Governor newsom two weeks ago today we laid out a road map for reopening the california economy in a phased, thoughtful approach. We put forth six indicater to indicate dwrors drive our Decision Making. Politics wont drive our Decision Making prork tests wont drive our Decision Making, political pressure wont drive our Decision Making. The science, the data, Public Health will drive our Decision Making. We set forth a week ago a deep dive on one familiar indicater around testing and tracing, track, issues of isolation and quarantine. Today i want to update you on another indicater specific to businesses, schools and child care facilities. First i want to remind all of you what the six indicaters are. Mentioned testing as one of the principal indicaters, we have made progress in that space. Not nearly where we want to go and need to be but Real Progress we are now see in the space. 578,000 tests have been conducted in the state of california. We averaging over 20,000 tests a day. And we are well on our way to meeting our 25,000 testing goal and getting to 60,000 to 80,000 very shortly thereafter. I mentioned just yesterday optum serve that was doing the endtoend tests, deployed at 80 additional location, primarily focused on Rural California. I can announce we are putting those tests in Sutter County and Shasta County as specific points of the movement in that space. All of those testing sites will be up and operational by monday. Verily also focusing on expanding their testing on a to a socioeconomic lens Diverse Communities not only in Rural California but inner city california. Real progress in that place. Yesterday we updated you as well on some efforts to train the work force starting phase 1, 10,000 tracers throughout the state of california. Partnerships that were forming in that space and Capacity Building that is also well under way. We talked broadly about other indicaters, one of the most important being how we protect the most vulnerable californians. How we protect people in congress regatt care facility, assisted living facilities, other adult and senior license facilities throughout the state of california. We have well in excess of 8,500 of these facilities in the state. The Skilled Nursing facilities represent 1,024, thousands more in home settings, as many or two or three people or six or seven in size throughout the state of california. We updated you on a consistent basis about our efforts in that place and the sincere concerns we have demonstrable concerns we have about protecting our seniors in those facilities. We continue to focus on that above and beyond anything else as it relates to the data that comes in every morning because of the vulnerability of those populations. But real strategies, real plans in that place give us some more confidence that were moving in the right direction. Accordingly were doing the same for our homeless population. Another sensitive needs population that we have as you know advanced a series of announcements, particularly project room key, partnership with fema, provide 15,000 hotel rooms. We already acquired 12,500 hotel rooms in that portfolio, thousands of individuals off the states, out of congress regatt shelters, into ice isolated isolated units, support on site, particularly three meals a day being provided. This is among many, many different homeless strategies throughout the state of california. Its just one we have consistently highlighted in that space. We are doing more as well in another indicater, and thats obviously securing the Surge Capacity within the Hospital System and outside of the Hospital System. These alternative care sites we have brought up. Weve talked abthe f. M. S. Sites, close to 2,000 rooms we were able to draw down with support of the federal government. The work that we have been doing collectively and collaboratively with cities and counties all up and down the state to provide assets as points of surge if necessary to address any increase in hospitalization, increase in need for isolation of vulnerable populations. We feel we feel we have done well in that effort. By therwhelmingly abided stayathome order and gave us time to put together physical assets and begin the process of procuring workforce through the health core adaptation in the workforce that we have now identified for a potential surge. Those individuals who have come back from retirement or are willing to come back, or who have particular job skills they believe can be transferred to meet the needs, we have a matching system and we have that capacity now in place. Physical sites, Human Resource sites, and more good news on ppe. Yesterday we announced 3. 1 Million Masks arrived saturday night. Million ofted 2. 78 those to regional sites throughout the state of california. Another plane is taking off today and will be landing tomorrow. We will get subsequent shipments. Ppe is not even close to where it needs to be and i recognize that. I can assure you the reason we 2. 87 Million Masks out yesterday is because of back orders. Want to broaden that beyond the health care space, provide protective gear to those doing testing and make sure they are adequately supplied, make sure people on the front lines, grocery workers, are adequately supplied, so are Nursing Homes, in Care Support Services and across a panoply of sectors we will talk about in a moment, to make sure they have adequate supplies. Progress in that indicator is also being made. We talked about another indicator, therapeutics. I want to remind folks that california, like massachusetts, endowed,y, is well well resourced in therapeutics space. In california and outside california, california is the birth place of biotech, life science capacity second to none, about therapeutics, medical devices. San diego, bay area, we are blessed. The number of National Health funded facilities in this state is a