Thanks to the Meridian International center for hosting , for even during these difficult times, when we cannot be together, as you mentioned, this is my 11th president ial campaign i have covered it i have never embarked on one like we have now. That will make it a rich panel. We have to have the most highly respected former governors, the former twoterm governor of ohio, nine term member of the house of representatives, when i met him, he was chairing the House Budget Committee and had a welfare in wel reform, in balancing the budget. Twice, in president , 2016, and the last time around, he was the last man standing against donald trump for the republican nomination. We are also so glad to be joined by terry, the former governor of virginia. He was chair of the Democratic National committee, he was cochair of bill clintons president ial campaign in 1996. Of hillaryr clintons president ial campaign in 2008, and last year, he considered a president ial bit of his own for the democratic nomination. He started his First Business at mcauliffe 14, called driveway maintenance, and he had some success in the years that businesswith other sectors. Governor kasich, governor mcauliffe, welcome. Mr. Mcauliffe thank you. Susan the hope of having a conversation, there is a poll that we asked our audience, the participants, and we will keep that up for a while. We will show the results of that in a bit. You can also submit questions, willen questions, that i ask later in the program. You can ask them with your name attached to them or anonymously. Lets start with this question. This coronavirus has changed so much about our country could how is it going to change the issues that are going to matter the most in this president ial campaign, and who is advantaged by that change . Governor kasich, lets start with the . You. Mr. Kasich well, obviously right now, everybody is going to watch how the president is going to handle this all the way through to its conclusion, at i wasd of it gov. Whitmer, you, thinking back yesterday, when george bush had a 90 Approval Rating after the end of the iraq war, but the economy was not doing very welcome and it was interesting that bill clinton understood it was all about the economy, so i think in this it mattered about how he was projecting his leadership, and we will get through this at some point, but come november, the question may be more about how the Economic Situation than it is the virus. Tohink what is really going be important Going Forward, and i know that terry is intermittently intimately involved with bidens campaign, is how does joe biden project himself as a leader for at least the next four years . How is he able to talk about, not just the situation, but any situation that can arrive, economic, something involving a military conflict. I think it will be incumbent on joe to be able to show that he has the leadership ability, and , it isink, right now about the virus, later on, it is going to be about the pocketbook. It always seems to come down to the pocketbook, and every election, at least it did my firston election as governor. Mr. Mcauliffe it will be about the virus, how did President Trump handle it, and they will be a discussion in january and february, did the president do everything he needed to do . Did he effectively get the ventilators, the personal protective gear out, the masks, did the federal government do everything it needed to do . And the next question, and i do not think we are there yet, because everyone is still trying to get masks and so forth, overlaid into the coronavirus, as we get into ope october, and i agree with john, it will be all about the economy. None of us sitting here today no what is going to be happening. 25 Million People are out of work. How long until we can get them back . Many of them may not get them back. Who can build a 21st century economy . Joe biden is in a tough spot now in the sense that, you know, he is not a governor, he is not a president with a breathing room, he does not have the tools, so right now, he ought to go out and talk about, obviously, the coronavirus, some things that need to be done, talk a little bit about the economy. But right now, it is a little difficult for him to break through, but he has had a huge advantage in that the party has culminated faster than ever before. Hillary clinton, not until june, when she ran until 2008, and then bernie did not get out until july, you know, in 2016. Here, senator sanders is now out, and i think part of his calculus was, you know, it is going to be hard to win, however, we cannot be fighting in the middle of the coronavirus. The primary is a huge advantage. We are three months ahead of where we have ever been as a party. Mr. Kasich one other point here, and that is, i have talked to terry about this in terms of joe biden being able to not just demonstrate his experience or his leadership, but also his vitality. You cant no one can change their age, but the way in which you communicate ideas and this is, frankly, at the time, because of this dramatic black swan event, for people to be able to reconstruct things in a very positive way, to take advantage of this crisis, to come through it, i think terry and i will agree that rahm emanuel was right, you never waste a crisis. There will be a tremendous opportunity to reconstruct not just the government of the United States, but also all the different sectors of americas economy. Biden