Said the government including nationalize medical supply acquisitions and temporary hospitals should be billed to the army corps of engineers and fema. Hospitals to be built by the army corps of engineers and fema. Trying to determine the trajectory. As of now, the numbers are continuing to increase. To keep theng hard rate of increase of the spread of the disease to a level we can manage it in our hospital system. We have 53,000 hospital beds available. Right now, the curve suggests we could need 110,000 hospital beds and that is an obvious problem. That is what we are dealing with. You have the nations role in the situation and you have the states role. This is what they call an Emergency Management situation. Emergencyrules for management. State governments, local governments manage an emergency unless the emergency overwhelms the capacity of the government. The higher level of government takes over. That happens even on the state level. A city will be in charge. A county will be in charge unless it overwhelms the capacity and then the state comes in and takes over. The federal government has made a decision to leave the states in charge of deciding quarantine procedures, whether to open, whether to close. That is why you see new york taking certain actions, illinois taking certain actions. The federal government those far has said different situations in different states let the states decide dependent upon the number of cases they have. I think that has been right to date kid that could right to date. That could change but it has been right. The federal government showed nationalize medical supply acquisition. The states cannot manage it. This state cannot manage it. States across the country cannot manage it. The states dealing with the highest caseload cannot handle it. You are hearing it across the country. They just cannot deal with finding medical supplies they need. That is why i believe the federal government should take over that function of contracting and acquiring all of the medical supplies we need. Currently, when states are doing it, we are competing against other states. In some ways, we are savaging other states. Im competing with california and illinois and florida. That is not the way it should be. Price gouging is a tremendous problem. It is only getting worse. There are masks we were paying . 85 for. We are now paying seven dollars. Why . Because i am competing against every other state. In some cases, against other countries around the world. Ventilators, which are the most precious peas of equipment for the situation, they range in price from 16,000 to 40,000 each. New york state needs 30,000 ventilators. This is an impossible situation to manage if we do not get the equipment. We can lose lives that we could have otherwise saved if we had the right equipment. The federal government has two options. Voluntary partnership with companies where the federal to companies, i would appreciate it if you would work with us and do this. The president has done that. He seems to have gotten a good response on a voluntary basis. Calleder way is what is a defense production act where the federal government has the Legal Authority to say to companies, you must produce this now. It is invoking a federal law. It is mandating that private companies do something. But i think it is appropriate. If i had the power, i would do it in new york state because the situation is that critical. I think the federal government should order factories to manufacture masks, gowns, ventilators, the essential medical equipment that is going to make the difference between life and death. It is not hard to make a mask or gown, butment or a you need companies to do it. We have companies that can make clothing. Then you can make a surgical gown and a mask. But they have to be ordered to do it. If the federal government does it, they can do it in an orderly way. They can decide how many they need. They can designate how many each factory should produce. Then they could distribute those goods by need rather than having the states all compete against each other. It would also be less expensive because it would avoid the price gouging that is now happening in this marketplace. I can tell what is happening. I will contract with a company for 1000 masks. They will call back 20 minutes later that the price went up because they had a better offer. I understand that. Other states who are desperate for these goods literally offer more money than we were paying. That is raising Prices Higher and higher. We even have hospitals competing against other hospitals. If the federal government came in, used the defense production act, you could resolve all of that immediately. Also, we need the product now. We have cries from hospitals around the state i have spoken to other governors from around the country they have the same situation. They need these materials now. Only the federal government can make that happen. I believe the federal government should immediately utilize the defense production act, implement that immediately. Lets get the medical supplies running. Lets get them moving as quickly as possible. In terms of federal government funding, they should prioritize the funding. Individuals need money. You are laid off, you were going paychecktopaycheck, we took care of the rent issue in new york, the mortgage payment, but you have to buy food. You have to buy essentials. If you have not worked and you are laid off, you are in trouble. The federal government is exactly right. The president has talked about this. Of funding into the pockets families that need it to live. Second, money to governments. I am sending money right now we do not have. Im not going to deprive people