point of envy for many parts of the globe, not just across this country. As a consequence we are in advanced trials with partners in the private sector, working with our Uc Medical Centers and other radical centers. Medical centers. There is progress in this space. I will not promote a particular drug or trial, but as an in advanceddesivir trials, in partnership with gilead. Thisch and others in space, we are making progress at least in understanding what is real and what is not in the therapeutic space. With points of consideration always cautious in that space. That is one of our other indicators that is important. We will highlight issues around business and the schools and Childcare Centers. Before i get to that i want to mention the other indicator. If we pull back and modify our stayathome order to early, we start to see an increase in surge of cases, hospitalizations, and we have to have the ability to toggle back, adjust, the ability to fix it. That is a foundational indicator, number six, in terms of our capacity to deliver on the promise, what we are promoting today in this roadmap for reopening. Forgive me for being longwinded in that space, but i wanted to contextualize the framework, six indicators. When those turn green, when they moved from red to yellow, that allows us to make determinations. Let me introduce this for for happens to be the fifth indicator around businesses and schools and Childcare Centers. I want to make this clear. We believe we are weeks, not months, away from making meaningful modifications to that indicator in this space. Weeks, not months. Is that one week or three weeks . Weeks, not months. Again, based upon the data, the indicators. We will talk specifically about hospitalizations, icus and community spread. Dr. Angell will show you the model, the graph, so you can see the stability in that space, but we are still by no stretch of the imagination out of the woods yet. It is stable, we are not seeing substantial declines. The californians know we never experienced the big surge other parts of the globe and country had. The stabilization is a point of cautious optimism. Makeindicator allows us to the presentation we are making today. Weis specifically about what are talking about over the course of the next few weeks. For inr and plan realtime. Those are areas of our economy. Manufacturingut of nonessential materials, logistics for nonessential movement, areas around retail, curbside retail for nonessential items. Issues that have been defined around the need to address our kids in schools. We clearly have shut down. People are well aware of this. Schools are shut down for the remainder of the school year. Distance learning continues at home. We recognize there has been a learning loss because of this disruption. We are concerned about that learning loss, even into the summer. We are considering the prospect of an even earlier school year into the fall, as early as late july, early august. We are beginning to socialize that. We make no decisions definitively in that space, but to know about the concern. As a parent myself and having talked to many other parents and educators, even kids, i think we might want to consider getting that school year moved up a little bit. That is one of the things we want to begin to socialize in this indicator. We need to start preparing for the physical change in the schools and environmental changes that are necessary to advance that conversation and make it more meaningful. Accordingly, in the childcare space itself. We are able to make these announcements and have a more public conversation with you about opening up with adaptation and modification. Meaningful changes to our stayathome order, because people have taken seriously, overwhelmingly, the stayathome orders and physical distancing. But i want to caution everybody, if we pull back too quickly and walk away from our credible commitment to not only bend this curve, but to stop the spread and suppress the spread of this virus, it could start a second wave that could be even more damaging than the first and undo all of the good work and progress you made. That could happen like this. The viral the virus has not gone away. Virulence is acute. We are by no stretch out of the woods. There is durability to this virus and there may be seasonality. Into thise lulled quiet sense of confidence, change our behavior, and put ourselves at risk, with this broad agenda of reopening. I assure you on a daily basis of the importance of our individual , and to the extent business is making decisions and modifications. Men and women on the front lines, entrepreneurs, not just organizers, but advocates, the importance and power of their individual decisionmaking in this space as well. We need to protect not only the Business Community, but customers. It is one thing to open a business, but there is no demand, it is a false promise. As someone who had the privilege of starting many businesses, i recognize i am not a job creator. Consumers are the ones that spend the money and create growth and job appreciation. I want to emphasize the importance of protecting customers and of course, iness foundationatio foundational resource, workers. Again, i deeply understand the needs for the Business Community to police get clarity. We are trying to provide that over the next few weeks so they can start to plan and look at their own supply chains, their ability to change the physical and environmental conditions in their businesses and look at the guidelines that will be advancing very specifically, sector by sector, for guidance on what we can do and what we cant do at this stage. We are not going back to the way things were until we get the kind of immunity that all of us look forward to, a vaccine that we look forward to. I want us to be cautious in this space but also patient. Inpatience, we understand