Included at scale a statewide stayathome order. And then the efforts to continue to practice physical distancing. We then started to move into the third phase. The phase that could broadly be described as the phase of surging. Surging our system not only a , hospital system, but an alternative care system to meet a potential demand that required not only physical assets, rooms, but also people and protective gear. Ventilators, masks, downs, coveralls and the like. The next phase, the phase i want to speak to all of you about, is the phase that i would frame as an optimistic phrase. Phase i wt to speak to all of you about, is the phase that i would frame as an optimistic phrase. That we move from surge and we begin to transition into suppression. Ultimately on our way to hurt immunity and to a vaccine. But in this transition, where we do see life at the end of the tunnel, where there is an array of optimism and hopefulness that this too shall pass, it is perhaps the most difficult and challenging phase of all. That says a lot. The last few weeks and months have been very challenging for all of us. This phase is one where science, Public Health, not politics, must be the guide. Were we must be open to argument, interested in evidence where we cannot be ideological and any way shape or form, in terms of how we approach a condition that changes on an hourly and daily basis. Conditions that can determine what better decisions we make in terms of that transition. Today we want to create a framework framework and having that we have been and pulled back the curtain on private conversations, and make them public. You get a sense of the public the questions we are asking and answers. Before we can move out of a population approach. We are asking everybody to stay at home to a more individual approach to addressing the issues of suppression in the state of california. And ultimately get us back to that sense of normalcy that i know everybody watching so desperately looks forward to. We had a parameter. We have a framework that would guide our decisionmaking, we will make that public in a moment when i asked dr. Angel to come up. Questions not only from dr. Dr. Angel,thers but others that are present here today. The framework is for the ability to do six things. The most important is capacity to expand testing. To appropriately address the tracing and tracking of individuals, the isolation and quarantine of individuals using technology and a workforce that needs to be trained in an infrastructure that needs to be in place in order to begin a process to transition. I will talk more about that, it will be more prescriptive descriptive in terms of what it looks like. The second phase is protecting the most portable populations in the state of california from infection and spread. Primarily our seniors. Issues,th immune order and specific track specific strategies and addressing the needs of our homeless. Addressing vulnerable populations as a top priority. Number three is addressing the ongoing needs of hospital alternative care Delivery System. To meet the needs of potential surges as we adopt new strategies. As we lose in the stayathome orders ultimately, an event shall prospect of increase infections and spread. We need to make sure that infrastructure is protected, and make sure that those assets are. Ell prepared ppe, the masks, ventilators, downs and shields, but also making sure that we have a myriad of other protective gear for that workforce, and to make sure we are capable from an icu perspective and hospitalization perspective to meet additional surges. The fourth is to continue the work we have been doing on a weekly basis. You,is to engage aga team to engage those on the front line and that happened disproportionately to be here in california. ,ompanies like gilead incredible operations of support coming from our hospital systems. And others,anfords including our national lab that we will continue to promote more protocols on therapeutics, which are important as we bridge towards the herd immunity and the vaccine within the next year or so. Number five is the incredible importance every drawing our floor plans. Importance of redrawing our floor plans. If we are moving into a next phase of our businesses so we can practice safe physical distancing within the premise of a business within and around his school site and facilities, large and small, public and private throughout the state of california. Quite literal strategies. Guidelines and expectations on what physical distancing would look like within most of the lease. Not just broadly within those facilities. Not just broadly. And our capacity to turn on the faucet and reinstate more vigorous controls. Process that will be the most challenging. If indeed we lean in, but we have to lean back out as we toggle from stricter to looser. Nterventions, back and forth as things change, as data comes in, as Health Concerns make themselves real in terms of that data. More obvious, our capacity to pull you back in and encourage people to advance the social distancing, stayathome, and physical distancing that has gotten us to this point. Those are the six frames of focus that we will monitor, and that we will process as we make the determination through this process of architecting a next phase in this pandemic. That we will be processing and making more public here today. I want to ask dr. Angel to come up and show a number of those steps. We will try to answer and anticipate as many questions as we can. I will come back up, i will talk more about what normal may look like, because normal is anything but. I will be honest and sober as a relates to that bridge towards the vaccine. I will end before i ask the doctor by making this point. I recognize what you recognize. Two things, that you individuals, through the hader, millions of you, because you have practiced social distancing, you have been superb in the state of california. The models have changed because of your behavior. That puts us in a position to be able to socialize again, to make public these private conversations we have been having about the next phase. Number two, we do so sobering. Number ofad a record deaths. 