious god merciful master it with us while we run race. Speak to us as we lift our voice. Use or hands that they do not being fists. Changes our hearts so our rays rehabilitation. It can bee country so the land of the free and home of the brave. Of a th pray this in the name innocent black man named jesus on with that power we march until victory is won. Lets usher the family. We request that everyone to be except the family. Please, everyone be seated except familiar. Please, were, please remain in as we escort this family out. Thank you so much. Please, we need everyone seated. Seated ou please remain thea minute while we escort family out . Thank you much for your cooperation. You so much. Family exit the building. This you for respecting family. Thank you to all of those who respected this family. Thank you so much. All. Bless you [organ music] the you missed any of Memorial Service for george floyd in minneapolis we will starting ain tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan 2. Cspan has unfiltered coverage f congress, white house, Supreme Court and Public Policy events. Ou can watch all of cspans Public Affairs programming on and be part d app of the conversation through the daily Washington Journal Program social media feeds. Cspan, created by americas companies as a Public Service and brought to ou by by your television provider. Today the stenate Judiciary Committee met to subpoenas thorizing those involved into investigation between the trump officials. D russian 8 00an see that tonight at eastern on cspan. With the federal government d. K. Appear throughout country use the congressional directory for ontact information for members of congress, governors appear federal agencies. Your copy online at cspanstore. Org. Night on q a Peggy Kennedy talks about her and whatten er expired her to write her recent book the broken road. In 1996 we took our youngest to who was nine at the time the Martin Luther king Museum Atlanta and te in e went to his church and his grave and went over to the museum. Had you s being new constructed at that time newly constructed at that time the arp going through exhibits and came to the alabama the pettis it showed ridge the bombed 16th street baptist church, fire hoses and in Birmingham George wallace standing in the school and byrnes looked,and. E and he was so sad why did papa do those things to people . And it broke my heart. Said, papa never told me why he did those things to other people but i know he was wrong. Have to be will just up to you and me to help make things right. Watch sunday night 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan q a. Earlier today senate gathered at the capitol to honor the layoff of other floyd and africanamericans who died in recent weeks. By the e led in prayer chaplain here is a look

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