of medical services, but the economy is stopped. People are not paying their taxes. If you are not paying your taxes, that is a state source of revenue. Funding from the federal government is essential for me. The corporate subsidies that the president is talking about is also right. But, the Corporate Funding tould not be a gift corporations at the taxpayers e xpense. Lets learn from what happened out008 when we bailed corporations. They bought back stock. They paid their Corporate Executives handsomely. They benefited from taxpayer money. Wound up getting none of the prophets. The citizens should benefit from the corporate success. Equity,overnment takes if the government charges and time, ifrate, but this the taxpayers are going to bail out these corporations, make sure the taxpayers share in the success of the corporations. Lets do it right this time. Also the federal funding, theyre working on another coronavirus bill. I was in washington for eight years. This should not be the usual sausage making of porkbarrel. Piece ofdo a legislation in washington, it becomes the expression, sausage making. It becomes porkbarrel. It goes through the political process. The par says says the process says everyone should get some money, which dilutes the funding, gives it to communities and governments that do not need the funding and does not even address the need. It is one of the reasons people are so suspect of Government Spending because it winds up porkbarrel. Every center is going every senator is going to say i want money from my state. Every congressperson says i want money from my local district. I want to be able to go home with a Little Package i can hand to my local government. That is not what this is about in this case. Needis about addressing a and getting funding, precious funding, to people and places that need it. The rule should be money follows the need. It is that simple. Workplaces need it. But new york state has 15 times more cases been any other state right now. Fund the states. Fund the places that need it. Follow the number of cases and use need as the basis for funding. It is common sense. It will be respected by the people of this nation. The alternative, to politicize this process, is intolerable. To my congressional delegation, received noork funding from the first coronavirus bill even though new york is the greatest need. That was a technical mistake in the way they wrote the bill. Is oneal custom politician or elected official should not pressure people of their own party. My congressional delegation is largely democrat. Political custom would be, do not pressure and other elected official. I say that is baloney. All the citizens of the state of new york. That is my job. It is a very simple job i have. , period. Or new yorkers congressional delegation to stand up and fight for new york. I ame federal role, requesting today from the federal government the army corps immediately proceed to erect temporary hospitals. I went out yesterday. I surveyed the site. There are several good options that give us regional coverage. Corps temporary hospital at stony brook on long island. Westchester where we have the terrible cluster, which is thank goodness, reducing. And the large Convention Center in manhattan. New york city is where we have the highest number of cases. I met with the army corps. They reviewed the sites. I approve it on behalf of the state of new york. We just have to get it done and get it done quickly. These temporary hospitals are helpful, that they do not bring supplies. They do not bring staff. That compounds our problem of not having enough medical and compounds our problem of not having enough staff because we are trying to increase the capacity in our existing hospitals. The sites that we picked allow for indoor assembly of these facilities so they will not be outofdoors. Some places, we may need to do them outdoors, but these campuses also have matures where the Health Care Staff can stay. They are very large. There is state there is space. I have made all the necessary approvals. From my point of view, construction can start tomorrow. Placesre pictures of the where we would assemble them in stony brook, old westbury, wes. Westchester county center. All indoor locations. All already accessible. We just expanded the jacob javits center. It is open. It is ready to go. There is no red tape on the side of new york. We are also asking fema to come in, federal Emergency Management agency, to come in and erect four federal hospitals at the javits center. It is different from the army corps of engineers temporary facility. The fema hospitals come with staff and supplies. They are in 250 bed configurations. We are asking for four of those 250 bed configurations to be assembled in the javits center. It is in the heart of manhattan. They are fully staffed. Again, we are ready to go as soon the federal government is ready to go. That will then give us regional in downstate new york, which is our most heavily impacted area. The president signed a fema emergency declaration, which allows fema to go to work. By that emergency declaration, funding for these services is split 75 by the federal government, 25 by the state government. Waivederal government can the states share. I am requesting the president waive the 25 . I cannot pay the 25 . We literally do not have the funding to do it i do not believe any state will be in a position to waive the 25 . I do not just say that on my behalf. I say that on behalf of all of the governors. I am the vice chairman of the National Governors association. Ive been speaking with governors across the nation. No state has the Financial Capacity to participate in my opinion. I know for sure new