758 individual stories, families and lives toward apart. 71 individuals lost their lives since the last reporting i gave you yesterday. We are sober about the fact we are still seeing in increase in hospitalizations, but the total number of individuals tested that we are not out of the woods yet. We are not spiking the ball. We also extend a recognition in that light. That this cannot be a permanent state, its not. It will not be a permanent state. We recognize the consequences of the stayathome orders having a profound impact on the economy. Your personal household budget. Your personal prospects around your future. Or wages, or a job you are struggling with your dream. That is to keep your dream a float. A business person that may have put everything on the line. He talked about the next five to vulnerabled how those dreams are to the reality. We recognize the stayathome orders impact everyone differently. Certainly impacts those of low income differently, then people with means. Impacts communities differently, depending on the resources within those communities and the capacity for Community Members to come together and support one another. Limited in certain parts of our state. And the impact of the Health Care System. They have done a magnificent job. Surge,t anticipating the but creating slack. That has a profound economic consequence on our Health Care Delivery system. Not just hospitals, but primary care positions, Community Clinics and ally. And alike. Though systems would be devastated if there is a strong recovery to recover anytime soon. It could create more Health Problems down the road as we continue to delay elected surgeries. Or we are not doing our checkups and preventative work that helps them to become acute care issues. All of these things we recognize , require us to begin to make public our thinking as we transition from surge to suppression in breaking towards heard immunity and immunizations. To theat, we looks over presentation of dr. Angel and look forward to all of your questions. Startgel i would like to as we embark on this conversation, about modifying our roadmaps and stayathome orders i looking at where we had been, particularly with respect to planning. Our focus has been on making sure our care Delivery System is it is there any time of surge. Across the horizontal is time. This is the number of dock of hospitalizations. Forecastingcipated when no modifications, with no interventions and our Surge Capacity would go beyond what we could manage. Time, and because of all of you in california and people staying home, we have started to bend the curve. This shows where we would go if we continued with our current interventions by staying at home. Not only are we following that line, we are doing better. That does not mean that we can just send everybody back into the streets and resume life the way we were. If we remove all of our interventions, we would expect a surge. Now is to talk about how we can modify our existing orders in ways that makes it easier for all of us, but continues to check the health of californians. Our goals moving forward, as outlined by the governor, and till we build community and can know that we are safe from covid19, our actions will align to achieve the following. We need to ensure that we had the ability to care for the sick within our hospitals. This is something we worked hard for. Are movingident we in that direction, but we have to be thoughtful. As we change intervention and make it possible for people to move freely, we know infections could increase and there could be more demand on hospitals. It is essential to ensure our ability to care for the sick and before we move rapidly with changes. Secondly, an important goal is to prevent infection in people who are at high risk. Everything we have done has been to make sure we can protect those who are most normal from being exposed. Most vulnerable from being exposed. They include the elderly in california. Helping them stay at him safely. Those in congregate settings. Helping to protect those settings. Also those who are homeless and incarcerated, and other places that we know, should the infection grow, we need to be ready to respond. And to make sure we are still razorsharp in making sure we protect the populations health. Wether goal is to make sure build the capacity to protect the health and wellbeing of the general public in california. More details in just a bit. As the governor spoke to special ways we can think about increasing and enhancing the current Contact Tracing to identify people who may be sick, or may have been exposed, and make sure we support them in a place where they prevent the infection from spreading further. That is another essential area. We know that protects all californians. We need to be clear that the actions we do move forward in reduce the economic disruptions we know many of us are experiencing as a result of this stayathome order. This is because we know that where we are now, while exceedingly important, and its why we are on the curve and have the luxury of being thoughtful about modifications, where we are now for stayathome orders cannot be sustained. The are difficult to sustain for of time. Eriod there have an impact on poverty, the economy and our health care. As we think about changing modifications, we need to consider not only the direct impact that covid19 has on our health and wellbeing, the realizing that as we change modifications, we need to make sure that the other areas of impact help. So areas need to be address