meeting it. That is why dr. Angel will be up these newout indicators. Introduce dr. Angel. We have looked at this indicator through the prism of four phases. Phase one we are currently in, which is planning workflow, focusing on the supply chains, physical and environmental considerations, planning to do what we need to do on ppe, to make sure conditions are set so we can move forward with modifications of the stayathome. As we move into phase two where businesses can begin to reopen, we have to make sure that guidance is abided by and organized in a deliberate way. That is the job of dr. Angell. She runs Public Health in the state of california. It is her state state wide guidelines that will drive decisionmaking. We also want to drive localism. Forgive me for repeating myself again on this. Localism is determinative in this respect. I recognize the region a la in this state, variance in parts of in thise regionality state, variance in parts of the state. The bay area today announced extending their stayathome order through the end of the month. Tom not here as governor preempt their right at the local level to be even more stringent. I am going to respect that and i want folks to know, not just in the six bay area counties, but all across the state of california. Accordingly we have a regional variance we also want to recognize for people that want to go even sooner, based upon regional conditions. Received aware i have many letters, many very publicly, provided to me in tweets and public pronouncements even before i had the privilege of reading them. First thing i recognize, a lot of those regions are moving forward, making their recommendations. Dr. Angell will talk about the expectations we have of making regional augmentations. They are going to be stringent. Not just when people think they are ready to reopen. Do thatot going to without, for example, Community Surveillance obligations that are attached to those regional efforts. Dr. Angell can talk about the seven underway, the five we will be doing very soon in 12 different counties in total. Community surveillance becomes foundational if we are going to loosen on a regional basis any of the new guidelines that we will be rolling out over the next few weeks. Two. Is phase one and phase retail, logistics, manufacturing, nonessentials, schools in the summer and preparation in the early fall, childcare facilities and centers with strict physical distancing and environmental considerations, workforce protections, customer and consumer protections. There is a third and fourth phase. The third phase is personal , spas,reas around gyms nail salons. People want to get haircuts. All of us. Those would fall into the third phase category. Dr. Angell will lay out details on that. Ultimately the fourth phase, the highest risk activities, the higher risk activities the highest risk, the larger public venues like conventions, concerts, Entertainment Venues with crowds would be in that category. Do not want to get ahead of myself. She will walk you through those four phases. Wese two is the phase believe is upon us in the next few weeks, the most important and getting everyones attention and focus so we can prepare for it in real time. I prepare inen real time, i mentioned yesterday i will be doing it after this press conference and presentation. We will be meeting sector by sector with our economic recovery team. We will be meeting today in the Retail Sector with some of the biggest retailers, like the gap ceo will join us. And Small Businesses Retail Sector to help them help us work on the guidelines for this second phase that we are hoping to advance in the next few weeks. It is an example of the work we have to do, sector by sector, every day over the next days and weeks in order to prepare for this augmentation modification to the stayathome order. I have spoken long enough. Forgive me. A lot of what i said will be said more definitively and singly and most likely, who intly, by dr. Angell, am proud is here to make her presentation. We will follow up with questions and i will do my daily update briefly, if i possibly can. And q, governor. It is a pleasure to join you today with what i would call cautious optimism, as we just heard. Austins of optimism is based on looking at the data and seeing where we are today and giving you insight into the way we are thinking about where we want to be within potentially weeks and months to come. Guided by the data. I am pleased to share insight, thinking about moving forward anchored in that. I would like to start first with a reminder of what i shared with you two weeks ago when we shared our original roadmap. That was to discuss with you that everything we do will be a reflection upon six indicators. These relate to domains of work we know are inherently important as we think about moving forward in ways to moderate modify our stayathome order in a way that minimizes risk. This is not about a process that will remove risk, but it will be a process in which we can think about, until that time when we are all protected from covid19, at that time we either have broad scale immunity or vaccinations, or other mechanisms through which we know we can be safe, there will be a time when we have to be very thoughtful about the way we move. These six indicators which i have here are the ones we have just been reminded about. I will mention them to you. How this hastand informed our work today. The six indicators we showed with you shared with you included the following. Contact andto test, trace, isolate and support those who may have been exposed. An important tool in particular as we think about moving from the first to the second as we just as was just described to us. All of ourt tool for communities to keep ourselves safe. The second is the ability to protect those at high risk for covid19. Those are individuals in congregate