Virus and efforts to develop a vaccine. They also talked about the state of the pandemic in china, italy, and the u. S. Good evening, good morning, good afternoon. Welcome to the World Health Organization press briefing on covid19. We have with us, as always, the , theirector general executive director of our emergencies program, and the technical lead for covid19. You will first be given an update. When opening remarks are finished, we will hear a message about the solidarity trial. After that, i will open the meeting to questions. If you have connected via zoom, please use the raise your hand icon to get in the queue to ask your question. If you have joined by phone, please hit star nine to indicate you would like to ask a question. I apologize on those who miss out as we have hundreds of people connecting already and asking questions, for which we thank you all. We need to keep this briefing to under an hour, so our speakers who are all leading this response can get back to all the other pressing jobs on their endless to do list, and right now, there is a lot to do, and to hear more about where we are and what we are doing at what we need to do, i will now hand over to dr. Tedros. Thank you. Thank you, margaret. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening wherever you are. There are no more than half a million confirmed cases of 20,0009 and more than deaths. These are tragic numbers, but lets also remember that around the world, more than 100,000 people have recovered. Yesterday, i had the honor of addressing an extraordinary meeting of leaders from the g20 countries. My message was threefold we must fight, unite, and ignite. With to stop the virus every resource at our disposal. To fight the pandemic together. We are one humanity with one common enemy. No country can fight alone. We can only fight together. And ignite the industrial might and innovation of the g20 two produce and distribute the tools lives. To save we must also make a promise to future generations saying never again. Viral outbreaks are a fact of life. How much damage they do is something we can influence. G20 countries for their commitment to fight the pandemic, safeguard the global economy, address international enhancesruptions, and global cooperation. This is especially important for countries who are not part of the g20, but will be affected by countries. Ade by g20 earlier today, we held a briefing with around 50 ministers of health from around at which china, japan, the republic of korea, and singapore shared their experiences and the lessons they have learned. Several common themes emerged about what has worked. Of need for Early Detection confirmed cases, identification, followup, and quarantine of contacts, the need to optimize toe, and the need communicate to build trust and engage communities in the fight. The countries also expressed several common challenges. The chronic global shortage of personal protective equipment is now one of the most urgent threats to our collective ability to save lives. Who has shipped almost 2 million individual items of protective gear to 74 countries that need it most. We are preparing to send a similar amount to a further 60 more iss, but much needed. This problem can only be solved with International Cooperation and international solidarity. When Health Workers are at risk, we are all at risk. Health workers in low and middle Income Countries deserve the same protection as those in the wealthiest countries. To support our goal for all aggressiveo conduct case finding and testing, we are working urgently to massively increase the production and capacity for testing around the world. One of the most important areas of International Cooperation is research and development. A vaccine is still at least 12 to 18 months away. In the meantime, we recognize tot there is an urgent need treat patients and save lives. Today, we are delighted to spain,e that norway and the first patients will shortly be enrolled in the solidarity trial, which will compare the 4fety and effectiveness of different drugs or drug combinations against covid19. Trial whichistoric will dramatically cut the time evidence generate about what drugs work. More than 45 countries are contributing to the trial, and more have expressed interest. The more countries who join the trial, the faster we will have the results. Call on allime, we individuals and countries to methods thatusing have not been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of covid19. Forhistory of medicine is strode with examples of drugs that have worked on paper or in a test tube but did not work in humans forward actually harmful. During the most recent ebola epidemic, for example, some medicines that were thought to be effective were found not to be as effective as other medicines when they were compared during a Clinical Trial. We must follow the evidence. There are no shortcuts. We also need to ensure that using unproven drugs does not create a shortage of those medicines to treat diseases for which they have proven pandemic, as the evolves and more countries are affected, we are learning more and more lessons about what works and what does not. Who is continuing to support all countries in their response. We have published more than 40 guidance documents on our website providing detailed evidencebased recommendations for governments, hospitals, Health Workers, members of the public, and more. More than one