york does not because we are the heaviest hit state right now. I am asking the president to do what i did in the state of new york. Cut the red tape. Cut the bureaucracy. Cut to the chase. Get the army corps of engineers moving. Get fema moving. Lets get those buildings up. Lets have them in place before. He trajectory hits its apex time matters. Minutes count. This is literally a matter of life and death. We get these facilities up, we get the supplies, we will save lives. If we do not, we will lose lives. I do not mean to be overly dramatic, but i want to be honest. That is the simple fact of this matter. We are also implementing the trial drug. We have secured 70,000 hydroxychloroquine from the federal government. I went to thank the fda for moving expeditiously to get us the supply. The president ordered the fda to move and the fda moved. We are going to get the supply. The trial will start this tuesday. The president is optimistic about these drugs. We are all optimistic it could work. I have spoken with a number of Health Officials. There is a good basis to believe they. Could work some Health Officials they could work. Some Health Officials point to africa. There is a theory that because they are taking the antimalaria drug in africa, it may be one of the reasons why the act why the infection rate is low in africa. We do not know, but lets find out quickly. I agree with the president on that. We are going to start tuesday. Startk the fda should approving syria logical testing for coronavirus antibodies. They should do it as soon as possible. This test the blood test see if you have antibodies that were created to fight the coronavirus. Remember, all the Health Officials say the coronavirus was here before we started to test. Many more people have had the an we think. Then w most people have resolved the coronavirus who have had it. How do you know that . You can test and find the antibody the body created to fight the virus. Antibody, ithe means you had the virus and you resolved it. Why do you want to know that . Because i want to know who had it. Who has the antibody, which means they most probably will not get it again. That can help us get our medical staff back to work faster. It is a different level of testing, but i think the fda should move as expeditiously as they have before on this type of testing. Find out who had it, who has the antibodies and that will help us especially on medical staff shortages. Also on the state role, what am i supposed to do . I am not just looking to the federal government. We arestand that responsible here in the state of new york. We are doing everything we can on hyperspeed. We have to expand the existing hospital capacity. This gets back to the 53,000 current beds when we need when we may need 110,000 beds. We have said to hospital administrators of view increasing their capacity by 100 . An ambitious goal. Very difficult. It may be impossible in some places. Remember, a hospital is highly regulated. Space is regulated. The number of beds in room is regulated. We are waiving all of those regulations and saying, from a physical capacity point of view, see if you can increase your capacity 100 . Where did we get 100 . We have 53,000 beds. We have to get to 110,000 beds. Everyone increases by 100 , we meet the goal. Hospitals onemany not be able to do it. Minimum, hospitals must give us a plan to increase capacity by at least 50 . About 75,000,e at minimum, against the 110 need. We would still have to find additional beds, i understand that. You see what we are doing with the federal government, there is an opportunity there. 100 hospital goal of increasing capacity, mandate a 50 increase capacity. We also have an intensive care unit that issue where we have to increase the number of intensive care units. That is limited by the number of ventilators. Has a bed is that it ventilator. That is where we get back to needing the ventilators desperately, so we had those icu beds. We are putting out a department of Health Emergency order that says we are not just asking you to do this, it would not just be a nice thing. I am not just asking you as a governor as a civic obligation, this is a law, that the hospitals must come up with a plan to increase capacity. A minimum of 50, goal of 100 . We are canceling all elective, noncritical surgery for hospitals as of wednesday. Noncritical. If it is a critical surgery, fine. If it is not critical, than postpone it. That alone should get us 25 30 more beds. Again, that is a mandate that is going into affect for the hospitals. I understand hospitals are not happy about it. I have heard that. The elective surgeries are a big search source of revenues for the hospitals. But this is not about money, this is about Public Health. We are putting that mandate in place starting today. We are also creating additional beds in places where we can. We are taking over existing residential facilities, hotels, Nursing Homes, and repurpose facilities. Ng for example, this is the Brooklyn Center for rehabilitation and health care, 600 beds that we are going to take over, and it will serve as a temporary hospital. We are doing this in facilities all across the state. I want toent facts, make sure we are clear so there is no question. Peoplember one, young can get the coronavirus. They are wrong when they say they cannot get it. 18 to 49yearolds represent 53 of the total cases in new york. This is not china or south korea. Inr the theory that you are american and have a superior immune system than china or south korea, that theory is not correct. 53 of the cases are 1849 years old. Second fact, older people and those with compromised immune systems and underlying illnesses can die from the coronavirus. 