Phase one today, i want to everyone to remember what those numbers mean. Every time our state counts another death, a family and a community descend into mourning. I want to share with you some of their stories. One of them belongs to a man from montgomery county, known as officer bud. He served as a sheriffs deputy and School Resource officer for 14 years and was in good health, never missing work or calling in sick. One person described him as a superhero. A local mom recalled how he sat and talked with her son, who was frequently bullied and had found himself alone at the school dance. Officer bud made home visits if he was worried about a students home life that might be troubled. His motto was, anything for the kids. He died march 31 at the age of 43. One friend suggested that in death, he was still protecting his community by raising awareness of this virus. Alexander reginald pettiway joined the Durham County Sheriffs Office and served as an officer there for 23 years. He died in april from covid19 at the age of 55. He was well respected by his colleagues and described as a unique gentle soul who will be missed by all. Lloyd lam of leicester served in the army, and after retiring, spent time as a sams club greeter. He rode the school bus from helping disabled children get on and off the bus, always there to look out for them and protect them. He died on march 28. Janice greene. She owned dance restaurant. Restaurant. An employee said she was not just your boss but a friend forever. Her community told stories of her looking out for people in need, serving up a meal and helping them with a little gas money. She would send food whenever a family had a funeral. Jan died on easter sunday. These are just a few of the stories running deep in communities across the state right now. As we make decisions and debate issues surrounding this virus, we must realize that each number represents the death of a real person. Covid19 is a lethal threat. It is a cruel virus causing grave harm and sometimes in sometimes otherwise healthy people. Separating people from their loved ones at the darkest of hours. And taking our everyday heroes away from us. But what we have learned in their deaths and from research is how to limit the spread of the virus. I urge everyone to do what we know works and to stay vigilant. Even though today at 5 00 p. M. , North Carolina moves into phase one, know that the stayathome order is still in effect. It is still better to stay home if you can. However, in phase one, there are more allowable reasons to leave home, including to engage in commerce and help give the economy a boost. We can enter phase one because the indicators we laid out two weeks ago, the data and the science, show that we can. What is different . Phase one is a careful, modest step to reigniting our economy while keeping important safety rules in place. The gathering limit of 10 people remains in effect, but more businesses can be opened and people are allowed to visit them with important safety rules in place. State parks will be open, too. We still need to keep certain businesses closed or limited during this phase. Public Health Experts have explained that anyplace where people sit or stand still for more than 10 minutes, especially indoors, greatly increases the risk of spreading this virus. As we go out more, we must all get used to the three ws, wearing a Face Covering, waiting waiting six feet apart from others, and washing our hands frequently. This is the Face Covering that i wear here at Emergency Operations center and all of us wear. A Face Covering helps protect other people around you, so where the Face Covering, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands. I think the weather will be nice this weekend for mothers day. I hope everyone can get out and get some fresh air and sunshine. But be smart. Protect yourself and your loved ones. This week marked special recognition for several important groups of people. And it turns out that we honor many of our heroes at the same time every year. Nurses, Law Enforcement officers, correctional officers, and teachers, all share the same appreciation week. This pandemic has taught us how truly valuable the people who work in these jobs are. We are grateful for them and all of our First Responders and frontline workers. They are showing us how teamwork, dedication, and sacrifice will get our state to the other side of this pandemic. With me today is the secretary of health and human services, dr. Mandy cohen, our secretary of Public Safety safety, director of emergency management, nicole fox and karen magoon are our sign language interpreters. Behind the scenes, jackie and jasmine are our Spanish Language interpreters. Dr. Cohen. Dr. Cohen thank you, governor. As we prepare to move into phase one, the modified stayathome order, we remain laser focused on our testing, tracing, and trends. Earlier this week, we shared where we were on trends. Today, i want to go through where we are on testing. When we outline the path forward to ease restrictions back in april, we said we wanted to double our day over day testing from about 2500 to 3000 tests per day, to 5000 to 7000 tests per day, and we hit our goal. Seven of the last 10 days, we are testing close to 6000 People Per Day on average. We rank 15th in the nation in total number of tests completed. Now, while i think we are on the right track, i am not at all satisfied where we are. The governor and i want to see more testing across the state, particularly in our underserved communities. I have a few updates on some new supports for testing from the federal government that will help us moving forward. Last week, we were able to secure Sample Collection supplies from the federal government, including 300,000 swabs and 224,000 viral transport media. We will begin distributing these to our partners across the state. Good news. We are also working with the federal government and some Corporate Partners to bring