million Health Workers have been trained through our courses on openwho. Org. We will continue to train more. Were also delighted to report that the covid19 Solidarity Fund has now received donations of more than 108 million u. S. Dollars in just two weeks. From 3000 individuals and organizations. Thank you to each and every one of you. The English Version of our whatsapp held dialogue now has more than 100 or 12 more than 112 million users globally. Addedanguages will be including chinese, hindi, kurdish, portuguese, russian, morei, or do, swahili, and. I have said that crises like these ring out the best and i have said before that crises like these bring out the best and worst in humanity. We have seen an increase in Cyber Attacks and impressions my name, and covid19. Im grateful to those working in various National Organizations providing critical Cyber Security intelligence to the who cybersecurity team. Thank you for your efforts to work with us to protect the health systems, Health Workers, and members of the general public who rely on our Information Systems and digital tools. Special thanks to microsoft for assisting on this. I would like to end with something singapores master of health said during todays briefing. We are only at the beginning of this fight. We need to stay calm, stay united, and work together. I will repeat we need to stay calm, stay united, and work together. I thank you. Much. Nk you very news got some exciting about the solidarity Clinical Trial from norway and we will hear more about it via video intervention by norways minister of health and care services. Im honored to address you in this afternoons press conference. We are in the middle of a Global Health emergency, but we are also in the middle of a global quest for knowledge unlike anything we have ever seen. This happening in the midst of all the bad news from around the world. If we find treatments that are safe and effective, we can save lives and we can protect Health Care Professionals and other high risk groups from developing disease. That allortant countries pull together, share data and knowledge. The solidarity trial is an important piece in the Global Research effort. Together, researchers from all ofr the world will assess 4 the most promising treatments for covid19. The solidarity trial starts including patients today. I am very happy to be able to announce that the first patient included is a patient at Oslo University hospital. I would like to commend who in taking on the Global Leadership in this difficult situation for all our countries and its initiative in setting up the solidarity trial. I would also like to thank the secretary director for taking the responsibility of chairing the committee of the trial. He will bring expertise and experience from the ebola vaccine crisis in west africa in 2015. This time, it is in good hands under his leadership. With the all good luck solidarity trial. Thank you. Following that message, now we can open the floor to questions. Before we start, i would like to give a reminder if you have connected via zoom, please use the raise your hand icon to get in the queue to ask your question. If you have connected by phone, please hit star nine on your keypad to indicate you want to ask a question. Please keep your question short, and confine it to only one question per journalist. Please. Are you on the line . This a couplebout of times, and i wanted to ask if there is any new data. We are still trying to nail down the denominator. Can you say anything about the newest data you have . Is there any new data from china . I will start with that. Yes, this is something that is very important to us and to the rest of the world to really understand what the results will be from the serologic studies that are currently under way. What we can say is that there are more than a dozen countries who are conducting studies studies. Ogy these countries are focusing on what we call the sfx protocol, which is looking at cases and controls. It involves Molecular Testing and serologic testing. We are working with these countries to evaluate which assays they are using and it will be a combination of screening as well as confirmatory testing involving microneutralization. In addition to that, there are a number of countries conducting these agestratified general population surveys. Who has a protocol that we put out online, which is a core protocol, which we want countries to use so we compare results across these countries. At present, theres at least four studies that we are aware of that are ongoing in different countries, which involve the collection or use of specimens that have already been collected, so these may be clinical specimens for people who have been hospitalized for other reasons. We do not have results yet. Anticipatingy these results so that we can better understand what is the sort of prevalence or what are the antibody levels amongst people at different age groups in different parts of the world. This is critical for us to really understand what level of circulation this virus may have people thathad in may have had a subclinical hadction, so infection that mild disease and maybe they did not seek care or they were not hurt they were not hooked up to the current surveillance system. We know there are a number of serologic assays that have been developed. We are working with a number of countries to look at an evaluation of these to see how well