is going to have to not just say, i have been there, i have done that, i have been a good leader, but these are the exciting plans i have Going Forward, because these plans are going to be able to demonstrate, if he has them, a vitality that says he has the vigor to be able to get this job done. And then of course nothing is going to be more important, in my mind, at this point,than those debates that will come, of which you will probably be a moderator, how those debates come off will be important also. Susan joe biden is currently campaigning from the basement of his house in wilmington, delaware. To see showich, how vitality and energy with that . Is that a big disadvantage to the president s ability to use the white house . Mr. Mcauliffe i would say trunk has a huge advantage obviously he is in the White House Briefing room. But clearly incorrect statements he has made, he seemed unhinged two days ago, and it really became a negative, because the Fact Checkers cannot control fact checks anymore, because everything is wrong. If he had come out originally, then later, here is what we are going to do, what people do not have masks, google is not, contrary to what he said, doing this testing, we are not going into parking lots right now, none of that is true. Know,hting he can do, you until we start opening up and people began to connect with one another. For the next four weeks, he is literally just out of, you know, talk about the economy, agree with john, show vitality, but we are three months earlier than we have ever been. Nobody should i tell john on the phone every day, democrats love to wring their hands, you know how they are, but dont worry about it. We have got plenty of time. I would say it is very difficult for donald trump to win reelection, if you just go to the three states that we lost by 70,000 votes, 350,000 voters voted for a thirdparty candidate, we are not going to have that this time. Biden is way ahead. I think he wins ohio. We do not have to rush him, but when we do come out, i agree with john, vitality, energy, he has got the experience, and then, you know, bumps trump. Suburban women have left him in droves. Susan do you think it will be hard for President Trump to win a second term . You know that part of the country, as well as anyone, your home state of ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, is it going to be hard for the president to do what he did in 2016 . Mr. Kasich well, i think this gets down to, and you just saw the election in wisconsin for the supreme court, where a democrat won in a big upset, i think it gets down, ultimately, i talked with terry about this, to disenchanted republicans. Theres not going to be great numbers of them, but i have not seen his approval lately, but i do not think it was what it was. It is a little bit less. And also those independents, and of course those of suburban, collegeeducated people are very important in terms of that has anso, i think, biden advantage, because he is sort of bluecollar. I mean, that is where he was born and raised, so he has an ability to speak to him. When i talk about exciting issues, you know, he is sitting there, you know, wherever he is, he is they are, but this is the time for them to really think about the different sectors of our economy. What do they look like . What does the Restaurant Industry look like . What does the Airline Industry what about Small Business . Because we are not going to go back to the old normal. How are these businesses going to have to be reconstructed in a way that they can grow based on the new normal . I say that if terry and i were to sit in a room and we were to go sector by sector, we know an airline, a restaurant, about turning tables, movie theaters, we know that. Those are the kind of ideas that can give people the sense that we have a plan for Going Forward once we get through the virus and that we are going to invest in public health, infrastructure, public health, so that we never get in this position again, but this calls for a very significant new architecture. You know, if you take the federal government and the massive debt that is being run out, what is the federal government going to look like . There was a time that i propose eliminating a bunch of departments, some of this stuff being done outside of washington, how much can be done at home . Can Congress Vote from home, something i proposed back in 1993. These kinds of things coupled with his commas about how we deal with this virus, going health, plusblic his new architecture, i think creates a certain vitality for him and energy for him that i think they would be wise to think about. Susan let me ask one last. Uestion about something this was something governor mcauliffe said. Start, thedifferent nominee in modern times, after first both the tw two contests, and so badly, i am wondering why Bernie Sanders, and everybody else, folded so quickly, and why Bernie Sanders, who was so reluctant last time to enthus enthusiastically embraced hillary clinton, has done so so quickly this time . Why is that . Theyliffe once shopped around, they looked at bernie, they looked at amy, they looked at pete, and then when had superof course, tuesday three days later, and i know pete, i know amy, i know all of these candidates running, and what basically is they ran out of money. If you look at the map Going Forward, they really did not have any viable path, so they made the right