care settings or 65 and older, or those with comorbidities, that if exposed, their risk is greater. We have made sure that is a central part of our dialogue and activity. It is also critical we maintain Surge Capacity for hospital and health care systems. As we move to this next stage it is not about removing risk entirely, it is about removing risk. Even as people move in an environment with minimal risk, there is a possibility of increased cases and we must make sure our delivery care system is in place. Therapeutic development to meet demand is an area we are working on to work move work forward. We will talk today about an indicator that focuses on businesses and schools and childcare facilities, making sure we support and make those environment safer them. That is what the next period is about. As i move to the next slide, the ability that we are moving in a way that is safe for californians, also recognizing there is some risk involved. Youctor shared a slide with the right moment to talk about preparedness for a potential modification. That is a recognition of the way in which the amount of covid19 and how covid19 might be moving in our communities. We are doing this because of the absence of broad scale surveillance, at a time with something that is an excellent indicator at this moment, an understanding of trends in hospitalization over time. This slide has shown us, when we introduce stayathome orders, and over this period of time, and we are watching this cautiously, it appears we have reached a period of stabilization over the last few weeks or so. The total number of hospitalizations from covid19 and admissions into icus from covid19 have remained stable. Should that change, that changes the way we talk about opportunities to move forward. At this point this is the right moment to have this conversation with you. Let me move on to what progress will look like. A couple quick reminders. Covid19 is not going away soon. This will be a while, but there are things as long as covid19 is here, we can modify the way we move around. That is what we are moving towards. We are talking about modifications to the stayathome order, but they will be guided by health risks and our commitment to equity. We think about interventions that are appropriate. Finally, it is important to ultimately we all have some responsibility in this. It exists at all levels from the individual, the way you make decisions about the way you move in the environment, and businesses, the way in which they shape the environment, and the government for uplifting appropriate policies. Discussed age we the first is the stage we are in. We are all either at home or engaged in the essential workforce. We know there is work that still needs to be done before we move making the two, essential workforce environment as safe as possible for those who are workers, for those who are staying at home, but may be essentialg with businesses as part of doing those activities of daily living we must do, like going to the grocery store. That is where we are focused right now and we will continue the work we are doing across those indicators to make sure we are safe and secure as can be in the current stage. We are also Planning Forward to on lower riskocus workplaces. The goal will be creating opportunities for lower risk workplaces to adopt and reopen. We are talking about manufacturing that may not have been a part of essential sectors currently open. We are stage two, talking about modifying School Programs and childcare reopening. The third stage is when we get into areas that may be higher risk. Those sectors we think will take more modification to adapt in a way that can make them places where people can move with lower risk. Wese kinds of environments want to create an opportunity for those, but we know it will be longer incoming. That is why those fall into stage three. Things like getting your haircut, your nails done, anything with close, inherent relationships with other people, where proximity is very close. We need a thoughtful process to ensure people do not put themselves at great risk in those activities. The point stage four, at which we can modify our stayathome order and have people moving more freely because the risk is lower. That will require therapeutics to be in place. Safety and preparedness, stage one is where we are now. Build outntinue to our testing, Contact Tracing, building up stores of ppe to make sure they are secured for current needs and in anticipation of what will be needed for stage two, when we begin to open other sectors that also rely upon ppe. We will focus on maintaining hospital Surge Capacity for the time being and anticipating we may need more as we move forward. We will continue to make essential workplaces as safe as possible. That includes thinking about the physical Work Environment we are in, changing workflows to make sure people are safe. Enhance our sure we safety net for essential workers, continue to move forward, making ppe more available, and reminding all of you in your daily behaviors, there is something for all of us to do, maintaining physical distance and doing all those things to keep you safe and at lower risk. Stage two we will start focusing on lower risk workplaces, gradually opening workplaces with adaptations. These include things like retail, curbside pickup, manufacturing, things like toys, clothing, furniture, that were not a part of the essential sector. Consulting,firms, things where telework is not possible, but by modifying, can be made workable. Also opening more public spaces, parks and trails, that may have historically been limited because of our concerns, thinking about how we can modify them to make them safer for individuals to enjoy the outdoors safely. We know physical activity is so important to our health. This is all about health, clearly. Another area to think about