Individuals that we deem prioritized and appropriate to be taken care of and supported on that ship. I just have to say, it is a reminder when you meet these young men, how extraordinarily are, the navy and those are working to get the uss mercy here in california. They have done a remarkable job to turn it around in a very short time. 1100 crew on that ship. We are now in the process of determining exactly which type of decompression strategies will work. What i mean by that is to decompress the rest of the system by providing support on so that we could ultimately advance our protocols and procedures to get people in more appropriate care and more appropriate settings. That is the purpose of the conversation. We just have conversations occurring quite literally behind me and we have confidence that ship will be coming to port as early as this friday. We advance the number of actions today, particularly on the issue. F in the state i did an executive order today as it relates to intake processing. In order to address the legitimate anxieties and concerns related to prisoners and to make sure that we have our procedures and protocols in place to protect staff as well as inmates from covid19. As you know, we have one official who tested positive. Inmates come we have five Staff Members currently. We are going to restrict the in into therocess system. We are putting together a new protocols and procedures throughout the system, 35 prisons, to make sure we are isolating people and not mixing our prison populations as we and thedo, transfers like, on a typical basis. The executive order reinforced the guidelines, procedures and protocols we are advancing. In addition to that, something that is very familiar to me on a weekly basis, i review personally the recommendations of operable board for people that are eligible for parole. In each and every circumstance, when people are made eligible, they go through a very formal process of interviews and reviews. That is done in person because of the nature of this virus. The nature of this moment. We will be changing the procedures and protocols in the executive order. We lay out strategy to begin the process of doing videoconferences. This will be a temporary advancement, but under the circumstances in terms of strategies, in order to continue processing the people eligible for parole and encouragement to make sure the process happens in the skillet has been happening in the past week. I think it is appropriate to move forward with teleconferences. That executive order lays out strategies to do that. Those orders will be they are in effect immediately, and the protocols and procedures are in effect in real time. We can talk more about that in the coming days as we look not just to the state is on population as well. In addition to that, we had a remarkable day of conversations with our army corps of engineers. They are stationed right outside emergencyre at the operations center. We have three divisions in california. They have been working with our state leadership, national guard, within our respective organizations through a survey process, to cite the appropriate locations for potential support of our army corps. In addition to sites that we have identified through our federal medical program that we announced yesterday, and the fact that we have two the sites, one in riverside and one in santa clara, we are looking at additional ways the army corps can complement the work to get the sites fully operational. That is convention facilities, facilities all up and down the like. Fairgrounds and the we went through more detailed protocols, sharing expectations so that we can lay out exactly our expectations moving forward. The army corps of engineers moves quickly, and we are enthusiastic about that ridership has really taken shape over the course of the last week and been advanced over the course of the last few hours in more meaningful ways. In addition to that, we have wonderful news. Richard branson of virgin is now partnering, as tim cook did, elon musk, of tesla and space steppingr individual up and bringing a 747 to the bay area and oakland. We worked on the logistics. We will have more details on that in the next day or two. Just another point of emphasis, another example and indication stepping upat are in real ways. Bringing that from asia into the bay area to help support our efforts and help support one of hospitalst systems, kaiser. We had a tragic loss of a young life, a teenager in lancaster, california, which underscores the enormity of the challenge in front of us, this health crisis, and how it can impact anybody and everybody. It is sobering when you read some of the headlines. To be more precise, the teenager lost their life. We are doing the investigation, trying to understand more about what exactly occurred. A covidrelated tragic loss of life. As often 00 a. M. This morning, we have lost 40 lives in california related to covid19. Positivesst over 2100 in the state of california, 17. 5 higher than the previous day. Again, that is a 10 00 a. M. Number. Those numbers change in realtime. Increase, and now, a loss of a young life. I wanted to make a point to heartfeltand send my sympathies to the family, the community, that has lost their loved one. But also make a this point, young people can and will be by this virus. Young people disproportionately are the ones testing positive in the state of california. 