decision to get out early, but i cannot tell you how neat this is this year to have senator sanders get out so soly, and, secondly, susan, wholeheartedly endorse joe biden. We could not have written his endorsement video the other day any better. Then of course you had president obama, 12 minutes yesterday, talk about joe biden. I think from bernies perspective, it was a very narrow path. Ofwould have to win 61 every single contest Going Forward. But never to come in 2016, i think senator sanders wanted to run for president again, that is why he took it to the end. He was not going to run again in 2024, so that was a big dynamic. Secondly, you now have trump in office, and i will be diplomatic, with all of the fantasy of the trumpet administration, that is sitting there, and now we have got coronavirus for i think senator sanders said, i cannot be the one, you know, blocking the democrats from winning control of the white house, all of his people are suddenly over, and we have never been this unified before. Let me say, finally, when trump won and 2016, 92 million americans did not vote. They woke up the day and said, holy cow, how did this happen . It happened because they did not vote, and many of them said they will never miss a vote again. Every election since trump was inaugurated, we have had a record democratic turnout. People are energized. That is how we won the house in 2018, we won seven new eight state sta chambers, and i think that momentum will carry on and go into 2020. Mr. Kasich just a couple of points here. First of all, i think joe bidens ability to demonstrate strong support with the Africanamerican Community has been, you know, has been such an advantage for him. Getnow, being able to barack obama to get out and campaign is going to help him significantly, but i will also tell you if joe biden were to think that he has got to win all these Bernie Sanders votes, with these policies, you are going to lose suburban republicans, and you are going to lose a lot of these independence, so i understand, and this business of politics, how joe has to be able to show some Movement Toward those sanders people, but they are never really going to be for joe biden. [laughs] p is just not one of them. So he has got to be very careful. The other thing i will say is we will see how we come out of the other side of this virus. I think it would be a huge mistake to think that donald trump could not win reelection. I think he can. Joe biden think that stands in an excellent chance to be able to do it, all things considered. I think terrys points with what happened in the midterm elections, that is all very important to keep in mind, but i dont think anybody can say this thing, you know, is over. It is just terry is right when he says joe biden has a great chance to be able to win. That is where i would come down. Susan i would just remind our audience to take our poll. We have it open for a few minutes more, so if you have not voted yet, please go ahead and vote. Governor kasich, i would say given our experience in 2016, journalists are not saying it is not possible for donald trump to win the election. That is what we were saying last time, and we were wrong. Lets talk about the conventions. You both have a lot of of experience with local conventions. Governor kasich, your state hosted the last Republican Convention, although you were not on the stage yourself mr. Kasich i did not go. Susan i did not go. You did not go. But it was still in your state. Mr. Kasich yes, ive got it there, but i was not happy with what i was seeing out of the nominee, and i did not endorse him and all of that, but it was held in my stake in my diaper displayed in a number of convention spirit i think in 2008 and 2008, there were contingency plans about the convention because of the threat of hurricanes, so i do not know where they are on the shelf, but whether it is the convention or how we are going to vote, it is going to be a different time. Anybody who thinks we are going to go back to where we were, or anybody who can protect where we are going to be in this kind of a black swan event, they are making a big mistake, because we do not know. I know donald trump says, we are going to have a convention. He says a lot of things. Doesnt happen. Democrats are saying they may have a virtual convention. It will get worked out, as i think voting will get worked out, in one way or another, probably with more being able to vote by mail. Susan lets talk about the convention, governor mcauliffe, the democrats have pushed to the convention in milwaukee back into the time we thought we would be busy with the olympics, in an effort to have a better shot at having an actual, physically and physical contact kind of convention. Do you think that is going to be possible, or realistically, are we talking about our First Virtual convention . And if we are, what do democrats lose if they do not have the traditional convention . Listen, iffe personally think it is most unlikely that we have one. I just think trying to plan for and put the money together and everything they have to do, it is a very difficult environment. I have done conventions, i chaired the 2000 convention. I am still a little bit bitter about that. Bill clinton appointed me to be the investor to saint ambassador to st. James tonight i was prepared to leave the kids, twoth my wife, dogs, so i moved to l. A. For a couple of years instead of going to