Day, because our moms are so, so gov. Ivey well, good morning, everyone. Thank you so much for being here. We are here to speak about our safer athome order, but first, i want to thank every alabamian, each and every one forou, for doing your part, practicing the guidelines and the personal hygiene and for paying attention, to help us i knowthis awful virus it has been tough on yall, but, been a picnict for me, either, and i appreciate the sacrifices you are making and will continue to make as we continue to get through this situation, we must keep our people safe and healthy. Here to report on our progress at our stays effort to combat the covid19 virus and the next steps Going Forward. Our current safer athome order will expire may 15. However, today, i am expanding whatorder and the list of reopens under the safer athome order, so starting this monday, may 11, this order is amended with expanded openings and will go into effect during the next phase of safely reopening alabama, and will continue until may 22. Because i know how the people of alabama are responding and paying attention while heedi ng the good Public Safety and health warnings, dr. Harris and i are comfortable that we will be able to continue a measured approach, but let me be Crystal Clear to the people of alabama. The threat of this disease continues to be active, and it is deadly. In the last couple of months, we have lost friends and family members to this awful virus, and more than 369 of our fellow alabamians have died from this virus. ,ven more disturbing nationally, is the number of deaths that occurred nationwide in the past seven weeks, is more than occurred during the 20 years of fighting the vietnam war. Theust two months ago had lowest Unemployment Rate in alabama history, at 2. 7 . Sadly, this seems like a distant memory. In february, one of our top challenges was that we had more jobs than we had people to fill them. And today, more than 400,000 people are unemployed. They filed their claims with the department of labor. Yall, these are innocent people who lost their jobs, and many of them are folks who are accepting government help for the first time in their lives. People are frustrated. I understand. About you. We hear your voices. We know you are frustrated. And todays order will hopefully begin providing another round of hope for all of us. Sadly, more people have filed for unemployment in the last six weeks than during the previous two years combined. Truly, this is heartbreaking. While remaining true to our focus on our fiscal health, we are also acknowledging that more can be done to address our Economic Health as well. Last week, i spoke about how our state eased a stayathome order. Rest assured, we are trying to be just as thoughtful and careful as we eased back into the social interactions while maintaining a 64 distance. Our new amended safer and home order that has expanded reopenings will still require social distancing and continue to urge everyone to take all Health Precautions as we returned to whatever normal may look like in the near future. As individuals, and especially theseable people, encouraged to exercise personal responsibility, minimizing travel outside of the home. I have said it numerous times, and i will say it again, but if i were not governor, i sure as heck would not be with yall today. You will be encouraged to wear face coverings around people from other households when you leave your home and maintain proper handwashing and good hygiene. In a nutshell, here is what is new about our amended order. Nonrelated work gatherings of any size that cannot maintain a consistent sixfoot distancing will be prohibited. There is a difference from the previous order that limited group size to nine or less. Next monday, may 11, restrooms will be able to open at a 50 occupancy rate with a sixfoot spacing between tables, agreed upon by alabama restaurants and the hospitality association. Barbershops, hair salons, nail salons, and other similar type establishments will be able to open up with restrictions, again, with guidelines that are developed by the state board of cosmetology. And, athletic facilities, athletic classes may resume, and this is key, that they will be on the strict guidance that they practice intense cleaning methods and social distancing. And i know full well that i sound like a broken record, but friends, i cannot say this more clearly. The threat of covid19 continues to exist. Deadly, and it must be addressed. Let me also address some things from this amended safer athome order. My team and i are still actively working with associations and boards to address other closures that are not included in this new order. Little league teams, entertainment venues, concerts, these are all part of what makes the summer so enjoyable and so special here in alabama. Teamolks and dr. Harris are continuing to work today and throughout the coming days to give Additional Details and guidance to these other vital businesses and sports. Our goal is to announce the next phase of our reopening, hopefully by the middle of next week. This is all contingent on what happens with the disease and how we continue to respond to it. Share, weris will still have over 9000 people who have tested a positive with this believend i, for one, it will be much higher if we did not take the serious steps to slow the spread, so as we move Forward Together again, i want to thank the good people of our great state for remaining vigilant. Your efforts are paying off. Now, i would like to call on dr. Harris to give his updates. Dr. Harris . Governor. thank you, good morning, everyone. Thank you