they perform, and that needs to be done with wellcharacterized samples. We have really great partnerships across the globe to be able to do this. We are trying to accelerate this as quickly as we can. As soon as we have these results, we will share them, but they are really critical for our planning purposes going forward. Add, a number of aroundtudies are grouped the solidarity platform, so the organization and our partners have prioritized Different Research strands, obviously establishing which therapeutics were effective has been a major priority, but in addition to many of the studies going on across the world, there is a wide group of researchers who have come together, as maria has said, to implement a common will be, which solidarity two. Solidarity three will look at interventions in Health Workers. We are trying to align all of our work, to bring together as many partners as possible. That is not to say that other large trials and other efforts around the world are not important they are but for some of the answers that are complex, we will need to pool data. We are going to need to collect data in a consistent, collaborative way. Serial epidemiological data, Clinical Data, data on protection of prophylaxis. These are answers we need and we need the right answers to drive policy. Thank you, dr. Ryan. The next question. Are you there . Im here, can you hear me . Very well. Please go ahead. Thank you so much for taking my question. Weve seen young people being hospitalized in the u. S. And europe and china. We are wondering how you explain the discrepancy, and we are concerned data you have in the first case from china right not be as reliable as you thought. Might not be as reliable as you thought. Thank you. This virus, this covid19 virus is capable of causing infection and severe disease in people of all ages. Data from allrom countries, including data from the u. S. , china, italy, iran, korea, japan, and others, is that this virus can cause mild disease, can cause moderate disease, which is described as people who still have pneumonia but do not need oxygen support, can cause severe disease, can cause critical disease, and can kill some people. Amongst children, the data we have seen from a number of countries is that the majority of children that are infected are experiencing mild disease, but we do have reports and there are some publications now that describe severe disease in children. We have reports of death in children. Theres one in china and i believe one in the United States as well. We do need more wellcharacterized descriptions of severity across the age groups so that we can better summarize what we know about this in the different age groups. Ideally, what we would like to see is the use of a clinical characterization protocol. This is another data capture platform that the who has launched, which involves systematic Data Collection in terms of assigning symptoms, in terms of regular sampling of hospitalized patients so we can better characterize the National History the Natural History of this disease in people who are in hospitals, but there is data coming out from a number of countries, and we welcome the rigorous Data Collection that is in very difficult situations, and in hospitals, if its Clinical Data or epidemiological data, across a number of countries. Maybe i could just add that we have been reporting for quite a while now a spectrum of disease. Theres no question the elderly and those with underlying conditions have been affected much more than other age groups, but we have certainly spoken here before about the age profile of patients, the fact of the deaths 20 were people under 60 years of age. In italy, the fact that up to 15 of people in intensive care were under 15 years of age under 50 years of age. I think we will find other countries, of people with disease, people under 50 who have disease will have moderate or severe infection. They may not progress into critical condition, but 10 to 15 of people under 50 will have a moderate to severe infection. This is for most people a very mild infection, most young people, but for a significant minority of people between the age of 20 and 60, this is a significant infection, and if you listen to people who are interviewed on the media, the one thing i have seen again and again and again from people adults who got this and young adults they keep looking at the camera and saying this is not flu. I think what is really emerging is a perception that this disease, while not fatal and not causing critical disease in a is causing group severe illness in many people. Thank you. I want to add the point we have made a few times is that young people are not invincible. T is not just the disease every infection of covid19 prevents presents an opportunity for onward transmission. Even in the younger population if you do have mild disease and you think it is no big deal, what is a big deal is that you may transmit to somebody else who may be part of that vulnerable population, who may advance to severe disease and who may die. Every Single Person has a role to play in this outbreak in preventing themselves from getting infected, and we have listed a number of ways in which you can do that, which involve hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, physical distancing, adhering to the recommendations of the national government. By following those rules, by adhering to that, your preventing yourself