a beautiful home in england. Mr. Kasich [laughs] can you believe it . Typical, terry. Mr. Mcauliffe they are a great time. People come together, you get all of your activists to come together, your big donors, but you do not really miss out. A lot of mischief can go on and caused some issues with the platform. That all goes away. Clever,with something allow the country to do it, to get the same media exposure. There are a lot of Creative Things we need to do. But the amount of time and money that goes into it, under this coronavirus thing we are in today, i just think it is very unlikely, that is my personal opinion. If we dont have it, it is not the end of the world, and they will do a virtual one, and actually it could save us a lot of big headaches. Mcauliffe, are democrats talking about this, and other places, just quit making plans, that theres a possibility you may not be able to meet in milwaukee . Mr. Mcauliffe yes. You have got to have contingency plans out there. And i think for all of your ambassadors to get into, youve got to raise, you know, 70 million, 80 million for these kinds of things. Can you imagine trying to raise this money to go to milwaukee in the summer . There are a lot of issues we are having to deal with, but clearly they are investigating, what do we do about doing a virtual convention, if we have to do that . I can tell you, here in virginia, we just canceled our state convention, and we will do it virtually. I think people will not put Peoples Health at risk, besides a lot of fun, great parties, but in the end, probably saving joe a lot of headaches. Susan governor kasich, for drum, there is no plan b. He is going to meet in charlotte at the Republican Convention in august. Do you think that is true . Mr. Kasich no, i dont. I cannot put it the future, but we were going to open everything right after easter, you know, people say things, it is not necessarily mean they are going to happen. What you cannot do is what i saw auci talking about, could we see any sports this year . And he said well, yeah, i think we could have baseball. The nationals won the world series, and we are excited about it, but what they would have to do is stay at select hotels, be tested, and play ball in an empty stadium. [laughs] i mean, it just does not look like there will be one, and i am sure they are planning how they are going to do if this does not happen, and i think cooler heads will prevail. Poll sharing the results of the poll, i hope all of you can see what we found. We see that people in our audience tend to think that former Vice President biden is advantaged by the fact that coronavirus has changed a lot of the issues we are talking about. They have skepticism about whether the conventions will take place as planned, only 4 of those we surveyed thought that was going to happen. Lets talk for a moment about this next question on who will bite and choose as his running mate. Will choose a woman, but he has not narrowed it down further than that. We see that Kamala Harris is first, but a lot of sentiment also for Amy Klobuchar and for gretchen witmer, the governor of michigan. Terry mcauliffe, what is your guess . Or maybe you know. So if you know, please tell us. Mr. Mcauliffe i am dealing with the Campaign Every Day to die and active with the campaign. I will just say that, a, eight is going to be a woman. Biden, whon joe his jobat can take over if something horrible will happen and can assume the presidency the next day . Issue for him. Who can get into the politics, communities of color, regionally . All of that debate is going on, but at the end of the day, im sure john will agree with me, the president has to be comfortable with the Vice President , and ultimately, they have got to be qualified, but you have got to have that personal relationship that, you know, this is someone i can work with, and together we can take the nation to the next level. Susan i would like to ask you a different question. Is it possible that if the polls are looking great for joe biden, if his Vice President ial pick of a woman causes a lot of energy, is it possible that donald trump would choose to move mike pence and take other role someone else, like nikki haley, perhaps . Mr. Mcauliffe obviously as a democrat, i have always thought he was going to do that with nikki haley. Key has already got the evangelicals. Know, but i dont here is what i know, every year, it is like who we are going to pay for Vice President , terry, in the end, it does not matter. Mr. Mcauliffe no mr. Kasich it just doesnt. I remember when bob dole picked jack kemp, and i landed, and people were like kemp is going to breathe energy in, Vice President ial picks, it is a nice parlor game, but my sense is that the people vote that is just never, never front and center. I just think it is overrated, and overrated question, but now that we have so much time on our hands, i guess it is fine to go ask it again, to be honest with you. Mr. Mcauliffe i think the rule when picking a Vice President is do no harm. I agree, it might not get you much, but do not do anything that will actually hurt your footing for that is rule number one. Mr. Kasich what is interesting, terry, is what would have happened if john mccain had picked joe lieberman. That would have been interesting. That would have been a rolling of the dice. Some people think joe biden should be thinking about taking a publican, but, you know, things got