we improve the wellbeing of californians. Thell talk with you about six indicators for modifying a stayathome order in california. Clear, this is not simply about a set of indicators where we check and move on. This is a thoughtful process about how we modify our policies so that we protect the health of californians. I will share with you how we are thinking about those indicators. Which we are working hard to make sure we have all provisions in place that are necessary to make people healthy. First of all, the first indicator is the ability to monitor and protect our communities through testing, Contact Tracing, isolating and supporting those who are positive or exposed. A couple key questions we will example,lves is, for how prepared is our state to test everyone who is symptomatic . This does not mean we cannot haveaction until we Testing Available for everybody, that it is essential for us to understand as we think about what modifications are appropriate. Another is, do we have the ability to identify contact of those were positive to reduce transmission . This talks about how we are able to contain spread of infection when we identify it in the community. And importantial as we think about creating more opportunity for movement in the community, more opportunity for infection, and potential for movement of covid19. Number two, the ability to prevent infection in people who are at risk for severe covid19. A couple of key questions we will ask ourselves and assess carefully includes, our older californians and the medically vulnerable living in their own homes supported so they can continue social distancing . We have over 6 million older adults across the state, who are isolating in their homes or congregate settings. Every one of them deserves to stay safe in their own home. Canre thinking about how we have the ability to make sure these older adults in their homes, or those medically at risk are kept have we developed a plan to quickly identify and contain outbreaks . Specifically, again, this is in congregant settings where we know people are living. We have done a lot to put programs in place that help identify when there are outbreaks, that help provide resources immediately to those settings, and also address some of the very difficult often questions but theres more work to do, and over the coming weeks, we will be focusing heavily on that to make sure that as we make it available for people to move that that does not put these populations at greater risk. Ability of the Hospital Health system to handle surges. As we start to loosen up, there is a possibility for more movement of covid19 and we need to make sure our hospitals are prepared for that. Some of the key questions we will be asking ourselves include do we have adequate bed capacity, staff, and supplies such as ventilators and masks . Over the past few weeks, you have heard all of the hard work we have done across the state, for procuring increased masks and making sure that we have the number of ventilators we need to make sure that if we rely on our care Delivery System and if we need those ventilators, they are available to us. We have made great progress. We will continue to watch this however because this is a very important area as we think about how we modify our interventions. Can our Health Care System address covid19 and other Critical Health care needs . While our care Delivery System is very well situated at this moment to deal with the amount of cases that we are seeing, it has not been necessarily providing the kind of care that we do for regular our regular Health Care Maintenance over the time because much of that excess capacity has been developed by canceling elective surgeries, for example, or putting off or postponing things that are not so immediate. We need to move back into a space where we can make sure that peoples Health Care Needs are regularly met effectively as we think about trading off some of these interventions. Number four, the ability to develop therapeutics to meet the demand. We feel like this is an important place for california, of all states, in particular, to be engaged in this because there is so much innovation and advancements in our medical community in california so we have a unique opportunity to collaborate and make sure that these therapeutics continue to evolve. They are important especially in the absence of vaccines because they allow people, if they do get sick, to recover more quickly and also not to end up in our care Delivery System and put more pressure on our care Delivery System. This is an opportunity to save live fors are individuals save lives. How do we build a coalition of private, public, and academic partners to accelerate the development of therapeutics and make therapeutics that show promise . We will continue to watch it as we assess changes. The ability for businesses, schools, and childcare facilities to support physical distancing, some of the key questions as we think about enhancing this includes have we worked with businesses to support physical distancing practices and introduced guidelines to provide health facts when employees or the general public and to the premises . These are opportunities to think about how are we shaping the physical environment, as we go about into these different places, from businesses to our school environment, how have we shaped it so we basically engineered in the opportunity to stay six feet apart . We can spend less time trying to avoid bumping into one another, trying to avoid potentially exposing one another to covid19, and more time focusing on getting our work done and going about our daily business. Also, do we have supplies and equipment to keep the workforce and customers these are areas we will explore as we are more established and the resources we need for the care delivery environment and protect our frontline