from getting infected and preventing the opportunity for onward transmission to someone who may be more vulnerable. Thank you. Are you on the line . Yes, can you hear me. Yes, very well. Please go ahead. Thank you very much for taking my question. Regarding the way of counting for some cases, the chinese authorities said last month they do not count cases who do not have symptoms, but currently, such is a huge number of cases. [inaudible] thank you. I can start with that. That wecase definitions are using which include a laboratory confirmation, for godless of the development of symptoms. What we know from regardless of the development of symptoms. What we know from some countries is on the date of report, some patients may not have yet developed symptoms. They may be presymptomatic. We need to be very careful in our language. The use of the word a symptomatically believe is i think not appropriate. The use of the word globally is i think not appropriate. Many of the individuals who are listed as a symptomatically are indeed presymptomatic and go on to develop symptoms a day or two later. What is important for us in terms of our understanding of epidemiology is when is transition taking place, and what are the drivers in transmission . From the data we have, we know from the data we have now come of the majority of transmission for covid19 are people who are asymptomatic. That includes people who are in the very early stages of symptoms. In the viral shedding date is showing in the early stage of disease and people are having a little bit unwell, they havent yet had pneumonia and they certainly are not hospitalized yet. So its really important we follow all of these members were keep our physical distance, transmission of covid19 is through droplets it is not airborne. Therefore, someone who has these small liquid particles that come out of their mouth, they travel a certain distance and they fall. So thats why we recommend the physical distance to be separated so that you remove the opportunity for that virus to actually pass from one person to the other. Thank you dr. Van kerkhove. Now we have anna from croatia. Are you on the line . Yes, im on the line. Can you hear me . Yes, please go ahead. So, as you could hear these experts said that they have most the trick measures when it comes to the number of cases. I can see this is changing our lives so i wonder if you have any idea how long this academic can last . And is there any proof that the higher temperatures can stop or slow down the spread of this virus . Thank you. So, at this point, no one can predict how long this epidemic is going to last. And there are a number of scenarios that take us forward in time. I think the other question people are asking beyond how long is the pandemic is going to last is how long are the shutdowns . How long are the lockdowns . How long are all the measures going to last and will these measures be changed or be different . We are entering, moving through an uncertain future. You see many countries around the world are just starting this epidemic. Some have been through the cycle of the epidemic, like singapore and china. Not to have the disease reemerged and caused another wave of infections because of disease importations. So, each country is in a different position. So croatia is probably in a different position to many other countries in europe right now. The real trick for countries is to look at the national situation. To look at the subnational situation. To see if you know where the virus is. If you know where the virus is, you can break the chain. If you know who has the virus, if you know who the contacts are, you can break the chain. If you have that knowledge, and if you have that knowledge at a national level, you can anoint can only take action at the level of which you can measure. If you know its happening in every town, if you know its in every municipality, you can adapter measures for the can only then adapt your measures for the situation in that particular area. And all of us want to see the measures that were using for Public Health at the Community Level to be adapted to the maximum control of the disease, but to the minimum of economic and social life. In order to do that, in order to transition from the current measures in place, countries simply have to have in place a system to detect, isolate, contact trace, and corn team. And quarantine, as well as to continue appropriate hygiene and physical distancing measures. They must be in a position to do that on different parts of the country at different times, and they must be in a position to reimplement measures should the situation deteriorate. That takes a very surf a very sophisticated system , it takes a very Strong Health system to absorb the surge of cases in any particular area. And what we need to do now is evolve and get measures that have been designed to suppress and just take the heat out of this pandemic to much more precise directed measures that will allow us, at the very least, to live with this virus until we can develop a vaccine to get rid of it. Thank you, dr. Ryan. I now have thomas from bloomberg. Thomas, can you hear me . Hello, yes, this is thomas from bloomberg news. I was just wondering as the rates of infection increases so dramatically, is there a point that it is no longer controllable . Is this globally . Ill start with that. Maybe mike would like to answer. Saying, where the rates