beside the physical environment is the environmental safety net itself. What are we providing for workers so that if they get sick, they can be supported to stay at home if they need to, rather than feel there is a need to go to work . There is the environment of childcare and schools. We talk about work for adults, and for children, school is there place, critical for them and their learning. We feel strongly when it is safer for them, we can create environments that allow them to go back. We realize this will take more planning. That is why we are discussing this now. We need to roll up our sleeves now and think critically about how to do this. We need to continue that discussion. We are talking about summer programs and the next school year potentially starting in july or august. We are talking about childcare facilities, helping them create more care, to offer more care to our workforce. We have to address learning gaps which have occurred as a result of this. We have been protecting all of us by limiting access in this environment, but we have to make up for the gaps that may have occurred over this time. Making be focused on sure the environment is safe for kids, but also teachers, others in the school, those providing essential services and supporting those environments where our kids will be. Schools, make sure childcare is more broadly available, it makes it more possible for parents to go back to work. School will look very different, but we are focusing on enhancing those opportunities. What will we be doing . What we need to go do to get the stage one to stage two . With limited engagement to one that will create more opportunities for lower risk workplaces . We are focusing on government action. What are the type of policies we need in place to allow people to stay home when they are sick . We need to provide guidance and we will continue to make that available, to reduce risk. To provide the best scientific information about this virus to help people prepare themselves, to move to an environment not fully safe, but lower risk, so we can make decisions ourselves in an informed way. Businesses will need to think more about wage replacement so workers can stay home when sick. They need to be implementing adaptations. And when the data tells us the moment is right, environments can start open. Start to open. To encourage businesses to support opportunities to work at home. Isying apart at this time the safest place for all of us. What about as individuals . We all need to continue to practice safety precautions, physical distancing, using face coverings when appropriate. We need to avoid all nonessential travel. That is an important thing. That decreases exposure to others. As individuals we need to continue to support and care for people at higher risk, make phone calls to people who are in their home and socially distancing themselves, continuing to make sure their needs are met and thinking about how you might be part of the solution for them. When are we going to be ready for stage two . We will refer back to those six indicators. All six are not exactly the same. There are some that may be more important to this stage then stages in the future. I want to share with you thinking now about which elements of the indicators we discussed will be key. Hospital and watch icu trends carefully and thoughtfully. We need to remain stable to remain confident we are in a position where the stayathome orders could be modified in a way that would maintain lower risk. We need to maintain hospital toge capacity so as we move the next stage we can be confident if there is an increase in infections, we have an ability to respond and care for those patients. We want to make sure there is ppe available to support the demands of all, not only from the existing conditions we are in, but anticipating what needs will be for the future and making sure we are confident we can secure those. Sure there ise sufficient Testing Capacity to meet demand. That is a key focus of much of our work. We will work diligently on that. We will look at Contact Tracing capacity statewide, working with Health Authorities and governments to make sure the capacity is there. I want to talk about regional variations, which is a hot topic of discussion, as the governor mentioned. I ame state public officer in contact with authorities, knowing where they are and where their needs and desires are. Counties cantwo, choose to relax stricter local orders at their own pace. That is what we have been talking about in the bay area. Is foryathome order everyone, but there are counties in which local disease epidemiology is such that local Health Officers felt it necessary to be stricter. We think that is exactly the right thing when local Health Officers understand the needs of the community and act appropriately, following the science. We lift and make modifications in our stayathome order, there may be counties not ready to go as fast. That will be supported and is a regional variation that is absolutely fine. Welowing stage two, once have a statewide covid19 system in place, we can find out what other regional variation might be possible. Important,that is so we know this virus does not respect bound boundaries of counties. As there are modifications, people move differently. We need to understand not only what is happening in specific counties, but surrounding counties, to understand if disease transmission has occurred and if we can modify in a way that is safe. We will be working very closely with Health Authorities. Stages, stage three is what we get into when we talk about higher risk workplaces. One of the later phases because that will take much more modification. We need to know much more about the movement of the disease to make datainformed decisions. These include personal haircare places, Entertainment Venues where people are sitting