2102 individuals that have tested positive, 50 are between the age of 18 and 49. I will repeat that. Half of those that have tested positive to date in california are 18 to 49 years old. His disease impacts everybody the question is the acuity and the hospitalization rate that does skew on the side of older with thiss, but tragic now death, it is a reminder to everybody to take this seriously. It is a health crisis. It needs to be met first and foremost headon as such and it is incumbent to californias to continue to take the stayathome order seriously, to continue to do the kind of social distancing that common sense dictates and to heed the warnings we have advanced yesterday. Stay out of beaches and parks where you are coming into close contact with others. Practice social distancing. We had to step up our enforcement yesterday as it relates to shutting down those parking facilities, the consequence to reinforce and remind people that this is evolving. What evidence do you need done a loss of a Young Persons life . I cannot impress upon the young people out there more, the seriousness of this moment and how critical they are to getting us on the other side by practicing that social distancing that we all are accustomed to hearing but not in every case, advancing individually. By the way, for those that are curious, 26 of individuals, 5064, are represented in the 2102 individuals that have been tested positive. 22 of all the other cases are represented in individuals north of 65 years old. The hospitalization rates tend in those cohorts, but the number of positives, again, it remains half, 18foot in an. Operationalizig a lot of the work we have been talking about in the last few days, i had a number of conversations with governors across the country about protocols and procedures, better ways to work together. Lining up and making together our procurement teams with other state to it sure that we are not competing with one another, mickey sure that we are price conscious and dealing with the issue of pricegouging, comparing best practices with state attorneys generals and not just the work the federal government is doing, william barr and others, that we were pleased to hear was done yesterday. Those are good conversations. Those conversations, we hope will be made real in terms of organizing in a more deliberative and strategic way, the procurement of hundreds of millions of individual items int we need to procure, shields, gloves, coveralls, facemasks, swabs and the like. Testing has significantly increased across the country but also in california. Outrrow, we will be laying the new numbers that we have received that will show a significant jump in the numbers that we made public as we brought together all of these all of collection sites, the hospitals, Research Universities that are participating, as well as a private labs. We will have a new process to collect those numbers in moretime to bring to light comforting numbers on the scale of testing. It is still not close to where we need to be. We still need more swabs, more nts, expression kits. But we are seeing you Technology Come to bear. They are testing with the fda and the Trump Administration to get on the market. Because the issue now is not just swabs and reagents, it is about turning around the tests which are in some cases taking days and days and days. 9 days. Cases, 78, we have to address the time limits of the diagnostic and the test results as well. Again, you constantly have to iterate in this space as we move from just public labs to t and labc, ques orps to needing specimen swabs , to making sure we turn around the tests in a much quicker time. More on that tomorrow. We also, in closing, have done a lot on the ventilator side of things. I mentioned yesterday the heroic work of elon musk, who came through and has from us to deliver over 1000 ventilators. That was announced yesterday. We have brought in ourselves, we just got another 1010 ventilators from the private sector. We are working with others to convert thatcac we are working with others to convert that cache of ventilators that we already had, 514, to refurbish them and get them fully operational. We have received from the federal government no direct ventilators. Los angeles county did receive 170. They have a unique relationship to the national stockpile. But that is all we received in the state of california proper. But we are not discouraged by that. We are encouraging the federal government, we have direct orders to do more on ventilators. But we are doing everything we can to orient our efforts around the world, to get more ventilators in the state. About 3000 that we have been able to bring online. Our Community College system has been talking to the head of the Community College system. They have been heroic. They provided 60 ventilators. They are also keeping, by the way, keeping us safe. The company to College System is the backbone of training in california. 