start to increase . Anhink and one aspect, its overwhelming thing to see these cases increase. And in many countries, the case numbers are going to increase. But you need to test to be able to find with the virus is. As mike just said. That means this case numbers are going to increase. What weve seen from a number of countries now is that this virus can be controlled. What weve seen is that through the aggressive measures of case finding, testing your cases, isolating those cases, caring for them, depending on the severity that they have, making sure they have adequate care they dont progress with the disease, if thats possible. To find all of their context, to follow them for 14 days. If you quarantine your contacts, or remove them from the family home, or remove them from the community so they dont have the possibility of transmitting to other people, to having strong leadership, Strong Political leadership, repurchasing your repurchasing repurposing your government to having this whole of government approach to engaging your population, communing with your population regularly so they can go through this with you as you adapt your measures. You implement certain control measures you may lift other control members. Empowering your population said they know what they have to do and this fight against covid19. We have seen in a number of these countries, and the director general had a very important meeting today with many ministers who shared what works and what works is this. What works is case finding. What works is Contact Tracing its immobilizing your copulation and communicating with your population. Making sure you have arrangements in place so that people who need to be cared for can be so that healthcare workers are protected, so that ppe is used appropriately and they are saved for frontline workers and utilized by those who need it most. So your answer to can this be controlled is yes. But it takes a lot of aggressive measures its a comprehensive approach that we have an outline been outlining and countries will see improvements. As they moved to the different transmission scenarios. And so we need to apply what works to show that there can be suppression that can happen with this virus. And if i could add, its really important at this moment that we dont create a perverse disincentives to detect cases. We should commend countries that are tested. And we should not punish countries forgetting larger numbers. We should recognize when countries recognize reality. We should reward countries and governments for looking. If we create a situation where we overreact to the daily number, then theres a disincentive to actually test. Countries to test and find cases and do lots of testing, should be commended. Secondly, we need to look at rates of things, we compare raw numbers and its helpful at very unhelpful at times. We need to look at what is the number of cases as proportionate of the whole population . What is the number of tests as a proportion of the whole population . Whats the Positivity Rate of tests . How many tests have been done and out of them how many are positive . They give you much better idea than only of the impact of the disease but of the effort being made by the public authority. But it is very important that we look at these numbers rising part of that rise in numbers is increased detection due to better testing. And we need to be careful that we dont punish people for testing. Having a larger number means i know where the virus is better. Thank you very much, dr. Ryan. We now have a caller from nigeria. Are you there . Yes, im here. Please go ahead with your question. Is there any concern that now you get specific information about covid19 . Is that sequence of [indiscernible] thank you. Sorry, could you repeat that question . We lusted a little bit. Your second lost it a little bit. Your second part of the question wasnt very clear. Of questions in nigeria you have . So, i think your question was about medication. Is there any medication that works . Casesat other issues with in nigeria . So, thank you for these two questions. With regards to medication, and as the director general outlined in his speech today, there currently no specific medications that have been approved for medication today. However, there are a number of Clinical Trials that are ongoing and theres a solidarity trial thats currently starting. Which is just enrolling patients now, which is looking at therapeutics in controlled Clinical Trials. And what is very important is that these medications are evaluated is very important so we know what works and that we have the right data to support what works. With regard to the number of cases in nigeria, i dont know the exact number. 46. 