1849yearold is probably not lethal, but you can get it and you can get sick, and then yousty illness, can transfer it to someone else. Thats the case for young people. Obviously if you are a vulnerable person, it can be lethal. Both facts are true and both facts have to be understood. Young people can get it, you will get sick, you probably wont die, you can transfer it to someone who may very well die. You can transfer it even inadvertently without knowing you are doing it. You can touch the surface, walk away, a day later someone can sit at this table and put their hand in the same place and contract the virus. I was in new york city yesterday, it was a pretty day, there is a density level in new york city that is wholly inappropriate. Think there is nothing going on in parts of new york city. You would think it is just a bright, sunny saturday. I dont know what i am saying that people dont get. I am normally accused of being overly blunt and direct. True. That, its i dont know what they are not understanding. This is not life as usual. None of this is life as usual. We talk about social distancing, i was in these parks, you would not know that anything was going on. This is just a mistake. Its a mistake. Its insensitive. Its arrogant. Its selfdestructive. Its disrespectful to other people. And it hasto stop, to stop now. This is not a joke, and i am not kidding. With the mayor of the the speakeryork and of the city council, cory johnson, i told both of them that this is a problem in new york city, especially a problem in new york city parks. New york city must develop an immediate plan to correct the situation. I want a plan that we can review in 24 hours so that we can approve it. There are many options. Less traffic in new york city because nonessential workers are not going to work. Get creative. Open streets to reduce the density. You want to go for a walk, god bless you. You want to go for a run, god bless you. But, lets open streets, lets open space, thats where people areas. Be, in open space not in dense locations. There is no Group Activities in parks. That is not the point, we spoke about it the other day. Also the kids playing basketball yesterday. There is notball, concept of social distancing while playing basketball. It does not exist. You cannot stay six feet away from a person playing basketball. You can, but then you are a lousy basketball player and you will lose. You cannot do that. We also have bigger parks in new york city. A park in brooklyn thats 400 acres. Parks, big spaces, thats where you want to be. But we need a plan for new york city. I want it in 24 hours because this is a significant problem that has to be corrected. I saids of numbers, yesterday, new york is testing more people than any state in and per capita, more than any country on the globe. That is a positive accomplishment, pardon the pun, because we want testing. We want more testing, we have ramped up quickly. We are doing better than anyone else and that is a good thing. When you identify a positive then you can isolate that person. Thats what we are trying to do. When you increase the number of tests, you will increase the number of people who test positive. The numbers show exactly that. We have now tested 61,000 people. Tested 15,000 people. Tose numbers are exponential what is being done anywhere else in the country. That is why you are going to see much higher numbers than anywhere else. Total number of new cases, 15,000. Sorry, total number of cases, 15,000, total number of new cases, 4600 new cases. Date, more and more countries, we are down to a handful of counties where we dont have existing cases. That is going to be 100 covered, its just a matter of time. On the hospitalization rate, which is a number that i watch cases outly, its 1900 of 15,000. 13 . 13 is actually lower than it has been. 60 , asbeen running at high as 20 . This is 13 . Indicator, this says how many people will come into your Healthcare System as the number goes up. This is not bad news. Newss the country you see york now has 15,000 cases, washington state, 1600. California, 1600. We have roughly 15 times the number of cases. Do we really have 15 times the number of cases . You dont know. We are testing much more than anyone else. So that is a major factor in this. That i have no doubt that we have more cases. We have more density. We have more people from other countries who come to new york then many other states. I have no reason to believe that we dont have more. I dont believe we have 15 times more. I believe that is a factor that we test more than anyone else. 114 new deaths. Deaths, 374. Of sad, and sobering, really distressing fact that should give everyone pause. Because that is what this is all about, is saving lives, and weve lost 374 new yorkers. Perspective,l in Johns Hopkins has followed this m day 1, 300 11,000 cases 300 11,000 cases, 13,000 debts. To the extenths we can research the cause of death and the demographic of death. Roughly, 70 eeing, of those who pass away were 70 years old or older. And, the majority had Underlying Health conditions. Ok, so it is what we said it was. Deathsmately 80 of the of those under 70 years old had an Underlying Health condition. So, young people can get it. Young people will get sick, young people can transfer it. Older,ty, lethality, compromised immune system, underlying illness, that is what we are seeing. But even within that population, the capacity of our Health Care System can save those lives. Just becauseean you are 80 and have a compromised immune system or Underlying Health condition, and you get coronavirus, you must pass away. That is going to depend on how good our Health Care System is. But, in terms