for letting me join you today. As the governor mentioned, we do continue to see disease transmission in our state. And want to just pause thank you so much for what you are doing. I really just commend you for trying so hard and working so hard to balance the health needs and our Economic Needs of our state. These are truly difficult decisions, and i just appreciate so much what you have done with that. I believe that what you have done has kept people well and save peoples lives and protected our hospitals, and i am just grateful to you for that. Back tove to getting more activities and getting more people back to work, it is really more important than ever for people to understand the need to maintain social distancing, the need to maintain good hygiene. We have provided a lot of guidance to these businesses, that will be getting back to some semblance of normal again, and we encourage them to take a look at that. It should be this moment on her theite, for groups like close contact professions, for restaurants, for gymnasiums and athletic facilities, and we need so much for you to work with us and help cooperate with us, as you have been doing all along, so that we can protect the most Vulnerable People in our society. Just to give you a quick update, or sohave about 9050 cases, just short of 9100 confirmed cases so far. There have been about 369 deaths that we have confirmed so far. We have come at today in alabama, reported about 602 patients hospitalized throughout the state who have been confirmed as having covid19, and then another 348 or so who are hospitalized or awaiting tests. I would test numbers have been, over the past several days, fairly flat. Few days, numbers over5, 268, 287, 231, 1 we areo we feel like fairly stable in that category, and yet there is still disease transmission going on at a community level, so we need people to think about protecting themselves, to do these things that we have mentioned around face coverings come around hygiene. If you are a person who is older or you are a person who has health problems, please try to minimize your travel. Please do not leave the house if you are not you are certainly free to do that, but we want you to think carefully about those trips and try to protect yourself as much as you possibly can. As the governor mentioned, there are some particular things about this health order that i will just mention briefly. There is no longer a number associated with gatherings. We want all gatherings to maintain a 64 distance sixfoot distance between nonfamily groups of people who do not live together, so you can minimize the risk disease transmission, but there is no particular number associated without peer i think one particular implication without has to do with services, and funerals, weathering some of those kind of social gatherings all of us missing one to get back to. Because we do not have a limit on the number that allows those, churches andrage other houses of worships to please, again, look at our website for guidance that we have suggested there for people to consider. Consideru to protecting those who would be most vulnerable, those who would be at highest risk of disease if they were to get infected. We have had a number of churches reach out for us and indicate that they will continue may be separate services for senior citizens, for example, many of them who have not previously will do that,g and we think that is a terrific idea for keeping people safe. I do think it is important to remind people, as we have mentioned before, the biggest single outbreak we have seen in alabamas epidemic was associated with a church event, unfortunately, and this occurred really before Health Orders have been put into place, when we were just beginning to realize the significance of what was going on. But there were a couple of hundred cases, and as many as, i think almost 50 deaths, either directly or indirectly related to a Single Church event. So we certainly want people to get back to their normal worship as soon as possible, and yet please remember to try to make that as safe as possible for those people who are at risk. It is more imperative than ever that Public Healthy be able to test and do contract tracing. In place. Se plans the Governors Office has been great to work with us in helping us to identify the resources to do that. We really appreciate that very much. Again, as ive given you periodic updates, we continue to expand testing. And are doing many more tests now than we have been doing before. More than ever. We have partner with Community Health centers who are reeling out mobile units that will be in various counties, particularly counties and we continue to do testing through our county health departments. In our increase in the frequency of those as well. Contactorking on tracing through a number of different options. Using School Nurses who are not working right now who have agreed to, board and help us with Contact Tracing. We have also talked to recommended to help centers about adding capacity for that. And adding additional staff and Public Health to do those things. So, all of those things will be very important to us Going Forward as we try to contain this. We certainly recognize that as we get back to normal activity, we will have outbreaks that will occur and we believe we are prepared to deal with them and respond as quickly as possible and protect people as much as possible. The comments i have at this time. I will turn it back to the governor. Thank you, dr. Harris. [indiscernible] why have we decided to reopen the state now . [indiscernible] thehe governor has responsibility of looking