46. Do you want to take this one . So, the number of cases in nigeria remain quite low, despite nigeria having a reasonable capacity to protect and tempered it does viruses but the risk is nonetheless there. Weve seen diseased, covid19 almost every country in africa at this stage. So the risks are certainly rising, but the numbers are still low. Again, we need to ensure we have a very strong Public Health response on the african government thats built from the community up. We need to try to avoid the worst impacts of lockdowns, slowdowns, shutdowns, so we minimize the necessity of measures like that which will have a very hard impact on peoples lives and livelihoods from which they may not recover as quickly as people in other countries. We also need to look at the very vulnerable populations we have in africa, refugees in some cases, people who are living with hiv and children with malnourishment. Africa is a very young continent and there may be an advantage right now. There many, many other people in africa for whom we must provide maximum protection. Africa, again, has demonstrated and cholera response, of bola response, african countries have capacity to respond to epidemics, the resilience to live through epidemics, and to recover from them. But what we need to do is bring our communities on board. We need to leverage the power of communitybased surveillance. We need to engage with civil societies, with local government, and then all of government approach as dr. Tedros continues to say. It is even more important in the context of nigeria and in the context of africa that those approaches be taken. In terms of, i think he said medications, i think its really important that we say quite plainly right now that there are no proven effective therapies or drugs in the fight against covid19. Theyre the answers were trying to find. Good, supportive care, Early Admission to hospitals for those with underlying conditions are developing severe disease, oxygen and the provision of oxygen is life saving, and in certain small number of patients the ability to ventilate patients in order to get them through the worst of the infection. So, we have things that work in terms of clinical management. We do not have effective drugs. And that is why the solidarity trial is so important and that is why so many of the other trials around the world are so important to answer these questions. Thank you, dr. Ryan. Yeah, thank you. Just one point to add. When we had a small number of cases like we had in nigeria and like other countries in africa, thats when you can also be able to do the public interventions effectively, to test cases, to followup contacts and isolate the cases. So the problem doesnt go, meaning from the sporadic cases theym this past at cases, the best it cases thus spastic cases, they will not grow into Community Transmission. The problem comes when Community Transmission starts with the number of cases builds. When that happens, doing the public held solutions was saying the quarantine and so on will be difficult if not impossible. But at the same time, the growing number of cases means the health system, the Healthcare System could be overwhelmed. So thats why, for nigeria, the best option is to really cut it from the bud and while you have the small number of cases, to invest more in the other interventions and do the things that we have always been staying from the start on who becoming a Community Transmission. Thank you, dr. Tedros. Mogenw have image and i from the bbc on the line. Hi, can you hear me ok . Very well. Go ahead. So, primarily this question is for dr. Tedros. First developed is an incredibly difficult time and you are showing what all countries need. Im sure youre aware that youre advising things like progressive measures, sophisticated surveillance theres talk of identifying people and removing them from the community. What do you think about the human Rights Groups that say this could set precedents in some countries where steep measures will stay and be used for other purposes . Does that can concern you at all . You know, on, especially social distancing or staying at home, unless travel, we know this actually influences the individual human rights. But this is a choice that we should make. Meaning, in order to have collective security, to be a better society, and to fight the virus, we give our freedom for a while. And this can be arranged by government. There are many ways. They can use this to have provisions for short, short period. And people will agree, as long as it brings the collective security, they will agree. And people will understand to limit their individual freedom, if it is for the betterment of society and when it is for a short period. So it is a dialogue that should continue between the government and the community. And that is what we are seeing. And without that, i dont think this virus could be stopped. And something we have been saying to governments is one, you need to have the whole of government approach and also sides. And there should be regular communication increasing awareness. And in a way, that actually that creates trust in the community. And when there is trust, there is trust in the government and cooperation, what the community is being asked can happen. You can ensure community ownership. And weve said it many times. This is everybodys business. This is our collective security and it can only be assured when each and every one of us contributes to that. If i could just supplement with imogen that we take the issues of personal data, Data Protection and intrusion, very, very seriously. Our chief Information Officer is working with our information director, dr. Oliver morgan, and many others across the house on ensuring all the initiatives we are involved with while aiming to determine good Public Information in no way interfere with the individual rights to privacy. And protections under the law. And it is important when we talk about surveillance, and a Surveillance Society that indicates Public Health gathering of information about individuals, their movements, must be done with the consent of the community. And