workers. These are opportunities we have to shift in the future to focus more on these areas to make sure that others can be safe and other places as well. Broadersources can be as we spend less time in the home. To ability to determine when reinstitute certain measures such as the stayathome orders if necessary. This is the last, but an incredibly critical indicator for us. And some of the key questions we will be talking about, are we tracking the right data to provide us an Early Warning system and do we have the ability to quickly can indicate the need to reinstate these measures . We need to have a clear process in place so we understand not only when we are making great progress but also when we need to take a step back, think about the interventions we have, modify them, and perhaps recommend broader recommendations once again. This will be an important point to moving forward in a way that is sustainable for california. Thatt want to end noting as the governor had mentioned in his opening remarks, this is a conversation about modifying, about modifying, about transitioning from where we are now to a point in the future when covid19 no longer poses a threat to our population. That time period, this time period b are entering, is not about going back to where we were before. It is about Going Forward in ways that are healthy for all of us. It will not same. Different ways that we will think about the way we do our everyday work will mean that we will be making changes. For example, restaurants will be likely to reopen, but perhaps they will have fewer tables, creating greater opportunity for physical distancing between one another when we are eating out, protecting one another as we spend more time in places like we used to enjoy. Face coverings are likely to become common in public. We talked a lot about face coverings. Some areas are using them and have had much stronger recommendations about using them, but as we spend more time in the public, it becomes even more important that we use all of the different interventions we have as added value. Face coverings are not a replacement for physical distancing, but they can add protection and we will think about that more broadly as more of us go into the public. And then finally, just recognizing that this will bring new opportunities. They will be likely to arrive that will support mitigation efforts. This includes things as just discussed by the governorlike creating interventions that can help us improve effectively Contact Tracing in our committees and supporting individuals who then might need to be separated for some time because they either have infection or they have been exposed. Programs like that will create new opportunities for work and new opportunities as we move into this new stage. With that, i will turn it back over to the governor. Thank you. Newsom thank you. A question everyone has on their minds is when are we going to see some of these stayathome orders lifted . For ast saw a framework process that will guide our decisionmaking. But that decisionmaking is predicated again on our ability to answer all of those questions in the appropriate manner. Affirmatively, in some cases, but also to adopt a protocol where those questions need to be asked and answered of others all throughout the state of california because at the end of the day, i have said this before, localism is determinative. We have a state vision but it will be realized at the local level. Local governments, local counties, local health directors. A profound and outsized influence on our capacity to deliver on this next iteration in terms of our planning. Let me thank those directors for helping us guide our decision tree, the one we just made public today. Let me also extend just ongoing appreciation for the governors of Washington State and oregon for their guidance and support and collaboration through this process and also other Western State governors that are also likely to join on this broader regional protocol to go together so that we get this right. This isngel said, incredibly important, theres no light switch here. I would argue its more like a dimmer and that dimmer is about what i was talking about. This toggling back and forth between more restrictive and less restrictive measures. More individual accountability, more individual responsibility as it relates to face coverings as, it relates to practice seeing physical distancing. More individual responsibility. If you have been exposed to the virus, that we isolate you, and that we trace those that also may have been exposed, quarantine those that have tested positive. More enforcement along those lines, as we again move toward blending populationbased solutions and incorporate individualbased solutions, it becomes incumbent upon all of us to increase our vigilance and our capacity to align to our strategies. Point where we did not at least at the moment manifest the worst case as it relates to the surge because you all did it together. We moved not just quickly but we moved thoughtfully. As a state, 40 million strong. As we begin to transition out of this, it is incumbent we take that same spirit of collaboration, cooperation, that guiding spirit of unity and commonwealth as we process into this next phase. As i said, this is an imperfect science. There is no, you know, no playbook that someone else has put together. There are examples around the world. We are incorporating those best practices and those considerations, and that last slide was a perfect example of that. We talk about what the new normal will look like. As i said, normal it will not be. At least until we have heard immunity and we have a vaccine, a herd immunity and we have vaccine, because as someone at your self who looks forward to going back out and having dinner, as the doctor said, you may be having dinner with a aiter wearing