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Are week. Well be announcing to you all when you all can go down and do that. Weve talked a lot about the Convention Center in new orleans, which is very important. Obviously in region one. Which is the states largest hot spot at present with respect to cases. Were increasing our medical capacity across the state of louisiana including here in the baton rouge area. Baton rouge general has announced they will be reopening the midcity campus for the purpose of increasing medical capacity in response to covid19. While that campus has been closed its been maintained with much of the equipment in place. The facility will include inpatient hospital beds, icu beds and emergency rooms. The facility will open as early as next week with estimated 84 beds. Licensed bed capacity will work in phases. Baton rouge general managing the staff of this facility and i want to tell everyone affiliated with baton rouge general we very much appreciate them stepping up, expanding their capacity. Really that goes to all of the hospitals assistance across the state of louisiana. Its important to note that this will be a fully functioning hospital for all patient who need care. Whether they are diagnosed with covid19 or have other medical needs. Obviously this is different from the Convention Center, which is is going to be a medical monitoring station for Covid Patients only. You wont be able to go to Convention Center in new orleans on your own to seek care and treatment. We will not allow visitors there to see the patients who will be there. Everybody who goes to the Convention Center will be transfer to a facility by a hospital. We will be moving to expand capacity in several regions of the state, similar to what were doing at the Convention Center. We have little more time and the rest of the state and modeling is brought up to date as new data comes online. We will be looking at that. It will be the similar strategy in mind where we take the nonfragile parents out of hospitals, place them in these medical monitoring units around the state, freeing up hospital beds sooner and more frequently we would otherwise be the case. As you all can see from the numbers today, we have a long way to go. I will say again, what ive been saying for weeks now, this still is going to get worse before it gets better. We dont know how much worse. We do know that we can to control how much worse it gets. We know that mitigation measures work. We know that the stayathome order works. Social distancing works. These measures only work to the degree that people comply with them. Im urging everyone across the state of louisiana, for some reason it didnt register with you before today, we cant do anything about what happened or didnt happen yesterday, you can start right now and make sure that you are complying with these orders. Youre not unnecessarily exposing you and your family and others to the virus. Especially those who are medically vulnerable because of underlying conditionals or because of advanced age. Certainly, we owe it to healthcare workers not to put more demand on them advanced they maybe asking them about their plans to quarantine for 14 days and so forth. I dont believe that they are stopping individuals. I dont think we have what you characterize as check point happening. Its sort of a side. I will note there was no check point for our National Guardsman and our state troopers and our fire marshals in orange texas, couple of years ago, in order to conduct search and rescue of our neighbors in texas. On the 150 from the stockpile, did you get a sense of the time line theyre going tie river . Are they going to arrive in enough time to push back that date . Yes we expect to receive them very quickly today or tomorrow. They will be here in advance, we believe, when we will exceed our capacity. However, the number of new patients needing ventilators under the modeling that we see 150 will only get us about a day or so. Maybe two if we get lucky before we exceeded that capacity again. Were continuing to bring in ventilators as quickly as possible. Were not just bringing in new ventilators from vendors. Were out scouring the medical community, trying to figure out where we have ventilators that are not in need, for example that are ambulatory Surgical Centers and so forth. These places are not operational. Were trying to get those devices to our hospitals to augment what they are doing. They are not ideal. They are better than not having a ventilator at all. I will tell you, i was very middle eastedmiddlepleased to find out the type of ventilators were receiving they are top of the line ventilators you wouldnt expect to see in an icu. Did you include 150 in the april 4th that you said . Does buy you a day or two days . You know, melinda, my concern is youre trying to be very precise. We all need to be, we have data that were putting in every single day. We have to try to figure out by the model what the rate of transmission is at any given time. What that case growth looks like. How many of the people who have a case of covid19 are going to be in the hospital. How many of those people are going to need a ventilator. In addition to that, which is happening overtime, what Ventilator Capacity can we add . Were trying to be precise as we can be. I cannot give you the exact day and hour when i know for a fact were going to run out of ventilators. With the 150 its around april 4th or 5th. Thats according to the modeling were getting now. Governor, do we have a sense you said yesterday april 12th was projection of hospital beds. Is there a specific factor thats main thing thing driving that data you can point to . Everyday we take the data that we learned over the previous 24 hours and we put it into the model. I get a briefing about what that time line looks like. The timeline, you have to make certain assumptions. That is the i dont want to be terribly difficult here because its something that im only coming to understand now, you got to figure out what is that factor. You can feel comfortable about the range. But the exact line is little bit harder. You have to try to make an assumption about where you really are and theres a difference of several days on either side of that. Thats why we cant be more precise than we are being. It underscores the need to surge our capacity as quickly as we can but also to slow the spread as quickly as we can. I will point out that the number of cases that came in today were still trying to digest and understand the testing that form todays numbers. It well could be, huge number of these tests were done by private labs. Perhaps the drivethru labs open in Jefferson Parish and 750 tests a day. We had log jam in getting those test results back. It may be that jam opened up. We got a flood of tests at one time. We still have to try to figure out what that does to the overall trajectory were on and make the very best decisions that we can. We want to be as honest and straightforward as we can in sharing the data were getting. While were making decisions were making. The two things that remain absolutely consistent from the very first time that we held one of these press conferences we need to search our medical capacity and we need the public to engage in better practices related to social distancing and better compliance related to the stayathome order. Because thats how were going to bend the curve. If its going to have back on reducing the rate of growth in these cases. We would actually start to see that in the next couple of days. At least thats what ive been told to expect. These numbers today especially if