out for both economic wellbeing of our people and to study the economy as well as health and safety. And because the people of alabama are abiding by the rules, we do believe that it is ok to expand these orders and we have additional opportunities for people to go back to work. [indiscernible] they were not going to enforce restrictions in churches restaurants . Officers,orcement sheriffs, they are constitutional officers. I would encourage them to abide by the law. The issue about the churches. Each minister a rabbi or leader of that fateful make that decision of how to manage people because we are limiting there is no restriction on the number of people as there has been. Maybe that will help yo the legislature yesterday passive general find bill bill that included 200 million for covid19 assistance. [indiscernible] budget lastot the night from the house and we are pouring over it as we speak hurricane close attention to everything. Fund budget in advance of introducing the bill on the house floor. And told him that i wanted him iszero out all money previously allocated to the Governors Office. I did not want a penny assigned to the Governors Office. And if the people of alabama, the legislators are so adamant about having a say in this, i just, i was willing to give up all money is devoted to the Governors Office heard and let the legislature have the total responsibility for spending the money, and for developing any plans by which to spend them. They cares act was an emergency appropriation provided by president trump. And the congress to help those of us who are fighting these 369 deaths. With , it has wrecked our economy and Small Businesses have been devastated. ,000 have lost their jobs. It is imperative the people of alabama get to have this money and it be done in the light of day. That itold the chairman hoped that he would zero out the and been branch legislative branch and i assured him that i would not call a special session until in such time the Legislature Published a list of what they will spend the money on and what amounts down to the penny. It is imperative we have transparency in the budget process for the people of alabama. To know exactly where the money is going. It is supposed to be going to help those suffering from the virus. Hospitals and nursing homes. Educational institutions. You name it. And we have experience looking crisis where the speaker of the house then, my mike hubbel, so that money went to where were supposed to go. The way they have acted in the last several days, wanting to intervene and take over and decide how we are going to spend that money. It is more important to me that the people of alabama have complete transparency on where this money is going and how much and my effort is to see that it is done. To the intended purpose to help people suffering from this virus. Yes, sir. You mentioned you may have another announcement [indiscernible] a lot of that depends what we do next week, on how people respond to what we are doing today. We will just have to wait and make a judgment at that time. I am banking on alabamians being responsible and rising to the occasion to provide personal responsibility to help us all fights this fight this case. We have got one more. [indiscernible] is it Getting Better . Are numbers have seen over the past week a little higher than they were a couple weeks before. We have increased testing somewhat so we are trying to sort out how much of the increase could be related to testing and how much might be additional disease. It is probably contributed but to buy both of those. Rural areas we continue to find the nationally what other places of seen is that this is a disease that aim to show up in heavily Populated Areas with high population density like new york and california. In new jersey and connecticut. L areas area reporting more of that. We have seen something similar. Our absolute numbers are not as high because the populations are lower but we do have some increased rates there. Are you still confident [indiscernible] yes, at this time the hospitals are containing without difficulty. There are hospitals, a couple in the state that are dealing with high numbers, but they have not asked for additional help. They seem to be controlling those fine with the resources they have. We feel like that is going to continue. The ability tove try to make some other determinations if we see a crisis occurring in a particular area, a particular facility, but so far they are doing a very good job in there. [indiscernible] we are beginning to calculate recovery numbers. I believe we may have talked about this before but with recovery numbers, it involves contacting the patients and for several days for couple weeks in a row to trace them. For much of this response we have not had the ability to do that. Just because of the shear numbers of people that are being infected and our ability to reach them all. As we add staff we will continue to do that. That is part of our plan for Contact Tracing and isolation and followup is to establish that. Youn, i think i would tell what weve seen in other parts of the world, 80 of people do not have serious disease. With this type of infection. The remaining 20 , there is a certain percent that do not survive in it may be 1 . 0 more on 2 . 0 were under 2 . It could be lower than that. The remainder even though they are hospitalized to recover. Ultimately we expect that 98 are going to recover. But we hope to get those numbers ourselves as we add staff. Feel free to follow up with me in Public Health. Thank you all again. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]