gloves, maybe face, dinner where the menu is disposable, where the tables, half of the tables in that restaurant no longer appear. Where your temperature is checked before you walk in to the establishment. These are likely scenarios as we begin to process the next phase and next iteration for businesses, the same opportunity and responsibility to allow for their employees to practice a safe physical distancing which means they have to redesign those businesses. Retailers have to redesign their protocols, processes, and procedures. You saw on that list, it also develops opportunities because we have a chance, as lincoln once said, to think anew and to new approachesd and strategies to get things done. More teleworking, more distance learning, and speaking of learning, we want to get our kids back into school. That is why you saw that on the slide. We are committed to doing that. This school year, for all intents and purposes, again is over, but as we look forward through the summer and into the fall, already beginning those conversations in detail with the superintendent, public education, and others. What physically do those Schools Look Like . Can you stagger the times that our students come in so you can appropriate yourself differently within the existing physical environment by reducing physical contact if possible, reducing addressingate meal, issues related to pen recess pe and recess. Those are the conversations we will all be having over the course of the next couple of weeks and the next number of months. That me anchor those conversations so you can understand them a little bit more formally. We intend to have those conversations with you publicly on a weekly basis. We have teams assembled in each of the categories that are working to answer the questions dr. Angel posed and ask and answer questions that we did not present here today so that we can work through all of these things in real time. The answer to the rhetorical question i opened with just a moment ago, when do we think we can start to experience a loosening of the stayathome order . It is predicated on two things. On oure to hold the line stayathome orders today, continue to practice physical distancing so that we can continue to see this curved band. We want to see hospitalization curve bend. We want to see icu numbers flatten and start to decline. If we see that over the course of a few weeks and commensurate with that, we build this infrastructure that is required, that will be laid out in those categories, if we build that workforce to help us with tracing by the way, we have an initiative called checkin which is doing just that, using technology and all of the apps i will say this about california. I love our state. It is so abundant when it comes to technology. The only challenge that abundance is so much choice as it relates to who has the best app and the best technology, so we are looking at all these different apps, technologies, all the announcements you heard publicly from Companies Like google and apple, and we are trying to figure out exactly what we believe is the best app for california, but we have to supplement that technology with workforce. Thousands of individuals working with americorps, working with cal volunteers. Thank you for your leadership, finding a volunteer corps and looking to reprioritize existing state staff that are willing to commit to tracing efforts or working with julie and our department of labor. All in partnership as part of this checkin corps that ultimately will provide for thousands and thousands, tens, hundreds of thousands of points of contact in terms of our tracing capacity. I just want to say this. For those that think that sounds challenging, it is. And it is not. And we have tracing in the state of california because of the scale of our Health Care Delivery system that predates this current crisis. We have done it on tv. We have done it on measles. We did it for ebola. We did tracking when those first flights came in from mainland china. Tens of thousands of people were tracked appropriately and knowingly were tracked when they came in off commercial flights, not just those repatriated flights, so that our Health Systems were aware of their movements and were monitoring their health, so we have an infrastructure, a foundation thats already in place, and now, we are amplifying that and we are building on that, and i am very pleased that that is already underway. That is part of the infrastructure that is required, so not just trendlines that go down and become headlines of good news, but an infrastructure to support a loosening of these stayathome orders in a precise and targeted and gradual way where we are using data, using science, using real examples on a daily basis to iterate, and again, to toggle that jammer so we get exactly the appropriate lighting so that we can ultimately transition to herd immunity and that vaccine, and then get this economy rolling again. Let me just speak to that. Without just being pollyannaish and without just being a cheerleader. We are this weeks going to. Nnounce our new Economic Team we have some remarkable leaders that are already working with us very collaboratively. We will make public that task force and you will hear more about every sector of our economy, how we are looking to jumpstart it when we are in a thetion where we can expand definition of essential and we can expand our capacity to again scale down this stayathome order. So thats Broad Strokes and what we wanted to communicate with you here today. That is the framework. I know theres going to be dozens of questions, more specific. Let me answer that question. In two weeks, if we see a continued decline, not just flattening, but decline in hospitalizations and icus, and we see this workforce in the infrastructure and ppe needs met, as we anticipate around may, first week in