additional testing sites to North Carolina. Walmart and walgreens have opened federally supported testing sites in durham and pick pit counties. This week. Month, walmart and Harris Teeter will open additional sizing columbus, cumberland, edgecombe, guilford, hope, jacquard, and wilkes county. Also good news. The tests at these sites are paid for by the federal government so there is no cost for the people getting tests. Another great piece of news. You can sign up for testing at these sites by making an appointment on their web portal. I also want to thank our commercial and hospital labs right here in the state of North Carolina who are partnering with us and with one another in unprecedented ways. We have a shared goal of statewide testing in all 100 counties. Leaders from these labs as well as representatives from Health Care Organizations and folks from our team have been meeting regularly to try to achieve this goal. They have already expended Laboratory Capacity and are developing recommendations to increase testing, particularly for our vulnerable population. They have also established a Scientific Study council evaluating new test methods. As we continue to ramp up testing, the funding provided in the states covid19 relief bill will help, but there is plenty more work to do ahead of us. I look forward to working with the General Assembly when they return to do all we can to protect the health and wellbeing of North Carolina ians. As we prepare to move to phase one, i have received questions as to why more businesses and more activities are not included in this first phase. Given the nature of this virus, given its highly contagious and can be dangerous and sometimes deadly for some, we need to approach the easing of restrictions in a measured way. That is why in phase one as the governor mentioned, he started with lower risk activities where people are largely Walking Around and where it is easiest to social distance, at places like a Clothing Store or florist. Hint, it is mothers day. In two weeks, we will reassess where we are on our trends and hopefully be able to move to phase two or we can layer on some of the higher risk activities where you may not be able to social distance or you are sitting for more prolonged periods of time. Sittings, such as at a restaurant or worship services, those activities still have risks. We will need to do all the things we can to keep from spreading the virus as we do those additional activities. As we move into phase one this evening, you should still stay home if you can. If you do leave, remember your your three ws, wear, wait, wash. Wear a clock Face Covering if you will be with other people. Wait six feet apart. And avoid close contacts. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer. Follow the three ws, not just for you but also as we approach mothers day this weekend. Make sure you do the three ws for your mom or grandma. Yes i am throwing in a little , mom guilt out there but i know moms everywhere want to protect their families and loved ones during this difficult time. One of the easiest gifts you can give your mom or grandmother is one where she can know you are doing your part to protect those around you. I want to wish a very happy mothers day to my fellow moms and in particular to my mom. Love you, mom. Thanks. Gov. Cooper and now we will hear from mike sprayberry. Mike thank you, governor. Thank you for your leadership. Good afternoon. Today is day 60 of the covid19 response by the state emergency center. Yesterday, we received the good news that fema has approved our extension request for the noncom noncongregant sheltering program until june 6. This allows for reimbursement of hotels, motels and other types of sheltering for people at higher risk for covid19 people , needing to be isolated, or people needing a place to recover. Currently, 37 counties are using the program to house about 550 people. As we continue to obtain personal protective equipment, teams delivered to 36 counties and two Health Care Preparedness coalitions yesterday. Shipments included masks, gloves, face shields, goggles, hair and shoe covers, as well as gowns. As we begin to restrictions and as we begin to ease restrictions and plan for the months ahead, we are working with our partners on forecasting downstream needs to support our health care partners, Public Safety agency, and other Critical Infrastructure as far as ppe. Also, as we close out hurricane preparedness week, we want to make sure your family knows how to get information from reliable sources and has multiple ways to receive emergency information when Severe Weather threatens. Noaa radio will alert you when Severe Weather threatens. To turn on your emergency settings on your smartphone. Receive emergency messages like these will allow you toreceive emergency messages like Evacuation Orders from your state or local government or serious warnings from the National Weather service. If you live in a coastal county, check your new know your zone website. See if you live in a predetermined evacuation zone. Visit knowyourzone. Nc. Gov. Enter is knowyourzone. Nc. Gov. Enter your address in the searchable map. Find the designation of your zone and remember it. Then if an Evacuation Order is , issued, be sure to follow it. At the website, you can also find our brandnew North Carolina hurricanes guide with much more information to help you prepare and stay safe during the upcoming hurricane season. I would also like to echo governor coopers and dr. Cohens comments regarding the moves to phase one this weekend. Be sure to stay distanced and stay safe as you go about your new activities at parks or stores. Remember to wear a cloth face mask covering, wait at least six feet apart, and wash your hands often. Wear, wait, and wash. Dont forget to look out for as alwaysdont forget to look out for your family, friends, and neighbors. Recognize your mom and the moms in your life on mothers day with kindness and cooperation. We