of overall perspective, im afraid for myself, im afraid for my sister, im afraid for my child. Illness, belying very, very, very careful. This goes back to my mother, thats my fear. This gets back to Nursing Homes, senior care facilities, etc. Personal advice, this is not factual, i try to present facts, i try to present everything i know, i try to present unbiased facts, i try to present numbers because people need information. When you get anxious, when you get fearful and you doubt the information or you think people dont know what they are talking about or you are getting lied to, i present facts. This is personal advice, this is not factual. You can take it or throw it in the pale. We have to think this situation through. Dont be reactive at this point to this situation. Are out of control in many ways. You are out of control to this virus. You are out of work. Situations are changing. They are not in your control. You dont even know how long this is going to go on. Its a very frightening feeling. That is true. But you can also take back some control. Start to anticipate and plan whats going to go on. Plan for the negatives and plan for the positives. Are going to be negatives and there are going to be positives. There are real economic consequences. How do you deal with the economic consequences . You are not alone, its everyone in the united states, thats why you see this federal government acting quick to get funding into the pockets of families who need it. But think through what the economics means. Think through the social issues. And the social impact of this. Think through the emotional issues of this. Unnatural if you do not have a flood of emotions going on. It would be unnatural. Either you were not understand what was happening or you were not appreciated. But if you know the facts and know whats going on, you have to have a flood of individual emotions. Positive and negative, and anticipated. Stay home, stay home, stay home. Remember the old expression, cabin fever . You stay home alone, you dont want to be isolated emotionally. You can be isolated physically, you dont want to be isolated emotionally. You want to keep those emotional collections. You want to talk to people, you want to write letters, you want to have emotional connectivity. That is very important. , and youe not alone are in the house with the family , and the kids and everybody is together, that is a different set of emotional complexity. Being in that and close environment, the kids are out, everybody is going to work and youre only together a short time of day, now you are all in the same place for 24 hours. I remember when the kids were young, what it was like, pure joy. I remember what it was like to be with them for multiple hours. Alone, im even getting in the way with the dog being in one place. Think that through because that israel and its going to go on for some time. This is not a shortterm situation. Not a long weekend. This is not a week. The timeline, nobody can tell you. It depends on how we handle it. 80 of the to population will wind up getting. His virus all we are trying to do is slow the spread, but it will spread, it is that contagious. Again, that is nothing to panic over. So the numbers, unless you are older with an underlying illness, etc. , its something that you are going to resolve, but it will work its way through. Ociety it will manage at capacity rate. Be fours going to months, six months, nine months, you look at china, once they really change the trajectory, which we have not done yet, eight months, we are in that range. Nobody has a crystal ball, nobody can tell you. I have spoken to more people on this issue than 99 of the people in this country. No one can tell you. From the superb dr. Fauci to the World Health Organization to the National Institute of it is inut is but that range. Start to plan accordingly. It is going to be hard, there is no doubt. I am not minimizing it and i dont think you should either. Time, it issame going to be ok. We dont want to overreact either. Right . Are lowery stores function, the Transportation Transportation systems will function, all essential services will be maintained. ,here is not going to be chaos there will not be anarchy. Order and function will be maintained. Life is going to go on. Different, but life is going to go on. To bere is no reason going to Grocery Stores and hoarding food. On see all this overreaction the tv every day, which then makes you think maybe i am missing it, maybe i should run to the store and buy toilet paper. No. Life is going to go on. The toilet paper will be there tomorrow. So a deep breath on all of that. Believe that whatever this is, for months, six months, nine months, we are going to be the better for it. They talk about the greatest generation. The generation that survived world war ii. Dealing with hardship actually makes you schlanger. On the individual level and on the collective level and social level, life is not about avoiding challenges. Challenges are going to come your way. Life is going to knock you on your rear end at one point. Something will happen. Then life becomes about overcoming those challenges. That is what life is about and thats what this country is about. America is america because we overcome adversity and challenges. Thats how we were born. Thats what we have done all our life. We overcome challenges. Period of challenge for this generation. That is what has always made America Great and thats what will make this generation great. I believe that to the bottom of my soul. We are going to overcome this and america will be the greater for it. My hope is that new york is going to lead the way forward. And together, we will. Questions . On new york city reducing its density, is it within your power to do those things . You are talking about closing streets to traffic to increase pedestrians, please explain what that would look like . Gov. Cuomo i could make those decisions in new york city, in it a first of all, i am new york city, born and bred. If you cant tell. I know new york city. I dont know the situation with the parks well enough, and i dont know the situation on opening streets, closing streets , il enough, and frankly think the local officials are any better position to make those decisions. They see this issue also. Its not that they dont see the issue, they see the issue and a problem. I want them to come up with a plan. I think they are in a better position to do it. I want to know what it is and i want to approve it because this is a serious problem. That density has to be reduced. Fast, andbe reduced that is why i am asking for a plan from them in 24 hours. Are you closing parks and playgrounds . Gov. Cuomo i want to see what they say. They know the problem, they see it. Its not that you need a microscope to find it, its all over the city. They be it was a nice day yesterday or whatever, but it was all over the place. They have stopped doing public testing. Is that the right thing to do on running low on medical supplies . Gov. Cuomo the main problem is the equipment. Masks,e gowns, its the , and we ppe equipment sent one Million Masks to new york city yesterday. Hereve one Million Masks so we can supply hospitals. But we talking about a very. Hort time we are then scrambling to buy all these masks. Companies out of manufacturing masks. We are buying sewing machines to make masks. This is not the way it should be done. Let the federal government they call they have a law called the defense production protection act. I get the president say he wanted to work voluntarily with private companies and a get the president saying they were great and it came forward and said they wanted to help. I get that. Forget the voluntary partnership, order the companies to produce it, let the federal government do it so that the private company does not wind up marketing with all the states that are competing. For a mask, we are now paying seven dollars for the same mask. Why . Because california will pay six dollars in illinois will pay 6. 50, and florida will pay 6. 75. Im just making up those numbers, but thats the way it will be. Let the federal government take the function of medical supply, and distribution, just take it. When it came to testing i said the exact opposite. I said to the president , on testing, when everything was going to the fda and cdc and was slow, i said to the vice. Resident, decentralize it give that function to me, the state. Why . I have 200 laboratories that i regulate. Give it to me and i will turn on 200 laboratories rather than going to a federal government and have everything go through the fda and cdc. In that situation, give me the task, i will get it done faster. Its not like that in trying to say the federal government should do something to take the burden off. I have accepted the burden of the federal government. Our numbers went through the roof. This task there in a better position to do than i am. Order the production of masks giveowns and ventilators, them a deadline, dont get into this mad bidding war. They know how to distribute it because you look at where the cases are. The need ofted by the cases from washington. This. Esident can do frankly, its the president s chase,o say cut to the this has to be done and i am mandating it. And he should do that here. Should you only test people in the hospital or in this condition . Gov. Cuomo no, i am not willing to give up the testing because the testing is one of the ways we slowed the spread. There is only two ways to slow the spread. Which we aretion, all over and we cannot do anything more than that. We are already at zero on nonessential workers. The second way is testing, find the positive, isolate the positive. I am not willing to stop testing ,ecause our number one job is slowed the trajectory of the increase because i cannot handle it in the hospital system. If the disease is becoming pandemic, whats the point of testing . You said 80 of the population could become infected, at what point what is the point of testing . Gov. Cuomo there is a point of inflection, you are right, where you could hit the point where the disease is so widespread that its not worth the testing. We are not there yet, jesse, because we are still trying to stop the apex. We have to bring down that curve. Even if we are successful on get health order, where we the hospitals to go to 50 additional capacity. Im still a only 75,000 beds will we still need 110. I am still only at 13,000 icu beds when i need 37,000 icu beds. I am still a only 6000 ventilators when i need 30,000 ventilators. So, we have to do everything we can to keep that curve down. And testing is essential to that. [inaudible] that is what i want to see from new york city. I want new york city, the mayor and the city council, speaker cory johnson, let them come up withinplan, get it to me 24 hours, i want to approve it, but i am open to anything, but it has to be quickly and has to be dramatic action. Say anything more than i have said. How many times can you say, you are being reckless and selfish. You know, it brings out the best, it brings out the worst. We talk about being a community. What does a Community Mean . We are interconnected, interdependent. I rely on you, you rely on me. It is us at our best. To rely one able you. That means you need to be smart smart and responsible in my actions. I need to be smart and responsible in my actions. That is the social contract between us. I have the right to expect that from you, especially in dire circumstances. We are not there. We should be there. I am going to keep saying it, keep am also going to doing it. Reporter [inaudible] cuomo we are discussing. We have done increased absentee ballots for elections. I think it is a good idea anyway. We should have done it a long time ago. It is especially good idea when you dont want a lot of people going to a pool and place. 