may, to start seeing the benefits and fruits of that, asked me the question then, ask me the question then, and we will be in a very different place where we can be more prescriptive on timelines. I know you want a timeline but we cannot get ahead of ourselves. Lets not make the mistake of pulling the plug too early, as much as we all want to. I do not want to make a political decision that puts peoples lives at risk and puts the economy at even more risk by extending the period of time before we can ultimately transition and get people moving again. So that is the sober reality, but it is also a reality that i think provides a little bit of light and a little bit of optimism that this is not a permanent state, and we are finally seeing some rays of sunshine on the horizon, and i just wanted to share that with you and let you know that. And let me just briefly, before we open up to questions, just further that by letting you know that the total number of icu beds yesterday actually declined modestly. 1 . Icu. 177 individuals in our we saw a modest increase of 3. 6 in our hospitalization numbers, but again, those icu numbers, hospitalization members, are the ones i look at every single morning, and they guide so many of the decisions that we make on a daily basis. But there was another subset of that i wanted to share before we turn it over to questions, and that was the number of puis. If you followed these press conferences, you may vaguely recall what that is, a person under investigation. We are also seeing the number of people under investigation, hospitalized and in the icus, also start to come down, so it is a combination, a blend of all those factors, that is encouraging, but for one reason, because you practiced social distancing, you are practicing physical distancing, and you are abiding by the stayathome order. If you take from this presentation that all of a sudden that should be lifted, i promise you, tragically, i will be back, and we will be expressing a very different message, so again, please, it is incumbent upon all of us to continue to do the incredible , andthat you have done know that we will not pull the trigger too early to the extent we are guided by these principles and we truly hold the line and make sure the. Rinciples advance this cause again, not politics. Jeremy white, politico. I am curious to know how this will play out in terms of the interplay between the state and Public Health authorities given that the virus is playing out differently in different communities, as you referenced. Statewidegoing to be guidelines to officers, is the state going to have a prescriptive role given that you have a birdseye view of where the outbreak is worse or better . How is that interplay going to work . Governor newsom localism is determinative. At the end of the day, we recognize, in california, and forgive me this nationstate phrase which i have used for years has taken on a life of its own but because of the scale and scope of california, and because of the geographic distances, because of the rural and urban construct, because of density of population, and also density of spread, being so distinct and unique in different will of the state, yes, we be guided by local decisionmaking, but there will be baseline recommendations and guidance that will come out, that will create the foundation expectation, of and then we will continue to work with these extraordinary leaders, just extraordinary leaders, these local health officials, to help us guide more prescriptive strategies that are tailored to their unique needs and expectations. K cbs. Reporter a couple of questions, obviously quite a few. Two in particular. One is, why now . Given that we are at least two weeks from being able to ask you about a timeline and these six steps could take many weeks beyond that, are you at all concerned that people might react to this with of them a bit of complacency or unbridled optimism . Oh, it is almost over, and might let down their guard a little bit . You also mentioned localism being determinative. I know we all want your reaction to the president declaring yesterday that his authority is himl, and that it is up to when States Reopen and what they do. Clearly, what you have laid out today is not consistent with his opinion. We would all like to hear your takes on what he has to say. Governor newsom i appreciate that. Please appreciate, i am not going there. We just want to get stuff done in the state of california for 40 million americans that happen to reside in, for you. Specifically, to your first part of your question, which is very thoughtful, look, we want to make this point, and i have made it on multiple occasions. I dont want to be having private conversations with friends and family that i am not having with you and the public. I owe that to you. All i have is your trust. Some folks have not earned it yet. Others, i may be earning it. It is conditioned on me being forthright and as honest as i possibly can be under the circumstances, and theres all kinds of issues around circumstance. Hippo concerns, hipa concerns, all these issues where we also have to be thoughtful and how we process information, but these are the conversations we have been having the last few weeks. As we saw that curve begin to bend because of everyones outstanding work and i think it is important to let folks know that we are not in a permanent state. As long as we do not make the decision to ultimately pull back to soon too soon. That is why i appreciate your question and i want to caution everybody watching, the incredible importance of the stayathome orders so we can get through the next few weeks and really see if these trends, this curve, is not just declining, but is and give us a few weeks to really build this infrastructure and answer all those tough questions, and then i can come out and be much more