will all get through this together as one team, one mission, and one family. Thank you, governor. Gov. Cooper thank you, mike. Wel now take questions from the media. If you could identify yourself and your organization when you ask us, we appreciate it. Well take the first question. Our first question will be from North Carolina public radio. Hi, governor. This is liz from North Carolina public radio. I wanted to ask, what is the state doing to monitor outbreaks and protect staff and inmates at state prisons, particularly given that treasurer followells program to test fell through earlier this week and we are waiting on more information from the department of Public Safety about the measures that theyre taking to protect inmates and staff . Gov. Cooper first, we want to make sure that protecting inmates and corrections staff is at the forefront of our efforts. First we want to make sure that protecting inmates and corrections staff is at the forefront of our efforts. And we know that part of that is testing. We know that we need to do more testing all across the state. And im gonna and we know that part of that secretary hooks talk about that specific situation. Secretary hooks if you could come forward. Thank you governor, thank you for the question as well just as the governor said testing is a vital part of our overall fight for covid19. Our teams in department of Public Safety continue to work with state health plan and the leadership. Treasure falwell as we develop plans to do alternative testing. We have not come to a full develop plan, but we are having great discussions. We just opted not for operational concerns not to do less testing on those facility grounds. Thanks very next question place. Ashley tally wre out. Governor doctor cohen had 2 quick question for you. First have your key that are requiring businesses to have their after that people feel more comfortable going to their place of business. And secondly if youre able to address something reporter jeff fisher daft about earlier this week have you gotten any closer toward making record public Meat Processing plant for the safety of the workers and the public. Thank you. We want to make sure that employees are protected all across our state and weve had lots of conversations with businesses and i think that they know that it is important. For them to make sure that their employees are wearing Face Coverings in order to protect other employees. And i think that if we see that this is not being done on that we could make this mandatory but i will let doctor cohen addressed that and the the other question too. Thank you governor and thanks for the questions so get that is correct that the Face Coverings highly highly encouraged but not required. We know that there are circumstances where folks may have difficulty with breathing or other medical conditions that would not be conducive to Face Covering so we did not make that mandatory but as the governor said if we see that folks are not complying with this again its an act of kindness to your fellow and 2 others around you so we hope everyone will be wearing those Face Coverings as far as what were doing related to our Food Processing plants and as you know that those companies that are have now been directed by the president of the United States to remain open. We know to run those factories that that the workers need to be in closer contact. So our work at Public Health has been to continue to help these organizations protect their workers. That includes everything from screening them on the way in with the temperature checks making sure that they are wearing Face Coverings of the appropriate masks, putting up barriers where thats appropriate potentially slowing down the production line of it to allow for more social distancing. So weve been working in providing that assistance. The federal government. The cdc is actually giving us some additional personnel to help us do that working go to the site to make sure that folks are following these guidelines and as we go forward we will continue to do that work obviously this industry thats highly regulated by the department of agriculture. And we have heard folks request for some additional information. And numbers we want to make sure anything that we put on our website have accurate numbers have complete numbers and again these are businesses that are not regulated by dhs not required to report to us so were trying to work how we collect that information and then feed that back to in the public. What i would say in the meantime we have put out information about cases by zip code. So thats a lot of information for any community to have about whats going on in terms of case counts in my area. So as i would direct folks to those zip code level data for information that they might be interested in a near them in terms of case counts thank you. Thank you our next question please. Don van news and observer. I think youre taking your questions on bond with a new server. So george of Public Health announced last night that theyre offering testing regardless of them then one can not really and that has that and what exactly happened before we can get that week. We have put testing and getting more testing testing testing testing is a priority for North Carolina. We know that as we move through these phases that were going to have to have more testing and tracing out there. Our testing surge group is doing everything they can to increase the number of tests that are out there and i want doctor cohen to talk specifically about how weve expanded the criteria and how more people are going to have an opportunity to be tested in North Carolina. Thank you governor thats right anyone who needs a test in North Carolina should be getting tested right now as i mentioned earlier we have a number of new testing sites that are available. So far and a period of time while we were still struggling with supply chains and issues and there were more restrictions but