out ahead of him, and i do not know where it is going to go. In 2000, should have picked graham from florida. Graham was chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee. You are right. Sometimes it moves the needle a little. Susan before we go to some questions from our audience, and i would just tell people, if you would like to submit a question, please do so. You can do it with your name attached, you can do it anonymously. Lets talk about voting itself could we saw some extraordinary scenes in wisconsin last week with people in face masks, standing in line for hours, voting. It turned out to be a very good election for democrats. That was not clear at the time, but with the results yesterday, that has been clear. What do these states need to do so that we have an an election day in which people can actually vote and participate . Governor mcauliffe, why dont you start, and then we will go to governor kasich. Mr. Mcauliffe i just wrote an oped, and we talked about this and other issues as much as we can moved to vote by mail, we should do it. We have five states that do it today utah, colorado, hawaii, washington state, and oregon do it today. We tried to push it very hard in virginia. The more you can make it easier for people to vote and fill out the ballot. Forget democrat or republican. To me, voting, people have fought and died in this nation for us to get this right to vote. I have a son who is a marine, who has been in war zones. We have people fighting today for our great democracy, and you cant spend 10 minutes ago vote . Got no excuse for that. I think we need to make it easier for people, to make it easy to vote, so that people in the congress, they put it in the bill, the senate took it out, and then the president , shockingly, said, if we do that, a republican will never win office again. I was chair of the National Party in 2000, 2001. You go to a state like utah and others, so it is pretty even. The goal should be we should make it easier to vote. Nobody wants to stand in line, but, you know, you sell happened in wisconsin. That was pure political treachery that went on thereto , and wesupreme court went on winning. If it looks like someone is trying to deny them the right to vote in this country. Mr. Kasich it is interesting you ask me, because last night i had a virtual happy hour with some of my former staff, and a couple of people from the secretary of States Office was there, and as you know, we delayed voting in our primary, pushed it back to june, and so now they are scrambling, trying to make sure that the june election comes off with mail. I do not know all they are doing, but they want to make sure they get that done and then take a look at how it goes, and then construct something for november. And i said well, no, i do not think that is the way to do it. I think you have two teams. You have one team of people taking a look, making sure this primary takes off in a smooth fashion, but you should have another team that is planning very aggressively for november. How can people vote by mail . How can you have security . Can you have driveby voting . I mean, this is a time when we have to think differently, and, you know, the idea that we are not going to have people being able to vote by mail because it is going to Favor One Party or another, i mean, that is the stuff that makes us all sick. Of course you have to have proper security for people when they vote. It is not just that simple. Apply, get the ballet, you have to send it in. I think it can be handled, but again, this is another issue where we have to think much differently, so my sense is that we are going to see a dramatic increase in voting by mail. It is interesting that terry mentioned the state of utah. It is not exactly a bastion of liberalism, the state of utah. [laughter] so i think it can work and just get a valid and figure it out. You know, everybody is just we trip over the sand hills on the way to the pyramids. Just get going. That is the thing that drives allamericans crazy, the bureaucrats and politicians are just stuck. Get unstuck. This is not the time to be stuck. If you are stuck, you are going to be run over. Im sorry, if you are a decisionmaker, not somebody who is stuck because they do not have a job, i want to be clear about that. Susan yes or no is there any possibility that we will not have election day on the second tuesday in november this year . Mr. Kasich no. Mr. Mcauliffe no. And ambassadors should also understand that the constitution of the United States, the president s term is four years to the day. If we did not have an election, donald trump would be gone. So the idea that he can move things around he is going on january 20, it does not matter if we have a president or we dont it is one, oryear term. Congress under extreme circumstances, they have done it once in north carolina, can move it a month or two. But i agree with john, it is not going to happen. Susan lets go to questions we have one from katrina who is from the embassy for the philippines. This question, do you think it is a good move for the president to withhold funding from the w. H. O. , especially when the funding is at its worst . Was this a good move, do you , for the president to pull back on spending . Mr. Kasich i have not read many of the stories about what is behind it. My feeling is, my concern with. , in some respect, it is like the u. N. , there are small countries that