closely together, and sporting events without live audiences. Also, in Person Religious Services like churches and weddings. We need to think carefully about what provisions can be put in place so people can join, but in a way that does not expose them to covid19. And the stage we all look forward to, when we work diligently together, stage four, the end of the stayathome order, when we reopen highest withoutces, modifications necessary because we have identified how to how to keep people safe from covid19 either through population immunity or vaccinations. With that i want to remind you we are in stage one, an important time of work. That is why we wanted to give you this opportunity to understand our planning. If you want to be a part of the solution, you need to stay home. If you are part of the essential workforce, we want you to stayathome when you are not working. That is the best way to protect yourself. If you need to go out to the grocery store, practice physical distancing. That is the first thing you can do to be part of the solution. We are enlisting all californians to help inform the development of guidance for sectors across our economy. If you have particular insight, you are a business person, you will be invited to provide information. We will put the website up shortly for you. We want to hear from you. Ideas you have about creating safe workplaces are ideas we want to hear about. We will provide guidance in a to help businesses and schools reopen in a way that reduces risk, but it will continue to rely upon all of us to keep moving forward. Thank you. Gov. Newsom thank you, dr. Angell. Be available, as well all i, for questions. The foundational point we want to advance today is stage two, as presented by dr. Angell, is in weeks, not months. Four, months,d not weeks. That is important. It can substantially change if the data changes. The diseaselence of changes, if our behavior radically changes and we put ourselves at higher risk. But risk is the frame we are advancing. Lower risk. We will focus broadly across sectors to reopening. Higher risk will be more cautious, not risks not weeks, months. And highest risk, stage four, where we have concerts and Convention Halls with tens of thousands of fans in large stadiums, will take time. Nonetheless, we believe we do have a framework we can achieve and achieve together with earnestness of effort that dr. Angell advanced in terms of being able to break these things termsn very prescriptive and begin a framework of not only protecting sectors of economy, but the workforce within those sectors and consumers that attach themselves to those sectors as well. Latest datay, the and numbers to reinforce and strengthen what you saw on the screen a moment ago as a relates to stabilization, but also numbersyou, as todays should, about where we are, related to suppression of the disease. Yesterday we had 45 individuals that lost their lives. Today we have 54 individuals that lost their lives. That is roughly half of what we saw last week where we really saw a peak in terms of the number of deaths. It is still too many lives torn apart. Not stats, not data, real people, real families, real loved ones. Our hearts go out to each and every one of them. Positives in the state of california. Today i announced there are 1576. Individuals that have tested positive. Yesterday i mentioned there was an increase in hospitalization rate of 1. 4 . Today it went up to 2. 5 . Only good news in that data is icu numbers went down slightly and were stable yesterday. Gives you a sense we are not out of the woods. Stable those numbers are, relative to so many other parts of the country, we still need to see that downward movement. We are going to monitor that data on a daily, hourly basis, over the next few weeks before we move forward with those modifications. If the data changes, we start to see spikes, increase in our Community Surveillance. We start seeing numbers that raise alarm bells, that is an indicator that is no longer green or even a cautious caution light. We adjust in realtime. I want to remind folks of the dynamic nature of this effort and the very sober framework to which we make decisions on the basis of fact and data, not ideology, not what we want, not what we hope, but what actually is and what we can confidently predict in the short and medium time. A lot of work for sectors of our economy to do next few weeks. We look forward to doing that with them. Certainly for the schools, as a father of four, that learning loss is very real. From a social economic frame, racial frame, this is even more compounding and challenging. It is incumbent upon us to think with respect to the school year. To thoseing forward robust conversations about the prospects of an earlier school year, that i do think is warranted, considering the consequences of neglecting our next generation because of the inconvenience and realities of this virus and its spread. Those are broad strokes, where we are today. I will end as we always do with the reminder, you too can participate in a sector by sector conversation. For retail today, but moreover, to volunteer your time, passion, focus, particular expertise, to californians. Ll. Ca. Govansfora website. Happy to answer questions. Today you talked about expanding childcare facilities and availability in the coming weeks. I talked to a lot of providers who say they still cannot purchase supplies and 50 million promised on april 10 has still not been distributive to Childcare Centers and agencies. What is the status of that funding and when can childcare supporters expect more support . 2. 