in many cases of the individual themselves. And there are serious issues here that have to be addressed. And thats not just for Public Health. Thats across society and so many other sectors. There are times when the good of community and the good of population is something where we are in a crisis. And it is much better through trust and community engagement, that individuals are prepared to offer a little piece of individual sovereignty in order to support the community, the selflessness of the one to help the many. But that must be a temporary gift. That must be an explicit gift. And that must be something that is not taken for granted. That is a gift of the individual to society, not a demand upon the individual. And i think this is really important point that guides us in our work inside who and dr. Tedros is constantly reminding us of our responsibilities in that regard. Also, in addition to that, weve been working very closely with unicef, with the red cross and other groups truly furthering strengthening and launching a Major Initiative for covid19. Joining together with unicef, with the Red Cross Movement on scaling up our ability to engage with pride of participation and ownership of communities all over the world in the fight against covid. It is through Strong Communities that we avoid the worst outcomes of this disease. And it is through Strong Community ownership of participation we will avoid any abuses of human rights that may emerge as the world fights a deadly foe. Thank you very much, dr. Ryan. We are coming up to the hour so weve only got time for one question. I apologize very much to everyone else. You can send your questions and inquires will make sure we get them answered. The last question for antonio. Antonio, are you on the line . Thank you for taking my question. So, dr. Tedros, you said today that the war the world must unite against coronavirus. But in the European Union this week, weve seen a lot of difficulties to coordinate a united response. It looks like countries like germany and the netherlands are showing some you have a message the European Union regarding this problem . From what i know, what you say it is new information to me what we have been advocating and what we know is there working together for reform of the European Union. And the ecdc is at the center through our Regional Office and headquarters also working with them. I think a coordinated effort in europe is important. And that is what i know. As far as the Important Information i have is concerned. May i just add that we are to thely grateful European Union commission and our colleagues, who have been providing outstanding support to countries outside of europe, two to countries affected by crisis. It is wonderful to see that even in the midst of crisis in europe, europe can still reach out to those who are even more vulnerable and more at risk. We spoke today at length with Michael Kohler and his team. Weve been working with our colleagues at dev code. Its impressive to see that while in crisis and trying to support each other, europe is still willing, ready, able to reach out and support those in the south who neither help as who need their help, as well. And if i could just add, we are seeing the world uniting in this. We are seeing the solidarity that weve been talking about since day one. We are seeing the sharing of information. We are all connected, one country success is another country success. One countrys failure is another countrys failure. We are all in this together. Under the solidarity through europe, through north america, through asia, through the entire globe, is how we are going to beat this. So this is a pathogen. It circulates. We know so many countries are affected. The only way we are going to beat this is together. Ill wrap up this press conference for today. Well reconvene on monday. Ill send you a Media Advisory with all the details on monday during the day. If you have a question you want answered, please send it to Media Inquiries and well do the best answer questions as quickly as possible. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, marguerite. Ok, so well see you on monday. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] of our livess any coverage of the governments response to the coronavirus outbreak, watch any at cspan. Org coronavirus. From daily briefings from the president to governors from hardhit states, its all there. Use the charts and maps to track the spread and confirm cases in the u. S. , county by county. Our webpage is your fast and easy way to watch unfiltered coverage of this pandemic. Monday night on the communicators, yup Public Policy advisor Public Policy and what he things google betrayed the internet. Google is steering traffic to itself, and therefore, in the sense, the oxygenating the World Wide Web and stifling innovation, and ultimately harming consumers because theyre not getting access to the best information across the internet. Watch the communicators monday night on cspan2. In the front page of londons guardian newspaper, reporting that british Prime MinisterBoris Johnson has tested positive for the coronavirus. He made a statement to the news. Hi, folks. I want to bring you up to speed on something thats happened today, which is i have revealed mild symptoms of coronavirus, which is to say a temperature and a persistent cough. Ive taken a test. That has come up positive, so i am working from home