2 of thee 2, section constitution say there are only two ways if you are absentee. One is if you are sick and together is if you are unable to go to the poll. Over time, the legislator has viewed that as being out of county. We are looking to see if we have to look to change the law to allow for it. That is what we are reviewing. [inaudible] at,he state looking Retirement Community we have done everything we can. They are a vulnerable area. Issaid no visitors, which dramatic and sad action. Home, you a nursing are alone, you look forward to family visiting, and we say no family visitors. We are encouraging working with the Nursing Homes for telephone kin for telling medications, skype. Testing all of the workers. Gov. Cuomo yes. Before the staff comes in, they have to be tested. How are you telling hospital staffers and hospital in general whilee well we wait we wait . Right now gov. Cuomo two separate tracks. One, state action. Does anythingelse but you. And i operate on that track. Assume the federal government does not do anything. It is just new york state and new york state alone. I am going down that track and doing Everything Possible on every level to do just that. That is increasing the hospital capacity, minimum percent. Goal of 100 . They have to come up with a staffing plan to do that. That is finding the medical supplies for them. We are manufacturing masks, i am talking to uniform manufacturers to get them sewing machines to convert. Thate Apparel Companies manufacture in china to stop making dresses, start making gallons. We are doing start making gowns. Childcare facilities for healthcare workers. Special protection for healthcare workers. Assume the federal government does nothing. Am saying toime, i the federal government, you need to do what you need to do. There is a federal role here. This Emergency Management protocol, we support the state. Yes, you support the states if the states can do it. That is what Emergency Management protocol is. There is a flood in here he county. Ok, you are in charge. Call me if you need something. I get that. If i know the flood cannot be handled by yuri county, then i come in, i am the governor, i say we are here, i am the governor. I am saying to the federal government, to the president , you should take over the medical supply function. Fully the federal defense production act order Manufacturing Companies to manufacture it. Every state, every city is saying they are running out of medical supplies. Do that. B, get fema, get the army corps of engineers, you have the sites. Tell them to come appear tomorrow and Start Building those emergency hospitals. C, past the funding. Dont let Congress Make it porkbarrel come political patronage where everyone brings home . 50 but you dont find the places and people that need it. Healthy corporations, but dont help corporations like we did in 2008 where the Senior Executives get tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and now the taxpayers are supposed to fund that corporation to bail them out, an the corporation two years from now is making record profits and the normal economy has not rebounded, and the taxpayer who subsidized the corporation is still struggling to pay their mortgage. You want to give a corporation money . Say, ok, here are the rules. You cant buy back stock. I want the bonuses to ceos back. I want an equity stake in the company. I want Interest Rate on the loan. Something that gets the prophet back to the citizen. We are tired of making these big corporations rich at taxpayers expense. Sure the corporations live up to their civic responsibility, and you have total responsibility, if you are going to give them taxpayer money, then you get to write the rules. From the president s point of view, this is back to his old job. Somebody walks in, i want investment in my company. Ok, i will give you an investment but here are the rules. I need the federal government to do that. The emergency supplies, the funding to the places that need it. I need my congressional delegation to actually represent the state of new york and deliver. We need fema here, we need army corps of engineers here. We need those functions working as fully as possible. If none of that happens, then we are on our own, we are new yorkers, we will figure it out. The eviction waiver mean no gov. Cuomo you cannot be evicted for nonpayment of rent. One other piece of good news. We talked about all these increasing cases. You get the virus. Most people, the virus resolves. Good friend of mine, great public official, rick totten, he authority, he had the coronavirus, never hospitalized, he was home for two weeks, he has now tested negative. He self resolved. It was about two weeks. I dont even know that he needed all two weeks. Thata little suspicious may be resolved in one week and took another week vacation but i dont want to push the point. I am going to go to work. Thank you very much. [inaudible] overwhelmedwe are and the website. We have 700 people working on the website and telephones. Ofhandle the inflow insurance claims. Have crashing because we never seen this volume. The i. T. Consultants cant even figure out how to handle the volume. The volume is that high. But, we have 700 people working on the