specific see awhen and how we blended approach to the stayathome order. John byers, l. A. Times. Reporter governor, one of the things that your presentation seems to hint at is a pretty radical rethinking of Public Health in california, and i know we are early in this, but could you give me some thoughts about that . I think primarily in terms of funding . Public health has not been well funded through the years in this falls an enormous burden on the locals. You talk about the tracking an investigation of cases done by local health officials. Can you talk at all about the commitment you have to make about substantial money from the state into Public Health in the state Going Forward . Governor newsom that is a consequential question and profoundly significant. Look, let me just offer a few thoughts on that. Notve been, as you know, timid in terms of my desire to make investments in the Health Care Delivery system in the state of california. We have been aggressive on pharmaceutical drugs, creating a single purchasing authority, we have been socializing some of the work we Just Announced a few months ago. It seems like a year ago. On looking at total costs within the system and looking at more areas of transparency related to costs. We also have expanded our subsidies, deepened them, not just expanded them, to the middle class, to help them support the work covered california and our exchange. And as you know, we also expanded coverage regardless of your status as immigrant or nonimmigrant, and that gives you a sense of our commitment as a state, my commitment as administration in our admin station to advance that cause. To your question, this is only has only reinforced the importance of our Health Care Delivery system. People that came into this pandemic that did not have quality care are not well served through this pandemic and they are the most vulnerable because they fall through the cracks. Thats why, if theres any lesson in all of this, it is, when this is all said and done, big smile, big thanks, how you doing, to all the Frontline Health Care Workforce for incredible heroism day in and day out that is so often taken for granted and underrecognized, and also in appreciation of the importance of rebuilding our Health Care Delivery system, and really looking anew at how we can do that so that we do not have the kind of scattershot support that we have seen across this nation as different systems are struggling to make things work. Ap. Governor, so i understand that you are not viewing a key timeline for when things will change, but more broadly, you have outlined a pretty radical changes in sort of what our daily life looks like in california, even as we start to lift these orders. So, you know, you have got some pretty big holidays coming up into the summer. Memorial day, july 4. I mean, walk me through it we arego to plan, if able to meet some of these measures, how does the summer look different for californians. Following on that, how does the school year in the fall looks different for californian students if we meet all these measures and we are able to start doing some of what you talked about . Governor newsom i appreciate it. Look, and thank you for the question, because you have also offered me an opportunity to Say Something that i was not clear about in the initial presentation, and that is as it relates to mass gatherings. Gatheringst of mass is negligible at best until we and we get immunity to a vaccine, so largescale events that bring in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of strangers all together across every conceivable difference, health and otherwise, is not in the cards based upon our current guidelines and current expectations. Things can change radically, and we are course can have therapeutics at scale, the kind of Community Testing at scale, serology tests at scale, and capacity to get vaccines earlier than we anticipated. That can change that diamond amick, so i want dynamic so i want to question my own words in that context, but when you suggest june, july, august, it is unlikely. That said, as it relates to the school year, we need to get our kids back to school. I need to get my kids back to school. We need to get our kids educated , we need to deal with their mental health, and parents mental health. It is hard to educate your kids and then take care of everybody else. Parents are required of taking care of, not least of which each other and other responsibilities within the household. We just need to do it in a safe way so that those kids are not going to school, getting infected, and then coming back home and infecting grandma or grandpa. So we have to be very, very vigilant in that respect. As i mentioned to you, we have got these teams of people, and some of them are more built out than others. The area that we will be building out much more robustly is the school space, to specifically answer that question. We have hypothecated, since you want to offer that lens, perhaps of imagination, let me hypothecate with you scenarios where in physically constrained environments, where practicing physical distancing within the cool school come this fall may be challenged, we can conceivably stagger the individual students to come in as cohorts. Some in the morning, some in the afternoon. We have to work with our unions and others, management to figure Something Like that out but those are the conversations we are already having. Lookinges, pe, recess, at how you provide meals to our kids, all of those things would have to be reconsidered. Deep sanitization, massive deep cleaning, a predicate, by the way, not just in our schools, but disinfecting our parks, playgrounds, benches, our swings, our sidewalks, our streets, all common areas, for offices, foror building managers. The idea that we are still pushing to get to 410 to 411 to make sure there are