87 Million Masks were distributed in the last when he four hours. As soon as we get supplies in, we get them out. We will see a cadence of substantial increase in ppe. Not just procedural masks, but soon, n95 masks, shields, gowns, other protective gear. As it comes in, it comes out. Childcare, but grocery workers, logistics workers, manufacturers, farmworkers, a lot of migrant and seasonal farmworkers coming into the state of california, working on protocols and procedures for ppe in that sector as well. You are absolutely right as a relates to childcare. Had a wonderful Virtual Meeting yesterday with the womens caucus. The entire subject matter was on childcare, a number of pop up childcare facilities, over 300 we have reopened. The 100 million we put into the sector in emergency aid, 50 million of it was ppe. Isting that out to the sites critical and cannot come soon enough. That was highlighted. Kim johnson on the line is monitoring distribution of those funds to make sure the efficacy of those funds take shape. It is not just for ppe, it is for deep sanitization and physical modifications, temporary, to it to accommodate our guidance for childcare workers and children. This is a point of passion for me. Last year in january i announced a substantial increase in child care funding. The state of california as late as january this year announced its next phase investment with the budget deficit looming, i cautioned progress in that space may be impeded by the new reality of our obligation to balance a budget, no Printing Press here in the state of california. Is an areae you this of deep concern and concentrated effort because childcare is economic development. Childcare is foundational to getting people back to work. If they cannot get the Quality Childcare they deserve, they are less likely to get back to work and jumpstart this economy. I deeply recognize there is a reason it was incorporated into the business sector, the childcare component, the relationship between the two. I want to ask you about the state model, but as a father of two kids in kindergarten i would be remiss if i did not ask you to elaborate on School Opening early. I will let you explain why. And when, parents want to know when that decision or announcement might be made. Californias model seems to be an outlier, overly pessimistic at best, compared to other models projecting a much later peak, surge. Have you tweaked the state model . Do you believe we are past the peak . Is the worst behind us . Mightave you learned that let you adjust that or approach it differently . Gov. Newsom it has been updated on a weekly basis, in realtime. Going back a few months, every state in our nation doing the same, including some of the wellknown, chronicled modellers , that yesterday came out with an adjustment to their previous adjustment, the state of washington. As it relates to the data in terms of our decisionmaking, the reason we are making the announcement today is, regardless of our model, the facts coming in, presenting themselves on icus, hospitalizations, and spread, give us confidence in the next few weeks about stage two adjustments. We want to get you to work sooner than later. Our kids have lost a lot with this disruption. I am not naive. Ago my wife and the superintendent, good work being done on wifi hotspots, distance learning. They distributed over 70,000 tablets and chromebooks chromebooks. Still inadequate to the magnitude of 6 million children throughout the state of california in rural districts and some urban districts that do quality download speed and capacity, or anything to download into. There has been learning loss. You can either rollover and accept that or do something about it. If we can start the school year earlier, that would help close the gap a bit. It is a deep conversation. The reason im having it with you, i was having it privately over the last few days. I want to socialize private conversations. I mentioned this is in the stage two of our framework of decisionmaking. The next few weeks we will get more clarity to answer your question on the possibility of that, what the costs are, what that looks like. It is a conversation above and beyond just summer school. Thank you, governor and thank you for the question. We continue to look at our model. We have been here the last few weeks talking about not just the model, but the actual cases we are tracking both in the hospital and our icus. We conveyed a message of cautious optimism. We knew when we put together the when weany months ago shared them with all californians and talked to colleagues around the nation about what their models were and how they were using them, we knew these models were not going to be precise, that they would point us in the right direction, and i think they have. We continue to update them and look at them closely to make misguidede not being and how we use them. We believe in todays announcement, that our models are preparing us for an area of stabilization as we increase our Testing Capacity. What we areut and seeing as percentage positives among the increasing number of tests across the state, that we are preparing in weeks, not months, to begin to modify those. We are going to continue looking at that model, making the adjustments, so we can use it as a planning tool. Actuals mean more and we will continue to look at that to guide decisions that come from the state, to inform our local partners with their individual county level data, so can make those plans as they consider how their local orders guide the decisions at that level. We know many folks are looking at the models and deciding whether we were too pessimistic or too optimistic, whether those let us to be too conservative or too liberal with some of our decisions. We stand firm in our decision to do the things we have done over many weeks and as we move forward to use the same information to guide decisions. We are always looking at these models, we are always interested in updating them, and look at data points to guide the decisions as we move forward. Gov. Newsom decisions, not conditions, determine our fate and