website and phones, etc. , to process those claims. I know that people are frustrated. I get it. But we have never seen a volume like this in any state agency ever. [inaudible] in the delivery room, is that something you would recommend at other hospitals . Gov. Cuomo that is not my area of expertise. I will leave it to them. [inaudible] covid19, based on the testing the White House Press Briefing Room as reporters await the start of a briefing of the task force headed by Vice President pentz. Anotiators are working on Economic Relief package expected to be about 2 trillion. They met this morning but did not come to an agreement, prompting House Speaker nancy placita saying democrats would write their own bill. Democratselosi saying would write their own bill. Again, we are standing by for the White House Coronavirus task force. Again, we are standing by in the White House Press Briefing Room as reporters are waiting for the briefing by the White House Coronavirus task force headed by Vice President pence megumi yokot Vice President pence. Tole we wait, we will listen some of you recalls from this morning. Some viewer calls from this morning. X we want to hear from you, how it has affected your life. Fortunately, my wife and i are still working although i am very concerned about my mother and motherinlaw because they both suffer from some Underlying Health issues. The reason i called, this viral epidemic and Economic Issues all point to the catastrophic withre of our relationship communist china. It is insane what our country economically, and now we cannot get the medical equipment and pharmaceuticals cleanup because all of it is sourced from china. What we have done over the past 30 years has been insane. We need to examine this political failure. This problem could have occurred anyway, but not at the scale and speed it has occurred because of. He headlong rush the trump trade advisor Peter Navarro saying that the u. S. Is too reliant on overseas medical suppliers, including in china. Indiana, how has this virus changed you in your life . Endangered of those species that has diabetes, i have a suppressed immune system, and i have had two heart attacks. I lost my husband six years ago. He was 56 years old. I have self quarantined myself now. I went out the last two weeks, spend money on getting myself , trying to find toilet paper and meat. Even with the stores i am upteful for, that have set shopping hours for the senior citizens. Find still difficult to certain things that we need to take care of ourselves. Am an ex post worker. My husband was a postal worker. Be when i got to get my mail. It took me a whole week to try to get some lysol spray so i can spray the mail when it comes in. A look at the total cases worldwide, more than 307,000. This number continues to go up on Johns Hopkins website. From the senate floor this past week, Mitch Mcconnell and Chuck Schumer working on negotiations for a stimulus package expected to exceed 1 trillion. Yesterday, this from the democratic senator Chuck Schumer of new york. We are working and we are all eager to come to a bipartisan agreement as soon as possible. There are still a number of priorities that democrats continue to fight for in the package now being assembled. I made clear, democrats have two goals broadly defined in this next phase of legislation. One is to address the pending Public Health crisis and on with a massive infusion of resources to our hospitals, medical facilities, other Public Health infrastructure. The second priority is to put workers first. Our proposal, which we laid out as early as monday is entitled workers first. Democrats want to do as much as possible to pair their Health Care System, and we want to give americans most immediately affected by the economic slowdown ample relief so they can weather the storm over the long haul. Todaye with the senate when they gaveled back in the. Procedural vote at 3 00. Capital. Ew of the u. S. Negotiations set to continue. That will take place at 11 00 a. M. Eastern time. Billis a text message from in new jersey. Normally, i go to new york city once or twice, now i am sitting home. It is very scary. I hope we get through this. Twitter, finally your comments on the week america changed. We want to find out how all of. His has changed you larry in minnesota, good morning. How are you . Doing fine. Something very similar to this went through Fort Leonard Wood in 1971. It is a combination of pneumonia and malaria. I get a real charge out of everybody screaming for a bailout. Maybe the farmers just wont turn the wheel. You know what that will mean in six months. Whatever you think how much everybody else should be getting, maybe you have to start thinking about something else. You are next from california. How are you doing . I am doing ok, thank you. Out a senior and i only get when i have to go to the Grocery Store or doctor. I am very upset that people are not observing the six foot distance. I have to put my hand up and say, please, six feet. I think that is important. I called my daughter in florida. They were at the beach and said the beach was full of people. I thought that had been closed down. Surprised at all the cars on the road, like where are these people going, arent they supposed to be home . The other thing is that i wish that everyone would call or email or whatever they are supposed to do, the state and federal government, the house, senators, congressmen, to let their wishes be known. I for one do not want my tax dollars to bail out the airlines. I want a healthy momandpop businesses and the people that are i want to healthy momandpops want to help momandpop businesses

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