lights, make sure there is the kind of sanitation within those building systems. All of that is guidance that likely will be put out, which will be predicate for reintroducing a semblance a semblance of normalcy that i realized is anything not in the short run. Final question. Ramping governor, your up radically the ability to trace new cases as they pop up, we have been watching this as testing to ramp up date and have struggled to do so. What level of testing when you need to be able to be comfortable relaxing some orders in terms of how many tens of thousands we could process per week . Gov. Newsom i will ask dr. Galley to come up. Dr. Galley put together a Testing Task Force a few weeks back and we are seeing some improvement in our total testing capacity, more importantly on our throughput of getting diagnostic results back. We had 50,500 number of tests, test results. We have gotten that down to 13,000. We need to reduce it still and are very close to meeting our phase one goal in terms of the total number of tests into the , but dr. Housands a day galley can talk more specifically about what he anticipates and expects as it relates to a threshold of comfort not only on testing, point of care testing, but also the kind of Community Surveillance that is needed on the testing side in order to make this data and make these decisions much easier. Thank you, governor and thank you for the question. As the governor said, our Testing Task Force continues to make progress on advancing testing across the state. We are beginning to move beyond just having tests available for andsickest people healthcare workers, frontline workers, looking to expand the number of sites across the state that have Community Testing for those who may be early with their symptoms or may have been exposed to someone who either was symptomatic or tested positive, so those are beginning the state. Ed across we are looking to do those in a very equitable way, consistent with the principles across california, making sure we dont just have certain communities have Testing Available, but it is available to everyone across the state. There committed to building capacity. We dont have a clear target number. We all hope at the end of this month that we have tens of thousands of tests a day. Our numbers are e tests that we have we hope will be available in the next many days next couple of weeks at a scale that we do not have today. That we will be able to do thousands of test all throughout. Once we had that level and we know that individuals have symptoms can get tested and the results are available rapidly, we will be able to think about modifying these orders in a way that is responsible across the state. Other things are besides testing that will help us think about this. And number of our Health Systems look at those who are coming forward on the call lines, in the emergency room, in the urgent care as part of a indicator that may be communities are experiencing covid penetrations and transmission that we have to look at closely and determine how we support those communities so we did not have rapid spread. Track,ncept of test, trace, isolate, and quarantine, we have other tools that augment our ability. Testing is a focal point, something we are improving as we go along. I think the next couple of meds, we will be able to talk about testing use in a more sophisticated way. We are also looking at other strategies to ensure that we keep californians safe as we look at modifying some of the stayathome orders we have today. Gov. Newsom that is our roadmap. I hope all of our us are sober. A little bit of optimism, this is not a permanent state. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Im feeling optimistic because of all of you. An incredible spirit of people coming together across every conceivable difference working together, no politics, no partisanship. Just neighbor to neighbor saying we can do a lot more to meet this moment. We have met this moment in remarkable ways and it has put us in a position where we can layout this roadmap. It is all conditioned on us continuing to stay the course on the current road we are on. Stayathome. Practice appropriate social distancing and make sure we are physically distanced from one another. Never forget, you are not alone. Even with the stayathome orders, you are not alone. I want to encourage people. Volunteer. Contribute your time and energy and make sure we are doing everything we can to reach out to one another. Stay safe, be healthy, and continue to practice social distancing. Thank you all. Announcer washington journal prime time. A special evening addition of the washington journal and the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. Our guests are with the university of washington on the importance of data and tracking and slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Conversation tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Joining us via zoom from her home in detroit is representative of the 13th congressional district. Congresswoman, thank you for being with us. Let me begin by asking about your constituents because detroit is one of the new hotspots. What are they telling you and how are you can medicate with them . Guest it is important for folks to know out of the 435 members of congress, i have the fourth congressional district. This is where i was born and raised. One of the key things i residents are saying is, many of them are on survivor mode. They were already living check by check. Which had a lot of debt when it came to medical bills, a lot of folks have lowwage jobs. This pandemic not only expose the ugly face of our broken healthcare system, the economic divide in our country, but for so many folks on the ground, they do not know where to turn to. Even with the economic stemless

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