now anyone who has symptoms of of covid19 cough fever. We asked you to call your primary care doctor other talk about your symptoms and get referred for a test we also want anyone whos been exposed to covid19 to get a test whether or not youre having symptoms. So you dont have to have symptoms in order to get a test if youve been exposed we want you to get testing. Of course there are particular circumstances like our health care workers. Some of our congregate settings are correctional facilities that is where were doing much more extensive testing given the nature of those jobs, the nature of those living situations, im so that that there are some differences in terms of testing for those but we keep working to increase testing over overall, but so anyone who needs a test in North Carolina as you can get a test right now thank you. Thank u next question. Theyre delonge or fox, 40 x. Yes governor and attorney doctor cohen out weve got a chance to speak to people and many believe that it in fact i spoke with one couple. Specifically there are state employees they said that they feel that it is too soon reopen in some of the polling that weve seen that reflected is there anything you would say to those that are still has a nurse to worry that this is too soon as we go into things one theyre worried about seeing the spikes in cases do you have anything to say to them. If you look at what were doing this is a very cautious move tough a phase, one. It is intended to help to reignite our economy. I would encourage people to realize that the stay at home order is still in effect. And that we are basing these decisions on that data and the evidence that we see. We want to make sure that we dont over on our hospitals. We want to make sure that our numbers of percentage of positive tests are leveling. We want to make sure that weve got the proper testing in place and weve net those indicators to go into phase, one and we want people to continue to be careful. So we think this is a prudent careful cautious step that we should make. And were going to continue to rely on the evidence and the data in order to make decisions about when we go into phase 2. Next question place. They guard wpb. Governor thanks much for having us today, this is the question either for you or for doctor cohen when will we actually get a much clearer picture of how many current or i did cases we have a covid19 and the state and once we get that number what time french and we be looking at the best measure trimming a week 14 days, 28 days but better. Anyone thanks for that question. Yes, we know recovery is something were working to report, we know folks are recovering from this virus. We know some unfortunately are losing their battle with covid19 is the governor talked about today, but but many many more the vast majority of folks are recovering from this weve worked with the cdc on a shared understanding of how we define recovery and hoping either either today or or the early part of next week will be able to start reporting on those numbers so stay tuned. We hear you. Thank u next question please. Michael hyland cbs 17. I governor this is like a highland from cbs todays press conference i dont leave anybody he could be opening to describe what happened today is the work you actions should anyone you happening tonight and more carolina as the first state to be open to the state. Weve had a lot of businesses already open in North Carolina. A number of businesses were declared as essential in our state and a lot of our front ron workers are out there doing the jobs that we need to keep our economy going to foot put food on the table to make sure we Minister Health care. What were doing is a careful approach of allowing more businesses to open in eliminating that essential non essential. Distinction. So were just allg were just allowing more businesses to open and then keeping the stay at home order and allowing people to go out and visit those businesses remember that there are a lot of other businesses that still are not allowed to open in phase 2 and in fact all of the that excuse me in phase, one. All of the businesses that were closed before are still closed. In phase one that were specifically close like the restaurants only for takeout and delivery and bars and bowling alleys and all of these places where it is very difficult to socially distant inside and which draw client crowds the Health Experts believe that we should wait a while longer before opening those, but i think that this is a a cautious prudent move that we should make is clear that we need to push an boost the economy and we think that this can help and this is the right way to do it. Next question place. Jennifer and their wll act. Thank you governor for taking my question. This is jennifer m or with wls 13 a nashville. As we are up reopening were still getting a lot of emails from folks that are still struggling with those unemployment claim how long does that take in the state to determine if an unemployment claim is valid and then for relief to start and weve got a lot of people that they theyve got errors on their application and so theyre still not getting that cleaning process and struggling to make me know that their bill. So far 460,000 plus north carolinians are receive an impact or receiving Unemployment Benefits and there are. Thousands of people who are continuing to file every day and we know that those families are struggling in that every claim is important. That. Employment Security Commission has worked to expand the number of people that they have on the telephone now to over a 1000. They have opened up an online chat function, which thousands of people have taken advantage of this week. I am pushing them because they know that people out there need this help they moved hours into the weekend and into the evening. So theyre working hard this. This is a high priority of our administration and more and more people will continue to start receiving these