can block what is necessary for the good of the world, and i think that Organization Needs to be carefully reviewed, but, kind of doing that now, it does not seem that is like something you would do maybe later, not something you would do in the middle of this, would be my gut reaction. But i have not really studied all the reasons why they decided. Susan governor mcauliffe, what do you think . Mr. Mcauliffe i would agree with john. Every organization ought to be looked at, but the idea that you are taking away the funding when we are in this global pandemic, something we have not seen in over 100 years in our country, is absolutely the wrong time to do it. It should not be Rocket Science to anyone why he did it to he is trying to blame the w. H. O. So he blame forake the failing to do anything about it. He said this was one person to from china, he said it would miraculously go away in april. They dond of the day, some very good work, and they are leading many of the efforts here to try to deal with the axioms that we need to deal with, but, you know, this did not surprise me at all. I was against him getting out of the iranian deal, i was against him pulling out of the tpp, so, you know. Mr. Kasich terry, i will say that i have heard from, like, really highlevel, smart, experienced people that that Organization Needs some fundamental reform mr. Mcauliffe yeah. Mr. Kasich and that would have been a lot better, given the chance to reform. Now more than ever, we understand the importance of these international organizations, and we have course are all focused, 24 7, on the virus, and we are watching intently what happens with china, with reintroduction of the workforce and spikes, what we can learn in so many different ways, and that is what we focus on. But let me make one other point here, and i think terry and i are going to be talking about this, we are going to get a vaccine for this. There is no question. But i can tell you, once this is done, we had better start thinking about the issue of climate. And, you know, once we reach a Tipping Point and i am not saying we are close to that but once we reach a Tipping Point, when it comes to climate change, there is no vaccine, and it is going to take the whole world to pull together. It was a very interesting article written by George Schulz and jen baker, they are still writing and vibrant and youthful, but to my point about what joe biden needs to do about the fact that the entire world needs to engage in this whole issue of carbon, and that is why leaving the paris accord, to me, was a very big mistake, but maybe this is, and some sense, a wakeup call for what could come down the road next, something related to the issue of Global Warming and climate. Susan another question from ben, who is the ambassador from ireland to the United States, he the governors think the virus will affect turnout in november . Terry mcauliffe, i did not mean to cut you off, so we will go to you first. Mr. Mcauliffe because we do not have the cars and factories running around the globe, and india, for the first time, they have been able to see the himalayas without smog over it. I agree with john, this is a real opportunity, now that we have seen dramatic results, what we ought to be doing. How it will affect turnout . I will go back to the point, migrate ambassador from ireland, we were good friends. I was shocked that we could not go to the dubliner on st. Paddys day. Guinness in my home, i hope the ambassador will invite me back over. But a huge uptick in turnout. Know,ronavirus, we do not but most people think that by next november, listen, if we are not out and able to vote by next november, well, trumpets got a much bigger issue than dealing with voting, i will tell you that. I do not think it will have much of an impact, but we will see a , 1. 2impact in wisconsin million voted by mail, which is just extra ordinary. A lot more people are going to take advantage of doing an absentee ballot in those states where you can do it, and for states that matter, michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania, ballots,sentee which will be good. Mr. Kasich especially if you could do vote by mail, you will probably see increased turnout. Let me give a word about november, because, again, in one black swan event, no knows. We will see some flattening of the curve. We have already seen it in some areas. The searches already on for the antiviral. I understand if you get the flu, the normal flu, you can take tamiflu, foron, example, to give yourself some treatment. The antiviral is going to fix things. What they worry about next fall, i know some universities are worried about it, could you have some second wave . The way we would do it, terry and i would do this, is we are probably going to have some sort of a color chart where you are going to be at red now, then you are going to move to orange, which means you will still have very significant restrictions, and then you can go to yellow, and things willease up, and then maybe to green or maybe back to orange. We do not know when this vaccine is coming. If you do not have a vaccine, people who are older, with underlying conditions, they are not going out to vote. They are just not going to expose themselves until we have a vaccine, hopefully, you know, they say it is a year before we have one. The antiviral is going to help everybody, but more testing, all those kinds of things, but i suspect