they include test that were administered is mainly seven days ago. Dont necessarily tell us the stayathome order isnt effective. It tell us that we have no reason yet to believe that we are flattening the curve. I hope, i pray and were working to make sure that happens just as soon as possible. You answered this already talking about the rate. 14,000 requesting ventilators, where does that number come from . Right now youre at 420 patients. Jeff, you can imagine, we have an idea how many ventilators we need across the state. It is in the several thousands. Weve ordered more than that. You never know which vendors will be able to get a supply any given time. We have three vendors we ordered 2000 each from. It depends on where we might be able to get. Weve asked for the Strategic National stockpile to send us 5000. You add that up its about 14,000 or so that weve put on order. We dont need 14,000, if i knew for a fact what i can get one from one vendor, i wouldnt be ordering from another. Thats part of the complications that are popping up all over the country as states compete with one another and with hospitals and other medical providers. I assume we maybe competing against the federal government. Thats the disjointed procurement effort that is playing out all across the country now, which is difficult to navigate through. I suspect increasing the prices of these devices beyond what would orderly seeing. I understand District Attorney plans to charge the [indiscernible] six counts misdemeanor for violating cspan order. Stayathome order. Im concerned about lot of things. Optics by themselves dont hurt anybody. But the practice of the pasture continuing to engage in services where we had more people in the congregation than he should have under the order by a large measure by the way. Not practicing social distancing that disturbs me too. It is very unfortunate that any leader of any kind business leader, elected leader, community leader, faith leader, would choose and make the conscious decision to violate what is a legal order. One that is imperative for public health. I dont like the optics. I dont know anybody has been or would be arrested. That may happen. I dont know what the local authorities will do. They served summons on him for violating the or the. I think thats all that has happened now. I will appeal to that pastor and anybody who might be out there either violating the order. Please stop what you are doing. In it grand scheme of things, it doesnt make sense. Overwhelming majority of our faith leaders have found other ways to engage with their parishioners. Doing it online through skype or facebook or all the different means that they have at their disposal. Inwould encourage him to do the same thing. It only makes sense and may be this action that was taken today will be enough to get his attention. I will tell you that, the Law Enforcement authorities have been extremely patient. There have been numerous conversations with this pastor. They have done everything that they could to try to get him to become compliant before they took the step today. Maybe this will be the step that actually gets his attention and brings him in compliance. Going back to 150 ventilators, when you spoke with fema, you ask them to cover louisiana piece of the pie. Is kind of what the future you see the state getting from the feds. This morning, the new york governor mentioned looking for ventilators is like on ebay. Is that the same thing youre seeing . Yes. I described the process just a while ago what were doing and other states are doing. Its not a model of efficiency. I think thats unfortunate. But it is the method that were using. Its a method that weve been told to use as it relates to ppe and to ventilators. Obviously, the 150 ventilators are 150 more we had. It is slice of that pie. Were not giving up just yet because i believe there remain ventilators in the Strategic National stockpile. Among the states and they will take that into consideration and making additional outpatient. Were not going to stop asking for ventilators. Were not going to stop sourcing them elsewhere. We need to increase that capacity here in louisiana. Any idea if theres like a nurse home or some explanation for that . [indiscernible] i do not. Im not able to really do anything but guess about st. Charles. Im not going to do that. Maybe the doctor knows whether theres any speck specific thing. Its unfortunate as i look statewide and theres been lot of focus on new orleans and Jefferson Parish. Just look at the numbers. 1834 in parish, 1193 in jefferson. Look at the 242 and 63 next door in bosher. Thats what new orleans and jefferson looked like not too long ago. All thee cases are concerning to me and other people across the state of louisiana. Regardless what parish they come from. I dont know if you want to alter i have a question. You talked about the sobering number today. Its a very stark number. What it startling to you . I will ask the doctor to come. I can direct it only way i know how. Theres no way to see that number and not be startled. Im telling people to expect things to get worse before they get better. I saw the number and i was startled. I believe the number could be informed by test results stacked up over a number of days. That broke through today. If that is true, we should see something smaller than that tomorrow. I pray that that is the case. Ive been wanting to see it for a consistent basis. Especially Going Forward because stayathome order if it is going to be effective and flattening the curve, we should start to see that play out in the near future. This is the last question of the day. I will ask the doctor to share his perspective on this. I share the governor sentiment. Any time we see that number increasing and were looking at models. We know with other cities seeing. You feel that in your stomach when you see a number like that. As the governor noted, as we drill down in that data what we see my team thats getting the results, 90 of those were coming from commercial labs. We know weve heard from folks that are waiting longer than advertised for their commercial lab results to come back in. What we cant tell you who in that mix 90 of those positives that waiting on a commercial lab had their test done four days ago, five days ago or more. That usually means that the people who are making up that positive count, would have been more likely people not being tested in the hospital. People most likely at the time of timing to be at home. What we dont know is if they felt sicker after that. There is a lot that we will let you change about the pace of testing and the pace of the results coming in from commercial labs so we can track our models. That is where we have the Hospital Data that we are tracking. That give us a better sense. My team is looking at that. It is really hard to draw big conclusions day by day. You have to be trending this out over time. That is what we are doing, that is what we are building in. The basic point remains the same. The message to all of us is this is serious. Unfortunately, as we saw, for an additional 54 individuals, this is deadly. The more covid you have in the state, the more likely you are to have very sick. The more likely people are in the hospital, the more likely they are sick enough that they could die of the virus. The most important thing we could do is slow the spread of this virus. That is all the work we have been talking about. Staying home. Not taking your life in your hands, not taking your relatives life in your hands, doing your bit to slow this virus. 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