Unemployment Benefits this is important not only that those families but to the economy and just one last thing remember that were talking about an office that handled about 12,000 claims a month and now in a period of 2 months. They have over a million claims. Theyre working hard at it and im gonna keep pushing them and its important to make sure these families get relief. Thanks for that. Next question place. Where then jammed none. Hey good afternoon Ruben Johnson spectrum, you know im curious how worried though you are that. As we enter phase, one people will go out more than they should be and that there will be an increased numbers over the next couple weeks and if you do see that governor. You mentioned a few weeks ago that you could look at a regional approach for tackling that you see that coming at any point. Well first will will be able to know how people are doing by the number of positive tests we have by the percentage of positive tests by the number of people who are in the hospital by the number of pre covid syndrome symptoms that people are exhibiting when they go into the emergency room. So well know how were doing and if the people of North Carolina do things to spread more virus and more people get sick. Then well know that we dont yet need to go into phase 2 because our evidence will show us otherwise. I think this is the right move at the right time. Were encouraging people to be careful and i think theyve learned i think people have learned a lot. Yes people are going to go out more because its warmer and its going to be mothers day weekend. I think thats fine theres less the chance of spreading the virus outdoors we want people to be outdoors but we want them to continue to be socially distant into where a cloth covering the keep washing their hands. But i have confidence in the people of North Carolina being able to do this in the right way because i think people do want to see us move into phase 2 were all in this together and you can go on the website and check for yourself how north carolinians are doing and were hoping the next 2 weeks that the numbers will be favorable for us but but if they arent then we wont go into phase 2. Next question place. Our final question today will be from erica bryant from wssc. Thank you governor first of all a question out to mister cooks he stated that you had it cited to cause the met and worked with the president on this issue. What can you say about when it plans to begin again. I make sure that testing and tracing in treatment is being provided in the regions along with maps and 6 feet distance thing. And followup question Mental Health is very important for me in the community and no camps remain closed. But what about people who are personal trainers or have. I think he has are they able to train people. What is it time for a small groups. The map taking temperature checks and then it. Thanks for that multipronged question there let me let me address a couple of things. Number one it is important to test not only in our correctional felt facilities but all across the state. And i know that we need to continue to to do that secondly Mental Health is an issue and we think its important for people to get outside and to talk to each other, but also. To be able to have access to a Mental Health therapist and not only Mental Health that we want people now as we enter into phase, one to go and see their doctors for treatment of chronic conditions to have their Preventive Health care to make sure their children have their vaccinations because one of the things that may have been suffering here during this time of covid19 that people have sometimes ignored other Health Issues that they have and i think is ixic stream lea important for people to take care of those health care issues. So im going to have secretary hooks to talk over time about the situation with the correctional facilities and im going to have doctor cohen followup to talk about personal trainer. Thank you governor again thank you for the question i just want to make it abundantly clear in the clarification we have not pauls testing in that regard. Testing is carried out in accordance to cdc in dhhs guidelines and got us that they provide to us. Individuals that need it s will be tested. What i was referring to from the previous question was the what we do mass testing on site at prison facilities and that is what i was talking about is for us that testing is available in ongoing in other venues and so we opted not to do that. A full range of all things that were doing to protect our staff or inmates are available to you and in see dps. Gov. And just to quickly and with the discussion about jims yes we put jins in a phase 2 activity again we tried to group higher risk activities in phase 2 where we know that there is more risk of spread of the virus and theres been a number of ports even in the last number of days it sort gave folks a sense of to at retail establishments are says restaurants are says gyms and we know jims it up a place where that there is is higher even when you can be socially distant. But we know theres a lot of sweating and other things and so we did keep that for phase 2 when we move into phase 2 are going to have some additional requirements that you mentioned in your question to keep everyone safe as we go forward and just thank everyone for you know continuing to do the 3 ws and as we go into this first phase one and i know if we do this together will be will be Holding Steady interchange in moving into phase 2 back to governor. This t 50 minutes. Hello, everyone. It is friday, may 8. We have got one really good thing to report. I hope several things, but the first thing that is the most important to me, we have not lost anyone since the last time i was here, yesterday. If you will follow the other states, the other states are losing hundreds a day. Every time we lose one, it is not good. We have lost 51

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