that come november, they are still going to be a number of people who are going to say, i want to have myself, to some degree, restricted in where i go. Susan this is a question from strauss of thes o brookings institution, what do you make of congressman Justin Amashs potential thirdparty run for president . Do you think he would take away from either major candidate, as joe stein might have . Do either of you think there will be a significant thirdparty candidate this year . Governor kasich, do you want to take the justin amash mr. Kasich lets go to terry first appeared i have not really thought about it. Terry, what do you think . Mr. Mcauliffe anytime you have a third party in, it does not matter how serious, it is very dangerous. In wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania in 2016, we lost those states by 77,000 votes combined. Other partynd the took Something Like 63,000 votes. I am still angry about 2000 mr. Kasich good point, terry. Mr. Mcauliffe in 2000, ralph nader, the votes he took in florida and New Hampshire from al gore cost al gore the presidency. I will let governor kasich talk about it, but as a general rule, and i think we will have a clean site ourselves this year on the democrat side, the cleaner you have a come of the less trouble. Amash were to run, he will not take votes away from trump, he will take votes away from biden. [laughs] the people who dont like trump, as long as they do not go into the bernie camp on free everything or whatever he is going to talk about, then those people, i think, will become trouble going to joe, if he can demonstrate everything i was talking about earlier, amash, he would be an antitrump outcome it seems to me. Terry makes a very good do not knowe i this guy. Who is he . Mr. Kasich he was a republican from michigan to he marches to his own drummer. He has always been a very independent guy. Susan he started out in the republican caucus, but he is a man to himself in the house. I will ask a final one to close. Ofs one comes from michelle the Diplomacy Center foundation. Have beenh of you influential with. She asks help us understand what is happening in the nga, the National Governors association, to address the immediate problems presented by the coronavirus. Given the chaotic performance by the white house, how is the nga working on a solution . Governors, i have been struck by some of these coalitions i have seen governors come up among themselves on trying to get crucial equipment, debating when it is safe to open up. Talk about the nga and the regional efforts,. Is this something new for governors to do . Mr. Kasich i am immediate past chair of the nga, but this oped i wrote, the main thesis was behind that is we have to do a better job. The nga and fema should have stepped into this void. We should have put together an entity that was in charge of all purchasing, people are calling me every day, i need a mask, i need this, scalpers going on, risen the price of, you know, these critical essentials so high, and should have taken charge of the distribution. Just was not working at the white house. I think the nga would have been a Perfect Place and with fema, to come together, but i will say that i think it is great that the six governors in the northeast got together and out on the west coast, because i am sitting here in northern virginia. I am two miles from maryland, and im two miles from the district of columbia. If one state like maryland opens up in virginia stays close, our workforces are totally interrelated, so it all has to be done in a concerted effort, and geographically is the way to actually do it, so i thought it was a great move for the governors to come together. I know john kasich will agree with me. You know, it is not surprising to me that the governors have stepped up, to the plate to dining we have to do this every day. Budgets, runlance our health care. When i was governor, the c. A. R. E. S. Act, they get to print money. We do not as governors. Thats why i think president john would have been a great person. Susan [laughs] mr. Kasich you know, i hope people who are washing this can see the spirit that. I have between ourselves. We can sit in a room and figure anything out. That is the way it is supposed to work. That is the way it worked when i was chairman of the budget committee, and we would meet and figure out the tough things, and that is what it is going to require Going Forward. I mean, there needs to be a group of bipartisan leaders i even hate to use that term. Thatbout individuals can Work Together despite their distinct individuality and personalities . I actually saw a period of time where i thought the governors were drifting toward the same kind of partisanship that i saw in congress. In fact, i wasw, picking that up. I think this is the antidote to that. I think now they realize that they are all in this together, and it is necessary for them to Work Together. And, you know, governors are critical because, you know, when you are in congress, the senators in the house numbers and i was once they are you are out there circling around the globe, you know, but when you are a governor, you see iople who hurt, who bleed, mean, you see so many different things, and it is him is like being a mayor, right, terry terry you begin to see the problems that people have, and we start reconstructing groups of people that can start putting these things back together again