70 of our first responders, however one would define them, are trained in the comedy to College System, and they are doing heroic work in the state as well. They deserve to be highlighted. Protocols continue to make sure that we have Safe Logistics and supply chains. We are working with our ag community, we are working with those who are warehousing our food, mickey sure that those shelves are stocked. Just making sure that those supermarket shelves are stocked. I know that people have been calling in concerned not just about the toilet paper and the bread. I have had comforting conversations from grocers, their representatives, and the ag community. They feel like they are up to the task to meet this moment. There are protocols shifting in some cases away from the choice to quantity, as protocols around Distribution Channels are also changing. The supply chains are changing in realtime. But as you know, we are supplementing our workforce in that respect, making sure that people know that there are over 10,000 jobs are available for grocers. They are hiring. I know people want to hear that, because our Unemployment Insurance system is being overwhelmed. I want folks to know, we have made some real shifts on nothing today. More inbe doing a lot the coming days to meet demands. It has now averaged over the last several days because of a huge increase, even yesterday, of 114,000, a sevenday rolling average, the number of Unemployment Insurance claims requested in the state. It averaged before this crisis about 2500. We had a very robust conversation today with our team to make sure we are refocusing our workforce and making sure that we are moving things around , to make sure that we are adequately addressing the Unemployment Insurance requests that are coming in. That is the Broad Strokes on where we are today. Tomorrow, we will be talking a ,ot more about Economic Issues mortgage related issues, foreclosure related issues. I will update on the testing. For oure, i am here facebook friends to answer any questions you have this evening as well. Governor, of other people are asking will california open in april . Governor newsome i am not ish about these things. I talked about the fact that our testing protocols have significantly increased, but i also mentioned that none of those tests are back. Thousands of people have been tested. We are waiting for their results. Clearly, based upon the curve, we have a lot more work to do. If californians continue to do better, as they have. I am really proud. The state started working urgently on the repatriation flights from overseas. We started to socialize covid in the california state probably before any other state because of that unique repatriation strategy. It was highlighted in the grand princess efforts. I am glad we did not have another diamond princess issue. We were able to highlight this issue in the region. We went forward with those stayathome orders for seniors. And of course, california moved with the cities and regions moving first, then the scale with the stayathome orders. Early april, i think that would be misleading to represent, at least for california, that that will be the case. I said this very honestly and objectively, based upon all the expertise and experts that are here assembled and those we contact and work with, at the nest 68 weeks will be pivotal in terms of being able to make adjustments and reset expectations. I said 812 weeks, because, soberly, we look out over the 12 weeks, we can continue to do what we have done. If we do that, hopefully we will be in a different place than where we are today. But i think april for california would be sooner than any of the experts that i have talked to would believe is possible. What is your message to people buying all the toilet paper . Governor newsom our message is, get what you need, not more than you need. I have met a family of four, and we have scurried around a few Grocery Stores and they were out. We finally found toilet paper. Well just say this, no reason to accord the toilet paper. No reason to hoard a paper. I had deep conversations, not just casual conversations with the grocers and the supply chain , and i am confident in our capacity to deliver toilet paper. But if you are going to do hoarding, it just makes it more challenging in certain locations. Be thoughtful not only about your needs and also about the needs of others. When is the percentage of from infection . Governor newsom we are getting those formal stats tomorrow. And last question, where do i go to find out if i am and a social worker . Governor newsom we have a very. Goviled site, covid19. Ca that lays out what is essential and what is an essential. We put together a very comprehensive list working with counties, city leaders throughout the state. I was talking to one other governor today who had a recent stayathome order, comparing and contrasting notes, what worked, what didnt come at what wasnt. It is a sheet that is iterative, a comprehensive list that is available, and i encourage people to go to co vid19. Ca. Gov website to learn more. When in doubt, poetry or county Health Department that has the resources available, but will localize them in a way that also i think can guide a more direct answer to that question. That is it in a nutshell. We will be back tomorrow to formally update everybody on where they are. Everybody, stay safe and most importantly, stay healthy. We will continue to lead, and let us continue to lean forward to recognize our responsibility. Let us not have once again announce that a teenager lost their lives because we did not take this moment seriously. Let us take this moment seriously and soberly. Lets live our lives, but lets do it by being thoughtful about how we meet this moment. Take care, everybody. Announcer follow the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak at cspan. Org coronavirus. Congress, white house briefings, and updates from governors. Track the spread throughout the u. S. And the world with interactive maps. Watch ondemand anytime and unfiltered at cspan. Org coronavirus. Next, Texas Governor greg abbott holds a briefing with reporters to thestates response coronavirus. He given update on the current number of confirmed cases in texas and discussed the need for more medical supplies and medical professionals. From austin, this is half an hour

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