future peer i want to remind everybody of their own individual decisions, continue to advance the stayathome order. If we make bad decisions, conditions can rapidly change reality, actuals, radically impacted by those decisions. Hundreds a day, millions of people. Marching we hope in the same direction. We will get out of this sooner if we maintain that direct focus and continue to advance our commitment and resolve. I have a question. I am wondering if you can give us a more specific update about the testing status in Nursing Homes and elder care facilities . Doingch testing are we those facilities. How much more testing do we need to do in those facilities . Gov. Newsom a lot more, it is not enough, that is the honest truth. I have been clear with the testing task force, one of their priorities is focusing on all of our licensed facilities, not just Skilled Nursing. We have made three or four announcements in the Skilled Nursing facility space,ncluding increasing testing increasing supply of ppe in that space. Redirecting National Guard to medical men and women. Wetrained over 600 nurses, are doing daily checkin calls. We have organized ourselves in a deliberate way. Monitoring 192 Skilled Nursing facility sites that have tested positive either a staff member or patient. Individuals we are monitoring just in the snf space. Total capacity. That does not include total number of staff. Forgive me for throwing those numbers out, but i think they are important. We need to do more and this is part of moving from phase one to phase two, one of the principal indicators on testing that will allow us to continue to make Real Progress. Reopening, oned question was legislature. Several members of the assembly talked about the concern with remote voting. The speaker said there is a constitutional necessity for physical presence. What do you think on this one . Does pandemic require a new assessment of legislative business and how to get it done in california . And if i could, people on asked, why is the website so woefully unprepared . Freelancers and contractors are supposed to apply for pua unemployment. We have heard that for many people. Gov. Newsom as it relates to legislature, they will make their decisions based upon their best assessment and analysis. Of those decisions, had a brief conversation with the speaker today. I have not been tracking it as closely as i have been tracking these other decisions, but i respect whatever decision they and have confidence in their leadership to make the right decision for their members and those they are trying to represent in the state of california. Ui issuestes to the and pua issues, we have been aggressive on a daily basis to can, tos quickly as we address the magnitude of the number of calls coming in. Yesterday i made announcements. 600 additional personnel on top for the340 we hired call centers. We talked about the new technology, the chat box we put in place. We talked about the total number of connections we actually had made, from 417,000 minutes of individual talk time last week, to one million just yesterday from the previous week. Substantial increase in connection and volume. 5. 3 billion is the new number billion is the new number since march 16. 6 million was distributed on sunday alone. You are correct, we have the peak uas uptodate. We said we would get it up today and they are putting it together. Today. E architecting it doing everything in their power to continue to get these uis out and puas. A lot of states have put up an a pua site. It takes weeks and weeks to get a check. Our hope is that when it is more stable, there will be 24 to 48 hour turnaround in terms of checks being distributed. Just dealing with an unprecedented call volume. An folks that edd, unprecedented amount of responsibility. The american people, 40 million strong, particularly the 3. 5 million that have applied for unplanned insurance since march 12, and those applying under the pua, deserve it. We will continue to do all we can, everything in our power, to improve upon that experience in these historic and unprecedented time. No, goodenough never is. Is one of day this our top points of conversation, concern and effort. I can assure you that i am not only being held to account, but some of the brightest people i know are as well in this space. As a relates to being held to lets support others in this time of need. Not just applying front employment insurance or pandemic unemployment assistance, pua, but those who need your contribution of blood, may be your willingness to call and check in on a neighbor or senior, may be deliver a meal in a safe way, provide care and support. Please, if you work willing, able, go to californiansforall. Ca. Gov. Californiansforall. Ca. Gov website, and share your passion with real action. Take care, everybody. Stay safe. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow at noon. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] q a, bringingt on peace and conflict resolution for the refugee experience iia wider audience. 73 of the population is under the age of 30. [indiscernible] howin the videogame, it is the e thing. Killing people. It would feel like these are how things are done. Peace. G a visio game for 8 00 on cspans cumin day. Q and a. Washington Journal Private time. Hour, a special edition of cspans washington journal. Your questions and comments about the coronavirus epidemic start right now. Host we welcome you to this tuesday primetime edition of the washington journal. The number of coronavirus cases me to reaching another milestone. Now more than one million confirmed cases in all 50 states. The senate now scheduled to returned next monday. The house makes plans to come back early next week. Our focus this hour, the ongoing Public Health threat of the virus and theno

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