finally, susan, just two points, one is, for everybody on this call, this is an opportunity for us to think about life, its meaning, and how we fit into everything, what our lives are all about, what we want to leave, how we feel about a creator, how we feel about, you know, the value of all of our lives, and finally, it is such a great opportunity for creative thinking. You know, the ambassadors on this, theres going to be a lot fewer in person meetings. Lot more going to be a things being done virtually, everything is going to change, and you need to think about it, for your country, for the way you conduct business, and i think we are doing it here, but i believe the world will come through this, we will be stronger, hopefully we will be united, and we can Work Together, because as we find out here in the United States we are all connected. Au know, as they say, butterfly flaps its wings and south america, and it changes the weather here, where you are in delaware, i mean, we are all that connected, and we have got to think about this all in a different way. It does not mean give up our sovereignty come just means humid beings like to be together, they need to Work Together to solve the biggest problems. I believe that is what the lord wants. David let me ask one last question really quickly, and then i will turn it back over to ambassador holiday. Many ofan audience, them ambassadors, who are supposed to report back in a smart way to their governments about what to expect about this election in the United States. If they were to tell one thing to the leaders of their home country about this election, what would you urge them to say . Governor kasich, why dont you respond first, and we will go to governor mcauliffe . Mr. Kasich i think in the Income America will be stronger, and we will our sins of leadership in the world, and not the dictatorial leadership but leadership that is real, because the world needs america, needs our ingenuity, our creation come our science, and we will come through this i think at the end, we will be less partisan, we will be more united as a country, and i think we will learn from this and renew the fact that the world works better when we all Work Together. Susan governor mcauliffe, if you were a diplomat serving in washington, what would this marc be for you to tell your leader back home . Mr. Mcauliffe well, you know, we are all in a unique situation here, but if i were advising back home, i would say you are going to see something very unique in america. I would feel confident, looking after the election, that that is what will happen. I think you will see a real shakeup here in america. I am not trying to be partisan, i am just trying to i have been doing this for 40 years. Anybody can win. I think it is unlikely that trump wins reelection because of all of the insanity we have seen. Joe biden has the experience, and my personal experience, and i think, we said it looks like it is going to change. If you look at the polling data today. So you could be in for a few total sale change. Whatever happens, and i do hope that joe biden wins, i think we will get back to a place with a world where, as john said, we are all actually working together. None of those attacking other nations and building walls and all of these things going on, it will be a different country, and we will go back where people view america as a great leader that we are, the moral guider of what is right and wrong and helping countries. Governor mcauliffe, governor kasich, thank you both so much, and let me turn this back to ambassador hol liday. Susan,lliday thank you, very much. You know meridians mission, which is to strengthen u. S. Engagement with the world, and in listening to you talk, i was struck by the idea of a dream ticket, you know, mcauliffekasich, or kasichmcculloch, but listening to your views on the vice presidency, i am not sure you will be able to work [laughter] i will let mcauliffe take it. The Vice President has a nice house. Mr. Mcauliffe [laughs] amb. Holliday but both of you, you also talked about the opportunity that we have as a country, not only to be innovative and use this black swan as an opportunity to get better as a country, to think about fiscal responsibility, think about helping people in need and our innovation, but it is also very evident that through this crisis, whether it is this pandemic or it is dealing with terrorism or the environment or opportunities in isde, this is a world that going to require u. S. Leadership, but a world in which the u. S. Is going to have to listen and collaborate as partners, and it does not mean that you have to surrender your sovereignty or you have to look at one world government, no, it just means that we have to strengthen our diplomacy come our engagement, and are under ships come our alliances, and i think that you all understand that, and i want to thank you for your service as governors, and i hope you continue your hope yound susan, i are aware, and we thank you and usa today, we want to thank all of our ambassadors and the. For adjustments, and we thank you all for supporting meridian during this challenging time. Stay tuned. Thank you so much for joining us today. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] aroundtheclock coverage of the surround of the response to the coronavirus pandemic, and it is all online at cspan. Org coronavirus. 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